Attacks on Cutholicschools CIredoplored by PopeJohn

VATICAN CIl'Y-I{is lJoli- ness Popa .lohtr XXIII voiced eoncel'n o\rer lestrictions on Catholic schools in narts of the world as he adch:csscd a secret consistoly to announcc forrually tlre narrrc n[ fotrr ncrv cardinals.

POPE JOHN said thnt anlong I'is other anxictics at thc be(in- Lrng of lll$t al'o lhc continucrl pursccuiion of thc Clrrrlch in ntlrr5' parts of the u'o|ld, lhe glorvth of nlatcrialislic irlcas and continuc(l

LONII()N * lJr.itish (iltlrolics [axcs rvill bc a chargc on the IiOIll:l -'. ('ultlinrrl ,loseplr ln(l tlrcn in Ettrlish, Cartlinll pallicipltiorr of llrc laitf irr the t'[tttt'r'ltt's in llorrrt', Cinltlinal fcar tlurt l tax bill allcatll' xg- Iocal autholitics. l':. liiltcr ol'Sl. l,orrisulrs llitlcl siritl: .\l)()stol:rlc; lntl (.1) IIis orrtstarrtl- ltittt't'bocorucs titrrlur lrcurl ol tltt: ceptcd irr plirrciple by I,ar.lianrcnt. "On (lour- In Dcccrnller', 1050, before the tllis llt()ntcr)lr)lls or,r'ltsi0tt, itt;; sct'r'icc ns ltcurl oI titt' l(ttl-.r'ear'.oltl (llrrrIr:h of St. r\l- nrily place a heftvy finlrncinl strlli.untlerl b1' solllc .100 bill rvas intrrrdur:erl, the govern. I artt dccpll' urovcrl bl thc ntlni. rnrssion fol thc l,itrrlc1,. phrlrlsus l,igrrrrt'i. lrrtlrlen on Cltrrlclr schools rlesllil.c llront tol(l Oatlrolic school Iaaders cltt'ics urrtl lrilttrt'n rvhcrr he Itst honcvolcncc of Ilis llolincss Calrlinal Iiitlcl rvls lctcd at govel'nntcltt assufatrccs to lhe THE NEW PRINCES oi (lrc UNDER THE norr. bill, {.axaLion that progrosals thcn heing rvlrile at tht sumc linrc I lt'cl rlinrrrls antl rcr:cltliotts tht.ottgltottl, clon{ f a t.}'. made rcccilcel tolnlrl rrolirc ol lris ('ltttrtlt ol Catholic sclurols .stt'on11l1nl)' o\\'n unrlorthint'ss of tr.crilcrl llrtrr birt.ltits nt rvill also lrc by ther llinistly ol llousing and clt'r'atiotr1o lhc S:rclr'rl('ollcrlc lltt. u'cr'li irrclrrrling a [olmal tcsti" A se r:l ion nf govcr.nnrcnt- ir sctrri,prtblir, t.onsistor'1, ()ll Ilrc at thc rliscletiou of lor:ll author.i- Local (lovernntent would ('anlitttrls.'l'lrt. thc gftitt hottot' cott[t'tlt'rl r,rllrrl rnorrial'fut'stlul' cvt'rring aI lhc not un- rut nolilicaliorr 'l'lre h:rckctl bill--.n f inancial - ntc. \\'r'rltttsrlal . bloatl.hri nr rrrt'rl (:.,S. 'l'hosc licr^. Catlitiiics fcal tlrat rvlrikr !rr tltrly llrr'dcrr Clrurch op€rated r('rr'llt()nllool; pltrt.t.irr Noltlt l,)rrrlllssl . rvlur ac. lN PLACES u'hclc llrt' activily nlcirsnre tlrc "t'ottsctlucrrtlr', t'r'tl lrl{. u'hich is {lrc sPecill slnr. arrncd at r.cvising out- sonlr citsrrs tltc arrlltoli{ ics nrir5' sclrools. In t'cply lr ir v i rr g c.\- contltitnictl hirtt lo to a Catholic r\utct'ican(irlltilc lrtlt llsl Ilon- Iilrrrrrt rvrlc to of tlrc Clrulch is not. irnpcdetl. hc tlate

parish in Indlrn' NEWEST ARCHDTOCESAN PARISH-Above is lhe artisl's conceptlon of lhe newesl parish will bagin with apolis. Si. Simon's, Located on Roy Road al Devon. Erst of Franklin Road, lhe .rc: 556 fomilies-340 from Holy Spirii parish lnd 216 from St, Lawrence parish. The boundariG3 Pcn' Souih, 2lst Streeli West, Arlinglon Avenue; North, 38th Slreef ot Franklin Rord, lhen North to rnd dleton Pike; and Easl, Counly Line. Father Earl Fellman is lhe founding pastor. Michrel Ccrr ir Associales designed the buildings, and F. A. Wilhelm has lhe generrl contrrcf. Thc cngincrr lVilliam Lynch. ilnil ililil ilililil il ilil11ilililililil ilil il ililililil1ilililililtl PAGE TWO THE CRITERION, JANUARY 20, 196I

9ililililililililililililililililiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirwIIITIt HOUSE I'AIII,IIY LAUI}BI) ileededsmore [lizabeth leurises :ta By ED KOTERBA -t /l lVASTIINGTON_AI ege ?4, Elizabeth Lewis '- startcd dancing lessons, This wns while shc was r l-I- Z - r aC enrolled as a first.time york = Ansl"Derln.s ne€ of student at New Univcrsity. = Itlrs. Lowis is nearly Bl now and showed up By CARL A. BALCERAK llur nging. at Ihe White Ilouse Conference on Aging, a foui- \\'/\srr r N c roN-A 1c-1 i g j day sl.udy o( old age statistlcs. 1!I ."ll.:fi;;,,L'i;i'd,11,, ;,"x1'li,t",,T: So lar as I can dctermine, fiIrs, Lcwis pilrtiCiplllt ill the Whitc prniicrt was the tion in tlre conference, only $tatintlc to show up, I-lottse L'ottferetrce on Aging thc cahn thoroughneisriitli tvhich She, got her invitntion*as I spocial guest._ 51i(l it \ri6\r,cd Dl.ot)ot'lv tlrt four.rlny lueeting was con. tltrough a congrcssnlan. Ilorvevcr, lllilllrs r'cltttionsltiuto ClbA iir tlttcttrrl' no ona at t.hc confcrence showntl tlcalitrg rvith proposrilslor aiding "The conforcncepl'oposed rem" any official intcrcst in hcr viels. They're lhc soundcsl. I hrrarrl ilrc cntiro convention.

Shc was wealing an untinlid pink velvet hal, when I humpcd into lurr in thc hotct ltrltby, "Il's not _ nccessary to grorv old," shc sairl. lihc hnrl deli'r'rrrirrert "DIALOGUE,, not to, slrc slirl, when slut THE aspect ol was (i0. lt was llrcn that shc learncrl how to lltc confercnce's rr:ligious scction accornplish this, lt's no[ done with rnirrors, rvns Inudttd by the Rcv. Raymonrl but rvith attitudes. 1,. r\lexaurlcr,, nlinistcr of thc MSGR. GALLAGHER nlso said She was living in l,'ilsL (jlrlistinn Clruleh, Disciplcs Richmond, Va., thcn__lrcr lhnl. lhc wuy ilrc corilelcltct: votcd aurbitiorr.s Iirrrp, of Clrlist, Wnshington, N,C. har purposcs in lifc r,lfr:tc, Aftal on lto:iltlt lrttrl rnc

Seehow tLtCIRlCllY csn llghtenyour rooms DI1I.OT'5 BAKERY WHOIESAI.E & RETAIL , , , llghtenyour Full Line of frssh Bokery Goodr /tvtng lVlode lwlce Dolly- QuonlityPrices lo Mt,ST VISIT the Churches,Schools, Clubs, VOU verrlon ot rhc (oferers ond0rgonizolions I TOTAL-ELECTRICGold MedallionHome now oprn SEVEN DAV DETIVTRYI rt lhe lndlanrpolirPower & LlghtCompony, you "The Hore wlll remrins are oflen 1637 Villo Ave. 5f,4.1335 rc6 di!playi of ouisldr iighringand fnrldc llghting,pcr- plrced in canvas rackc rnd eimply buried in unmarked ,nanantflxtursr and portablulampa lo lightrn and brlghton mass grlves," he related. your homc. OFFERS And to flghlenhourrworfr-tho lategtIn kllchenrwlth rlt ALL lho avlng rppllanc€r ,, " I comploto rutonlltio laundryconlor , , . 6v0rylhlnClo rhow you how Eleclrlclly ASKREN MONUMENT helps you lnd your famlly llve bettor. Orop in CO., Inc. THREE and looh around rl 4707E. Washlnston St. stNCr1935 *** t5 MonumcntClrcloln MARKEP5 - MONUMENTS I Friendly Courleour Managemenl lhc EleclrlcBulldlng r tD Fart Fasl Servicc liqrges! Stock Cranitcs anrt l\Iarble oI the In downlown Indlan- rilgnesl euallty nt iltc nlost O Economy ReasonableCost apollr, Sec how won- O Credit Terms driiiii ii !i to t/rr It0 PRrrtrl * State Wide Delivery 5 Plant Locations MI 6.9044 Eellar Ueclrlcally. 0lllcr WEST IERIGHT.I BEECHI LAW. I DOWN. rNopls, I wooo I cnove I RElttE I rowN Milr. ?l2l tf. Morrir| ?lls srrrion I cto urln I p.nai.jii ft. llle Atr. ME 2-0t621Lt 6.0935| ST 4.0913| Ll 6-0630IVIE 9-0680

0orn [ver, - & Sur:days id:!ln: nEX CLHTtiTBnS


AT CATHOIIC coTlLLlON-th. .bv. hl$ t.h.ol .tdsh v.n rmo4 125 froil hdl.n.r. F@D LIXE-{...... rr b .ny !F r.m ftr hl0h r.hol .tud.nh tr ! sod QUEEN ANO HER COURT-MIm Mary Laidhw, far right, of Our Lody of Grace Academy, .lL hieh 5ch6b sho .hn&d lh. liFt C.tholic Cotillio. hrld .t t.d!n c.ll{. hil .uppty of bod{mo}e.$.rd In fr|. tnil.n... Th. corllllm .n wls elecled Colillion Queen al the Frovtd.d closing donce. Membere of hor courl were, left to righi. l.lud.y. lh. .lld.y .flrr, rF ntord by Oor L.dI d Grr.. A..d.oy, !.!.n wifi m.rr ol ld..r W.d hlrh $hot ltudhb .nd g.r. th.B . l6k .i Misr Pat Fry of scocina lrlomorirf, Miss Ann Hurley of sf. Mary Acadamy, Miss Joy Lawrie in lhe colllega chapel. Mrriln Colloge. of Sacred Heart Cenlral, rnd Miss Ruth Ann Smlth of Lrdywood. (Staff photo)

THE VATICAN elfolts of a smitll group of pnr- lhc l0t7 t'atinrn visions, a()cord- etlts to ltave thenr barrncrl. Thc ing to thc Illuc Amry o[ Our I Pope John XX ll I toltl 200 .ltoar' hotel

'['O!VN--Prime 0 CAPltl Minister Hendrik Verwoerd has rcbuketl lcatlers of Sorrth L G.Clements Africa's biggest & Sons -L)utch F.cfr:r'nrc

I ntILAN. -Cardinal Gio. "Ihere vonni Monlini, Archbishop of l\[ilan, has urgcd Catholics to be complctcly Io5'al to the principles lUlustBe a Reasonof their F aith and to avoid com- pronrises and silencc. Speaking at a l\lass on rSIn 'f\{ontini !.lpipharry, Cardinal ,,the /ftu* S$E,HE iini! I]EILHrrrHl'1il$ rcfer.rcd to sad plrenornenon of people rvho pro- Funeral Homes fess to be Catholics,', but who think thal. all thcy ntusl do is not to objcct to the Church's doctrine. people "prefcr n'fB. 2-{1ttr33 ?ltcsc the art of 7,909CARS conlpronristr to that of nrilitant & TRUCKSaffirnration and ull,imately CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES-1234 Prospect be- conte confornrisls,, . leading to sad conscrlrrent:cs in the moral SOUTHPORT CHAPEL-38 Union St. and rcligious ficld," he warned. GRE EINWOOD CHAPEL-S. Madison-Greenwood lN1960" I PARlS-Cardinel Eugonc Tic. BURKHART CHAPEL-371 W. Main-Greenwood 3er!nl, Dean of the , has been nominated ETTNORE BENEFIIS for membership in the Irre nch Academl', One of ihe nation's nrost important cultural groups, l. Special Guarantee Modern Service tho aearlemy is made up of ,10 2. Liberal Trades men famed Ior their literary anrl Big Selection of scholarlY achie.;cnrents and is 3, Speciil Finance dedieated to preserving Rares Cars and Trucks the ':* French language, l\\\fnilprc llt J1/t placee to stay Co enlo| 4 llig Convenient I AIX-EN-PROVENCE. \tu"g*f Loeations -Archbishop Charles de proven. Youl vacatlon all the waY t cheres of Aix has declared in the Yssssss, 1045Broad face of industrial downturns in the Ripple Ov€t 550 indopGndently ownod motels lrom Canada lo Xoy worl, csst ot Ave. 5435E. Wash. St. south of France that shutdowns .,the the Ml3si33ippi, olter you tho fingrt ln accommodationi rnd thc ultimlta and Iayof{s shoutd be (9furodogo; li closnllna3s, comfon and courtesy. Reasonablo 6to3, loot last resort." In a letter to the "phono-thsad" yorr to . all molley iu 3030lt[adison head of Catholic FREE Gurrrnlord Roreryatlon Sorvlco. gur plrn Ir dccide bul' . . ltitid Ave. 5408E. Wash. Action in his St. you Roule with sssutance, avoidinS !h. archdiocese, he stated:,,In an lots ttavsl the Qutlity rvill be applied towards purcltasc pt'ice "No Ylcsncy" sign . . . and wo pty tor th! phono c.ll' cconomy worthy of mankind. the intcrcsts of the workers have Qurllty Courtr motolr srn tott you tlm. of ma'8er & ncrrest clrurch. priority over thosc of capital." Srnd lodry for FREE l95l Oitoctory ol lll Qutlity Courtt motolt' O BEnLIN-/\ Polish periodical " " " "' --' - - -- " --' ptrhlishcrlby Catholic lavmen Effi .sttbservientto thcir nation'scom. *R illil'l#;.rffi I I [K154 Daylona' Bsath, Flotldt munist regime has aelmittedthat wr:-n I a letter it published was falsely -, -: noil#-*pE tNAMr EAt;,,t;PE attributed to Cerdinrl Frencis --. - .. - -: Spellman, Archbishorr of Nerv BAoDRESS- I crTV---.____, '*_*.=_.srArE oR PROVTNCE__*---'- Y _/ I Yorh. Slowo Powszechny,,irg"n .-a F----- CRITERION, 20,196I PAGE FOUR THE JANUARY

fully mature,..with a proper understanding of what is ex- becn guilty of a dcliberate, scrious and extensive fraud pected from them * - 'l'hc Sound sntl furY as the- elected and ilaid I'eDr.esen- on tne Indiana electorate. other is that those makins tatives of the citizens of Indiana, The matter is too .serious these,serious charges arc themselves dishonest and irill of the State of Indiana, frivolity on Conrrnrtnj The Legislative Assetnbly for th.eir.part or on oul.s, involving, as it does, sp,onslole, seeklng on_ly a short_te rm tactical political = for-61 days oltce every.two-years' has scarcely the fundamental basis of the democratic process. - In thcrr rditorhl columnr rrp' meeting advantage and, perhaps, a sct of pcrsonal satisiactions = Thr opinlonr crprerrcd llttr important business of the state. enoush time to transact to ilrc rcal interests and good nscnl r Crlhollc vlowpolnl-not nrc.r3lrlly THE Glfholic We do not wish to challenge ilrat the general intention, ;-,.wnno}!,regard the repu- = It ce"rtainly has no timc to waste, IVIuch of that limited tation of the citizens public as stated lecently, is to imprbve the of Indiana whom they repiesent.' virwpolnl. Thcy rrc efforlr ol thr cdilorr to rcrvc and precioirs time has bcen given to allegations of election orglnization of elec- = tions in Indiana. We feel it risht. how-ever. to sav that Some formless wlthln iha Church lnd wlthln thr Nrtlon. irregularitieq in Lnkc Cotrrtty and elsewhere. and clirectionlcss excitement and urlrest = oplnion public opinion, confused by man"y and noisy irgumeirts, is has bcen all those appcals to the Supreme Couii have lhc tcmerity to suggest that all those We rvotrld not settling its mind on one or other of two impressions, neithcr or lrrolana an(r othcr institutions, by impassioned utteranees who concern tltemsclvcs $'ith this matter are wasting time Legislativc of them good. One impression is that the allegerl irregu- i1 llro fss_cqbty, by cxhoritatory-newspaper. pontiiic;ii;n; or indulging irl good, clcan, boyish fun as they dispute the tll onc and. larities during the November In only.Inrlianapolis morning It Ifome-rrlsrle bigolry lhc clection of I\'lr. it'latthew Welsh, Democrat, elections were abnor.mat in validitv'of wout(l a^ pity, if this unrcsl got out

pilfentst By JOHN L. THOMAS, 5.J. tiorr ol scltools, aud so. By D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. Finestccl, rvho pirfiting trics Ulc thc old play, The Man cict5, sociirl lifa lcnds to ltc Who Came sclrrrlarly rvork of arr col. lo Dinner. You frequenlly blrme parenls The Trouble Wilh Turlow llut thcse scelll to lllc eouplo.ct'ntcrotl. If tlrtty rvislt to l(jilgue, gcl"s antl lris coltlc- nrirurl rlc[eels in for early daling, \dlhaf can we ptrticipltc itr thc socill life of (l)orrhlotla.v, ti3,50) is it til()sI el- 'flrcrc a ehr:cllrrl antl ltl)pance, is thc dcpar.trlcn. hcaltcrring do? ln our school lhe Sislers tlittt. joyablc Iilst novel by l'allon ltook about a litile. thair agc-gloup, iltcy ntttst taI chailntalr, nn(l \t,ho is. rcnlly kttou,n oll rtnsrrng lerch lhe children danring in 8th (.)rtce glitts Ilvans, rvlto l.c1sl11'" lllglisfi in a hero anrl this sittrllion sociltl [unny rvhilc ut.ilizrng 0uc grede, Then when lhey gel lo be snr:rll Catholic rit tlrc lrcroinc thal is lris riifc. to bocotttt' college lor wourun, acccptaucc, it tcrtrls ']\rr.lou', liction's oldcst tjngs-'-thc absent" lreshmen lhey are forced lo rl- .[fs cenlll.l I'igrrrc, Ilnn'y o scl[-pcrpelrritting. r\tlxiotts prr' rnintlctl llrofr-.ssor's inability to Wrlh its r,rrllr'nl tend the prom-lo prlronire lhe pfellitrd cti :rs if ttcither is ittt'itssistirrlt 'flielr: issuu, tlrc lri. cnts atul tcacltet's stitrf to Innilit's uor - .,o*,..--. rcltlct)rb(!f nfllltcij, rchool. Then lhey are fold lo go ,"i is rrrorrtlrl,t,irrrrlltlloI lilclalrrle arrrl itl cvct t'itt'licr ltgt's sch,,orscxistctr,. blcltclor' frloljcssor prom 1'r'rtiltgslt,rs 13lr.{tcy thc a r'ls, The Critic, oul lfler lhe lor o lunch, pltltir'ipirliott, adrls sholt lot lhis frtrttt of'orvtrlr:igh. rvith iln told iis's OK io gef honro h,,ly..fJr.$lffrr", ii;lll,iiifufi rrncanlly sl.(,r'r('s t(, ils c()nlcllt. artd and are nut rvitttt their cltil- ".,,t,i,]iii:,i'i: lhc siucc l.ltt'.v tlo tl'hirt.itbou{ lhe pronlcur St' William's perish, Cincinnali, : ability kr l-lct lrirrrsclf invalidcil ln'sl al 3 o'clock in the morning. "lcft .. rrrcn- i;i I r il l\rt), lrl llichlrlrl Srrllivan lntl rlt't'tt ottt" or Irettalizcrl b.v ittto IIully's houre, prinl liortcrl irr your lctl,ci'?l think.r'ou and a member of lhe board ot i'"A"'.r.i'ii,,ii"uf .f.i rvhcrc sullcr_ llavis Gallant, alc Please lhir, Yottttii 'llili or,ffi,S ,.rF''F,, , a finc bc. tltcit' social ittt'ptitrrtlc. krrorvrtrc irnsrr'cr. 1r' ing s,ikr llar'1'l'trI trrusl pltry grulrrlg. ;,;;,lii'r1111ii::':i,t,l,,li,liil,li:ilAlrlrouslr.,sii,r.r. ;i;.;J'""?'il jii,rt"l1'"".':iifl:,i:;fi"r"i:ff'",:: ,i,n""",-lt""l]'tlll;'' ,.,,,,,,,.y.",:::lll'j' ,o:., vct..y llig nantcs a ill ttlrll, (:otue to titlie rlilt- it r Irostess nrttl 'l' l)r'{)plr'. ctl ryith trrc rrtsr-i;;i;i;i.''ii;,,';;;,;. cal::l"::"fi:t"::: Conlerence, will be one of tie ! ll' , :rL tltrt,se. irrrlcr:rl in lhc fir,lrl sort,r'irl fcitsrrrts *lt}' gratttctl. t ,,.4 ol cuulcnrpor._ arc irrg sinrply -fot' \Y.ltethcr gl'illlls fealured speakers t\ll" u ".l f;'.:' (.:allrolic )'oll Ittenliorr iHrrolt. lt,pg al fhe Prieslsr , ll,t ,*{ i-s thc pct'tnrrial holr,ibl,v ;rr';r rvr.iting alr: liitcrl I'rrt ltalrlly lo corrrpll' litlt 1'otrt' 1l111 lilit it ot' nut, llttr sot:iitl sys- .'lltcrc lllain sturlcnl u'ho bclicvcs tlrat ril lirr'[rrture isstres. rcqttcst. i\ll lrrttr:llr I'nl tlol sutc It'n ofl'ct's lltt'ttt tto altct'ttatiltr trrlrtkirtrl is corts1ri1.i1lgilllltin(l hotv rvirlcsprcarl thc ptttt'tir:cs ollrct' tltitn ttotr.pltt'ticipatitttt-..* lt('l' I il'tuo, :tilrl $.lur ir(,(,ils(,:i rrrcntiotted itt yottt' ltrttct'ttt:ry hc, arui s'ltat tccn'itAcr tlttcsu't tl'attt ,,Aclive lll I ti[:il*"*r'hih'ilrlott5t tSero \\,el,c will be Parlicipalion- llally to tha Ilishop rcilsous-iit;"it;:;gi:;,,,;.ot, t)l,cs. --;,*,il'rrt eol|'gc plosidrrrl. praises llffiij*!t,i:x-':t ol tlrr.5' poirtt ul) lIl irlll)ortitttl proh. lo ltr:lottgl' tx)\'(:ls sittctr Ilrrntlall 'IaIt'ell's surqs 1,r,'',,tt,,iiiirg God's Gift to Man." rfte p.o. It'irrlinq this thut all slro at'c cuttt'crttcrl corrr;griiacl,. Anrl k'n tiills in plrticullt', bcr:itltst: Picrures From an Insrilulion' llrt thoit .".ili",ilirir.,"ri;;,;i?i";i;; sram will bebin at a,' oi tltr)l'(' itlo lltr' c\r,l..lll,()s(,1)tfinln. sith thc lntittittg of 1'outlt ttursl il nrov- housittg lhcl rlr-'r'clop {lstcl ittul havt: iunday and cJnrinue ,niir anoi. craJ pt'olrlt'uts ol cv-iry) Itt-c sqrtlt'cl.v, wcu ro rcconsitlcr.rr,uir,,;;;;,,;;"!"r'ru(Lr!' l]L'j l:..1:::,.::l:",Ii'::.:.,,j: ll:rr.r..vlrtttl ]llri..v I'cler cstrt.{atnilial outlcts tltittt dayanernoon. Arr priesrs l'itl :rrrrl tlr0ir. clrilrl|r,n, rvlrich llhcre nrc scr'. pro. and NL'l'!V \'()ltt( --:\ brr1s, tcurlily l;ucotttc avitl ( Fother ll;,T,,r:"1;i''iiil1i,,,lli.ul1i,"i|,,,l,l.,,lll|lcatl L0 long ltrsiiul; hirs of Thomar ir unablo lo seminarians in fhe lrchdioccse tliscussions ilboul tlrc oml rvays ot'gattizr.ts oI tltc s5's. ior at tcast ill.pni(l) layfolk rvho plaised a horrsirr,l plarr to pr:ovirlr: lrotcfs alttl arlvrsabilily oI brr.r,ing stlting lhe basie "boys" sivep*sonrl ropries.) a celubla- rlcrcnt lor)t. Stutlits shorv Lltlt aroinvired. lolr'lrol.tle lrorrresirr IIlt.lcnr fot'ltrent- isstrc. oI rt,irre iirl it tlollat. bccolrte llrcir tutjot' c(lllc0rlt"j:fii,..;,tj;o'i:_i',,il:ll 'l]urlow lrcrs ol co-olxrfittivc lnovrjtricIt. lltit't.y-[ivc, lrrrrlt'ssor 'l'he l)r'rhllts I lrtr ltrlntiyrrl.y t:trl1,, lurl lll too tttittty plan, ' ntttst rvcrt (!otnc [r) tclnts rvillr tri ltc r:_rrrlaincrl irr sitnplesl wirl- is .finrl rnotlrcrs lhoughtlcssly ctl. socIAL RttIrORttI li,lllli livc t;rllis lili:l,,il":;i";'lii.t1liJli,Tl1lhc facI llrut tlru r:ollcgc's lrrt,rr's l)1,(il)()scsto lurvc mcrn- Itr su1- llrat rvhen c(\u'irgilrg or tolet'ilnt allit:s itt ort cat'tlr. Along rvitlt {.ltis r:onvig- Ircls sirvc to;1cthcr.. lr,(,ll-clut lrc cltlelctl onll llrrrrtr{h ttcr:rttrtttlalt_, il sociill pt'oblerrt this rcgat'tl, llts 0-lltc(:. sttllicit'ut ctrlrilal lo ltrrr,clursc lrri likt ourly tluting apirttnrrnt I TT I r .- r c r li;ili,,i",::illi'',;"i,,,1''l,l,f;lil'"i;,,J1 h{)uirc, l'(rnovittc it artrl rllt', llr;rrts is pctlrirps rr lrI or steady dlting nlhrrl)il it. Irrlr'1'.hirrrtlt,d arisos, it cun bo Now if, ils ollr cNnn4rle shon's, irr llu: hrrrrrrrr.llrirl. Itc Auxiliur'5' IJislrop Jrrlrrr J. llrr- srrccesslulll only if :rll thc filctors cat'l-r' datitrg is ussociatetl rt'itlt a Halosand extt'tcts flotn thc rrrocr:sirrt pitchforks Ilttit'c oi N"crv Vor.k pluisetl lhlt t't0ntt'lh0 prol)l0|ll i|l'1, olclt. n hole lorultlex o{ condiliotts, strprrrirrtenrlrnt ol scltools, llon^ tlrc plan, heirrig rtutltts. urul uttitu(lcs, Ilto pt'oltlt'lu $t4g,ffiilii;l:sigltrrt' Itally. ltrd Iris lr:rr,rl-pn,>rcrl cat'rictl out uuder ilrc ly delinctl ntttl tltalt sith cfft.c- eitti,nal institrrli.rrs' Dy IYILLIAM J, SMlrll, s,J. /ul 0rltl)u)10, il nol st'ct'ctlt'y, rltt'rclion of l,'lrllrcr, \\rillilrn J. livtll-. In trlltcr *ottls. tr sociul cln lrtt st,h'ttrl cllcctivtrlt' orrly i{ . 1lt,r'hups a s.r.r'rrtrtlt, r'ilh r'lr.t it rvirs rr.- lJtrllrr,r' Spar.r.r)w: lll(l Ilt nr. takc ull o{ those lactors iuto tlt:r glyllgog l't'ali ol r\ll Slirrls Chulch, Prtrblt'nt ts u()\'r,r sirrrpltr. .lt is lrlesitkrrrt. Sistcl Sirrr_ "l trotrsirk'tatiort tnttlelsttrtd thc colr, is ronsirlct' il. hi;llrly irnportarrl .rloncl'llo(l ll1'tt cornplt'r $'('ll of anrl lrcllrlps a ltiI tuo rrrrrr:rr llrll. U;rtltolics t'ealizc tlrc hcncf its irtletitctrtt.q contlitiorrs r)t' citllsos lolt'thc)'pluy iu r:rcltiug tlrtr thc u'isc olrl lt'li;liorrs rvlrrr krrrrrvs ol eooJrel,irlivtts, itrlt'r'tsl lhcnt. ;rnd lr,llli'scuts lhc irrrlivirlrrll's situaliott, llcncc irtt c.fl'ct'tivc pt'o- all irlrorrl l,ifc u'illr il (:ill)jtll t,. .sclrt,s irr frrr.tlrr,r'irrilIhis tr.pc ol or gl'oup's lltlculllt lo o(|lll(! l() ,qnrrn of nctrun lorrld incltrtlc lhc dofottrl tlrt l;llrol nurv Ititltlt,l oLlcn tc- lrorrsirrll strllls. ;rrrrl irviril Iltcnrsc'lrelj ol' Iclttrs ryilh lht'rrr. follutliu.q st,ttthk:s Ill(] c{.'lltfltl r:lurt.;tr,lct ol' tltcsc I'acilities." lrt: slitl. plrcllts, a l"irst, lcut'ltet's, rrutl l.,tl rrs tulic tlrc prrlblctrr tlf 1'outh lr'atlcrs rrrust ilel'irre rlt'ilrr 'l(,rin- '',,,,,...,' clt'll' tlatinq as lrr r.\lrul)lr'. ll tlttl Lcasotts *h1- tltt'f ilft) op. gtlrtrt'nl I' rr tr s. nor .,\cl rv:rs l)lssc(|. .,ir,,,,, , i.. t'ltustlollric l)rllglurrr actrraily agr.t',s har.r llr(r nolnrirl hrrrrrlrrr rlc- 1rost'tl to cilr'ly tllrting, t.lttlcss il' ;il;i: "luir." sit'c frrr pllr', t'r,t'r'eirtiorr. tltcy itre cotll'incctl llttrt it is a -t itt k'lsl, his lr,lt,tr,r,is ()1"'sollrt.lhinl lo tlo." Sitr('(! rcrtl ptolllcttt ittlohiug sctiotts il,ili,i,.iliiil:"1,,:::,: G lrltliirllv tr,irri.r. irr t(,r.1rs 'f \\. MID.WINTER trtitltttt'tlrt' rrrtrtlt'r'u sr,lrorrl lrol' llrt' ciulsc(lllr'U(.fs lrrr. loutlr, Urcy lIt' fatttill' ttT;tlit's Itcrrtl rrol li.rlr'. rrlt likllr. trt rlo rrrrrr,lttr|6rrl il, 6tt tttittltls rtp.rtt lltt'ttt. ,t]l:i...,.l],,:.," ilrc-' prt,rcrrstr- ilrat ilrc"v lr.e hctp. ('tlol'S)'10 sl)il1'r.iill(lltlt,ttl] o[ : lt'ss' linrc on tlrcil lruntls. \\'hlt tle lhe.v to rlrr'.' Sccotltl. tltty trtttst cat'clirll!' cx. 'l'o BOOK lhe {f\loltt lltill tlre rrurrrt) irtrtitte rvhitt tltcl' ilt'c notv

sttntcoflltet:ltt'a1latrtltllrisc|in.] For Each Purchase of 5 or rnore Library Editions- llt0 krcll Paperback of your choice FREE! buiklilrg pnrlccts. inst:rnr:t. rliror.e rrris i* rr.irr',- ii i,, 'l'uil,Iltr.lley -r, l \riolatiotts of llre bccirrrsr. ol orrc sirlc tlrr.' otlrt,r ! I ljil\,,1llJ'lii,lll.'l:,;,"llil'lfxjliii"'.,iui;li':l,,llii''li,'.1,;,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,,f: l96l Catholic Almanac-L2.75 pl('ssur('s IISFIER orr tlrt' conl|tclol iir llrt' t{or'lic| hirrr:r,lll-.. it'tt,rr is tri,r ! tt{ltct'u'it}"s ot LJ |*] ll otht'r litli's, thtr outstltnrlint tr.iril'l \\'lrclc rlocs lrr J i enrpkll'tl sut'crrrrrhs trilht.r' lrr aittt lrl tlo'.' [,r'l nrc gir.t, lorr rnr -- I 'I7 frlilrcr'1, in a sllr,itic ('irs(' ()f \'('r.siun. Lt'l nrt', itl lll(,,,rrlr,,i. i I u''rirr.r '- i I C) liliilil':;li"",li,,ll'.' ;i';l''1.,,'lli-llliii'lliii"lll,,ll'll,il;litt U,nefel J,efnrce InulnruLp#lgg.y,Supprv a 1'ltc itvcragc \rol.iir, ls pltrg. iI i li oltt' tt'et't lo looli olll]' :ll tlto nratic lrs arrl' olltor. trrctrrlrcl of i !. slrt'cilic rrlrrrst's ul' the lllrle strciotl'. Jlc rlrrr' hurr. i

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thc truth of the rnatter ir: Evelybody fr-l2qqrEst 0lissions,ft gains ! I FTANC|SCAtDtNAt tptttfrtAN, ?rtldrnt I ffi l|rgr, Jorpl t. ljcr. l{o.l trc,y | I FLOORCOVERING CO. I tfld oll coaarrlcdlotr lc; I CONDEMNED CAti{ouc NIAR EASI ME 2'6324 I wE[rARE ASSOCtAnOil | Nl)\l YORK-"The (lir.l In 17E. MarylandSl. Loxinston Avc. ot 46th St. Now ye* lZ, N, y. lluunr 1ll" has bctn placctl FL 6'4988 l4E0 I in tire l0ll N. ArlinglonAve, conrlernnedcll-.s br- lhe NaLional Legion r.rl Decency,

I I PAGE sIX THE CRITERION,JANUARY 20;196I Bloomingtonslates annual benefitdance 500 teeners Archdiocesan Edttad hy the ileult ClGdst al Wct Badcn Collegq cxPecteclto tourney illoonligltt Chat? in final stages Boy nrccts gill, girl meets attend affair bo1., nn old strtry that cver bears rc.tclling. The lloy rvns .Ioe, llre BI,OOXIING'fON. Inrl. gill u'as iialy Lt'rtt; nntl theY I\,lcmbcrs o[ l,hc St. Chat'lcs \v0ror iis thcy ltoth agt'ccd, tttade Llolronrco Juuior CYO u,ill fol oach otltcr, Joc rvas made sponsor its third ilnnuitl 'l'ecrt-Age for l\Iirrl' Lou 16 rnd a half years I'rogt':lt.n at l.ltc ago; trlrr11'Lou fot'.Ioc a littlc Salkes-'firlzinn Ca{t:tcrin on Sat- ovel' l5 )'caIs :lgo. llttt thcse turrlny, Jan. ?1, fl'otn E:ilO to 11 ::10 t\r'o circttntstanccs. ctlnsitlorctl lrivc lrrrnrlled tecn-agcrs at'c Lr}' sonre kilt-jot.s as rrraking it cxpcc{crl to attt'nd. PLocttc

llr)lv Nlrnrr sprrrtctl in tlro lhilrl (lu:n'tr'f of tlrt'ti{lc garnc irgainsI PARENTS OF CYO rttr.rtrlrcts Itttrrrrcrrltrlr. Ik'lrt lo rvin tlrt: rvill stafi a LcIr't'slrnrt'ttt lrrrollr t ltittttPiottsltill t)l tlrc Slr,r't'tl ('atlcl rlrrlin.r.1tlur cvcttittg atttl lho ('ivil llr';rtl Ittr itutioturl lluslit'1 l)r,fcnsc' flot'ps ltas voltrntt'ct'r'rl [rr lr:rll'l\rrtttnrrtt'nt lt S:tr,r'tttlIktart ,l lrarttllc pat'liiit( cottil(!sti()n. rt'ct'nl 11, l.:i:i Sl . lloch lttolr lltit'tl ltlltt't' Itritt6t's t'itlt il ;ll;2; Shlun ll1'r'ttt s. pnsl- plcsitle nt u'in trlt't'St. lllrlli itt tlru r,ottsolir- of tlrt St, ('llufl(.s CY() unit, lntl ll()ll ilililif. Susit (-'nr'lor':rt'c sr'fvin!{ ls t'rr- 'l'lrrr irtttctt. '\ltt'url h1' olll\' ()n(, sccond rtlr of the prohibi- r'hrt .loscplt li(louAh i)- illtil ilt hllllirrto, I'aIr'nl corrrrlillrrtoIs ii l.l, lLrl,t'N;rnrr.lrlilzt'rl lnrrnalrr- Iion. thc]'still icalll'rglcctl balconl', I nrcan polclr, so tlring. 1rIcsirk.trt. (rn )l "'f'anks." lr(. l\l t's. lirilrllt lttrl lulo llt'irr't irr llrt llrirrl pt'r'itrtl, 0n I hc inln iu.stlu.slic0tc0 L'(licn- nrrt{totcd the uruch- lllr'il1. l)ut (li(l i\lls. l,ouis lio; rto. lli-1, lo \1r'irJ)lrl) tlrc r.r'lrtn itt tlte 'l'l shakcrt llikr, antl rrantlelttl orr llclrrt't'. Titlicts rnll lu. olrtairrctl frrrnr rvrrrrlup o lllrc four'-riity toufncl , th:tn honrc. rnt' CY() nrlttrbcr ol at tht' rloor. t' llto(tr{h tlrc losct's otttscot't'tI sarv cltt'h oll "t)h nrrr. oh nry," sighed thc l!rc tlrtt(stott', b llrcnr in tlrt. [ittal fl'lnlc, l7.l:t. 'l'lro crest fallen Lucy, hel l:rr.r{c cycs llilir'llulcl lt'tl llolv ir":rrrrcrl,illr fourth dar'. '.lS tlrf ing rapitlly, hcr {allctt crcst Uxpt't:l 1,1.5r.rtlrit's *ltilt'tr-rcl< Ilcltz, lho t'lclt otlrtr' ;tt "iInrmnr," l)oitlt\. rising inrpt'rctptibly, st'lrt'rlrrlorl :r h lllttlittrl st,rrlt'r' irr lltt' toru tt;tttronl, shc sighcd onco ulorc, lhen trrhich ltc rlitln't Irnislrorl rvilh ltt lirr lrrrrnlt:trlirttr t'crtclterl ittto llrt rrllrt'r jrlrt in CYO Stylc Slror" for, in lhc tlul I lt itt't. pockct, pulled ortt a ring lenralk- liglttinil\ atttl tr (,ll_ lrr t,u|'lir.r' lrr,tifln. li|s{ r{)trrrrl abll' sinrillr to thc onc shc lrad r\ nctrr._r.r.r,ot.dfickl 0t t'ottrtuiltrd lrt lsel pat.tiitiptrte tt'sttlls itt'r' its frrlkrrvs: St. lIoch .iust given 1\like. and began to t|nrtts nt.e cxpcctcrl to f()l'rlt'l)hiI|ls, Ot' ,ial, Si. ('illlt('r'inc l7; Iloly insl-'er:t il. in lhc light flttnr l r.c- ir.r ihe Scr..ntl i\nrr*ul .lrr1i.r. Ntrrnc atttltrolt,r-. I'tu no "IIlnnrur," ('Y0 ll' l\t. l)alt'ir'li 2]: nrnrhably full moon. S{1'ltt Shorv in lltc Ittrtttactt lttttttat'ttlattt iit,titi .i.i. Slrt'r't'tl llo;rr,l l7; Sl, ln fact. such iinre,eonsul.lters sho sighctl on('(r rn()r'o lr11airr, Ilcitr.t arrrlitor.itrrp .p Strrrrlrr.r, ''()ltlJ'(ln('loft." llltlli 51. Sl. ,lrttltt's21. St'trri- ls h:rsl

Carrnrcl Crlsp pltllncr on sonto socorrdaly aspects oI Creanry 'flris Ch.eso Carn Brltiler ittspilation. is only as it slurttld ltc. 1'lrosc who wislr to cAa.{ntEI. cnrsP slto} scc solue of the fincst cffolts irr this lcgtrltl shorrkl consrrlt thc 'l'he tlcatise on lnspilirtion iu thc scc- rvlnncr"s name rvill be an- onrl f{nglish crlition (1960) of nourrce d at an all-school n.rixt-r' Ilobclt-'f licot's Guide lo the I''r'irlay night in tr[alian thc , vol. I ( [)cscloc), whcr{) l<-runAc,bcginning at 8:30 Iratlrer I'icr|a llcnoit, O.l'., of thc Oti Satulrlay, fcstivitics rvill fanrous llcolc lliblirluc in .Iclu- bc'gin rvith a surorgasboltl lunch- saltrrn, tlcats thc subicct cxharrs- eott frrtrn ll:llt) n.p1. lo t 1l.trt, in 'l'hcrr Iit.rrlS', the school cafctclia. cals will fall in linc fol a palarlc fronr llat'iart lo thc IC canrptis on thc South Sitlc. 'I'hc Class of l9ll s'ill bc hon- ot'cd tluling thc garnc. r\ spccial Sink of Your Choice FREE with Kitchen FitchFurniture Barn cercrlony at half-time rvill nralk thc 20th anniversaLy of thc class Cabinets During Month of JanuarY Open Sundoyr l-ll Weekdcyr l2-9 p.M, gladuation. "Quolity At I p.m. Satulday, lhc llonrc- Furniture prices,, ol Born low Overheod coming Drncc uill lregin in thc e60oE' woshinsron,i;l;llll. Stutlcnl Union Buikling at the FL6-32os Ittrliana Linilt'rsity l\-tedical Clen- Call For Free Bstilltalcs tcf, trlusic rvill bc plovitled by thc Ralton Ilo'Jcl's Orchcstla. On Kitcheu Plattnitrg and l)esigning Scniols Iioscntaly Pellin, and r\lichacl Siife.r'lcn. bolh of Inrlran- apolis, ale co-chailrncn fol tlre (Jtl., ct ent. [a$le(Jreek Nursery ltlf. Boarman Cabinet Co. 'IoTEllt*J.lf'T,1ry,t SUNFAY WILL BE rlovotcrl to 8?ND ST.AND U.S. HIGHWAY 52, INDIANAPOTIS 1627oLtvER AVE. ME e"520r W. rrlumnl lcti'.'it1.'. 1t r'.,i!! fcltllii'e I Alilc North cl lrods/l Point O. ('anlplrs JOI\ES|. n 51rne|al rnecting on at "Cortrylete Tel. AX l-7660 Kittlrcn Desigrring fird lictrttulr I itiri" RUGELEANERS 2 p,nl. of tlre lllt'iatt Llrlio{e Aloll Addrcr-Ncw Augurfo, Ind, 4440N. KEYSTONE Alrrnrni .'\ssocirtiorr.'l'lru nrcetrng tvill bc lollor,,'ctl b1' r'cflcshnrcrrts THE CR|TERION,JANUARY 20, t96f PAGE SEVEN ,{nsnirationm{nkesBihle different T frrm ell otherboofrs Thomas St, Aquinas was among the first to explain biblical ttnderstood, then "instrrrrncntal willed faithfully to write down, and finally ex_ lr, inspiration through the notion of rll lhorc bookr dcctartd by fhc Church causality.', In ilre prcsscd in apt words and to be-Glorr"r, canonicel with with infallible truth. Otherwise, it could all fho parh fhrt orlglnrlly fhem case of Sacred Scripture, God is lhe princlpal cause ( not bc said ,modc ,p. texfuri that tle was the Author of the cntire Scripture.r' Inrccurrclca, clc., do to a cnrp€nter) rvho makes rrse of a man as IIis instrlmcntal not flll sndar lnrplrriloi. Tranglalionc Inrplraflon r.rc oqulvrlcntly Inrplnd, Inrofar cause (colnparabla to the carpenter's tools) to protluce ilro lr lhen ! procors (os well ar an effecf) Invefv. cr lfiey frithlully ,;t;r;;; ins lhr orlglnrl hxtr. Sacred \Yritings. the human wrilorts inlellecl { cpeculllive and praclical The cffect is ascribed to bolh principal anrl instrumcntal iudgmenl), will, and faculfieg-all of which fall under tho divlnc moy oven ray-in faet 'l,hc influence _. !r3 we must say-that every word causc, for onc is not cffcctive without the othcr. tools cannot in proporlion lo lheir funclion in a pariicular inihnco. tho ol Bible ia inrpired, for overy word of tfic authentic produce a table without thc carpentcr The perk of lhis process, siy6 St. Bible has nny morc than ilrc car. Thomar, is fhe illumlnrtion c0m6 from the hand of an lnspired writer, penter produce of fhe rpec,ullflvo ,,righl To assert that only carl thc tablc rvithout the tools. iudgment, which deolr wlth frulh, wilh thoee p.artu of scripture that dear ,,faith underslanding.,. with anrr morals,' ars The thing lhal mrkes lhe Bib,le unique is inspired is an error already.condemned There it, of covrsc, one big differenco, ls pius Xll indi. by i.o irrr. This On lhis poinl thc must ils inspired characler. 1'hc not be con{ugedwlth revelation. Only cales, in lha crso of the Blble. The inslrumenfs lhat God user .. norc lolty the matter at hand, lhe more potent must thir a imall part of the Bible Calholie Church has never wrvered. Biblical illttnr!naticn is actually revealed. Revelation are livlng and reasonrble rgenfs, srch wilh his own charoeler, bc. For a psalmist to express his personal griel is not ttrs slml as inspiratlon. of frith. inspiralion is e dogmr tlocs not abilitles" formollons, elc., so fhat lha result wlll reveal, lo no rcquire lhc itlumination of mintl that John nee

. I'IIE I?IITII HXPI,III|'/EI) O 'I'IIE LITTEOF OUR LORD 'I'herrl"r Christ showsthe way prornisesto Peter Bv F' J' SHEE* *:li:'::lg,l':.1,'-';;,'"0* '" hin, arong *irrr the rcsr "orr to eternalsalvation . r' rhcr(i'g,rn'r ,,u. infillldi,l,..iii,,:,,:ii; founrlinsl, thc kcy nr tr1,',',,rL,,l,ln.,y1;:jl.,:j:; !:J,il,:,,fi f:."llrllllrnH,llm,:l;li iii,il ;;Jl[ubt?,, Noi.wil ;i;;1 cy_c, or By REV. LEO .1. TREsE thlough llrtrtr that lhe tionctl b'v Islias (xXll'2J.).:::ilt^l dcarrrcss cr car (r\rar.k Voicc oI iii;";ii;]"groriousness. cross- vrrr.r?). .lcsrrs cotttos to rrs. It is ilrcv llct't' is :r liltlt'sccnc lhu{ ,,usily llg i;; ;ilrliro "r rhcstarr or 'ii.s 'l'lrc \rllolll ,losus l)r.(,scl'tos frottt crroi Llli'i::.',T;;l,j:1i,,-lftl{_ly rhe n,on,onrar (jacsa.c:r corrkl hlpperr: nurnegcr oI "'l'his "rygy, ourLord ht,t ;;l;i ((,'ontinuctt rlhcu llrry lcll rrs. is rvhat t.lrs us (rrr.?).rt 'r Jl$1""1i;;. onpasc s) a tnltluflr' Illilnt lakcs onc .lostts (llrt,isI tcaclrcs: {his rvc nrusl; trl lrcat'IIiru cntnrsting it thus aI" of ltis u olkt'rs ovl,l' t o ll ucw boliclc, this tvc must tlo!', rrros{.clsually to I'ctcr. And that ur:rchine thll lras iust bccn itr- 'l'lrat is rvlrlt thc catcchisrn is uot ilrc cntl. Otrl l,ord proccetls st:rlltd. lt is l lrugc antl conrltli. (llut{lrurv rnclns *httr it ashs, as rt.c also XVI.I{)) to rrnderlinc calt'rl nrachirtr'.'l'llc n).lnltSt'r slJ's "t'Lotn "Nou itsk, u'honr do trc Lr:rr! trr and tloublc undctlinc what IIe to tltc norlinun, l anr 1to. just. littou', lole anrl sr'n'c (iorl?" and harl :;airl, ing to put ]'ou in clnr'ltc oI this "Wc llls$crs: lt-'arn to knorv, Iove by plonrising rnlchint'. I[ rlo a soorl jolr -vou :rurl stLr,'t-'tlorl flonr,Iesus tlhrist lhat rvhtrtcvcr tvitlt it. 1ou'lI rltt u ltottus o[ [ivcr lhc Son ol' (iorl. \\'ho tcachcs us Pctcr shttultl thouslrrul ilollrrt'.s ut ilttr ctrtl oI tltc tltt'ough ther (latholic Church." bintl ot' loosc--- leltr. ]j|ttl. lt. is lltl rl\l)()rtsit0 l)lil- r\rrrl, that we nln:f have at rrtrf r:onrrttalttl or. for. clrint'; i[ ]'i)u llllss lt ul), out ]'ort lingcr Iips tlrc pr.incipat truths biti"--.should be :lo oll )'()ur citt. lllLc is a bortk "istian luurht b1'(lhlist, thc Cirurch has bounrl or looscrl Ch thlt csltllrrns tltc tttlti'ltitrc. Nurv t.otrrpacterl llrose lluths togr.thcr in henvcn; (lorl !i('l to \\()rli:" "\\:ait ttt tltc rlccluLltion of flith tl'hich u'oultl ratify Pc, a uritttttt'!" tltt' s'ot'licr' ' "ll tvc call llrc :\postlts' Clttoli. tcr's r,ontttutnrls rrt'll ttrr.tltt sl.r'. lltis is i:r,tttt alt' lhc funtlanrcntal truths upott -*l)ctcr's of all to rlr{.'arl thr rliIftrcttt't, l)r.t\\'r.cll u hich a Christian life is built. pcoplc! SVrnbols l pilo of nrotrt.f lnrl no iob ltt all. 'I'hlt lasl phrase, one feels, I \\lnt nloto lh:rtt :t lrooli. i\ lloolt ttttrst lravo occullcrl to some nt is t(rr)cils)' 1o tutsttttrlct'slitttrl.;\lltl lcast of thc othcl apostles as the Itcsirit.S. \i)tt Iitll l ltsl< r;,tr,slirltts r;trrpctrrlorrs prolllis-es were mArle of a booli. I Iou' alrttut litrtt itt.q lo Pctcr. Why rvoulrl their lvlas- sonrobotl5' lrt rt ltt'to ft'trtu tltc tcl llimsclf not. keep tho keys pl:rtrc u'ht't-e tlttl' nurlio tltt'sc nrit- arrtl issue thr: ordels? What would clrrnosl' llt t'art tril utt' itil :rlrortt 'l'hr' llc bc

ilfarian College. announces clas$

,*;, | nosARr I I I WIRB 14.30 on Illon. . Frl. your Dial / 3*D p.m.

111?4Yt January 20 (Tape) Farher Wiiliam Knapp. MONDAYT Jnruary.23 (Tapg) Rt-. Bernard- -Sheridan, orXii,l"t,'lt t th.Rev,e apoi ro iiii rn If *i "f." Tli h : ;; ;;;; TUESDAY, Ja.nuary (Live) 24 Father William Ripperger and members of the Junior Lesion of Mirv [i iiiirsaiij Pa rish. . WEDNESDAY, January (Live) 2-5. .Father Roberl Borcherir"y", and members of Little Flower CyO. young ledies above will be eleeled queen ol lhc Senior Brll of St. Mtry Acadqyny THURSDAY, 26 (Tape) Fa.ther Kenny C. Sweeney, CANOIDATES_On. of the five chrrming Atrstria Catholics {"?y"ry re. .UEEN quesred by a rfierytber of the Aposlolale. The girls cre, lronl lo backl Palfy Wrrd, Crssandra Mivec, Theresr Okey, be held al lhe Columbir Club on Friday evcning, Jrn. 2/. lo "WonderJrnd dance ig at Night." Rulh Pock ir lhe general chairman. (Sfrff Corlno Weingardf rnd Rosemary Zunk, Therne of fhe lrtilp photo by Fries) Congolese fo hovo yout nnme enrolled in lhc RosoryRodio Progrom gf Sponsors your (lorge . 91il1ililil11ililil1iltilililil1ililililililililil11ililililil1ilt9 _- Sond oieringr or smoll) to; CAI\U CULKIiY THE ROSARY RADIO PROGRAM Wtooipd- 140 W. Goorgid E and" = Sr, Indicnopolir 2! = Jalil,iufu,n- = frtttttrtttttttttilttrrrtnummmuumumunnnurH ON EXHIBIT

NICW YOIiK-A national telc- Teenagersond CUTSvision nrrtlicncc rvill lrcar rliscrrs- sion of I-tt'sitlt'nl l(crrrtt'rh"s lole in hclpirrg lo stinrrrlirlc stu

?,r5 D.m,- J:;JrXeYrlil,; :ilil

rr,oop,m,-.sacr1i''fl;,"!'111...... *cH, fvAHsvtil.t Anfa {5 Sundryloltvirlon tlr30 r.m.-"2ci6 l'qao';'.."...... tttt t --.1\- ll:30,i5loptrcrr."....,...... ',{7i CAIi iJ I.-UL PI,Ai\NINfi l\.4 a Aily speakerkndws that In orderror him to g* his messaseaero$f .,, V.4) for your comtbl't and solace is Before ildd8i:il;:i'fliliji',1;,Tl"l']i.:::::::tFeo# to his audiencewlfh greateste{Iectiveuess, he mustfirsr bo I . /L forrnd iu every dctail of onr li'n. ;;;;,;,:-;;..;fi",ul;[to*n.'""....*our ramliarwith.that nelill ilolne. youren8H MADISONAREA aurrience " r,tsr,nr,-uorltodlo;,lu[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[lrtt,rrr...,..w0Rx I /R/ tn 'I'nrly Dwellingar ltomelike NortHvtrNoH An€A That'r rvhy we lnak6 every . . . rcstfully Rrdlo-Sundry eftort to define our eireulation | / / |\ rlecolated betrutifulll' flutomobiletl*o3 3p. i:il::!flll#'il.1',-'1.::::::::::WBEli auttiencervith absolure accuraey and etarity*rvirlr facts verified by pointcrl . . . it is all yours at no NEIY ATSAilYARIA |' Insurance | \\I extra chal'ge \rhen you .,roo.'.-r,1',1'|ffiTiJ, ...... *ro, A.B.C.t audit. lvs want you to know the rizeof audience, need it. ],our I Call Charley Fleettuood... ti:!B B:fi::[lli:jf;i"jfi,,':::::::::::ffiVl wheromemben of thar audiencetive, whar rheypay, and oihcr I O Fintl ouf; liorc 6!15 !.m,-Hour of $1. trancis .,.....W1(10 the rccont :,r15€(l llc;,rt ...... ,$iKLll in.rprovemenls in insurance b;i5 ;.;;:_a;;;;; iieaii ui,ui'...... wHes intbrmatign deslgned to halp you prcpara more €ffectiv. 9r.5 r.m,-Your CathollcVlsllor .....IVHAS covcrrrgo broatlen your pro. 6r45 p.m.-SacredHe.rrl Hour ...... ,WAKY p.m,-Calholic Sale$ mgssaggG taction . . . scuc ntoney yorc. 7130 Hour ...... wAvf, Ior ,$ondry lhru Salurdry GeL rrtes and irrforrnation 10r45r.m,-llroughl ior lod0y ...... WKYU 6r45 p,rn.-Xqt3yyHour,...... WIRP norv, rvithouL obligation. p,m,-rrtorat Ask !o tee thir inlormation thli weeli E D 7130 ll,'r";?*r*, ...... !yHAs ^r( o TUOORB and KIRK RtcHMoNDAREA I r*-r , MORTUARIES GRAIII DEA1ERS 'ol=dr'. '-^- muruAl AGENC?, - Ou'necland Operatedby TressieKirk lltc. .,,..--"":iilfri,liiir'i"-'...-', 2530Station St, Lt. 6.ls6f 1740 N. Meridion Stroel lq{? E. washineion St. rr.. i.ii5c 8051E. 46th sr. "' ru. z.iilo WAlnut.3.2453 lli?3;,,3"TTH1"" ,Ftiill: FIRE. AIJTO.CASUAITV ;:::'ffi:::::::: i@t The Criterion irsin=iu;,,tfriffi,,ul,iii,rtyl n,i"r:r";;;;j*Tj.r*:x#; r?i33ijt:tl".rllil,ii a;;;;.::::ljjii $orctiriva a"{oci.1ioror pibrieheE.d- ii'i! i:i:-iit;asi: ;i;i'::.::::iiii: v.iliscrs, lnd ldveilisinr iseocia. our CARDISSERVIGE ridtrrarionn ddtued.t csur.rrni.R.L ro..".."1T',?;*tili1l.i..,..**.* by erpeftnced A.B.C. .Lculstlon .dL 3220EIST WASHlltGT0lt STREET rils !,n,-ftr ah,nhordi . ,. ...,..vnd tots ind rheh rcDo*j aromidc , r- l'1ffi.i1!5,,'lj:l to our iildrte;; Fitrolr obris'tron. \tnuotl ME2.o8zo ME2.otso l;ffi3;fr :;;ll?li"lt l':1t. :rr::;lit|]j;1,'; \!J CheckOur Tire PricesBefore You Buyl 3!i.rrthdil.r IrEliuRE oF aEFvtct- -[AF( oF tNTEatrrv THE CRITER|ON, JANUARY 20, t96f PAGE NINE lllllllllillllllllrilillulllllllfllililililililmilililililililililililililililililflnilt1 l_T_l'I'ic . Sheed Marie Cavanaugh

(Continued from page Z) Tacker I'lrilippi nrust have sccnrcrl to pe. heads auxiliary ter to nrark tlte end of a tlcprcs. sing clurpter, No nrore stupiditics of Claver Knights f ronr himscl[, no nlorc snubs fronr his Lord. IluI tlrc exaltetl nronlcnt rlid not hst. Within nrin. rutes Petcr rvas to hcar Our Lord call hirn Satrn. lleatl thc ncxt four verscs of l\lattherv (XVI.20. 23) to scc hos' it happcncrl antl horv sn'iftly. Chlist's filst rvords after the gt'cat prrtntises \r'ere a corrtntand DriveSafely "{lrnt to all of thcrn thcy should tcll no one ihnt IIc rvas Jcsus the INSURE Christ." \Ve kuorv thnt pcople's SATISF'ACTORILY cxpeetations of rvh:rt llrc l\lcssins rvoul

GOOD SHOWING-.'l'lle lllu.iln Collesc rlahrtirrg tonrl pl:rr,otl sor 0ntlr irr a licltl rrI lit rrr l;rsl rr.r.ek's tinll slalc't lrchatin{ 'li)u|nrnr{.'nl. "llesolrctl:'l'hat l'}o[)ure tol)rc rt'ils ilrc tr.S..\tlopt a Irroglnnr ('onrprrlsor.r' of Iloalth lnsufinl()e for i\ll t'ilizcns... Sollho- tttoltr Vincent Koels rccoir crl a supclior. r.tttirrt for his lffirnratir c prt'st'lrlalion ()hio lxalnst trnirt|sit1 : lfr.r.slrnron gob cernpbell ilnrl Drvid Allison lr'r.oir t'tl tltt' onlv supe r.ior r.atin{ frtr. i{ l\r.i}.nliul llnit TUXURIOUSTYCUSHIONED ln thotr llcta{l\(. prr'scntation. IN DEEPE5TFOAM ^ k-fgatg A NEwrooK ron YOUR HVtNc ROOfiI W|TH KROEHLER& BALLAD 'I'r\ DESIGNS t) l)r'oviclcnccSis lcrs c[ic at hlothcrh0uso

sl'. lir\Ii\'-()r 1,ln.t. \v()()l)s. Slre is iul'\ i\ o(l lrr. a si.ster.. Inrl.*1.'rrnt'r.;rlsr't.\ i(.os l.ct.t, ( ltclrl it'ltcr'. oI l'rtll \\'lrr ne . ]lortsrgrror. Itelc tltis for ttr r-r Srstt'r.s attANat of I). [,ilrrr.cnct r\lonalrtrr. oi St. i'r'rrr irlt'nco. ('lrrrlr'h, rnd ARMLESSCHAIR l):ttt'it'li I,'rrll \\', is a lirrltrrt'ttt ltltlANor .\llt:s l lrs ollr.rr,rl lltis I It'sl corrsin. lllol'r1ino lirr. Si:tt,r. llilt.\. llilnotlo ,\ rtiltt\'(!of ('ountt _,\t.rlr{h, lr.t. $79 ( llalr' (llir c Scirnt'lltt,r.). nn." Sltl)ofi(rf l;rtttl. Sistof l'runcr-s ('trllrt,r.irrtl lll ntl.ln] \'r,l t.s ill lrrrlh St ('illll(' t\trros l1| lltrs c{lunlt.\' al lrtt r,trIl,y ;ut(r Sl.,l()lll l{,il(icnlirs irt lrr. a{r nnri irl lf}:l ot}tcrotl tlrc ('oril, tllltt)ltlrrrlls.Lil\l \'r,itil.l\.llrt)l.nllrt' ltttlnitv al Saiut llarl of lltr.- [ttttcr';tl sct'r'ii,os rr r,r'r. lrr,!r! [1r1: \\'r'o,ls Sl:r' lr.,,l: fir:l rorr.s rn 5l\l('f l.t.ln('is ('itlll(,ilD(, ( siu.itll 'l'ltt't,':t' ll)ll trnrl ptr.petual \o\\.s fivc \l 11,r111'r. ri ltp llrtl tr,- J(,irts lill('1.. ll)illn(.(l 0n n]l\:rio:l :tt Sat,rt,tl "BALLAD" llt'itt't St.htrol. l't'r.r.t,Ilattlt, trrtlrl The COLLECTION llrt' ( ltIrstrtt;rs\ it(,itlt1,ll. ,\ nlrlt\ t. uf \r,rv llirr r.n. ltrtl.. Sr.tcr. Jllrr.r. Jlltnt,lln {,ntr,r.o(ltll(l ('onriililntl] lt) lS1il. lolrli 111'1.[11.r1 \'o\\'s l\\i| ) ('itr.\ lltl(,f. atttl ltct. Irot l)('!ilill \ r)\\.\ lll ll)ri.l,

GrinsteinerFuneraf Home Est,rblished lg54 JEOR,GT N. GRTNSITTNER HAROTD D. UNGTN Your I$tlrole 2-5374 ehoicc of highestgrade nylon fabrics,K-Foarn Your choicc ol il

C. T. Foxworthy Co., Inc. "Onco ll Caclcd By Ur- Ed | | Martin Never Cold Agcin,, | | Harry A. Sharp Co. | | Jerry Alderman Ford HTZrlilAll Halfield | | Motors, Inc. Coal& OilCorp, *"t McKay Ford, Inc. "OUR | | OII HEAI . . . Your choiceo{ any of fherc t Kroehler CAN'I BE BEAT" Sofar in tho BalladColleclion . . . and rd5 N.Hotoor ME. $ 7-l318 lnslrudiont in priced al only 159*." CERAM|CS Chino Pointing-festurer*f low.? Muklng 3rrofiitc-Worar ttrh- Poreelcln snd Lqca Droping A I\ION'rUAIIY Mon. thru Fri. Afternoon & Eves, Excepl Wednesdoy Ministering lo lhe needs Supplies - Whofosole ond and comfort of the people. Retoif . . . One built on service. Symphony ond Erush Arfr Gfoces F ri ed a Pet?erson Stoinc StevensMortuary 5OO Costing Slip Groeny'orr lrom Mora lhon 200A ol Lolcsl and Ssrt ,{oldr €hopc/ F, SylVtNS oI fhr Flowgrr, [eller Jort Ofi Kerrlor Blvd. on l6th Arl$ludio F, O. Bor ll8 3fierwood !-4229 Donvillc, Ind. PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,J,ANUARY 20, I96t

Vatican nelrspaper Priest is jailed backs ltaly clrive by Palish Reds

against obsccnity BE{I_LIN-F ^ ather Jozef Osiatlto, O.S.P.Ir,ti., of Lasna podalska \TATICAN CITY - L'Osserva. has b_ccn sentcncctl to three years tot'e ftonrarro, the Vatican City jail in for claiming in a sermon daily nowslxper, has erttlorsed a thal. thc Clrurch in communist. proposal to curb lurirl prcsenta- lulcd Poland is oppressed, tions by movics, tclcvision and press. Thc Pauline pricst, according L'Osscrvatorc look its stantl in to reports reaching hcrc, atso conrnrettting on a spccch by stated in his qcrmorr that the gov_ Prosccrrtor Gcncral Franccscrr efnment actcd larvlessly in seiz_ Cigolini o{ thc Italian Supronte ing Churelr pl'opcrty, Cout't, Irt a ccremony officially opcning thc legal year hc strcssed tlte neerl to curb cotnrption of yorrth by rnotlcrn rncnns of com- munications. llo singletl out rcccnt ten- dcncics torvarrl exploitatiorr ol vice, violence, horror anrl scantlal as carried by plays, nrovics, tclc" cltRisu0tz vision anrt thc prcss, At the snnre time he criticizcd thc hostility M(IT(}RS,tl{c. shorvn by variotts scctions of Italy's national lifc-notlbly lcft" | .r*uoorr,- ro;;-l rving politir:ians rnrl intcllectrrals I otDs- sutcK- cADtrt^cI -wltich have ci'iticizcri attcnrpts cHr_vrorrrr oMi:iaf to bring such exploitirtion untlcr I corrtrol. MIIAN,INDIANA Iu thc pasl" ycar thcre has bccn Phonc a nrnnirrg battle hctwccn eivic FLAN SINGLE GIRLS RETREAT-The nexl retreat for single and business girls at Falimr Relreal Ofiicc 2791 - Sarvlcc !!9t attthorities antl ltalian rnovic antl House, tndianapolis, will he held on January 27-29. Falher John Brown of Chicago will be Retreal Mat. - tar, Pronroln's aro, lafl to righl, Miss Rulh Ann Neal, Miss Joanne Lippert, Miss Barbara Arhmore and ll,tT.roott":ittiri"ij.*,lli,'llt:Jlgtttrrt***i****r*** ftAtt[IriR'S vIFjw*******u*****rr! crn by promofors Miss Rosenrary 5anders. Reservalions be mrclc confrcling one of lhe or lhe Relreal strrnption. I)espitc mie.sof censor- E (Srotf pholo) rff !_ ? t f I a\ = House, $T 4-l?13. slrip, Italy's p:rrlianrculnnd vnr. i I lf tfCllfT aa lrcr nAtY -- r]hr{)w at -'rra'rr- iorrsrous nruricipnrnlllillclpal a,rurnr,til,l,rill,:0uthontics ltave = herek? = nrovcd to block shouling of hlrrrs D.. harr^ AROUNp.Tr'.t ARCHpTOCESE By DANA c' JENNINGS .iurlgcrl hnrmfrrl tu ulnt,irJou,i'r. prohibit tlisplay of posters cx- Tlro othcr' 111v 11,1.rr,clc lalliinl ploitittg scx rrnd vi0letrec. $'ith tlrc lniulil!{cr ol n I'arrllt,rs' 766CI"EANERS Ilit'lrnlond l)canory coopcratir,c CCW lnrl hrlrv sotrtt' groolllc

Canccragain hils iiii lil,,lll"illt'illll;J"ij;l:il:l-'',r,ill "Fine sct (lr rit r'tcr ly lllr:c Dry Cleoning,, s ti nS lll*''llllil'lli;lx:'ii 1720 F. Ave. tA.9-4901 l)r.'l'1.'ursI)'ol*y alt 5, t5th st. JA,9-2000 CONTR ('(lNNl'lliS\ -- 'l'lrr' iii'i.iliii:l'llc lolitltrl lhal -sotn(' palrrrrrs ol IBUTORS ll,l,ll. lnrl. l).n1. l:'pllogirttl tltt, t't.collt'cli9tr, (ltc <'oopclativr' rvltit'lt ht' st'r'r't.rl ltI cRlrttlou win r.,r,v a ri{ Iilclltn()ll(l l)('il11('t'l ('trrrttt'il ol l socill Scl logcthcl rlill ht' lrtltl. ( ttotit'rt rvr,'t'r'spt'trliittri rrl (':rl lttrlie \\'lnlr'lr rlrll h,rltl tlrt'il llrlt'eshutcttts u'ill bc scllt,tl. lllrlr.ons. DAtE llot nt('nlllors irt'ltrlrl lv tcl rrscrl Paltonize \1lntr'l' rtllirfl('fl\, illor'tiltr: ill st. ) PRINTING lo acccpt lhcir pirtrorlrllt' tlivirlonl. EOMPANY t;itlrl rt.l's l)rllsll, ('r)nllalrr illc. ott NEW ALBANY 'l cltecks. lt, sccrrrorl llrt'1' pltlourzt,rl "Oflicc hut'srl;r1, .lJn. :lt;. ()r't{rlr0r, \(r- .\ \'llcntirrt: l,unchcon stl lt' 0ur Suppliot ond the crt.rtp otrll' bcr':rrtso lhcv cotrlrl \ (,nll)cf iulrl l)t'i'crrrllr.t lr.polts slrou rs br.inu plunnt'tl b1,thr: Prlnting Sincc l90l', (itriltl nttt got lltt' sarttt' stl'r.ict r.lsr'- rrrll lrt' rlir (,rt irt llrc lroitrrl tttcr'ling llulian oi lloh' l,'arnilv Adverlisers l6tt-tt trood it. JA,9.taot 'l'ltr: u'ltct'c anrl \r'olc s() rlt,;rrl,sr'l sclrcrlttlcrlirl l(| ir nl. ('ltttt'clt. slttrrl rvill be pro- it'litt ('o-()l)s tltrrt thcY llrlt'rr' lgoorl lJ:rthcl l.uu'r't'nir(' trl()l'lur \rrll lx' st ntt'rl Sulut'tlu1', l,'cb. I l. Irash- 'l'ltirt tll()llcy ir\\';ry to llIor-r' il, llrr' sltr.llicr irl lllo {)l)t'n lllcr'llilil irrns [r}l' :tll sizt.s illl(l ilil(''0il[]s ntitltes loss scrrsr' llurn lhlouitrg l1 l:.1i-) i\ll tlrt'tlc|tI urrtl rvill [rtr ttrrrrlclotl. l).ilr. birr'li a fittc fl{ [ish. lltltts of tlrc tlt'attt,r'1 iu c uric(l l() lllt'n{1. ,'.11,lni,nliii:,,,lii;';1,,'ll'llllilll,;| [u,,,'.,t:,*,:ii;tt1iiiffi;1;;1;;0i;v;,, 1 tlrc irl('ir()l rlorrrrllrrrsrrrr,ss i:ii';iJ','i R ICHMOND FATHER MORAN 11r'irs1r | 1...:.; ";".:.'1.,1; i it.jfJ I .\ l)u1 oI liti'ollt't'lttttt for' 1",t,t. :r1 liruc rt'prllts oi llre pnr- io ycor{ of ialvttet Hood Music Go. {!lla .\ ol|lti: |1'1'|lq. 0f tll(' ilfe ir )i,lll,,:'lill'i,l),i:;,ll:;,;,,;1;ill,ili'i'IH;r l i islr 1lIcsitlt,ttts rr,ill bo givt'rr. otl slolt' :rrtrl lltlv rlrrsrr llrlir' l I ln,trlt' llrc lrgr.s ol lS :lu(l :li. ui!! (;lrost spt':rlitr n'ill lrc NIiss Horrington-Hoch Inc. rotdwlt ArrorcnltFloncr trolrr'1';utrl nr,\'t'r'r'(,s('nt tlrr' frrrl I KUNKEL'$ rine roo.t I I hc ltt'ltl Sttnrlul, .lun. ::l lrl St. ('lrristrno lilalr, i\r'tlrrlioccsart t':i"t:ilT;t' ('hrrirnran Inruroncc-Gcncrorqnd Lif* ,,\ntllr:rr's tllrtn't'h frr)lt) I lo 4::10 \\feltarr' of lntliannp- lll;llir,,li lii::',.,lll:l:,,,i,1',iill,,ili | olis, Ilt.r ttrlli rvill tloal u'ith thc 11csl.tu tltortt lltat if th ::f::i::: tlcd. Arts tt:-.::051!.-sst CLAR KSVILLE (]hluitics I WS I rirain5r. ph.1.162r scopc oI t'atlrolit' in thc rlrr lrusirrr'ssrritlr tlrr,rnsr'lrcs ;rrr,l (.,,r1ir ricr?i,:e (iuiltl I ORtVf-1ru---- I r\ nrcetrng o[ thc of ()ul ,\ I't'htl trrct'st'. tltt'rtln'lrrriklrr Iirrr,lrrqslnlt,ot'| | l,it

ITIT CITY '. CANN;T|ON ln lcll Gi?y t-l Hoyes Phormocy, Inc. HARPER'5 FASHION TEII CITY Gcne Hoyer John lhomos CLEANERS "Prescription COOPERIIRES t@I PeoplesBuilding Specialists" For Better Drycleaning NATIONAT BANK "85 DRUG STORE Use Our COIN LAUNDRY Yeorr of Good LoanAssn, lllortinrville Moorervillo & 224 E, tloin tl, Phonc lC Ph. CRstwd.32125 Highwry 7 Bonling Sarvice" 5a! it€ir l(l' 7-3lao :l t-I fREE PARKING Madison PhelpsDrug Slore lndianaBank & Trust ffiAl,lPl0N c-o-A-t "Y FIRST IEDERAL Patronize TheEger Sludio our PrescriplionSlore. - Fuel Oils - Abo (Gor.Cosl-Oll) Furno

rllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliltltlilmn[ilmiltilil[tth ' t oK! NOW l.rURRY .ALENDAR ASHAMEDOF YOUR5EIf... HoME.\ Rentember Tlrcm In Your Prayers YOU DONT HAVE MUCH NME ,ilililililt1ililil1tiltililililtilIil[il[rImililillililffit| IASK YOU TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY TOMORROWAN'YDU JANUAR,Y 20 A5K ME IF YOU HA\IE TO A Firh Fry at 4 and Social at ? at lloly Namc in Rcech Grove.

Sl. Rila's SoJJ begins at 6:80 p.m. in the Auditoriurn, lsth'and Arsctral r\vc- JANUARY 2T - The Salurday Social at l{oly Crrrss slalts at G::10 p.rn, in th-e I'arislr Ilall. tZ5 N. Oriantal St. JANUARY 24 The Social at lloly Angels be. Erns at 0::t0 p.rn. in the school anAN(ilN (ouNlY hall, 28lh artd Nor.tlnvrstcrn, t,trAXKt flAXf lvlWl,WlfYl, 66, $t, Petcr,spelcr'sthurr:h, Jan. JANUARY 25 rdna' .r.iir,llli,"tri.llifj"J;"l"li,',"'tjli.wife' card Parties at 1i:t0 p.m. ano 'ii,'ll;'li:"n-:IlJr",lJ:'"tl 1 'rRrsu'r,.,ftillulllrn",,ro,v rh,,,r,, lr3 ii. t GrilRuor M. l{EBrNsIRill, 6/, t.ilild Lclrt'octtpat'ries. llower ldil. 16, Cdlvnry Crrn0lrty. '.*"'i',,ir1,1ii]:[""i1,i"'l?i: ,i?li't,l';,lil -i. Cllurclr, l)ofiirtq,.-V1rsl - :l:ytl IndianapolisParish .Clrcstcr, ili., flr. Gl,rnn ShoppingLisr Survivors; lrush,rrrd, Clertt l.; $ons, Wlllidrn lln,I, Jcllrrr5OilVillet brolllorc ln(r.dl, ^f tt,r,t. ond Roberll dnu0hler,_Mnry Mill0r. "il, t fAnfY f. tAM0, 72, Lilll; tlower €hurch, ll1ilttii*il'},ii.*: li,{:..if;i.:ffi ilil4fiili l[il Try;]:i i:ilir H,lsii.rili"''; Survivorsr wifc, i{i{i, iir#:.l'#Jl JJn. 17. Cnlvnrv Cenrelcry. r*l #[idfr :kt*Tii liri,**r*ilTlll tletetr lytc/er. fllrcl K.; tl,rurtlrlcr\, Anno llfbpil"lrfil, ll\dry ItOyD XXOBJ ll0l\oilr s{rd, lar(y F. I allb lr.; lrrolller, Al. t lmmaculale Heart I'nrl l .; sr,.lcrs. Allrtcr 8fnuil. I tlrtt,t liuclltt, t tr{l{otry,nrr * Holy Cross * * *L' St. Francii * . ",llll";:udi;,,:nuTjlf"i,1't,ll;.,f'l::?j:llrc-Knol)sClruruh, Jrr. lt, Churl, C,inii. l* Annc ,aife, and lnry. 5[tvia0rs: Ivelyn; r,rotl,nr,ly'rr. 'f i,l;ll jll '(hurch,PA'RICIA t, Mt00WItt, l,l, 5t. lndrcv's l.,,ii"'iliijl'xi,ililiii"'ii, "'"?' i,iLi if ; l: f SHttL Iif,tins, dll of Iloyrl Woddellc Standard STRING ART'S DRUGS J,rrr, ll, lt0ly Cltlrs Cetrr0lcty. lhc Knobs &r,r. Servico AX'r'HUlr ,r, t[truNteB Srlrvivors: I)drtlls, fu1r, nnd Mt!. Ihon]ns SERVICE 0. ll\c0orvell; si5lcr5, Rulh Ann, dil(l l(alh- t6r0 q NEI? roBtr "Youo lcert; brollrerr, iltorilr', D. dn'l 0Jnlidtl; (lldll'l i60! D. Wortir.hl lllrrl. ItE r{ga! REXALL Dnrggiatrt pnrcnl\. l.lri. Alrra l/,c0ovrcll, anrl Mr. .trrrl zstb St. rl lttrilor St, Mrs. 0uy Arnrtttor'1-__ Gomp,Lub. . a.!11'W1"! LI. 0{3ll __ iloTOr IUNII.UP -Prercriptionr- + ft0YD J. BUIl.tR,,16. S,rcred lierrr iirurr:lt, .Slotor lftlilc-uD . llon{l ScrYlcG .tdil- 17. tloly (ro:l Ce,rreiery, 5utvivot;: @ sirl0rs, Mrry llnilcy, Agnes dnd vir!!inid Little Flower Holy Neme * * * 5t. James * 0utler, * Cathedral * Lady of Lourdes * - (illrlll'.1 lllirtl-lTl' Sll(llr DIRK'S MARKET 't2{fir litsl. lOlIr St. Cfiorleno (htrlltv lnd Scwl6 $*iiirnon, Owner l'hritro l'f, t-5ili(l (or 1.orrr SNES DELIVEIT Noxl, lloillllJ ilppoilltnlant fl,. T.s0!0 $5?r B, Wuh, 8L - lilY:1i5-:I1"111'-lgl''- : DTLBO 9BUO5 l52l N. Emerson BUYING or SELLING Holy Spirit \sncnr] !L'$,f,iE * St. * rL ft. 9-8265 \{J t{,'n. Renl ftloto I'tUtscfilt,'l't ()Ns CONTINE}IIAt rt.llEsu cAlt grl,]ncr, "\ceurrrtel,villllcrl cuT tuEAtsr fro.' lubr,0rrlt SdBltc, Whcil FAENZI'S Tuni UD - IRY US PAT DOLLEN'S ,OsTPH X, EINPIOYMEilIAX6US \yd, RADIO & T.V. buy oul own.,trulf.! and vciotablor n6vrlrno'! tD Fi|lllot 'l'hls lnquirc SAI,US tlnn) crowert, In|lrrer you frcrb. ud NUBVICB oboul out .'ELLED.MAGTC ilrrsir find gu0d qUallty. home tradc- No Drtp-No SttrrlnS.*lls llrr 648 E {grh AT. 3-6371 Lic. Empl. Agency in plon, tu;t Applt I M[5. MARY5UtilVAll, 68, 51.Arn (irurclt. Jdlr. I l. Cdlvdry{e11{rlcry. Berrry Bros. Paint Store si'aNu^.\Hp (t AMERICAN Mur-trnnnr;s r6ill Dul l!rohlilEtor liiri.l lL, 6\til! tr,lr0r{ FnnT[. lnR J0llN AHGtl,OvAtll{tt, ' 68, sdr,r€(l r SERVI(:F-, (.lIi.,-h, li'. DEALING ESTATESCO. EAST lltdrl lnr!. IN SIDE BIKE STORE J420 N. Collese .6. t*,!i,J'it^^,tiol,. Si.l1\tlilN& liU[[Y BICYCtIS^-Etsy frrrrrs Ct, l-9402 rlt s.01.3 . I'aIDAIDI _--(tp'_r .10 -,t,r". 6!e,J lV,),tnc\,t.ty rAr SINCI.AIR & SON ALL 'J .l?J2 TYPESOF &:irr"rr.'r.r)a t ll'r' t. Michig.n lt, ft C.Oftf ill(l [i.rtt('r! SerTtca frA) cr\RAGE C$r \\'r!b irl,. Irtus,t EMPLOYMENT Holy Spirit - \ .f uit iiliril nirurv-inloN*-- SffiiB Sr:rviceStation Duffin'rrdh* 8t., t{t501 lltr.\\lj. li \\r ll t)\\i,'l service * MALE and FEMALE * No,'rni Cirtno'rr'llr .t l'.r:,',,,, {l J"r, Or.'rJlot: COla. t;. 10th urd tlllll,iRltl)N {litreutcLlr r\ rtlr li"]rtl\ Srli)n Corut)l{!tr r\utomoblla tleuslrtnf Aulomntlc lritnsrnli$lon ('lrrr oit l i'ir \t.r llOprlt lrvinglon and Flamingo 1{lth Y.ilt llril(Gr rnd [l{}tot Iuna.Ult -.t I lil;; ll. l'rilrt.\ ltnoi.r ll ll. li-l;;.1 Scrvlce Nerr'l'o Servr lour :lsi & N. Shrd.t;tnd . L:{}\ll.l I fl.. lll \ l f\- sl.:lr \ l{ ti . Ard, fL.'tl.gl19 Flower Shop L_:''lvdLt Asl iljo0l 0!. SF"( iil Wiiltcr tst. Rd l00l "fl6i1prc 1.11All 0cc.rsioil\" ilr.rnr.i'!!ntrl rli,rri Lvr. t!y r\rOt. I 5, ioxNsoN avE. Il.\Vlt Ljl'll0l,S f llllr- \\'Onl( FL 6-5508 l)t)Nli i\r!\l I ----i lrs. eL 5'9019 Sclert frolr Nerv Poll l'rhrltr A. & 8. UPHO|STEntNc . 5tBtfltA liitilrlotrrs lillrllisllcrl . ltrotvn.burg l rilRl. loA tlllEItt, ,'n, !,,n. l7- !1, srt N. clr,rY s t, iilt, 8-t0r.,0 ^1drliil'5 { iil,r{jlt, {_lrUtfll rnn,r.lrty, iUr. I I !ivor5: lru5lrnil,l, Fciir; I rlouqlrlor, f,4rq. f)rvirl 5prirrllr, Icll Cily; lhrec sorrs, llrren ,ou Ar[ ,r.L'r/AYrwrr.cor,l. AI btollterr, Jheodrrr0 r,ril llnrlt l:rosl, lrspct | I .rrrrl llerrry tn'11, Sl. lr,'inrdd; d si!trlr, lir', OilltErl nr!lidrl, Sibrtria, lrrrl lour grarrd. FEENEY'STAVERN tlrildtr.rr. I I I 36 E M.rn 5t. rrownlburr. tn{. I N ICfiMONO '| I Good Beer and Srndwlchc: ! MAIIA C0HIl, It3,5!. Ailiirrt/'s tlrur(h, *** tronc Ut 2'82J8 WOLMAN'S DRUGS Jilrr. I I 5i!vivUfj: {dur}hlcir, 1..1r;. Lldf. I | 4Jrel 1,1{rj\or, l.lrs. f,,rrrrdlir lloq\lo,r dnJ 1,1r,. Ro:r l,,,rll oi lti'-lrrlolrji lrrrl 1,1t. f/'1,!lt JiIrr,n'r, o{ l)r!lrl,rrrr;h, P,r.; 5.rn., 5505 EAST WASHINGTON I a.o**iffi"lJr^r" I R/r.ito. of B(,{l,tlo. lJ. Y.; Jo:ct,lr anrl Roirrr,l, I and Furnilure Co. I holir ol [trcll,nor,(,... (luft:tt .- f s'.t:to APPItAtl(Eslnd I 5.16,1 I. Wdihiilqlotr 5t. t J0Ht{ l{. t}01{lRIY, Bl !t. fl,jry's (l1rrr.|, GliddenPainls J,rl. I l. Survivorir irite. l)ellaj dnrr1,rl.)r, I I I'i0ore. (enlervillo; | sAtts arrdSERVICI I l.,1rs.0tto oi son!, ii!nty, tL 6.6471 5 & I t. Mrin 5t. Erotynrlur! cf Ricltnr,rnd; (lr,rrlel, oi Anrler',on; at,l | | Pall [., ril ltrrli,trr.rtrolir; \istfr, ilr5. Ilri.j. l___ 'f 1-l'l __J

Ctrurrch- School - - llome lilaintenanre An Ineipensive Wqnt Ad e.,rrucr,rs - supplicr.s - Electricians - G':penters Does o Bls lol St. Andrew CALL ME, 5.453I m 5t, Lawrence yc.t.:ltrtie$(, tirrnrbr.r.s - I)lastt:rers - - fR0llffl6S, t-rcl: utt and de" Painlors ticncing Ask lor ;..n Ad-l'crl:er livery. Fa!l 5ervr,-e, C!rlaiil1 r 5pccinliy, v/A, n.o5t I, "39 BAR" 6801E, 38th LL t.?555ffi FOR RENT Lolvesl pric€s .rn erltrJ Carrv-(\rt Beer Dbcollnt oE l]kg. Llqu0r! rjbl., qar iicol. WiCox Cart's Upholstering (flNE . t{iler 5 SI. F{)ODSI LA'f ltS'l' trAllIttCs. Custorn.tlnllt l'1rial l|l'e call.i. i'la6 ltst, Tcrms tl derlred. L 1T11--* CHRISJ. GREINER *sm St.Mark PAIN'r'lN(}--lNTt)Itl(lH & llxTERt0n AND SONS Fanet llan(lng & St€rmlng Gillie Hardwaro & Suppty lValdct Polsnd Plumbing and Heoting 3P0ill;ngllsh ,tvr, otK &t03$ to35 N. nural mE- ?'tdli5 fully Equipped lor Now-Remodoling-Repoir PAINT rnrl EoOt'tNGl GfrTTl:nrNO rnd ltEPAlns 4220 E. tofh fl",6.46!9 lloutetleaning !,;ppllc: Palntln{-lnterlor end iiigcilor- Low prlcer, 'Ilrnel [tE Furrim Piprs,Fillc(' & fiilings e:st rrorslbla LoDnlo 7.6658. CUSTOMWAI.I- PANEtIilG * REMdDET-iiiii* (ilchon C.binetr r Stecialty ^;$. Mp FFETT & - for !itimrtes tall * (n^xffi;! PURVIJ St. Michael BIGGS.BUILT CABINETS Neri Sf. Thomas V JTANUARD lrRVrLt * St. PhilipNeri *i* 5t. Philip * ME 6-4849 "!lc yout ADprrrinto Buslncss., fnglirh & [nerson tl 7{901 "Frll Chccl Up llmr" rl *;;";;,;;; Safeway Quality Foodr Florida Fish & PouIlrY SPNMY 'I!$BS Wolfe Shell Service Statioo LD. lot ttltt ter fooilt .iVrL rt LAFAIEITE ztftL lttt Ar Mlt:ElGAlr Frmous lloomr Butlt "Your "t'rerb ltor.lshShopptn6 Cbolco c\rt' uert Frih . ov6'rr.Bs . 8Br$lP Atticr Flnlsh- Cente/, AtLllA *jrp. Lub., TIre. Brttery r(l. alutterr, c[PtT0tGtlss PIiUSCtll P'LIONS. Stc( rl00rr ^"liDDS ser". wssh-slmonlz6 {gth end ltcn6tYtrtllt WA tl3tl e{ntt l'lurnbin6, cOs.\trl'les,,I0y s, qALLilAITK CAHDS cal,Ls . rn rcet, \Nil/4 . sEtlvlcE lir l3il5 - {i i rnAct, Southeqllrrn Avo. }'L 6-?9?l E ,{E l{05t 00MPA]{Y, iltrgcl . ilto. * St. Patrick Vtrlt Odt N.wral .. ir Monry t)o{! arrt llrynentr a Sforo Fronlr PAT DOLLEN'S 5t. Catherine ,fh. DOYLE'S E{l tryert i:rrd, Cl, L$l o Furniture fops st.l.llsH out il&Att, AIIIIA SHFLL SERVICE *inL'ulllu?3ro r Window g. 'DruE oo,l,"Tirl Gloss Lat Supptr to||r N.Gdf, ]VZ? l5ol Prospecl ll"' #"Sllil p.E nere and gocd qn|lltt, o f/llrrors MORROW'S PHARMACY Qn 2.osr6 $I. !it40 Ex0erl Lubricotlon,Iire & Bdllery Servicc l,{inor Tun€-Uo & Br,rke Setvicr r Alsynlte Fibre Glosc 402 SUUB0II$|AX (At B.rmoad) STANDARD * fREE PICK.UP& OETIVERY* HASSE'S BAKERY BROWI.I'S o Bolley Gloss Sliding P.O. Sub.Stetioo SERVICE 1316 E loth nr ME, &5t6t ct t{t33 tttt t jt?tr.''rrulI * Prescription AUTo sERvtcG Doorr Specialirtr * . AIRTITDAY CAEES * St, Philip Neri * tryC'-- sD'('alilc itr lubric'lion' ,ltol0t . WEDDING CAKI'S iLnruo. tiril, .nd b'lterlfi r-rllivaty o fhermopono - trrt Fiiku; Ji3 " AO? Dt"NUTS t:30 P.fl. EVI]RY DAYt Chester B. Ellit, D.C. 250t l.rf lolh LEADED GLASS CHIROPRACTOR 39 Ytt. on Ea3l Sldr STAINED GLASS MON., WED. & FRI. m**;;;;;sHELL sERvlcE NffiZ 1.5 - 6'8 o'nl, E5 Hond.Pointcd Spctiot Detlgns fi{odr --^ - 4601 [ lllinoir .. --- -,..,J1,*0t30 for ChvrchWindws cijoofi,rC-ttnri 1 r.trtI0RI_UNE.UPS iJn;NrcEIG--- l{oid Srrvirc* Pick'up.n'l utllvllV Chrrrch Windowr Repoirod RURAL PHARMACY {t2 5. tlllouri it!,5.1301 Indioaopolir tm( *u,o?11f,11il.. lr.,\'f'Roil{Iztl't'lIl: ADVlitt'l'lsEItS W ."xl*';',ill. PAGETWELVE THE CRtTERtON, JANUARY 20, t96l

Carclinal laucls l{ixon Pope lohn Newpr.:-scr'i'*ry duy sr:ho'lpla''cd 'ttsittg' l'or n0 t

li,\1.'l'lll()lil'l - r'ilrrlinll llielt. arrl t'rrslrinq srtirl tho tt'cctl( plt,sirltntiul carul)uiglr .sltous tltat liielrlnl Il . Nirott otrllltt lo htr "(iorttl ntrnetl \\'ill ltilll ot thc " \t'itf ll)til). '1'111''\11'lllrrshoI rrf Iius{trtt sititl lhc Irrtrrt'r' \'it'c l'rr:sirlcttt, rlt sltrll lll(' ltr';rl rrl lllc ('ittltl)itiltl, ''tlt'tt't' t'lltlrrtlctl tltr' t't'li.4rottstrt' ln.r'olltet irsrrc tlut rtottltl lctttl ttr tliritlc tltc .\rttt't'ieitn pr:oplc." lloston's t'lt'tlrnll :rlso pt'aisorl I'r'ott,st;rnts iln(l ,lftts ulto lttlpcrl "ptrt ('a{lrolics ortl llrr' nrarti' little irlt's rrt plc.irrrlice." n I'cal Itc slitl t'ullrrrlils coultl ttot ltin.t: tlottc tltt'rttst'lr t's.

glrirrgr ol cxllcrierrccrl elelics, to- g('lhct'willt a lrunrbcr of lalmcn, in tlisch;rr.l.lirrgthe lrtrsincss lrflt,ct- (litt'tltttitl t'ttrlttn.t spokc (,ltttt. lllg thr: govr:rnnrcnl ol' the ONLY IO MOItIi DAYS " Chrrlch. ll) to itlrottt ?t)() ltcr'5irp5 x1 111p 'l'lre :rtnull goorl u rll luur'hton of thc Iropc cxpnrssorl ltis s1r.f61, SPECIAL AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE 't'u lialtituot'c r\tlr tLtrstug L'luh. o at tlrc tlcirth of lirrrr calrlinals otltt,t' t'lttit't'htrrt'rrlorrk pu't. l')1lis- rr lro rlictl in rc(.ollt tnonilrs_- ('alrlitral cr)l)itl lli\ll{rl) \oblc (1. Porloll ol' ltir:llo l,'rrnrasorriliionrli, CRIBSETS ('alrlirr;rl,Iolrn Jlrrr.r'l;rtrrllirr r' llrt' rrrlrrt,;ttirrttanrl O'ilala, Canlinal (iius-r1t1rc Itlrblli ^\ll'lrhlrl Slrrrcstr.r'rll;trt rrf "\\'lrlt l,'ieltn arril Citltlinlrl rre hiti'o (lono oltcc, \\'c ll;rr Srnlr ('otrgfcglliorr glvt: tltc .ioscllit iVr.rrrlt'i.--:rntl tlrcn spokc ol. ZAY'OFF cirrr rlo a*litt; if rtc rotlttcctl bt'nt'rl it't rrrtt. thc nr:rv car.dinals. iott-s [rlt-'.itttlir:t-' itt ottc itlca \\'c citll "tn this lrerv cr.e,atiorr ol cnr'. rlu it in otll{r ilrL'ils a rtcll. littt pa rlinals," hc s:rirl,,,\\ic have lirl. \\'L'nlrrst tr.olk," ltc sairl. Ncu, rislr ristiirn Ch Party winncr.s Iou'orl thc pr.inciplc t' rrot uul-v of ((\rntrrtrrttl t'orrlorlirrg rlrrtt r.t.tlirttl ort llrosc ll'onr llit{r. I ) sclcctctl tli;inil;u'ics rrho l1rr,t_. [irge eempaign ttl aiil tlrt' pitt tslt itt lrr lrh tsot.r' lllorctl orr{slarrrlrng , , lltrt ;rlso titP11'111. ['\rl r,saruPlc, ltc htrs rlcrricclPucrto ltico sclrts ot fli\,inti to thc Slt,r'crl (irlloHc, tor uocttliorts Iltt'r]tt nrt'n rvlr0 irr.r' Iattttliitt' $.tth ls lat'as is llrlssiIlc, il r{-,s(,nt- Sr\N Irlancc to tlrc (lhtrlclr tloclt'ottie tlrbrrlirtitrg crlrrrpnrorr{. ,l t.':\N,*-.-'llrc trvo l)trr:r'lo Ri

Churches Throughout the Stotc : l.irlll('l' I.('llrrririllr' \ttlrlrl{lJ' ts "\\:c iitlt ol ;ialish finurrt'ei. rvrll pt olrlthll ttsli lirt. it li\ o l)0t' c('nl TermiteConlrol $ervice s. graIislr .r33ttl|TA. 3-3393 tilhc f()f tlrc ft()rlt oir(,h "ltt \\'irgr..oirr'n(,r'."ltt' irrrlicltlt,rl. FREEEXPERT INSPECTION lllis \ril!' \\'e cilil st('('t' il\\,itl {f0lll A.l TERiilTEC0ilTRot LStrrtcl'irlo St rricc ,i? otltct' ftlrttts ol ltttttl t'itisittr: rvltitlt ,,f a l,ifc{isr (;uirr-nt.. IRSI IN TERA{IITCONTROI" Itrt' oll('l'rlus t() llulll] I'l{il 1lt:rrplt,, itt- 'l'rr[ts 230t No, ftleridicn tt., lndisnopolit a clrrrling ln\ solf ." i n..o lnle lclt or Cirr rging Ch:rrgt Cottsittclittg tlrt slrolt lllllr, \ln('c a Qutrlitt Scrricr rnrl ;lhrolntr Protrr:tion Itis rtppoint nrcrtt lo olqlnrzr. St. Sillt()ll's lllrIislr--sc;rrr,cl.r' lllfc0 cALL tlontlrs--,lrallrcr' l''eltrrrlrr hlrs at.. ST.4-3236corLEcr Dovidficld tt'rttplisltcrl a If('itl rltal. ltis "l will personnlly'inspect and evnluole your pitt'isltitrttctr; irint s{r Ioo- problerns, .-\'rirrrelft irrg' AIr:ut A t llor lz's l'hcn thcl t:rn tatclr hitu. withoul obligalion,' HUB STATEPEST CONTROL S ERVICE l)r'r:sirlcrrlol' Nl) 93I l. lqbey Indionopolir, lnd, BROILED AFRICAN girt'rt high l|osl LobsterTails for l)l,lNVIitt--1,';rthct''l'hcrrtlulc l[. Hcre is lhe plor.e you lo sclve huncl,ccls of dollcrn a yeat, (:.S.('.. prt'sitlt'rrt "',1 Drown Buller IIt'slrtrlgh. ol " Thousonds of notioncrlly odverlised ilenrs ond oii at deep, deep il()l|r' l)iull(' ['rri\.c|sity, \\'ils il':.Y,";li:::l, DISCOUNT prices llre yecrr oround. Sliced Tomatoes elcctrd plt'sirlt'rrl lrcrc of thc Assot'iation ol',\rrrt:r'icln ('ollc3it's. Lcmon Wedgc FINAL IO DAYS! Stop in, browse orcuncl ond you will see llre irrony ilenrs we hnvc a lt'tleIirtiun t'[ 8{}{} pultlic trntl Eyes Exomined suitcrble for your roffles, bozoorr, incenlive progronrs ond giftl, ulivltc lillclal alts irrstitutions. SERVEDEVERY NIGHT 'l'lic Glssses Mqde U. Iloly Ct'uss pt'it'st su(:cco(ls Pre-lnventory A La Ctrle - Anytimc I)r'. l)irvici ,\. l,ocknril!rr'. pt'r,si. rlcnI ol',',ttrn 11:1-slcyln I]rrivcr'- rr00silin :;it1'. llc u,as oltrtctl al tlrc arr. FEATUREPRODUCTS rrual trlo-rlay nrccting oI thc OPTICALCO. I30II'].Z'S cAFETERtnassoct au0ll, House of Nome Bronds SAtE Dr. Jone F. Kernol Dr. Donsld R, Hiolt ME, Plerrly of Free parking on lol of Atlas Super Market 428 North Eust Sireel 4-7549 of OPIOMEIRISIS 5373CottEGE rRET PARKING CL.5.0059 2dl{. PEJ{J{.ST. OPEN 6;30 a.m. to 8 p.m. I Days a Week Carpets& Rugs fvlE. 5-9629 E FEENEY'SFINEST FUNERALS - yr-L/s-Yz;:1" We Join Our Fellow Calholics Throughout SAVE The Archdiocese In Celebrafing Thc Elevation Of SEE OUR BIG AD lr,j Her INSURED THE SUNDAY STAR RYRII'OMUJilITRIR I OIil NI .foscphCarclinal Rittcr SAYINGS for Colleqc Add Up FASTER JAN. 22nd and '.fourorrow-Last With Celtic'r Big Dividendr! IN THE CRITERION Day! To His Disiinguished post FRl., JAN. 27th at a Prince of the Church. Ayres Serni-u\nnrral All Merchrndisc Subiect fo Prior Srlc NO MONEY DOWN- 3 YEARS TO PAY Firsl PaymentNol Duc Until Moy Ist Insist (Or 90 Days Afler lnstallalion) On A Call: FL 7-ll6l and a Salesman Will Bring Samples lo Your at Your Convenience SALT TTuIyCATIIOLT Home RTMNAI\T OpenMon. and Thurs,'lil 9l balanccof week'ril 5r30 I-UI\IERAL %-L/v-LAOFF Harry J. Fecncy and Marlin T. Feeney Szrycorr lrr-c(lsIot'\,r-,r1'scli . -\'01r'trtttrilr-.. . -1'(.ltll'hotrieililol;t'tt ltssot'ttlrettts, I,rlokcn colols. sl5,ics antl siz.trj. all at big sitt'irtgsI SoLr.t', llu lllllil, l)liolle or You Confrsl the Cosr C.O.D. orrlol's, when you Coll DOWNTOWN:Shop Tomorrow 9 a,nr, fo 5:?5p,m' UuA.3.4504 GLENDALE;Shop Tomorrow l0 lo 6 p.nn.