How to install 2D and 3D Games from USB in Pandora 3D With .xml file

This guide explains how to install new games from USB. When you insert the USB with the specific structure folder, the system launches the apk GameInstaller.apk and copies game files into internal sdcard. It adds the games to the database too. You must have free space on the sdcard to install games.

Put the file “/mcgames/install.txt” in the root folder of the usb with a list of games to install, each game in a row. The file must be in UTF-8 encoding.

The name of the game is the primary key of the database (cannot be repeated) and you must create a folder with the same name into /mcgames/ for each game.

For each folder, you have to add the desired game and create a xml file with the properties of the game. The name of the xml has to be the same than the name of the folder. For each game, you can add a mp4 video in the same folder, with the name of the game ending with .mp4

The content of the game.xml is:

Super mario world 2 5 Super mario world 2 0 1 1 1

Where is the emulator_type of the game

This is the list of supported:


Final Burn Alpha 0 fba42 .zip "FBA_SDL_main", Modified by "FBA_compatible" Moorechip

Final Burn Alpha Version1 fba42 .zip "FBA_SDL_main", "FBA42_opt"

Multiple Arcade Machine2 mame37 .zip "android_main", Emulator Version 0.37b" "mame4all"

Multiple Arcade Machine3 mame139 .zip "android_main", Emulator Version 0.139u1 "mame4roid"

Multiple Arcade Machine4 mame78 .zip "FBA_SDL_main", Emulator Version 0.78 "MAME78"

Final Burn Alpha Version5 fba42 .zip "FBA_SDL_main", Optimized by "FBA42_opt" Michael

PPSSPP Version 1.7.1 6 family .iso

PS 7 family ".bin", ".img"

Mupen64 Plus 8 family ".n64", ".z64"

com.snkplaymore.kof2019 family 2a

Final Burn Alpha Version10 fba42 .zip "FBA_SDL_main", Family Version "FBA42_opt"

libretro_fceumm 11 FC ".fds", ".nes", ".unf", retro_arch_main ".unif"

libretro_snex9 12 SFC ".smc", ".sfc", ".swc", retro_arch_main ".fig", ".bs"

libretro_gpsp 13 GBA ".gba", ".bin", ".agb", "game_boy_main", ".gbz" "game_boy"

libretro_tgbdual 14 GBC ".gb", ".gbc", ".sgb" retro_arch_main

libretro_genesis 15 MD ".mdx", ".md", ".smd", retro_arch_main ".gen", ".bin", ".cue", ".iso", ".chd", ".sms", ".gg", ".sg"

libretro_wswan 16 WSC ".ws", ".wsc", ".pc2" retro_arch_main

libretro_pce 17 PCE ".pce", ".cue", ".ccd", retro_arch_main ".chd"

libretro_reicast 18 DC ".chd", ".cdi", ".iso", ".elf",retro_arch_main ".cue", ".gdi", ".lst", ".bin", ".dat", ".zip",".7z"

Multiple Arcade Machine19 mame19 .zip "mame19_main", Emulator Version mame "android_mame19" 19

Multiple Arcade Machine20 mame139 .zip "retro_arch_main", Emulator Version mame "RETRO_ARCH" 139 retro

Description is the display name of the game.

Genre is the gametype of the game:

0 – Other 1 – Fighting 2 – Action 3 – Shotting 4 – Sport 5 – Puzzle 6 - Racing rom name is the name of the gamefile save_state shows in pause menu the posibility of save/load state