Attacks on Cutholicschools CIredoplored by PopeJohn VATICAN CIl'Y-I{is lJoli- ness Popa .lohtr XXIII voiced eoncel'n o\rer lestrictions on Catholic schools in narts of the world as he adch:csscd a secret consistoly to announcc forrually tlre narrrc n[ fotrr ncrv cardinals. POPE JOHN said thnt anlong I'is other anxictics at thc be(in- Lrng of lll$t al'o lhc continucrl pursccuiion of thc Clrrrlch in ntlrr5' parts of the u'o|ld, lhe glorvth of nlatcrialislic irlcas and continuc(l LONII()N * lJr.itish (iltlrolics [axcs rvill bc a chargc on the IiOIll:l -'. ('ultlinrrl ,loseplr ln(l tlrcn in Ettrlish, Cartlinll pallicipltiorr of llrc laitf irr the t'[tttt'r'ltt's in llorrrt', Cinltlinal fcar tlurt l tax bill allcatll' xg- Iocal autholitics. l':. liiltcr ol'Sl. l,orrisulrs llitlcl siritl: .\l)()stol:rlc; lntl (.1) IIis orrtstarrtl- ltittt't'bocorucs titrrlur lrcurl ol tltt: ceptcd irr plirrciple by I,ar.lianrcnt. "On (lour- In Dcccrnller', 1050, before the tllis llt()ntcr)lr)lls or,r'ltsi0tt, itt;; sct'r'icc ns ltcurl oI titt' l(ttl-.r'ear'.oltl (llrrrIr:h of St. r\l- nrily place a heftvy finlrncinl strlli.untlerl b1' solllc .100 bill rvas intrrrdur:erl, the govern. I artt dccpll' urovcrl bl thc ntlni. rnrssion fol thc l,itrrlc1,. phrlrlsus l,igrrrrt'i. lrrtlrlen on Cltrrlclr schools rlesllil.c llront tol(l Oatlrolic school Iaaders cltt'ics urrtl lrilttrt'n rvhcrr he Itst honcvolcncc of Ilis llolincss Calrlinal Iiitlcl rvls lctcd at govel'nntcltt assufatrccs to lhe THE NEW PRINCES oi (lrc UNDER THE norr. bill, {.axaLion that progrosals thcn heing rvlrile at tht sumc linrc I lt'cl rlinrrrls antl rcr:cltliotts tht.ottgltottl, clon{ f a t.}'. made rcccilcel tolnlrl rrolirc ol lris ('ltttrtlt ol Catholic sclurols .stt'on11l1nl)' o\\'n unrlorthint'ss of tr.crilcrl llrtrr birt.ltits nt rvill also lrc by ther llinistly ol llousing and clt'r'atiotr1o lhc S:rclr'rl('ollcrlc lltt. u'cr'li irrclrrrling a [olmal tcsti" A se r:l ion nf govcr.nnrcnt- ir sctrri,prtblir, t.onsistor'1, ()ll Ilrc at thc rliscletiou of lor:ll author.i- Local (lovernntent would ('anlitttrls.'l'lrt. thc gftitt hottot' cott[t'tlt'rl r,rllrrl rnorrial'fut'stlul' cvt'rring aI lhc not un- rut nolilicaliorr 'l'lre h:rckctl bill--.n gcncr.al f inancial - ntc. \\'r'rltttsrlal . bloatl.hri nr rrrt'rl (:.,S. 'l'hosc licr^. Catlitiiics fcal tlrat rvlrikr !rr tltrly llrr'dcrr Clrurch op€rated r('rr'llt()nllool; pltrt.t.irr Noltlt l,)rrrlllssl . rvlur ac. lN PLACES u'hclc llrt' activily nlcirsnre tlrc "t'ottsctlucrrtlr', t'r'tl lrl{. u'hich is {lrc sPecill slnr. arrncd at r.cvising out- sonlr citsrrs tltc arrlltoli{ ics nrir5' sclrools. In t'cply lr ir v i rr g c.\- contltitnictl hirtt lo to a Catholic r\utct'ican(irlltilc lrtlt llsl Ilon- Iilrrrrrt rvrlc to of tlrc Clrulch is not. irnpcdetl. hc tlate<l assesslllcnts :ul(l bol oI tlrt caltlinalatial tligrritl' lrlopclty llay thc school laxes Ihcrnsclvos, lklrrcation Council qu0fy on the plesstrrl---ns I slroukl:-nrv glati. l)o llirul an lrrrrlit'nr,r' u,iLlr l)ope d;tr-. colttiltttctl, tlrcrc alc stilI scliorrs l'cillrcstatc tlxcs--r.cvokos tlrc tax ploposals, ttttlt' pittct'nitl $'clc l)rr-scnt('tl ll.v l)opc ,luhrr irr tltcl' nray also tlcnrand pt.\'rncrrt thc llinistr.y of Educr. tor the ill{('ctiol! ,fohtr torlll'.,filtruar.)' 2t). lrlilsons lbr lcal in "prop:r- (jatlrolic ()tl f('rclring the lrlrr oilicial il rasl)l('n(k'll1 g)trblic thc cxcmptiou oI slatc.airletl Irrrrn tlrr, lti.shops, rvhir tulrich inspircd Ilis ilolinr-.ss to corrsistrrIr, irr Soul't:tts rvotrltl tlrcn tion saitl tlrat all ob.icctions and (l{)('ullt(,ilts ttlrrsc Io thc Calttittnl girrttll cnllictl out on llchalI of st:hools prolidetl 1ot'in attttotutr.inq lris t leIa- St. I't'It'r"s l'iasilic;r on'l'hrrrs<1it1... the llt44 havr: to laisc cxtla funtls or i;rct: l'oc(rllllllcndations lrom religious ok'\'ltc nle to tlrc {lollcgt oI t't'roltlr'rl lllrl lrc is spc. tiott, ('arrliturl llrttt.r' slirl tltat hc IlirrrnrrrH nraturiaIistit: rtoc{r'incs. thc sploatl Iltlucatiorr r\ct. gnrulls ('itt'tlinal-. ()l tllc r\l rt iinltl, sot.r't'l t,rrugis{rrr',r'ltekl lcgal action. n'turtl reL-cive frrll consid- 'ttu. llotl llorrrarr t'ial t't'r't.llliortsitt S{. l.ouis lor tlrr. ttf a seli'ish rlrrcst fol pltr&su1'c 'l'lrc ,looplv torrt'lrctl ;rrrrl slrrrrgll- lutcl thr. sarlt. plost bill nfft'cts thc 2.117 statc. 'l'lrc c|iltion bclb|c ('ltrtlch an(l hll ing tlurllrlcd ru.r, rlll ltr. ntorl Ililv orr,llrrrrar'1'2l) the bill was draft- itll(l ftll lhc Intl tlrc irrsirlious atttrchs on tlrr: Irlinis{cl lf Iklusinr{ lrrrrl au'itt't' tlf his l:l'oat ttttuot'tltitlt'ss cach ol llrc rrt'rr' ('lr.rlirrals rvitlr srtlipolterl Catholic schools in crl. ll. atklerl: filial tlcvution t() thr. lloll'See clclg.\' antl lcliilious on,lartuar.y J.0citl iirtt't:tntttt'trl, tr'ltost, rrritr- Iol ritrrctitl' of lhc faruil5' anrl tlre thr. lronol shorrrr ltrnr. theil llngllrtrl antl Walcs, rv]rich htvc n atttl to lhc \'('llol'al)lc pcrson of sapplrilc lirrgs arrrl titlcs to puoplc, ist|r'rl|crv up thc l)ill. told thc "lN ..\nlonq lhc ultnl, tlillrritalit's ntolal ltcaltlr of ilrc {l$pc- totRl cnrollnt0nt THE MEANTIME, u'hat. llis of 548,il,t0 strr- (hrriltg Ilolirtcss. lh(r scrrlinrcnts of yorrth," llousc dcbatc lhat thc ncrv Nho \\'itno-\sc(l tht' ct'r't nton-r' rvt lc ciirlly (lcl)ts. Irec.clrat.ging tiatlrolic cver rlccisions nray ultimatcly be l'lrich fill nrl lreitlt itl'c tno strollg govctnmcnl .\t'cltbisltrrp SchrrItt, IIis strttt!.ssrrr Pope .lohn dcclalcrl: sclrools, attctr{rxl hy nl)out 10(}.1)tX) lcacht:rl, thc would in ftrr furthcl trxpLt',ssion." "A itt iirc St'c ol lnrlitrrrupolis. irrrd plal'cllirl lltcssagc ol putct: stutlcnts ilrc rtol. rlilcctly eon- no cilcuurstances lcgislate in such i\s soon as thc bricf t'('f(\nton)' I Ia i t i pl'ola [r,'s"o us[tlr [tope sccks clcrg)' a \\'al, as to placa any hurtlen ^.\r't,hatrbol lltlrrar cnlrn r. lirrleht.l, is tt'lrtt 1Vc s,islr [o arltllcss to tlre ccltred. 1['lrcy 11,p1'cnol 11r'anlctl l . \\'as o|rrf. llfelatcs. pti0sts irntl 'r ()n O.S.li.. of St. ]lt'irrr':rtl .,\rclrabbcr'. r)olri \vufld on tlu: Ihre sh0l<l oI lax cxcnrption by thc 19'1.1lurv. th{r Chufch autlro|ities respon- laitl' cnurc Ionvarrl to cougl'itlu- (state-aided) i.,i,... i;;tv ),cirt'. for Lalin Arncrit:rr siblc I'ol voluntaly latc Irinr. ' "tt THE BlLL yrisserl \( - clrar,l,sc,Kcotrunur ri ctt tiott is a mattcr lbl lcglct lhrt has l{ii r;(:(,- iI)(lls. ontl learling iu tlrc llortse of THE LONG LINE of $'cll.\\'ish. tltc ttnaltinrous an(l rvor'lrhvirlc Catholics ncvcrthclcss leel that tbnttttotts. u'lrich rtrcarrs tlraI il, cls hltl not complctcll' Iilt'tl pust rlulirrrt his II lrorrr.s in lror.I au tlcsit'c of itll tlrtr nations lirr grr'lr:c lhcil stan<l on thc bill has not hirs ret'civcrl lpploval in plirr. u ht'n Ylticarr offici;rls ('ilulr! t() I'r'inrc's l,'ur't l)irrrlnehc pr.ison (krr's rro{ sttct,ccrl irt t'onrltrcling lcecivcrl full consirleration and ciplc. In late Jauuat'5 it gt-rcs to pill thcif folrnal corrgll{ulator.}' lrrrl slitl hc <lirl rrot linorv *.hy hc Ilte rvirkrsplcl<l Ical arrtl tcrrsiorrs a rc l'r'lrrr:lant l0 ilccept assur- 'l'lrc cortrutrttcc for dctailcd stutlS', t isils. filst of Imtl bct.rr cril)0ll('(1.) tvltich glisallt'cenrcnts can carfy irncos tlot eonlainerj iii ihe'oiii tlrt'sc rvcrc 'l'lrc1' grcal tluling rvhich it can bc arrrenrled. ;\r'cltlrishrrp I'clir,le lfolici. plt'sr- (ln Iiucnos Ailcs. lluiti's arrt. folrvntrl to colrse(lllcnc0s oI itsell. r'ecall that several As it norv starrrls thc bill con- g{)\'efnnront (lcnt of Ilrc ('entIal PIcprIuto|y blssatlot to,\t,.:t,rrtinl, llttllcrt scfiousllt's5-.... assul'anccs $f e r e ('lllt'. "Wc tairs legal kropholes lhitt ntay givcn ('{,llllltissi(rn l0r' tltr' t'otnin.q t't.u- t'lairrrorl llrr. llislrolt rvas slrotrlrl. ltor\'cvttr'. like to irr I'alliarncnt during the - t'cdrtcc somcrvhat its inrpacI on (l('l)rrtc nlonicill eortncil. ltntl .'\r'chllislrop ouiti:rl Iul Iuli!ir.;rl. rroi lt'iigicrtts, llcrpc lnrl \1'e plal'cltrrllv nsk oll the t944 Education Act 'l'lrc (lorl--that Catholic schools. It plovidcs that i\ugt'lo l)cll'r\cr1ul. Substil.utc l'(,irsons. ;rntllitsstttl0t ilc- this favor of olrce thc lctarrlin{ its cflirct on Cetholic peoplcs thalitics--=-g'hielr coultl bc con- sclrrrol r:os{s. Latet' they re- Iltican Sccr0tar'l' ol' Stutc. r crrrlrcr' ?.1 anrl hxs rL\tunlr'(l to t:ttscrl Ilrc l]rshop ot' t:r'iticizing tlre legi{irrratt: aspilltions of ,slt'ucd to inelttrlc statc-ai(lc(l glelttrrl lcliattee Iris natir c l,'rrncc. IIc lrits rlcrrir-'tl At|\'('l'ltnt{'il1lr}t' f(,1}l..ssi\'(' nlL'ils- lol libcltl' an<l inrlcpcntlcllcc havc tlrcir on those "allsolrrtcll' Oatholic schools*.u,ill pay only a.s falsc anrl rrltcll.v ttt'cs aguinsf str.iliing sttrdcnts in bccn salisfictl.
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