LAPE SENTENCED. He Had Gone up Into the Garret, and Dodge Went to the World ’S Fair Last Week
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-w ;""A "'"' -------------------- — *fS5P Go to the Mercantile Co. s Shoe Department for Special Bargains in Shoes. The Clinton Republican YOL. XXXVIIINO‘ 28. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1893. WHOLE NO. 1,951. LOCAL MATTERS Arthur Newton and wife, of Chicago J. R. Johnson, of Lapeer, was in town ANNOUNCEMENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. The Republican. Arkansas and California, have been the on business yesterday. The celebrated The ladies society of St. Johns church will Removal —Mira. Canfield. $1.00 spectacles at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Judd the give a 6 o’clock tea at the home of Mrs. A. J Allison's. The venerable Orange Whitlock, of My millinery store is now located in C. C. VAUGHAN, Publisher . past week. Greenbush, is seriously ill. Pullaw Thursday, November 9th. the Stevens store, Clinton avenue, three Get oar prices before you trade a dol The Y. P. S. C. E. will give an oyster supper doors north of the old location. Lewis Severance, the atttorney who The last legislature provided for a lar anywhere, we can save you money. recently came to St. Johns from Oak at the home of Rufus Brown, In Bengal, Wed 27tf Mbs. L. Canfield . Strictly in Advanos, •1.00 commission to locate tbe position of nesday, November 8th. Everybody invited. 4tf K repps, D bWitt A Co. land county, *is a relative ot the late Revublioan ft Detroit Tribune, •1.50 Michigan troops on the battlefield of You are cordially invited to attend the Ep Don't forget the special Cloak Sale at General Grant, and an earnest republi Kendrick ’s Wednesday, November 8th. Chicamaugua, where monuments will worth League meeting, Sunday, November 6, BBKTITl KB. at 5 o’clock p. M. Subject, "Risen with Christ. lw All Settlements of Past Due Subscrip can. be erected. The general government The woman's home missionary society of tions will be made at tbe rate A few flakes of snow could be seen Geo. M. Smith, of Jackson, special has purchased the battlefield, some Use Favorite Cream for chapped Saturday. pension examiner for the district which the M. E. church will hold their annual thank hands. It softens the skin, and gives of tl.50 Per Year. 6,000 acres, and is making a beautiful offering meeting next Sunday night. Good instant relief. Try it. Mrs. Brooks returned to Cleveland includes Clinton county, has been pro program. Outadvertising rates are *100 per column per park, with good roads and walks, and Travis & Bakkb . moted to a position in tbe pension re There will be a social given by the aid annum. Business notices Are cents per line foi Tuesday. the positions of the various regiments Carpeti and Rugs. each Insertion. Editorial notices, ten oents. view department at Washington. that took part in the battle will be society of the M. E. church Wednesday even Business cards, tl per line per year. Mr. and Mrs. Will Murray returned to ing, November 8th, at the residence of Mrs We have them, all styles, qualities Marriage, birth and death notices Inserted Tree, Mrs. 8. M. Dye, who has been with marked. As noticed in these columns and prices. Call and examine our line. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards or tnanss, Detroit Monday. O. Wil her sister, Mrs. D. S. French, the past at the time, Register L. C. Mead, who John Hick /l etc., will be charged for at the rate of Are cents E. E. White went to Traverse City few weeks, left Monday for Troy, Ohio was a lieutenant in the 22d Michigan Broke Jail. 1/ ^Correspondence containing local news IssoUo Tuesday night. The only place in Clinton county ted from all parts of the county . to spend the winter, unless she con Infantry, and Col. H. S. Dean, of A About 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon where Card Engraving is done Anonymous communications not Inserted under Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel arrived eludes to go further south later in the Arbor, were selected, and went three prisoners, Albert Jackson, charged At Porter & D avies .’ any circumstances. home Saturday. season. and located the positions occupiei with burglarizing Wm. Saxon ’s house in A new assortment of Ladies ’ and JOB PRINTING. Mrs. J. H. McGough is home from v T. C. Beach has resigned his position the 22d. Capt. Chas. E. Belknap, of Watertown, and William and Henry Gent ’s Gold Watches. Latest styles Gar material is new and of the latest styles, and Lockport, N. Y. and prices below competition we guarantee satisfaction, both In prices as superintendent of the St. Johns Grand Rapids, was chairman /of the Niles, charged with burglarizing a bouse At Porter & D avies .’ and quality of work. Mrs. John Hicks spent Tuesday and Manufacturing company, and accepted commission. There were abou/twenty- in Eureka during the absence of tbe Wednesday in Detroit. a position in the State Reformatory at five in the party, coming from all sec family, got out of jail by working loose Wlu-e did you get that delightful BUSINESS DIRECTORY t ildew illman s Mi68 Neita Stout returned from Chi Elmira, New York. His family will re tions of the state. Generala ’ Fullerton one of the iron bars of the window Perfumt? A F & M ’ . ATTORNEYS. cago Tuesday morning. main in St. Johns for a time. and Boynton, union ; and a /p. Stewart, grating, and bending it so they could People who trade with Chapin & Co. confederate, of the national Commission, get through. Lape, the murderer, did do not complain of hard times. LEWIS SE VER ANCE. a 7b. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Valentine went to Grand Ledge Independent: “ Nelson were also present at Chicamaugua. At not try to get out, but gave the alarm ^TTORNEY, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. the world ’s fair Saturday. McCrumb, of Eagle, 16 years of aee, See the lar^e assortment of World ’s Chattanooga and Nashville the party Sheriff Leland lost no time in institut A. A. Hunt, of Watertown, transacted while hunting last Friday, shot himself Fair Music At Sturgis ’ Music Stoke . WM. N. STOCKER, was royally entertained, and the trip as ing a thorough search, and also notified in the hand, mangling the palm and Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. oldiers and comrades , i being one business in St. Johns Wednesday. a whole was a most delightful one. sheriffs of other counties. George Niles of your number, therefore know your wants necessitating the amputation of a portion You know the best place to buy cloaks andS also your rights by law, therfore respectfully so The Misses Anna and Gertrude Dool- was captured the next day at his home and wraps is At John Hicks’. licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for of the hand, including the fore finger. / msions. back p*y, bounty or rations. Also Notary ing went to the world ’s fair last week. in Ovid, by Deputy Sheriff John Cross. Sublic. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. Drs. A. Brown and D. D. F. Brown at 50 Ewe*. 2»tf WM. N. STOCKER. Z. Ash, Wm. Krepps and Dr. and Mrs. tended him.” LAPE SENTENCED. He had gone up into the garret, and Dodge went to the world ’s fair last week. was asleep with a pitchfork by his side. To trade for horses. Will pay the J. n. PKDKWA. II. K. WALBRIDGK * The Rev. Frederick Hall, rector-elect THE MURDERER OF HENRY LYVERE difference. Wilbur Church , FEDEWA ft WALBRIDGE, Purchase season tickets for the Con Up to the time of going to press, St. Johns. of St. John ’s church, will assume his GOES TO JACKSON FOR LIFE. ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . gregational Star Course at Hunt ’s drug Wednesday afternoon, no trace of the A Over Travis A Raker’s. Btore. new duties on Sunday next, officiating other two had been found. The Sheriff Let us repair your Watch and you Plead Guilty to Murder in the Second will always have your work done H. M. PICK RIP. F. K. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN. at both morning and evening services. will give a reward of $30 for the capture The ladies library hallowe’en party All persons are most cordially invited Degree. At Porter & D avies .’ PERRINS ft BALDWIN, was a very delightful affair, and largely and return of Jackson, and $25 for Wil ttorneys at law , money loaners t6 be present at this and all other ser Where can you buy Wall Paper cheap? and Real state Agents. Offico over liam Niles. A attended. vices. Sunday school immediately John J. Lape, who shot and killed A t Fildew & Millman ’s. Wickea’grocery, Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. Henry Lyvere, of Duplain, Sunday night, Albert Jackson is 27 years old, 5 feet EDWIN H. LYON. JOHN C. DOOLINU. Chas. McKenney, of Olivet, will after morning service. 7 inches tall ; well proportioned, black Don ’t forget tbe special Cloak Sale at preach at the Congregational church August 6, plead guilty to murder Kendrick ’s Wednesday, November 8th. LYON ft DOOLING. The Mozart Symphony Club of Boston in the second degree yesterday after hair, rather long; blue eyes, slight ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . next Sunday. black moustache, entire black suit, black Those New Dress Gootls. A Office over Kendrick ’s store. 35tf will open the Congregational star course noon, and was sentenced to hard labor Mrs. W. A. Weller and daughter, Mrs. November 16th. This will be one of in Jackson prison for life by Judge Da- derby hat, black sateen shirt, light tie, At John Hicks’ are worth looking at, NORTON ft WEIMER, clever talker.