Family of John Walden Meyers and Mary Kruger

compiled by John A. Brebner for the Friends of Sandbanks 26th October, 2020

Generation One

1. John Walden Meyers #80201, b. 22 January 1745 in Albany County, New York State,1 occupation Military Captain,2 d. 22 November 1821 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Whites Cemetery/St. Thomas Cemetery, Belleville.1 .

Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, The Meyers Family, pages 20 - 30

"In an old burial ground on an eminence overlooking the Bay, midway between Belleville and Trenton, where lie the ashes of many of the men who built the first log cabins along the front of Sidney, rest the remains of Captain John Walten (sic) Meyers, the founder of Belleville, and the man who erected the first mills in the County of Hastings. Family tradition has it that the old Captain was born in Prussia. Some years before the American Colonies threw off their allegiance, his father left the land of his birth and came with his family to the colony of New York, where he settled on a farm near Poughkeepsie. The family prospered and were in comfortable circumstances when the war broke out. John Walten, our pioneer, had married Polly Kruger, also a native of Prussia; their children were all born on the homestead in New York, where they remained with their mother throughout the war. John's father and other members of his family cast their lots with the rebels, but John himself remained loyal. He took part in with the Tories in organizing a company for service, but being greatly outnumbered by the Revolutionists, they were. For a time, compelled to remain inactive. He was suspected of being a British spy, but his mother secretly warned him of his danger and advised him to keep out of the way. He resolved to leave the country; but in order to secure his wife and children from the loss of their home by confiscation, he turned his property over to a cousin, who betrayed the confidence reposed in him by appropriating it to his own use, leaving the family to starve. The elder Walten Meyers was moved to pity and took one of the children, Jacob, to his own house.

"John Walten Meyers having, as he supposed, made safe provision for his family, started for Canada. He came accompanied by his brother-in-law, John Kruger, and his faithful old dog. They tramped through tangled forests and mirey swales, became footsore and weary, and suffered from lack of food. The dog became so emaciated and weak, that his master had to pick him up and carry him. Kruger, who was on the verge of collapse, being merely able to drag himself along, asked his companion in distress why he was carrying the dog.

"Oh" replied Meyers, "we may have to eat him yet!"

"But a supply of bear meat, furnished by a friendly Indian, saved the dog's bones from being picked; and the destination of the little party was reached in safety. Walten Meyers did not long remain in Canada. He was with Burgoyne at the surrender of Saratoga in 1777, but managed to escape by eluding the guard. As he had previously carried messages from Kingston and Burgoyne's army to Clinton, in New York, he knew too well what the result would be if he were to fall into the hands of the enemy. His secret services in the Royal cause were strongly suspected, and many attempts were made to capture him. Traditions in the family vary somewhat as to the details relating to his attempt to capture General Schuyler at Albany. As the story goes, Meyers went to Albany with only ten men. Boldly entering the yard and approaching the window, he saw the General seated within the room; but when they entered the house, his would-be prisoner was not to be found. Search was made from garret to cellar, but the General had mysteriously disappeared! In the garret were a number of large casks standing on end and seemingly empty; these were all kicked over and examined with the exception of one which, by some unaccountable oversight, was passed by. After the war, the General called on Meyers and informed him that a favorite old female slave had secreted him in that very cask, which had been overlooked. Meyers ordered his men not to injure or carry

1 away any property belonging to the General, and it is said that when upon retiring he discovered a silver cup in the possession of one of his men, he instantly ordered it to be returned.

"When the struggle for independence was nearly over, Meyers received a Captaincy from Frederick Haldimand, Captain-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Quebec. On May 13th, 1782, he was given a company of Major Jessup's corps of Loyal Rangers. When peace was declared and the corps disbanded, many of these soldiers settled along the banks of the St. Lawrence. Meyers remained a year or so in Montreal, but in the spring of 1787, pioneered his way into the Ninth Township, or Thurlow, where he built a cabin and remained a year. He then went to Sidney, settling and building mills on a stream a few miles east of the River Trent. The water power proving insufficient, he subsequently purchased the north half of the lot upon which the business portion of the City of Belleville no stands. For the land on which he built his mills, on the Moira, he paid John Taylor 20 pounds. For years the river was known as Meyer's Creek; and the little settlement which formed the nucleus of the present city of Belleville was known as "Meyer's Creek".

"Captain Meyers was energetic and enterprising and possessed a business ability that made him a leader in the affairs of the settlement. His life in the log cabin was of short duration. As early as 1794 we find him living in a brick house that for nearly a century was a prominent landmark in Belleville. It was the first brick house erected in Upper Canada; and the bricks used in its construction were baked on Meyer's land in Sidney. In those early times many persons who afterwards became prominent in provincial affairs found shelter in "Meyer's House" when journeying through the forest between Kingston and Newark or York. Captain Meyers and his jolly, buxom little wife enjoyed such a reputation among all classes of settlers for their hearty hospitality, as to make the fact worthy of mention in the annals of pioneer history. Not many years since, and while the old house was yet in an excellent state of preservation, the vandalism of modern enterprise attacked this old landmark, and completely destroyed it as a monument of pioneer activities.

"The first bateaux set afloat on the Upper Reach of the Bay of Quinte were constructed and used by Captain Meyers. Transporting his own freight was a large item in itself, as he operated saw and grist mills; and having established an Indian trading post on Stoco Lake, he had to make frequent shipments of furs and commodities. He ran bateaux down the Bay to Kingston, and even made occasional trips to Montreal. Later on, he put a schooner on the Bay, but the bateaux remained in general use until after his death. It is said, that when making the home runs, he carried passengers free. His “caboose” was always well stocked with “British grog,” and being a great hunter and trapper, and a man of much experience as an early pioneer, it may well be imagined that all pioneer home-seekers who sought passage up the Bay in the Captain's bateaux, were pleasantly entertained. It is said that he built mills in Sidney as early as 1790; he certainly built the mills on the Moira in 1802. Old records show that he owned large tracts of land in different places, two lots of which were located on Collins' Bay, in the First Township, or Kingston. His services to the Crown were further recognized by his being retired as an officer of the British Army. His taste for military life and hunting has been generously transmitted down through all generations of his posterity. In an old list of officers of the Hastings Militia published in 1798, George Meyers appears as Captain, Leonard W. Meyers, as Lieutenant; and Jacob W. Meyers, as Ensign. When war was declared in 1812, records show that Leonard and Jacob were Captains in the 1st Regiment, Hastings Militia.

"In common with many pioneers of Upper Canada, the old Captain kept a number of slaves. One of these, a female named “Black Bet,” was so devoted to her master that, when freed by law, she refused to leave him and remained a member of the household to the day of her death.

"Representative descendants of the old Pioneer in the fourth and fifth generations are found in Alva P. Meyers and his family. He is a son of Tobias W. Meyers, and consequently great-grandson of Captain Walten. Born in 1833, in 1857 he married a descendant of the pioneer Billings family, so prominent in Leeds and Carleton counties. He owns three hundred and eighty acres, which, with the exception of one farm located near Frankford, is situated on the Sidney Front and produces large crops. He is a staunch Reformer, but outside of being township councillor for two years, has been too actively engaged to afford time for public affairs. The old home of this branch of the family is 2 situated about sixty roads from the shore of the Bay, and opposite Baker's Island, which at one time was a hive of milling activity. Alva P. Meyers and his wife have had the satisfaction of seeing their children grow up and settle in the vicinity of the old home where their ancestors have played a most important part for the past century. One son, Seba W. Meyers, who was born in 1859, and married Stella Vandervoort in 1885, farms one hundred acres on lots four and five in the fifth concession. He is a Liberal, a Methodist and a member of the I.O.F. Another son, Charles B. Meyers, in 1889, married Della VanBlaricom, who is a daughter of John Wesley VanBlaricom and a great-grand- granddaughter (sic) of the Sophiasburg pioneer, Abraham VanBlaricom. The two hundred acres which Charles B. Meyers farms on the 1st concession of Sidney are a portion of the original farm from which the old pioneer Meyers obtained the bricks to build his home at Meyer's Creek.

"Merton W. Meyers, son of George E. and nephew of Alva P., was born in 1864 on the old Meyers' farm, on lot 6, 1st concession of Sidney. Subsequently to serving three years in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway, at Sidney Crossing, he built a brick block in which he conducted a bakery business in Trenton for some years. In 1886 he married a daughter of Lorenzo Vandervoort, and in 1887 returned to the farm in Sidney. This home is one of the most attractive on the Front; there may have been others more elaborated, but no neater or greater taste has been displayed.

"Allusion may be made to the late John A. W. Meyers as another worthy descendant of the family, and like his distinguished ancestors, a man of strong character who was ever ready to take a fitting and active interest in the affairs of his day. During the Lyon McKenzie rebellion, and when only seventeen years old, he carried despatches from Belleville to Kingston. As the trails through the woods was infested by disaffected Indians, his journey on horseback was fraught with many dangers, formidable for one so young. But this young "chip off the old block" was not to be daunted when duty was concerned! When only twenty years old he married the eighteen-year-old Louisa Hildreth. She was a young woman of education and refinement who was born in New York State, but came to Canada to teach school. Their son, Robert W. Meyers, now owns the house in which his parents commenced life together; he is married and has a son, and like his parents, is a member of the Methodist Church, and a Liberal in politics. He has been Township Assessor and Returning-Officer for a number of years, but has otherwise not held municipal office.

"George Wandel Meyers is another respected fourth generation descendant of the Meyers family in Sidney. He was born in 1829, and of all the other pioneer boys who attended the old Number Two school he is one of the very few now living. At an early age he was apprenticed to the tailor's trade in Belleville. After hiring out for farm work for several years he went to Wisconsin in 1858. Staying there only eighteen months, he returned with a hundred dollars of gold in his pocket. By industry and economy he saved sufficient to buy a farm, in Rawdon, which he later sold, to rent the Mabey farm. Eventually he purchased his present home, lot 4, 3rd concession, of Sidney. In 1859, he married Annie E., daughter of Samuel Mabey, and granddaughter of the pioneer John Mabey. They had a family of two: (1) Ida, who married Daniel Stevens, and had children Annie, Leila, Frank, John and Edith; and (2) Samuel, who married Hannah Stickle, and has a son Fred Earl. The fine property of this branch of the family is the fruit of very hard work. The farm consists of one hundred and sixty-six acres; the house is of good brick and supplemented by barns and other outbuildings replete with modern appliances. No man in the county of Hastings is more highly respected than George Wandel Meyers.

"There are numerous descendants of the old Pioneer in the Jacob W. Meyers branch; they are quite fully traced in the genealogical table annexed. Of the descendants of Tobias Waldron Meyers, it may be mentioned that the daughter of Edward W. married Herbert Fleury, a wealthy manufacturer of Aurora. His sister, Anna, married John N. Lazier.

"Mary, the eldest daughter of Jacob married Lyman Ashley. Her grand-daughter, Henrietta C. Taylor, married John Parker Thomas, the well-known barrister of Belleville and father of Henry Parker Thomas, who married Hilda M. Frost. Another sister, Ida Caroline, married Charles Corby.

3 "Ann Eliza Ashley married T.C. Parkhurst, now Police Judge at Canandaigua N.Y. Her sister, Augusta Matilda, the youngest child of Lyman and Mary Ashley, was one of the first stenographers in the Bay of Quinte region, and taught for a time at Toronto.

"Stella M.M. Taylor married David Mackenzie Waters, the well-known druggist in Belleville. He was born in Caithness-shire, Scotland, in 1852, his parents being David and Elizabeth Waters. When a boy of fifteen he came to Canada, and, having served an apprenticeship in the drug business with Mr. Edmond Chandler, and, having acted as an assistant pharmacist, he entered the firm of James Clark and Co., of Belleville, in 1876. In 1884, on the death of Mr. Clark, he assumed the business, which he has ever since successfully carried on. Mr. Waters belongs to the Presbyterian Church and to the I.O.F., and for years he took an active interest in the St. Andrew's Society. He belongs to the Conservative party."

He married Mary (Polly) Kruger #80202, 1765 in Albany, New York State,1 b. 1745 in Albany County, New York State, d. 1814 in Hastings County, Ontario, buried in Whites Cemetery, Sidney Township, Hastings County.1


2. i. George Walden Meyers #80107 b. 24 September 1765.

3. ii. Tobias W. Meyers #112412.

4. iii. Leonard Walden Meyers #112413 b. c. 1760.

5. iv. Catherine Walden Meyers #112433 b. c. 1770.

6. v. Anna E. Meyers #112435.

7. vi. Mary Walden Meyers #112438 b. c. 1768 - 1774.

8. vii. Jacob Walden Meyers #112587 b. 1777.

Generation Two

2. George Walden Meyers #80107, b. 24 September 1765 in Wurtemburg, Rhinebeck County, NY,2 d. 20 April 1836 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.2 .

1811: Assumed ownership of stone mill at Glenora. According to Pioneer Life, settled later in Sidney Township, Pioneer Life shows seven children. Confirm children Mary, Margaret and Catherine...

He married Alida Vanalstine #80099, 05 May 1789 in St. John's Church, Ernestown, Ontario,3,2 b. 02 March 1772 in Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York,2 (daughter of Peter Vanalstine #80096 [Blacksmith] and Alida Van Allen #80097), baptized 02 March 1772 in Kinderhook, New York.4,5

Alida: .


4 9. i. Catherine Meyers #80210 b. 1796.

10. ii. Tobias Meyers #80109 b. 26 May 1798.

11. iii. Peter W. Meyers #80108.

12. iv. John G.W. Meyers #80110 b. c. 1800.

13. v. Rebecca Meyers #80111.

14. vi. Nancy W. Meyers #80112.

15. vii. Alida (Alley) Meyers #80113.

16. viii. Alice (Elley) Meyers #80114 b. 1800.

17. ix. Mary Meyers #80115.

18. x. Margaret Meyers #80148.

3. Tobias W. Meyers #112412, d. c. 1796 in Hastings County.1 .

Tobias was accidentally killed by his brother George while watching a bear in the cornfield. (Pioneer Life).

4. Leonard Walden Meyers #112413, b. c. 1760 in New York State.6 .

(verify which children were born to each wife... the Loyalist Lineage suggests that there were two "Rachels".

He married (1) Margaret (Peggy) Ackerman #112414, 14 April 1793 in Sidney?,6,1,7 (daughter of John Ackerman #140309 and Ann Dempsey #140310), d. before 1807.1


19. i. Nancy W. Meyers #140311.

20. ii. Margaret (Peggy) Meyers #112417 b. c. 1797.

21. iii. Mary Meyers #112419.

22. iv. Rachel Meyers #112420.

He married (2) Lena Westfall #112415.6


23. v. John Leonard W. Meyers #80208.

24. vi. James W. Meyers #112416.

5 25. vii. Annie Meyers #112418.

26. viii. Catherine Meyers #140313 b. 15 October 1807.

5. Catherine Walden Meyers #112433, b. c. 1770 in Albany, New York State,6 d. 1795 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in White's Cemetery, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married John Richard Bleeker #112434, 07 October 1788 in Sidney Township?,6,7 b.6


Surname appears as "BLEECKER", "BLEKER", "BLAKER" and several other variants. Spelling for 18th and 19th century individuals within these genealogies standardized to "BLEEKER".

The Bleeker Family (Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; pages 31 - 37)

"The Bleekers are descended from an old Holland Colonial family of New York. At a convention held at Albany as early as 1669, there was present a Jan Janse Bleeker; and twenty years later, in a letter written from Albany, the name of a Captain Bleeker appears. After the massacre of Schenectady, a meeting was called at Albany to arrange for the burial of the victims, and to provide some means of defence against future attacks of the French and their Indian allies; A.J. Bleeker is mentioned among those who took and active part at the meeting. Several others of the family are given in a published list of the freeholders of the city and county of Albany for the year 1720.

"John R. Bleeker, the Trenton pioneer, came from near Albany, in which city his father was a merchant. Shortly after his father's death his mother brought him and his sister to Kingston in company with a McKenzie family. John R. studied surveying, and at the age of eighteen was employed by the Government to assist in laying out the townships in the Bay of Quinte district. His mother married the McKenzie pioneer. His sister married George Finkle, a merchant and distiller and founder of the Canadian family of that name. She was a woman of business ability. And when left a widow engaged in the steamboat business with Henry Gildersleeve. Young Bleeker, while acting as assistant surveyor, became acquainted with Captain John Walten (sic) Meyers, who was at the time living in Montreal. He located his own land on both sides of the Trent, recognizing the importance of the situation as an Indian trading station. During those early years of his bush life he had much to do with the Indians, and was recognized as a man or authority among them. Like all the old pioneers he looked upon rum as a panacea for every ill that human flesh is heir to, and always kept a good supply on hand. The red men who were dispossessed of their God-given inheritance were exceedingly fond of the fire water, not because it tickled their palates, but because it gave them dare-devil spirit and made them “big injuns” in their own estimations. It is related how on certain occasion before the magisterial club of British authority had reduced Bleeker's red neighbors to a passive condition of law-abiding citizenship, they resolved to attack the Bleeker castle and fill their red skins with Bleeker's rum. But as they had to scale walls of logs, Bleeker saved his rum by pounding on the knuckles of each red hand as it grasped the uppermost log in its owner's attempt to get inside. T. Howard Bleeker, of Trenton, a grandson of the old pioneer, says that when the home was attacked his grandmother stood guard at the door. An Indian approached her with a spear, but his grandfather, perceiving him, drew her aside, thus saving her life, as the spear was thrust through the door. He had her conveyed to a cabin about a mile distant, and that same night she gave birth to her firstborn.

"The following tradition relating to the legend which gave the small island at the head of the Bay the name of “Fighting Indian” Island is derived from the same source. A band of Mississagas were in pursuit of a band of Mohawks. They had gone up the great lakes to Georgian Bay, and thence down the usual route by way of Lake Simcoe to the mouth of the Trent River. Arriving there, the Mohawks secreted themselves on the island at the head of the bay. In due time their pursuers discovered their encampment, and one foggy night, fastening their canoes one behind the other in a straight line, stealthily approached the island and attacked the sleeping Mohawk. Although one

6 squaw awakened and gave the alarm, only one Mohawk warrior managed to escape; and, for several days after, he was to be seen skulking about the Bleeker store and business.

"Another member of the family relates how the old pioneer sat on a bench outside his cabin, smoking a pipe when tow Indians came paddling by in a canoe, and when directly opposite him one took deliberated aim and fired at him, the ball entered a log just above his head. Bleeker rushed to the shore, sprung into his own canoe and gave chase. As he neared the Indian's canoe, the one who had fired the shot jumped overboard. But Bleeker caught him and gave him a thrashing, for in a rough-and-tumble combat he was a match for three or four Indians, and they were all afraid of him.

"The pioneer was commissioned a Justice of the Peace, and in the early days, Squire Bleeker, of Trenton, and Captain Meyers, of Meyers Creek, were important personages. The Squire married the Captain's daughter, Catherine, and had two sons by this marriage - John R., and George. After her death, he fell in love with Mary, another daughter of the Captain, who, knowing that the Squire had proved a model husband to her sister Catherine, fell in love with him; and so they were betrothed. But the old Captain would not have it so. He was headstrong, worldly, and not overmuch given to piety, but yet was scrupulous in his religious notions. The idea of a girl marring her own brother- in-law was not only a flagrant violation of all the known proprieties, but a sin in the sight of God. He put down his cow-hide boot with a crash that might have been heard all the way to Trenton, and swore that such a union should not be! But love, like truth, is mighty, and in the end prevails. There are conflicting versions given of the elopement. The Squire and Mary did not run away; they paddles away during the absence of the old Captain. As he had gone down to Montreal with his batteau, the Squire and his sweetheart took advantage of his absence. They resolved to go to Kingston in a clandestine manner to have the marriage solemnized. Unfortunately they arrived there only to run against the Captain on his return. His suspicions were at once aroused, and he landed with “blood in his eye.” The Squire succeeded in eluding him, and Mary disguised herself by wrapping and Indian blanket about her, and squatting among a group of squaws. It was well that is happened so, for the Captain was determined, and had the two met on that occasion there might have been one less Squire on the Bay of Quinte. This elopement occurred when the new province of Upper Canada was one year old. By this marriage, our pioneer had three sons - Tobias, Gilbert and Henry; and two daughters - Katie and Jane.

"He died, comparatively a young man, in 1807. Among his many enterprises was the building of a mill on Rawdon Brook near the present village of Stirling. It was while engaged at this work that he contracted the cold which caused his death. He died intestate at the age of forty-five years. His eldest son acquired all the property, and his widow with the remaining children returned to the mouth of the river, where she opened an (sic) hotel and operated a ferry. In this way she supported her family and made money over and above their needs. She attained the ripe old age of ninety-five years.

"For over a quarter of a century, Thomas Howard Bleeker, a grandson of the pioneer, has been proprietor of the “Gilbert House,” at Trenton, well known as one of the most comfortable and well-kept hotels in the Dominion. His mother, Elizabeth Ritchie, was only fifteen when she was married to John R. Bleeker, at Bath. Directly after the ceremony they started in a canoe for Trenton . Camping overnight on Captain John's Island, they reached home the following day. Three months later the young bride had occasion to go to Bath to visit her parents. She went alone and on horseback, fording every stream between Trenton and Bath, with the exception of the Trent and Moira, over which she was ferried. She followed the Bay and found her way through long stretches of tangled forest. T. Howard Bleeker has two sons - William Adam and George Henry. The former is manager of the “Gilbert Hotel,” the latter, a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, is a medical doctor. Both are leading, progressive young men, highly respected in the community.

"Captain Walten Meyers, father-in-law of the pioneer Bleeker, gave each of his thirty-nine children a farm or an equivalent in money. Henry Bleeker received a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, on lot 13, of the 3rd concession of Sidney. He married, Sarah, daughter of Peter Leavens, one of the pioneers of the Hallowell family of that name. He was Clerk of the Division Court for Trenton and Sidney for many years. He assisted the early surveyors in their 7 surveys of Sidney, and in later years was looked upon as quite an authority when such matters were in dispute. His son, Henry G. Bleeker, was partly educated in the Bloomfield Quaker Seminary. He married Ella Lawrence, a granddaughter of Reuben White. They have two children - Dougall L., who married Lillie Chapman, daughter of the Postmaster at Frankford; and Ina, who is unmarried. Henry G. Bleeker ran for member of the Ontario Legislature in 1898, but was defeated by a relatively small majority. At the present time he is a Road Commissioner of Hastings County. In this connection it may be mentioned that few townships in Ontario can boast of better roads than Sidney - a fact due to such men as Henry G. Bleeker and his predecessors.

"Donald G. Bleeker, grandson of Tobias Bleeker and great-grandson of the Pioneer, was born in Belleville, January 22nd, 1866, and educated at the public schools and Albert College. He served his apprenticeship in the drug business with L.W. Yeomans, Belleville, one of the oldest drug houses in Canada. Later he graduated at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, and then spent three and one-half years in the large establishment of Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, as manager of a department. From Detroit, he returned to the employ of L.W. Youmans (sic), where he became head clerk. In 1904 he purchased the drub business of Alex. Roy; the store is centrally located, and is unsurpassed by any in the Bay of Quinte district.

"Mr. Bleeker is well-known as an admirer of good horses. He is a member of the Moira Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; attends the Bridge Street Methodist Church, and his political leanings are with the Liberal party."

6. Anna E. Meyers #112435, b.6 religion Society of Friends/Quaker.

She married (1) William Gilbert #112436.6

She married (2) Thomas Jones #112437,6 religion Society of Friends/Quaker.8


27. i. Rebecca Jones #77644 b. c 1805.

28. ii. Thomas Jones #179542.

7. Mary Walden Meyers #112438, b. c. 1768 - 1774 in Coeymans Patent nr. Coxsackie, New York State,6 d. 1842 - 1868 in Trenton?,1 buried in Whites Cemetery, Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married (1) John Richard Bleeker #112439, 07 October 1788,6,7 b. c. 1766 - 1768 in Albany, New York State,1 d. 1807 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1


29. i. Mary Walden Bleeker #140374.

30. ii. Catherine Bleeker #140375.

31. iii. Tobias Bleeker #134575 b. 11 July 1797.

32. iv. Jane Bleeker #134602.

33. v. Gilbert Bleeker #134583 b. 1799.

34. vi. John R. Bleeker #91948 b. 1787. 8

35. vii. (unidentified) Bleeker #134565.

36. viii. George Bleeker #134567 b. c. 1791.

37. ix. Henry Bleeker #117364 b. 1805.

38. x. Catherine Bleeker #134591.

She married (2) John Row #112440.6

8. Jacob Walden Meyers #112587, b. 1777 in Albany?,9 d. 1851 in Hastings County, Ontario.9 .

He married Jane W. McKenzie #112422, 1798,6 b. 1780,6 d. 1858.6


39. i. John W. Meyers #112423.

40. ii. Mary W. Meyers #112424 b. 1801.

41. iii. Tobias J.W. Meyers #77670 b. c 1805.

42. iv. Nancy W. Meyers #112426 b. 1803.

43. v. Jacob W. Meyers #112427 b. 1809.

44. vi. Jane W. Meyers #112428.

45. vii. George E.W. Meyers #112429 b. 1813.

46. viii. Bleeker W. Meyers #112430 b. 1817.

47. ix. John A.W. Meyers #112431 b. 1820.

48. x. Sarah Ann W. Meyers #112432 b. 1822.

Generation Three

9. Catherine Meyers #80210, b. 1796 in Hastings County, Ontario.2 . 10. Tobias Meyers #80109, b. 26 May 1798 in Sidney Township, Hastings County,3,2 d. 11 October 1887 in Sidney Township, Hastings County.2 .

Settled in Sidney Township.

He married Christiana Helen Yager #80213, b. 11 October 1807 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York,2 (daughter of (unidentified) Yager #80211 and (unidentified) #80212), d. 12 October 1900 in Sidney Township, Hastings County.2

9 Children:

49. i. George E. Meyers #112448.

50. ii. Alva P. Meyers #112456 b. 1833.

11. Peter W. Meyers #80108, b.3.

Family settled in Sidney Township.

He married Elizabeth Yager #80206, b. 28 March 1800 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York,2 (daughter of (unidentified) Yager #80211 and (unidentified) #80212).


51. i. John Meyers #112441.

52. ii. George W. Meyers #112442.

53. iii. Alida Meyers #112443.

12. John G.W. Meyers #80110, b. c. 1800 in Upper Canada.3,2 .

He married (1) Catherine Meyers #80214,2 d. before 1851.2


54. i. George W. Meyers #112501 b. 1834.

55. ii. Peter D. Meyers #112521.

56. iii. Tobias Meyers #112523.

57. iv. Harmon Meyers #112525.

58. v. Sarah M. Meyers #112527.

59. vi. Eliza Meyers #112529.

60. vii. Mary Meyers #112531.

He married (2) Mary (Poll0 Row #80215, b. c 1810 in Upper Canada.

13. Rebecca Meyers #80111, b.3.

She married Peter Vandervoort #80207, b. 09 June 1791,2 d. 05 August 1846.2

Peter: Family lived in Sidney Township.

10 Children:

61. i. George Vandervoort #112533.

14. Nancy W. Meyers #80112, b.3.

Did Nancy marry BURDETT?

She married John Leonard W. Meyers #80208,2 (son of Leonard Walden Meyers #112413 and Lena Westfall #112415).

John: Settled in the United States.

15. Alida (Alley) Meyers #80113, b.3.

She married Harmon Row #80216,2 b. 1772 in Dutchess County, New York,2 d. 24 May 1857 in Sidney Township, Hastings County.

Harmon: Settled in Sidney Township.


62. i. John Row #112534.

16. Alice (Elley) Meyers #80114, b. 1800 in Adolphustown, Ontario, baptized 29 June 1800 in Adolphustown, Ontario.3,10 .

She married George Westfall #80209.2

George: Moved to the western United State.

17. Mary Meyers #80115, b.3.

She married James Vandervoort #80203, 16 July 1809 in Sidney Township, Hastings County,2 b. 13 September 1787 in Dutchess County, New York State,2 (son of Francis Vandervoort #80204 and Hannah Acker #80205), d. 04 March 1877 in Sidney Township, Hastings County.2

18. Margaret Meyers #80148, d. c. 1838.2 .

She married Peter Van Alstine #80122,3 b. 30 August 1806 in Adolphustown, Ontario,3,2 (son of Cornelius Vanalstine #80100 [Glenora Mill Owner/Operator] and Rachel Dunham #80117), d. 08 August 1840.2


63. i. George Van Alstine #80149.

64. ii. John Van Alstine #80150. 11

65. iii. Charles Van Alstine #80151.

66. iv. Clarinda Van Alstine #80152.

19. Nancy W. Meyers #140311, b.1.

She married John Brown #140312.1

20. Margaret (Peggy) Meyers #112417, b. c. 1797 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.6 .

She married John G. Smith #112536,6 b. c. 1793 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. after 1851.

John: Settled in Sidney Township.


67. i. George Smith #112537.

68. ii. Peter Smith #112538.

69. iii. Mary Jane Smith #112541 b. October 1819.

70. iv. Henry Smith #140314 b. c. 1822.

71. v. John Smith #112539 b. c. 1826.

72. vi. Russell Smith #112540 b. c. 1832.

73. vii. Amarilla Smith #112542 b. c. 1834.

74. viii. Augusta Smith #112543 b. c. 1838.

21. Mary Meyers #112419, b.6.

She married Peter Vandervoort #112551.6

22. Rachel Meyers #112420.

She married Wells Munn #112552.6

Wells: Settled in Sidney Township.


75. i. Mary A. Munn #112553.

76. ii. Roselle Munn #112554.

12 77. iii. Nancy Munn #112555.

78. iv. Adelaide Munn #112556.

23. John Leonard W. Meyers #80208.

Settled in the United States.

He married Nancy W. Meyers #80112,2 b.3 (daughter of George Walden Meyers #80107 and Alida Vanalstine #80099).

Nancy: Did Nancy marry BURDETT?

24. James W. Meyers #112416, b.6.

Settled in Michigan, USA.

He married (unidentified) #112535.6

25. Annie Meyers #112418, b.6.

She married John Brown #112546.6

John: Settled in Sidney Township.


79. i. Charles Brown #112547.

80. ii. James Brown #112548.

81. iii. Hafford Brown #112549.

82. iv. Jane Brown #112550.

26. Catherine Meyers #140313, b. 15 October 1807 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 27. Rebecca Jones #77644, b. c 1805 in Sidney, Hastings Township,11 d. before 1871 in Sidney Township?, religion Society of Friends/Quaker.

Was she related to Gilbert JONES in Hallowell Township? Confirm. Is she daughter of Thomas JONES and wife Jane Ann, sister to Thomas listed in the 1820 West Lake Monthly Meeting Register, disowned 1829?

She married Alexander McMullen #77643,12 b. c 1802 in Sidney, Hastings Township,11 d. 13 June 1874 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,13 occupation 1851 - 1871 Farmer, religion Methodist.

13 Alexander: 1874: Age at death shown as 71 years, 10 months.


83. i. N. Matilda McMullen #77642 b. 1837.

84. ii. John W. McMullen #77951 b. c. 1832.

85. iii. Margaret McMullen #77952 b. c 1834.

86. iv. Robert W. McMullen #77953 b. c 1838.

87. v. Jane McMullen #77954 b. c 1841.

88. vi. Tabitha McMullen #77955 b. c 1847.

28. Thomas Jones #179542, b.8 religion Society of Friends/Quaker.8 . 29. Mary Walden Bleeker #140374, b.1. 30. Catherine Bleeker #140375, b. in Ontario?.1 . 31. Tobias Bleeker #134575, b. 11 July 1797 in Trenton, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,14,1 d. 19 September 1866 in Lot 11, Con. 1, Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14,1 .

(married four times). Settled in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario. ** verify mother for each child **.

He married Isabella Marianne (unidentfied) #134576, d. 22 April 1832,1 buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.1


89. i. William Ripson Bleeker #134577 b. c. 1823.

90. ii. John J. Flint Bleeker #134578 b. 24 ___ 19??

91. iii. Jane Bleeker #134579 b. 14 December 1826.

92. iv. Sarah Ann Bleeker #134580 b. 24 March 1831.

93. v. Matilda Bleeker #134581.

94. vi. Mary E. Bleeker #134582.

32. Jane Bleeker #134602, b.14.

She married William Ripson #134603.14

William: Lived in Sidney Township.

14 Children:

95. i. George Ripson #134604.

33. Gilbert Bleeker #134583, b. 1799 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontariio,14 d. 26 December 1850,14 buried in White's Cemetery, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Settled eventually in Sidney Township.

He married Mary Ann Walker #134584.14


96. i. George Bleeker #134585.

97. ii. Charles Bleeker #134586.

98. iii. William Bleeker #134587 b. c 1834.

99. iv. Caroline Bleeker #134588.

100. v. Jane A. Bleeker #111834.

101. vi. Ella Bleeker #134590.

34. John R. Bleeker #91948, b. 1787 in Albany?, New York State/Ontario,15 occupation 1851 Tanner and Currier in Murray Township, d. 1874.

1851: Family lived in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, birthplace shown as "Canada"... Family lived in Sidney Township, Hastings County.

The Bleeker Family (Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; pages 31 - 37)

"The Bleekers are descended from an old Holland Colonial family of New York. At a convention held at Albany as early as 1669, there was present a Jan Janse Bleeker; and twenty years later, in a letter written from Albany, the name of a Captain Bleeker appears. After the massacre of Schenectady, a meeting was called at Albany to arrange for the burial of the victims, and to provide some means of defence against future attacks of the French and their Indian allies; A.J. Bleeker is mentioned among those who took and active part at the meeting. Several others of the family are given in a published list of the freeholders of the city and county of Albany for the year 1720.

"John R. Bleeker, the Trenton pioneer, came from near Albany, in which city his father was a merchant. Shortly after his father's death his mother brought him and his sister to Kingston in company with a McKenzie family. John R. studied surveying, and at the age of eighteen was employed by the Government to assist in laying out the townships in the Bay of Quinte district. His mother married the McKenzie pioneer. His sister married George Finkle, a merchant and distiller and founder of the Canadian family of that name. She was a woman of business ability. And when left a widow engaged in the steamboat business with Henry Gildersleeve. Young Bleeker, while acting as assistant surveyor, became acquainted with Captain John Walten (sic) Meyers, who was at the time living in Montreal. He located his own land on both sides of the Trent, recognizing the importance of the situation as an 15 Indian trading station. During those early years of his bush life he had much to do with the Indians, and was recognized as a man or authority among them. Like all the old pioneers he looked upon rum as a panacea for every ill that human flesh is heir to, and always kept a good supply on hand. The red men who were dispossessed of their God-given inheritance were exceedingly fond of the fire water, not because it tickled their palates, but because it gave them dare-devil spirit and made them “big injuns” in their own estimations. It is related how on certain occasion before the magisterial club of British authority had reduced Bleeker's red neighbors to a passive condition of law-abiding citizenship, they resolved to attack the Bleeker castle and fill their red skins with Bleeker's rum. But as they had to scale walls of logs, Bleeker saved his rum by pounding on the knuckles of each red hand as it grasped the uppermost log in its owner's attempt to get inside. T. Howard Bleeker, of Trenton, a grandson of the old pioneer, says that when the home was attacked his grandmother stood guard at the door. An Indian approached her with a spear, but his grandfather, perceiving him, drew her aside, thus saving her life, as the spear was thrust through the door. He had her conveyed to a cabin about a mile distant, and that same night she gave birth to her firstborn.

"The following tradition relating to the legend which gave the small island at the head of the Bay the name of "Fighting Indian" Island is derived from the same source. A band of Mississagas were in pursuit of a band of Mohawks. They had gone up the great lakes to Georgian Bay, and thence down the usual route by way of Lake Simcoe to the mouth of the Trent River. Arriving there, the Mohawks secreted themselves on the island at the head of the bay. In due time their pursuers discovered their encampment, and one foggy night, fastening their canoes one behind the other in a straight line, stealthily approached the island and attacked the sleeping Mohawk. Although one squaw awakened and gave the alarm, only one Mohawk warrior managed to escape; and, for several days after, he was to be seen skulking about the Bleeker store and business.

"Another member of the family relates how the old pioneer sat on a bench outside his cabin, smoking a pipe when tow Indians came paddling by in a canoe, and when directly opposite him one took deliberated aim and fired at him, the ball entered a log just above his head. Bleeker rushed to the shore, sprung into his own canoe and gave chase. As he neared the Indian's canoe, the one who had fired the shot jumped overboard. But Bleeker caught him and gave him a thrashing, for in a rough-and-tumble combat he was a match for three or four Indians, and they were all afraid of him.

"The pioneer was commissioned a Justice of the Peace, and in the early days, Squire Bleeker, of Trenton, and Captain Meyers, of Meyers Creek, were important personages. The Squire married the Captain's daughter, Catherine, and had two sons by this marriage - John R., and George. After her death, he fell in love with Mary, another daughter of the Captain, who, knowing that the Squire had proved a model husband to her sister Catherine, fell in love with him; and so they were betrothed. But the old Captain would not have it so. He was headstrong, worldly, and not overmuch given to piety, but yet was scrupulous in his religious notions. The idea of a girl marring her own brother-in-law was not only a flagrant violation of all the known proprieties, but a sin in the sight of God. He put down his cow-hide boot with a crash that might have been heard all the way to Trenton, and swore that such a union should not be! But love, like truth, is mighty, and in the end prevails. There are conflicting versions given of the elopement. The Squire and Mary did not run away; they paddles away during the absence of the old Captain. As he had gone down to Montreal with his batteau, the Squire and his sweetheart took advantage of his absence. They resolved to go to Kingston in a clandestine manner to have the marriage solemnized. Unfortunately they arrived there only to run against the Captain on his return. His suspicions were at once aroused, and he landed with "blood in his eye." The Squire succeeded in eluding him, and Mary disguised herself by wrapping and Indian blanket about her, and squatting among a group of squaws. It was well that is happened so, for the Captain was determined, and had the two met on that occasion there might have been one less Squire on the Bay of Quinte. This elopement occurred when the new province of Upper Canada was one year old. By this marriage, our pioneer had three sons - Tobias, Gilbert and Henry; and two daughters - Katie and Jane.

"He died, comparatively a young man, in 1807. Among his many enterprises was the building of a mill on Rawdon Brook near the present village of Stirling. It was while engaged at this work that he contracted the cold which 16 caused his death. He died intestate at the age of forty-five years. His eldest son acquired all the property, and his widow with the remaining children returned to the mouth of the river, where she opened an (sic) hotel and operated a ferry. In this way she supported her family and made money over and above their needs. She attained the ripe old age of ninety-five years.

"For over a quarter of a century, Thomas Howard Bleeker, a grandson of the pioneer, has been proprietor of the "Gilbert House," at Trenton, well known as one of the most comfortable and well-kept hotels in the Dominion. His mother, Elizabeth Ritchie, was only fifteen when she was married to John R. Bleeker, at Bath. Directly after the ceremony they started in a canoe for Trenton . Camping overnight on Captain John's Island, they reached home the following day. Three months later the young bride had occasion to go to Bath to visit her parents. She went alone and on horseback, fording every stream between Trenton and Bath, with the exception of the Trent and Moira, over which she was ferried. She followed the Bay and found her way through long stretches of tangled forest. T. Howard Bleeker has two sons - William Adam and George Henry. The former is manager of the “Gilbert Hotel,” the latter, a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, is a medical doctor. Both are leading, progressive young men, highly respected in the community.

"Captain Walten Meyers, father-in-law of the pioneer Bleeker, gave each of his thirty-nine children a farm or an equivalent in money. Henry Bleeker received a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, on lot 13, of the 3rd concession of Sidney. He married, Sarah, daughter of Peter Leavens, one of the pioneers of the Hallowell family of that name. He was Clerk of the Division Court for Trenton and Sidney for many years. He assisted the early surveyors in their surveys of Sidney, and in later years was looked upon as quite an authority when such matters were in dispute. His son, Henry G. Bleeker, was partly educated in the Bloomfield Quaker Seminary. He married Ella Lawrence, a granddaughter of Reuben White. They have two children - Dougall L., who married Lillie Chapman, daughter of the Postmaster at Frankford; and Ina, who is unmarried. Henry G. Bleeker ran for member of the Ontario Legislature in 1898, but was defeated by a relatively small majority. At the present time he is a Road Commissioner of Hastings County. In this connection it may be mentioned that few townships in Ontario can boast of better roads than Sidney - a fact due to such men as Henry G. Bleeker and his predecessors.

"Donald G. Bleeker, grandson of Tobias Bleeker and great-grandson of the Pioneer, was born in Belleville, January 22nd, 1866, and educated at the public schools and Albert College. He served his apprenticeship in the drug business with L.W. Yeomans, Belleville, one of the oldest drug houses in Canada. Later he graduated at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, and then spent three and one-half years in the large establishment of Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, as manager of a department. From Detroit, he returned to the employ of L.W. Youmans (sic), where he became head clerk. In 1904 he purchased the drub business of Alex. Roy; the store is centrally located, and is unsurpassed by any in the Bay of Quinte district.

"Mr. Bleeker is well-known as an admirer of good horses. He is a member of the Moira Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; attends the Bridge Street Methodist Church, and his political leanings are with the Liberal party."

He married Elizabeth Ritchie #91949, 08 June 1812,16,7 b. c. 1794 in Canada,15 d. 1876.


102. i. John R. Bleeker #112673.

103. ii. James Bleeker #112674.

104. iii. George Bleeker #112675.

105. iv. Jacob Bleeker #112676.

17 106. v. Henry Bleeker #112677 b. c. 1824.

107. vi. William Bleeker #91947 b. c. 1823.

108. vii. Gilbert Bleeker #112678.

109. viii. Thomas Howard Bleeker #112679 b. c. 1832.

110. ix. Jane Bleeker #112680.

111. x. Rachel Bleeker #112681.

112. xi. Susannah Bleeker #112682 b. 1819.

113. xii. Anna Bleeker #112683.

35. (unidentified) Bleeker #134565.

** verify parents **

After the death of her husband, she engaged in the steamboat business with Henry Gildersleeve.

She married George Finkle #134566,14 occupation Merchant and Distiller.

36. George Bleeker #134567, b. c. 1791 in Sidney Township?, baptized 07 March 1791 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontariio.7 .

** verify parents ** Family lived in Thurlow Township.

He married Elsie Ritchie #134568.14


114. i. Ann Bleeker #134569.

37. Henry Bleeker #117364, b. 1805 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario,17 occupation 1861 Farmer in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, d. 15 September 1881 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,18 buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario.19 .

** verify parents **

Family lived in Sidney Township. 1881: Age at death from gravestone: 76 years, 1 month, 5 days.

He married Sarah Leavens #81077, b. c. 1818 in Dutchess County, New York State, USA*,20 (daughter of Peter E. Leavens #81070 and Elizabeth Lounsberry #81071), religion 1829 Society of Friends/Orthodox Quaker,21 d. 28 January 1890 in Port Hope?,22 buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario.22 18

Sarah: Disowned by West Lake Meeting after having her marriage to Henry Bleeker performed by a priest. 1890: Age at death from gravestone: 72 tears, 1 month, 26 days.


115. i. John E. Bleeker #117365 b. c. 1840.

116. ii. Reuben Bleeker #134695 b. c. 1841.

117. iii. Dougall Bleeker #117366.

118. iv. Henry Gilbert Bleeker #117367 b. c. 1850.

38. Catherine Bleeker #134591, b.14.

** verify parents **.

She married John Orr #134592.

John: Family settled in Sidney Township.


119. i. Gilbert Orr #134593.

120. ii. Samuel Orr #134594.

121. iii. Wesley Orr #134595.

122. iv. William Orr #134598.

123. v. Bertie Bleeker Orr #134599.

124. vi. Mary A. Orr #134600.

125. vii. Maria Orr #134601.

126. viii. Susanna Orr #134596.

127. ix. Caroline Orr #134597.

39. John W. Meyers #112423, b.6 d. 1819,6 never married.

From Pioneer Life, 1904;

19 "There is a tradition in the family that this John W. Meyers discovered a silver cave, but that he died suddenly before being able to reveal its mysterious location."

40. Mary W. Meyers #112424, b. 1801,6 d. 1895.6 .

She married Lyman Ashley #112557, 1829.6


128. i. Caroline Ashley #112558.

129. ii. Eliza Ashley #112559.

130. iii. John Ashley #112560.

131. iv. George Calvin Ashley #112561.

132. v. Anna E. Ashley #112562.

133. vi. Jacob M. Ashley #112563.

134. vii. Henry W. Ashley #112564.

135. viii. George Calvin Ashley #112565.

136. ix. Augusta Matilda Ashley #112566.

41. Tobias J.W. Meyers #77670, b. c 1805 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,23 d. 1881-1901 in Belleville?, occupation Farmer.

He married Elizabeth Higley #77671,24 b. 07 March 1812 in New York, United States*,23,25 d. after 1881 in Belleville?

Elizabeth: Possibly sister of Daniel HIGLEY in 1861 Picton census? 1891: Census suggests birthdate, 1809 and birthplace "United States" 1901: Census gives birthdate, place as "Ontario".


137. i. Charles Meyers #112588.

138. ii. Myron Meyers #112589.

139. iii. Edward W. Meyers #77676 b. 10 July 1836.

140. iv. Anna Elizabeth Meyers #77669 b. 01 October 1850.

42. Nancy W. Meyers #112426, b. 1803.6 .

She married Caleb Gilbert #112594, 1822.6 20

Caleb: Family lived in Belleville.


141. i. Jane Gilbert #112595.

142. ii. John Gilbert #112598.

143. iii. Mary Gilbert #112600.

144. iv. Abigail Gilbert #112603.

145. v. Hester A. Meyers Gilbert #112605 b. c. 1835.

146. vi. Sarah Meyers Gilbert #112608.

43. Jacob W. Meyers #112427, b. 1809.26 .

Lived in Sidney Township.

He married (1) Augusta Fones #112609.6

He married (2) Elizabeth Schenck #112610.6

44. Jane W. Meyers #112428, b.6.

She married John Wannacott #112611.

John: Family lived in Belleville.


147. i. Burdon Wannacott #112612.

148. ii. Georgianna Wannacott #112613.

45. George E.W. Meyers #112429, b. 1813.6 .

He married Nancy Burdett #112614.

Nancy: ) (possibly d/o John BURDETT/Nancy FOX?


149. i. William Byron Walter Meyers #89248 b. c. 1840. 21

150. ii. George E. Meyers #112619.

151. iii. Sarah E. Meyers #112620.

152. iv. John H.W. Meyers #112621.

153. v. Charles W. Meyers #112623.

46. Bleeker W. Meyers #112430, b. 1817,6 d. 1849.6 .

He married Hannah Webb #112624.6


154. i. William H. Meyers #112625.

155. ii. Wellington R. Meyers #112627.

156. iii. Augustine G. Meyers #112629.

157. iv. Maria L. Meyers #112631.

158. v. Ellen M. Meyers #112634.

159. vi. George E.W. Meyers #112639.

47. John A.W. Meyers #112431, b. 1820,6 d. 1899.

Settled in Sidney Township.

He married Louise Hildrith #112650.6


160. i. Harrison Meyers #112651.

161. ii. Robert W. Meyers #112655.

162. iii. Curtis Meyers #112658.

163. iv. Charles Meyers #112661.

164. v. Frank Meyers #112662.

165. vi. John Meyers #112663.

166. vii. Caroline Meyers #112666.

167. viii. Jane Meyers #112670. 22

48. Sarah Ann W. Meyers #112432, b. 1822,6 d. 1839.6 .

Generation Four

49. George E. Meyers #112448.

He married Hester Saylor #112449.6


168. i. Edward Meyers #112450.

169. ii. Merton W. Meyers #112452.

50. Alva P. Meyers #112456, b. 1833 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.6,27 .

Family lived in Sidney Township.

He married Cinderella Billings #112457,6 b. in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.27


170. i. Emma Sophia Meyers #112458 b. 03 December 1857.

171. ii. Walton H. Meyers #112468.

172. iii. Seba W. Meyers #112465.

173. iv. Nellie Meyers #112474.

174. v. Cora Meyers #112476.

175. vi. Charles B. Meyers #112481.

176. vii. Henry Meyers #112490.

177. viii. Marietta Meyers #112491.

178. ix. Elizabeth Meyers #112493.

179. x. Sarah A. Meyers #112495.

180. xi. Harriet Meyers #112497.

181. xii. Helen Meyers #112499.

51. John Meyers #112441, b.6. 52. George W. Meyers #112442, b.6. 53. Alida Meyers #112443, b.6. 23

She married Tilson Bell #112444.6


182. i. George Bell #112445.

183. ii. William Bell #112446.

184. iii. Harriet Bell #112447.

54. George W. Meyers #112501, b. 1834.6 .

Settled in Sidney Township.

He married Mary A. Powers #112502, 1856,6 (daughter of John Powers #112503 and (unidentified) #112504).


185. i. Sarah E. Meyers #112505.

186. ii. Amanda Meyers #112506.

55. Peter D. Meyers #112521, b.6. 56. Tobias Meyers #112523, b.6.

Lived in Thurlow Township.

She married Margaret (Mary?) Parker #112524.6


187. i. Carrie Meyers #162389 b. c. 1869.

57. Harmon Meyers #112525, b.6.

Lived in Trenton.

He married (unidentified) Westfall #112526.6

58. Sarah M. Meyers #112527, b.6.

She married Peter Maybee #112528.

Peter: Lived in Belleville.

59. Eliza Meyers #112529, b.6. 24

She married (unidentified) Wells #112530.6

(unidentified): Family lived in Thurlow Township.

60. Mary Meyers #112531, b.6.

She married Jeremiah Knox #80061,28 b. c. 1841 in Canada West,29 (son of James Knox #80053 [Linen Weaver] and Martha Brown #80054).

Jeremiah: Family lived in Sidney Township, Hastings County.


188. i. (unidentified) Knox #185560.

61. George Vandervoort #112533, b.6.

He married Catherine (unidentified) #134126.30


189. i. Mary Ann Elizabeth Vandervoort #133450 b. c 1848.

62. John Row #112534. 63. George Van Alstine #80149, b. in Prince Edward County, Ontario.3 . 64. John Van Alstine #80150, b. in Prince Edward County, Ontario.3 . 65. Charles Van Alstine #80151, b. in Prince Edward County, Ontario.3 . 66. Clarinda Van Alstine #80152, b. in Prince Edward County, Ontario.3 . 67. George Smith #112537, b.6. 68. Peter Smith #112538, b. in Hastings County, Ontario.6,1 . 69. Mary Jane Smith #112541, b. October 1819 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,6 d. 09 January 1899 in Frankford?,1 buried in Methodist Cemetery, Frankford, Ontario.1 .

She married Aaron Rose #140316, 19 November 1840 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 b. 05 September 1812 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 (son of Jacob Rose #140317 and Elizabeth Stickle #140318).


190. i. George C. Rose #140319 b. c. 1840.

191. ii. Charles Henry Rose #140320 b. c. 1842-1843.

192. iii. Sarah M. Rose #140322 b. c. 1844 - 1845.

193. iv. Jane A. Rose #140324 b. c. 1846 - 1847.

194. v. John G. Rose #140325 b. 03 January 1851. 25

195. vi. Henry H. Rose #140327 b. 1854.

196. vii. Mary A. Rose #140329 b. c. 1855.

197. viii. Emma Rose #140330 b. 1858.

198. ix. William Rose #140332 b. 02 November 1859 or 1861.

70. Henry Smith #140314, b. c. 1822 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 71. John Smith #112539, b. c. 1826 in Hastings County, Ontario.6,1 . 72. Russell Smith #112540, b. c. 1832 in Hastings County, Ontario.6,1 . 73. Amarilla Smith #112542, b. c. 1834 in Hastings County, Ontario.6,1 .

She married (unidentified) Sharpe #140315.1

74. Augusta Smith #112543, b. c. 1838 in Hastings County, Ontario.6,1 . 75. Mary A. Munn #112553, b.6. 76. Roselle Munn #112554, b.6. 77. Nancy Munn #112555, b.6. 78. Adelaide Munn #112556, b.6. 79. Charles Brown #112547. 80. James Brown #112548, b.6. 81. Hafford Brown #112549, b.6. 82. Jane Brown #112550, b.6. 83. N. Matilda McMullen #77642, b. 1837 in Sidney, Hastings Township,31 d. 31 January 1922 in Belleville Hospital, Hastings County,31 buried 02 February 1922 White's Cemetery, Belleville?.31 .

She married Peter Lazier #74352, 10 February 1875 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, b. c. 1825 -1827 in Canada,32,33 (son of Peter Lazier #74350 [Farmer in Hallowell Township] and Jane Solmes #74351), occupation 1851 Labourer in Hallowell, occupation 1871 Farmer in Hallowell Township, d. 21 December 1883 in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County, Ontario.33

Peter: Was Olive, 22 a sister or a wife; Amanda ,9, a daughter? ** verify marriage * Peter was murdered during a botched robbery at the home of relatives Gilbert and Margaret JONES in Bloomfield.

84. John W. McMullen #77951, b. c. 1832 in Canada West,11 occupation 1851 Labourer, occupation 1871 Farmer.

He married Sylvia A. (unidentified) #77957, b. c 1839 in Ontario.34


199. i. Annie McMullen #77958 b. c. 1858.

200. ii. Maggie McMullen #77959 b. c. 1860.

201. iii. Robert H.? McMullen #77960 b. c. 1862.

202. iv. Lelia McMullen #77961 b. c. 1864. 26

85. Margaret McMullen #77952, b. c 1834 in Canada West.11 . 86. Robert W. McMullen #77953, b. c 1838 in Canada West.11 .

He married Dora (unidentified) #77956, b. c 1850 in Ontario.34

87. Jane McMullen #77954, b. c 1841 in Canada West.11 . 88. Tabitha McMullen #77955, b. c 1847 in Canada West.11 . 89. William Ripson Bleeker #134577, b. c. 1823 in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14 .

Family lived in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.

He married Janet Siericks #134618.


203. i. Henry Bleeker #134619.

204. ii. Tobias Bleeker #134621.

205. iii. Mary Bleeker #134623.

206. iv. Herman Bleeker #134624.

207. v. Frederick Bleeker #134626.

208. vi. Louis Bleeker #134628.

209. vii. Donald Gilbert Bleeker #134629.

210. viii. Ella Bleeker #134630.

90. John J. Flint Bleeker #134578, b. 24 ___ 19?? in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario,14,1 occupation Police Magistrate in Belleville.

Lived in Belleville, no children. Verify that there was another John BLEEKER, born 1824 and died at age 4.5...

He married Eliza Holt #134631.14

91. Jane Bleeker #134579, b. 14 December 1826 in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14,1 .

She married Ellis Burrell #134632.14

Ellis: Family settled in Belleville.


211. i. Emma Burrell #134633. 27

212. ii. Mary E. Burrell #134638.

213. iii. Ellis B. Burrell #134642.

214. iv. Julia F. Burrell #134647.

215. v. Harry S. Burrell #134651.

92. Sarah Ann Bleeker #134580, b. 24 March 1831 in Lot 11, Con . 1, Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14,1 .

She married Daniel Stapley #140376, 1848,1 b. 08 December 1831 in Pleasant Valley, New York State, USA,1 d. 03 May 1906,1 buried in Eggleton-Clarke Cemetery.1

Daniel: Lived at Lots 4,5, Rawdon Township, Hastings County.


216. i. Tobias Stapley #140377 b. c. 1849.

217. ii. Mary Stapley #140378 b. c. 1850.

218. iii. James Stapley #140379 b. 1852.

219. iv. Samuel R. Stapley #140380 b. 1854.

220. v. Rachel Ann Stapley #140381 b. 20 March 1857.

221. vi. Sarah Jane Stapley #140382 b. 16 June 1859.

222. vii. Tobias Stapley #140384 b. c. 1862?

223. viii. Susan Stapley #140385.

224. ix. Helen Stapley #140387.

93. Matilda Bleeker #134581, b. in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 94. Mary E. Bleeker #134582, b. in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 95. George Ripson #134604, b.14.

Settled in Rochester, New York.

96. George Bleeker #134585, b.14.

Lived in Marmora.

He married Sarah Jones #134652.

28 97. Charles Bleeker #134586, b.14 d. 1862.

Drowned 1862, no children.

He married Charlotte Davis #134653.14

98. William Bleeker #134587, b. c 1834 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontari,14 d. before 1920.

Family settled in Sidney Township.

He married Samantha Fralick #134654, 02 April 1862 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,14 b. c 1841 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario (daughter of David Fralick #112013 and Catherine Ketcheson #112012), d. after 1930 in Rochester?

Samantha: 1920 - 1930: Widowed, lived with son-in-law George R. PEARSE and family in Rochester, New York.


225. i. Hattie Bleeker #134683 b. 02 August 1867.

99. Caroline Bleeker #134588, b.14.

She married Alfred Pitts #134655.14

Alfred: Settled in Belleville.

100. Jane A. Bleeker #111834.

She married George McAuley Ketcheson #111833, 1853,1 b. 1825 in Hastings County, Ontario,1 (son of William Ketcheson #105973 and Nancy Ann Roblin #105974), d. 1907 in Hastings County, Ontario.1

George: Family lived in Sidney Township, Hastings County.

Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904, pages 1-12

"One of the most hospitable homes in Sydney is the substantial house of George M. Ketcheson, who is a son of Colonel William Ketcheson and grandson of the older pioneer. It is a home that everywhere bears evidences of comfort and plenty, and where the host and hostess entertain in the old fashioned hospitable way. While its owner received 300 acres from his father, he has increased his holdings, until now he possesses 560 acres. George M. Ketcheson, like his father, is a good Methodist and a staunch Conservative. His family are detailed in the appended genealogy: Thomas, the oldest, is one of the leading men of Sidney; he is President of the Township of Sidney Conservative Association, Vice-President of the West Hastings Liberal Conservative Association for Dominion purposes, President of the Sidney Town Hall Cheese and Butter Co., and Vide-President of the Belleville Cheese Board. He is an enthusiastic sportsman, a crack shot and an expert fisherman. Although only eighteen years of age, his son Howard is a Sergeant in the Hastings Rifles. Captain William G. Ketcheson, namesake of his father, attended the Royal Canadian Infantry School, Toronto and is very popular in military circles. An enthusiast 29 in all matters military, he joined the militia in 1886, got his commission the following year, and has lately received his company. His brother Daniel is a man of attractive personality, who is justly popular. He pursued a commercial course at the Ontario Business College, Belleville, and has since travelled extensively. Bleeker Ketcheson, the youngest son in this family, is a typical young Canadian farmer, intelligent, energetic and ambitious."


226. i. Thomas (Tom) Ketcheson #111835 b. 22 December 1856.

227. ii. Charles Ketcheson #111836 b. 23 March 1858.

228. iii. William G. Ketcheson #111837 b. 09 March 1862.

229. iv. Daniel Ketcheson #111838.

230. v. Harry Ketcheson #111839.

231. vi. Bleeker Ketcheson #111840.

232. vii. Emma Ketcheson #111841.

101. Ella Bleeker #134590, b.14.

She married William Duffy #134656.14

William: Family settled in Michigan.

102. John R. Bleeker #112673, b.6.

Family moved to Wisconsin.

He married Susannah Burnham #134605.

103. James Bleeker #112674, b.6 never married.14 . 104. George Bleeker #112675, b.6.

Moved to Wisconsin.

He married Elizabeth Burnham #134606.14

105. Jacob Bleeker #112676, b.6 never married.14 . 106. Henry Bleeker #112677, b. c. 1824 in Canada,6,15 occupation 1851 Farmer in Murray Township.

Settled in Trenton.

He married Hannah Abbott #134607.14

30 Children:

233. i. Howard Bleeker #134608.

234. ii. James Bleeker #134609.

235. iii. William Bleeker #134610.

236. iv. Lewis Bleeker #134611.

237. v. Addie Bleeker #134612.

107. William Bleeker #91947, b. c. 1823 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario, occupation 1870 Gentleman in Trenton.

Surname also seen as "BLEECKER". No children according to Pioneer Life.

He married Harriet Garfield #91950, 10 September 1870 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,35 b. c. 1822 in Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, Ontario (daughter of Jonathan Gaffield #91951 and Phoebe Ann (unidentified) #91952).

Harriet: 1870: Lived in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

108. Gilbert Bleeker #112678, b.6. 109. Thomas Howard Bleeker #112679, b. c. 1832 in Canada,6,15 occupation 1851 Farmer in Murray Township.

Settled in Trenton.

He married Isabel Young #134613.14


238. i. William A. Bleeker #134614.

239. ii. George H. Bleeker #134615.

110. Jane Bleeker #112680.

She married W.H. Nugent #134616.14

W.H.: Lived on St. Clair River.

111. Rachel Bleeker #112681, b.6. 112. Susannah Bleeker #112682, b. 1819 in Ontario,6,36,37,38 d. 1909 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,38 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.38 .

31 She married Samuel Bryant #91325,39,40 b. 1818 in Ontario,40,36,37,38 (son of John Bryant #113803 [Farmer in Ameliasburgh] and Betsy Elizabeth Pierson #113804), occupation 1851 - 1871 Farmer in Ameliasburgh, d. 1883 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,38 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.38

Samuel: Family lived in Ameliasburgh.


240. i. Hannah Bryant #144955 b. c. December 1857.

241. ii. Roger C. Bryant #142259 b. c. 1840.

242. iii. Gilbert J. Bryant #142260 b. c. 1840.

243. iv. Sarah Bryant #144954 b. c. 11 March 1840.

244. v. Mary Bryant #142261 b. c. 1844.

245. vi. John Bryant #103729 b. 28 November 1844.

246. vii. David Bryant #142262 b. c. 1847.

247. viii. Reuben Young Bryant #142263 b. c. 1850.

248. ix. Aaron Bryant #146682 b. c. 1853.

249. x. Nancy Elizabeth Bryant #101695 b. c. 1854.

250. xi. Joseph Bryant #146684 b. c. 1856.

251. xii. Allie Bryant #146688 b. c. 1860.

252. xiii. Harriet (Hattie) Celia Bryant #91324 b. c. 1860.

113. Anna Bleeker #112683, b.6.

She married John Hennessy #134617.14

John: Lived in Murray Township.


253. i. Maria Hennessy #144991 b. c. 1851.

114. Ann Bleeker #134569, b.14.

She married (1) Judge B. Dougall #134570.14

32 Children:

254. i. Helen Dougall #134572.

255. ii. Harriet A. Dougall #134573.

256. iii. Alicia Dougall #134574.

She married (2) Allan Dougall #134571.14

115. John E. Bleeker #117365, b. c. 1840 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,17 occupation 1861 Labourer in Sidney Township.

Settled in Sidney Township, Hastings County.

He married Hester (Esther) White #134657, 29 May 1867 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,14 b. c 1843 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario (daughter of Stephen White #134658 and Elizabeth (unidentified) #134659).


257. i. John Henry Bleeker #134660 b. c 1881.

116. Reuben Bleeker #134695, b. c. 1841 in Ontario.

Is this the same man as "Dougall"? Name shown as "Reuben" in 1861 Sidney Township census.

117. Dougall Bleeker #117366, b. in Ontario,17 never married.14 .

Are Dougall and Reuben the same person?

118. Henry Gilbert Bleeker #117367, b. c. 1850 in Ontario,17 occupation 1880 Farmer in Hastings County, occupation 1912 Commissioner for Roads and Bridges, d. 01 June 1930 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,41 buried 03 June 1930 in Front of Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontatio,41 buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario.42 .

Educated in Bloomfield Quaker Seminary. 1881: Informant at father's death; lived at Lot 12, Con. 3, Sidney Township. 1911: Lived in Sidney Township with wife and daughter Ina. 1921: Widowed, lived with son-in-law John MILL and family in Belleville. 1930: Died in Belleville General Hospital.

He married Mary Ella Lawrence #134559, 19 July 1879 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,14 b. 08 July 1847 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,43 (daughter of Cornelius Lawrence #134696 and Caroline White #134697), baptized 29 April 1850 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,43 d. 17 March 1915 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,44,42 buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario.42 33

Mary: (granddaughter of Reuben White).


258. i. Dougall Lawrence Bleeker #134560 b. 16 October 1880.

259. ii. Alice Ina Bleeker #134562 b. 21 July 1886.

119. Gilbert Orr #134593, b.14. 120. Samuel Orr #134594, b.14. 121. Wesley Orr #134595, b.14. 122. William Orr #134598, b.14. 123. Bertie Bleeker Orr #134599, b.14.

He married Annie Catherine Quick #134675.


260. i. Wilford Van Orr #134676 b. 29 April 1891.

124. Mary A. Orr #134600. 125. Maria Orr #134601, b.14. 126. Susanna Orr #134596, b.14. 127. Caroline Orr #134597. 128. Caroline Ashley #112558, b.6.

She married Richard Taylor #112567.6

Richard: Settled in Belleville, Hastings County.


261. i. Henrietta K. Taylor #112568.

262. ii. Ida Caroline Taylor #112575.

263. iii. Stella Taylor #112579.

129. Eliza Ashley #112559, b.6 d. died at age 3.6 . 130. John Ashley #112560, b.6 never married.6 .

All trace of John lost by family.

131. George Calvin Ashley #112561, b.6 d. at age 12.

Accidentally shot. 34

132. Anna E. Ashley #112562, b.6.

She married T.C. Parkhurst #112583.6

T.C.: Settled Canandaigua, New York.

133. Jacob M. Ashley #112563, b.6.

Settled in Belleville, Hastings County; (no children) Confirm wife... note that brother Henry also has a wife named Catherine SANDERSON...

He married Catherine Sanderson #112584.6

Catherine: .

134. Henry W. Ashley #112564, b.6.

Settled in Belleville, Hastings County. Confirm wife... brother Jacob also has a wife named Catherine SANDERSON...

He married Catherine Sanderson #112585.6


264. i. George Ashley #112586.

135. George Calvin Ashley #112565.

Last heard of in Chicago, Illinois.

136. Augusta Matilda Ashley #112566, b.6 never married.6 .

Lived in Belleville, Hastings County.

137. Charles Meyers #112588, b.6 d. in childhood.6 . 138. Myron Meyers #112589, b.6 d. died in childhood.6 . 139. Edward W. Meyers #77676, b. 10 July 1836 in Ontario,25 occupation 1891 Gaoler.

He married Sarah Jordan #112590.6


265. i. Leila Meyers #112591.

266. ii. Ethel Meyers #112593. 35

140. Anna Elizabeth Meyers #77669, b. 01 October 1850 in Sidney, Hastings County, Ontario,25 d. 25 February 1926 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,45 buried 27 February 1926 Belleville Cemetery.45 .

1881: Enumerated next to Edward MEYERS, 40; Gaoler. In 1891, her mother and Edward were with the LAZIER family 1926: Usual residence at death: 1087 4th Avenue West, Owen Sound. Elizabeth at lived in Owen Sound for two years prior to her death.

She married John Nelson Lazier #77668, 15 December 1875 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario,46 b. 29 July 1849 in Sophiasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,47 (son of Allan Lazier #77672 [Carpenter] and Mary Ann Forin #77673), occupation 1875 Music Dealer, occupation 1881 Clerk, occupation 1901 Manufacturer, occupation 1912 Traveller, d. 27 April 1912 in Belleville Hospital, Hastings County, Ontario.48

John: 1881: Lived in Belleville, Hastings County with family and in-laws.


267. i. Blanche Elizabeth Lazier #77674 b. 10 January 1877.

268. ii. Nora Anna Lazier #77675 b. 18 March 1880.

141. Jane Gilbert #112595, b.6.

Lived in Belleville, Hastings County.

She married (1) James Seay #112596.6

She married (2) Thomas Hampton #112597.

142. John Gilbert #112598, b.6.

He married Rebecca Vanhorn #112599.6

143. Mary Gilbert #112600, b.6.

She married (1) Peter Vanhorn #112601.

Peter: Settled in Chicago, Illinois.

She married (2) William Ashton #112602.6

144. Abigail Gilbert #112603.

She married Philip Roblin #112604.6 36

145. Hester A. Meyers Gilbert #112605, b. c. 1835 in Ontario.6,49 .

She married (1) William Abercrombie #112606.6


269. i. Horatio N. Abercrombie #159884 b. c. 1857.

She married (2) George Goldsmith #112607,6 b. c. 1832 in Ontario, occupation 1871 Storekeeper in North Marysburgh.

George: 1871: Lived with wife Hester in North Marysburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario. Also with the family was stepson Horatio ABERCROMBIE, 14, and Henry GILBERT, 68 (shown as married).

146. Sarah Meyers Gilbert #112608, b.6 never married.6 . 147. Burdon Wannacott #112612. 148. Georgianna Wannacott #112613, b.6. 149. William Byron Walter Meyers #89248, b. c. 1840 in Ontario,37 occupation 1871 - 1887 Harness Maker/Carriage Trimmer in Ameliasburgh.

1887: Lived in Mountain View, Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

He married (1) Catherine Ann Howell #89249, b. c. 1848 in Ontario.37


270. i. Etta Meyers #112617 b. c. 1867.

271. ii. Morley P. Meyers #112618 b. c. 1869.

272. iii. Mary Meyers #145368 b. June 1870.

273. iv. Jennie Gertrude Meyers #93647 b. 08 March 1875.

274. v. George Griffith Meyers #95823 b. 14 May 1877.

275. vi. William Byron Meyers #115661 b. 06 December 1882.

276. vii. Earl Burdette Meyers #89250 b. 04 February 1887.

He married (2) Martha Snell #112616.6

150. George E. Meyers #112619, b.6 d. died in infancy.6 . 151. Sarah E. Meyers #112620, b.6 d. died in infancy.6 . 152. John H.W. Meyers #112621, b.6.

Family moved to Detroit, Michigan. 37

He married Sophia Woodley #112622.6

153. Charles W. Meyers #112623, b.6.

Settled in United States.

154. William H. Meyers #112625.

Settled in Belleville.

He married Elizabeth Gilbert #112626.6

155. Wellington R. Meyers #112627.

Settled in Michigan.

He married Adeline Taylor #112628.6

156. Augustine G. Meyers #112629.

She married F. Spencer #112630.6

F.: Settled in Chicago.

157. Maria L. Meyers #112631, b.6.

She married James Beal #112632.6

James: Settled in Utica, New York.


277. i. Emily Beal #112633.

158. Ellen M. Meyers #112634, b.6.

She married William Allen #112635.6

William: Settled in Chicago, Illinois.


278. i. Josephine Allen #112636.

38 279. ii. Bella Allen #112637.

280. iii. Helen Allen #112638.

159. George E.W. Meyers #112639.

Family lived in Toronto, York County.

He married Mary E. Bleeker #112640.6


281. i. Claude B. Meyers #112641.

282. ii. John J.B. Meyers #112642.

283. iii. George F.B. Meyers #112648.

284. iv. Myrtle M.E. Meyers #112649.

160. Harrison Meyers #112651, b.6.

Family lived in Trenton.

He married Lucinda Harden #112652.6


285. i. Nellie Meyers #112653.

286. ii. Florence Meyers #112654.

161. Robert W. Meyers #112655, b.6.

Family settled in Sidney Township.

He married Agnes Mastin #112656.6


287. i. Bleeker W. Meyers #112657.

162. Curtis Meyers #112658, b.6.

Settled in Indiana.

He married Mary Orr #112659.6 39


288. i. Frank Meyers #112660.

163. Charles Meyers #112661, b.6 never married.6 . 164. Frank Meyers #112662, b.6 never married.6 . 165. John Meyers #112663, b.6.

Settled in Beloit, Michigan.

He married Hettie Fowler #112664.6


289. i. Marion Meyers #112665.

166. Caroline Meyers #112666, b.6.

She married Fred Fanning #112667,6 b.6 occupation Medical Doctor.

Fred: Settled in Indiana.


290. i. Charles Fanning #112668.

291. ii. Frank Fanning #112669.

167. Jane Meyers #112670.

Lived in Indiana. No children.

She married (1) John E. Graham #112671.6

John: (no children).

She married (2) Samuel Moody #112672.6

Samuel: (no children) .

Generation Five

40 168. Edward Meyers #112450, b.6.

Settled in Sidney, no children.

He married Sabra Ann Southard #112451,6 b. c. 1860 in Ontario,37 (daughter of Jesse Southard #81887 [Labourer] and Elizabeth J. (unidentified) #146913).

Sabra: (confirm parents).

169. Merton W. Meyers #112452, b.6.

Family settled in Sidney Township.

He married Carrie A. Vandervoort #112453.6


292. i. Frederick Meyers #112454.

293. ii. Ella A. Meyers #112455.

294. iii. Victoria Meyers #74900.

170. Emma Sophia Meyers #112458, b. 03 December 1857 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,50 occupation Housewife in Murray Township, d. 08 January 1927 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,51,50 buried 11 January 1927 in Stockdale Cemetery, Hastings County, Ontario.51,50 .

She married Charles Edwin Cox #112459, 21 March 1881 in Thurlow, Hastings County, Ontario,52 b. 28 March 1848 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,51,53 (son of Philip Cox #164392 and Emma A. Lawrence #164393), occupation 1881 - 1882 Blacksmith in Sidney Township, occupation 1884 Blacksmith in Stockdale, occupation 1886 - 1891 Blacksmith in Murray Township, d. 21 March 1934 in Con. 5, Lot 6, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,51,53 buried 23 March 1934 in Stockdale Cemetery, Hastings County, Ontario.51,53

Charles: Family lived in Murray Township.


295. i. Ernest Alva Cox #112460 b. 12 October 1882.

296. ii. Fred (Roy?) Cox #112464 b. 15 October 1884.

297. iii. Bruce Ashton Cox #112461 b. 18 August 1886.

298. iv. Everett Blake Cox #112462 b. 01 October 1888.

299. v. Annie May Cox #164391 b. 09 October 1891.

41 171. Walton H. Meyers #112468, b.6 occupation CPR at Rat Portage.6 .

He married Minnie McMasters #112469.6


300. i. Howard Meyers #112470.

301. ii. Alva Meyers #112471.

302. iii. Hazel Meyers #112472.

303. iv. Nina G. Meyers #112473.

172. Seba W. Meyers #112465, b.6.

Family settled in Sidney Township.

He married Stella Vandervoort #112466.6


304. i. Leila W. Meyers #112467.

173. Nellie Meyers #112474, b.6.

She married Abel Nelson Finkle #112475,6 b. c. 1859 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,54 (son of John G. (J.?) Finkle #178480 [Farmer in Sidney Township] and Mary Ann Shaw #178491), occupation 1876 Joiner in Sidney Township, d.54

Abel: Lived in Sidney Township, no children. Pioneer Life shows two children: Mabel and Elmer.

174. Cora Meyers #112476, b.6.

She married John Southard #112477.6

John: Family lived in Sidney Township.


305. i. Charles Southard #112478.

306. ii. Arthur Southard #112479.

307. iii. Elmer Southard #112480.

175. Charles B. Meyers #112481, b.6.


Settled in Sidney Township.

He married Della Vanblaricom #112482.6


308. i. Vera G. Meyers #112483.

309. ii. Maggie Meyers #112484.

310. iii. Percy Meyers #112489.

176. Henry Meyers #112490, b.6 d. in Wisconsin.6 . 177. Marietta Meyers #112491, b.6.

She married Nelson Hawley #112492.6

Nelson: Lived in Thurlow Township.

178. Elizabeth Meyers #112493.

She married Sampson Hogle #112494.6

179. Sarah A. Meyers #112495, b.6.

She married George Davis #112496.6

George: Couple lived in Sidney Township; no children.

180. Harriet Meyers #112497, b.6.

She married (unidentified) Hawkins #112498.

(unidentified): Family moved to the United States.

181. Helen Meyers #112499, b.6.

She married Gilbert Goldsmith #112500.6

Gilbert: Family settled in Bloomington (Illinois?).

182. George Bell #112445, b.6. 183. William Bell #112446, b.6. 184. Harriet Bell #112447. 185. Sarah E. Meyers #112505, b.6 never married.6 . 186. Amanda Meyers #112506, b.6 d. before 1904.6 . 43

She married Harvey M. Lockwood #112507.6

Harvey: Settled in Lindsay, Ontario.


311. i. Pearl M. Lockwood #112508 b. c 1887.

312. ii. David Lockwood #112509.

313. iii. Blake Lockwood #112510.

314. iv. Etta Lockwood #112511.

315. v. Byron W. Lockwood #112513.

316. vi. Harry Lockwood #112517.

317. vii. Stella Lockwood #112519.

187. Carrie Meyers #162389, b. c. 1869 in Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario.

She married William Caldwell #144943, 14 September 1892 in Demorestville, Sophiasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,55 b. c. 1869 in Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario (son of David Caldwell #144941 [Farmer] and Harriet Barrager #144942), occupation 1892 Yeoman in Thurlow Township.

William: 1925: Informant at father's death; lived in Rednersville, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

188. (unidentified) Knox #185560, b. in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,28 d. in infancy in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.28 . 189. Mary Ann Elizabeth Vandervoort #133450, b. c 1848 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, d. before April 1917.

She married George Morden #133449, 01 August 1871 in Hastings County, Ontario,56 b. c 1845 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario,57 (son of John P. Morden #76660 and Hester Davis #133425), occupation 1871 Mechanic in Belleville, d. 20 April 1917 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario.58

George: Family lived in Deseronto.


318. i. George Everett Morden #133451 b. c 1873.

319. ii. Lewis E. Morden #133452.

320. iii. Ethel G. Morden #133453 b. 1881.

44 321. iv. Gard G. Aiken Morden #133454 b. c 1884.

190. George C. Rose #140319, b. c. 1840 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 191. Charles Henry Rose #140320, b. c. 1842-1843 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 15 November 1916.1 .

He married Ellen Cassidy #140321.1

192. Sarah M. Rose #140322, b. c. 1844 - 1845 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married William Evans #140323.1

193. Jane A. Rose #140324, b. c. 1846 - 1847 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 194. John G. Rose #140325, b. 03 January 1851 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 08 February 1932 in Frankford?,1 buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Frankford, Hastings County.1 .

1875: Lived in Murray Township when married.

He married Sarah Maria Harvey #140326, 22 September 1875 in Brighton, Northumberland County, Ontario,59 b. 20 October 1852 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,1 (daughter of David Harvey #140334 and Ann Stoneburgh #140335), d. 19 June 1911 in Frankford?,1 buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Frankford, Hastings County, Ontario.1


322. i. George Bentley (Poggy) Rose #140336 b. 08 July 1876.

323. ii. Augusta Helena (Gussie) Rose #140337 b. 06 April 1878.

195. Henry H. Rose #140327, b. 1854 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1922 in Frankford?,1 buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Frankford, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

He married Susan Minerva Plumpton #140328.1

196. Mary A. Rose #140329, b. c. 1855 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 197. Emma Rose #140330, b. 1858 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1941.

She married William Patrick #140331.1

198. William Rose #140332, b. 02 November 1859 or 1861 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 20 December 1917.1 .

He married Hannah L. Plumpton #140333.

199. Annie McMullen #77958, b. c. 1858 in Ontario.34 . 200. Maggie McMullen #77959, b. c. 1860 in Ontario.34 . 201. Robert H.? McMullen #77960, b. c. 1862 in Ontario.34 . 202. Lelia McMullen #77961, b. c. 1864 in Ontario.34 . 203. Henry Bleeker #134619.


Lived in Los Angeles, California.

He married Sarah Noseworthy #134620.14

204. Tobias Bleeker #134621.

Settled in Boston, Massachusetts.

He married Lila Jones #134622.14

205. Mary Bleeker #134623, b.14 never married. 206. Herman Bleeker #134624, b.14.

Settled in Sidney Township, no children.

He married Sarah Vandewater #134625,14 (daughter of Daniel Vandewater #178237 and (unidentified) #178238).

207. Frederick Bleeker #134626, b.14.

Family lived in Belleville.

He married Mary Bragg #134627.14

208. Louis Bleeker #134628, b.14 d. in childhood.14 . 209. Donald Gilbert Bleeker #134629, b.14 never married, occupation Druggist in Belleville.14 . 210. Ella Bleeker #134630, b.14 never married.14 . 211. Emma Burrell #134633, b.14.

She married W.F. Carrier #134634.

W.F.: Settled in Toronto.


324. i. Ella Carrier #134635.

325. ii. Gertrude Carrier #134636.

326. iii. Jessie Carrier #134637.

212. Mary E. Burrell #134638, b.14.

She married J.W. Campion #134639.14

J.W.: Settled in Vancouver. 46


327. i. Rosa Campion #134640.

213. Ellis B. Burrell #134642.

Family lived in Campbellford.

He married Mary R. Bogart #134643.14


328. i. Mary Burrell #134644.

329. ii. Julia Burrell #134645.

330. iii. Ellis Burrell #134646.

214. Julia F. Burrell #134647.

She married J.P. Byers #134648.

J.P.: Family settled in Brockville.


331. i. Rhoda Byers #134649.

332. ii. Ellis Byers #134650.

215. Harry S. Burrell #134651, b.14.

Lived in Belleville, unmarried.

216. Tobias Stapley #140377, b. c. 1849 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. in childhood in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 217. Mary Stapley #140378, b. c. 1850 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 218. James Stapley #140379, b. 1852 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1941.1 . 219. Samuel R. Stapley #140380, b. 1854 in Lot 11. Con 2., Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1902, buried in Eggleton-Clarke Cemetery, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.

He married Sarah Tufts #140388, b. 04 February 1857 in Westminster, London, England,1 d. 29 January 1941 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Eggleton-Clark Cemetery, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1


47 333. i. Emma Z. Stapley #140389 b. 1877.

334. ii. Frank Stapley #140391 b. 1879.

335. iii. Ethel S. Stapley #140393 b. 1882.

336. iv. Ada Helena Stapley #140395 b. 17 December 1886.

337. v. William Russell Stapley #140396 b. 1889.

338. vi. Nelson Stapley #140397 b. 1891.

339. vii. Annie Stapley #140398.

340. viii. Earnest A. Stapley #140400 b. 1895.

341. ix. Oliver Stapley #140401 b. 1900.

220. Rachel Ann Stapley #140381, b. 20 March 1857 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 10 June 1927 in Tweed?, buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Robert Tufts #140438, b. 20 September 1855 in Westminster, London, England,1 d. 16 January 1930 in Tweed?, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1


342. i. Rachel Alberta Tufts #140439 b. 05 January 1879.

343. ii. Robert-Martin Vernon Tufts #140441 b. 15 February 1880.

344. iii. Lillian Grizzel Tufts #140443 b. 10 May 1882.

345. iv. Ernest Cosmo Tufts #140445 b. 10 December 1884.

346. v. Harford Daniel Tufts #140446 b. 03 November 1885.

347. vi. Arthur Zimmerman Tufts #140448 b. 13 June 1887.

348. vii. Mary Russell Tufts #95893 b. 19 April 1889.

349. viii. Maud Marion Tufts #140449 b. 22 February 1891.

221. Sarah Jane Stapley #140382, b. 16 June 1859 in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario, d. 24 February 1906.

She married John Tufts #140383.1

222. Tobias Stapley #140384, b. c. 1862? in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1935 in Edmonton, Alberta.1 . 223. Susan Stapley #140385.

She married Robert Marshall #140386.1 48

224. Helen Stapley #140387, b. in Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 225. Hattie Bleeker #134683, b. 02 August 1867 in Wallbridge, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,60 d. 1966 in United States.

1913: Lived in Rochester, New York when married.

She married (1) Francis James Harper #134687, 21 October 1896 in Wallbridge, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,61 b. c 1863 in Raglan, Whitby Township (son of Francis Harper #134688 and Angeline (unidentified) #134689), occupation 1896 Artist in Toronto.

She married (2) George R. Pearse #134684, 23 September 1913 in Niagara Falls, Welland County, Ontario,62 b. c 1864 in Canada,60 (son of Robert Pearse #134685 and Eliza Carver? #134686), occupation 1913 Clerk in Rochester, New York.

George: 1930: Lived at 516 North Goodman Street, Rochester with wife and widowed mother-in-law Samantha BLEEKER (FRALICK).

226. Thomas (Tom) Ketcheson #111835, b. 22 December 1856 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,63,43 baptized 01 January 1859 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.43 .

He married Minnie Glass #111965.63


350. i. Howard Ketcheson #111966.

351. ii. Arthur Ketcheson #111967.

227. Charles Ketcheson #111836, b. 23 March 1858 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,63,43 baptized 05 January 1859 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.43 .

He married Elizabeth Whitely #111968.63


352. i. Laura Ketcheson #111969.

228. William G. Ketcheson #111837, b. 09 March 1862 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,63,43 baptized 02 January 1865 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.43 .

He married Elizabeth Griffin #111970.63


353. i. Milton Ketcheson #111971.

354. ii. Hattie Ketcheson #111972. 49

355. iii. Lawrence Ketcheson #111973.

229. Daniel Ketcheson #111838, b.63.

He married Eliza Ward #111974.63


356. i. Marjorie Ketcheson #111975.

357. ii. Harry Ketcheson #111976.

230. Harry Ketcheson #111839, b.63 d. aged 21,63 never married.63 . 231. Bleeker Ketcheson #111840, b.63.

He married Nancy Sarles/Searles #111977.63


358. i. George M. Ketcheson #111978.

232. Emma Ketcheson #111841, b.63.

She married Charles Rose #111979.63

233. Howard Bleeker #134608, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 234. James Bleeker #134609, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 235. William Bleeker #134610, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 236. Lewis Bleeker #134611, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 237. Addie Bleeker #134612, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 238. William A. Bleeker #134614, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 239. George H. Bleeker #134615, b. in Trenton?, Hastings County, Ontario.14 . 240. Hannah Bryant #144955, b. c. December 1857 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.64,37 .

Lived with married sister Sarah and husband Joseph STAPLETON in Wellington, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

241. Roger C. Bryant #142259, b. c. 1840 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.36 . 242. Gilbert J. Bryant #142260, b. c. 1840 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.36 . 243. Sarah Bryant #144954, b. c. 11 March 1840 in Prince Edward County, Ontario,65 d. 21 April 1925 in Con. 1, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,65 buried 24 April 1925 in Hillier Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario.65 .

Was she previously married to THOMPSON, died before 1871?

She married Joseph Pierson Stapleton #125121, b. c 1832 in Hillier Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario,66 (son of John Stapleton #110780 and Jemima (Genevieve) Pierson #110781), occupation 1917 Farmer in Wellington, d. 09 June 1917 in Wellington, Prince Edward County, Ontario.66

50 Joseph: 1911: Lived with wife, sister-in-law Hannah BRYANT at 183 Consecon Street, Wellington, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

244. Mary Bryant #142261, b. c. 1844 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.36 . 245. John Bryant #103729, b. 28 November 1844 in Con. 1, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,67,37 occupation Farmer in Ameliasburgh, d. 04 March 1924 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,67 buried 06 March 1924 in Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.67 .

He married Rebecca Ann Adams #97785, 02 July 1877 in Brighton. Northumberland County, Ontario,68 b. c. 16 April 1852 in Ontario,69,70 (daughter of Robert Adams #81000 [Farmer] and Isabel Brooks #81001), occupation 1930 Housework in Ameliasburgh, d. 16 August 1930 in Con. 1, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,69,70 buried 18 August 1930 in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.69,70


359. i. Hessie Bryant #97786 b. 27 January 1881.

360. ii. Burton (Bert) Bryant #103731.

361. iii. John Egbert Bryant #151513 b. 15 January 1883.

246. David Bryant #142262, b. c. 1847 in Prince Edward County, Ontario,36,37 occupation 1871 Teacher in Ameliasburgh. 247. Reuben Young Bryant #142263, b. c. 1850 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,36,37 occupation 1871 Carpenter in Ameliasburgh. 248. Aaron Bryant #146682, b. c. 1853 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.37 . 249. Nancy Elizabeth Bryant #101695, b. c. 1854 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,37 d. after 1915,71 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.71 .

She married William Dangue Patterson #101694, 10 October 1871 in Brighton, Northumberland County, Ontario,72 b. 1844 in Consecon, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,73,74 (son of James Patterson #101696 and Elsie Robinson #101697), occupation 1871 Farmer in Hillier Township, occupation 1915 Engineer, d. 04 April 1915 in Rednersville, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,73 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.74



362. i. Eleanor J. Patterson #149817 b. c. 1880.

250. Joseph Bryant #146684, b. c. 1856 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,37 occupation 1881 Farmer in Ameliasburgh.

1891: Lived in Trenton, Hastings County with wife, no children present.

He married Alzerda Rush #146685, 15 March 1881 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,75 b. c. 1857 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario (daughter of Donald Rush #146686 and Jane (unidentified) #146687).

51 251. Allie Bryant #146688, b. c. 1860 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.37 .

She married Isaac Wilson #160078, 08 January 1890 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,76 b. c. 1848 in New York State, USA (son of Hugh Wilson #160079 and Sophrona (unidentified) #160080), occupation 1890 Farmer in Ameliasburgh.


363. i. Henry Day Wilson #173607 b. 29 March 1892.

252. Harriet (Hattie) Celia Bryant #91324, b. c. 1860 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,77 d. 1911 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,77 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.77 .

1871: Ameliasburgh census shows first name as "Attil"...

She married Wesley Weese #91323, 09 October 1878 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,78 b. c. 1849 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,79 (son of William Francis Weese #86948 [Farmer and Lumberman in Ameliasburgh] and Mary Jane Bonter #86949), occupation 1891 - 1895 Farmer in Ameliasburgh, d. 10 May 1916 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,79 buried Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.79

Wesley: 1916: Age at death: 67 years, 6 months.


364. i. Pearl Weese #99489 b. 01 April 1882.

365. ii. Kenneth Weese #144929 b. 05 May 1888.

366. iii. Guy Weese #166141 b. 29 December 1890.

367. iv. Susannah Weese #174432 b. 20 January 1895.

368. v. Gladys Elizabeth Weese #149751 b. 06 November 1898.

369. vi. Charles Howard Weese #149746 b. 1902.

370. vii. Hattie Beryl Weese #177653 b. 04 June 1901.

253. Maria Hennessy #144991, b. c. 1851 in Canada.

1879: Lived in Murray Township when married.

She married William W. Crosby #117378, 06 October 1879 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario,80 b. c. 1856 in Canada,17 (son of Solomon Crosby #117238 [Carpenter in Murray Township] and Nancy Leavens #73719), occupation 1879 Farmer in Murray Township.

52 254. Helen Dougall #134572, b.14. 255. Harriet A. Dougall #134573, b.14. 256. Alicia Dougall #134574, b.14. 257. John Henry Bleeker #134660, b. c 1881 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, occupation 1901 Farmer in Sidney Township.

He married Ethel Guiles #134661, 04 September 1901 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,81 b. c 1882 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario (daughter of Elijah Giles #134662 and Sarah Hennessy #134663).

258. Dougall Lawrence Bleeker #134560, b. 16 October 1880 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,82 occupation 1903 Farmer in Frankford, occupation 1908 - 1921 Mail Clerk in Trenton.

1921: Lived with family ion Cedar Street, Trenton, Hastings County.

He married Lillie Pearl Chapman #134561, 25 March 1903 in Toronto, York County, Ontario,83 b. c 1881 in Frankford, Ontario (daughter of John Chapman #134664 and Olive (unidentified) #134665).


371. i. Dougall Franklin Bleeker #134666 b. 29 March 1908.

372. ii. Donald Everett Bleeker #134667 b. 07 April 1910.

373. iii. Mary L. Bleeker #134668 b. c 1913.

259. Alice Ina Bleeker #134562, b. 21 July 1886 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,84 d. 29 January 1929 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.85 .

She married John Guthrie Mill #134670, 24 February 1912 in Toronto, York County, Ontario,86 b. c 1887 in Scotland (son of James Mill #134671 and Elizabeth Bruce #134672), occupation 1921 Engineer in Belleville, d. 15 December 1963 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.87

John: 1921: Lived with family at 155 Bleeker Avenue, Belleville. Widowed father-in-law Henry BLEEKER lived with the family.


374. i. Helen Mill #134673 b. c 1912.

260. Wilford Van Orr #134676, b. 29 April 1891 in Glen Miller, Sidney Township. Hastings County, Ontario,88 occupation 1915 Mechanic in Glen Miller.

He married Gladys Bailey #134677, 08 December 1915 in Hastings County, Ontario,89 b. c 1895 in Marmora, Hastings County, Ontario (daughter of Josiah Bailey #134678 and Annie Keller #134679).


375. i. Harold Orr #134680 b. c 1920. 53

376. ii. Norma Orr #134681 b. c 1917.

377. iii. Hazel Orr #134682 b. 1921.

261. Henrietta K. Taylor #112568, b.6.

She married John Parker Thomas #112569.6

John: Settled in Belleville, Hastings County.


378. i. Ethelind Thomas #112570.

379. ii. Henry Parker Thomas #112572.

262. Ida Caroline Taylor #112575, b.6.

She married Charles Corby #112576, 30 April 1878 in Hastings County, Ontario,90 b. c 1855 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario (son of Henry Corby #98085 and Matilda Williams #98086), occupation 1878 Merchant in Belleville.

Charles: Moved to New York City.


380. i. Edna Corby #112577.

381. ii. Genevieve Corby #112578.

263. Stella Taylor #112579, b.6.

She married Donald W. Waters #112580,6 occupation Druggist in Belleville.6


382. i. Donald MacKenzie Waters #112581.

383. ii. Marjory Taylor Waters #112582.

264. George Ashley #112586, b.6. 265. Leila Meyers #112591, b.6.

She married Herbert Fleury #112592.6

Herbert: Settled in Aurora, Ontario.

54 266. Ethel Meyers #112593, b.6 never married.6 . 267. Blanche Elizabeth Lazier #77674, b. 10 January 1877 in Belleville?.23,25 .

1910: Usual residence when married: Aurora, Ontario.

She married Charles Kenneth Sumner MacDonell #77677, 07 December 1910 in Toronto, York County, Ontario,91 b. c 1877 (son of Harry B. MacDonell #77678 and Catherine M.M. McMaster #77679), occupation Civil Engineer.

Charles: 1910: Usual residence when married: Collingwood, Ontario 1911: Enumerated in Collingwood, Ontario.

268. Nora Anna Lazier #77675, b. 18 March 1880 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.23,25 .

She married Henry Carre #77680, 31 October 1907 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario,92 b. c 1876 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (son of Henry Carre #77681 and Louise Lundy #77682), occupation 1907 Bank Teller, d. 29 June 1956 in Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa.93

Henry: 1921: Lived in Sarawak Township, Grey County, Ontario with family. 1956: Usual residence at death: 2257 Carling Avenue, Ottawa.


384. i. Norah Carre #77683 b. c 1908.

385. ii. Henry Carre #77684 b. c 1910.

269. Horatio N. Abercrombie #159884, b. c. 1857 in Ontario.49 .

1871: Lived with mother Hester and step-father George GOLDSMITH in North Marysburgh.

270. Etta Meyers #112617, b. c. 1867 in Ontario.6,37 . 271. Morley P. Meyers #112618, b. c. 1869 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.37 . 272. Mary Meyers #145368, b. June 1870 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.37 .

1871: Aged 10 months at time of census.

273. Jennie Gertrude Meyers #93647, b. 08 March 1875 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.94 . 274. George Griffith Meyers #95823, b. 14 May 1877 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.95 . 275. William Byron Meyers #115661, b. 06 December 1882 in Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario.96 . 276. Earl Burdette Meyers #89250, b. 04 February 1887 in Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario.97 . 277. Emily Beal #112633, b.6. 278. Josephine Allen #112636, b.6. 279. Bella Allen #112637, b.6. 280. Helen Allen #112638, b.6. 281. Claude B. Meyers #112641, b.6 never married.6 . 55 282. John J.B. Meyers #112642, b.6.

Family lived in Stratford, Ontario.

He married Tillena Clement #112643.6


386. i. Evelina Meyers #112644.

387. ii. Tobias Meyers #112645.

388. iii. George Meyers #112646.

389. iv. John Meyers #112647.

283. George F.B. Meyers #112648, b.6 never married.6 .

Settled in Toronto.

284. Myrtle M.E. Meyers #112649, b.6. 285. Nellie Meyers #112653, b.6. 286. Florence Meyers #112654, b.6. 287. Bleeker W. Meyers #112657, b.6. 288. Frank Meyers #112660, b.6. 289. Marion Meyers #112665, b.6. 290. Charles Fanning #112668, b.6. 291. Frank Fanning #112669, b.6.

Generation Six

292. Frederick Meyers #112454, b.6. 293. Ella A. Meyers #112455, b.6. 294. Victoria Meyers #74900.

She married Charles Wesley Saylor #74831,98 b. c 1850,98,99 (son of Caleb B. Saylor #73384 and Caroline Vandewater #74830).

Charles: Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904

"His son, Charles W. Saylor, was born in Prince Edward County April 20th, 1863, and educated at the old historical No. 2 school, Sidney. He spent his early days on the farm, but in 1880 his father, Caleb B. Saylor, sold his farm on the Front of Sidney, and removed to Trenton, where he opened a general store and ran it successfully for about five years, when he retired from active business, being succeeded by Charles W. Saylor, who since then has more than quadrupled the stock, including groceries, crockery, house furnishings, furniture, etc. in a store 128 x (illegible) feet,.

56 "Besides this, Mr. Saylor has one of the most attractive stocks of the same kind in Frankford, where he carries a large stock of goods. The Saylor stores are popular throughout the district and Mr. Saylor is one of the leading merchants of Trenton and Frankford. He has been a member of the Trenton council for a number of years. He is independent in politics, but takes and intelligent and prominent part in public affairs."


390. i. Edith Saylor #74901.

391. ii. Clarence Saylor #74902.

295. Ernest Alva Cox #112460, b. 12 October 1882 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.100 . 296. Fred (Roy?) Cox #112464, b. 15 October 1884 in Stockdale, Northumberland County, Ontario.101 . 297. Bruce Ashton Cox #112461, b. 18 August 1886 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.102 . 298. Everett Blake Cox #112462, b. 01 October 1888 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,103 occupation 1919 Farmer in Murray Township.

He married Elsie May Wood #164394, 02 July 1919 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,104 b. c. 1901 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario (daughter of A. Edgar Wood #164395 and Mary Kilbanks #164396), occupation 1919 Farmer's Daughter.

299. Annie May Cox #164391, b. 09 October 1891 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,105,106 d. 29 March 1977 in Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,105 buried in Carrying Place Cemetery, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.105 .

She married Asa Henry Wannamaker #164390, b. 05 June 1890 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario,105 (son of Andrew Asa Wannamaker #146656 and Lucinda Alfretta Harris #150253), d. 10 September 1970 in Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,105 buried in Carrying Place Cemetery, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.105

300. Howard Meyers #112470, b.6. 301. Alva Meyers #112471, b.6. 302. Hazel Meyers #112472, b.6. 303. Nina G. Meyers #112473, b.6. 304. Leila W. Meyers #112467, b.6. 305. Charles Southard #112478, b.6. 306. Arthur Southard #112479, b.6. 307. Elmer Southard #112480, b.6. 308. Vera G. Meyers #112483, b.6. 309. Maggie Meyers #112484, b.6.

She married James Vandercock #112485.6

James: Settled in Sidney Township.


392. i. Hazel Vandercock #112486.

393. ii. Roy Vandercock #112487. 57

394. iii. Floyd Vandercock #112488.

310. Percy Meyers #112489, b.6 never married.6 .

(verify parents)

311. Pearl M. Lockwood #112508, b. c 1887 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,6 occupation 1910 Dressmaker.

She married Alfred E. Brown #95979, 31 April 1910 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,107 b. 09 August 1877 in Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario,108 (son of Andrew Mayer Brown #95977 [Farmer in Ameliasburgh] and Camilla Walt (Mastin?) #95978), occupation 1910 Farmer in Sidney Township.


395. i. Hazel Minnie Brown #125232 b. 1914.

312. David Lockwood #112509, b.6. 313. Blake Lockwood #112510, b.6. 314. Etta Lockwood #112511, b.6.

She married Robert Bell #112512,6 occupation G.T.R. Agent.6

Robert: Couple lived in Pickering; no children.

315. Byron W. Lockwood #112513, b.6 occupation G.T.R. agent.

Lived in Port Hope.

He married Annie Phillips #112514.6


396. i. Myrtle Lockwood #112515.

397. ii. Gladys Lockwood #112516.

316. Harry Lockwood #112517.

Lived in Toronto; no children.

He married Emma Crosby #112518.6

317. Stella Lockwood #112519, b.6.

She married George Morey #112520,6 occupation Merchant in Frankford.6 58


398. i. Bertha Morey #112522.

318. George Everett Morden #133451, b. c 1873 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario,57 occupation 1904 Druggist in Penetanguishene.

He married Jenny Josephine Kirk #134130, 07 September 1904 in Toronto, York County, Ontario,109 b. c 1869 in Collingwood, Ontario (daughter of Robert Kirk #134131 and Rebecca Robinson #134132).

319. Lewis E. Morden #133452, b.57. 320. Ethel G. Morden #133453, b. 1881,110 d. 1852 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,110 buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario.110 .

She married Thomas Carlyle Franklin #134133, 05 September 1910 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,111 b. c 1879 in Owen Sound? (son of G.N. Franklin #134134 [Clergyman] and C.A. Hanning #134135), occupation 1910 Clerk in Owen Sound, d. 1923 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,110 buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario.110


399. i. Thomas Carlyle Franklin #134136 b. 1911.

321. Gard G. Aiken Morden #133454, b. c 1884,57 occupation 1911 Traveler in Owen Sound.

He married Gertrude E. Munroe #134127, 19 July 1911 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,112 b. c 1887 in Owen Sound? (daughter of Charles E. Munroe #134128 and Margaret Cuthbert #134129).

322. George Bentley (Poggy) Rose #140336, b. 08 July 1876,1 d. 21 January 1954 in Belleville?,1 buried in Belleville Cemetery, Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 323. Augusta Helena (Gussie) Rose #140337, b. 06 April 1878 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 23 February 1959 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Percy Nelson Bell #140338, 20 November 1907 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 b. 05 April 1887 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 (son of John M. Bell #140339 and Electa Sophrona MacDonald #140340), d. 10 July 1960 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1


400. i. Marjorie Alice Bell #140341 b. 07 October 1909.

401. ii. Sarah Helena (Lena) Bell #140342 b. 16 July 1912.

324. Ella Carrier #134635, b.14. 325. Gertrude Carrier #134636, b.14. 326. Jessie Carrier #134637, b.14. 327. Rosa Campion #134640, b.14.

59 She married (unidentified) Warren #134641,14 occupation Army Colonel.

328. Mary Burrell #134644, b.14. 329. Julia Burrell #134645, b.14. 330. Ellis Burrell #134646, b.14. 331. Rhoda Byers #134649, b.14. 332. Ellis Byers #134650, b.14. 333. Emma Z. Stapley #140389, b. 1877.

She married J.L. Dodds #140390.1

334. Frank Stapley #140391, b. 1879 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1969.1 .

He married Elizabeth Capitola Carr #140392.1

335. Ethel S. Stapley #140393, b. 1882 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, d. 1963.

She married Jonathan Danford #140394.1

336. Ada Helena Stapley #140395, b. 17 December 1886 in Lot 5, Con 1, Eggleton, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 1964,1 buried in Lukes Cemetery, West Huntingdon, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Philip Sherman Carr #140402, b. 16 MARV 1887 in East 1/4 Lot 3, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 (son of George Nelson Carr #140403 and Sarah Akey #140404), d. 20 February 196,1 buried in Lukes Cemetery, West Huntingdon, Hastings County, Ontario.1


402. i. Iola May Carr #140405 b. 31 May 1909.

337. William Russell Stapley #140396, b. 1889,1 d. 1946.1 . 338. Nelson Stapley #140397, b. 1891,1 d. 1977.1 . 339. Annie Stapley #140398, b.1.

She married Merton Terwilliger #140399.1

340. Earnest A. Stapley #140400, b. 1895,1 d. 1899.1 . 341. Oliver Stapley #140401, b. 1900,1 d. 1975.1 . 342. Rachel Alberta Tufts #140439, b. 05 January 1879 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Allan Houser #140440.1

343. Robert-Martin Vernon Tufts #140441, b. 15 February 1880 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

He married Charlotte Logan #140442.1

344. Lillian Grizzel Tufts #140443, b. 10 May 1882 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married George Palmatier #140444.

60 345. Ernest Cosmo Tufts #140445, b. 10 December 1884 in near Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 03 July 1965 in Hungerford Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

He married Edith Alicia McCumber #140451, b. 01 March 1893 in Fuller, Huntingdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 (daughter of Billa Flint McCumber #140452 and Harriet Elizabeth Parks #140453), d. 07 February 1924 in Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1


403. i. Dorothy Tufts #140454 b. 24 December 1916.

404. ii. Alice Matilda Tufts #140455 b. 11 February 1918.

405. iii. Mabel Irene Tufts #140456 b. 13 December 1919.

406. iv. Ernest Cosmo Tufts #140457 b. 10 December 1920.

407. v. Arthur Herman Tufts #140458 b. 14 March 1922.

408. vi. Robert Herman Tufts #140459 b. 19 February 1923.

346. Harford Daniel Tufts #140446, b. 03 November 1885 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

He married Catherine Irwin #140447.1

347. Arthur Zimmerman Tufts #140448, b. 13 June 1887 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 348. Mary Russell Tufts #95893, b. 19 April 1889 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Lorne Wilson Ruttan #95892, b. 28 November 1879 in Ontario,113 (son of Alonzo Ruttan #95889 [Farmer in Athol Township] and Elizabeth (Eliza) Jane Rankin #95890), d. 16 June 1945 in Bloor Street East near Yonge Street, Toronto,113 occupation 1945 Labourer, Mead Johnston, buried 20 June 1945 in Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.113

Lorne: 1945: Usual residence at death: Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.


409. i. Russell Lorne Ruttan #95894.

349. Maud Marion Tufts #140449, b. 22 February 1891 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Howard Clark #140450.1

350. Howard Ketcheson #111966, b.63. 351. Arthur Ketcheson #111967, b.63 d. in infancy.63 . 352. Laura Ketcheson #111969, b.63. 353. Milton Ketcheson #111971, b.63. 354. Hattie Ketcheson #111972, b.63. 355. Lawrence Ketcheson #111973, b.63. 356. Marjorie Ketcheson #111975, b.63. 61 357. Harry Ketcheson #111976, b.63. 358. George M. Ketcheson #111978, b.63. 359. Hessie Bryant #97786, b. 27 January 1881 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.114 .

She married Samuel Pembroke Peck #146464, 23 December 1908 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,115 b. c. 1870 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,37 (son of John G. Peck #92555 [Yeoman in Ameliasburgh] and Mary Jane (Nancy) Weese #92556 [Housekeeper]), occupation 1908 Farmer in Ameliasburgh.

360. Burton (Bert) Bryant #103731.

1924: Informant at father's death; lived in Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario. 1930: Informant at mother's death.

361. John Egbert Bryant #151513, b. 15 January 1883,69 d. 1957 in Ameliasburgh?,69 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Prince Edward County, Ontario.69 .

He married Annie Beatrice Orser #151502, b. 30 October 1888 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,116 (daughter of Nathaniel Elmer Orser #99045 [Yeoman/Farmer in Consecon] and Maria Carnrike #99046), d. 1963 in Ameliasburgh?,69 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.69

362. Eleanor J. Patterson #149817, b. c. 1880 in Prince Edward County, Ontario.

She married Joseph Hopkins #149818,117 b. c. 1879 in England (son of Samuel Hopkins #149819 and H. Williams #149820), occupation 1903 Baker in Oshawa.

363. Henry Day Wilson #173607, b. 29 March 1892 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.118 . 364. Pearl Weese #99489, b. 01 April 1882 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.119 .

She married Lawrence Harold Pearce #150581, 09 July 1906 in Albury, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,120 b. c. 1882 in Canada (son of William Pearce #150582 and Eva Reid #150583), occupation 1906 Mechanic in Bowmanville.

365. Kenneth Weese #144929, b. 05 May 1888 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,121 d. 1965,122 buried in Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.122 .

He married Winifred Beatrice Gunn #174487, 29 December 1915 in Hastings County, Ontario,122 b. 31 January 1896,122 (daughter of George Sinclair Gunn #174488 and Laura Louise White #174489), d. 1987,122 buried in Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.122


410. i. Mildred J. Weese #174490 b. 1917.

366. Guy Weese #166141, b. 29 December 1890 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.123 . 367. Susannah Weese #174432, b. 20 January 1895 in Albury, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.124 . 368. Gladys Elizabeth Weese #149751, b. 06 November 1898 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,125,126 d. 1965 in Ameliasburgh?,125 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.125 . 369. Charles Howard Weese #149746, b. 1902,127 d. 1978 in Ameliasburgh?,127 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.127 .

62 He married Anna Frances Tanton #149747, b. 1916,127 d. 1992 in Ameliasburgh?,127 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.127


411. i. Stephen Mowbray Weese #149748 b. 1951.

412. ii. Janet Celia Weese #149749 b. 1947.

413. iii. Wesley Francis Weese #149753 b. 30 September 1948.

370. Hattie Beryl Weese #177653, b. 04 June 1901 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.128 . 371. Dougall Franklin Bleeker #134666, b. 29 March 1908 in Hastings County, Ontario.129,130 . 372. Donald Everett Bleeker #134667, b. 07 April 1910 in Trenton, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,129,131 occupation 1946 Tool Maker in Toronto, d. 15 January 1990 in Hillsborough County, Florida, United States.132,133 .

1946: Lived at 51 Stanhope Street, Toronto. 1946: Immigrated to the USA via Niagara Falls, New York. Was going to live with mother-in-law Mary REDMAYNE at 14 Amos Street, West Orange, New Jersey. Lived in the Bronx, New York City before retiring to Florida.

He married Mary Millicent Redmayne #134669.134

373. Mary L. Bleeker #134668, b. c 1913 in Hastings County, Ontario.129 . 374. Helen Mill #134673, b. c 1912 in Hastings County, Ontario.135 . 375. Harold Orr #134680, b. c 1920 in Hastings County, Ontario.136 . 376. Norma Orr #134681, b. c 1917 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.136 . 377. Hazel Orr #134682, b. 1921 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontari.136 .

1921: Aged one month at time of census.

378. Ethelind Thomas #112570.

She married Allan E. McColl #112571, occupation Medical Doctor.

Allan: (no children) .

379. Henry Parker Thomas #112572, b.6.

He married Hilda M. Frost #112573.6


414. i. Lindsay Parker Thomas #112574.

380. Edna Corby #112577, b.6. 381. Genevieve Corby #112578, b.6. 63 382. Donald MacKenzie Waters #112581, b.6. 383. Marjory Taylor Waters #112582, b.6. 384. Norah Carre #77683, b. c 1908 in Ontario.137 . 385. Henry Carre #77684, b. c 1910 in Ontario.137 . 386. Evelina Meyers #112644, b.6. 387. Tobias Meyers #112645, b.6. 388. George Meyers #112646, b.6. 389. John Meyers #112647, b.6.

Generation Seven

390. Edith Saylor #74901, b.98. 391. Clarence Saylor #74902, b.98. 392. Hazel Vandercock #112486, b.6. 393. Roy Vandercock #112487, b.6. 394. Floyd Vandercock #112488, b.6. 395. Hazel Minnie Brown #125232, b. 1914 in Front of Sidney, Hastings County, Ontario,138 d. 30 October 1918 in Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario,138 buried in Front of Sidney, Hastings County, Ontario.138 . 396. Myrtle Lockwood #112515, b.6. 397. Gladys Lockwood #112516, b.6. 398. Bertha Morey #112522, b.6. 399. Thomas Carlyle Franklin #134136, b. 1911,110 d. 1940 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario,110 buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario.110 . 400. Marjorie Alice Bell #140341, b. 07 October 1909 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.

She married (1) Volonie Elgin Lusk #140345, 20 August 1925 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 b. 13 March 1907,1 (son of Wilson Harold Lusk #140346 and Mary Jane Beatty #140347), d. 17 June 1941 in Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1


415. i. Eva Mae Lusk #140350 b. 12 April 1926.

416. ii. Maxine Pearl Lusk #140353 b. 01 June 1928.

She married (2) Douglas Lawrence #140348.1

She married (3) Sidney Chandler #140349,1 d. 1976 in Hastings County?.1

401. Sarah Helena (Lena) Bell #140342, b. 16 July 1912 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married (1) Charles Smith #140343.1

She married (2) William Coltman #140344.1

402. Iola May Carr #140405, b. 31 May 1909 in Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario.

She married Adam Ewin Brummell #140406.

64 Children:

417. i. Inez Venetta Pearl Brummell/Carr #140407 b. 06 October 1911.

418. ii. George Elvin Maxwell Brummell #140408 b. 02 May 1919.

419. iii. Leah Donalda Brummell #140410 b. 28 July 1920.

403. Dorothy Tufts #140454, b. 24 December 1916 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 404. Alice Matilda Tufts #140455, b. 11 February 1918 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 405. Mabel Irene Tufts #140456, b. 13 December 1919 in Lot 6, Con. Hungerford Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

She married Harry Milroy Horton #140460, b. 17 January 1917 in near Roslin, Hungerford Township, Hastings County, Ontario,1 d. 27 February 1973 in Tweed? Hastings County, Ontario,1 buried in Victoria Cemetery, Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario.1


420. i. Ernest Milroy Horton #140461 b. 28 September 1943.

421. ii. Gaylor Irene Horton #140462 b. 17 June 1945.

422. iii. Carl Allen Horton #140463 b. 14 August 1947.

423. iv. David Arthur Horton #140464 b. 20 August 1950.

424. v. Douglas Clare Horton #140465 b. 12 April 1952.

425. vi. Alice Marie Horton #140466 b. 07 July 1959.

406. Ernest Cosmo Tufts #140457, b. 10 December 1920 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 407. Arthur Herman Tufts #140458, b. 14 March 1922 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 408. Robert Herman Tufts #140459, b. 19 February 1923 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 409. Russell Lorne Ruttan #95894.

1945: Informant at father's death. Lived in Tweed.

410. Mildred J. Weese #174490, b. 1917,122 d. 04 November 1969 in Montreal?,122 buried in Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.122 . 411. Stephen Mowbray Weese #149748, b. 1951,127 d. 1995 in Ameliasburgh?,127 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.127 . 412. Janet Celia Weese #149749, b. 1947,127 d. 2007 in Ameliasburgh?,127 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.127 .

She married (unidentified) Goheen #149750.127

413. Wesley Francis Weese #149753, b. 30 September 1948 in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario,77 d. 19 January 2017 in Ameliasburgh?,77 buried in Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario.77 . 414. Lindsay Parker Thomas #112574. 65

Generation Eight

415. Eva Mae Lusk #140350, b. 12 April 1926.1 .

She married (1) Neil Burton Rae #140351.1

She married (2) John Brinklow #140352.1

416. Maxine Pearl Lusk #140353, b. 01 June 1928 in Frankford, Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Lived in the Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, near Trenton.

She married Wilbert Arthur Walt #140354, 03 March 1945 in Wooler, Ontario,1 b. 05 March 1922 in Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,1 (son of Philip Wesley Walt #140355 and Olive Florence Alyea #140356).


426. i. Terrance Arthur Walt #140357 b. 04 November 1945.

427. ii. David John Walt #140358 b. 22 September 1946.

428. iii. Robert Gordon Walt #140360 b. 22 August 1948.

429. iv. Gary Wilbert Walt #140362 b. 19 November 1949.

430. v. Carl Alexander Walt #140364 b. 05 October 1951.

431. vi. Timothy Elgin Walt #140366 b. 10 September 1962.

432. vii. Angela Maxine Walt #140367 b. 03 August 1963.

417. Inez Venetta Pearl Brummell/Carr #140407, b. 06 October 1911 in Lindsay, Victoria County, Ontario.1 .

Confirm parents... may have been an illegitimate daughter of Iola CARR...

She married Elick Thornton Brummell #84008, b. 09 July 1907 in Demorestville, Sophiasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario (son of Marshall Edwin Brummell #84006 and Eliza Pearl Salisbury #84005), d. 1992.


433. i. Constance Elvia Brummell #140412 b. 29 September 1930.

434. ii. Eleanor Ann Brummell #140413 b. 19 June 1940.

435. iii. Patricia Beth Brummell #140414 b. 19 October 1941.

66 418. George Elvin Maxwell Brummell #140408, b. 02 May 1919 in Lot 3, Con. 2, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

He married Wilma May Phillips #140409.1

419. Leah Donalda Brummell #140410, b. 28 July 1920.1 .

She married Leslie McKeown #140411.1

420. Ernest Milroy Horton #140461, b. 28 September 1943 in Con. 1, near Roslin, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Lived in Thomasburgh, Hastings County, Ontario.

He married Betty Marie Petherick #140467, 10 December 1971 in Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario,1 b. 02 March 1947 in Campbellford, Ontario.1


436. i. Everett Daniel Horton #140468 b. 13 September 1972.

437. ii. Jean Elizabeth Horton #140469 b. 19 June 1974.

438. iii. June Harriett Horton #140470 b. 22 May 1976.

439. iv. Jennifer Leslie Horton #140471 b. 07 January 1978.

440. v. Ernest Harry Horton #140472 b. 05 June 1980.

441. vi. Betty-Jane Samantha Horton #140473 b. 25 August 1982.

421. Gaylor Irene Horton #140462, b. 17 June 1945 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 422. Carl Allen Horton #140463, b. 14 August 1947 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 423. David Arthur Horton #140464, b. 20 August 1950 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 424. Douglas Clare Horton #140465, b. 12 April 1952 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 425. Alice Marie Horton #140466, b. 07 July 1959 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Generation Nine

426. Terrance Arthur Walt #140357, b. 04 November 1945,1 d. 04 November 1945 in Northumberland County?.1 . 427. David John Walt #140358, b. 22 September 1946 in Batawa, Ontario.1 .

Lived in the Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.

He married Moya Winifred Lawson #140359.1


442. i. Jason David Walt #140935 b. 10 February 1973.

67 443. ii. James Arthur (Jamie) Walt #140936 b. 19 December 1975.

428. Robert Gordon Walt #140360, b. 22 August 1948.1 .

He married Linda Darlene Richards #140361.1

429. Gary Wilbert Walt #140362, b. 19 November 1949 in Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.1 .

He married Victoria Bernadette Wood #140363.1

430. Carl Alexander Walt #140364, b. 05 October 1951 in Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.1 .

He married Shirley Rosemary Lafrance #140365.1

431. Timothy Elgin Walt #140366, b. 10 September 1962 in Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,1 d. 12 September 1962 in Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.1 . 432. Angela Maxine Walt #140367, b. 03 August 1963 in Picton, Prince Edward County, Ontario.1 .

She married Peter William Johnson #140368, 02 July 1983 in North Trenton United Church, Hastings County, Ontario,1 b. 01 August 1951 in Toronto, North York, Ontario,1 (son of Donald William Johnson #140369 and Kathryn Elizabeth Tiller #140370).


444. i. Clarissa Ann Johnson #140371 b. 02 December 1984.

445. ii. Philip Walt Johnson #140372 b. 16 February 1986.

446. iii. Meredith Grace Johnson #140373 b. 10 December 1988.

433. Constance Elvia Brummell #140412, b. 29 September 1930 in Ameliasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario.1 .

She married (1) Frank Reginald Brown #140415, 07 July 1956 in Norwood, Ontario,1 b. 14 November 1931 in Winnipeg, Manitoba,1 d. 09 April 1961,1 buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, Ontario.1


447. i. Elisabeth Ann Brown #140417 b. 02 November 1958.

448. ii. Deborah Lois Brown #140418.

She married (2) Albert Welland Crook #140416, 12 July 1969 in Peterborough, Ontario,1 b. 13 January 1929 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.1

434. Eleanor Ann Brummell #140413, b. 19 June 1940 in Keene, Otonabee Township, Peterborough County, Ontario.1 .

She married Robert Bruce #140429, 11 August 1962 in Ontario.1 68


449. i. Barbara Ann Bruce #140430 b. 26 April 1969.

450. ii. Robert Jonathan Bruce #140431 b. 18 February 1874.

435. Patricia Beth Brummell #140414, b. 19 October 1941 in Keene, Otonabee Township, Peterborough County, Ontario.1 .

Lived in Bergen, New York?

She married (1) Dave Demmans #140432, 02 August 1959.1


451. i. Frederick Demmans #140435 b. 28 April 1960.

452. ii. Susan Demmans #140436 b. 18 March 1962.

She married (2) Skip Kemp #140433, 27 June 1970.1


453. iii. John Lee Kemp #140437 b. 04 October 1971.

She married (3) John Devery #140434, 02 August 1985.1

436. Everett Daniel Horton #140468, b. 13 September 1972 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 437. Jean Elizabeth Horton #140469, b. 19 June 1974 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 438. June Harriett Horton #140470, b. 22 May 1976 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 439. Jennifer Leslie Horton #140471, b. 07 January 1978 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 440. Ernest Harry Horton #140472, b. 05 June 1980 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 . 441. Betty-Jane Samantha Horton #140473, b. 25 August 1982 in Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Generation Ten

442. Jason David Walt #140935, b. 10 February 1973 in Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario.1 .

Lived at Gunter Settlement, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario

443. James Arthur (Jamie) Walt #140936, b. 19 December 1975.1 . 444. Clarissa Ann Johnson #140371, b. 02 December 1984.1 . 445. Philip Walt Johnson #140372, b. 16 February 1986.1 . 446. Meredith Grace Johnson #140373, b. 10 December 1988.1 . 447. Elisabeth Ann Brown #140417, b. 02 November 1958 in Owen Sound, Ontario.1 .

She married Marc Anthony Beranger #140419, 03 January 1987 in Oshawa, Ontario County, Ontario,1 b. 10 October 1964,1 (son of Gerald Anthony Beranger #140420 and Florence Marie Doiron #140421). 69


454. i. Sarah Marie Beranger #140422 b. 15 February 1989.

455. ii. Kathryn Genevieve Beranger #140423 b. 21 July 1990.

448. Deborah Lois Brown #140418, b.1.

She married Daniel Paul Floyd #140424, 11 August 1984 in Westmount Bible Chapel, Peterborough, Ontario,1 b. 06 February 1959 in Peterborough, Ontario,1 (son of Benjamin Eastwood Floyd #140425 and Dorothy Ellen Rowan #140426).


456. i. Alexander Berton Floyd #140427 b. 18 February 1991.

457. ii. Ryan Benjamin Floyd #140428 b. 18 February 1991.

449. Barbara Ann Bruce #140430, b. 26 April 1969 in Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.1 . 450. Robert Jonathan Bruce #140431, b. 18 February 1874 in Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.1 . 451. Frederick Demmans #140435, b. 28 April 1960.1 . 452. Susan Demmans #140436, b. 18 March 1962.1 . 453. John Lee Kemp #140437, b. 04 October 1971.1 .

Generation Eleven

454. Sarah Marie Beranger #140422, b. 15 February 1989 in Oshawa, Ontario.1 . 455. Kathryn Genevieve Beranger #140423, b. 21 July 1990 in Oshawa, Ontario.1 . 456. Alexander Berton Floyd #140427, b. 18 February 1991 in Oshawa, Ontario.1 . 457. Ryan Benjamin Floyd #140428, b. 18 February 1991 in Oshawa, Ontario.1 .

1 Loyalist Lineages of Canada, 1783-1983; Volume II, Part 2. 2 Randy Saylor, online history of Van Alstine Family. 3 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904,. 4 1881 Aberdeen Old Machar census, age/birthplace. 5 H.C. Burleigh Fonds, Van Alstine, page 237-239. 6 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904. 7 "The Loyalists in Ontario, the Sons and Daughters of The American Loyalists of Upper Canada", William D. REID, 1973. 8 West Lake (Conservative) Meeting, Quaker Monthly Meeting Registers. 9 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; The Meyers Family, pages 20 - 30. 10 NYGBR, Vol. 81, 1950, page 181; also Burleigh Fonds. 11 1851 Sidney Township, Hastings County census; age/birthplace/assumed relationship. 12 Details from daughter Matilda's death certificate. 13 ONVS Deaths, ref. 001614-1874; c/d: Heart disease, two hours; Informant: John E. MCMULLEN, (Son). 14 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; The Bleeker Family, pages 30 - 37. 15 1851 Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/relationship. 16 Details from son William's 1870 marriage record. 70

17 Gayla Vidal genealogy, MAGRC, transcribed OCT 2018. 18 ONVS Deaths, ref. 006945-1881; c/d; Typhoid Fever, nine weeks; Informant: H.G. BLEEKER, Lot 12, 3rd Concession, Sidney Township. 19 Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope; Image 19-00385. 20 West Lake (Conservative) Meeting, Monthly Meeting Register (1820-1882). 21 West Lake (Conservative) Meeting, Quaker Monthly Meeting Registers. 22 Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope; Image 19-00386. 23 1881 Belleville, Hastings County census; age/relationship. 24 Details from daughter Anna's 1875 marriage. 25 1901 Belleville, Hastings County census; age/birthdate/relationship. 26 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, MEYERS Genealogy; pages 20 - 30. 27 Details from daughter Emma's 1927 death record. 28 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; KNOX Family, (pages 472 - 474). 29 1851 Sidney Township, Hastings West census; age/birthplace/assumed relationship. 30 Details from daughter Elizabeth's 1871 marriage record. 31 ONVS Deaths, ref. 015096-1922; c/d: Senility; Informant: Mrs. George VANTASSEL, Niece, Belleville. 32 1851 Part One, Hallowell Township, Prince Edward County census; age/birthplace/assumed relationship. 33 "Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte", Toronto, 1904. 34 1871 Sidney Township, Hastings County census; age/birthplace/assumed relationship. 35 ONVS Marriages, 1870, Prince Edward County, Ontario; Witness: Albert SAGAR (sic), Ameliasburgh. 36 1851 Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/assumed relationship. 37 1871 Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/relationship. 38 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05328. 39 Details from daughter Harriet's 1878 marriage record. 40 Details from son John's 1924 death record. 41 ONVS Deaths, ref. 018633-1930; c/d: Duodenal ulcer with symptoms of perforation and peritonitis; Informant: Mr. D.L. BLEEKER, Son, Trenton. 42 Mount Hope Cemetery, Port Hope; Image 19-00387. 43 Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, 1828-1910. 44 ONVS Deaths, ref. 015144-1898; c/d: Diabetes, a few years, gangrene, three months; Informant: H.G. BLEEKER, Belleville. 45 ONVS Deaths, ref. 015749-1926; c/d: Rheumatism, two years; myocarditis, five days; Informant. R.A. BRECKENRIDGE, Owen Sound (no relation). 46 ONVS Marriages; ref. 003160-1875; Witnesses: William R. BARKER, Jennie TAYLOR, both of Belleville. 47 Birthdate from 1912 death information. 48 ONVS Deaths, ref. 015994-1912; c/d: Chronic interstitial nephritis, about a year; dilatation of heart with failure, half an hour. 49 1871 North Marysburgh, Prince Edward County census; age/birthplace/relationship. 50 ONVS Deaths, ref. 024022-1927; c/d: Pyelitis, uremia; myocarditis; Informant: Charles COX, Stockdale. 51, Stockdale Cemetery, Stockdale, Hastings County, Ontario. 52 ONVS Marriages, ref. 004124-1881; Witnesses: Gilbert BEDELL, Sidney; Adda HAWLEY, Thurlow. 53 ONVS Deaths, ref. 024570-1834; c/d: Broncho-pneumonia, myocarditis; Informant: Fred COX, Son, Trenton, RR #3. 54 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; FINKLE family, pages 332 - 339. 55 ONVS Marriages, ref. 010537-1892; Witnesses: Harry PHILLIPS, Florence PHILLIPS; both in Thurlow. 56 ONVS Marriages, Hastings County, 1871; Witnesses: Henry L. BOTTOMS, M.T. VANDERVOORT; both in Belleville. 57 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; pages 640-642. 58 ONVS Deaths, ref. 014090-1917; c/d: Old age, acute dilatation of heart following attack of diarrhea; Informant: R.A. BRECKENRIDGE, Owen Sound. 59 ONVS Marriages, ref. 007140-1875; Witnesses: Kate C. LAMBLY, Mary George; both in Brighton. 60 1930 Rochester, Monroe County, NY census; age/birthplace/relationship. 61 ONVS Marriages, ref. 005418-1896; Witnesses: William G. KETCHESON, Elizabeth KETCHESON; both in Wallbridge. 62 ONVS Marriages, ref. 017204-1913; Witnesses: C.W. CLARK, Niagara Falls; J.R. KAY, Bergen, New York. 63 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904. 64 1911 Wellington, Prince Edward County, Ontario census; age/birthdate/relationship. 65 ONVS Deaths, ref. 027458-1925; c/d: Pneumonia, five days; old age and heart disease; Informant: Bert BRYANT, Carrying Place, Nephew. 66 ONVS Deaths, ref. 027069-1917; c/d: Apoplexy, one week; Informant: Sarah Ann BOGART, Wellington. 67 ONVS Deaths, ref. 026986-1924; c/d: Apoplexy, two years; myocardial failure four days; Informant: Burton BRYANT, Son, Carrying Place. 68 ONVS marriages, ref. 007625-1877; Witnesses: George W. CREIGHTON, Edith CREIGHTON; both in Brighton. 69, Albury Church Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario. 71

70 ONVS Deaths, ref. 030341-1930; c/d: Intestinal cancer; Informant: Bert BRYANT, Son, Carrying Place. 71 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05211. 72 ONVS Marriages, Northumberland County, 1871; Witnesses: John BRYANT, Ameliasburgh; Charles PATTERSON, Hillier. 73 ONVS Deaths, ref. 027216-1915; c/d: Chronic Cystitis, exhaustion; Informant: C.L. BABCOCK, Rednersville. 74 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05210. 75 ONVS Marriages, ref. 009943-1881; Witnesses: Rynard BABCOCK, Harriet WEESE; both in Ameliasburgh. 76 ONVS Marriages, ref. 010431-1890; Witnesses: (none given). 77 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05179. 78 ONVS Marriages, ref. 009485-1878; Witnesses: Joseph BRYANT, Malvina PARLIAMENT; both in Ameliasburgh. 79 ONVS Deaths, ref. 028680-1916; c/d: Heart disease, several months; Heart failure, instantaneous; Informant: John J. ONDERDONK, Ameliasburgh. 80 ONVS Marriages, ref. 003851-1879; Witnesses: Leonora LAZIER, Mary ADDISON; both in Trenton. 81 ONVS Marriages, ref. 012845-1901; Witnesses: George BUSH, Sidney; Annie CROSBY, Trenton. 82 ONVS Births, ref. 011133-1880. 83 ONVS Marriages, ref. 001614-1903; Witnesses: Mrs. MATHESON, Toronto; Mrs. A.M. CHAPMAN, Frankford. 84 ONVS Births, ref. 013012-1886. 85 British Columbia Death Index, ref. 1929-09-417413. 86 ONVS Marriages, ref. 024821-1912; Witnesses: Marsha FINDLAY, Emma A. HUNTER; both in Toronto. 87 British Columbia Death Index, ref. 1953-09-014966. 88 ONVS Births, ref. 017696-1891. 89 ONVS Marriages, ref. 006289-1915; Witnesses: M.F. BOOWN?, Ruth ROSS; both in Trenton. 90 ONVS Marriages, ref. 003881-1878; Witnesses: Edward CORBY, Stella M.M. TAYLOR, John Parker THOMAS; all in Belleville. 91 ONVS Marriages; ref. 005147-1910; Witnesses: P.E. DONCASTER, Toronto; Herbert W. FLEURY, Aurora. 92 ONVS Marriages; ref. 010908-1907; Witnesses: E.F. CARRE, Montreal; Maybell STARK, Belleville. 93 Ottawa Journal Obituary, 30 JUN 1956. 94 ONVS Births, ref. 026737-1876. 95 ONVS Births, ref. 025397-1877. 96 ONVS Births, ref. 030074-1882. 97 ONVS Births, ref. 029909-1887. 98 Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte, 1904; pp 785-790. 99 MAGRC, Gordon V. Smith HUBBS genealogy, 1981. 100 ONVS Births, ref. 011764-1882. 101 ONVS Births, ref. 023866-1884. 102 ONVS Births, ref. 023351-1875. 103 ONVS Births, ref. 024397-1888. 104 ONVS Marriages, ref. 018436-1919; Witnesses: Pte. Roy COX, Mabel WOOD, both in Frankford. 105, Carrying Place Cemetery, Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario. 106 ONVS Births, ref. 027537-1891. 107 ONVS Marriages, ref. 012319-1910; Witnesses: David M. LOCKWOOD, Sidney; Mabel WILSON, Bayside. 108 ONVS Births, ref. 027253-1878. . 109 ONVS Marriages, ref. 003864-1904; Witnesses: Kate MOSGROVE, Toronto; Beatrice M. THOMPSON, London. 110, Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario. 111 ONVS Marriages, ref. 011590-1910; Witnesses: G.A. MORDEN, Owen Sound; Blanche COX, Kingston. 112 ONVS Marriages, Owen Sound, 1911; Witnesses: Helen MAIN, Hamilton; Georgie MASS?, Toronto. 113 ONVS Deaths, ref. 035432-1945; c/d: Coronary Thrombosis; Informant: Russell Lorne RUTTAN, Son, Tweed. 114 ONVS Births, ref. 028266-1881. 115 ONVS Marriages, ref. 016768-1908; Witnesses: E. Bert BRYANT, Annie E. PECK; both in Albury. 116 ONVS Births, ref. 031555-1888. 117 ONVS Marriages, ref. 013900-1903; Witnesses: Ed. HOPKINS, Toronto; Pearl WEESE, Albury. 118 ONVS Births, ref. 028346-1892. 119 ONVS Births, ref. 029952-1882. 120 ONVS Marriages, ref. 017000-1906; Witnesses: Mary WEESE, Hessie BRYANT; both in Albury. 121 ONVS Births, ref. 030664-1888. 122, Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario. 123 ONVS Births, ref. 034419-1890. 124 ONVS Births, ref. 028095-1895. 125 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05176. 72

126 ONVS Births, ref. 035688-1898. 127 Albury Church Cemetery images, October 2019; Image 19-05175. 128 ONVS Births, ref. 034871-1901. 129 1921 Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/relationship. 130 ONVS Births, ref. 022400-1908. 131 ONVS Births, ref. 022817-1910. 132 SSDE SSN 133-22-5579. 133 Florida Death Index 1877-1998. 134 Details from Donald's US Border Crossing Record, 1946. 135 1921 Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/relationship. 136 1921 Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario census; age/birthplace/relationship. 137 1908 Sarawak Township, Grey County census; age/relationship. 138 ONVS Deaths, ref. 032672-1918; c/d: Spanish influenza, broncho-pneumonia, seven days; Informant: Alfred BROWN, Trenton.

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