Papalencyclical to examine socialand econoruliclSSUES

I'rr'r ,1.11' s.itl ,,they llrc 1rr'.lrlr,rrrs rntl addecl tlr.rl give lonc {li'irl[ \\'ith br' c'rll tl liorrr:s sttll rrrrr crrar.rcrcyirtic color ro rhir fcrn:rin lorl;r.r, plllit'ttllrr.ll' llrosc ponfificel documerrt.., ' t ,'tl:rttllrtll t clil irrns l)('lt\('r,n t)n, 'jllc,llt:l rtl llt0rtt Plr'itlttris i3 r;rlc irrrliatrvt,,srib,jccl to t5c ur- illlll('lllllllr"ttttl iln 1tt'r'sltrtstattts' tt'r'\('rltrotl of lruhlic porye;s irt {lrc "lrl- [ll{', I'(.}l)o lLl rtated that MAy-ilt;- cIorronliI iiel,l." as rt,cll ;rs .:itlrl' _g.]:1,______JltyJ"r*i^N;, wl)ll{' lor lltlttsattris of rtltl:i llr':ltrl'tltlftrsiotr of trtrr,, of llrars. in' tllt'tl Lt'otrt tlttr pages Its\i)('tlrltr)tls atttl tlre ii,ri,,,,* [tl-ut ol tlre llrrl.v.llrLlr,, arr.ilrrltri;r, \/lrlll.\l0li'l- ltt i|_,,l\GS'l'r\NDS rrr;'iili,slal irlrs 'f life. ,'anrun",.,i, has')ecn "it lllitll s ttlit ltli {}t'{'ltJ);tlltrn, is liott lirl rt'olk, ltccrls of .ittsttt'pittttl llo\1' tcrlttct'ri 'rf: lltt liit't' of ptorlut'ttIc stlrrctiLr',r anrl it t'ctlueas tllilll\'' ltl;trl\, lttttttittt eotttttttttlitics; ;rttrl lltc lllt|-\L flfitlt: prripl- .i 1r'r- '" I I t rtllt'rl slrtlt: ol tlr:pt'es' irtc lrrulrr'rt-r." , l',1,,;: "l'he ";\irtutlq lsserted ihlt tha lir{,rir'{,al('st rleniands ral,g'n tlrird part of justir:c trlt:ll.r justice Court hucks of his errcyclicrl con- is tlris "ere €enls prohlerns whiclr r.rI rc.r-';!alrli-rhin{ rr:unornic anrl lhose "'l'r tttosl evidertt errrl urgent silr.'i:tl irll:rrtcc lr.'t\r'ct'n the trvo :f_:.:11-Tl::i:-1T"'.:-::l:.-_" _ ,1i:'u"":::l :l:..lljli: .'_1 ."__- s()ltglll lo sliorv itt lcIrrrs 0l llrt: "riilli'n'nl. r'r.lirlirrns of" .rtA'Sll'lriJ'l'{) CAS'l'#{} bun on tuition ilid t'r's ltttl oI rrrlrrual lultorcls, tlrc :;r,.citllt'tl prolcllrlial. on lllr) orrc Itlrrttl. lttttl lirt 1\'.\SlllI(;'l'()\- .'l'lir Lr.S. slrtrlcttts rr'lto harl to l{r to \chool lrrrrplir.lors arrrl (lrr r ls t'rl he lc. r,rrr1)lrrr0r's tlte otltet. . . . ltttrt, r\trpt'r'ttte ('crtilt has rcl trsetl urrit-rltcnsnblc ii rt'ls 'l'he E lGt{TE EN t'irt rlttlrls. litt lirllr lo :rsst,ntlrltt Irr fevt0\\' a lou conlr'()\rlsy bcgan u'ltcn a Report cr cottt'i's faith oni'c ilrllllll llr0 r'cusons oi growing lr:ttttls ( lt'ltrlt,r's .jrrslictr ['f()tostant tl\pa]'cl' filcd surt lrtttl lrlholir' llrlrut' nrlin{ lhal it is utrc'orrslitrr- THE FETITIoNERS stlterl irr :rttrl ol rtltralrll tr tlrc ll(lvaltlaq(! neainst tht' school lroarrl, Ittttu ;tt'rtttttrllltr' rlot lrl rrr;rsscrlul cltar.q tlteil appoal ol lrollr sirlcs. ittlrrliitti l.i n{rr.(':i lit'rrirl to trsc frtrrtls ttr tlrirt:rs l{ln1tlls l)ulr. ll:r' r';rtlr (,\{.r}ln:t il lri'1il' I' rlrl |rrltiic ln!I that llis ta-\ t)]()llr'\' rvas bcing "i:tlitl Itc Irrrrils tr|tr ttsttl fot' tr rarr lrollr llrl irrlclr ('nli{}n ol tllt' |)ii\. luilloll ol rttl(lfnrs in clttttclt rrsorl in :ln unc()nslituiional ,lrrlltttli:i'lrrsl ntitirtf Ir{tii}lr ol lr:i tnirn. publie stirlc s r.lrorrls. rvclfalr. [)url)r']sc," illc tit(:l ,'rrt'1 rtttrl tlr{' h{rnosl :rrrrl krval nol' to suppoIt scctu|ian IrrIlil(f iniilll t ltr'rr|:ril{i \lIr'\s rtluca" tltitt thcl gtr to 'lrir l('lil)t) (rl llt0se grt'oPlt' ilttL.restr,(l 'l'lrt'r'rluri clrtrrclr'trrn sr.lrrrols l ltc tt0t'ti ol l ltr' ( Ir'h's l ttill iotl lct slrnrl tlon. "(kltr.\ ;r affrong a Jatrrrar.I . -thr Cuban Catholics llot anl{)unl rvoLlir"'s anrl tlrt' gir cls ot l0 irrr'tsiitir- irr tltr'r,vorLl ol llrlrrrr. :i ! lrl!n't lrr- tlrt' \'ctnt!)llt -(tttr: lirve other- taxpal,crs-*lht'ec ttf lishrrrcnt of I'r'liSion' . ." \\'r)lli.'' i'rtf i,'111"('r,tt1'1 ';r',, pr':trlicr' 'l'lto1' "at'{s 1]t,' thonr oI nlrltrcd that r.tlrrcalion lvlore lh.rrr 60,000 wolkcrs ('rtbl'ri ('irtholit::; of (ir,seclallln (,ritl 'l'lrit Jlat'r-nts clrrltllen rvlrrtsc thc l'ol tJ \'(,at s l:rlt'r', I'optt ,folrrr ill't! t'(.- agairtst sillilc cllrr as llre alrll'unifot'ttt, lI lrne()n:itltullorurl. t'..i. hish 'l'ltc Iuilron ftt a (lalholic school of cliilillcn is .such a talirl prrblic roclc irr n cd ritvrln f lorn tlrt: ('lrtrlt'lt tttitir)lrl\'{ittht'liishops of f('rllinrl('(l- I'irrs -\l issutrl :r set.- portcrl all.crrtling atrrl Ilis ll6lr.('lrrrlclr anrl ht.t1c <'r'tti'i ctitl t:(!t c()nrulont on its paid -- rlt'l[aIc eoloslcunr in ('ttJrlt-tt llcing b)' tlrtr schorrl d!str-icl !iilrpos(], Ronrc, rvhere. orrrl "(lrrirrllagcsitrto ricr'\'lces nr lll' ltt'ltl ttnrler tlc- a( tlr)rt ( ll iiJ iS ). l e t t c t, |lrcl'cirslltg llutlt- rir;qirrrlrrlll l)r.:s'lr-,lltlr-lll ,if 15. ,rrct'c cntllttl tlre easc as intett'ettols lltoy ltatl attenclerl operrirrg Altlttt," t'ottttttt'trtpt'ittitt,i 1,,.'. bct's tlcspilc tltr.: t'xpulsiurr of t.r.ig' irr rlr.sec'unr'i"n ,,r,,.'1i, 1l l'clrtsiur: to icrie r., tlrr, r,lrst. or tlrc school board -s sitle. eorcnro tr ie s ro,ltrrletnoralitlg ('rrr.r't'lir,al ll;ll'';",,ill,,i,llll",,,:"l,li,llll'l:"t:: "Rerrtrrrr \lll r ilrrrl rcalfir.nrini; trt:rrr.r' of {lreir' ilt}(l ilottot's Nov,rrurrr." lo llle llritrsl$ atrrrs at lhc ricstlttrtion of Clrlis. polte

THE CRITERION,MAY 19,196I PAGE THREE =ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililililililililililillilililililui;ilililil1[l THE CHURCHAND THE WORLD = Named to Council-School THE VATTCAN winner of l,he prize Nohel in cotvert to the , 1950, wili speak at commence. has received a Srvedish iiteiary mcnt exercises of Loyolt College award. The Langman Founda- on Junc 4. tion, I Swedish cultural organi- zation, has given I{r. Stenius a t) Goran Sleniur, a member of cash grant for his work, ,,The I,'inland's foreign service and a Bells of .,' t) Fttncral scrviccs \\,cre hcltl (Nlay Iil) at thc Unive|sity oI Notre l)ante Ior Yves Simon, bg, internationally knotvn Catholic philosophcr. Jk'ltrn d PE^II'RSONI lnnfrslrc (;O. EUIu-HtcGGGGGGttf$$$$$,ttfc, lef N. PENNsYLvANIAT # "Indlana's Most Completelt{sic Cenlet'' PIANOS& ORGANS SHEETMUSIC RECORDSt t t tli o',* J;u* i^f9't+3 ttrtuStGSCHOOL PILOT TO BISHOP-Colonel Frunk L. O'Brien, risht, principnl 'till Jr,, lpeaker for the lndirnr Sirie Hours:Opeu 1hurs. 8rS0;other dayc ,till E;00 Brnquel of lhc Knights of Columbur in Terua Hrute Sundry, Mry 21, expllins tho cockpit conlrolr of tho B'58 Bombor fo Bishop John J. Carberry of Lafryetle. K. of C, stateparley slatedin Terreflaute

TEnnE llAtlTE, Ind.-Coloncl be hckl in thc Terrr,l Ilnute Coun. ABROAD linrnk L, O'Ilrien. Jr., Contnanrtcr cil's cltrb rtrontg. of lhe 305th llombardmcnt Wing I SAI.ISBLIIIY, Sorrtlrcln Itho" . I,'ollou'iug n pmltlo through l\tcdium rlesia"--An linglish Jcsui{, of the Strategic i\ir Conr- dorvntorvn T(.)rre has llaltte, Sundny (latholics ruatrd, rvill be thtr principal spenk. callctl on to take palt irt nrorning, delogales and thair cr at the Inrliann Stnte Banquct of the political litc oI thcir countfy. gucsts l'ill pnr.tir:ipatc in a Solenrn the Ktrights of Columbus, Suntlay, Falher T, Corrigan, S.J., srrpclior JIigh i\Iuss at St, Bcnodict's r\lay 21, at thc Tcrre lllutc Ilouse. ot thc Iluglish .lt:srrits in Southern (-'hurch with lrather ,Iames l'. tr[c. Illrotlcsia, tol(l :100 Afr.ican eath- Colonol O'tiricn. s.ho rvill fly Barron :ts colcbrnrtt ntxl srrnnon olic t(]itchers il1, n thr0e.(lily nte0t. lhe firsl, R58 lJorubu lo be stn. by l'athcr Nir.scn. irtg at Krrtarna in thc Salisbury lioned in Inrlinna to llunkcr IIill Thc first liusiuess scssiorr of thtr ,'Wc nlclrrlioccsc: nlc not to kecn r\ir tr'orcc Illrst'r on Saturday, llay annttll rnccting *,ill bc lrcl

s;'Jt' In a manner remirliscent of a Paul Blanshard, acts and in discharge of these responsibilities, without reference !Jlllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll to Church authoritics and l,ir,: statcmcirts by rvithin rvithout the the political expediencies of any party, even one hcadcrl by U.S. u'ere cited by thc rvriter in srtpport of the conspiracy l.i a Catholic. !!.i Cornrnerra; thesis. Occurreuces, trlre in themseh'es, were set into a that gavc thcm a totally a:i rep' contcxt false significance. This is President Kennetly has his views. Thc bishops, clergy, Thc opinionr axprorrld In lhcrr cdiloriel colt'mnr | :J,.: lot, the place t0 exarrline the article in detail, but rve might and laity THE €etholic of the Catholic Chureh in America have theirs. rosonl t Crtholic virwgolnf-not nrcle srrlly point out, as onc axample, that Cardinal Spellman was not ;i rcrvc public not unanimous in every instance. The controversies, ancl vicwpoinl. Thry rrc cf{orlr ol thr rdilorr lo in ftrvor of the politically crnbarrassing Puerto Rican pas- their solution, have hitherto carrierl '-'ifhin lhc Nrtion' tora! letter of October 18, l9ti0; that, in fact, he been on in accordancc '': opinion wilhin thr Church rnd did all he could to tlissuade the Puerto Rican bishops from issuing rvith the nol'mal procedures of this great democl.acy. i'1 it at that time. A suggestion that the bishops' acts and statements rcp. ':\; "timing" The rncc prrrblern I Like auy group in the U.S., the American bishops are resent a conspiracy and a tlcsignett esneciallv io vcly illlelcstcd in any U.S. I)rcsirlent's attitu(le to tnatters embarfass President .Kcnrredy ii rrnu'oi.tlry aritl rvithorrt ;]rc al) impltiellt people' \Vc are prottrl affeeting the life of tlre citizens, trttt it is not thc celtel of merit. We sincercly hopc, for the sakc df his personal \Vc Atrrericttlls 'l'hc oi tlrc fact. \Ye u.ant I'csults! irud u'c ilarit thetu l'ight tton'. their attcutiorl. cer)ter of their attention is the effective stirture as a statesman, Pl'csident Kannoely tnay find it .': rli.schargc oi their pastoral responsibilities to the 40,000,000 possible to relrutliate the Look article ancl his inclieated tlte sutt' Nc arc itltpatient abottt ntost evcl'ythillg undtlr Catholics in lhcir ealc. Thay do and say what they must, association with its preparation. i, lJxccpt oltc thirlg O ROX Stitl Underweight r STRAY LEAVES Antl about tlris orrc lhing tt'e al'c a.\tfeltlely vit'lttotts. QUIISTTOI\- pt'udetlt ilDotll lt \\'c at'e ttot oltll' tttust llitliettt, \vc arc nrost Can an older InAn East goes east? cntcr pricsthoocl? West gocs west?


rludying Ilelc is an intclcsting passagc flom those pro- Q. Whrt do you think of an older man you ront' light on lounrl and uttclly chalming recollcctions rn l.'atlrcr. for lhc Prlcsfhood? Would cost .lohn LaI,'algc's aLrtollioglaphl', thr frcl thai thr mriorify of vocrtional ads do nof The Mrnner ir Ordina thc oldcr mrn of 30 or 40. Certcinly ry, Gncoutrgc "I vcnturctl to ask ltlr'^ th.r. murl br lilcrolly lhourands lhrl noed iurl r Okakur.a, lhorr(h I rvas only aborrt eight ycars liifla hrnd. old at thc time, his vierv ol thc rvhite race, i\lr, Okakura kind- tinle I A, \'oul qtt0stion catrte nt the sante l.v explained that the rvhite lace tlre Caldinal At'clt' receive(l n ftrt'nt lt'ttct'frotlt had nr.rthing to boast of ; in l act, for pt'ayers trislrop of lloston $sking confidcntialll'. it was lathcl rlcplor'- ncw scllrln- nnrl rlonations [or the ablc. I askc

(l (1 o antl spiritual potential of its democracy to the height ol the = - I I iilii,'o,tlt,:';,Ti::.*,llii;?i:ii:li:il,ffii\_".:1"..y#,:1 D. tratnollcs Urcm. = = Ottn T.arrl

. ANNE CAI.KIN The matter of kissing

'['hc Dcnr iliss Cttl.kin: no rliffcrencc. both rnaliing a lir;t of nll lhlt \t,e \r,et,r) scxes is yes! So , , . h:rnds off gttilty . , . of arrrl Ilrep tlying to rirl if you tlon't wanl to atlvertisc llrc ortrsclvcs Ediled by the Cleric Seminarians ol Wesl Brden Collcgr of thcrrr otrc at a tirlc. fncl ycars you frorn rrol that harl You began youl list of pr:l.sorritlitv grcatcst Ona of thc inconsis- a skin contlition when you \\,crc rlclcr.ts irr 5orrr. lr.ilr,r. \\'hy nrrt hero? loncic.s in lite is {lrc man who e3n a youngcr psrsolr. The keep adtling lo this llrrrforln sonrc trttly heroic aetion list until rt arirl krt ihc lest of lris life get lost O gt\t(ts yoil a r:leat. 0f IIe Irad lrcetr rnrrst rittkittrl ttntl Not n Jtr.rtrrr:o 111g1111r, 1,ortr. in n nrazc of sclfisltness and in- self. unchat'ilablc. lrot tto rcils(rlt itl I)ear lliss Cttll:,iu: t{)k'l'alx'c. When yott get right l).ar N't A llom.o: 'l'ltcn,,\nlr'la, lir.:rt lllor.l rrrtotlt'tt )'otrr' all he rvas sitting in tltt- rlo*r (o it, rnost of us cnn go to lloto do 'llte If yottlike tlrisgir.l rvcll cnuorh Votr {Jo about cltanllirtq Io cllnirrate lhc rrtgalivr: shriulrl arntchair, tillt d up ttn it.s hintl oNtl'flltrs in cxtretnr: citst-'s. yottr personalily'! ',1'hr,r'c rvirrrtttt tolo kiss hcr, tlrenthcn likelrkc hcr.hi,r' is .so lre to lcarn hrrrv trr r:orttrol yorrr. legs and lcuning agrinsl the rcd lcrlly tough leloic life is thrl rrrrrch llral is rghh nol, f o rvant lo clrcapur rurotgl abonL ntc llmt t{rl}lper, I,l:rt:lt l,nf vr}ll Af{r brieks of tho firolrrluso, sitllllSl dr)'.b]'-tlay lifc thtt is courpletely I'trt disllttsled tuiLh 'l'hat's Anrl chc:rpcn :r gill a boy u11self . I'}}l tcrnptctl to sav Ihr: rrnhrnrl tlorrl, therc sneorirl{1 ilt c\ ('rv Nt'ill't) grrrrrl. tltc reilson God if he bc- ouetweillht, rrrrd { I rrar,. tlott't s;ly il rrrrtil vrrrr fir:t;rsli lhat rvnlkcd cirllitr( llrt'rrt rlot'sn't protttist riclt rcrvlrtls ttr tn.eot. "rlo Prsl. tttith my furtilll bccnrrstt l'irr. yottt'sr:lf, I r'r';rlly \\'lrtil. lo nantcs undcr ltrs brcallt aftcr llte gatrgstcr rvlto givcs a lnrgc trlwys l.ooslttrl ttty Letttltct, Iiuuy- sillt rt-ivhal. rvorrlti bc g;rinr:rl lrv the stittgy they harl p:tsst'rl. clllins tlre litllc tlonntion to clutt'ilJ'i one itt thc lrottsc rs ltLo(l oL tna. iI il l rlrrl." ('rr11r,r'1111.;111,,..61I' "ttig!lt'rs" {1r oncs lnrl tt'ou littll ilt oltl rnarrl rylto talks lbottt itcr I yu'e Lend, C't.lhin, tliat / lolr)pcl rrtrlil vrrrt l)lnr,lr,;u-rrcrrlo 'l'lu:tt ltttt gettttflccts on both thcn. lltc Iit'c [tcll rang. rrcigltbors dott't cat'c, but I tlo. I nou.lrl lil;c r:onllol rt. littocs rvlien she passcs a chttltlh; lo cltttttllt: 'l'lrtal, IIc \\'its ttP irnrl ott llis firc euer'lllhitLi! ultott ntt:, act.ornplislrcrl. ;.o lo t lrr, tllc tei'n-agfr *'lto ptils in oRe lttLL tntck. srvinFitlg tltlt l llo u'otrtlt'tl I dotL't, kttttto lLr:tt ta lx:11in, !r(:rt tlctn ()rl ]'oltr ltrt lhat nerr,tli soli

I,i.fe is louglt )oint. And tlro rlc. foltht'onring cven GrinsteinerFuneral Home ||ir:lr||l()ll(l\''(l.V.$''q'i';:13$.'.t.Ni$,iilti'itiiil'.i'.lii:i'.ir'il'i.'Established 1854 Life is nrr lron'l of tltcrrtcs' girl "\'ak, hc 1'ak." I hrrar 1'otr 1'ak. i cEORGEN. GRIN5TI|NIRHARoLD r,. UI{GIR "You p1l1{'sIlrs.'l'ok'n ir$i11lr,'W,ti,$tli$ii.g',$,,,,:,+,,,ii i;;,";;'}';;;'i tlrrnk you'r'c tcllittg tls i;i ffiiii .i Mtlrore2.5374 160l [orf Hewyork Sl. riornctlring',' lf yott ,ffi AceAuto & FurnitureUpholstery r*#::::1"r""ffi;f',v"rilll:tlc Vo.ltiotr W.rtshnp rr h h.kt trn sr Nnz0rcrl I n; I | I _ " "":::":]||"l X*'.T HOME.C}FFICE, AUTO UPHOLSTERING /r( 4' li '(-'""- wash SEAT iij,i:i:,igili:n,th}:liiiiiil:1,:,,r"l,ru,rjri",:,ll\ entnRsoNQuick COVERs,CONVERTIBLE TOPS, CARPETS .,ru!n,c',, .atr \r,utrorruorxrc,xnrs.h,Drk.r.rn(,ir .'".r,,"*. li",lli"il ):-,....)-- lt''''""*"* .. {35 Kcntucky Ave. ME 8.{046 b":i:l,:';di..H;.l:':i".',\ti:,.l|Ji1'':l,l'.;;,1ili'.l1,"'liilil"li,,,,"'i.i.lllii',,'.l|iJ'*|ij:| lll) an

;iilll Free 60c $12s ,ooi*,o-o,,",*".or-,flId 1 r,l-,lll":i."ll*li-i; irii:llii";;,,1;:ii.lii5,lt.lL,l'i,lLllffi e%, : tario's public schols in a pastoral Delicisus lcttcr signed by Archbishop W, L. L 5-3161 Wt'ight ol' Algoma, nlctropolitau of thc Ecclesiastical Pror,ince of Food Ont ario. 'l'hc pi.stolal, carryirtg the ATHLETE OF YEAR-Calhedral LIBRARY PURGE u'eight of :rll 1l olttario llishops, senior Roy Smith. above, was 6"St"t"gn "Besl pul- '-.- - l2:it0l, 7:(x)l)\l re rvas rcad front all Anglican named All.Round Afhlete" llltnl,lN St:r'cLul tltottsattrl ,grrrrdery f)l:ry 2lsl pits in lhe provincc. hr it the rl lhe recenl spring sports ban- )r'rrtling libt';rt'ics in citics irll ot'cr /e1fu archbishop expressod strong sup- quel of Crfhedral High School, \\'est (ler'rrlirny Iiavtr bcett prtrgcrl S'lenaote5hopnin,7..n,* cL€ANING 7238 EAST TENTH STREET I port of rcligious instnrction in He received lhe Father Higgins of inrntoral litet'aiurc in rt:ct'nI l,"londay,Y/t'ijrresday Oual'tvlurriersand-ro'stvling | prrblic trophy, tire cffot'ts of txoertr for ov6rJ5 years' schools antl rlcclaretl that Smith, who serves as vcals lltt'ott11h .ioint and Fri,Jav[:i enirrrs g iill I no nation can hopc to sult rvr: class vice president, gave oul- Llthrrlit', llrotcstattt altrl crvrt' ot'. u'ithout the tcaching of Chlistiart rlanding performanees in foot. glnizatiotts attttctl at safegrtat'tling spiritual an

'rHe FAGE EIGI{T cnttERtoN, MAY 19, 196T SEEK REQQGNTTION, Sister: Madelevrr Third Or:rler unit rrr:- pl&ns [o retirc [o meet Muy 2lst

SOUTII BllNIt, Irtd.*Sister l\L Carmelite cloister Thc Sacrcd Ileart Irraternity rrny of lllarleleva, prcsideut of St. i!ftry's thc Third Coltege {or rvomen at Nolra Darire. Ortler of St. Francis Intl., for the last. 2? years, lras will rnoet Snnrlay, AIay 21, at B annorttt<:ed she rvill rctirc front p.m. in Sacrc(l l{eirrt Church. In- thc adrninistration o[ the insiitu. rlianapolis. Nrrvice instnrcfions igrites Swedishdebate tion in Augnst. will l)cgin at 2:15 p.m. Tho lloll' Cross rrun rvho is in. A day of recollcction for nrenr- ternaiionally knoryn as an crlu- with Swedon'r tullurrl Inhari' bcrs will be helrl at thc Alverna 8y R. C, ELLSWORTH r:ator, poetess anrl lccttrrer, all. Rcl,reat llouse on July l. lanca rnd hlslorierl rnd rall. nouncetl her rol.irerrtent IOr,lI llclt:ttc at the an. Si'l'OCIil giovr lndlllonr. nrtal faculty dinler in tetrtans bubblcd ovtlr' ft'0111 llar- has Ilall at PLAN CARD PARTY 'l'lre literally tha college on trtay .tB. lirmcnt ittto lhe pl'Lrss ovct' !ote t'as taken Uurlcr her atlrrrinistration, thc rvitlrin siglrt of ltitltlarholnt Tho Altar, Society of St. Roch's the fatc ol a cltticl cloistcl of onrollrrtent, tetching sllff anrl Church (,lalutclite Clnrrch, norv thc hurial chrtrch will hokl thcir Latlies Day lltuls itl tlte sottth rrtlnll)cf of buildings at thc eol- antl mausolcunr lor the royal card party and luncheon on of Sn'ctlen. lege havc trcltlcrl, Sha has beel 'I'hurs(lay, 'l'hc family of Sweden, whiclt was Thursrlay, l\Il\Iay 25, in the school ninc ttttns of fiittttrrftri r'il- aetive iu tha Iruilt fl..rflneiscnn friars in the Christian ertlt.ure hall,haIl, 3600 S. j\Icrirli;tn frtr' by St.,St.. lrom lagtr lrc llrt filsl lo applS novetncnt, tlte Sister-Formation l:'ltll er'ntury. llitlrlat'holru is one l0:30 a.n- to 2:ilO n.n'r. Fnl lcqrtl t('('ogllilion of llteir converll THE NEWSPAPER nslis why of thtr three islnnrls rvlticlt reprc- progranrint]gls0.'t.ljiJiil;"'jHil;,.x''ft;f}';.l.'i.'i?'t$1;,,"3l' 1111111.ySlr,urlt'tr's [(l-]'c:tr-ol(l I.fcc" gratlttattr sehool SISTER MADELEVA Catholic mission actitil.v shottld scnt the original {ounrlations ol of theology for ST, ti-8404.

and l$52. Calarnel(;r'l!F {I'camyltralller

lVhile srmr conrurunitics htvrr Chrara Cor(i ltrlttlts "coltsllictrolts" ttrirtlc clratlgcs aud GREENWOOD other urore nrinor oncs, slrc sitys, "tor tltc nros[ part, in spite o{ C liorth llllnofu it, taE, l,td6t goatling to {hc lcft or to thc riglrt, Sistcr havc cluug to their anti- t, (ll'c-ss t qttated l)ec;rrrse 0f its trarli. t. tion and syntbolisnr." ? 2 Saue tllanv DoIIars DEALERse - fono 2 SLATE CARD PARTY :a 0f Indianapolis a. The annual dual Cal'd .Plrty I s'i[ bc hckl nt r\ssunrption par- ish, 11u5 S, lllainc. Indiartapolis, C. T. Foxworfhy Co., Inc. on Strntla;', i\!r1' llt, Uuehlc and Ed Martin gun'rtrs plalerl Nerr'rnnnilIother:s socinl will he in the Harry A, Sharp Ca riclrool hall brginning at 2 and Ford scl, ? flurtcllcon and rcfi'esh- Jerry Alderman BlttKUHN says: crrrrl l)arl! nronts rvill bc servctl bctrvcen Hatfield Molors, fnc, N0fY-lVo lVill lleliver A Ray nicKay Ford, inc" Brand-New

[. rtttiffi d tttta $ d. ttft{ $0r ftnna0lF. d.}'ltl 196lChevy fOO%rlylon Ir UGS- H'J'JLJ1:Iili3", Biscayne - 2-Door Sedan [. G.Clements & Sons GENERAL ONLY FULLPRI.E .:?ljI*AcroRs 9xl2 $49.95 $37.95 $U(!89 speciollzins t^ u;;;;; Heovy Repoiru l2xl2 62.95. ., !. 50.95 Commerciqland Residentiql Factoryequipped with l2xl5 74.95 ..... 62.95 5 TubelessTires, DeluxeHealer, f 509 ftloin St. (lcech Grove) 31, 4.6,3.72 Oil Filter, DireclionalSignals snd DeluxeSteering Wheel | 2xl8 87.95 75,95 - YOUR CHOTCEOF COLORS _ No Doton I'a3,rnent - 36 lllon,ths To Poy ME. 5-7416 On Wall-To-WallCarpeting 30 - 60 - 90 Days -Downlown A c^ -^ - A /frua* t'1 Funeral Homes $]i::-,:*"ry!OPEN EVENINGSTILL 9:30 rh Come ll otrt Be Ptepurcrl10 DeaI F'IE.2-9,433 il''U:W P^pWottt,fioc, II{DIA}{A'S LARGEST CHAPEL Prospect CiIIEVROLET DEr\LER OF THE CHIMES-I234 BILIKUHI{ SOUTHPORTCHAPELJS Union 5t. EASTSIDE CHEVROLET I NORTHSIDE CHEVROLET GREENWOOD CHAPEL-S. Madison-Gr.enwood 5435Er*t Washington FL l.ll2l I tols groraRipplc Avcnur cL t.lflt BURKHART CHAPEL_3TI V/, Main-Greonwood THE CRITERION, MAY 19. 196I PAGE NINE fiiliitiii1ii||iiiiiiiit!:l||iiiiiiiiiiiiriiIIiiiiiliiiliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 'fiun l]o.y' sleded ']{onors D*y' [}-!' ru1 f Tlrc litCf'atUfC Of wiSclofn hr..ltl (florrtiriucrl frorn pagc 7) oulstatrtling picc:u trl \t,()fli l)S lci.l al Ilol.y Spirit al ll{arian Ciollcge I rc I acKer lllct'o is s()fr'()\\', atttl ltc u'lto tu.tpclts).'l'he lriglrl.v valuallltt storcs ltp knorvlctlgt stotr:s ulr r'olutttc of J. L. llcKcnzic, S..1., gt'ief" ( t, l8). Ne nt'ctl nrtt itgt'r'c A sttnll)tuous snrot'girsbold nntl Slsgr'. r\l{r'crl.l. Ilolr.igan, plcsi- 'lllllllllliiiilllllllllllllllrrlrlllrrrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Two-Edged Sword. luts tlttct r:ntilell', brtt tltet'c is sotne l!'ttlh iin ilftrlJ'nor]lr of fun rvill be pre- tlent of llellalminc College, Louis. (12-l,l) -'lir eflot't t'haptct's tlt:rling u'itlt thc FATIMA PARTY TIME- ussrst tlrt' ittottttrl-tltc-clock {o in lhis rcflcctiorr, sont(!(l b), lloly SpiIit par.ishion- rr'as pr.irrcipal \Vistlonr llooks ltutl thcif th()uqhl. I'ille, thc spcal

bt'lrirrrllia[[cnnuu arresl. llen Sirah is n long Book, offcr- ing a gl'cat ral'icty oI inl'ornra- '.( 'I'hc \ l.l\\'I'rtli i'. l(.r )lrel.lti(lll rnln's fanrlulncy frlr. Camphr-.ll tion. attllurr is s()nlrtlrirl( of lilrr'lilit t"' i:riri \\ ir. llrt' l;rl,cl {'orrnly Shct'iff." a snob. having lravelerl, having litnttr'{l .ill I lrr' ;i I t r,\l ltl,t c, tr{ Itad the leisure fol scrihal stuil.r', tit',t1 11' \\. Iiilli{'l llrittt. t'tirlt'nt an

l. \!: llii!i('!;riiln in:nttiil:ttcly intcresting sunlnlary of lkblcrr l (.( r,r\ ('i ! t irc rt lr,rir'ltclr t'1t.rl sttp- histor]- irt the lornr of rnrnute ('!!llii(ir,lltt' biograplries, l)rrl't iiil(l \ r'l(' r!i ()[ 'fhc tlto \ttl,,'r't t:tl -\ssoint. litst of tltc t istl,'nr l}xrks ill!tl. ll ( liitt,lr'rl irt. lr;iii lrt.r'rr is callcd thtr llook of \!'isthrnr, "llarrrr.rl'' l-ri llrt.' rin{lrr\\.orlrl." anrl \r'ls lr'ritlen in Crcck in I'r'r!lo:lanl lr'irrir'::i ltitrl iti'lnt'ly 'l'he Bgt'pt lty sotne{)ne $'ho lrad lclt snou'balling t anrptign (.r:1rir:rll:il("1 lilr' \l:. lilri:r'r'ttt:ul lhe irnpact of Glccli plrilosophicll li{iilnst o|ganizcd ganrbling, pros. :r t'iiiirLrlrc. ln itlt t iirrIi ir! firl Lltc thousht, Tlrc Ilook contains in lrttrti()n antl illegal liqrxrr traffic r't'1tltl\' {'l \ ir'. :llt{l l;r lirlrllttq. chaplers 10 to the cnrl l.lrat u.c rn ('arrrlihrll (':ount]', knorvn as lhc "rnirlt'ash"--r'eflcc. .'. \n .trrlr' !rr .\;lr,: !11'\ (ir,n{rl'ill ctn onll' call r rcc capr{:ri of Kcntrrcky, hlrs he- lir'!'r'r't 1 , lictrttrtrir' \lri(l liri' I )r'- lion upon and a lcintrplctrtion f{)nl(, q flrll.flcrlged intcr.r:r.cedal and t'eapplication of tlrtr gltraI [!ili l !)1r'n: r,i ,!tt.l tr'r' \\ ii\ li'll()u u]:l llt()\'0Iil..n1 since it r|as launchcd ()ltl '1'cstarnt'nt. rli'\ r'!,!l!)Ir.Ill5 llrrrIlr. iitl rlt' cvtnts of thc frrrrr .r't'rls ngo ll], the Ni..u'pott t'l.ttt ii i,r ,l:.,'ri.- r! ' In\ r'-li-irllr'll llirrrstcliel ..\ssot:ialirrn.'l'ht' r.e- WISDOM WAS $rittfn lllt:. \\'ilii( ll l\ il1 lili,. ir'.. lt ls folnr canrlitlacy of llr. Ilntter- prollnhll' Rlountl 50 ll.t.l.. :rntl hn,rl't. lri,llt r r.l. lir:il !iic I:l:)l ts nran. il.l antl a ('atholir:. lras lhc offers uran.'- n fine picet of arlvict' Itl\,::itirll:l \r'\1 liii lrlt;rsts Of lracktn* of nlany l'ttrtestant atrd ntuch insieht irrto llclrr.crv Il'r' .il rr'r!. xlorrps anri tlatholic Brshop Ilrclt. Itistor'1'. Its higlrll' tlei,clopcil ilor- ( il111111;11,.,' r'i jtrti. ii. I ltt' :l ;rItl ll. Ackcrnran o,f (ltrIinrlton. trtne on rervard nnrl ptrnishrtrtnt r'f ( !l i,ill) r'. l( illr{j l\u-.itir'.\ l('ll{l )\rrrtlerous

- .nn@ gtlllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllltllt FARMER'S VI EW ilil1il1ililtnil11ilililil1ilililtilililg Prayer d*y, pilgrimage = Tlney rreerl rrur help = By DANA C. JENNINGS teo rveak, too disease-ridden, to do the work necessary to get Ilolland is one of the most ahead, to provide for thcir ln- densely-populated areas slated by Third Order in the cre&se. world. Yet no one screams that We have it in our power to help Ilolland is overpopulated, or that _ I,'atirna Rctrcal House, Indianapo. India, Africa, South America re. the Dutch should thwart God's from Friday, June 2, to Sun' store their people to protluctive lis, creative plan. The Dutch enjoy June {. health arid vigor so they can do day, one of the highest living stand. the work necessary to gain on I\trs Claurlc Prichard is the ards in Europe bccause they put their problems. We have tha food. chief promotcr a( St. Bartltolomerv to good use the land, the minds the techniques, the technicians, and r\lrs, Francis Srvift. is chicf and the muscles that God gave tha t,rols to lend them to gct them pronlotar at lloly trinitY, Edin' them. And IIe didn't just hand back on their feet so that they bttrg. them that land, either. A lot of ccn build anew. If your duty to it, as you knorv, they battled the EROOKVILLE your brother in Christ means sea to got, l\L's. i\llan Riedntan is thc nothing to you, look at it this Popuiation, as such, is not the ncu'ly clccted prcsident of St. way: you can't sell anything to problem, problcm pop. Tlrtr is a poor people. lf ich:rcl's parish I\Iothers' Clttlt' Help those people ulation growth morc rapid than Othtr trff iccrs includc lt{rs' Bill nrake themgelves prosperous and a nation can provide for, Dick Leffinglcll, vicc prcsident; they beeome your cusiomers. Whcrc a population livcs on the l\lrs. Robert l{nccht, sscretary; Your bread cast upon the waters vergc of starvation its people are illrs. Eugctte Back, tretlsuror; l!rs. rcturns a hundrcdfold even if you Ilorvard Lanning,.iltrs, Leo Gill' don't deserva it, uan rnd l\Irs. Arnbrose Singcr' Help people to help themsetves ttttstaes, Milllrousen couple Ior spiritual, instead of matcrial, gain and you store up richcs that RICI{MOND arc pfoof against moth, rust and An cte nittg of re f lcction for rnark anniversary thief. mcnrhets of the four Richmond SUMMER STUDY-The obove instrucfors al St. Mary.ol.the-Woods Colioge have drawn choice sum. Christian lrantily trlovemcnt mer rludy assignmenls. $ister Mory Rulh, Ph,D., seolod lefl, professor of biology, will aflend fndiana IIILLIIOUSEN, Ind.-l\[r. and groups rvill be lrcld SttudaY' I\IaY Universily,' Sisfer Georgisno. Ph,D,, sealed right, tssocielg professor of French. wlll reach ot Rlvier l\{rs. Paul L. Sclrckller of R.R. l. Fantilt' Church. The (It{illhouscn) lB at lloly Collego in Nashua, New Hampshire; Sisler Mary Jean, slanding lefl, arrociole professor of hislory, will Wnstport markcd rvill bc subjoct to bc disctrssed England; Sistar €ecilia Clare, cenler, professor of organ and piano, and Sis. thcir Goldoh Wetlding Anniver. "l'aith, attend Oxford Universiiy, Ilopc and Charity." Rev' sary on il|ay 17. A ltlass of thanks. ler Frrncir Angelr, associllo prolossor of public rchoo! music, will atfend lhe Amorican Conservalory l'rnneis l,]ckstcin, assistant pastof giving was offercd last Sunday, et Fonhinsbloeu, Fronce. at lloly l,'antily antl C'F.l\{. chap' S'Iay 14, in Immacttlate Cortcep. Poy'n PoklrtGA lttkt. lnin. rvill be the tnoderator. l'ol tion Church hcrc with Father C. I(ELLY lot'inu thc serviccs in church, a E. Ricbcnthalcr officiating. Quallry ftlooh-lc.r & Wlno Anrtonn(:eplans 'lho social hour ,t nLyO. conplc has sevcn childrcn, kcr Dallvcry-Oprn tundlyr C[IBVROLBT Priestpleads cause all of whom are living, Thcy arc (I'at) Tr:ePle is tltc net'ly for Urban, Norbcrt and Tony, all of ' Don surnrnor sltrrly l32O trh tr. tR. t.tltl Grscnwood, lnd. tU. l.23rt 2, I'aul Jr., of rlcctod D|asidcnt of lhc lloly R.ll. [lrecnsburg; (lrecnsburg; li'lrttil]' illen's Clrrb. Other offi' R.R. 1, Maurice, at ctrls inclttrlt Willard Illttkc, r'ice honrc; and lrvo daughters, Sister workers M. Jonctte, O.S,F., St. Lottis, 1\Io.i MITCHELLOIL BUTTZ.HIGGINS plesitlcnt; sccfc' migrant CO. Stcvansun' of .Iint tary; anrl Ilill lIrtrklcy, treas- and Sistcr [[. Janice, O.S,S'.r of r{ftD lult olt? MUSICCENTER St. Joscph School, Shelbyv.ille, llref, \\TASIIINGTON r\tttct'icans F,ro\l'{}!'s cannot alloltl to pay thc NETD TIRES? Wilgro Shopping Center "intlc" proficnt for don't t'enlize ltou' iltttclt \vilgc scnlOs {nOr'icnns nlight Ind, All tvcre thc (Juntllonlordr 13t PhonoBR. t-!74f |.l t'crrc],antl irtjtrstico" lhclc is in tk'uranrl if thcy hatl no cornpcti. ce le bration. l'Ir. and l\lrs. Paul grand- Phone TU l-2975 thc prorltrrrtion ol the ft'ttits rnd lion flonr lha l\Ioxicnns. Schcidlcr also have lfl l0l8 tth 3r. Scdlord,Ind. \'('t{etill)los thill cor}le to tltcir childrcn. lN TESTIMONY bclolt' tlrr: lalllcs, it Jcsuit saitl ltct'c. Inbol subcomrnittce of thc Ikrusc li'alhcl Jarncs 1,. \tizzrtt'tl. S.J.. (lornnrittcc on lllducation anrl a lcntlinll ct'itic o{ the Il'catlllcnI [,abof, Irather Vizzartl clrnlgcd ol tnigrant rvolkcls, loltl a Ilottsc that thesc arguncnts rcflcct labor sttltcourntittt'c : "I grorvors' fcnrs that their pockct- for otte rkrn't rvttttt to eitt books rvill suffur if legislation is TELL CITY Icttrtcc thnt coutcs to m]' tal-rlt: COLUiABUS pnsscrl [o protect Arnelican nen'ly soilctl by so nruch iutlcceucy antl 'lhr: trlrs. llon,arrl Brcnncr, rvolkcls. Iiel'. Salvatorc Costngliola, injusticc. elcctod prcsitlcnt of St. Paul's par- Insure crrd Be St:le S.ilt.ilI.. will courlue I the rctrcat "And nranl, o[ nry ish councll of Catholic \\tonren I tlon't thiuk He charged thai groweri for the l'omcn of St. Iiartholonrerv citizr.ns rvoul

MAC'SFEED MILL Public law 78 permils lhe im. porlation of Mexicens fo help U.S. growers harvesl. Crilics claim the Mexicans fake iobs from Americans, depress lheir HARPER'5 FASHION wcges cnd cause lhem olhef economic iniuries. t@t CLEANERS Ullrich Drug Slore tr'orBetter DrycleaninE DRUG STORE Use Our COIN LAUNDRY Go To Ullrich's lor Sarvlcr 22tl l. *toln tr. Phonc 76 tn. aar$shway 7 ZENITH HEARING AIDS l-l W 3Ol .2nd Strcct ?h,2, CONTRIBUTORS TICHLYTER /t4odison fHE CRllCRl0N will crrrt FURNITURESTORE r nrt ot Drrith i-l BUILDING gUPPLY !nd ortrnitdtionrl a0rrerDondentr and dfhcrs ffi 128 N. Frrnklin Phonc 24581 who hivo reporlcd newt for lhr aurrant iltua. FIRST FTDERAT Conlrocling Compony Ihelcllowing pstront lubmitlod ltomt for lhir -AND- & loon Agsn. COMPTETE8UI!DING SUPPTIES Sovings SavageAppliances JOE CHRISMAN & stt. Ph. ttf FUNERAL lllS W. llrrf !t. Phono 399 llloln Jsfiorron Your Gcncrol -Clothier - 302 N. Franklin Eloclric Doolcr ,r,rffiOro, 'gAfl,3OUNO ond SUll" Non Static 216 frtola 3r. Ph. 309.f, AUNONA, IHDIANI ilc8auleylnsurance DRY CLEANING SCHULER'SSTORE Paul J. Peddie ll0 ftlulborry ll. Phona tlC Patronise Cllfi Sthulor 122W. 5fh Ph. 4l liADlSoN

HOOSIER PLUIVIBING Huesmon's Gqrrrge Our & HEATING CO, CI'FTY IN'U Patronize Adaertisers 212 !, floln 3t. Ph. t6Gn WoferSyslems GENERAL AU?O Gllfiy Folh Sfolo Parl RTPAIRINO Our Plu mb in g lnslollofions lxcollonl Food In Golcnlcl Slue Ridse Rd. Ph, lX.8-4212 !otllng l3t E. Jocltron Ph, :X. 2.2616 Aduertisers BUt I.FTIN BQr\RDr rScnicc - FAi/III.Y RATE3 - SL Bartholo on Anything Ehclronlc" t-J rncw'! Sundoy ilasser-7. 0 snd ll. Blll's TV DUFFY- WARBLE qnd c0At Soles Service Since1893 INSURANCE,INC. lor iiEN't and BOyS, 3ylvonlo W e HL?; Complete INSURANCE Service €totHtNG Hilligoss & Son, Inc, l8ol Gonlrol DR.6.t3lO InCOLU|IIBUS...tico 231 l. Worh. 3t. Ph. EX. 8.181| e*ffifiona TheEger Sfudio aitQ,-Um Delicotessen DAUBY'S Spmial Cokor & Posrriar ". 'j-!.- - llr^))r^-Jt r9Illsttt rt evetlv{ DEPT. SIORE F,idi, t25 Worhlnglon tl, Dn. 6./t828 739 Moin St. 3 Elockr Ofi iloin fl6 Wcrhlngton 3t..rt, 1162 23rh 3r. OR. 2.tltl PhoneKl. 7-4881 In tell Glft Oownlown Golonbur l{oyes Phormocy,Inc. Bosfin lire Service ,,',i FilSCHER'S Hoyer tohn F. 't,I. DREYTING Patroniae Gene lhomor COOPER IIRES "Prescripf ion Specialists" ,,,NSURANCE" furnilsrs & Applioncar Rocopping ond Vulconizing Our Phone WH. +-2285 "F rigi d airc ond /vloylog Dirtributort @Rt{D lEOl &. Nct? Albont, -Juneratt/ome Stnle ond tlloin Sltaaf3 Hwy.3t,Sourh O1.2.!t8a Sprtag 8t h{t Kl.7'5156 Aduertisers Oprn Er.nlnsr by 731 Moin 910 rllqin Sl, K|.7.2351 l-i lndianaBank Palronlze Phelpsllrug Slore & Trust TIGHE Tell City Glass Service u. s. BRICK HomeFederal Sayings and Loan Associalion '\ our PrcscilpifionSlore" Company 0ur HOUSEPAINT COMPANY "Complete S.I.P. lnsuredSovings No. Side of Squore Banking Servlce Insulancelgency Accounfs Morlgoge Loons Window and Aulo Glarr foco Brick Wilh lho Since 1909" Dt. 2-3321 Roon 201, ?cderol 9ovlngo Eldg. Idueilisers st0l{fit ltlllD0wS RlPAlRto (iolor Burncd In 5d4 Woshington Street N. lV. Corner ot Sq. 1408 Main Phonc Kl 7'{146 Ph, Kl 7.3256 tr'uneral Home IIIRPEIITER'SRETILL DRUG ST(INES Wilhite & Son BaileyDrug Slore Ceorge J. Shrader FunerqlHome "Rellobfe Edoblhhcd 1848 Zoercher-Gillick ttFuneral Proscrlptions" tth I WASHINOTONtt. - 27!9 GtNtRAt lVt. Home" Orygcn lqulprncnr lwo-WaY Eodlo - AmbuloneeServicc - Phonc PhofoSupplll-sundrlcr-Glftr phonr RobertC. Sloggs, Owner Gorge J. Shrodcr AA4BUI,ANCE SERVICE Pcul V. Shrodrr On,+,a427 ?rarc:iptionr-0rugr-Cormctig DR.2.1851 ll0 l. Pltc 3f. Ol 2-831E Norlh Sldc ol 3quoro Kt,7-251 fELLClW, lND. t7t3 oAx t?. wH. G223t THE CRITERION, MAY 19, 196I PAGE ELEVEN

t ilililililil1iluiliu!ilil1ililililfi ilililililtil1ililililil1 uu uuul Rl6t{foN HoPE [4Y MOM- Remember Them In Your Prayers CALENDAR TI.IECI{EEK. AU6IEf UN'ERsTAND9I t6ry,- Sutvlvot!:ton!, Cyrll, Edg.r, Corn! {nd t00i dtughtctt. Maty HurlrV,MdrqrrJl MAY 19 Krerr, Ann...Bryantj..tlstcr,ftrdo Mrrrlrally brolher,M.rlin L. Ellslrrmdn. A Figh Fry at 4 antl Socialat ? Et(ltm0ilD P,m. at lloly Name in Beech t;lJ,i'; wil,tMAN, t7, Hoty r.rnit, (hurch, Grove.

lflfl,tY couxw t tlltAltlll C. ROStilFrtD,89, !t. Vincrnr'r Sl. Rita'r SoII truetns at 6:J0 chutch, Sufvlvortr husband, Joreoh J.t p,m. in the schoolauditorium. sonr, Loulr, Orlando, flr,r Clem, Jorooh, Frrrrcls, and Norbrtt, of shalbvvillir daubh'. trtAy 20 l6rr, t,tf$, Louls Kneipp, Brt!vi;, olito, Mit. Holy Cross ceofgr 0dsp.t, Pittrbui!rh,pr,r Mrs. Samucl $alurday Social be. Genco, IndidnaoolitrCslic and Emma, ol gins at 6:30 p.rn. in the parish Slrrlbyv[hr brorhan,Ahthony rnd prtr'Hep" hall, 125N, pn!r, ol DcXilb, ltl, Oriental. MAY 23 st. ilEtNrAD .besins t -r.Ro_tillr HtrMAil ilyrRo:r, 0,9,f,, 59, Holy Angol'r Social at .51, .MclnrrdArchabb,ry Churrti, I\t.y l?. A 6:30 in tlre schooltrait, fgth lrlllrd lCl,ltl0r, Btollltf Hermdnhod crrved rlaluat lor_lhr Archabbcy,Marmion Abbry, and Northwestern, and lht Dckol! milsionr. Irnnt HAutr Tht Sochl T'",uro Flower. t llAl{t{f lEARllS,,95r St. Jorrph {hur(h, May 9, (rlvrry Crmelcry, starts at ff::10p,lll, in lhe audi. loriurn, l,lth and Bosart, t roBlnr. m. cu-.riol] 7r, fr. r,4.r!*;r lirty (lrurch, ltry 10. (alvlly f,trnitry. Parish r.rAlii-in. prrrrck Indianapolis Shopping roll:tl]ii List f sr. churchr l,liy 15, Caiy!ry Camatrry, Brorvnsburg tt0Y I n0BIRT W. tAUt tlt, ;r9, !t, Ph,r Chu/ch. l,lsy 13, Crlv!irt Canlrt,fy. Survivorrrris: lrr, lr'trr. Aqnir Snvdcr,Troy. You ARE Aty{AYs W![CorlE Al * Assumption Holy Cross * lmmaculale Heart * Little Flower * * St. James tt (torr * f fiAtY,lDA,.WAtiH,66, Holy froll Church, Lldy 13. Churr,hC.rdeterv. Survivorr: hus- FEENEY'sTAVERN band, MAYS PAINT Jqhnr r0ni, PdUl,Arnbro!t, and Mark. 3t E. Mrln Jt, lrownrburg, Ind, Browntr Servico Station Woddetla Standard "Vtr:nI lorrChfrek.Up" TlElc SCHOOLER'5HARDWARE ltornt; ond Bcrnard,ot Warsar, Kanl u!0 5. llAlilllNat tT. & WALLPAPERCORP. lud:yi dnuitlrlers,Mrs, Richard Allrrr. of Good Bear rnd Sandwichcr Servico 1099E, Hanna toui$yilh, I(y.i Mrs. laner Phonr Ul, 2{178 ^ilh. Sm.ico. Accrssorlea. Clt CHIID'S PURE ST 6-7ttt Dailey,of J.f, tc10 tt NEw toBx 3923E. lofh Sr" FL 6-24t5 PIII!8Un6H rtrso0ville;and Sisler Mary Prtrirr, 0.5.1., fr:;:'ln \!ash. IloEd senlci . * PAtNtS * ilrf, t{0t3 flrclrlc and of St. f',1ilf!rr.tllospil.l, in'Hanrnrondrhroth. orr stRvtcE t Dl$lnlBUl0n for t0V.J0HNilotl PAlltl * Plumbin!SuFrllica .'ri, tlfUllg ? r.m, to l0 p.m. 1 drv' GomF.l,rb. . Ci' Wrrh frdncir 6nd llsnry C,tsiidy,(,f Evans. BroffiElll'"." \tr-.? I veal Sarvlct,llr*i Eiid SJlldtla! . -, -,|-l:0--_. --. -* -:131f.1-93".t__*' Irg:t: "... _""._ villci sitlers.Mrs. JolrnWriatlt.0f Clricdao. and Furnilure Co. \q!!F Mlilro.4 ?49t0 IIITITOTTUN&UA 841 lrord Rippk Avr. €t. 5'0959 ". lll.i Aqne! Cdssidynn(l Mrs.-(yril lflueh,-oi Irperl tutr., Alolor ltrnt.{lp, Elrkt rild Mr5' 'orrn trich'' or SPEIDQUEEII APPTTANCES rnd [!!1T,1,""0',i|j"t' .^, GREEN'S Glidden Paintc (flUl !!r.rionNe. 1! Mil,tH0utEtl SALEs!no $[RVl(E * Cathedral Holy Name t AtFHOfattCfiflDttt. 5/, Inimarukt. Con. 5 t t I. M.in_5f. (.ption (hr,rch,i4dy 5. Churctr(crrreltry, Srownrbutg * Lady of Lourdes * \-/ GULF SERVTCE . ' u"'"' uL 2.4587 aor !i. f.!f. 1305 N' PaoliL ililll,lfl;/ilii,,l,l'"1:,'ili:?.'!'J,liJlt. blaar Uouae larlclsh ilil+ ?944Shelby Sf. ST 4.0080 Beech Grovc E'YIIRSON HEIGHTS sloREY'S FOOD SI{OPS I (0MPrEt! AUI0M0Itvt $rRYtCt a Citicr Scrvicc CtEANERS Uh PicL'UDond Deliver Dycrydit !nil r:Itelr16 l'oorlr lsdll U,,iilchtgrn L{isFit lo!:ibl. t'ilcis AI.BIINY& Ct|URCqTIAITI FI* t-1t0? "\\'hin ItL C$tlr ltD. r.1616 tt +0?Il Your G&rtitclrli .\rr Not St. LUtsRICATION llucourlux lo {ou lhpy Shuuld lJr * Joanof Arc * Cinllil( {6 Ur{ Srok. S.lrtcr rnd Gonoril Rapalr "r.liB$B MULHERG-ii"urJaiJ Rlt Grsgu "-;;ir;ffii*;: cu,l tdtrlAif$- a SERVICE PAT DOLLENIS lVc buy our ovn fmlt! and vegetablcr PRIVAIt TUIoRltlc by li(tnscd trach. ^Jla ,*,fY.,to,'*tlo|,. q{rlltr ind Scr?tc. lE0il'sTU from Orowen. ?hls lnrurcr you frerb. Au lnexpenslve W@l Ad JttuDrntl AII 5'056E ar. AvaildLlc in \cllool.nd clei'.intdry Holy Spirit nerr ind Eood qubUtn (t, (ddvs) .V * l,ron lto\clrlnd Doog a BIS lob strbi{cls. C0ll t'2186 or Ct, 1.8747 m *.'llil rREE DELTVEITT (111'l:".*",----- 1li?ilil,illj.l'* Gvoranlood Scrvicc 648E" 49rh AT" 3.6371 cA!.t ME" s.{s3t (:ii lYiah {622 Ecrt fonlh Strsol '-*naoLo -" rr. 7-t6tt jv Ask lor on Ad-Tcrkar CARPENIP.Y, v/lndow cord, pdlntlng, r00t.nd ::T, PLAZA :HiFi- gullrrinE, tcr.!ns. Mt.6.7,(49 rftrt 6 f{fRf ro SrAyr YO0 Sales & Service "-.d"-r.*ffi;fiil; Beauryshop Pilt x[NN[oY,$ Papcr Hangln8 & Stcrmlnl Vcry Scsl ltr qullilY Groe€rais ctrAtt's $naflt'Y sllolr lht il?i Wrldo Potrnd \i' , 1r 6030 L l0ih Sf. tt. t.92.t9 0rrlstrndiilg fruils,rnd vsgtl!blc! T,V. MART \-- 421lfi liorll l()llt St. l03J N. Brrrl ruL al06t owfltR-Ellr or Blcnck U.S. Choici il.rli Cfiorlens S&illman, Ownor {610 (rlttsnd€tr Ayr" Cf, l.i6l6 0P[RAIORSr lols trhr. Trnis Dllnrao lnd I'hotnr lt'L t-$5{t0 lor yorrt & GARY's fronces |ilunn TES Noxl, llenttll Appoinlnrerrt "flnorlr In Cl?dtirtq flo*d Hondryr-0prn luu, thru Srl. t.tdir lN lltll:il. Iiia(illl ---";;;,;;* Stylec" l'.nn:}lrrnit - THE lfh+rr I ltlt Cro{ifl PIXIE Mt. 4-1036 Beauly Salon 3902Collrq. IYA 3.5t14 l52l N. Emerson Mabel McDoughall 0wrrr rry ,o^n'Tf$f*"1{{,f S ti!her, * * Christ the King rL. 9-8265 Ju{ll @ lciilcy. Mirie tnlow Wlth thc irsurence thatFf .. b,,.... i "EiGifi.r.i-W.ittei,- 5r{^ll[. t]t),,il"t:ttt rr:ri,,rd rridtlle.rqt|d l,u r':scl(ll'1'l{)Ns g.-!.tUad --i:-i,, lwlll r'tlv' ttu'" lo St' fhirrt':' ttr ' 6'bqt4" Arcrrrritrlt I.'illcd t60l N, rt.t.rr{Ota $$f I HARDWAREMART 5t. Jude t 5401I'5 ti.lfl Siri'r'Il!J * ilui,onl fcrrt-tr*rlir". -llor:\.\dr.r. Plrrjrtrin!1,(rrir!la{\' (lil\: -Sp0. lrrq {-00,1! l7l0 E, 49rhst. cL 1.3i94 t REAIESTATE + Holy Angels

* ,o* ""r-** "trt IiR.I\I.JN & SC}IOTT ,l KeystoneSchool REAI ESTATE, i I tl. Roct5. sL matKs Ind I I\{AR}iET || 5T.JUDI'5 FAilsltt5 I lldj lf. ldlh st. l!,1, 6'100; Of Real Estate RENTS,INSURANC! 'r II e.rtt-us r FPrLilur,rllt I * Finc lVleat.. :t * lmmaculate Heart * LINWOODCLEANERS 714 S, Kcyslone, Indirnapolir DoNsHrNE REALTY Quiltrtgrrull-3 iln(l Vag,"utalJter ME l-t907 ThonasL HelchCo, ll I 4d?7 t. Ncw York {rnr. [inworrd) f! t.tt00 59/0 M.di(qn ll' tI 6'040? 004 Inlcnd tldg, lll, t-6566 I I | D*\ViS CROCERY CO. r.,,^lTf F 0. 0UNCAtl, Frun. Croccrler ilcili:i, t\ultr \g \rcgetabtci 5top rild Chccklrly $pacdwrySpctirh-Nowl HEIDENREICH llakerv Goodr rcol cor,t,Dch Avu. ct,. ii.??01 BUYINGot SELLING * Little Flower nacl ltlofr CAtL JO3E?H l{' ANOUS Nativity * Inqulro aboul our homc lrsdo. h Plan. KISSELHEIGHTS AMERICAN 7600ENGLISH AVE. FL 3-0422 ESTATESCO. NATIVITY PARISH tAiGl l.0rt foR sAtf - - - trt20 N. Gollcgc il' l-9401 '//rrh;n on0 tJlock ri Ii1rrr.lran,J srliool. tlhurch St.Mark 137 Home Sites Rc!lriLledh0r're .,i1,'.. 90 irv lB') leel, School llonre ftlaintcuance Priced lr'n i),2tt) CO, (lonvcntionalll' Itttilt DILLEHAY & SON - - - Yout' Platt ttt Ottt's t,ol lrnclors Str1t irliers lilrretririans Grrpct l[or.B * St' Andrew 5T. /.08/0 Mf. 9-s618 tT. 6.1862 - - Wc ll:tlc lflunrlnrs I)laslen:rs Irnirrtt:rs.- Fencirrg CI'fY S't'ltllli'l'S & Sll\\tEllS 'l'racle & We LOVELY3 BDRM.BRICK KISSELHEIGHTS 3 lllocks flonr St. Andrgv's Ulrey& Co. ME 6'3424 7600 ENGLISH AVF. HazelGambill FL 3-0427 Sacred Heart * Ytill out Ntw . . . ^-thur Frrncir, Builder XEAUTIfUI DRY CIIANIH6 Morrow's fgr Your 0raIerier rnd lpring {lolhetl St. Patrick * t- 2-3-4-5 Two Handy Locations Souih tr 1016I fart lt. 1041Woodliwn AYe. BedroomHomes Mt, t.62it2 Mt. ?.4968 VETERANCLEANERS

* 5t. Bernadette *

Gillie Hardwaro & Supply 3t:03Engllsh Ayo. tlB. C.tolE St.Michael PEERTESS St, Roch HEATNNG& COOLING PAINI ond * St. ME 6.3431 Hourocleening5uppllcr Safcway Quality Foodr L('OI( 24 llr. Itatlio Dispctcfted Salr:icrl IrltBs AYF^rt IrA}'AIETTE Brr' }a ort ztny t\lake ol rllodr:l "Frasb J?8:1 Brru'rNous Cholca C\t' Llc6tr m{ PAvrNo MPFFETT & gra PURVI:; EL St. Monica {S-rLl rxcAvAnoNs - slANoARo stRvlcE * "w! Adnncl&la Youf Eutlntss" T tnslish & [nurion ft t49Et trt CIPIT|ILGLISS oltlNo SERYICE 5t. Thomas J n RoAD CiiERRT SHILI Aiiai I e 6'08t0 CllfilPAilV,IJIli, 6001N' Mlchlstrnltd. GL' clflEs sERvlcE F, 5. GRADY& SONS St. Catherine Eu6ino'l'uilc{p ^llsnmetrt ;JtBI,j,[tlu Floridc Fish & PoullrY lNc. a Slor€ Fronls -1\'6 lrick-up& Ddlver* 915 S, Sornorrer CH.4.3343 Lt ur Supplt lou| "lintt flc.dr FunerulHome tremouf tOt odr sor toodr { o P.O, Box 2lOO4, W.l. Stotlon) Furnilure Tops OtS'l'Er.g . SllRlilf MORROW'S PHARMACY ,Eomc ot pcrronat ,r,taArf FlriH I c Window lgtD alat foEarYlYulr Wl }gl'l Gloss s'T. +ia{0 * St. PhilipNeri * t{ Bour Ambuftlaa Stf,tla !301 OUUAolrslAN (Al BatEold) PATRONIZE o Mirrors g{rrE B. lottr 5L lrg }4301 THE Midget Mkl. P.O. Sub.Station JOHANTGEN'S IlsbD JordaE, otDr! UL eallo! Rocky Ripple r Alsyniie Fibre Gloss ct. I.0504 AOVERTIZERS * PHARMACY i4t w, 53rd * Prercription Specialists RURAL "5lttvi,,tl r Boiley Glors Sliding Io Srrvr You Briler" o"[,ff'T"" * tREt tAf,1F Gtv€n AWAY APRIL 29 * .ffi, iou' Don't Havc lo Be fr€sent lo Witr tiKii\:fGs{ssrsrsrrssssssrsr-iii Doorr /h@!t\ ?8ol G. mtchtrar A Chnnco wilh [ver7 Purchosa St. Francis * o Thermopono \ry -BR6-wtls'arAG;F6- ,r--sAti' nr $uIHERiliiD'*""1 . #Ll;',',11". Sr. Roch * I atun, sLtDtNc wtNDows, sire 30x30,each ,. ,.s1fi5, ART'S DRUGS JACOD I'ONZEL SERVICE ATTTHUR J. UEUNIEA fnrporlcr oI Gemra[ (lna RAD|O.TV SERVICE scnseN'b'6d-i'i'j"iz",'8i:"J":t'.:1.'::':.:::.::::1.'j::'j::i':LEADED GLAS5 'rYour Cr:Etrdfather-Cuckm & othcr ctockr f; REXALL Dnrggirt" - - dlumondr lll Mrler r'ld Modrl; * t PLASTERBOARD,'rh", 4xB sheet . .$1.3j t wutcher lcwelry * SlDlNG,rox8, STAINEDGLASS ?5th $1. !t Slallo! S& Lf. 0.d3lt 6rpert reprlrlng MICHAEL B. JONES t A & clr.3'thru8'. hd. .,...... $I.954 'iT5 EAST TENTE STNEEI' ROOFING,galv., lr.i", corrug.,sq. .... -pggssyiplionr- ? ..,.,39.50t llond.PoiniedSpeciol DrriEnr ldodr Phdnr lta 6'9061 lodlrnopolir I, Ind. sT 6-8724 t POST,3t/2" lo 4" top x 6r'r',lreafed, each ,. .,,,.,.,.10c V. For Chunh Windovrr EVERLY i PAINT, outsidewhiie (top quality), grl. ... .$4,95? JOCKO'S SUTHERLANDLUMBER Churth Windowr Repoircd SHELLSERVICE t CO. i Patronize the 3915E. l0th FL 7.0507 i ls00KENTUCKY AVE. ME 9.2345t 432 3. Mirrouri l-lt. t-1301 Mirrd Drinkr.(ochrilr, (okl Scvrrrq$ OpenFriday I a, p,m. Indianopolir PATRONIZBTHE ADVERTISBRS t 9 OtherWeekdays 8 fo 5. i Advertisers Deluxr Sandwicher i\slsssssr\\l\ttsr\\rtt\rsssslss\\\*ttrsllss{ I Hrry lr lttdhrr

I PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION,T,IAY 19, 196I Pcpe asks unifiecl effort 4 Archdiocesan priests Arehbishop's Actionists Schedule Catholic Knigllts note jubilees of Americ! Mair, this week IeMACl.t2l*Calhqlic undarstand ltorv much lllol'e Four archdioccsan priests, in- clergy lmmacularr conc!t' ncccssar)' is union rvith thc Bislt- . at a dinner that evcning. r'#to,f.iro,Lloi?jim' . cluding the Vicar Gcneral, .Grdduation, op, thc hcad of thc apostolate in are Members of St, Augustine pai. ttAl 28 talher Mrchirl Shbhd observing milcstoncs lladison, 3 o.m. the dioccsc. of their re. ish, Jeffersonville, ieted tleir MAf 29 -Graduation. ligious lives this wcek. pastor at a publie ladywood School, In. "This reeeption on didnnflolis l0 a,m.; Graduation, union with thc Bishop oul Ladv ol l\Isgr. llernard Thttrstlay. evening in thc school' Providence, Clarksville. 8 D.m. ontails two conscquences for P. Sherirlan. I'ather Decry celebrtterl a Mass P.A.,-V'G., will cclcbrate ;-ii,Aii 5'our aclivits'. Tho filst is that I\Iass o[ Thanksgiving in St. ,Iolrn's of Thanksgiving Wednesday morrr- 1'ou shoultl nrakc your projccts 'I'hurstlay, Church on l\'Iay 25, at iug. antl )'our iclcas knorvn to 1'our {l a,m, llc rvas ortlaincd on that spilitual lordcl's rvith conrplcte Father Busald will offer his datc 45 ycals is ago nt St. Ikrinrad. confirlone e. . . . il'hc sccond Itlass No pulllic ollscn'ance is planned, of Thanksgiving on Suntlay, thilt, itftcr tcpot'tittg tlrcttt, yott May 21, at 11 a m. A reception shoulrl acccpt rvith pertcct docil- eelebrating thcir 40th anni. planned itt, thc dccision takcn by tltc vcr.sarics of arc l!!sgr. is hy mcmbcrs of thc par- responsibla autholitl' of tltc tlio- John J. Doylc, Ph.D., I\Iarian Col" ish Sun

Pray that Cornmunism Maritain denies I3e cast out of Culla he plans [o enter And for those who are oppressed because religious order Les they are Cathoiics. TOULOUSn, Ii'rance-Catholic Salud-omos philosophcrJacques Itlaritain has denied a publishedreport that he AMIGOS! Fresh-from -th e- ba rre l-taste intends to entcr the Little Broth- els o[ Jcsus and spcnd his life Somelhing Unusual For Your In Timeof Need as a rrrissionaryin the Sahara. That's what you get DINING ENJOYMENT in every bottle and can zft I\lr. l\Iaritain said he is nrcrely of Wiedemann's visiting thc Little Rrothers A .linDer of authentic lltexicaD fll-*or-an appealing KIVSH Fine! Smoother . . . rnor€ of "Soutb cf ttte ;l7;tffNfSilt Jesus al, their house here. vers-ion-of one of the most popul:rr recipes Insist On A Truly CATHOLIC ARROS CON MARISCOS ;::',TT5;:,;'$illllf;*1lXffiffif'lflf ''*'iilir,"",rttll,^:pl .TEOUILA SOUR because Wiedemann's is Registered.Since l. SHRIMP APERITIVO FUNERAL rBeverages SEAFOODWITH RICE 1870, honest-to.goodnessbeer with fresh. 8TE .DECANTER OF \'7 SAUTERNE from'the'barref taste' Trv a *'rj;*r,1":,::i::; Harry J. Feeney optioEal CHILLED MONDAYS ONLY co.,Ncv,porr xy. and Martin T. Feeney YouControl fhe Cost KEY 2861 Madison Avenue CAP|IOI$TY SUPPTY (0., Inc. whenyou Coll wEsT sr 6-14{l SHRIMP rhe lrdianopolis Restaurdnt 'r'rr 0 r r A s ^t.orlili I itttilrs, D, r, r' c s it l e n r with o National RePutation l,uA3.4504 HOUSE 214 E. St. Clair 5t. Indianapolis,Ind.