Noble Deceit: Optimizing Social Welfare for Myopic Multi-Armed Bandits

SUBMISSION #553 In the information economy, consumer-generated information greatly informs the decisions of future consumers. However, myopic consumers seek to maximize their own reward with no regard for the information they generate. By controlling the consumers’ access to information, a central planner can incentivize them to produce more valuable information for future consumers. The myopic multi-armed bandit problem is a simple model encapsulating these issues. In this paper, we construct a simple incentive-compatible mechanism achieving constant regret for the problem. We use the novel idea of completing phases to selectively reveal information towards the goal of maximizing social welfare. Moreover, we characterize the distributions for which an incentive-compatible mechanism can achieve the first-best outcome and show that our general mechanism achieves first-best in such settings.

Manuscript submitted for review to the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics & Computation (EC'21). 1 INTRODUCTION Submission #553 1 With society’s deeper integration with technology, information generated by con- sumers has become an incredibly valuable commodity. Entire industries solely exist to compile and distribute this information effectively. Some of this information, such as product ratings or traffic reports, is critical for informing a consumer’s decisions. For example, an agent may wish to buy the best phone case from an online retailer. With- out accurate product ratings, an agent might purchase a low-quality item. However, if every agent were to simply purchase the highest rated product, alternate options would never get explored and the truly best product might never be discovered. There- fore, the seller needs some way to incentivize agents to explore new options even though they may desire to myopically choose the best option seen so far. Waze is a popular GPS service similar to Google Maps that addresses these issues. It collects traffic information from drivers in real time and uses the observations to recommend fast routes to participants. In addition to routes it knows to be fast, Waze sometimes recommends lesser known routes to drivers in order to gather information about them. Drivers are uncertain whether a particular recommended route is known to be fast or not, but are willing to accept the recommendations since they expect the routes to be fast in general. This information asymmetry is critical to ensuring drivers do not deviate from the recommended routes. At the same time, this relationship between drivers and Waze encourages Waze to only explore sparingly and only on reasonable routes so that drivers are willing to use the service. All recommendation systems must overcome these problems. The designers of these systems want to attract and retain users, which they can plausibly do by maximizing the social welfare of their users. The critical issue for these systems is that agents both utilize information to decide on an action to take and then produce information since the system observes the outcome of their decisions. Although agents benefit from information generated in the past, they may not care about generating new information for future agents. Rather, they just desire to exploit, achieving the best outcome they can for themselves. This fundamental trade-off between exploring and exploiting is well known and traditionally captured by the multi-arm bandit (MAB) problem. If the system at hand were able to force agents to take whatever action would be best in the long run, then it would achieve the so-called first-best outcome. In our setting, the system cannot force agents to take arbitrary actions. The best the system can do is attempt to influence agents into taking an action that will maximize social welfare in the long run. We call the problem with incentives the myopic multi-arm bandit problem (MMAB). The easiest way to incentivize agents to take an action they do not prefer is to pay them to do so. Many recommendation systems do this indirectly by offering discounts on particular products. When the designer is allowed to make monetary transfers, the problem is well understood [6]. An interesting and more applicable variation of the problem tries to incentivize agents without the use of payments. The main advantage a designer has in this setting is information asymmetry. Since these systems may not allow agents to interact with each other directly, the only information an agent has about past outcomes comes from the system itself. Using Amazon as an example, most people look at the reviews available on the website itself rather than contacting other Amazon users directly to ask about a product. Hence, Submission #553 2 by hiding certain reviews from users, Amazon could influence users to buy different products. A similar phenomenon happens with the examples of Waze and TripAdvisor. The field of information design studies how to exploit such information asym- metries. In particular, strategically revealing information to agents could influence their decisions. To get a feel for this, we consider two simple information revealing mechanisms. The first, full transparency, reveals all past outcomes to the agents. Since agents are myopic, they will almost always choose the best option seen so far and will rarely explore. Consequently, this approach usually causes the agents to "herd", meaning the agents converge to one decision and so get stuck in a local optima. On the other extreme, the mechanism could opt to never reveal information about the past outcomes. In this no information mechanism, agents will always choose the action with the best a priori expected outcome. Consequently, it is intuitive that neither extreme is optimal and that a sophisticated mechanism which selectively reveals information is necessary to achieve optimal social welfare.

1.1 Past Work In their seminal work, Kremer et al. [11] construct an optimal incentive-compatible (IC) mechanism for MMAB when restricted to two actions and deterministic rewards. In a follow up work, Cohen et al. [5] construct an optimal mechanism for any finite number of actions, for settings with only 2-point distributions and settings where the first distribution is over [−1, 1] and the rest are over {−1, 1}. In the heterogeneous agents setting, which generalizes our homogeneous setting, different agents may receive different rewards for each arm. In this setting, Immorlica et al. [7] construct a constant regret mechanism for any finite number of actions when the support of the reward distributions is finite. The mechanism presented involves solving an LP. Similarly, Chen et al. [4] presents a constant regret mechanism under additional assumptions on the heterogeneity and using payments. For stochastic rewards, several results are known. Most notably, Mansour et al. [12] gives a general reduction from MAB problems with incentives to MAB without incentive. Further, the regret achieved is nearly the best possible. Although slightly improving on this result may be possible, many researchers consider the stochastic rewards case resolved [5, 7]. Consequently, most recent works extend this framework to more general information design problems or attempt to make the mechanisms more practical by having them reveal more information to the agents [12, 8, 14]. Notably, Mansour et al. [13] consider more complicated settings where multiple agents arrive at each time step and their interactions determine rewards. Sellke and Slivkings [15] explore how different mechanisms would work in this setting without incentives to quantify the penalty mechanisms incur from being incentive-compatible. Generally, MMAB can be seen to be at the intersection of information design and Bayesian Persuasion. Many interesting results for information design have been considered such as in [2, 9]. Similarly, Bayesian Persuasion has been an active field of research ever since the publication of [10] leading to interesting developments such as [3]. Closer to our setting, the general technique of exploiting information asymmetry is well-studied and much of what is known can be found in [16]. Furthermore, [1] delves into the tradeoffs that exist as additional competition is introduced. Submission #553 3 Lastly, the study of the problem using monetary payments rather than information asymmetry to incentivize agents was initiated by Frazier et al. [6]. Several other works in this direction have been explored. The most similar to our setting is [4] which utilizes information asymmetry but also uses some small payments. Then, Wang and Huang [17] explores achieving logarithmic regret at the cost of logarithmic payments.

1.2 Our Contributions We present simple a mechanism that achieve constant regret with respect to the number of agents. Here, by "regret", we mean the difference between the expected reward of the optimal BIC mechanism and our mechanism. Our mechanism also allows for a significant amount of pre-computation, after which it can be implemented asa simple decision tree. Moreover, this pre-computation can be performed in polynomial time if the distributions are all discrete. This makes our mechanism easier to implement than other mechanisms that can be found in the literature. Our mechanism extends the techniques from [11] directly to the many actions case. Our studied setting lies between several of the models above. On the one hand, our mechanism works on a much broader class of distributions than [5, 7, 4] (which consider discrete distributions). At the same time, our setting focuses on deterministic rather than stochastic rewards so is more restricted than that of [12, 8]. However, unlike in the stochastic setting, with deterministic rewards we can guarantee constant regret. This demonstrates a strict separation in difficulty between the deterministic and stochastic settings that was only known before for specific classes of distributions. The main new ideas we introduce are the notions of generalized thresholds and "completing phases." Generalized thresholds allow us to reduce an instance with many arms into a sequence of instances of the two-arm case. On the other hand, completing phases prevents agents from learning about previous actions, preserving the mechanism’s incentive-compatibility. In particular, we can view our mechanism as composing several truthful mechanisms, and completing phases allows us to ensure the composition is also truthful.


Suppose we have 푚 actions/arms 퐴 = {푎1, . . . , 푎푚 }. We denote by 푅1, . . . , 푅푚 random variables that represent the random rewards associated with each arm and 퐷1, . . . , 퐷푚 be the distributions of the rewards of each arm. The 푅푖 are unknown a priori, but are persistent when realized, i.e. the rewards are determined by a single draw from the distribution. We assume the 퐷푖 ’s are each independent distributions and define 퐷 = 퐷1 ×...×퐷푚 to be the joint distribution of all the arms. Lastly, we define 휇푖 = 퐸[푅푖 ] and assume the arms are given in decreasing order of expectation ∞ > 휇1 ≥ 휇2 ≥ ... ≥ 휇푚. We use 푟푖 to denote a particular realization of the random reward 푅푖 . We overload the notation 퐷푖 to refer to the support of the distribution 퐷푖 . This will be clear from context as we will be treating it as a set in this case. Further, we suppose that for any two arms with 휇푖 ≥ 휇푗 there is some positive probability that arm 푖’s reward is smaller 푗 푅 휇 푖, 푗 than arm ’s expected reward. Formally, Pr푅푖 ∼퐷푖 [ 푖 < 푗 ] > 0 for all pairs with 푚푖 ≥ 휇푗 . We say that arm 푗 is not dominated by arm 푖. If arm 푖 is not dominated by any other arm, we say that arm 푖 is explorable. This is similar to the notion of explorability in [7]. If an arm is not explorable, it is impossible to incentivize agents to explore Submission #553 4 that arm. Thus, no IC mechanism will ever recommend such arms and so we assume non-explorable arms do not exist in the instance. In fact, for any deterministic mechanism, there exists an instance with unexplorable arms that causes the mechanism arbitrarily large regret. This can be seen by taking just two arms with the first dominating the second where the distribution ofthe second arm is on average worse than any reward in the first distribution, but has a small non-zero probability of achieving a massive reward. Then, the mechanism can never recommend arm 2, but it could have the the very large reward. Thus, the regret will be at least the probability times that reward times the number of agents. As the number of agents grows, this will be arbitrarily large. As mentioned before, absent the incentive constraints, the given problem is just an instance of MAB. When we additionally have myopic agents and need to consider their incentive constraints, we refer to this problem as the myopic multi-arm bandit problem (MMAB). In MMAB, a (possibly infinite) sequence of agents arrive over a time horizon. When agent 푡 arrives, he chooses an arm to pull and receives some reward. The goal of the mechanism designer, also called the central planner, is to strategically reveal information about the past outcomes of actions in order to maximize the social welfare, which is the total reward received by all the agents. The optimal regret that can be achieved by any mechanism under this setting will be called the BIC optimal regret (BIC-OPT). On the other hand, the optimal regret that can be achieved in the absence of all IC constraints is called the first-best outcome.

2.1 Definitions for 2 arms The main observation from [11] is that the information need only be revealed in a very simple structured way for the case of 2 arms. We review these concepts for the 2 arm setting and then generalize them for our purposes. Definition 1. A recommendation policy is a mechanism in which at time 푡, the 푡 푡 planner recommends an action 푎 ∈ 퐴 that is incentive compatible. That is, E[푅푗 −푅푖 |푎 = 푎푗 ] ≥ 0 for all 푗 ∈ [푚]. Note, our mechanisms may sometimes reveal other information in addition to a recommendation. We still refer to such mechanisms as recommendation policies. The main difference is the IC constraints will change. Specifically, if 퐼 (푡) is the additional 푡 information revealed, then the IC constraints will become E[푅푗 − 푅푖 |푎 = 푎푗, 퐼 (푡)] ≥ 0 for all 푗 ∈ [푚]. We can also express the IC constraints in terms of integral equations. ∫ [푅푗 − 푅푖 ]푑퐷 ≥ 0 푡 푎 =푎푗 ,퐼 (푡) where the integral is over all realizations for which the mechanisms recommends 푎푗 to agent 푡 and gives the agent additional information 퐼 (푡). They also give an equivalent of the Revelation Principle in this context. Lemma 1. For any mechanism 푀, there exists a recommendation mechanism that yields the same expected average reward. Definition 2. A partition policy is a recommendation policy that is described by a 퐼 푇 +1 푟 퐼 푡 푇 푡 collection of disjoint sets { 푡 }푡=2 . If 1 ∈ 푡 for ≤ , then agent is the first agent for Submission #553 5 푡 ′ 푡′ whom 푎 = 푎2 and for all 푡 > 푡 we have 푎 = max{푎1, 푎2}. If 푟1 ∈ 퐼푇 +1, then no agent explores. If 퐼푡 = ∅, then agent 푡 never explores. A partition policy is so named because the collection of intervals is intended to partition the support of 퐷1. Thus, for any given realization of arm 1’s reward, we can determine which agent, if any, should explore. Note, if the distributions do not have full support, then the intervals define a disjoint cover of the support rather thana partition. However, all the results also extend to this case.

Definition 3. A threshold policy is a partition policy in which the sets 퐼푡 are ordered intervals. Formally, 퐼2 = (−∞, 푖2], 퐼푡 = (푖푡−1, 푖푡 ] for some real sequence 푖2 ≤ 푖3 ≤ .... Threshold policies are so named because we can uniquely identify the partition with the sequence of numbers 푖2 ≤ 푖3 ≤ .... Each of these numbers forms a threshold that separates small realizations for which the agent should explore from large realizations for which the agent should exploit.

2.2 Generalizing to 푘 Arms For multiple actions, the definition of a recommendation policy remains the same. We need to generalize the notion of a partition policy. Afterward, the generalization of threshold policies follows easily. Definition 4. An generalized partition policy is a recommendation policy described 푘 퐼 푇푘 by a family of set collections. For arm , there is a collection of disjoint sets { 푡 }푡=1 called a partition for arm 푘. Suppose at the point when agent 푡푘 arrives, we’ve already explored the arms 퐸 ⊆ 퐴 and that 푟푚푎푥 is the largest realization seen so far. Also, suppose the mechanism now decides to use the collection of sets for arm 푘. Then, to some agent 푡푘 < 푡 ≤ 푡푘 + 푇푘 the mechanism may only recommend the arm achieving 푟푚푎푥 or some arm 푗 ≥ 푘. Furthermore, the mechanism will not use any information on past realizations 푟 퐼 or distributions of past arms other than whether 푚푎푥 ∈ 푡−푡푘 or not. Eventually, the mechanism will decide to start using a different collection of sets, at which point the collection for arm 푘 cannot be considered again. After all collections have been used, the mechanism must recommend 푟푚푎푥 to all future agents. Definition 5. An generalized threshold policy is an generalized partition policy 퐼 푇푘 with an ordering property on each interval. Specifically, if { 푡 }푡=1 is the collection of sets for arm 푘, then we further require that each set is an interval and they are ordered by endpoint. Specifically, we have 퐼푡 = (푖푡−1, 푖푡 ] for some real sequence −∞ = 푖0 < 푖1 < 푖2 < ... 푖 푡 푇 < 푇푘 < ∞ for 1 ≤ ≤ 푘 . We usually conflate the word threshold to mean both the number 푖푡 and the corresponding interval (푖푡−1, 푖푡 ]. The policies we construct will be generalized threshold policies. As such, we will use the following convenient terminology to break up the flow of the mechanism. In particular, our mechanisms will always fix the time at which each collection willbe used ex-ante. We say such a generalized threshold policy has fixed starts. Then, we {퐼 }푇푘 푡 can index our collections as 푡 푡=푡푘 where 푘 is the first agent for which we use the collection for arm 푘. Definition 6. We define the k-phase of a generalized threshold policy with fixed starts to be the set of agents that are given a recommendation based on the collection for Submission #553 6 arm 푘. Note, these agents will form a contiguous sequence. For a generalized threshold policy that uses all the intervals in the 푘th collection, this set is exactly {푡푘, . . . ,푇푘 } so long as there are infinitely many agents in the instance. In this case, we saythe 푘-phase is completed.

3 MECHANISM 3.1 Intuition The mechanism in [11] amounts to using thresholds to decide when to explore arm 2. This is because the first agent will always explore arm 1, and after arm 2 has been explored, the arm with the best realization is recommended to all future agents. The main idea behind this threshold policy is to hide information about previous exploration from the agents. If an agent is recommended arm 1, then he will gladly pull it being that it has the largest a priori expected reward. However, if an agent is recommended arm 2, he may be hesitant to choose it since if he is the first to pull this arm, its expected payoff is less than the mean ofarm 1. On the other hand, if he is recommended arm 2 and a previous agent has already explored it, it must be because arm 2 is known to be better than the arm 1. A clever choice of thresholds balances these two considerations so that when agents are recommended arm 2, they know it is in their best interest to follow the recommendation. By hiding the exact realizations of the arms and instead implicitly revealing ranges in which the realizations lie, we can incentivize agents to make choices that are good for the general population. We extend this procedure to 푘 arms in the following way. Suppose we have already explored arms 1, . . . , 푘 − 1 and we next want to explore arm 푘. We will try to reduce to the 2 arm case. We use the arms 1, . . . , 푘 −1 to construct a virtual arm whose realization is the that of the best explored arm. We can view the values of this virtual arm as being drawn from the distribution 퐷max(푘−1) . If we ensure that it is IC for the agent to choose arm 푘 over this virtual arm, the agent will have no better strategy than to follow the recommendation to explore arm 푘. In order for this to work, we will have to hide the information learned from the exploration of prior arms from the agents. In other words, we want to hide all information learned in previous phases in order to ensure the 푘-phase is equivalent to a clean run of the 2 arm mechanism. We want to conceal information because agents will try to condition on what they know to devise a strategy they prefer over the recommendation. The agents are aware of the mechanism, including the thresholds and their position in line. They also have priors for the values of each arm based on the distributions, which are common knowledge. When they receive their recommendation, they will perform Bayesian inference to update their knowledge about the realizations of all arms. If the conditional expected reward of the recommended arm is inferior to another arm, the agent will deviate from the recommendation. Specifically, agents could use the recommendation to infer which intervals caused explorations of past arms. These intervals give bounds on the value of past best realizations. Conditioning on these bounds could make a different arm more attractive to the agent than the recommended arm which would cause the agent to reject the recommendation. To prevent this situation, we do not immediately attempt to explore arm 푘 + 1 as soon as we explore arm 푘. Instead, we continue as if arm 푘 has not yet been explored until the end of phase 푘. We refer to this as ’completing the 푘-phase’. Consequently, Submission #553 7 in our mechanism the agents who will make up the 푘-phase are fixed ex-ante and in particular, the phase of an agent is independent of the realizations of the arms. Therefore, they cannot use their recommendation to learn anything new about when the previous arms where explored. Overall, completing the phases and utilizing the power of the virtual arm will lead to an IC mechanism which achieves constant regret. Another possible issue is that the agent may learn enough information about the current best realization to prefer exploring a different arm, say 푘 + 1, over exploiting the current best realization. For example, consider a case where the last agent in the 푘-phase is recommended arm 푖, telling them that arm 푘 was already explored and found to be worse than 푖. It is possible that the expected value of arm 푖 conditioning on this information is less than the expected value of the next unexplored arm 푘 + 1. To avoid this issue, we simply recommend arm 푘 +1 to agents who would prefer exploring it to exploiting the previous arms. However, in order to ensure that future agents do not gain any extra information from this exploration, we "forget" the realization of the reward 푟푘+1, and proceed as if we did not learn anything from the exploration.

3.2 Mechanism Our mechanism, completing descending phases (CDP), proceeds by completing a 푘- phase for each 푘 in decreasing order of 휇푘 . To be precise, completing the phase here means we use all of the intervals for the collection corresponding to arm 푘 as Definition 6 dictates.

(1) The mechanism recommends arm 1 to agent 1 and learns the realization 푟1. (2) For each 푘 ∈ {2, . . . ,푚}, begin the 푘-phase for the agents 푗 ∈ {푡푘 . . . ,푇푘 } where 푡2 = 2, and 푡푘 = 푇푘−1 + 1 for all other 푘. 퐼 푇푘 푖 푟 (a) Find the thresholds { 푡 }푡=푡 guaranteed by Theorem 2, and find = arg max 푖′ . 푘 푖′<푘 (b) We determine if there exists some 푡 ∈ {푡푘, . . . ,푇푘 } such that 푟푖 ∈ 퐼푡 . If no such 푡 exists, then for each agent 푗 who arrives in phase 푘, the mechanism recommends arm 푖. (c) Otherwise, there is a unique agent 푡 such that 푟푖 ∈ 퐼푡 . Then, for each agent 푗 who arrives in phase 푘: (i) If 푗 < 푡, then the mechanism recommends arm 푖 to the agent. (ii) If 푗 = 푡, then the mechanism recommends arm 푘 to the agent, and learns 푟푘 . (iii) If 푗 > 푡, then the mechanism knows 푟푘 . If 푟푘 > 푟푖 , it recommends arm 푘. Otherwise, it recommends arg max{푟푖, 휇푘+1}. (In the case of a tie, give priority to the arm with the smallest index.) (3) After all the phases end, the mechanism recommends arm 푖 = arg max푟푖′ 푖′ ≤푚

4 ANALYSIS {퐼 }푇푘 In this section, we will prove that it is possible to compute the thresholds 푡 푡=푡푘 referenced in the mechanism above, for which the CDP mechanism achieves constant regret. It is important to note that these intervals can be pre-computed if the distribu- tions are known beforehand, which makes our mechanism easy to implement. It will also be clear from the proof of Theorem 2, that if the distributions are discrete, then computing the intervals takes polynomial time. Submission #553 8 We will assume for the rest of this paper that the distributions are all continuous to make our proofs easier. It can be verified that with minor changes, they hold true even for non-continuous distributions. In this section, we will prove the following theorem. Theorem 1 (Main Result). Completing Descending Phases is Bayesian incentive- compatible (BIC) and achieves constant regret. We will first prove that the CDP mechanism is BIC, and then later show that it attains constant regret whenever possible.

푘 {퐼 }푇푘 Theorem 2. For each -phase, there exists a collection 푡 푡=푡푘 , such that the above mechanism is BIC. Proof. As defined in the mechanism, let 푖 be the index of the best known arm:

푖 = arg max푟푖′ 푖′<푘 We will show that there is a partition (−∞, 푠푡푘 ], (푠푡푘 , 푠푡푘 +1],..., (푠푇푘 −1, 푠푇푘 ] that satisfies the requirements. The values are defined as follows     푡푘 푠 = sup 푠 ≤ sup 푅푘 : E max 푅푖′ | max 푅푖′ ≤ 푠 ≤ 휇푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 For our proofs, it will be convenient to use the following equivalent definition for 푠푡푘    ∫  푡푘   푠 = sup 푠 ≤ sup 푅푘 : (max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 )푑퐷 ≤ 0  푖′<푘   max 푅 ′ ≤푠   ′ 푖   푖 <푘  In Observation 1, we will show that our assumption that all arms are explorable would be violated if this set was empty. Therefore, 푠푡푘 > −∞.

푡 푡+1 Now, with 푠 defined for 푡 ≥ 푡푘 , we define 푠 as follows    ∫ ∫  푡+1   푠 = sup 푠 ≤ sup 푅푘 : (max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 )푑퐷 ≤ (푅푘 − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷  푖′<푘 푖′<푘   푠푡 max푖 <푘 푅푖  Notice that since 푠푡 > −∞, 푠푡+1 > −∞ as well. If 푠푡 = ∞, then we let 푠푡+1 = ∞ as well, and we define 푡 푡+1 푇푘 = inf{푡 ≥ 1 : 푠 = 푠 } 푡−1 푡 Also, let 푡 be the first agent who explores arm 푘 in the 푘-phase, if any. So 푟푖 ∈ (푠 , 푠 ] 푡−1 where 푠 = −∞ for 푡 = 푡푘 . We will now prove that these intervals satisfy the IC constraints. In the 푘-phase, each recommendation is to pull arm 푖, arm 푘, or arm 푘 + 1. These recommendations are shown to be IC by Lemma 5. □

The main idea behind our definition for 푠푡푘 is to compute exactly what information to reveal to agent 푡푘 so the agent is indifferent between exploiting the previous best arm and exploring arm 푘. In particular, if agent 푡푘 were to choose exploiting the max arm Submission #553 9   given that its value is at most 푠, they would attain E max 푅푖′ | max 푅푖′ ≤ 푠 reward 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 in expectation. On the other hand, since the recommendation only constrains the values of the max arm and gives no information about arm 푘 by independence, the agent’s expected reward for choosing arm 푘 is exactly 휇푘 , despite having additional 푡 information about the max arm. Thus, by choosing 푠 = 푠 푘 , agent 푡푘 will be indifferent and so exploring arm 푘 will be incentive compatible. Then, the idea for defining 푠푡+1 follows the same reasoning. We give the agents just enough information so that exploiting seems equally desirable to exploring arm 푘. Furthermore, exploring future arms will be undesirable since their means are smaller than that of 휇푘 , up to a special case we take care of later. Observation 1. For a phase 푘, if 푠푡푘 = −∞, then arm 푘 is unexplorable. Proof. By definition of 푠푡푘 , the event 푠푡푘 = −∞ occurs if and only if   inf max 푅푖′ > 휇푘 . 푖′<푘 Note that   inf max 푅푖′ = max {inf 푅푖′ } . 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 Therefore, if 푠푡푘 = −∞, there must be some ℓ < 푘 such that

inf 푅ℓ > 휇푘 But then, we have by definition that arm ℓ dominates arm 푘. Hence, arm 푘 is unex- plorable. □ Note that by the distributional assumptions for the setting from the preliminary, the case in Observation 1 won’t occur and all thresholds will exist. 푡 Claim 1. 푠 푘 ≥ 휇푘 푡 Proof. Just consider plugging in 푠 = 휇푘 in the definition of 푠 푘 . This always gives a small enough conditional expectation and so 푠 = 휇푘 is a possible candidate, implying the supremum will be at least this value. □ Now, in phase 푘, let us consider an agent 푡. We want to show that all possible recommendations to agent 푡 will be IC. We will also let 푒 be the agent who first explores arm 푘 in phase 푘. Lemma 2. In the 푘-phase, if an agent 푡 is recommended arm 푖, the recommendation is IC. Proof. There are two cases in which the agent 푡 would be recommended arm 푖. We find the expectation in each case and then apply the law of total expectation to get the result. Note that being recommended arm 푖 in the 푘-phase implicitly implies that 푡 ≠ 푒. Thus, conditioned on this event we have Pr[푡 = 푒] = 0. The common idea in both cases is that knowing 푡 ≠ 푒 and knowing 푖 was recommended implies that 푖 had the highest realization so far. Hence, conditioning on the recommendation is equivalent to conditioning on the realization of arm 푖 being the largest of the previous arms’ realizations. Then, depending on the case, we get further bounds on arm 푖’s realization and this allows us to bound the utility for the agents. Submission #553 10 Case 1: (푡 < 푒) The central planner has not recommended arm 푘 to anyone yet, and arm 푖 is the best arm explored so far. By definition of our thresholds, this then 푡 means that 푟푖 > 푠 . Otherwise, 푡 or a previous agent would have explored arm 푘. Hence, the agent can deduce that arm 푖 has the largest realization so far and deduce a lower bound on 푟푖 . Taking this information into the expectation yields the following inequalities. Overall,

푡 푡 E[푅푖 |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 < 푒] = E[푅푖 | max 푅푖′, 푅푖 > 푠 ] 푖′<푘 푡 ≥ E[푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 < 푒] ∀ ℓ < 푘 Moreover, we can also conclude from continuity that 푡 푡 E[푅푖 |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 < 푒] = E[푅푖 |푅푖 = max 푅푖′, 푅푖 > 푠 ] 푖′<푘 푡푘 ≥ E[푅푖 | max 푅푖′, 푅푖 > 푠 ] 푖′<푘 ≥ E[푅푖 | max 푅푖′, 푅푖 ≥ 휇푘 ] 푖′<푘 ≥ 휇푘

≥ 휇ℓ, ∀ ℓ ≥ 푘 푅 푅 푎푡 푎 , 푡 푒 ℓ 푚 ∴ E[ 푖 − ℓ | = 푖 < ] ≥ 0 ∀ ∈ [ ] Here, we used the fact that the thresholds are increasing and that conditional expectations are monotonic here, together with Claim 1. Case 2: (푡 > 푒) The central planner has recommended arm 푘 to a previous agent and found that arm 푖 has the highest realization among all arms ℓ ≤ 푘. Furthermore, we know that 푟푖 ≥ 휇푘+1. Thus, we have, 푡 푡−1 E[푅푖 |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 > 푒] = E[푅푖 |푅푖 = max 푅푖′, 푅푖 ≤ 푠 , 푅푖 ≥ 휇푘+1] 푖′ ≤푘 푡−1 ≥ E[푅ℓ |푅푖 = max 푅푖′, 푅푖 ≤ 푠 , 푅푖 ≥ 휇푘+1] 푖′ ≤푘 푡 = E[푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 > 푒] ∀ ℓ ≤ 푘

푅 푅 푎푡 푎 , 푡 푒 ℓ 푘 ∴ E[ 푖 − ℓ | = 푖 > ] ≥ 0 ∀ ≤ Since in phase 푘, the planner’s recommendations never depend on the real- izations of any arm ℓ > 푘, their expected values from the agent’s perspective do not deviate from 휇ℓ . Hence, we have 푡 푡−1 E[푅푖 |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 > 푒] = E[푅푖 |푅푖 = max 푅푖′, 푅푖 ≤ 푠 , 푅푖 > 휇푘+1] 푖′ ≤푘 ≥ 휇푘+1 푡 = E[푅푘+1|푎 = 푎푖, 푡 > 푒] 푡 ≥ E[푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푖, 푡 > 푒] ∀ ℓ > 푘

푅 푅 푎푡 푎 , 푡 푒 ℓ 푘 ∴ E[ 푖 − ℓ | = 푖 > ] ≥ 0 ∀ > Hence, 푖 has a higher expected value than any other arm: 푅 푅 푎푡 푎 ℓ 푚 ∴ E[ 푖 − ℓ | = 푖 ] ≥ 0 ∀ ∈ [ ] Submission #553 11 In either case, we see that the recommendation is incentive compatible. □

Lemma 3. In phase 푘, if an agent 푡 is recommended arm 푘, the recommendation is IC. Proof. Let us first consider the arms ℓ > 푘. There are two cases in which an agent 푡 would be recommended arm 푘. Case 1: (푡 = 푒) The central planner is recommending arm 푘 to agent 푡 for the first time. Then, 푡 E[푅푘 − 푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푘, 푡 = 푒] = 휇푘 − 휇ℓ ≥ 0 being that knowing the recommendation and knowing the place in line does not tell the agents anything about the expected rewards of arm 푘 and arm ℓ. Specifically, the planner has only observed realizations of other arms since these two haven’t been explored yet by assumption. Hence, independence of the arms implies those realizations observed by the planner don’t affect the rewards of arm 푘 and arm ℓ. Case 2: (푡 > 푒) The central planner recommended arm 푘 to a prior agent, and found that it is the best arm. Then, 푡 E[푅푘 − 푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푘, 푡 > 푒] = E[푅푘 |푅푘 = max 푅ℓ, 푅푘 ≥ 휇푘+1] − 휇ℓ ≥ 휇푘+1 − 휇ℓ ≥ 0 ℓ ≤푘 Therefore, it is clear that 푡 E[푅푘 − 푅ℓ |푎 = 푎푘 ] ≥ 0 ∀ ℓ > 푘 Now, we consider past arms ℓ < 푘. We begin with the case where 푒 = 1. In this case, if the agent is recommended arm 푘, they know that they are exploring. But, they also 푡 푡 know that maxℓ<푖 푟ℓ ≤ 푠 푘 . By our choice of 푠 푘 , we know that ∫ (max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 )푑퐷 = 0 푖′<푘 푡 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 푖′<푘 It is also true that for all ℓ < 푘, ∫ (푅ℓ − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷 ≤ 0 푖′<푘 푡 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 푖′<푘 ∫ ∫ 푅 푑퐷 푅 푑퐷 ∴ ℓ ≤ 푘 푡 푡 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘

푅 푅 푠푡푘 푅 푅 푠푡푘 ∴ E[ ℓ | max 푖′ ≤ ] ≤ E[ 푘 | max 푖′ ≤ ] 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 ∴ E[ ℓ | = = 1] ≤ E[ 푘 | = = 1] The LHS here denotes the utility that the agent 푡 derives from pulling arm ℓ, and the RHS denotes the utility that the agent 푡 derives from pulling the recommended arm 푘. Therefore, the agent would not prefer to pull an arm ℓ < 푘 over arm 푘. Submission #553 12 If 푒 > 1, the agent no longer knows with certainty whether they are exploring or exploiting. By our choice of 푠푒 and continuity, we know that ∫   ∫ max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 푑퐷 ≤ (푅푘 − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푒 푒+1 푒−1 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 ,푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 Now, by rearranging, we get ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ max 푅푖′푑퐷+ max 푅푖′푑퐷 ≤ 푅푘푑퐷+ 휇푘푑퐷 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푒−1 푒 푒+1 푒−1 푒 푒+1 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 ∴ E[max 푖′ | = > 1] ≤ E[ 푘 | = > 1] 푖′<푘 The LHS denotes the utility that the agent derives from pulling an imaginary arm with the distribution max푖′<푘 퐷푖′ and the RHS here denotes the utility that the agent 푡 derives from following the recommendation to pull arm 푘. Note that for any ℓ < 푘, it is true that ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ 푅ℓ푑퐷+ 푅ℓ푑퐷 ≤ max 푅푖′푑퐷+ max 푅푖′푑퐷 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푒−1 푒 푒+1 푒−1 푒 푒+1 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 where the LHS here is the utility that the agent derives from ignoring the recommen- dation and pulling arm ℓ < 푘. ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ 푅 푑퐷 푅 푑퐷 푅 푑퐷 푅 푑퐷 ∴ ℓ + ℓ ≤ 푘 + 푘 푒−1 푒 푒+1 푒−1 푒 푒+1 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 푅 푎푡 푘, 푒 ∴ E[ ℓ | = > 1] ≤ E[ 푘 | = > 1] This proves that the agent will always follow the recommendation to pull the arm 푘. □ Lemma 4. In phase 푘, if an agent 푡 is recommended arm 푘 + 1, the recommendation is IC. Proof. The mechanism recommends arm 푘 + 1 to an agent 푡 during phase 푘 if and only if there exists some 푒 with 푟푖 ∈ 퐼푒 , such that 푡 > 푒, and 푘 +1 = arg max{푟푖, 푟푘, 휇푘+1}. Consider some ℓ ≤ 푘. Then, 푡 E[푅ℓ |푎 = 푘 + 1] = E[푅ℓ | max 푅푖′ ≤ 휇푘+1, 푡 > 푒] 푖′ ≤푘 ≤ E[max 푅푖′ | max 푅푖′ ≤ 휇푘+1, 푡 > 푒] 푖′ ≤푘 푖′ ≤푘 ≤ 휇푘+1 푅 푅 푎푡 푘 ℓ 푘 ∴ E[ 푘+1 − ℓ | = + 1] ≥ 0 ∀ ≤ Hence, agent 푡 knows that 푟푖 = 푚푎푥푖′<푘푟푖′ Submission #553 13 Since in phase 푘, the planner’s recommendations never depend on the realizations of any arm ℓ > 푘, their expected values from the agent’s perspective do not deviate from 휇ℓ . Therefore,

푡 E[푅푘+1|푎 = 푘 + 1] = 휇푘+1

≥ 휇ℓ, ∀ ℓ > 푘 + 1

푅 푅 푎푡 푘 , ℓ 푘 ∴ E[ 푘+1 − ℓ | = + 1] ≥ 0 ∀ < Hence, the recommendation is always IC. □ Lemma 5. The Completing Descending Phases mechanism is BIC. Proof. First, it is well known that the first agent must pull arm 1 to be incentive- compatible, so step one of CDP is BIC. Now, note that the total number of thresholds is fixed in advanced. This is because we use the distribution 퐷max(푘−1) and 퐷푘 to compute the thresholds for the 푘-phase and these distributions do not depend on the realizations seen so far. Since the agents in a phase and the length of the phase are fixed ex-ante, the agents cannot learn anything about the actions or realizations in previous phases from their given recommendation and a description of the mechanism. Here, we are using the fact that agents don’t communicate with each other so can only learn from what the mechanism tells them. Thus, the only information about the realizations is from the recommendations made in that phase. In particular, a phase recommendation will only reveal an arm and an interval for which the best arm’s realization may or may not reside. Suppose agent 푡 is in the 푘-phase, there are several cases to consider. Case 1: Suppose the recommendation is arm 푖 < 푘. Then, the agent knows arm 푖 has the best realization so far and they are being asked to exploit. The only bounds they can derive on the realization is 푟푖 ∉ 퐼푡 and possibly 푟푖 ∈ 퐼푡′ for some 푡 ′ < 푡 if arm 푘 has already been explored. In particular, this follows since the 푘-phase only reveals the recommended arm directly and then the intervals through the mechanism description. Being that agents cannot learn anything from previous phases as argued above, this is all the agent can learn. Given this information the agent may have, Lemma 2 shows that this recommendation is BIC. Case 2: Suppose the recommendation is arm 푘. Then, the agent knows they are being asked to explore arm 푘 or arm 푘 was the best seen so far and they are asked to exploit it. The only information the agent can then derive is that 푟max ∈ 퐼푡 ′ or that 푟푖 ∈ 퐼푡′ for some 푡 < 푡 and 푟푘 > 푟푖 for some 푖 < 푘 but they do not know which 푖. Given this information, Lemma 3 implies the recommendation is BIC. Case 3: Suppose the recommendation is arm 푘 + 1. Then, they only know that 푟max < 휇푘+1. Thus, Lemma 4 shows this recommendation is then BIC. □ To complete the proof of Theorem 1, we now need to show that the CDP mechanism attains constant regret with respect to the number of agents. Note that the regret is Submission #553 14 not constant in the number of arms; indeed this is impossible in general because even in case where the rewards are i.i.d., all arms must be explored. Theorem 3. The Completing Descending Phases mechanism achieves constant regret. Proof. We already know from Observation 1 that the CDP mechanism will explore all arms, and that after 푇푚 agents, all future agents will be recommended the best explored arm. Therefore, after 푇푚 agents, all agents are recommended the best arm. So, if OPT is the best realization among all arms, then

E[BIC-OPT(푛)] − E[CDP(푛)] ≤ 푛 · OPT − (푛 − 푇푚)· OPT = 푇푚 · OPT

if we can show that 푇푚 is a constant, we will have shown that the regret is constant.

Note that 푚 Õ 푇푚 = (푇푘 − 푡푘 + 1) 푘=1 We will prove that for each 푘 ∈ [푚], 푇푘 −푡푘 +1 is a finite constant that does not depend on the number of agents. For a fixed 푘, note that from our definitions, ∫ ∫ (max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 )푑퐷 = (푅푖 − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푡 푡+1 푡 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘

for all 푡푘 ≤ 푡 ≤ 푇푘 . Note that 푇 Õ푘 © ∫ ª ­ (max 푅푖′ − 휇푘 )푑퐷® ≤ 휇max (푘) − 휇푘 ­ 푖′<푘 ® 푡=푡푘 ­푡 푡+1 ® 푠 ≤max 푅푖′ <푠 « 푖′<푘 ¬ where 휇max (푘) = E[max 푅푖′ ] and also note that 푖′<푘 ∫ ∫ (푅푘 − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷 ≤ (푅푘 − max 푅푖′ )푑퐷 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푡 푡+1 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푖′<푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 푖′<푘

for all 푡푘 ≤ 푡 < 푇푘 .

© ª © ª ­ ® ­ ® ­ ∫ ® 푇푘 ­ ∫ ® 푇 푡 푅 푅 푑퐷 Õ 푅 푅 푑퐷 휇 푘 휇 ∴ ( 푘 − 푘 +1) ­ ( 푘 − max 푖′ ) ® ≤ ­ ( 푘 − max 푖′ ) ® ≤ max ( )− 푘 ­ 푖′<푘 ® ­ 푖′<푘 ® ­ 푡 ® 푡=푡푘 ­ 푡 ® ­max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 ® ­max 푅푖′ ≤푠 ® ­푖′<푘 ® ­푖′<푘 ® 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ « 푖′<푘 ¬ « 푖′<푘 ¬ 휇 (푘) − 휇 푇 푡 max 푘 ∴ ( 푘 − 푘 + 1) ≤ ∫ (푅 − max 푅 ′ )푑퐷 푘 ′ 푖 푡 푖 <푘 max 푅푖′ ≤푠 푘 푖′<푘 푅푘 >max 푅푖′ 푖′<푘 Submission #553 15 Clearly, this is a constant (< ∞, since all arms are explorable) which does not depend on the number of agents. This proves that the mechanism achieves constant regret. □ With Theorem 2 and Theorem 3, we have now completed the proof of Theorem 1.

5 ACHIEVING FIRST-BEST We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal IC mechanism to achieve first-best. Recall, the first-best outcome is defined as the optimal regret that can be achieved by without IC constraints. First, we derive this optimal incentive-free mech- anism. In this section, we again assume for simplicity that all distributions are contin- uous and do not contain point masses.1

Lemma 6. Suppose we have a problem instance with distributions 퐷푖 with means 휇푖 and suprema 푏푖 . The following mechanism achieves the first-best outcome: 2 (1) Order the arms in decreasing order of 푏푖 , with 휇푖 as a tiebreaker (2) Set 푟푚푎푥 := −∞ and 푎푚푎푥 := 푁푢푙푙 (3) For 푡 ∈ [푚]: (a) If 푟푚푎푥 ≥ 푏푡 , pull 푎푚푎푥 (b) Otherwise, pull 푎푡 and then if 푟 푗 > 푟푚푎푥 , update 푟푚푎푥 = 푟 푗 and 푎푚푎푥 = 푎푗 . (4) Pull 푎푚푎푥 at all remaining times. Proof. Any asymptotically optimal mechanism must learn the optimal arm. Define the exploration stage of a mechanism to be the set of time periods before it knows the optimal arm, and the exploitation stage to be the set of time periods after the mechanism knows the optimal arm. Any optimal mechanism must always pull the optimal arm during the exploitation stage (and incur 0 regret), so to minimize regret it is sufficient to minimize regret during the exploration stage. Note that for a mechanism to learn the optimal arm, for all arms 푎푖 , it must either pull 푎푖 and learn its realization or obtain a realization of another arm 푟 푗 such that 푟 푗 ≥ 푏푖 (and hence 푎푖 has zero probability of being the optimal arm). In particular, pulling each arm once is sufficient to learn the optimal arm. Note also that there is nothing to be gained by pulling an arm for a second time during the exploration stage: If the arm is in fact optimal, there is no gain relative to ending the exploration stage 1 time step earlier, and if the arm is suboptimal there is some regret incurred. Therefore, to derive an optimal mechanism, it is sufficient to find an ordering of the arms inthe exploration stage to maximize the regret gained from never needing to explore some arms. We argue that our algorithm is optimal with a greedy-stays-ahead style argument. We show inductively that our mechanism never explores an arm that an optimal mechanism does not also explore during the exploration stage. Then, since exploring

1Lemma 6 and Theorem 4 would extend to distributions with point masses as follows. The optimal mech- anism derived in Lemma 6 must break ties in the favor of arms with greater probability of attaining the value 푏푖 . Accordingly, Theorem 4 would hold with the additional condition that when arms share the same supremum, their probabilities of attaining that supremum are decreasing in 푖 (just as the mean values 휇푖 values are). Without this constraint, the optimal order for exploration (tie-breaking by probability of attaining 푏푖 ) would not be the same as the IC order (tie-breaking by 휇푖 ). 2Any tie-breaking method leads to an optimal mechanism, but this particular tie-breaking causes the mechanism to be IC in the special case considered in Theorem 4. Submission #553 16 a particular arm incurs the same regret regardless of the timing of that exploration and all arm values are independent, this shows that our mechanism is optimal almost surely. First, we claim that with probability 1, an optimal mechanism must explore arm 푎1. This is because since 퐷1 has the highest supremum, no other arm has a non-zero probability of attaining a realization at least 푏1. Now, we argue that, with probability 1, the 푘-th arm our mechanism explores in the exploration stage is also explored in any optimal mechanism, given that all arms previously explored are also explored by any optimal mechanism. If we explore 푎푘 , then every explored arm must have a realization less than 푏푘 . Additionally, since the distributions are continuous and all unexplored arms have supremum at most 푏푘 , no unexplored arm has a non-zero probability of achieving at least 푏푘 . Hence, with probability 1, any optimal mechanism must explore 푎푘 . □

Next, we give a necessary condition for a mechanism to achieve first-best. We essentially show that any optimal mechanism must order the exploration as in the mechanism from Lemma 6.

Lemma 7. Consider an arm 푗, and let 푖 and 푘 be the smallest and largest indices (respectively) such that 푏푖 = 푏 푗 = 푏푘 . Then in any optimal mechanism, arm 푗 must never be recommended during times {1, 2, . . . , 푖 −1}. Further, if arm 푗 is ever recommended, then with probability 1 it must be recommended exactly once in the time steps {푖, 푖 + 1, . . . 푘}. Proof. First, suppose an optimal mechanism 푀 recommends arm 푗 at time time 푡 < 푖. Then by pigeonhole principle, there must exist some arm ℓ < 푖 that has not yet been recommended by 푀, and further we know 푏ℓ > 푏 푗 . Since 푀 is optimal, we can assume that none of the arms that have been sampled before time 푡 attained a value greater than 푏 푗 . Since we know 푏ℓ > 푏 푗 , there is a non-zero probability that 푟ℓ > 푟 푗 , and hence since 푀 is optimal and must learn the optimal arm, it must recommend arm ℓ at some time 푡 ′ in the future. Consider a mechanism 푀 ′ identical to 푀 except that 푀 ′ recommends arm ℓ rather than arm 푗 at time 푡 and then at time 푡 ′, 푀 ′ recommends arm ℓ if 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 and arm 푗 otherwise. ′ In the case that 푟ℓ ≤ 푏 푗 , the expected rewards of 푀 and 푀 are identical since the distributions are all independent and hence the order they are sampled in doesn’t matter. In the case that 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 , which occurs with strictly positive probability as noted before, 푀 and 푀 ′ differ only in their recommendation at time 푡 ′. At this time, ′ ′ 푀 attains reward of 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 ≥ 푟 푗 while 푀 attains a reward of 푟 푗 . Hence, 푀 is strictly better than 푀, contradiction. Now, suppose an optimal mechanism 푀 never recommends arm 푗 in times {1, . . . , 푘}. Since there are only 푘 − 1 other arms ℓ with 푏ℓ ≥ 푏 푗 , 푀 must recommend some arm ℓ with 푏ℓ < 푏 푗 = 푏푘 at a time in {1, . . . 푘}, which is not possible by previous case. Finally, suppose an optimal mechanism 푀 recommends arm 푗 more than once in times {1, . . . , 푘}. Let 푡 be the second time 푗 is recommended. Since 푀 is optimal, we can again assume that none of the arms that have been sampled before time 푡 attained a value greater than 푏 푗 . By pigeonhole, there must be some arm ℓ ∈ [푘] that is never recommended in {1, . . . , 푘}. Also, since the distributions are continuous, 푟 푗 < 푏 푗 with probability 1. Therefore, since 푏ℓ ≥ 푏 푗 , there is some strictly positive probability that Submission #553 17 푅ℓ > 푟 푗 for 푅ℓ ∼ 퐷ℓ , in which case arm ℓ would be optimal. Since 푀 is optimal and must learn the optimal arm, it must recommend arm ℓ at some time 푡 ′ in the future. This is now exactly identical to the first case: Consider a mechanism 푀 ′ identical to 푀 except that 푀 ′ recommends arm ℓ rather than arm 푗 at time 푡 and then at time ′ ′ 푡 , 푀 recommends arm ℓ if 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 and arm 푗 otherwise. In the case that 푟ℓ ≤ 푏 푗 , the expected rewards of 푀 and 푀 ′ are identical since the distributions are all independent and hence the order they are sampled in doesn’t matter. In the case that 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 , which occurs with strictly positive probability as noted before, 푀 and 푀 ′ differ only in their ′ ′ recommendation at time 푡 . At this time, 푀 attains reward of 푟ℓ > 푏 푗 ≥ 푟 푗 while 푀 ′ attains a reward of 푟 푗 . Hence, 푀 is strictly better than 푀, contradiction. □

Now, we apply our lemmas to prove the main result of this section. We show that the mechanism from Lemma 6 is incentive-compatible under our assumptions and use Lemma 7 to show that these assumptions are necessary for any IC mechanism to achieve first-best. Theorem 4. Suppose we have arms 푚 arms labeled {1, 2, . . .푚} with values drawn from distributions 퐷푖 where the suprema of the distributions 푏푖 are descending (with their means 휇푖 as a tiebreaker). We claim there exists an IC mechanism achieving first-best if and only if both of the following hold:

• The means 휇푖 of the distributions are descending: 휇1 ≥ 휇2 ≥ · · · ≥ 휇푚. • The distributions satisfy the property that, for all 푘 ∈ {2, . . . ,푚}, for all 푖 ∈ [푘 −1], 푟 푟 푏 휇 E푟푖 ∼퐷푖 [ 푖 | 푖 < 푘 ] ≤ 푘 . Proof. (⇒) We show that the optimal mechanism from Lemma 6 is incentive com- patible in this setting. The incentive compatibility of the mechanism is straightforward. Consider the recommendation to agent 푘. We have two cases for the recommendation: it is 푎푘 or it is 푎푗 for some 푗 < 푘. exploit. If the recommendation is 푎푗 for 푗 < 푘, the designer is recommending to exploit arm that it knows to be optimal among all arms, so it is clearly IC to follow the recommendation. If the recommendation is 푎푘 , then the agent knows all 푎푖 for 푖 < 푘 have been explored and have realization less than 푏푘 and further, by condition 2, the expected values of these arms (conditional on the known information) are no more than 휇푘 . Finally, the agent knows no arm with index greater than 푘 has been explored, and the means of those distributions are also no more than 휇푘 . Therefore, the expected value of 푎푘 is at least as high as that of any other arm, and so it is IC for the agent to follow the recommendation. (⇐) Suppose the first condition does not hold. Then we must have some arms 푎푖 and 푎푗 where 푏푖 > 푏 푗 (and therefore 푖 < 푗) but 휇푖 < 휇푗 . Let 푘 be the largest index of an arm with 푏푘 = 푏푖 . We know from Lemma 7 that if an optimal mechanism explores explores 푎푖 , it must explore 푎푖 before 푎푗 and recommend 푎푖 exactly once within the first 푘 agents (with probability 1). Crucially, the optimal mechanism must NOT explore 푎푗 within the first 푖 agents. Therefore, when an agent 푡 ≤ 푖 is recommended 푎푖 , they know that with probability 1, both 푎푖 and 푎푗 unexplored. But then it is strictly better for the agent to pull 푎푗 and the mechanism cannot be IC. Therefore, the first condition is necessary for an optimal IC mechanism to exist. Suppose the second condition does not hold but the first does. Let 푖 and 푗 be indices 푖 푗 퐸 푟 푟 푏 휇 of arms that violate the property, that is < but 푟푖 ∼퐷푖 [ 푖 | 푖 < 푗 ] > 푗 . Consider Submission #553 18 the case where no arm explored before 푎푗 obtains a realization of at least 푏 푗 , and so any optimal mechanism must explore 푎푗 . Let 푘 be the largest index of an arm with 푏푘 = 푏 푗 . We know from Lemma 7 that (again, with probability 1) an optimal mechanism must recommend 푎푗 exactly once to the first 푘 agents if it recommends 푎푗 at all. In particular, this must occur for any value of arm 푖 with 푟푖 < 푏 푗 . Therefore, if an agent 푡 ≤ 푘 is recommended 푎푗 , the know almost surely that they are the first agent to be 푎 퐸 푟 푟 푏 휇 recommended 푗 . But then the recommendation is not IC since 푟푖 ∼퐷푖 [ 푖 | 푖 < 푗 ] > 푗 . Hence, both conditions are necessary for the existence of an IC mechanism that matches the performance of an optimal incentive-free mechanism. □ Observation 2. Our mechanism CDP reduces to the optimal mechanism in this case. 푡 푡 Proof. Notice that in this case, for each 푘-phase, 푠 푘 is well defined, and 푠 푘 = 푏푘 . Furthermore, 푠푡푘 = 푠푡푘 +1. So, for each arm 푘 ∈ {2, . . . ,푚}, there is a single threshold in each phase, where the arm 푘 is recommended to agent 푗 if and only if 푟max < 푏푘 . Therefore, CDP is identical to the mechanism described in Lemma 6. □ Remark 1. There are some salient special cases of distributions for which the optimal IC mechanism can achieve the first-best outcome. One such case is when the values 푟푖 are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.), or more generally if every distribution 퐷푖 has the same mean. Another is the following setting of nested intervals. Suppose all the distributions are uniform over intervals on the real line, say 퐷푖 = 푈 [푎푖,푏푖 ], with 휇푖 ≥ 휇푖+1 for all 푖 ∈ [푚 − 1]. Suppose further that 푏푖 ≥ 푏푖+1 and 푎푖 ≤ 푎푖+1 for all 푖. In other words, we have that each 퐷푖 is a uniform distribution over some interval, each interval is a subset of the previous one, and the means are decreasing.

6 CONCLUSIONS It may be possible to extend our results to other settings. One promising line of enquiry would be to extend this result to the case of heterogeneous agents. [7] has an efficient, constant regret mechanism for this problem in the case of discrete distributions. The techniques from this paper may allow us to extend that to continuous distributions as well. Another direction would be to extend our mechanism to settings where the reward distributions of the arms are correlated rather than independent. Our technique of completing phases, which allows us to conceal all information about what is learned in previous phases from the agents, could be key in this setting. In particular, it might allow for some sort of reduction from correlated to independent distributions. One crucial piece of information asymmetry in this problem is that the agents do not in general know which previously explored arm was best. Our mechanism does not exploit this fully, as it would be incentive-compatible even if agents in phase 푘 had the ability to pull the best arm in {1, 2, . . . , 푘 − 1}. This strong guarantee might not be necessary for the mechanism to be IC. We could explore mechanisms that satisfy the property that when recommended arm 푘 or 푘 + 1 in phase 푘, the recommended arm has higher expected value than any possible strategy that rejects the recommendation and pulls a previously sampled arm. The potential advantage from this approach is that the dependence on the number of arms can be reduced. The dependence of our mechanism on the number of arms is currently non-linear, and it might be possible to improve on this by making better use of this information asymmetry. Submission #553 19 REFERENCES [1] Guy Aridor et al. Competing Bandits: The Perils of Exploration Under Competition. 2021. arXiv: 2007.10144 [cs.GT]. [2] Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris. “Information Design: A Unified Perspective”. In: Journal of Economic Literature 57.1 (Mar. 2019), pp. 44–95. doi: 10.1257/jel.20181489. url: https://www.aeaweb. org/articles?id=10.1257/jel.20181489. [3] Matteo Castiglioni et al. “Online Bayesian Persuasion”. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Ed. by H. Larochelle et al. Vol. 33. Curran Associates, Inc., 2020, pp. 16188–16198. url: [4] Bangrui Chen, Peter Frazier, and David Kempe. “Incentivizing Exploration by Heterogeneous Users”. In: Proceedings of the 31st Conference On Learning Theory. Ed. by Sébastien Bubeck, Vianney Perchet, and Philippe Rigollet. Vol. 75. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. PMLR, June 2018, pp. 798– 818. url: [5] Lee Cohen and Yishay Mansour. “Optimal Algorithm for Bayesian Incentive-Compatible Exploration”. In: CoRR abs/1810.10304 (2018). arXiv: 1810.10304. url: [6] Peter Frazier et al. “Incentivizing Exploration”. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. EC ’14. Palo Alto, California, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp. 5–22. isbn: 9781450325653. doi: 10.1145/2600057.2602897. url: 10.1145/2600057.2602897. [7] Nicole Immorlica et al. “Bayesian Exploration with Heterogeneous Agents”. In: CoRR abs/1902.07119 (2019). arXiv: 1902.07119. url: [8] Nicole Immorlica et al. Incentivizing Exploration with Selective Data Disclosure. 2020. arXiv: 1811.06026 [cs.GT]. [9] Emir Kamenica. “Bayesian Persuasion and Information Design”. In: Annual Review of Economics 11.1 (2019), pp. 249–272. doi: 10.1146/annurev-economics-080218-025739. eprint: 1146/annurev-economics-080218-025739. url: 025739. [10] Emir Kamenica and Matthew Gentzkow. “Bayesian Persuasion”. In: American Economic Review 101.6 (Oct. 2011), pp. 2590–2615. doi: 10.1257/aer.101.6.2590. url: 1257/aer.101.6.2590. [11] Ilan Kremer, Yishay Mansour, and Motty Perry. “Implementing the Wisdom of the Crowd”. In: vol. 122. June 2013, pp. 605–606. doi: 10.1145/2482540.2482542. [12] Yishay Mansour, Aleksandrs Slivkins, and Vasilis Syrgkanis. “Bayesian Incentive-Compatible Bandit Exploration”. In: CoRR abs/1502.04147 (2015). arXiv: 1502.04147. url: [13] Yishay Mansour et al. Bayesian Exploration: Incentivizing Exploration in Bayesian Games. 2021. arXiv: 1602.07570 [cs.GT]. [14] Yiangos Papanastasiou, Kostas Bimpikis, and Nicos Savva. “Crowdsourcing Exploration”. In: Man- agement Science 64.4 (2018), pp. 1727–1746. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2016.2697. eprint: 1287/mnsc.2016.2697. url: [15] Mark Sellke and Aleksandrs Slivkins. The Price of Incentivizing Exploration: A Characterization via Thompson Sampling and Sample Complexity. 2021. arXiv: 2002.00558 [cs.GT]. [16] Aleksandrs Slivkins. “Incentivizing Exploration via Information Asymmetry”. In: XRDS 24.1 (Sept. 2017), pp. 38–41. issn: 1528-4972. doi: 10.1145/3123744. url: [17] Siwei Wang and Longbo Huang. Multi-armed Bandits with Compensation. 2018. arXiv: 1811.01715 [cs.LG].