Papal Encyclical to Examine

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Papal Encyclical to Examine Papalencyclical to examine socialand econoruliclSSUES I'rr'r ,1.11' s.itl ,,they llrc 1rr'.lrlr,rrrs rntl addecl tlr.rl give lonc {li'irl[ \\'ith br' c'rll tl liorrr:s sttll rrrrr crrar.rcrcyirtic color ro rhir fcrn:rin lorl;r.r, plllit'ttllrr.ll' llrosc ponfificel documerrt.., ' t ,'tl:rttllrtll t clil irrns l)('lt\('r,n t)n, 'jllc,llt:l rtl llt0rtt Plr'itlttris i3 r;rlc irrrliatrvt,,srib,jccl to t5c ur- illlll('lllllllr"ttttl iln 1tt'r'sltrtstattts' tt'r'\('rltrotl of lruhlic porye;s irt {lrc "lrl- [ll{', I'(.}l)o lLl rtated that MAy-ilt;- cIorronliI iiel,l." as rt,cll ;rs .:itlrl' _g.]:1,_____ _ _JltyJ"r*i^N;, wl)ll{' lor lltlttsattris of rtltl:i llr':ltrl'tltlftrsiotr of trtrr,, of llrars. in' tllt'tl Lt'otrt tlttr pages Its\i)('tlrltr)tls atttl tlre ii,ri,,,,* [tl-ut ol tlre llrrl.v.llrLlr,, arr.ilrrltri;r, \/lrlll.\l0li'l- ltt i|_,,l\GS'l'r\NDS rrr;'iili,slal irlrs 'f life. ,'anrun",.,i, has')ecn "it lllitll s ttlit ltli {}t'{'ltJ);tlltrn, is liott lirl rt'olk, ltccrls of .ittsttt'pittttl llo\1' tcrlttct'ri 'rf: lltt liit't' of ptorlut'ttIc stlrrctiLr',r anrl it t'ctlueas tllilll\'' ltl;trl\, lttttttittt eotttttttttlitics; ;rttrl lltc lllt|-\L flfitlt: prripl- .i 1r'r- '" I I t rtllt'rl slrtlt: ol tlr:pt'es' irtc lrrulrr'rt-r." , l',1,,;: "l'he ";\irtutlq Pope lsserted ihlt tha lir{,rir'{,al('st rleniands ral,g'n tlrird part of justir:c trlt:ll.r justice Court hucks of his errcyclicrl con- is tlris "ere €enls prohlerns whiclr r.rI rc.r-';!alrli-rhin{ rr:unornic anrl lhose "'l'r tttosl evidertt errrl urgent silr.'i:tl irll:rrtcc lr.'t\r'ct'n the trvo :f_:.:11-Tl::i:-1T"'.:-::l:.-_" _ ,1i:'u"":::l :l:..lljli: .'_1 ."__- s()ltglll lo sliorv itt lcIrrrs 0l llrt: "riilli'n'nl. r'r.lirlirrns of" .rtA'Sll'lriJ'l'{) CAS'l'#{} bun on tuition ilid t'r's ltttl oI rrrlrrual lultorcls, tlrc :;r,.citllt'tl prolcllrlial. on lllr) orrc Itlrrttl. lttttl lirt 1\'.\SlllI(;'l'()\- .'l'lir Lr.S. slrtrlcttts rr'lto harl to l{r to \chool lrrrrplir.lors arrrl (lrr r ls t'rl he lc. r,rrr1)lrrr0r's tlte otltet. ltttrt, r\trpt'r'ttte ('crtilt has rcl trsetl urrit-rltcnsnblc ii rt'ls 'l'he E lGt{TE EN t'irt rlttlrls. litt lirllr lo :rsst,ntlrltt Irr fevt0\\' a lou conlr'()\rlsy bcgan u'ltcn a Report cr cottt'i's faith oni'c ilrllllll llr0 r'cusons oi growing lr:ttttls ( lt'ltrlt,r's .jrrslictr ['f()tostant tl\pa]'cl' filcd surt lrtttl lrlholir' llrlrut' nrlin{ lhal it is utrc'orrslitrr- THE FETITIoNERS stlterl irr :rttrl ol rtltralrll tr tlrc ll(lvaltlaq(! neainst tht' school lroarrl, Ittttu ;tt'rtttttrllltr' rlot lrl rrr;rsscrlul cltar.q tlteil appoal ol lrollr sirlcs. ittlrrliitti l.i n{rr.(':i lit'rrirl to trsc frtrrtls ttr tlrirt:rs l{ln1tlls l)ulr. ll:r' r';rtlr (,\{.r}ln:t il lri'1il' I' rlrl |rrltiic ln!I that llis ta-\ t)]()llr'\' rvas bcing "i:tlitl Itc Irrrrils tr|tr ttsttl fot' tr rarr lrollr llrl irrlclr ('nli{}n ol tllt' |)ii\. luilloll ol rttl(lfnrs in clttttclt rrsorl in :ln unc()nslituiional ,lrrlltttli:i'lrrsl ntitirtf Ir{tii}lr ol lr:i tnirn. publie stirlc s r.lrorrls. rvclfalr. [)url)r']sc," illc tit(:l ,'rrt'1 rtttrl tlr{' h{rnosl :rrrrl krval nol' to suppoIt scctu|ian IrrIlil(f iniilll t ltr'rr|:ril{i \lIr'\s rtluca" tltitt thcl gtr to 'lrir l('lil)t) (rl llt0se grt'oPlt' ilttL.restr,(l 'l'lrt'r'rluri clrtrrclr'trrn sr.lrrrols l ltc tt0t'ti ol l ltr' ( Ir'h's l ttill iotl lct slrnrl tlon. "(kltr.\ ;r affrong a Jatrrrar.I . -thr Cuban Catholics llot anl{)unl rvoLlir"'s anrl tlrt' gir cls ot l0 irrr'tsiitir- irr tltr'r,vorLl ol llrlrrrr. :i ! lrl!n't lrr- tlrt' \'ctnt!)llt -(tttr: lirve other- taxpal,crs-*lht'ec ttf lishrrrcnt of I'r'liSion' . ." \\'r)lli.'' i'rtf i,'111"('r,tt1'1 ';r',, pr':trlicr' 'l'lto1' "at'{s 1]t,' thonr oI nlrltrcd that r.tlrrcalion lvlore lh.rrr 60,000 wolkcrs ('rtbl'ri ('irtholit::; of (ir,seclallln (,ritl 'l'lrit Jlat'r-nts clrrltllen rvlrrtsc thc l'ol tJ \'(,at s l:rlt'r', I'optt ,folrrr ill't! t'(.- agairtst sillilc cllrr as llre alrll'unifot'ttt, lI lrne()n:itltullorurl. t'..i. hish 'l'ltc Iuilron ftt a (lalholic school of cliilillcn is .such a talirl prrblic roclc irr n cd ritvrln f lorn tlrt: ('lrtrlt'lt tttitir)lrl\'{ittht'liishops of f('rllinrl('(l- I'irrs -\l issutrl :r set.- portcrl all.crrtling atrrl Ilis ll6lr.('lrrrlclr anrl ht.t1c <'r'tti'i ctitl t:(!t c()nrulont on its paid -- rlt'l[aIc eoloslcunr in ('ttJrlt-tt llcing b)' tlrtr schorrl d!str-icl !iilrpos(], Ronrc, rvhere. orrrl "(lrrirrllagcsitrto ricr'\'lces nr lll' ltt'ltl ttnrler tlc- a( tlr)rt ( ll iiJ iS ). l e t t c t, |lrcl'cirslltg llutlt- rir;qirrrlrrlll l)r.:s'lr-,lltlr-lll ,if 15. ,rrct'c cntllttl tlre easc as intett'ettols lltoy ltatl attenclerl operrirrg Altlttt," t'ottttttt'trtpt'ittitt,i 1,,.'. bct's tlcspilc tltr.: t'xpulsiurr of t.r.ig' irr rlr.sec'unr'i"n ,,r,,.'1i, 1l l'clrtsiur: to icrie r., tlrr, r,lrst. or tlrc school board -s sitle. eorcnro tr ie s ro,ltrrletnoralitlg ('rrr.r't'lir,al ll;ll'';",,ill,,i,llll",,,:"l,li,llll'l:"t:: "Rerrtrrrr \lll r ilrrrl rcalfir.nrini; trt:rrr.r' of {lreir' ilt}(l ilottot's Nov,rrurrr." lo llle llritrsl$ atrrrs at lhc ricstlttrtion of Clrlis. polte<t lrr: n Illrvirrlr. i\r.t,h. tlrr *\uilit-rirt {'orrr'1 1111ly1,11111y11.11 cef('lnolll' <'rrr'lrt'r'p;rpal tcirt:lting. lo THE COURT of (tlrancer.v of ollrt'r' r.llolls lrr- lhc pt'()('on!nul 'l'ht'.v ii'iiiii'sis llrrtrr lri'!ll :rr{r,s. Both srluare in frorrl o{ St. Peter's. liltt Ilrth,' callt,d tl)l' bisholt'l't.r,t,z Serantes of ('lrittcrrtlcrr ('ount.\., "At rtis{ grlvt'r'nrnont of ['r'crnrlr- l,'irlr'l \it., hcltl thc fhe io t'ntl tlrr: lrclievr:d tlrc ltetilionet's iur,i ilta l ('sl)(rrt(l(,1t sunu;til," Pope .lohu ( 'asl Illir\('l's 1;ct'srctrtion. S;rrrtia',Jrrrlc t'trblr is to Iuition pa\'nlcnl. s]'stclll trl bc un- for' ;rllrrr'frors sr:l "lhere t o li) ha lllstrinil l)i ilcti(.c {'' Itail askctl thc c0rri l lol' 1 l'q11rtu. slated. was tlways lhe u'i e onstitulional ()n l,'cbr.rrar.l' lt). lllo li'ililll. corNcrDrNcu.irrr the rl.isrrrrlrs, suprerte principle accordirrg lo 'l'ltt ,.":li;;i:;l',,i ll'j];]il,,i".,llii,,iil"i1.t;u. THE ()i'l{ulrlr'(l liltir-,. {)n il[)[](ral ('ltsit'o grrr, - sl,rlgltt.lll \1ils it t.{)[)].r.iglrlrrlr.c. CASE itr Srrritlr tlre \:clnront which evcry relaiiorr is gav. t.t'tttrtt,nl, l)(\l f,,.fi,,r, iiu, unu. anrl lJislrop Strplonrc ('orrlt lrv tltt' .\r.u' \irlli liuflru!tt)ll. \'t rrir"r'o lhc sr.lrool uplrt'ld this r.ul- elrred: Thal is to lraps itt I't'sl)()nsr:lo [,alrn,\ttr0t'r- 'l'tl)!'r'l ii,,,r,i.' f ,t. ll,,,l,_ig,,,,..t I)inar rlel say, not urr- (lasl,trr.irrrtl.llclli'l rltstl'rct llrtl hr,rn llritirrn lll,l lasl .larruar'1 . lloth bascd ('irtt a::;rirrsl ;urli (' tirrtttt' tltat I't'crurcr lttrtirg bri<llcd f r crl ronrpetition nor l)r'(,losls 'l'r'rriil}r, it,f,. ,,,.,,' r:.,1r,,,1stlll taking lltltl' (it'rrt,t';rlissrrr'rri lialacl it't' sturk,nir ;riir'n(iln* lrilh tle,.'isiotrs oll tht I'ilst ovelbc.arin$ etononric power, ar'lir ilrt's. llrs lclt'ascrl sornl lirv i,ilf,i*.,,i ,,,, ..,,,,,.rr,.. .'\rncn(llll('nl ll:rn "estlh. :lrr)ll.lrrl:tll0f tlrr' l)rrtrrirrrIattltc- stltottls. utt.lrirlrng t'ltrtt.1it.t,ttl s on an holh blirttl forces, but the eler- Ir,a(l('t's iillrl ltils itil,!\\r'(i .slrnli' ptrblir.. ()rrcst. rrl.tls!,lr I lrr. tlist r.ict, li.shrnent ol fr'ligion." tt'stttttpliott of t'lrlttlitt' cltttt'r-:lt hatl agnrerl to a n{)n. THOUGH tllcl'{' at'o still reports nol and [roly nrotives of iustice 'l'hc ll{r'{!\si{}ll jlt f'ar:rrrrf risinl 'l'ltc stare high scn i('r's in (lirba. })act of a ccr.t:rin iinrotrnt of vigilance Soirtir liiilltrr,:!on sr,lrtirrl eout.t'.s rulinll onrl of charity." Ilcittttt ltiL'. of ir'('ssrtlc Ilorn llrc l.irrilorl Stales hl. thc rtrilitia. {)lilcr f('pol.ts ar.c rlrstt'icl irerl nLrprrlrliq'lrislr rr as appealed to 11t" ".t. Srr_ tlrc llislrlils relrool irrirl otlrct' ,\rrrr,r'icarr Repultlics, pco- (.'uurt h1. thc r\l1t'r' lhis. I)opo ,folrrr {'\- Ni('l1l'irrltillt;tr t' ri ;r',rlrrl.l tlrat llrc tirrrrrllt:s ar.e lillctl. 01 its o$'n. irlrri un(li'r a l{}li) slate Jrrcuro fi\'c tit\pa).- 1'1r111''11 pluincrl, I'irrs ( ('ttba s offictitl t'atiio-lt,lcIisrort plt' a|r' l e('(,t\ln! tllc sitrfaillcnts, rls, lrrrt not bt thc sclrool bonlrl.
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