The Life of Nasir Ud Din Muhammad Humayun An
The LIfe of Nasir ud DIn Muhammad Humayun An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499) by P. Alien Reichert TheSIS Advisor Surojit M. Gupta Ball State University Muncie. indiana May 1992 May 2. 1992 s,.,c,,1' rh-::S I ~ , /.v l'1q;-' ,,-, ....';. - ,. I, " Humayun is l.lbi~dlly ne(Jl<':c'cteci. be ali erligrnd. --- 'Nd::'-.; hI" a Sll;"'CAS::;, Ul- ,:1 f,~j lUI: e? Many Thl~: how~ver. 1:_:; an ullfdir ,:tSS8Sf~:rnent_ Not onlY was Humayun ,~t y.lnci a.n(l gerlel-'~>U:~; mdn. lJut [18 WdS ,:lls() imp,:rc.-ranL of HUIndYlJn'::-; litE'. and persona -'h .. :-tl-acter. - TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 II. III. 7 IV. Relai.ioJ1Ship WJth h]s Bl0thsl-S \/ . 1~81aT_lonship with MUQhRl Nobles 17 VI. Hunlayun's Chal-bcter \Jjj Fer:...-~unal L:ite 20 VII] ~eligiol1S Bell~ts IX. LeadE~rshlp AbilJty 24 X. held~lonshlp wlth Akhal- XI. Fu 1 o? (. r: Fat.:- XII. CUI1C:.llSl<)n ] LLUi3TRATION:3 J3 41 - ILLU3TRATIONS CHAR'T l . .l;.dia durlng Naf.:it ud i"'lln Numayun':::3 Re:Lgn. 1530-1540. l555-1~56 34 FIGURE 35 <ross'Lng t"he Ri\/er Gangt"Js ,=)11 ::Lrdl(1t,AQ ,~:;k illS 36 Hamld~l BallU Begam. th~ Mathel i~f AklJar 4. -- - I. INTRODUCTION NaElir ud Dln Muhammad Humayun (1508-1556 A.D.), the second l'Iu']hdl emperor of India, IS best remembered for the offspring he produced rather than his own personai accomplishments. After all, he was the father of Jalal ud Din Akbar. whose long reign is arguably the greatest of Mughal, and perhaps even Indian, history.
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