89 bus time schedule & line map

89 - Lostock Gralam - - View In Website Mode

The 89 bus line (Northwich - Lostock Gralam - Pickmere - Knutsford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Knutsford: 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM (2) Northwich: 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 89 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 89 bus arriving.

Direction: Knutsford 89 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Knutsford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM Northwich Interchange Stand D, Northwich Watling Street, Northwich Tuesday 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM

Police Station, Northwich Wednesday 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM F21 First Floor Meadow Street, Northwich Thursday 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM Hadeld Street, Northwich Friday 6:45 AM - 1:50 PM Bartons Place, Northwich Saturday 7:50 AM - 3:50 PM Railway Station, Northwich

Tesco, Northwich

Ann Street, Northwich 89 bus Info Ann Street, Northwich Direction: Knutsford Stops: 24 Renshaw Street, Northwich Trip Duration: 37 min Renshaw Street, Northwich Civil Parish Line Summary: Northwich Interchange Stand D, Northwich, Police Station, Northwich, Hadeld Princess Street, Northwich Street, Northwich, Railway Station, Northwich, Tesco, Princess Street, Northwich Civil Parish Northwich, Ann Street, Northwich, Renshaw Street, Northwich, Princess Street, Northwich, Griths Griths Road, Lostock Gralam Road, Lostock Gralam, Post Oce, Lostock Gralam, Shell Garage, Lostock Gralam, Langford Road, Post Oce, Lostock Gralam Lostock Gralam, Black Greyhound, Wincham, Old 280 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish Post Oce, Wincham, Wincham Community Primary School, Wincham, Raynors Corner, Higher Wincham, Shell Garage, Lostock Gralam Red Lion, Pickmere, Beneld, Tabley, Windmill Hotel, 469 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish Tabley, Pickmere Lane, Tabley, Heatheld Square, Knutsford, Church Hill, Knutsford, St John's Avenue, Langford Road, Lostock Gralam Knutsford, Bus Station, Knutsford Townshend Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish

Black Greyhound, Wincham

Old Post Oce, Wincham

Wincham Community Primary School, Wincham Church Street, Wincham Civil Parish Raynors Corner, Higher Wincham

Red Lion, Pickmere Pickmere Lane, Pickmere Civil Parish

Beneld, Tabley

Windmill Hotel, Tabley

Pickmere Lane, Tabley Pickmere Lane, Tabley Superior Civil Parish

Heatheld Square, Knutsford

Church Hill, Knutsford

St John's Avenue, Knutsford

Bus Station, Knutsford Direction: Northwich 89 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Northwich Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Bus Station, Knutsford Tuesday 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Heatheld Square, Knutsford Wednesday 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Pickmere Lane, Tabley Thursday 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Pickmere Lane, Tabley Superior Civil Parish Friday 9:12 AM - 1:02 PM Windmill Hotel, Tabley Saturday 9:02 AM - 5:02 PM Beneld, Tabley

Red Lion, Pickmere Pickmere Lane, Pickmere Civil Parish 89 bus Info Pear Tree Drive, Higher Wincham Direction: Northwich Stops: 23 Primary School, Higher Wincham Trip Duration: 35 min Church Street, Wincham Civil Parish Line Summary: Bus Station, Knutsford, Heatheld Square, Knutsford, Pickmere Lane, Tabley, Windmill Old Post Oce, Wincham Hotel, Tabley, Beneld, Tabley, Red Lion, Pickmere, Pear Tree Drive, Higher Wincham, Primary School, Black Greyhound, Wincham Higher Wincham, Old Post Oce, Wincham, Black Greyhound, Wincham, Langford Road, Lostock Langford Road, Lostock Gralam Gralam, Shell Garage, Lostock Gralam, Lodge Lane, Lostock Gralam, Slow & Easy Ph, Lostock Gralam, Townshend Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish Griths Road, Lostock Gralam, Brook Street, Shell Garage, Lostock Gralam Northwich, Ann Street, Northwich, Tesco, Northwich, Railway Station, Northwich, Hadeld Street, 469 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish Northwich, Memorial Hall Alighting Only, Northwich, Lodge Lane, Lostock Gralam Waitrose, Northwich, Northwich Interchange Stand D, Northwich Slow & Easy Ph, Lostock Gralam

Griths Road, Lostock Gralam 246 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam Civil Parish

Brook Street, Northwich 162 Manchester Road, Northwich Civil Parish

Ann Street, Northwich

Tesco, Northwich

Railway Station, Northwich

Hadeld Street, Northwich Bartons Place, Northwich

Memorial Hall Alighting Only, Northwich John Street, Northwich

Waitrose, Northwich Northwich Interchange Stand D, Northwich Watling Street, Northwich 89 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved