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. .? . .'& "Thp Commoner, Vo!. a, No. a9.

King Edward's wound is, healing nicely, but Of course Mr. Bragg will bo provided for the wound to Mr. 's ambition to elsewhere. A Roosevelt administration without The Commoner. wear ctito little knickies at a coronation never Bragg, to say nothing of bluster, would bo very ISSUED WEEKLY. will. tamo, indeed.

Entered nt the postoflicc at Iylucoln, Nebraska, us Mr.-Roosov- .olt ' hit tho "bull's oyc" live times A Vienna paper declares that President Schwab" mail matter. with a revolver so tho dispatches say but his Is type of American." We greatly fear, aim' is not so good when ho shoots beef our Vienna contemporary got hold of a attho ' that has TURMS-PAYAB- LG IN ADVANCE. trust. . wrong font. t ... --- , OneYcar $1,00 Three, Months..,. 35c Chicago sufforing..another Administration Slxriontlts Single Copy Tho Tribune is fit organs that like to remark; 50c 5c tarlff-for-rovenue-on- of ly. But tho Tribune will that tho capital of the United States is now at Sample Copies Free. Foreign Postage 52c Extra, recover in time to whoop it up for high tariff dur- Oyster Bay should bear in mind that Mr. Morgan . li . --... iin 1. .11 .! mi. ... ing the-- campaign. ' is still in Europe. Where Mr. Morgan is there -- is ' SUBSCRIPTIONS can be sent direct to The Commoner. the capital. They can also be sent through newspapers which have adver- J. Plerpont Morgan denies that poker is the tised n clubbing rate, or through local agents, where such agcuts great American game. Poker is rather tamo besido In view of the Philippine bill the descendants have been appointed. All remittances should be sent by post-offi- ce some of the gambling deals worked on the New of the revolutionary fathers should offer humble, money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York stock market. apologies to the descendants of the English gen- York or Chicago. So not send individual check i, stamps, or tlemen who insisted on enforcing policies similar money. Mr. Babcock seems to have changed spectacles to those contained in the Philippine measure. RENEWALS. The date on your wrapper shows when your recently. Ho no longer sees anything wrong subscription, will expire. Thus, Jan. 02, means that payment about American trusts selling their goods cheaper After being so solemnly assured that there was has been received to ahd'including the last issue of January, 190a abroad than they do at home. no brutality or misdemeanors on the part of tho Two weeks are required aftcr'money is received before the date army in tho Philippines, it is rather disconcerting on the wrapper can be changed. The newspapers that aro loudest in denouncing to pick up the papers and read every day of somo Anti-Imperial- CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Subscribers requesting a change tha, letter of the ist League to Presi- army officer being reprimanded for those very, of address must give the OLD as well as the NEW address. dent Roosevelt aro also printing the reports of things. 'M reprimands given to army officers. l .- - ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to The renomination of Judge Walter Clark la THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Now that Marconi has admitted that another North Carolina shows that an upright judge can man invented wireless telegraphy perhaps Mr. make himself invincible when his merits become Root will admit that ho was not in earnest when known. The railroads tried to defeat him, -- but he Tho way to harmonizo is to sing in 'the ho brought injunction proceedings. had about eleven-twelft- hs of the convention when democratic key. the roll was called. Mr. Reid is home again and announces that Mr. Knox is giving us a very. poor imitation he will see the president before talking for publi- Judge Jackson is evidently laboring under tho ' of a Tracey among the trusts. ,' cation. And here's hoping that the president will hallucination that he is czar of all the Russias always be "out" when Mr. Reid calls. instead of a federal judge in the United States. l . If Mr. LittIofl61d really is in earnest, then Mr. The hallucination may be due to the fact that-federa- Littlofiold has a big field in which' to work; r Speaking of the friars in the Philippines, what judges have, for some years been usurping-powers Is the matter, Mr. Roosevelt, with giving a little held by the czar. Democrats who stand squarely for democratic attention to the campaign fat fryers in the United principles do not need to be "harmonized." States?- - Or are you giving them attention? The Chicago platform plank concerning gov ernment by injunction is worth reading again and It? appears that Judge John Jay Jackson is The telegraph informs us that President thinking about in view of-- Judge Keller's recent dplng his level best to Hyo up to his middle name. Roosevelt was fog-bou- nd one day last week. Will injunctions. How do American workingmen like somebody plcse work the fog-hor- n; perhaps, the idea of being enjoined from giving food sup- " The dally dispatches indicate that every army that's what" is the matter with Mr. Knox. plies to fellow workingmen?

officer is to have either a or a A reprimand. t ....., If, as President Roosevelt says, a good soldier Every time a reorganizer makes a speech it Is mustvnot only be, "willing" but "anxious" r'to fight, featured in the republicangans as the right .sort "JSjL'Rwsfter.whp violatb injunctions" gorto Europe must a 'good physician be anxious to see people of wisdom for democracy to pattern .after. The "'for tho,;suinmer. "Miners who violato' injunctions sick and a good to people ' undertakertinxious have amount 'of sympathy republican organs have in go to Jail. ' die? the success of the reorganizers continues to be one i .m of the interesting features of political life. The republican organs continue to take a deep A Nebraska republican, paper says that the interest in the success of the "harmony" plans of detnocrats have not advanced a single reason why Having once more noted the personnel of tho the. reorganizers, William H. Thompson should be elected governor. senate majority Mr. Addicks again announces that There's William H. .Thompson, and he is reason he --will either be senator from" Delaware or pre- The preservation of .democratic 'principles is enough. vent that state from being represented in the" paramount to tho gratification of any man's .po- American house of lords. And Mr. Addicks has ' ' ty litical ambitions. "Tariff reduction is inevitable," remarks the money enbugh to be eligible to' a seat on. the mar-jori- , t s Chicago Tribune. But we aro at a loss to under- side. Tho mold on the Chbate presidential boom stand tho Tribune's remarks. . IB it convinced 0: bears a striking resemblance to tho whiskers of democratic victory, or is it merely undergoing The humorous editor of the Lincoln (Neb.). its chief promotor. " one of its periodical fits of free trade? Journal rejoices and is glad because the Philip- b pine friars are not to be banished, but their pow;-e- rs Up to date no federal judge has enjoined ar- Tho corporations knpw a good tool when they curtailed .The United States "fryers" are not to rogant capital from fattening on the necessities see it. Judge Keller restrains workingmen who .bo banished, either, and their powers are to be en- of tho workingmen. have jobs from dividing their earnings with work- larged just as soon as. the republican campaign r, o ingmen who are idle becausethey cannot get. de- opens up in earnest. Babcock has been selected "by cent wages for the work they do. Miles as chief of staff. "Well, good-by- e, Colonel Tho presidential nominee of the democratic Babcock; take keor 0' yerself. Doubtless the federal judge who enjoins work- party in 1904 will be the choice of the" democratic ingmen from furnishing food to their hungry "fel--lo- ws national convention, and the democratic national, Mr. Gates is considerable of a Napoleon of would throw up his hands in horror if asked convention will be made up of democrats, not finance these days, but other Napoleons have beon to enjoin a monopoly from wresting food from of republicans who wear the cloak of democracy Wellingtoned and Waterlooed. the mouths of wives and children. in order to benefit the trusts, corporations, ex- ploiters and landgrabbers. The knocking out of a real trust by Philander Through a typographical error the U. S. Land Knox and aerial navigation by juvenile porkers Syndicate advertisement in our Jssues of, July 18 Ex-Gover- nor W. J. Stone of Missouri has wort promise to occur simultaneously. and August 1 was made to read "We charge $3 for his fight for the democratic nomination for United making out deed." The advertisement should have States senator .and the St. Joe. platform bears read "Wo charge $5 for making out deed." evidence of his handiwork. He will be a tower Iowa republicans favor tariff revision, but will of strength to the party and will prove a valuable tho high tariff taxers just tho samet, vote with Captain Wild beon severely addition to the group of vigorous men now preach- Iowa republicans --are joined to their idols. has censured. Owing to ho merely allowed cock- ing the gospel of democracy in that body. the fact that a r pit to bo burned instead of issuing an order to kill 1. The indications are that Mr. Roosevelt's huge all over ten he will have to go right on working Verestchagin has opened a studio in Wash- bluff against tho trusts was made for kineteoscopic being on pay. ington shortly begjn forthcoming campaign. for his salary Instead of retired full and will painting a picture purposes, during the of the Battle of San Juan Hill. He has a diff- Representative Bromwell, republican, of Ohio, icult job on hand. If he paints a picture without If Sherlock Holmes wants to demonstrate his says the democrats have no Issue. Mr. Bromwell showing fbe Ninth infantry in the forefront it ability as a sleuth let him detect Mr. Knox in iho seems to be just the kind of a representative to will not be historical. If he does, it will not be act of resolutely endeavoring to curb a trust suit tho people who like that kind of a represen- acceptable to tho gentleman who alone and un- tative. However, he would not suit men who aided drove Spain from Cuba. Minnesota republicans are beginning to seo the think. handwriting on tho wall and Iowa republicans are Medals of honor are now being distributed. beginning to guess the interpretation thereof. It Is more than likely that Mr. 'Roosevelt con- Funston gets one for disguising himself and vio- - templates treating the trusts homoeopathically lating tho rules of civilized warfare, and General Tho 1 Boor visitors were delighted with Presi- simila slmilibus curariter, which means that tho Horace Porter gets one for being a rather capable dent Roosevelt's aim when ho shot at a target, but hair of tho dog Is ood for the bite. In other-words-, staff officer some forty years ago. Tho postponed a few words of sympathy aimed at the South Afri- a little more of tho tariff that made .the medal of honor, like the cross of the Legion of can republics would have been more useful. trusts In order to cure them. Honor, is something that very few men will such
