Are we ready for a sixth edition? The World Board will be recommending revisions to THE the personal stories in the Basic Text, as well as INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF adding a new preface. The board’s full recommenda- NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS tion will be published in the 2004 Conference Agenda Report. For more information, go to nawsmain.htm. EDITOR Nancy Schenck COPY EDITORS Andrea Dale Lapin Robin Lloyd IN THIS ISSUE NA at 50 3 Picture this 14 TYPOGRAPHY AND DESIGN A bit of NA history 5 Awakened dreams, David Mizrahi Recovering in Sweden 7 new possibilities 15 NA in Hong Kong, H&I Slim 16 PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Malaysia, and Singapore 8 The internal solution 18 Fatia Birault Personal from Panama 11 The first time 19 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Primary Purpose 13 Calendar 20 Tom McC, Dana H, Signs of spiritual growth Home Group 22 Marc S, Sheryl L evident at WCNA-29 14 WSO Product update 23 World Service Office PO Box 9999 Van Nuys, CA 91409 USA Telephone: (818) 773-9999 Fax: (818) 700-0700 If you are interested in receiving The NA Way Website: Magazine, you may request a copy by writing to the WSO at the address to the left or sending an email to
[email protected]. The NA Way Magazine welcomes the participation of its readers. You are invited to share with the NA Fellowship in our quarterly international journal. Send us your experience in recovery, your views on NA matters, and feature items. All manuscripts submit- The NA Way Magazine, published in English, French, German, Portuguese, and ted become the property of Narcotics Anonymous World Ser- vices, Inc.