Artwork by Avery Conrad

PARISH COMMUNITY MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Pastor Weekdays & Saturdays: First Friday of the Month: 4:00-5:00 pm FR. JEREMY PAULIN, O.M.V. 6:30 am & 8:00 am Saturday: 4:00-5:00 pm & 7:00-8:00 pm AND BY APPOINTMENT FR. BEAUREGARD, O.M.V. During School Year: Fri. 8:15 am FR. PAUL NGUYEN, O.M.V. Saturdays: 5:15 pm ANOINTING OF THE SICK FR. BENJAMIN UNACHUKWU, O.M.V. (for Sunday Obligation) Please call the office if you or a loved one needs to be anointed. DEACON JIM SCHWARTZKOPF Sundays: 6:30, 8:00*, 9:30, 618-465-4284, and press 1 11:00 am & 6:00 pm PARISH OFFICE BAPTISMS *8:00 am on Facebook Live Daily Please call the office to arrange 618-465-4284 a baptism at this time. Fax: 618-463-4637 Rosary: 5:30 pm Mon.-Fri. on Facebook Live VOICEMAIL & DROPBOX MARRIAGES Day before Holy Day: 5:15 pm To be arranged at least six months SCHOOL OFFICE Holy Days: 6:30, 8:00 am before marriage. Call the Parish Office. 12:00 noon and 5:15 pm 618-465-8523 (if announced) Middle School 618-465-9719 Check out our Facebook page... First Fridays: 5:15 pm St. Mary’s Catholic Church ƒ 519 EastOBLATES Fourth OF THE Alton, MARY Illinois St. Mary’s Learning and Living Our Catholic Faith Catholic Church My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ the Teacher, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, ALTON, ILLINOIS Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week (CSW). It's an annual opportunity to celebrate the importance and value of Catholic Education. I myself am blessed to have participated in various levels of Catholic education, but it has meant so much THE FOURTH SUNDAY more to me from the time four years ago when I was told by Fr Jim that I was being IN ORDINARY TIME sent to St Mary's as its Pastor. I immediately thought of the Parish School and it brought great joy to my heart, hearing that I was being sent here. Our School is wonderful. Our administration, teachers and staff are incredible, the JANUARY 31, 2021 children are a blessing and joy! We are so, so blessed! As I was preparing a CSW letter to the parish, I received Alex Pulido's weekly email to school parents, this time regarding CSW. One of my greatest blessings as Pastor here, I think, is having Alex and MASS INTENTIONS Beth Hogg coming on board and working together to guide our school. They joined a long list of great administrators here and have done a great ! Below, I am sharing Monday, February 1 Alex's letter to school parents with the larger audience of St Mary's Parish. His letter 6:30 am Int of Xavier Jaworski speaks so well of all we endeavor to do here as a Catholic School - and all we have 8:00 am Int of Sr. M. Clare done so well. Thank you Alex and Beth and all our teachers and Staff! God bless you O’Connor, FSGM and our school children! As you read his letter, please consider helping us in our mission of spreading the Good Tuesday, February 2 News of Jesus Christ in and through St Mary's Catholic School. Consider contributing 6:30 am Roger Kamp† to this year’s Annual Fund collection on February 6th and 7th. You may also donate 8:00 am Herb & Anne Milligan† online by selecting School Annual Fund. We need your help! - God bless you! Fr Jeremy OMV W ednesday, February 3 "St. Mary's School Families, 6:30 am Otto & Angeline Another Catholic Schools Week is approaching and we all know that it will be different Franzmeier† from years past. As we focus on keeping our kids in school and safe, we have to make 8:00 am Bob Schnelten† difficult decisions to end some of the traditional activities we have done in the past. As I was starting to lament the limit on activities we have to endure for this year’s Catholic Thursday, February 4 Schools week, I had a moment when I realized that the purpose of this coming week is to celebrate our Catholic Education. 6:30 am Pro-Life Efforts at St. Mary’s This school year has been a clear reason why we should be proud of our school. The constant diligence, flexibility, caring and perseverance of our teachers, staff, students 8:00 am Ray, Donna & Jack and parents keep our children in school safely. We were able to stay open to in-person Fischer† learning from August into mid-November, and now we resumed for the start of the second semester. During this time, our teachers have made huge adjustments to also Friday, February 5 offer online learning to those who have chosen this option, or for students who have to 6:30 am Int of Mark & Barb be at home for COVID related issues. Our teachers have shown their dedication to St. Crammond Mary’s and they should be applauded. In conjunction with our teachers, our building 8:15 am David Westbrook† aides, school secretaries, maintenance and custodial workers, cafeteria workers and 5:15 pm Paul Schmidt† Aftercare staff have adjusted to new procedures and protocols. They have done so with an understanding that we must do what is necessary for our children. There are Saturday, February 6 too many examples to list what they have done, but it is an understatement that they have stepped up and forged ahead with doing what is needed to keep our schools 6:30 am Jim Geisen† safely open this school year. 8:00 am Sr. Mary Grace The parents have been willing to follow the necessary protocols and procedures that Cozzoli, FSGM† we have implemented this year. Adhering to absence policies and getting doctors' 5:15 pm Nick Blevens† notes when needed is not an easy task. Necessary quarantines or school closures are a part of the whole picture this year. They have also been willing to shrink their Sunday, February 7 social “bubble” so that a positive COVID case does not spread through our school. 6:30 am Fr. Jim Walther, OMV Regardless of their personal views on COVID or school procedures, they are followed. 8:00 am Int of Larry Moylan They are trusting the process, and it is working. They are also willing to apply positive 9:30 am Int of Agnes Balan peer pressure on those parents who are feeling that following procedures or protocols are too restrictive and pose a burden on their families. Thank you for being willing to 11:00 am Alice Maher† be that advocate, and please keep spreading the word that St. Mary's is a great school. 6:00 pm The People of Children are resilient and they have proven that this year. They are smiling, laughing and St. Mary’s happy to be with their friends. They are the reason that I had that moment of focusing – continued on next page If you have submitted a name for prayers in the bulletin – continued from previous page they will remain for one month. If you would like to ask the on the positives of Catholic Schools week, not the negatives. parish to continue praying, please let the parish office know They were not angry and did not complain that we have no by calling (618) 465-4284. Thank you for your prayers! bookfair, fieldtrip or family lunch. Disappointed? Yes. But perpetually angry and unhappy? No. They were excited for our daily donations, our pajama pants day, movie day, Saint Bingo, a Subway lunch and a new Rock Paper Scissor tournament. These are just a few activities for CSW that made them happy. Thank you to our Catholic Schools Week Committee in their Please remember our brothers and sisters, hard work to create fun activities for our children this year! who are in need of prayer. I think we could all take a moment to learn something from their behavior. Do not focus on the negatives and losses this The Almeter Family, Lucy Rose Lucas, Bill Haine, year. Celebrate the happy things, even the small ones, and try Naomi Fader, Barb Cronn, Everett O’Connor, Tom to find joy. Grossheim, Jack Droste, Greg Weirich, Cathy May God bless all Catholic Schools, and may Weirich, The Ringering Family, Sean God bless St. Mary’s!! -Alex Pulido" Donahue, Veronica Murray, Keith Houghton, Debra Houghton, Baby Olivia, Mary Jenniches, Phyllis THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Milford-Rill, Larry Greenwell, Emilee Tate, Pat Focus: Those who witness Jesus’ authority and healing power are amazed. Gorman, Liam Maher, G. Terry Westfall, Ellen Saville, In today’s Gospel account of Jesus entering Capernaum, Margarita Pulido, Bob Rill, Chris Henkhaus, Mike those who heard his teaching and witnessed him drive Mihalich, Kathleen Engdale, Martha Kraehmer, Sue out an unclean spirit are astonished. Their amazement is Imming, Michael Jennings, Jr., Francis Gonzales, due to the authority of Christ, who is God himself. Are Henry Leady, Matthew Paulda, Mary Wuellner, we, too, in awe at the work of God in our lives? Stephen Turvey, Rollan “Jerry” Jouett, tells the people that God will raise up a prophet Madrey, John Wittman, Phil Hoefert, Mary Ann and put his own words in the prophet’s mouth. This Raymond, Trisha Middleton, Denny Meehan, Sarah prophet will speak all that God commands him to. Saint Huber, Bill Cox, Joan Cox, Florence Sabaj, Bonnie Paul encourages the Corinthians to be free from anxieties Haegele, Carolyn Holt, Mary Jo Buesteton, Gene and be without distraction so that they may be fully Manley, Tim Holt, Andrew Brenner, Mary Jane devoted to the Lord. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches in a synagogue in Capernaum. As he speaks, and as he drives Siemer, Eric Holt, Joe Certa, Sr., Tanner Akers, Jenny out an unclean spirit, the crowd is amazed by his authority. Breden, Shirley J. Waide, Barbara Hill, Jim Budde, Carolyn McDey, Christie Lane, Ron Eaton, Donna PART ONE - THE PROFESSION OF FAITH Scheffel-Null, Jackie Stilley, Vera Gray, Dolores Hill, SECTION TWO – THE CREEDS – GOD REVEALS HIS NAME Sharon McCoy, Ted Holt, Amy Terhaar, Cindy Klunk, 208. Faced with God's fascinating and mysterious Molly E., Catharine Williams, Lela Rose, presence, man discovers his own insignificance. Before Carrigan, Jeannette Krug, Pam Boutin, Toni, Frank the burning bush, Moses takes off his sandals and veils his & Donna Lavite, Barbara Hayes, Ralph Johnson, Toni face in the presence of God's holiness.13 Before the glory Eichorn, Louis Ferraro, Lauren Stevison, Nathan of the thrice-holy God, cries out: "Woe is me! I am Robbins, Nicole Purcell, Our Friend Kathy, Mark lost; for I am a man of unclean lips."14 Before the divine & Barb Crammond, Robert Carter, Toni Bowman, signs wrought by Jesus, Peter exclaims: "Depart from me, 15 Linda Schmoeller for I am a sinful man, O Lord." But because God is holy, he can forgive the man who realizes that he is a sinner Holy Mary, help those in need, give strength to the weak, before him: "I will not execute my fierce anger. . . for I comfort the sorrowful, pray for God’s people, assist the am God and not man, the Holy One in your midst."16 The clergy, and intercede for religious. May all who seek your apostle John says likewise: "We shall. . . reassure our hearts help experience your unfailing protection. Amen. before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."17

PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES Jordan Cook, Kris Drake, Kyle Gray, Brian Gehm, Alaina Gehm, Johnny Braun, Grant Wanamaker, Trenton Brown, Michael Lucas, Drew Hargus, Steven Layne Blair, Jr., Brakeville, Keith Johnson, Joseph Buehlman, Teresa Buehlman, Austin Knebel, Megan Schuette, Daniel Chartrand, Morgun Yogore, William Kerr, Alex Geisen, Matthew Gonzales, Dree Anna Dixon, Allen, Matt Jouett, Tamara Cardenas, Emily Keith, Lisa Haegele, Kyle Ontis, Kaleb Selock, Caleb Rench, Danny Geringer, Zach Meyer, Jeff Schlobohm, Kaleb Denney, Samantha Gorman, Lane Oliver, Alexander Jaworski, Lance Perkey, Jonathan McCullough, Samantha Hoehn, Grace Gerhart, Trent Ward, Michael Cooke, Ed Maag, Luke Plunkett BLESSING OF THE THROATS Venerable Bruno Lanteri The contactless blessing of St. Blaise will take place after all Masses THIS weekend, January 30 and 31 as well as “Call to mind after the morning Masses on Wednesday, February 3. St. Blaise is the patron saint of those who suffer from from time to time diseases of the throat. We pray in a special way for protection from afflictions of the throat and from other these words of illnesses. The blessing of St. Blaise is a sign of our faith in Sacred Scripture: God’s protection and love for us and for the sick. FIRST FRIDAY ‘Behold the Lamb Friday, February 5 This week is the First Friday of the month of February, a day of God” (Jn 1:29); ‘It is not those on which we traditionally honor Our Lord and His mother through the Sacraments of Confession and Communion. who are well that have need of 8:15 am – Live Stream Mass 4:00-5:00 pm – Confessions and Adoration in the Church the physician, but those who are 5:15 pm – Live Stream Mass for OMV Vocations (Mt 9:12); ill’ ‘I have not come to OUR 2ND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND call the righteous, but sinners’ WILL BE FOR THE ST. MARY’S CAPITAL FUND (Mt 9:13); ‘The Lord waits to CEMETERY NEWS show us his mercy and in The last day for pick-up of Christmas decorations and flowers at St. Patrick Cemetery and at St. Joseph Cemetery forgiving you, he will be exalted’ will be February 19. All decorations left in the cemeteries will be removed after this date. Thank you! (Is 30:18) – Venerable Bruno Lanteri, Founder of the OMV Your prayers are requested for the souls of Learn more and request prayers online: Sr. Mary Grace Cozzoli, FSGM and James Geisen “May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.” PRAYER CORNER A Student's Prayer St. Mary’s by St Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, Adoration Chapel true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, Adorers Needed: that of sin and of ignorance. Thursdays: 5:00pm Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, Fridays: 5:00pm a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, Saturdays: 4:00pm, 5:00pm the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace Additional Adorers Needed: in expressing myself. Mondays: 4:00pm Tuesdays: 3:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, Wednesdays: 4:00pm, 5:00pm and bring it to successful completion. Thursdays: 3:00pm, 4:00pm This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true Fridays: 3:00pm man, living and reigning with You and the Father, Saturdays: 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:00pm forever and ever. Amen. Sundays: 3:00pm, 5:00pm

NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY: “St. Mary’s School admits students of any race, color, sex or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and school administered programs.” Artwork by Henry Mathias

Artwork by Olivia Smith Artwork by Alayna Graham

Artwork by Tristin Thomeczek Artwork by Korbin Artwork by Alex Holt

Artwork by Natalie Mills Artwork by Isabella Greenberg

Artwork by Lennon

Artwork by Jensen Artwork by Parker RECENT BAPTISMS Sloane Kay Shampine LENT Daughter of Tyler and Rachel Shampine Lent is a time to return to the heart of your faith – We welcome her as the newest member baptized into the Lord! Acknowledge the importance of your our Catholic Faith. May God bless them as they grow relationship with God by the Sacrament of together in God’s love. Confession, and say – “I’m sorry.” Hear His words, I forgive you, because I love you! BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS (2nd Sunday of each month) ASH WEDNESDAY The next Baptismal preparation class will be held Sunday, Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 17. February 14. This class meets immediately following the Mass times will be as follows: 11:00 am Mass in the MaryAnn Room (in the basement of 6:30am, 8:00am, Noon and 5:15pm the Church). Please call the Parish Office at (618) 465-4284 REMEMBER DURING LENT: to register for this class. FAST – Everyone 18 years of age, but under 59, is required to fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday. PARISH OFFICE NEWS ABSTINENCE – Everyone 14 years of age and over In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we do is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday ask that when entering the Parish Office, please wear and all of the Fridays of Lent. a mask and remember to social distance. While the On these two days of fast and abstinence, only Covid cases remain high in our area, we ask that if you one full meatless meal is permitted. Two other can conduct business over the phone or via e-mail, meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength may please do so. Our after-hours drop box is also available be taken according to each person’s needs, but if you wish to drop off something for the Parish Office together these two should not equal another full or the school. We appreciate your understanding and patience! meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids (including milk and fruit juices) are allowed. Parish Office: (618) 465-4284 Laurie Horn ~ [email protected] FRIDAYS OF LENT Tricia Conrad ~ [email protected] 4:00-5:00pm – Confessions 5:15pm – Mass TAX STATEMENTS 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross in the Church The tax statements for your 2020 offerings are ready! Please contact the Parish Office to get a copy. We can SATURDAYS OF LENT also have your 2021 offering envelopes ready for you Confessions will be available from 7:00am-7:45am, when you pick up your tax statements. in addition to our usual Saturday times.

YOUNG ADULT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE BY FOCUS SEEK21 is a one-of-a-kind event where thousands gather as small groups to ask the big questions about joy, peace, hope, and salvation. And this year we’re bringing SEEK to you — in some cases right to your front door — for an event unlike any you’ve experienced before!

From February 4 – 7, 2021, we’ll gather across the country in living rooms, campus centers, and parishes for a four-day live broadcast event encountering the heart of the Gospel. There has never before been a Catholic conference of this magnitude focused on the Gospel message itself. Set aside the distractions and enter a space alongside thousands of others who are seeking a new encounter with the Lord, a new chance to pursue holiness, a new moment for our Church. Come away knowing Jesus Christ and have the confidence and tools to share and live the Gospel in your day-to- day life. Visit for complete information and contact Fr. Paul if you're interested in registering as a group within the parish, [email protected] LITURGICAL ROLES Tim Epps, AAMS® Financial Advisor Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers 1837 Homer and Servers: Parkway Suite G1 All Saturday Evening and Sunday Masses Alton, IL 62002 Please check your MSP app or e-mail 618.465.2640

Weekday Server & Lectors: Please be available to help usher KNIGHTS at weekday Masses OF COLUMBUS IN SERVICE TO ONE. IN SERVICE TO ALL. Become a Knight! Alton Council 460 Be part of a community Help those in need * * * To prevent infection, * * * Improve the world and yourself please refrain from singing in Mass * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

LIVE STREAMING SCHEDULE No account or login is required to watch 2“x1” ad for Tim Hinrichs spot in St. Mary’s Bulletin Mass at 8:00 am Daily If color is extra money please print in black & white. Rosary at 5:30 pm Monday-Friday ?’s please contact Audrey Hinrichs 580-9792 - work 255-2654 Scan here with your smart phone to give 325 Market Street, Alton, IL 62002-6275 electronically. Office: (618) 462-4135 Fax: (618) 462-3658 E-Mail: [email protected] JAMES J. CLAYWELL, AAMS® Financial Advisor, RJFS Owner, CAM

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INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL St. Joseph Cemetery RESIDENTIAL (across from St. Anthony’s Hospital) 2705 St. - Godfrey Celebrating Lives with Dignity 618-466-9563 For pre-planning information, please call Laurie Horn at the parish office 465-4284

David M. Bartosiak, C.P.A. 618-462-4620 Partner General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 233 East Center Drive (618) 465-7717 P.O. Box 416 St. Louis (314) 355-2586 Alton, IL 62002 Fax (618) 465-7710 Dr. Kevin Chapel Dr. J.R. Keller [email protected] 4113 Humbert Road • Alton, IL 62002 618-465-7777 • Fax 618-465-7787 Licensed by State of Illinois & Missouri Lindsay Waters Financial Representative Phone: (618) 466-2035 900 West 9th Street | Alton, IL 62002 Fax: (618) 466-2965 IL 618.463.0400 | MO 314.867.0808 3001 Godfrey Road Fax 618.463.2366 Godfrey, IL 62035 [email protected] [email protected] 3812 COLLEGE AVE ALTON, IL 618-465-2539 DINE IN OR CARRY OUT FAMILIES WELCOME OUTDOOR DINING | DAILY SPECIALS

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