V24, N9 Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018

Donnelly and the Braun campaign divide Republican’s general campaign vastly different than his primary victory By BRIAN A. HOWEY WESTVILLE, Ind. – Call it the Janus Factor in the U.S. Senate race. From November of last year through his upset May primary victory over two congressmen, ran one of the most compelling, effec- tive campaigns with legendary optics. Since his pri- mary victory through Monday night during his first debate with U.S. Sen. Joe Donnel- ly, we’ve seen a split personality with the Braun campaign. Gone is later Braun ads are duller and industrialized, whereas Don- the clever and cunning wit we saw with his “two cardboard nelly and his allies are carving away the Republican’s cred- cutout” ads that skewered Reps. and Luke ibility on the actions of his companies and on the topic of Messer. Donnelly and his super PAC allies have created a health care, issues which had worked to Braun’s advantage significant money gap, to the point where it seems like there are two Donnelly ads for every one for Braun. The Continued on page 4 Pence and Haley By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – When Vice President strides into the J.W. Marriott Friday night for the Republi- can Fall Dinner, and then the Saturday GOP “Right Track Barnstorm Tour” kickoff, he finds himself at the apex of “This unsubstantiated story from Trump World. The president’s approval over 26 years ago is unequivocally popped up to 41% in CNN track- ing. Unemployment is the lowest false. My engagement of Linda in 50 years. Trump achieved Pence, a well-respected attorney his remake of NAFTA, and that has bought him some time with and Democrat, was for the pur- farmers and manufactur- pose of protecting my reputaton ers still nervously awaiting some resolution to the shotgun $200 from a false story by the India- billion tariffs aimed at China. Most Hoosier farmers are sticking napolis Star.” with the president even as their - Speaker Page 2 bottom lines take a hit. tricably linked to his legacy. The first is On that front, Pence thrust obvious: President Trump. Pence has himself fully into the China fray this been undyingly loyal to a president past week by warning the emerging that insists upon that attribute among Pacific powerhouse that it mustn’t those in his winnowing inner circle. meddle or assault our elections, and The second fully emerged on it had better keep away from our Tuesday, abruptly and unexpectedly: ships, that latter notice coming after a United Nations Ambassador Nikki Howey Politics Indiana close call with the USS Decatur and a Haley. She caught the Washington and Chinese interceptor ship. “The United foreign policy establishments un- WWHowey Media, LLC 405 States Navy will continue to fly, sail awares by tendering her resignation. Massachusetts Ave., Suite and operate wherever international Here’s my prediction: In a 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 law allows and our national interests post-Trump era, the likely rivalry will www.howeypolitics.com demand,” Pence said at the Hudson be between Pence and Haley. The two Institute. “We will not be intimidated; put on a good, friendly face Tuesday we will not stand down.” when she stopped by Pence’s White Brian A. Howey, Publisher It conjured memories of House office for a photo op. They Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Pence as a congressman Cameron Carter, Editor years ago, forecasting a Joel Weyrauch, Editor probable war between Mary Lou Howey, Editor the U.S. and China by mid-century. The Hudson Mark Curry, Daily Wire, photo Institute speech was Jack E. Howey, Editor called “very ridiculous” Emeritus by Beijing, but and Wall Street Journal columnist Subscriptions Walter Russell Mead (see HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 page 20) saw it as a pre- HPI Weekly, $350 cursor to something else: HPI Mobile, $5.95 monthly “Behind closed doors, Ray Volpe, Account Manager however, Mr. Pence’s remarks probably left few 317.602.3620 doubts among China’s email: [email protected] leaders that Washington was embarking on a Cold War that would force the country to even attempted to share a top aide Contact HPI dig in for a prolonged multifront battle until Trump nixed it early last summer. [email protected] with the United States, analysts said.” But these two characters bring all the Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 “This will look like the decla- elements of a future political war. Washington: 202.256.5822 ration of a new Cold War, and what In breaking down this scenar- Business Office: 317.602.3620 China may do is more important than io, the first question is, when does the what it will say about Pence’s speech,” Trump era end? He is in a full-mount Zhang Baohui, professor of interna- reelection mode, with a Pence nephew © 2018, Howey Politics tional relations at Lingnan University embedded in the campaign. Trump is Indiana. All rights reserved. in Hong Kong, told the NYT. fabulously popular with the GOP base, Photocopying, Internet forward- As for elections, Pence so a nomination showdown within the ing, faxing or reproducing in believes that Beijing seeks regime party would be the proverbial fool’s change, here in the U.S. of A. “China errand. any form, whole or part, is a wants a different American president,” Having said that, Trump was violation of federal law without Pence said. “By one estimate, more the oldest elected president. His diet permission from the publisher. than 80% of U.S. counties targeted and health are potential problems. His by China voted for President Trump in approval never seems to crest above 2016; now China wants to turn these 45%. And there’s that Robert Mueller voters against our administration.” probe that keeps the president up late As for Pence’s own political at night and tweeting. Could Mueller’s future, there are now two people inex- report, should it be made fully public, Page 3 sow the seeds of impeachment? versial aspects of Trumpism. She insisted that Justice Unlikely. Impeachments are national tragedies. Kavanaugh’s accusers should be heard. When pressed There’s never been a successful impeachment and, given by a reporter on her advocacy of sanctions on Russia the political lay of the land, it is nigh impossible that that seemed to go against the president’s stance, Haley two-thirds of the U.S. Senate would vote that way. While snapped, “With all due respect, I don’t get confused.” the Mueller probe is a legal exercise, the most potentially By exiting when she did on her own terms, with- lethal impacts to Trump will be political. Should Mueller’s out the demeaning twitter fire and degradation, Haley findings be damning, the Trump base is likely to hold, but finds her reputation fully intact. At age 46, with two terms you can imagine the wider center tumbling away. The left as South Carolina governor and two years at the United is already in full “Resistance” mode. Nations, she now has a compelling domestic and foreign The legal aspects of Mueller, particularly indict- ments of sons or in-laws, could have unpredictable consequences. Some specu- late Trump might cut a deal and leave the scene in order to spare blood and kin. But the PBS “Frontline” episode “Trump’s Showdown” is steeped in the legacy of the late Roy Cohn, a McCarthy- ite and ultimate New York insider who brawls, turns lies into truths, defeats into vic- tories, all while shooting up the messengers. Roy Cohn’s credo lives vibrantly within President Trump. My bet is that Trump runs for reelection and he legacy. has a real shot at winning. Filmmaker Michael Moore, Vice President Pence is fully invested in all things one of the few who predicted Trump’s victory in 2016, Trump. He has morphed his positions on free trade and explained on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” recently, “I wake up spiraling deficits and debt, as well as support for the Mus- every day to the fact that this could be a two-term Trump lim ban. It will be hard for Pence to find separation from presidency. People two years ago didn’t take him seriously. Trump policy and liabilities. Of course, that could cut both He’s just a joke, he’s crazy. He’s cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. ways: If the Trump tariffs gnaw at the farm belt bottom- He out-smarted everybody. He’s still doing it. He’s the line and force Hoosier manufacturers out of business, master distractor and the king of the misdirect. The left Pence assumes that liability. If the president is right, and and liberals didn’t understand that.” brings President Xi and Beijing to their knees on trade, But Trump’s health, legal liabilities and potential and the tax cuts pay for themselves and erode the deficits, loss of everything but his ardent political base is the cere- Pence can assume that victorious mantle. bral arena for those who would follow him in office. Pence Having said all that, if the Trump reelect is full and Haley will lead that list. steam, and polling shows the need for a female on the Haley leaves the Trump administration widely and ticket, well, loyalty with Donald J. Trump has proven to be highly regarded by the foreign policy establishment and a one-way street. It’s not probable, but some in the Pence even the Eastern press. The New York Times editorial sphere might want to do a little historical research on board, under the headline “Nikki Haley will be missed,” and Henry Wallace. Ditto for Hubert Hum- observed, “Ms. Haley, who is expected to pursue the phrey, Walter Mondale, and Al Gore, veeps presidency one day, may eventually find herself having to who aspired to, but never reached, the promised Oval. defend facilitating some of President Trump’s worst policies As painful as a dump from the second Trump ticket might and instincts. But she will also be able to point to more be, that actually might be a better avenue for our former constructive roles she played. Ms. Haley has navigated the Indiana governor to reach 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on political shoals of the Trump administration better than his own terms. many of her colleagues, escaping the demeaning tweets Whether it’s 2020 (unlikely) or 2024, the next the president meted out when his appointees broke ranks, Bush v. Reagan, the next Obama v. Clinton, could easily be as she sometimes did.” Haley v. Pence. v Haley found some distance to the more contro- Page 4

saying, “You support it. Say here tonight you denounce it.” INSen, from page 1 Braun: “You can see he got riled up.” in the primary. Donnelly: “You’re darn Then came their first right I did.” debate, and Donnelly came out Braun wouldn’t denounce, swinging. He proclaimed his responding, “It’s got to last. “decisive vote” on Obamacare You can’t solve something and against its repeal in 2017. without sustaining it. You He explained his vote against delivered Obamacare that is Justice by say- falling apart.” ing that his vote for Justice Neil When the dust had settled Gorsuch came due to his tem- on the stage, for a second perament and impartiality, some- time Braun ducked the post- thing Kavanaugh acknowledged debate press conference, as he lacked during a Wall Street he did prior to the primary. Journal op-ed article published “We’ll let the debate speak last Thursday. for itself,” said campaign “Mike was for Judge manager/spokesman Joshua Kavanaugh on the first day,” Kelley. Donnelly said at the onset of And in this setting, Don- the debate. “If President Trump nelly was only too happy to put up Bugs Bunny, Mike would oblige. He used Braun’s for- put him on the court.” That was feited post-debate 10 minutes the most memorable line of the and talked for 21 minutes and debate. Braun didn’t register on 28 seconds. The incumbent that front. used Braun’s void to impress Braun responded, “He’s and massage the coverage running a campaign of negativ- and narrative. ity. He was wrong on Iran deal, “I can’t say I’m surprised wrong on health care, wrong Mike Braun left, didn’t talk to about everything, including you,” Donnelly said, looking Judge Kavanaugh.” Braun says out at the two dozen report- Donnelly didn’t vote for Kava- ers and cameramen. “This is naugh because, “He takes his a profession I have an incred- marching orders from Chuck ible amount of respect for. Schumer.” The people of our state have Donnelly swung away at U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly and Republican Mike Braun arrive at a right to hear the issues Braun over the Pentagon bud- Purdue Northwest campus for their debate. (HPI Photos by and a right to hear questions get and pay increases for the Brian A. Howey) about the issues. I’m really military, and defended his vote glad I had this opportunity.” against tax reform by saying that Hoosier kids and grand- Donnelly then burnished his points, particularly on kids will be paying off the $2 trillion deficits in coming health care. “I think what this debate showed was that you generations. can’t trust Mike Braun. You can’t trust him on health care, When it came to Donnelly’s bulwark issue – the where he says he’s for coverage of pre-existing conditions, Republican attack on health coverage for those with but he supported the Senate bill that would have taken pre-existing medical conditions – the two became fully pre-existing coverage away,” Donnelly explained. “He sup- engaged. Braun explained, “I spent 10 years in my own ported the House bill that would have taken pre-existing business taking on the whole issue of the high cost of condition coverage away. He supports the lawsuit, insurance. I did it before Obamacare. I would never be v. United States, which is a dagger aimed at the heart for any replacement of the if it didn’t of every family who has a member who has pre-existing cover pre-existing conditions.” conditions. I asked him to renounce that on stage and he Donnelly responded, “I stand proudly before you. I refused to do so. At Meyer Distributing, the health care he was the deciding vote that saved coverage for pre-existing has, has a deductible of $10,000. Wages are $12 an hour. conditions. And Mike, I can hardly believe you stand here So you’re making about $23,000 to $24,000. Your deduct- and say you’re for pre-existing conditions (coverage).” ible is $10,000 before you can get your first prescription. Donnelly cited Texas v. United States, a lawsuit supported That’s not health care.” by many congressional Republicans, turning to Braun and On the “dagger” many believed was aimed at Don- Page 5 nelly’s rejection of the Kavanaugh nomina- tion, the Democrat said, “In regard to Judge Kavanaugh, you saw someone who wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed to apologize for his behavior before the Senate Commit- tee. He apologized for the way he acted. For his lack of judicial temperament, for his lack of impartiality. And three of the tests I have always said from the start, for justices who want to be on the highest court, part of my test was always judicial temperament, impartiality and qualifications. That’s why I support Justice . That’s why if Justice Neil Gorsuch was before us again, I’d be the first one to vote yes. I want to help President Trump with his judicial nominations. That’s why I voted for 77% of them.” When a reporter pressed Donnelly on whether his aggressive attacks against purchase air time for Oc- Braun were a sign of his own vulnerability, tober, while Donnelly has he responded, “ should conclude outspent him by almost what I don’t want to do is see him become double on TV and radio their senator and take their health care since June, records show.” away. That’s what they should conclude.” The AP noted that Donnelly mentioned a South Bend according to a half-dozen family who had triplets born 90 days prema- GOP officials, operatives ture. “They were in the neo-natal intensive and commentators familiar care for three months,” he explained. “When with the race, Braun “ap- they left, they were handed a bill from the pears to be coasting at a hospital: $5 million. Under Mike Braun, time when he ought to be they’re out five million and they’re wiped investing more of his own out. He’s not for coverage of pre-existing conditions. He’s money and rallying the base.” Last week, IndyStar cartoon- not for lifting lifetime caps. He made it clear. That’s what ist Gary Varvel bestowed the Braun campaign with the I’m fighting for, those families. They still have their house, troubling optic of the missing child on a milk carton. their car and the kids are doing phenomenal and the kids Several Braun supporters told HPI that they found are running around all the time and tearing the house the Republican nominee wooden during the debate, relying apart.” on now well-worn talking points and coming off as some- what flat. There was no damage, but, perhaps, a missed opportunity. Two Braun campaigns It’s important to note that Braun is not a dynamite The speculation is that during the sequence lead- keg like and his henchmen. The NRSC ing to his primary victory, Braun was relying on the ample assigned handlers to Mourdock and wouldn’t let him do expertise of Mark It Red, the Indiana company of Mike joint appearances. His inclusion in the debates came at the Gentry, the driving force behind House Speaker Brian 11th hour. Braun is no such tinderbox. The notion of “Let Bosma and the House Republican Campaign Committee. Braun be Braun” should be operative. Since he secured the nomination, sources tell HPI Despite these critiques, on the day after the the National Republican Senatorial Committee has been debate, Braun did pick up the endorsement of the Indiana driving the strategy and optics. It’s gradually become Manufacturers Association. the predominant narrative, with the reporting on Sept. 19 that “Braun’s own sleepy campaign that’s leaving Republicans underwhelmed — and worried. Braun still could win Groups that typically back GOP candidates, such as the With the last poll from coming Wednesday with Re- Indiana Chamber of Commerce, are sitting on the side- uters/Ipsos/UVA Center for Politics showing Donnelly with lines. Braun’s recent three-stop ‘solutions’ tour — spread a showing Donnelly with only a 46-41% lead, and Braun’s out across three days — was ridiculed by Democrats, who voter intensity going up from 66 to 72% (compared to pointed to Donnelly’s seven-day, 40-stop trek in August. 71% for Donnelly, who had been at 76% in September) in Less than two months until the election, he has yet to last week’s Fox News Poll, there is still a path for this seat Page 6 to return to Republicans, who be in Greene County or Brown County and go held it for 36 years until Don- to a USDA facility and be able to, right there, nelly won the office in 2012. skype Methodist Hospital, to Northwestern The Reuters poll had a credibil- Hospital in Chicago, to Mayo Clinic, to talk to ity interval, a measure of preci- an addictions doctor for treatment and ser- sion, of 3 percentage points. vices.” As HPI noted in Tues- There’s Donnelly’s Treatment Addictions day’s Atomic! at this point in Act he is co-sponsoring with U.S. Sen. Lisa the campaign, pundits look Murkowski. If medical school graduates agree for tell-tales, both scientific to work in opioid-crisis areas, they can get and anecdotal. At the Purdue their student loans reduced. “If they do six Northwest campus where the years, they get $1 million knocked off their debate took place, the students student loans,” Donnelly explained to the press were on fall break, and the after the debate. “It’s a win-win. It’s a win for ticketed event quickly reached our people and it’s a win for the professionals.” capacity when announced last And on trade, which only came up briefly summer, but nearly 200 people during the debate, Donnelly was asked if he didn’t show. The Purdue campus is in one of the more was being a hypocrite on tariffs, which benefit his United Democratic areas in the state, just south of Michigan City. Steelworker allies, but are hammering farmers. It was just outside of Donnelly’s old congressional district. “I don’t think there’s any hypocrisy at all,” Don- You might have expected dozens (if not hundreds) of Don- nelly responded. ”In Indiana, we can do two things at nelly partisans showing up to lend their support. But that one time. For years now, we heard in northwest Indiana didn’t happen. Also noteworthy, there were several dozen, that the Chinese play fair. They don’t. It’s about a $3 to mostly women, showing up at an anti-Kavanaugh rally in $5 billion silo. We’ve been working on that. We’re making Fort Wayne Monday. But there were also 50 people who progress. But solving that problem was in no way, shape marched in a Right to Life event there on the same day. or form related to then expanding into a $200 billion trade So Braun may have an intensity advantage for wa r. now. Donnelly campaign spokesman Will Baskin-Gerwitz “Let me tell ya, this is a dagger aimed at the believes that the Kavanaugh surge won’t last a month. heart of Indiana,” Donnelly continued. “We have manu- “A month is an eternity,” he said, particularly in the era of facturers who have come to me, one after another, who President Trump. “We still think health care will be the key are in difficulties because of this. Their costs are so much issue.” higher. There’s a barbecue grill maker, and their material costs have gone up 25%. The countries they sell to have Donnelly on Trump imposed a 25% tariff on them. So now they sit with 25% Back at the post-debate presser, Donnelly was increase coming in, 25% increase going out. So, they’re asked if he risked losing the support to Trump voters, a no longer competitive. We have other countries around group he believes he needs to syphon off some support to our state … company after company after company have win. “Look, I’m a workhorse, not a show horse,” he said. told me, ‘I don’t know if we can make it if this continues.’” “I don’t spend a lot of time bragging about what I do or As for farmers, Donnelly said that a recent town- things to make myself look better by screaming and yelling hall on a hog farm came just before the family folded its in Washington.” operations. “I check the prices, I check every day,” he Donnelly noted that an opioid crisis bill he au- said as a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee. thored sits on President Trump’s desk, awaiting his signa- “This afternoon the cash price for corn was about $3.25. ture. “I expect the president to sign it this week,” Donnelly Soybeans cash price was about $7.90. The cost to grow a explained. “It contained my legislation to enable us to bushel of beans is around $9.25. So, you’re at $7.90, and have a brief and advanced approval for non-opioid painkill- $9.25. They were at $10.80 when this trade war started. ers. Eli Lilly … has been working non-stop on this and they Our farmers are hardest hit. are knocking on the door. What I did was make it so that “When Mike Braun was asked about this, he said FDA approval could come sooner. Get it out on the market the farmers are over-dramatizing this,” Donnelly charged. sooner.” “It is not an over-dramatization when it’s your family at He went on to explain, “I worked with the VA and your kitchen table and you did everything right, every- Dr. (Surgeon General Jerome) Adams, with the INSPECT thing.” Act. We wanted to make sure people could shop around So here in Indiana, candidates must do at least for other doctors. In the 21st Century Cures Act, I was two things at once: Campaign and debate. The three able to get $20 million for our state for addiction treatment candidates are scheduled for a second debate on Oct. 30 and recovery services. The Farm Bill, it is my legislation at WFYI-TV in Indianapolis. Horse Race Status: Tossup. that sets up an entire telemedicine operation. So you can v Page 7

Thursday. President Trump also finds it tough to stay on Will the ‘Kavanaugh message, and often stunts his own momentum to give a snide comment. The Donnelly campaign still believes that health effect’ persist? care and the pre-existing condition issue will be the deter- By BRIAN A. HOWEY minant factor in this race. From a historical perspective, INDIANAPOLIS – This is the “Kavanaugh Bounce” Donnelly has supposedly been vulnerable on Obamacare sequence is the 2018 mid-term cycle. How long it will last since he voted for it in March 2010. He’s won two elections could determine where the power falls in Washington (and after that vote, including his 2012 upset victory. to a lesser extent in Indianapolis) after Nov. 6. Donnelly spokesman Will Baskin-Gerwitz told HPI The Reuters/Ipsos/UVA Center for Politics poll that the campaign believes the Kavanaugh outrage will released on Wednesday indicates the Kavanaugh confirma- fade. “A month is an eternity,” he said of Republicans sus- tion may have had little impact taining the Kavanaugh peg. “We still think health care will on the too-close-to-call Indiana be the key issue.” Senate race as Democratic in- This cycle, health care is no longer a liability cumbent Joe Donnelly is up 46-43 for Democrats. The Wall Street Journal analyzed Kantar over Republican challenger Mike Media/CMAG advertising data on health care and tax and Braun. The poll was conducted economic messaging in all House and Senate races from Sept. 27-Oct. 7 and had a cred- Jan. 1 to Sept. 30. Here is what campaign ads tell us ibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage about how the political conversation is changing. In 2018, points. Democrats need to gain two seats to win control nearly 50% of Democratic ads focused on health care. On of the U.S. Senate, where they could act as a check on the Republican side, just 21% of messages address the Republican President . issue. In the 29 House districts rated as tossups Achieving that will require success- this election by the nonpartisan Cook Political fully defending Democratic seats in Report, only three Republicans are running ads states that Trump won in 2016, which on health care. And among all health care ads include Missouri, and from candidates and political groups of both Indiana. parties, 39% don’t mention the ACA. The Fox News Poll from last That’s been true here in Indiana, where a week had a credibility interval, a current ad by the Democratic Senatorial Cam- measure of precision, of 3 percent- paign Committee invites viewers to a website age points. Donnelly’s likely voters where voters can explore Donnelly and Braun extremely or very interested in voting positions on pre-existing conditions. for him stood at 71%; Braun was at NBC’s Meet The Press Daily observed on 72% with his voters. In September Wednesday: “All of the U.S. Senate races are poll, Donnelly was at 76% and Braun knife-fights, and it’s very possible that — once at 66%. the Kavanaugh story fades away and others surface — the So, Republican intensity is up. That’s the Kavana- North Dakota and Tennessee contests could get closer. ugh impact. And as is usually the case with midterm elections, the way We’ve seen the impact of this in other states, with the political winds are blowing will matter.” Republican Senate nominees forging big leads in North Dakota, Tennessee and Texas, where Sen. Ted Cruz has NRA takes aim at Donnelly found some breathing room. In the Republican seat most The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund likely to flip to Democrats - Sen. Dean Heller in Nevada - (NRA-PVF) announed in a news release that it launched a an NBC/Marist Poll had the incumbent up 46-44%. So, the seven-figure ad campaign “to inform voters that Sen. Joe Democrate Senate majority looks a lot more arduous than Donnelly cannot be trusted to support their constitutional it did a month ago. right to self-defense.” The news release stated the ad CNN polling showed independent voters over- carries a seven-figure price tag. Titled “DC Joe”, the NRA whelmingly disapproved of the Democrats’ handling of the said the ad will air on cable and broadcast stations. “Joe nomination by a 28-point margin. But if you’re the Don- Donnelly joined forces with Chuck Schumer and anti-gun nelly campaign, this factoid jumps out: Just 41% of those liberals to vote against our fundamental right to self-de- polled said they wanted to see Kavanaugh confirmed, fense,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA-PVF chairman. “Donnelly’s compared to 51% who said they opposed his confirmation. vote against the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to But where will it be in a month? That’s the critical the U.S. Supreme Court sends a clear message to Hoo- question. In the era of Donald Trump, a month is an eter- siers that he can’t be trusted to protect their constitutional nity. We’ve watched astounding news stories and analysis rights.” dropping on a Monday becoming a distant memory by Page 8

IMA endorses Braun ing a Republican, according to a CNN poll conducted by The Indiana Manufacturers Association announced SSRS. its endorsement of Mike Braun for the U.S. Senate. The IMA explained, “Indiana is the most manufacturing in- General Assembly tensive state in America. More of this state’s economy and jobs are produced by manufacturing than any other SD16: Busch wins Long’s seat industry. More Hoosiers work in manufacturing than in any Allen County Councilman Justin Busch will re- other industry. Policies that help manufacturers help Hoo- place retiring state Sen. David Long, R-Fort Wayne, in the siers. We have examined each candidate in the (Francisco, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette). race and have determined that Mike Busch defeated Tom Rhoades by a 51-35 vote Tuesday Braun is best suited to advance those policies in Congress.” evening at a Republican caucus of Senate District 16 pre- Braun said, “Manufacturing is the backbone of Indiana’s cinct officials. Busch, 38, is the northeast Indiana director economy, and I’m honored to accept this endorsement for Republican U.S. Sen. . Busch has been an from Indiana’s leading advocate for manufacturers: the aide to U.S. Sens. and . IMA.” SD22: Alting, Shipley had putt-putt debate INGOP allege Donnelly ethics violation Sherry Shipley can win a game of putt-putt but The filed a Senate Ethics can she take on incumbent Republican Sen. complaint against Sen. Joe Donnelly “for his blatant use in the race for District 22? Democratic candidate Sherry of official taxpayer-funded resources in the creation of a Shipley was hoping for more opportunities to debate Sen. political campaign ad.” This week, Donnelly’s campaign Ron Alting this election season (WLFI-TV). However, Alting began airing a TV ad prominently featuring a photo of only agreed to one and it was hosted by WBAA on Friday. Donnelly with Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch taken Journalist Stan Jastrebski asked questions while the candi- in Donnelly’s Senate dates played a game of putt-putt. Alting and Shipley agree office and posted education is a number one priority this session. However, on an official Senate Jastrebski asked what these candidates would do if they account. “Demo- could change one Indiana law. “The first thing we’ve got crat Joe Donnelly to do is stop sending so much public money to private is so desperate to schools that have no accountability,” answered Shipley. fool Hoosiers into Alting said he would get rid of last-second amendments to thinking he’s a not bills. Jastrebski wanted to know their thoughts on a hate a liberal Democrat, crime bill next session. Alting said he hopes to pass a ver- he’ll violate Senate ethics and break federal law to do it. sion of the hate crime bill he’s been co-authoring for the Even his own spokesman admitted it’s illegal,” said Repub- past 10 years. “Indiana needs to step up to the plate and lican Chairman Kyle Hupfer. get that bill through this year and I look forward to doing Hupfer cited Donnelly spokesman on a previous that,” said Alting. Shipley said she would sponsor a hate ethics complaint from August: “The fact of the matter is crime bill too. Horse Race Status: Likely Alting. that Donnelly for Indiana has no intention of using that footage in an ad -- but more importantly, even if the cam- SD46: Grooms cleared in ethics probe paign or any outside group wanted to use this footage, it State Sen. did not violate ethics rules would be illegal.” Donnelly spokesman Will Baskin-Gerwitz when his Senate email address was included in campaign responded this morning, saying, “It’s peculiar that the literature posted on social media, the Senate Ethics Com- Indiana GOP is so desperate to remind Hoosiers of Joe’s mittee chair has ruled (Thomas, News & Tribune). At issue vote for Justice Gorsuch that they’re willing to lie as badly was a violation of ethics complaint lodged by the Floyd as their Senate candidate. We appreciate Republicans’ County Democratic Party, which alleged that Grooms, R- decision to remind Hoosiers of Joe’s record of crossing Jeffersonville, was using his state-provided email account the aisle and voting with President Trump, and we’re sure for campaign purposes because that account is listed on WTHR appreciates the free publicity for its story from last his campaign business card. The complaint was filed by year.” Floyd County Democratic Chairman Adam Dickey, “After performing due diligence, consulting the Indiana State Congress Election Division, and the ’s Standing Rules and Orders, the chair of the Senate Ethics Committee has House GOP majority in peril concluded that no ethical violation, in fact, has occurred,” Democrats remain well ahead of Republicans in a the Senate Majority statement said. Grooms is being op- generic ballot matchup, with 54% of likely voters saying posed in the Nov. 6 General Election by Democrat Anna they support the Democrat in their district and 41% back- Murray. Horse Race Status: Leans Grooms. v Page 9

They vote for tax cuts for the 1%.” Watson replied to one Watson assails Trey question. “They try to stick it to the middle class and work- ing class people; and one of the ways that they do that is by adding trillions to our debt and then saying ‘oh, there at town hall meeting isn’t money, right, to pay for investing in our infrastructure.’ By JACOB CURRY That’s crap. Let’s just call it for what it is.” SELLERSBURG – Close to the southern tip of the The next question continued the theme. “We’ve seen 9th CD, Democratic candidate Liz Watson spoke with a CEO pay rise. The stock markets rise. But, workers’ wages crowd of 30-some people Wednesday evening at an Ivy have gone nowhere at all. This is a huge problem here in Tech Community College facility. Watson’s campaign was Southern Indiana. Do you think that the corporate influence hosting a town hall on congres- in our politics is keeping wages low? How?” one attendee sional reform, officially titled asked. “Cleaning up Congress.” Watson gave a quick response: “Yes, I absolutely One common target for think this is related to the issue of money in politics.” She cleaning up? Watson’s oppo- pointed to last year’s tax reform and the proposed national nent, incumbent U.S. Rep. Trey Right to Work law in particular – both of which Rep. Hol- Hollingsworth. Both Watson and lingsworth has been vocally supportive of – as examples of the crowd, all of whom appeared legislation creating uneven outcomes between corporations to be supporters, accused Hollingsworth of engaging in and workers. It was another response that drew positive actions corrupting Congress: deciding votes on the basis feedback from the crowd. of special interest money, ignoring campaign promises, The exchange was much the same on other issues and valuing the success of Wall Street like Medicare and student loan debt, over improving the lives of Ninth with the influence of special interest District Hoosiers. money being cited as a persistent A poster board displayed obstacle to progress. prominently in the front of the room The sentiment these people shared compared major donations the Con- was clear: our issues and our values gressman had received to his voting have been overlooked by politicians record in the House. Hollingsworth, who prefer the approval of their who had been invited to attend, was special interest funders, and that is not present at the event to defend why Congress is failing. That same himself. Nor did anyone in the crowd sentiment has featured prominently voice a defense for the congressman. throughout Watson’s campaign, and If he or anyone else had spoken up, it’s one that transcends partisan it would have been a tough sell to lines among voters on a national this group. level. It wasn’t just Rep. Holling- Yet, who these feelings are sworth who received blame though directed at, who takes the blame, – the event quickly became fixated does not transcend those lines. on the big picture question at hand: Hollingsworth himself ran his 2016 The role and influence of money in campaign promising not to take spe- politics. cial interest money and espousing The crowd, which was “real change.” So, while the Watson comprised mostly of people whom I campaign certainly had this crowd would guess fit between the ages of believing in its message, those in 40 to 60 and had a fairly even gender the Hollingsworth camp might find split, seemed to buy into Watson’s the results of the 2016 election to message. Many heads nodded along be a more comforting view of where with Watson as she tied special inter- the district stands as a whole. est financing to other issues in the Watson, who most pundits district, including infrastructure. (including Howey Politics) hold as “Here’s what happens when facing a serious uphill battle, will you allow elections to be bought; surely be hoping 2018’s results say when you send politicians to Wash- otherwise. v ington that are there for whoever Democrat Liz Watson conducts a town hall in lines their pockets, like Trey Hol- Sellersburg Wednesday night where her support- lingsworth. Here’s what happens. ers criticized U.S. Rep. . Page 10

curtailing illegal immigration but not seeing a return to Walorski, Hall stick to family separations. Walorski also restated her support for President Trump’s border wall but added that she would like to “take the rhetoric out and work with both sides” to their messaging pursue other options at the same time. Hall neither gave By JACOB CURRY nor denied support for the wall, opting to keep the door INDIANAPOLIS – Monday night’s 2nd CD debate open by seeking out “the best possible approach.” saw both U.S. Rep. (R-IN-02) and Demo- Both candidates were again trying to occupy the crat Mel Hall stick close to their messaging as the candi- same ground when it came to gun control. Both Walorski dates gave their views on health care, immigration, gun and Hall spoke of striking a balance and remaining in the control, tax reform and trade. Perhaps the most unusual middle. Walorski said the focus should be on enforcing part of the night was that the debate was completely existing laws while improving mental health care. She also closed off to outside media. Combined with the fact that lauded the Fix NICS Act as an example of legislation that the event coincided with the Senate debate, it might be greatly improved the background check process without worth asking whether or not disturbing gun owners’ rights. either campaign wanted much at- Hall assailed Congress for failing to close the gun tention on their debate. show loophole and deal with ghost sales, and added that Before they got into the such legislation could be passed without bothering respon- issues, Hall and Walorski were sible owners. given a chance to speak on points There was a clear difference between the two they’ve been attacked for in the on the question of banning semi-automatic weapons and campaign. Hall denied that he ever did lobbying work for bump stocks, however. Rep. Walorski was tepid, arguing the firm Dentons, saying he worked only as an informal that such bans would need to be considered on a bal- adviser on health care, which is supported by a spokesperson at the firm. Congresswoman Walorski was next, getting a chance to respond to questions about her accessibility to the district, or her “absentee landlordism,” as Hall dubbed it during the debate. She said she’s always been open to and present in her dis- trict, citing her office’s open-door policy and willing- ness to hear private conversations. On the issue of health care coverage, pre- existing conditions quickly became a focus, putting Walorski on the defense as she was forced to respond to Hall’s message that she has repeatedly voted to strip away coverage for those with such conditions. Walorski defended her record, denying that her votes were anced, individual basis. On the other hand, Hall unequivo- meant to strip coverage, instead arguing that their real cally stated that bump stocks and semi-to-auto modifica- purpose was to repeal parts of Obamacare like the indi- tions should be banned, and in fact “could be banned right vidual mandate or lessen the impact of higher drug prices. now” with action from Congress. Walorski was also asked about repealing and replacing the The debate then moved to its last questions on ACA, as featured in her 2016 campaign. She repeated that taxation and trade. Hall said his issue with the Republican it was a major point of emphasis but she could not guar- tax reform was that the middle class was treated as an antee that her Republican colleagues in Congress would afterthought and given miniscule benefits. The candidates ensure that “replace” came before “repeal.” sparred on this point, engaging in a back-and-forth over When asked about “Medicare for All,” an idea how middle class and working-class citizens were reacting that has gained traction in some Democratic campaigns, to the reform. They avoided saying much on the newly Hall was quick to make clear that he was not a supporter. announced USMCA agreement, opting instead for mes- “It’s not feasible,” he said, stating that he would prefer sages on trade that we heard throughout the summer. to focus on health care improvements that can be imple- Focused on the Chinese tariff issue, both Walorski and Hall mented in the near future. acknowledged the damage being done to 2nd District agri- The debate then moved to immigration. Both culture and business, and urged the Trump administration candidates dodged questions on amnesty and what they to develop a long-term, well-thought-out solution. might do if an immigrant detention center was proposed The 2nd District’s next debate is scheduled for for the 2nd District, with the failed proposal in Goshen Oct. 16, and the campaigns are reportedly working on a being the impetus. Instead, both Walorski and Hall sought possible third debate later down the line. v to depict themselves as occupying the middle ground in Page 11

HPI: Could you share what your internal polling is Walorski talks about showing? Walorski: Again, I’m not really focused on that. We’re doing what we’ve always done. We really do have a tariffs and trade booming economy, we’ve got several thousand jobs avail- By JACOB CURRY able, and we want to make sure that every Hoosier who INDIANAPOLIS – U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski is wants to have a job with good pay can see that happen. seeking to fend off a mid-term challenge from Democrat So, I’m really focused on what I’m doing as a representa- Mel Hall. It comes with the backdrop of President Trump’s tive. tariffs that have impacted the 2nd CD’s sprawling agricul- HPI: You’ve been very vocal about the president’s ture and manufacturing sectors. tariffs, expressing concern that they should be more tar- The congresswoman has said she believes her geted and suggesting that President Trump and President district will be a bellwether for na- Xi should meet to find a long-term solution. What does a tional outcomes on election night, targeted, long-term solution look like to you? and how the race develops could Walorski: Indiana is the fifth largest exporting very well give us a sign of how state in the country, and not just the state of Indiana, trends are moving nationally. Most but our district is also one of the largest manufacturing pollsters and pundits put the odds districts in the country. So, my job is to fight for small squarely in favor of the represen- businesses, manufacturers, farmers and workers who are tative, and HPI’s current horse race status holds as “Likely carrying northern Indiana. We build, we grow, we produce Walorski.” and we sell things, and trade is very, very vital. That’s why Walorski found resolution in President Trump’s I’ve gotten so involved, being very visible and very vocal NAFTA do-over, reaching new agreements with Canada on making sure that what we’re talking about is fair. You and Mexico last week. Walorski lauded the new deals, but know, we make trailers, and boats, and RV and defense continued to sound alarms on Trump’s tariffs on steel and parts and those kinds of things, and we need to make aluminum that are impacting the district’s steelmakers and sure they can sell their products around the world. So, I’ve recreational vehicle industry. She has continually pressed called for balance to make sure our manufacturers and Trump administration officials like Commerce Sec. Wilbur farmers aren’t caught up in a devastating trade war. Ross about the tariff impacts. I do support the president when it comes to get- When Trump imposed ad- ditional tariffs on China on Sept. 18, Walorski called for a summit. “We need to hold China accountable for its unfair trade practices, but I am increasingly concerned about the harmful impact tariffs are having on Hoosier farmers and manufacturers,” she said. “It’s time for President Trump and President Xi to meet face to face and find a long-term solution that ensures American farmers, businesses, and workers are treated fairly. Until such an agreement is reached, the administration should work with Congress to minimize the negative effects of these tariffs.” Here is our phone interview with Rep. Walorski, conducted on Friday Oct. 5. HPI: To start, with just a few weeks left before ting after bad actors like China, who have gotten in the the election, how does your campaign look right now? way and cost billions of dollars in American jobs, stealing Walorski: Well, you know I’m laser-focused on intellectual property from our country. So, I do support this district. We’re working hard like we always do for the the policy, but I’ve just been making sure over the last six district. We’re still working on issues, making sure Hoosiers months that when there’s reforms to be made, tweaks to have good jobs, we’ve got a massive economic momentum be made, that we’re definitely standing up to the presi- in the 2nd District. So, that’s what really takes up my time. dent, and we are doing that. I’ve had conversations with I’m all over the district, but we’re moving along at the the White House and with Secretary Ross constantly, and pace we always do – 24/7 we’re working for Hoosiers. we have been able to push for some real common sense Page 12 administrative fixes for companies who are applying for fairness in trade, which is where we’re at right now. So, a exclusions. My office has become the receptacle of all lot of Hoosiers in our district are very optimistic with where kinds of information from around the country on compa- we’re at and the momentum that’s moving our economy. nies that are having trouble getting through this exclusion HPI: I spoke to your Democratic challenger, Mel process. I’ve even brought several CEOs and job providers Hall, a few weeks ago, and he stated that pre-existing to our 2nd District to meet with Secretary Ross immedi- conditions is the number one issue in the district. A lot of ately, to share with him some of the things that they have their messaging is fixated on your record with pre-existing found. And, we’ve been able to work through some of conditions. What are you saying to voters who might be those things. But, I want to see this through to the end. I concerned with what they’re hearing? think it’s really good news that we have a trilateral agree- Walorski: Well, I can say I think every Hoosier ment on NAFTA now with Mexico and Canada, because should have access to affordable, quality health care. our request now of the president is to focus on sitting When I think about working families and single moms down with the president of China and getting rid of these facing double digit premium increases under Obamacare, retaliatory tariffs. I’ve been pleased with the conversations or the people who can no longer choose the plan they we’ve been able to have on trade and with where they’ve taken us, but I am here to completely see it through. HPI: What are you hearing from constit- uents on this issue? Has their tone changed over the past few months? And it’s only been a couple of days, but have you seen any reaction to the USMCA announce- ment? Walorski: I’ve seen a lot of positive response, not just from agriculture and farmers, but from manufacturers. I think they share a lot of the same optimism that we do on the Ways and Means Committee that now that this trilateral is at least agreed upon – and the logistics will be worked like or the doctor that they trusted, or small businesses out there – we’re hoping that all the energy of the White that can’t afford it, I think it’s clear that Obamacare is House turns to sitting down with China. And another thing, not working. But, I have been fighting for common sense in the district I’m hearing a lot about tax reform. Hoosiers reforms like repealing the individual mandate, extend- are very grateful for additional money in their pockets. ing children’s health insurance, community health centers It’s been like a $1,500 average. That’s one of the reasons which I’m a huge supporter of, increasing competition I fought so hard to be on the Ways & Means Committee, in the marketplace and driving costs down, letting small to be at the table coming up with one of the greatest tax businesses band together to buy healthcare coverage. I’ve reform bills in 30 years. Cutting taxes, adding jobs; you also voted, tangibly voted, to keep protections in place for know tax reform is jobs. I’ve heard from a lot of Hoo- patients with pre-existing conditions because insurance siers. When I’m home on weekends I’m at companies, I’m companies shouldn’t be able to deny people coverage. I’ve listening to Hoosiers and having lots of conversations with always fought for my district on these issues and now it’s folks, and they’re very pleased with where the economy is. no different. I actually have cast votes to absolutely keep I think they get the approach that we had on the Ways & pre-existing coverage. Means Committee. With the president, getting him to roll HPI: What would you like to see done on health back those regs is really a good long-term solution to the care going forward? economy. Secondly, rolling back the taxes to get them off Walorski: I think one of the issues that we’re the backs of middle-class taxpayers. And third, looking at going to be dealing with very quickly is to really establish Page 13 those partnerships and open up the mar- So, when it comes to ketplace to have good competition across the kinds of things that state lines. I think we’ll see that very soon folks are asking and in bill form, to be able to vote on that. looking for through Also, at the same time allowing like-indus- these different investi- tries to pull together and have giant pools, gations, so it’s important for example, manufacturers, or teachers that we let our people in or large national groups like that. I think those jobs continue to that’ll drive prices down as well, and I do those jobs. When the think we’ll see that in the not-too-distant facts are final and we future. have an absolute end to HPI: Moving on to another issue, all these investigations, what are your thoughts on election secu- I think we can have rity this November with all the attention those conversations, on Russian meddling? Is that something then we can talk about you’re worried about? factual information. I Walorski: I very much trust Dan certainly see a lot of Coats, our national intelligence director, distractions coming from and he came out and said “Hey, you know D.C. all the time, but I’m what I absolutely do believe is that Russia laser-focused on what has interfered in our elections and wants Hoosiers are asking for to undermine our democracy.” At the same time, there are and what Hoosiers want when it comes to a representative investigations launched into this. I think the investigations and the expectations in this district. They’re all about jobs, need to run their gamut, find their facts, and then we can all about more money in their pockets. When we’re talk- have a conversation about that. Vladimir Putin is not our ing about what Hoosiers are asking about, I can tell you I friend, and Russia is not our ally. That’s why I have voted don’t get very many questions on different conversations to impose strong, and stronger, sanctions on Putin and his the president has had. I think Hoosiers see it as a distrac- cronies when they try to weaken the U.S. and our allies. tion. We just had a defense bill that was recently signed into HPI: Right now, the only two districts with con- law which strengthened our cyber-defenses so we can firmed debates are yours and the 3rd District. Why did you better guard against cyberattacks by hostile actors. I think decide to debate when it looks like most of the Indiana free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democra- House races will go without it? cy. I think Dan Coats is right. What we’ve done inside the Walorski: I’ve always been accessible to my country, even at the state level, to insure free and open district, and I’ve always had conversations with Hoosiers. elections is absolutely critical. I’m doing my part as well; I come back every weekend; every day that we’re not in any time an additional election parameter comes in, I am session, I’m here. When it comes to accessibility and ac- definitely supporting it. countability, that it’s my job to do that. I hear from people HPI: Something that’s raised eyebrows about the in this district every single day that I am in D.C. and I two-hour meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin is absolutely hear from them when I’m in the district. I need the fact that Director Coats and others don’t know what to hear about the challenges that folks have so that I can they talked about; are you concerned about that? fight for them. And these are usually common sense solu- Walorski: When we’re talking about grave tions that come from Hoosiers, so I’m constantly travelling threats against our country and rogue regimes building around working with folks, visiting farms, community or- nuclear weapons and those kinds of things, we need a ganizations, talking to veterans about the VA and making strong defense to keep the American people safe. For too sure they get the services they deserve. I’m answering long there’s been budget cuts and things that have really questions about the votes that I make and the problems depleted our military. I’ve fought to make sure that our that I’m trying to solve. I don’t think it’s necessarily any- armed forces are at full strength, and that we’re giving thing out of the ordinary. service members the tools and training that they need. You know, I have an open door to our office, and When it comes to standing against our enemies, we really anybody that wants to come in and talk to us, we’ll book have put our military back on track. When we look at any it. We book long days so folks can come in individually and kind of deal with different countries, the commander-in- have a private conversation. I just think this is what people chief has the ability to make decisions that he feels are want here; they see me all over the district and I think important. Around the world he’s following General Mattis’ that’s important. Here is the thing that I think is really strategic plan, which I think so far has done an incredible important: I’ve been coming home to Indiana every week job. The president has done a very good job of following and hearing from Hoosiers while Mel Hall has been living the generals and the folks in leadership that he put there. in D.C. and fighting for special interests. I know he’s been Page 14 travelling around the district to get to know the district – NAFTA for our farmers, working with manufacturers on because he’s been in Washington for so long, he doesn’t steel and aluminum. I think that what I’ve been hearing know this district. So, I’ve been here fighting for constitu- and what we’ve been doing is very clear. I think it really ents the whole time, and as he’s asking you and others makes the choice in this election clear. It’s a contrast. If about this issue of “Hey, she’s never around,” I would say you believe in a brighter future that gives working families to him: “Welcome to the district Mel, I have always been the opportunity to achieve the American dream, I think here.” I have always been talking to Hoosiers and I have people will vote for me and I’m asking for those votes. And always had an open-door policy. I’ve taken their lead and I think they see more of going back to the past; more con- we’ve done some phenomenal things over the past year- fusion, more taxation – Pelosi said she’s going to take the and-a-half to two years. tax reform, money in Hoosiers’ pockets, right back – put- HPI: There’s been a lot of talk, and it’s certainly ting Washington in the driver’s seat again, not individual gotten a lot of coverage nationally, of a “red wave” or a Hoosiers. I think that’s the choice, and I have been asking “blue wave.” Do you have any thoughts on that? people for their vote based on the fact that I believe in a Walorski: Again, I’m pretty focused on what brighter future for the individual working Hoosier and the we’re doing here when it comes to jobs or to continuing opportunity for every Hoosier to achieve the American to develop the economy and build on momentum in the dream. v 2nd District. Those kinds of things… working on trade with

to announce quickly, probably by about the end of the Buttigieg keeping plans year, if he wants to join the presidential nomination race. Most national political observers regard Buttigieg as a likely presidential candidate – not a front-runner, but close to the vest a contender already gaining stature through praise from By JACK COLWELL major party figures, including former President Obama. SOUTH BEND – Mayor says a Buttigieg said the way to counter President Democrat running against President Trump should avoid Trump, whether now in mid-term elections or in the 2020 making the campaign all about Trump. But he isn’t ready presidential election, is to “offer a message that will make to say whether he will seek to be sense when he’s come and gone.” In other words, not just that Democrat, the presidential nominee, or perhaps seek a third term as mayor of South Bend. Or do something else. In an interview in his political headquarters near the County-City Building, Buttigieg set this timetable: Until Nov. 6, he will concentrate politically on help- ing Democrats win, traveling on weekends for speaking engage- ments and hosting fundraisers. He expects this week to announce recipients of contributions from his political ac- tion committee. Help will go primarily to young congressio- nal candidates (average age, just under 38) with a chance in Republican and swing districts. Then he will “settle on a personal direction by about Thanksgiving and be ready to an anti-Trump message. make that public pretty soon after that.” By then, he said, “As shocking and troubling as the actions of this “I’ll need to tell the community whether I’m seeking a White House have been,” Buttigieg said, “I think the third term as mayor.” He has ample funds and high popu- deeper question we have to ask is why people felt so dis- larity for reelection. A third term certainly is his if he wants affected by the political system that they were prepared to it. hold their nose and vote that way” for Trump. If he decides not to run for reelection, he “He is a symptom, not a cause,” Buttigieg said. wouldn’t simultaneously announce a presidential bid or “He’ll (still) be president for, who knows, two years, six other future endeavor. “Whatever I have to say about years, 24 hours.” South Bend will stand on its own, and then we’ll take The mayor said Democrats have a message of things from there,” he said. But he knows he would have preserving traditional freedoms and opportunities and Page 15 expanding economic gains to a middle class that feels left lot of ambitious projects.” out, especially those in the vast “fly-over” heartland. But He tells of projects already brought to fruition in he said the positive message can be drowned out by nega- his book titled, “Shortest Way Home, One Mayor’s Chal- tive battling with Trump. lenge and a Model for America’s Future.” In a way, it will be “I don’t think you can beat him with a message a biography of South Bend as well as of the mayor, telling that revolves around him,” Buttigieg said. “I think that was of a Rust Belt city, once portrayed as dying, now drawing part of where Clinton’s campaign fell short.” national attention for growth and innovation. Buttigieg has had key speaking appearances He said the book will be in stores early in January. around the nation at statewide party dinners and other The timing is too late for Christmas sales. Just right, how- events, such as pinch-hitting for former Vice President Joe ever, if the mayor also is announcing then that he will seek Biden at a major Democratic event at the Illinois State the Democratic presidential nomination. v Fair. He turns down many invitations, however, while still handling duties as mayor. He noted that the city budget is Colwell has covered Indiana politics over five de- scheduled for a vote Monday and that he still is pushing “a cades for the .

ployment agency even though revenue and enrollment Things get even worse were declining. When the city population plummeted from 185,000 to less than 80,000, it only made sense that the school corporation should have reduced staff and closed in woe-be-gone Gary school buildings. Instead, the board allowed some schools By RICH JAMES to fall into ruin, including Gary Roosevelt High School that MERRILLVILLE – Just when you thought things once was one of the premier all-black high schools in the couldn’t get any worse for the Gary Community School nation. Corp., something said you were wrong. And the embar- There also was a time when school board mem- rassment grows throughout Indiana. bers paid themselves handsomely for attending committee Such was the case last meetings. And boy did they call a lot of committee meet- week when former schools Su- ings. perintendent Cheryl Pruitt – who Perhaps the greatest violation was the junket retired in February – was charged taking by a female school board member years back. She in Lake Criminal Court with theft went to California for an education conference and then for allegedly double-billing the proceeded on to Japan where her boyfriend was stationed school district more than $1,200 in the Navy. Yep, she billed the schools for the entire trip. for a three-day trip she took to She got caught, but wasn’t prosecuted when she agreed to Los Angeles in 2016. repay the schools for the Japan portion of the trip. v She admitted the double billing but said it all was a mis- Rich James has been writing about politics and gov- take. The billing came at a time ernment for 40 years. He is retired from the Post- when the school system was more Tribune, a newspaper born in Gary. than $100 million in debt and under control of the Indi- ana Distressed Unit Appeals Board and a state-appointed emergency manager. This is the same Pruitt who was told by the state to repay a $30,000 bonus she said had been approved by the school board in March 2016, which was just before the junket to California. The State Board of Cccounts acknowledged that Pruitt’s 2012 contract had a growth incentive plan and bonus, but said there was no plan and no dollar amount for the bonus. It is difficult to comprehend why the school board would approve massive bonuses while the district was mired in debt. But Pruitt isn’t the only one in the school district to come under a financial cloud. Particularly after employment at U.S. Steel was sharply reduced, the school district operated as an em- Page 16

Most people and places didn’t merely adapt, they thrived. Causes and effects of Sadly, many places in the Midwest have neither adapted nor thrived. The Rust Belt is full of households and communi- growing trade war ties who ignored decades-old trends. Peak manufacturing By MICHAEL HICKS employment in the Midwest is nearly five decades behind MUNCIE – Over the summer, Indiana’s economy us, when Chinese and Mexican exports were trivial. Yet, showed clear signs of weakening. This same story played far too many communities continued to pursue ‘jobs at- out across the manufacturing and farming intensive states traction’ policies that failed them since the 1960s. This of the Midwest. To be sure, it is still easy to paint a rosy was costly, in both dollars and common sense. The wholly picture of our economy. Jobs unrealistic promise of “new factory jobs” eased the pres- are plentiful, pay has finally sure on schools and families to improve the education of begun to rise and tax coffers their children, and invited mis-spending of tax dollars. are full. We are less than a year There is no easy way to phrase the truth, away from tying the longest so let me say it plainly. The causal factor in the decline recovery in U.S. history, which of many Midwest places was simply dogged, stubborn, began in early summer of 2009. almost prideful ignorance about century-long changes to Still, the warning signs are clear. the world economy. Not only has this saddled communi- Nationally, manufacturing ties with decades of mis-investment, it has mistakenly employment growth has slowed convinced millions of Midwesterners that factory jobs may since April, and here in Indiana, once again be plentiful. They won’t; even as manufactur- it dipped into negative territory ing production will continue to expand, employment will for two consecutive months. not. The index of leading economic Into this landscape of false promises, came the indicators declined modestly since spring, and auto sales 2016 election. The main players, Mr. Trump, Sen. Sand- dropped sharply across spring and summer. The manufac- ers and Sec. Clinton spoke easily about the evils of trade, turing portions of the Fed’s Midwest economic index have wholly misrepresenting facts. To their credit, the remain- been negative for four months. It’s risky to draw conclu- ing GOP candidates did not. And, in an underappreciated sions from a single six-month period, but growing evidence farewell speech, President Obama made it quite plain “. . suggests manufacturing growth stalled over the summer. . the next wave of economic dislocation won’t come from There’s more. overseas. It will come from the relentless pace of automa- This is a stunningly beautiful season in the Mid- tion that makes many good, middle-class jobs obsolete.” west, when combines harvesting beans fill the fields on Like him or not, that statement is as true and obvious as warm October days. Driving by these fields, I often won- the rising sun. der what majesty and dignity a modern Winslow Homer Ignoring almost the whole of those truths, today might portray in this setting. However, even in these idyllic we pursue a trade war. We impose tariffs without thought, scenes, all is not good. Most of these fields contain crops and invite retaliatory tariffs by allies and foes alike. By that will be harvested at a painful loss. Prices are down, mid-winter, our tariffs on major trading partners will ap- and that fact is revealed in the slowing purchases of farm proach those set during the fiasco of protectionism that machinery across the Midwest. marked the Great Depression. This will undo 75 years of Hoosiers should view the marked slowdown of our American efforts to reduce barriers to trade across the two largest industries with alarm. That the cause of this world. It will also pummel the Midwest, early and hard. slowdown is clearly our widening trade war, which should It is ironic that the very places that ignored provide even more reason for worry. To be clear, the worst the economic changes of the past half century will be the is yet to come as both tariffs and their lagging effects will first to feel the spreading pain of this bad medicine. It is plague us well into 2019. What is worse is that this is bad fitting, of course, but ironic nonetheless. The only good medicine treating the wrong problem. Let me explain. option is to claim victory and end the trade war before Over the past 50 years, American jobs have it claims more victims. As we are slow to learn, that is steadily moved away from factories, mimicking the shift unlikely to happen. Far more likely is a recession in which from farm to factory in the 50 years before that. The cause millions of Americans come to understand the value of of each phenomenon was largely the same; technology, free trade the hard way. v automation and the associated productivity growth meant we needed fewer workers to produce even more goods. Hicks, PhD, is the director of the Center for Busi- Naturally, these changes, like those before them, ness and Economic Research and the George and disrupted households. But, the problem was never the Frances Ball distinguished professor of econom- economic restructuring or technology. Economic change ics in the Miller College of Business at Ball State is a three-century-old force across western civilization. University. Page 17

away all of the circus sideshow antics of President Trump’s Don’t want the first term, you are left with some amazing accomplish- ments. We have 4% growth for the first time in many, many years and the staggering results in employment Schumer effect here have defied the liberal economists who told us to get used By CRAIG DUNN to the “new normal” of sub-2% growth. KOKOMO – Let me make this as plain as I can: Workforce participation of women, youth, blacks I don’t want Charles Schumer as my United States sena- and Hispanics are all at record levels. On the flip side, un- tor. Why would I worry about Charles Schumer serving as employment levels of women, youth, blacks and Hispanics my senator? No, Chuck Schumer is not going to move to are at record low levels. People are getting jobs, getting Indiana and run for the U.S. Sen- better jobs and being paid more. This is something to ate. He doesn’t need to come to fight for at an election. Indiana; he has Sen. Joe Donnelly For two decades we watched jobs go to Cana- to serve as his personal lap dog. da and Mexico as NAFTA drained manufacturing jobs from The good people of Indiana could our nation. When President Trump said that he would re- be excused six years ago when negotiate NAFTA successfully, no one believed him. Yours they were hornswoggled into truly felt that the promise was just election rhetoric on thinking that Joe Donnelly was a the part of candidate Trump. But, you know what? He got reasonable, moderate alternative it done and our country will be the better for it. The final to voting for Richard Mourdock. deal will need Senate approval. Frankly, I want Majority An awkwardly juggled response to Leader Mitch McConnell leading the process, not Chuck an question at a debate Schumer. and Donnelly didn’t seem like such The United States government has complained a bad bargain for many former about egregious Chinese trade policies and currency Richard Lugar Republicans. manipulation for decades and done nothing about it. The What we’ve learned in the last six years is that Trump-led United States backed by a Republican Senate the problem with voting for a chameleon is that you just majority has effectively engaged China in series of quid- never know what color they’ll be on any given day. Let me pro-quo actions that appear to be leading to an eventual help you with this one. Joe the chameleon will be the one major restructuring of trade relations. Trade treaties all in a light shade of pink. On some days, good ole Joe from pass through the Senate. Who do you want casting the conservative Indiana will be downright fuchsia. vote for Indiana? Chuck Schumer through his political Make no mistake about it: When the rubber hits flunky Joe Donnelly? the road, when the game is on the line, when push comes My point here is that Sen. Joe Donnelly has to shove, Chuck Schumer will tell Joe Donnelly to sit up shown himself to be a team player. The only problem is and bark like a dog and Joe will do it. On the inconse- that he doesn’t know which team he plays for. He’s been quential issues Schumer will allow Donnelly to look like a playing on the Harry Reid/Chuck Schumer team for six Hoosier, but when it comes to taking one for the Democrat years and not for the Hoosier team. It’s now time for him team, Joe will do whatever his masters require. to go! Civics 101 tells us that the only way that Chuck After watching the painful Senate confirma- Schumer becomes Senate majority leader and our most tion of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh it should important legislative body will be led by the likes of Eliza- be obvious to anyone who reads or owns a TV remote beth Warren, Diane Feinstein, Cory “Spartacus” Booker, control that our nation is engaged in a serious and dan- Chris Coons and Dick Blumenthal is that Democrats win gerous culture war. I have not seen this degree of social 51 Senate seats. Reality tells us that we can deny one of upheaval since the racial unrest and anti-war movement those seats to the Democrats by denying them Indiana. In of the late 60s. We are completely polarized and things short, no Joe Donnelly, no Majority Leader Schumer. will probably get worse before they get better. A liberal I watched in amazement during President cabal of major media, mega-corporations and a deep ’s term in office how his faithful supporters state is currently engaged in an attempt to overturn the would turn out and vote for him in 2008 and 2012, and 2016 presidential election. They will stop at nothing to then completely desert him in his hour of need during the achieve their George Soros-like dream of a total social 2010 and 2014 off-year elections. His own base robbed upheaval in this country. They think nothing of using quis- him of the tools he needed to successfully install the so- lings to achieve their goals. Sen. Joe Donnelly is nothing cialist agenda they desperately craved. They were just too but a quisling. lazy or too stupid to get up out of bed and go vote. Nothing could have been more damaging to the At the risk of beating a dead horse, let’s not allow Hoosier economy and the lives of millions of Indiana citi- President Trump’s pro-growth agenda fall by the wayside zens than the Affordable Care Act, and yet who cast the just because Trump is not on the ballot. When you strip deciding vote that allowed the onerous legislation to pass? Page 18

Yes, that’s right, Joe Donnelly! It is not unusual for a politician to stump the Who has done nothing to introduce legislation to state before an election. For six years, Joe Donnelly has try and improve the many and sundry problems with the stumped the state after an election. Affordable Care Act? Yes, that’s right, Joe Donnelly! Let’s not make the mistake again. There’s a pole- Who has done nothing to stem the tide of il- cat in the barn and it’s time for him to go! v legal immigration that robs Hoosiers of jobs and drives the cost of governmental services skyward? Yes, right again, Dunn is the former 4th CD and Howard County Re- Joe Donnelly! publican chairman.

counties turn to the printed brochure. They may have Scarce tourism whiz-bang web pages, but the multi-colored, slick-paper brochure survives. An extensive display of these can be found in most local chamber of commerce offices. (“I’ll dollars wasted display yours, if you’ll display mine.”) It looks as though By MORTON MARCUS these pamphlets, even mini-magazines, while intended INDIANAPOLIS – It seems every Indiana county to attract money from visitors, also serve as a means to has a tourism agency. Some are very small, modest efforts display local loyalty. Thus, we find ads by a bank and an working with tiny amounts of money from the private auto dealer in the visitor guide for Lawrence County. sector. Others are big time, by Hoosier standards. They Recently, I stopped at the rest area in north- have local tax money, thanks to local pressure on the west White County on northbound I-65. There I picked up state legislature which granted a 2018 Indiana Roadway Map and checked out the tour- them the power to levy taxes on ism literature. the customers of hotels, motels, I found the racks filled with attractive, informa- restaurants, bars and cars. tive promotional brochures from Carroll and Lawrence With big enough budgets, counties, the Indianapolis Zoo, Marengo Cave, Patoka tourism expands from vacation- Lake, Orange County, and a border-to-border invitation to ers to visitors for any reason. explore Southern Indiana. In addition, there were pieces The biggest prize is a national from Goshen’s Old Bag Factory and Shipshewana’s Flea political convention of big-name Market. big-spenders, lasting five days None of these is a likely destination for a north- with contentious TV coverage. To bound driver on I-65, about an hour from Lake Michigan. hold these pow-wows of pot- Who is responsible for wasting the money of ted plutocrats, palaces must be merchants, attractions, and taxpayers supporting tourism constructed. Larger, more grand advertising? Is this the state’s Tourism Office at work? I’ve facilities must be planned and built by the public sector seen their website telling us tourism matters to Indiana. for the benefit of a city’s reputation and the enrichment of They offer statistics touting the benefits of tourism. Yet, selected patrons. who monitors the distribution of local promotional mate- Even towns of smaller size lust after conventions rial? v of penurious professors or podiatrists. But how do towns with minimal attractions and facilities get their share of Mr. Marcus is an economist. Reach him at mortonj- consumers’ travel dollars? Tourism, a disease associated [email protected]. Or listen to his views on “Who with auto ownership, is the answer to the query, “Why gets what?” wherever podcasts are available. don’t we ever go anywhere like the neigh- bors do?” Whereas Monroe County has bedazzling autumnal forests and Indiana University to draw tourists, what about Lawrence County to the immediate south? How can the Joe Palooka Statue in Oolitic compete with Assembly Hall (now renamed for a moneyed patron)? Is driving the Devil’s Backbone going to draw as well as watching underclass (wo)men get drunk at Nick’s? From what I can tell, most Hoosier Page 19

Republicans. But even if Democrats win all five Toss-ups, GOP has distinct and also hold all of their other seats, including defend- ing vulnerable incumbents in Montana and West Virginia, that would not be sufficient for Democrats to capture the Senate majority edge Senate if they lose North Dakota. Democrats would need By KYLE KONDIK to win a third GOP-held seat -- one more beyond Arizona CHARLOTTESVILLE – For months now, Sen. and Nevada -- to make up for it and get to a 51-seat bare (D-ND) has looked like the most vulner- majority. able Senate Democrat. Republican polling has shown her That’s where Tennessee and Texas, both of which down in the high single or we continue to rate as Leans Re- even low double digits, and publican, become important. And Democrats have conceded yet we don’t see either of those that she is behind. A couple races as true Toss-ups, either. In of recent public polls have the Volunteer State, Rep. Marsha shown her down 10-12 Blackburn (R, TN-7) led the two points, too. Is it possible most recent polls by five (Fox that Heitkamp could come News) and eight (CBS News/ back? Yes. Her personal YouGov) points over former Gov. numbers remain good and Phil Bredesen (D-TN). We have it’s a Democratic-leaning agonized over moving this race year. Polling also underesti- to Toss-up, but we’ve held at mated her in 2012, although Leans Republican because of she was not an incumbent the state’s GOP leanings. Mean- back then. Still, is it likely while, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has that she will come back? held a steady lead on Rep. Beto No. An incumbent clearly O’Rourke (D, TX-16) of around trailing whose party label half a dozen points, with some doesn’t match the prevail- polls above that and some below. ing partisan preference in a Could Democrats win Tennessee state is in trouble.So we’re and/or Texas? Yes, but we still moving North Dakota’s Sen- see the GOP favored in both. ate race from Toss-up to Leans Republican. Barring some sort of shocking result, like former By the way, this change isn’t really about Heit- U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy (D) winning a Sen- kamp’s decision to vote against Brett Kavanaugh, whom ate runoff in the Mississippi Senate special election on Nov. the Senate narrowly confirmed as an associate justice of 27, one can see how the Republicans just winning North the Supreme Court over the weekend. We identified Heit- Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas would block the Democrats kamp as the most vulnerable Senate incumbent of either in the Senate. And Republicans very well might win some party more than a month ago, but we were being cautious of the other competitive races discussed above, too. v about downgrading her rating. But her poor horse race numbers do not appear to be getting better. Cruz has big lead The ratings change in North Dakota means that U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz has taken a 54-45% lead over we now rate eight of the 35 Senate seats on the ballot Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke in a Quinnipiac Poll. The this year as Safe, Likely, or Leaning Republican: Seven gender gap widens a little. Men back Sen. Cruz 62-37% as of the nine currently GOP-held seats, and one of the 26 women tip to O’Rourke 52-46%. “Is the Beto bubble burst- Democratic-held seats (North Dakota). That combined with ing or just hissing away with a slow leak? With less than the 42 other GOP-held Senate seats not on the ballot this four weeks until Election Day, Congressman Beto O’Rourke year adds up to 50, the minimum number of seats the Re- has hit a wall and remains the same nine points behind publicans need to maintain control of the upper chamber. Sen. Ted Cruz as he was when Quinnipiac University polled Remember, a 50-50 split means maintained Republican the race last month,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant direc- control, thanks to the tie-breaking vote of Vice President tor of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “The election is far Mike Pence (R). from over, but Sen. Cruz would have to suffer a major col- That makes the Senate 50-45 Republican in our lapse for him to lose. “ ratings, with five Toss-ups: Three currently Democratic In Nevada, New York Times/Siena College has seats, Florida, Indiana, and Missouri, and two currently Re- U.S. Sen. Dean Heller has a 47-45% lead over Rep, Jacky publican seats, Arizona and Nevada. All of these races re- Rosen. In Arizona, Marth McSally has a 47-42% lead over main close, although if the election were today we’d prob- Kyrsten Sinema. v ably expect the Democrats to win more of them than the Page 20

Walter Russell Mead, Wall Street Journal: whose generosity and security order they had come to rely Did Cold War II break out last week while no one was upon and even take advantage of at times — had left the watching? As the Kavanaugh confirmation battle raged, building. It had been replaced by Trump’s America, which many Americans missed what looks like the is different in two fundamental ways. First, Trump’s biggest shift in U.S.-China relations since Henry America does not see itself as the galvanizer and Kissinger’s 1971 visit to Beijing. The Trump ad- protector of the liberal global order that brought ministration’s China policy swam into view, and more peace, prosperity and democracy to more it’s a humdinger. Vice President Mike Pence gave corners of the world over the last 70 years than at a guide to the approach in a speech last week at any time in history — defying the natural order of the Hudson Institute (where I am a fellow). Denouncing things, which is constant jungle-like conflict, protectionism what he called China’s “whole of government” approach and strongman rule. Second, Trump’s America is unafraid to its rivalry with the U.S., Mr. Pence vowed the Trump to engage in the raw exercise of power against any foe administration will respond in kind. He denounced China’s or friend to gain economic or geopolitical advantage — suppression of the Tibetans and Uighurs, its “Made in no matter how big or small — and, at the same time, is China 2025” plan for tech dominance, and its “debt diplo- ready to overlook any human rights abuse or killing by any macy” through the Belt and Road initiative. The speech country deemed friendly to Trump personally or not inter- sounded like something could have deliv- esting to him geopolitically. But hey, wait a minute: Does ered against the Soviet Union: Mr. Xi, tear down this wall! Trump have a point? International relations isn’t a knitting Mr. Pence also detailed an integrated, cross-government circle. Could it be that America is actually best served by strategy to counter what the administration considers having a lying, unethical bully at the helm, someone who Chinese military, economic, political and ideological ag- squeezes the last drop of milk tariffs out of every ally or gression. In the same week as the vice president’s speech, adversary, pushes back on China and gives the back of Navy plans for greatly intensified patrols in and around his hand to “globalist” multilateral institutions? As Trump Chinese-claimed waters in the South China Sea were declared: “I am the president of the United States. I’m not leaked to the press. Moreover, the recently-entered trilat- the president of the globe.” So get the hell off my lawn! It eral U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement was revealed all depends just how far Trump goes with this. Will it be to have a clause discouraging trade agreements between a mild departure from the approach of every other U.S. member countries and China. The administration indicated president of the postwar era or a radical departure? I don’t it would seek similar clauses in other trade agreements. know yet, but if you look around, a lot of people are acting Also last week, Congress approved the Build Act, a $60 as if the cat’s away so the mice can play. v billion development-financing program designed to counter China’s Belt and Road strategy in Africa and Asia. Finally, Thomas Edsall, New York Times: Democrats are the White House issued a report highlighting the danger poised to win every Senate and governor’s race through- that foreign-based supply chains pose to U.S. military out the Midwest this November, and they are expected to capabilities in the event they are cut off during a conflict. pick up House seats in the region too. But in their bid to Any one of these steps would have rated banner headlines win control of Midwestern state Legislatures — bodies that in normal times; in the Age of Trump, all of them together will have the power to gerrymander congressional, State barely registered. But this is a major shift in American Senate and state house districts after the 2020 census foreign policy. As China responds, and as other countries — they face a tough-to-crack Republican firewall. Let’s formulate their approaches to the emerging U.S.-China take a look, first, at the big picture. Democrats lead in the rivalry, a new international reality will take shape. With major statewide races in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and many longtime U.S. allies opposed to the Trump adminis- Wisconsin — the states that provided the Electoral College tration on trade policy and other matters, and with Russia, votes to put Donald Trump in the White House — along North Korea and Iran all looking to frustrate U.S. goals, an with Minnesota, Indiana and Illinois, a total of 13 gover- indignant China looking for opportunities to make Wash- norship and Senate contests. Barring unforeseen events, ington pay may find help.v Democrats in the region will make gains at every level on Election Day, from statewide contests to House elections to Thomas Friedman, New York Times: When state legislative seats. Still, their gains in state legislative Donald Trump spoke at the United Nations on Sept. 25 and races may not prove to be enough to flip those bodies to provoked guffaws from the diplomats in the audience for Democratic control. It is at this level of legislative races — his boasting, Trump insisted that they were not laughing at low visibility elections that carry exceptionally high stakes him, they were laughing with him. I wasn’t there so I can’t — that Democrats face intimidating Republican majorities. say what they were actually doing on the outside. But For Democrats to see across-the-board gains on the scale on the inside, I’m pretty sure I know: They were crying. that Republicans achieved in 2010 would require not just a They were crying over the fact that the America they had wave, but a tidal wave. v come to know and respect over the last 70 years — and Page 21

lis Star.” ticles may have made him a target Bosma denies for assassination. Zody calls for sex allegation Holcomb writes INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Bosma probe Speaker Brian Bosma, an Indianapolis Next Level op-ed INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Republican and one of the state’s most Democratic Chairman John Zody INDIANAPOLIS – Gov. powerful politicians, paid a law firm more called on Gov. to launch Eric Holcomb authored commen- than $40,000 in campaign funds this year a probe in the allegations against tary entitled “Taking Indiana’s in part to gather unflattering information House Speaker Brian Bosma. “We workforce to the next level” and about the former intern (IndyStar). Fam- believe that Speaker Bosma’s actions published on the Statehouse File ily members of the woman claim Bosma’s appear to be tactics used to intimi- website. “The premise is simple: attorney threatened to reveal the un- date,” Zody said.. That women must Meet Hoosiers wherever they are favorable information about her if her fear coercion and strong-arming by on their career path—whether account became public and to powerful elected officials they’re a kindergartener, high expose her name even if news to discredit and deter them school student, college student organizations withheld it. The from coming forward is or career veteran looking for a woman, who was 20 at the sickening. If the allegations new opportunity,” the governor time, did not accuse Bosma of intimidation are true, they wrote. “We need to give them the of a crime. Bosma denies the are deeply troubling. What’s tools they need to achieve lifelong encounter took place. And the clear is there are more ques- success... Nearly every job being defense lawyer he hired, Linda Pence, tions than answers here. In the past, created will require something be- denies the family’s claims and says she Governor Holcomb has rightfully sup- yond a diploma, and Indiana will acted appropriately in investigating the ported a ‘thorough’ investigation into maintain its commitment to mak- allegation about her client. Hiring an similar matters. The governor must ing sure our high school students attorney to protect one’s reputation is step up and lead by calling for an who work hard have the opportu- common, experts say. But Pence’s inves- exhaustive, impartial investigation into nity to earn credentials that lead tigation went beyond a review of court this serious allegation of intimidation.” to great careers... This month, my records and other public documents that Workforce Cabinet will complete attorneys with high-profile clients often a report detailing what’s working undertake in the wake of such allega- Khashoggi was an and what’s not. ” tions. The former intern, Kandy Green, ISU graduate told IndyStar that Pence and her inves- 1 million face tigators tracked down friends, family TERRUE HAUTE – A Saudi members, a former boyfriend and an journalist who disappeared after walk- food insecurity ex-husband. They even asked questions ing into the Saudi Arabian consulate about her teenage daughter, she said. in Istanbul last week has Indiana INDIANAPOLIS – The Green and her family say the experience ties (WTHR-TV). Jamal Khashoggi, a issues of hunger and food insecu- has left them shaken. “They are trying contributor to The Washington Post, rity continue to challenge Indiana to dig up everything they possibly can,” attended Indiana State University caregivers and policymakers even said Green, who is now 47 and lives from 1977 - 1982, getting a degree after the Great Recession, despite outside the state. “It is crazy. And I just in business administration May 7, the impression of plenty that Indi- keep thinking, ‘How far will they go?’” 1983. “Indiana State University of- ana’s low unemployment rate—3.5 Bosma, 60, denied an interview request ficials’ thoughts are with the family percent in August—might give for this story and did not address nearly and colleagues of missing journalist (Colombo, IBJ). And the effects 30 questions submitted to him by email. and alumnus Jamal Khashoggi dur- of hunger and food insecurity are He provided a brief written statement: ing this difficult time,” a university having wider and more expensive “This unsubstantiated story from over 26 spokesperson said in a statement to repercussions on Hoosiers’ health years ago is unequivocally false. It wasn’t WTHR. Khashoggi had written a series than may be immediately obvious true then and it’s not true now. The of columns for the Washington Post to the untrained eye, according to source of this claim has been entirely that were critical of Saudi Arabia’s panelists Wednesday morning at discredited on several occasions and no assertive Prince Mohammed, who has the Hunger and Health event pre- responsible journalist would publish it. led a widely publicized drive to reform sented by IBJ and Gleaners Food My engagement of Linda Pence, a well- the conservative Sunni monarchy but Bank of Indiana. In Indiana, one respected attorney and Democrat, was has also presided over the arrests of million people face food insecurity, for the purpose of protecting my reputa- activists and businessmen. There are and in Indianapolis the number is tion from a false story by the Indianapo- concerns that Khashoggi’s critical ar- approaching nearly 175,000.