Table of Contents MARCH 2001 VOL.5 NO.12 4 Editor’s Notebook What good is technology? 5 Letters:
[email protected] TECHNOLOGY 6 The Technology Circle Over the past five years the changes in special effects technology for film and television have been monumental, causing large shifts and new issues for production companies and the soft- ware/hardware companies that service them. Bruce Manning outlines the issues and then sits down with Richard Taylor to discuss. Visit us online to see enlarged images and additional infor- mation on Richard’s work. 12 Low-Cost Solutions, High-End Results With today’s new software packages becoming more and more efficient for less and less money, one can definitely do more with less. John Edgar Park discusses the different software and hard- ware combos that can get you on the fast track to great looking CGI work. Go online to see detailed specs on Strata 3D and Hash Animation:Master online at: 16 Making It To The Web Exporting your animation to Flash so that it plays smoothly and soundly over the Internet is get- ting more complicated with every new product crowing about its “Flash-export capability.” Mark Winstanley is here to make sense of it all for you. 2001 ADDITIONAL FEATURES 20 There Once Was A Man Called Pjotr Sapegin From Russia to his new home of Norway, Pjotr Sapegin is bringing his own twisted sense of humor to his re-worked fairy tales. Who is this man behind a salt controlling troll, a genital lov- ing cat and a rat seeking romance? Chris Robinson investigates.