Transitional Justice in Taiwan: a Belated Reckoning with the White Terror
Transitional Justice in Taiwan: A Belated Reckoning with the White Terror Thomas J. Shattuck All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Author: Thomas J. Shattuck Designed by: Natalia Kopytnik © 2019 by the Foreign Policy Research Institute November 2019 Cover Design by Natalia Kopytnik. Photo Sources: Top left to right to bottom Lordcolus/Wikimedia Commons, Wei-Te Wong/Flickr,yeowatzup/Flickr, Prince Roy/Flikcr, Fcuk1203/Wikimedia Commons, Outlookxp/Wikimedia Commons, Joe Lo/Wikimedia Commons, Bernard Gagnon/Wikimedia Commons, A16898/Wikimedia Commons, Chi Hung Lin/, Wei-Te Wong/Flickr, CEphoto/Uwe Aranas, Joe Lo/Flickr, Solomon203/Wikimedia Commons, Shoestring/Wikitravel, Thomas J. Shattuck, Vmenkov/Wikimedia Commons, Outlookxp/Wikimedia Commons, lienyuan lee/ Our Mission The Foreign Policy Research Institute is dedicated to bringing the insights of scholarship to bear on the foreign policy and national security challenges facing the United States. It seeks to educate the public, teach teachers, train students, and offer ideas to advance U.S. national interests based on a nonpartisan, geopolitical perspective that illuminates contemporary international affairs through the lens of history, geography, and culture. Offering Ideas In an increasingly polarized world, we pride ourselves on our tradition of nonpartisan scholarship. We count among our ranks over 100 affiliated scholars located throughout the nation and the world who appear regularly in national and international media, testify on Capitol Hill, and are consulted by U.S.
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