Contact Officer: Frances Wardley Tel. 01484 225082



Thursday 28 March 2013

Present: Councillor Paul Salveson (Chair) Councillors Donna Bellamy, Nicola Turner, Andrew Marchington,.

Co- optees: Chris Woolnough.

Apologies: Councillors David Ridgway, Hilary Richards, Co- optees Michael Moores, Jean Margetts.

Approximately 11 members of the public were present.

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced the Committee members.

2 Minutes of the public meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 February 2013 were approved.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the public No agenda items needed to be discussed in private.

5 Deputations and petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update PS Mel Harding gave an update on local crime and policing issues and responded to questions. There had been a recent spate of vehicles being broken into. Members of the public were asked to be extra vigilant about locking doors and windows now that the clocks were about to go forward.

PC Richard Nicholls described his work using the police off-road motorcycle. The season for calls for service for nuisance motorcycles was expected to start soon as the weather improves. Any wishing to report a nuisance motorcycle should call 101 (unless in an emergency) or email PC Nicholls direct at [email protected].

Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the NPT web pages:

7 Report back from community groups The committee heard a presentation by the Friends of Slaithwaite Spa

8 Library Services Salma Dad gave an update on the results of the recent consultation on the future of library services.

The previous Village Libraries consultation had shown that whilst there was no appetite for communities to take over the running of libraries, there was some interest from members of the public in getting involved and supporting their local library. This more recent consultation had covered the whole of the district and included views from both library users and people who do not currently use libraries.

A number of people had expressed a wish to be actively involved and this was being followed up. A Friends of Golcar Library group has been set up, and councillors said that they would be happy to support similar groups at other libraries in the area.

Many suggestions to improve services and operate services more efficiently had been collected and some were being implemented already. A full report would soon be available on the Involve database at

9 Portfolio Group Updates Members gave brief updates on recent meetings of the Committee's portfolio groups.

Environment and Transport – met on 12 February. Main agenda item was PROW strategy. Next meeting 15 March.

Older People and Social Disadvantage – 5 March has had to be cancelled due to key people not being available. Meeting to be rearranged.

Supporting the Economy - met on 25 March. Discussions ongoing regarding an Industrial HOST weekend and Colne Valley Expo. Next meeting 13 May.

Young People - met on 11 February; next meeting 16 April. There are plans to devote a future area committee meeting to young people’s issues.

There was a discussion about the situation at Colne Valley Specialist Arts College. Members of the public felt that they were not being consulted about the apparent transfer to academy status. Councillors thought that there was little opportunity for consultation on the change of status, but that engaging with the process in a positive way, it might be possible to exert influence on some aspects of the changes. It was agreed to establish a working group to do this, led by Cllr Marchington; all ward councillors are invited to participate.

Tourism – met on 11 March; next meeting 17 June.

10 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions:

Floral Decorations 2013, Streetscene and Housing (CV, Gol): £7312.10 (revenue) - approved. Support to Colne Valley NMG (CV, Gol): £2,300 (revenue) - approved. Purchase of Speed Indicator Devices (Gol): Streetscene & Housing - £17,000 (capital) - approved Footpath improvements to support Golcar & Slaithwaite Walkers are Welcome (CV, Gol) - £30,000 (capital) - approved.

11 Public Question Time There were no questions.

12 Dates of future committee meetings and community announcements The Committee noted that the dates of meetings for the next municipal year would be published after Annual Council in late May.

The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.


Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham - Tel: 01484 226290



Thursday 26 February 2013

Present: Councillor Ahmed in the Chair Councillors C Scott, Kane, Firth, S Patel, Rowling, O’Donovan and A Patel

Apologies: Councillor Hussain

Approximately 15 members of the public attended.

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 4 December 2012 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Deputations and Petitions Mr Maddox submitted two deputations:

(a) That a zebra crossing be installed on Church Lane, Thornhill, Dewsbury South ward to enable a safe crossing to the park. (b) To ask for a public meeting in Dewsbury South ward to discuss the future of the Walker Welfare Centre.

The Chair received the deputations and advised Mr Maddox that they would be passed to the relevant services in the Council, and a response would come out to him in due course. 6 Update from the Neighbourhood Policing Team Val Hardi and Ian Adair from the Dewsbury Neighbourhood Policing Team attended the meeting, and gave an update on the work of their team.

They spoke about days of action that had taken place across Dewsbury which had produced some very positive results, with more than 150 vehicles stopped, and a number of fines imposed.

In Dewsbury South house burglaries had been a key issue. Working in partnership with others, the police had carried out additional patrols in hotspot locations, and had set up contact points for the public in the Sure Start Centre in Thornhill, and on an ad hoc basis in Mullacos supermarket.

Further details on the work of the team can be accessed through the Dewsbury Neighbourhood Policing website;

7 Financial Fitness Project Dawn Mason from West Joint Services (WYJS) gave a presentation on the Kirklees Financial Fitness Community Education programme. This Training included money and debt management, consumer rights, scams and frauds and utility switching. It had been delivered in communities across Kirklees to more than 270 people.

The aim of the training was to help people cope with the massive changes that are coming through welfare reform and the introduction of Universal Jobmatch.

She set out the work Joint Services had done in helping set up 13 ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ across Kirklees. She discussed the work on raising awareness about loan sharks, and pay day lending. Citizens Advice had advised that 1 in 10 of their clients have problems arising through taking out pay day loans.

West Yorkshire Joint Services were also involved in training up more consumer champions, and delivering more training in partnership with the Kirklees Financial Inclusion Steering Group.

8 Dewsbury Regeneration Board Update Councillor Kane and Liz Curley, Kirklees Investment and Regeneration Service, gave a presentation on the activity of the Dewsbury Regeneration Board in 2012, as well as its future priorities.

Councillor Kane referred to partnership work with employers such as Tesco and Magma that had resulted in local people getting jobs. He also spoke about the ‘Empty Clusters’ funding available to convert vacant commercial properties in the town centre for residential use.

The Board leads on regular audits of the town centre to identify clean up works required, and to make sure they get done as quickly as possible.

Priorities for the Board in 2013 included the development of a design guide, an extension of the free parking scheme until 2014, plus Phase 2 of Pioneer House. A bid had been submitted for Townscape Heritage Initiative funding.

9 Area Committee Budget 2012-13 The current balance on the Committee’s capital and revenue budget were noted.

The Committee considered applications for funding. The applications were presented by John Fletcher, Head of Parks and Landscapes in Kirklees Council.


(1) That £47,054.50 capital for the purchase and installation of a bandstand on Long Causeway in Dewsbury Town Centre be approved.

(2) That £15,000 capital for surfacing improvements to the circular path at Savile Town recreation ground be approved

(3) That a request for £15,100 capital funding for security fencing on the area above Crackenedge footpath, not be approved. Highways and Parks and Landscapes are asked to reconsider the issues on the site, and develop alternative actions to address them.

(4) That it be noted the £45,000 capital approved on 7th February 2012 for Highways improvements to Town Hall Way is to be returned to budget, as the project is not going ahead.

(5) That it be noted a £500 discretionary grant has been awarded to Dewsbury and District Women’s Health Group to pay for business planning support and £300 discretionary grant to the Kashmir Cricket Club to help them purchase equipment.

10 Public Question Time There was one public question: At a time when Dewsbury is wanting to advertise the best of its facilities and advantages, why the former Wheelwright Grammar School Building had been renamed the Batley School of Art. The Chair advised he would contact Kirklees College, as they are responsible for the building, and feed back the response to the next public meeting.

11 Dates of Future Meetings The next meeting would be held at Dewsbury Town Hall on Tuesday 26th March at 5pm. ACD6

Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham - Tel: 01484 226290



Tuesday 26 March 2013

Present: Councillor Ahmed in the Chair Councillors Kane, Firth, S Patel, Rowling, O’Donovan, Hussain and A Patel

Apologies: Councillor Cathy Scott

Approximately 40 members of public attended.

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 26th February 2013 be approved as a correct record, except for one issue raised by Councillor Kane. He advised that in the previous two public meetings he had asked how much ‘proceeds of crime funding’ had been allocated to groups in Dewsbury. Inspector Jenny Thompson replied that only community groups that meet the criteria for funding are eligible to apply. The maximum any groups can apply for is £ 2,500.

3 Interests Councillor Eric Firth declared an interest in relation to item 7 of the Agenda: ‘Proposed Changes to Dewsbury and District Hospital Services- Consultation Update’. This is due to his being a member of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee- Mid Yorkshire Future Hospital Services.

4 Admission of the Public It was agreed that all items be considered in the public session. 5 Deputations and Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. The Chair replied to the two deputations that were submitted to the 26th February public meeting: a) That a zebra crossing be installed on Church Lane in Dewsbury South ward. Mark Ramsden from Highways, Kirklees Council sent Mr Shaun Maddox a written reply that advised him that the site didn’t meet the Council’s approved criteria for the justification of installation of a formal crossing. The criteria takes different factors into account to help clearly identify the issues local residents faced such as crossing difficulties, accident statistics, speed of vehicles, environmental dis-benefits and benefits. b) To ask for a public meeting in Dewsbury South ward to discuss the future of the Walker Welfare Centre. The Chair advised that a meeting was being organised between relevant officers and community members.

6 Update from the Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Jenny Thompson from Dewsbury Neighbourhood Policing Team attended the meeting and gave an update on the work of her team. She referred to the ongoing Burglary Dwelling Pilot initiative in Dewsbury South. A burglary dwelling action plan has been developed for Dewsbury West ward. Jenny then provided crime statistics for across Dewsbury since the 26th February meeting.

Further details on the work of the team can be accessed through the Dewsbury Neighbourhood Policing website:

7 Proposed Changes to Dewsbury and District Hospital Services- Consultation Update Councillor Eric Firth did not take part in the discussion on this item due to the interest he declared under item 3. Stephen Eames- Chief Executive, Matt Shepherd- Emergency Consultant, Dr Alison Grove -Paediatrician, Ann Warden - Head of Midwifery, Martin Carter – Communications Manager ( all Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust), Angela Harper – West Yorkshire Ambulance Services, Dr David Kelly – Chair of, and Chris Dowse – Chief officer of NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group, all attended to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the hospital services in Dewsbury, across North Kirklees, and in Wakefield. They summarised the feedback they had received so far from the consultation. Key concerns so far had been about local people thinking it was a money saving exercise only; longer journey times; that the A& E changes would put lives at risk; and that not enough account had been taken of local deprivation and levels of poor health (as set out in the most recent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Dewsbury). There were a large number of questions and concerns raised by both elected member s and members of the public. 8 Kirklees Collective Energy Scheme Jackie Ingham gave a presentation about the Kirklees Collective Energy Switch Scheme. This is a partnership between the Council and a cooperative called Community Energy Direct. Every household in Kirklees can register an interest in the scheme, and as a result may receive an offer of an energy tariff that is cheaper than the one they are already on. The closing date for sign up to the scheme is 17th April. Anyone can register online at or, by phoning: 0845 4502581.

9 Area Committee Budget 2012-13 The current balance on the Committee’s capital and revenue budget were noted.

The Committee considered two applications for funding. There was a presentation from Neil Windett, Countryside Manager, Kirklees Council, on the Dewsbury Outdoor Festival 2012, plus the ongoing development of Dewsbury Country Park, and its related apprenticeship scheme. The Committee approved: a) £8, 000 Revenue for the Outdoor Dewsbury Festival 2013, on the basis that, in future years, additional sources of funding over and above the Area Committee would be sought. b) £12,000 Capital towards the cost of setting up the Countryside Management Apprenticeship Scheme, on the basis that three to four of the apprentices would be recruited from Dewsbury, and that Spen Valley Area Committee decide to contribute towards the overall costs, and that the necessary match funding from the listed additional sources is secured.

10 Public Question Time There was one public question: What would the Committee do to address the issues raised on the front page of the most recent issue of the Dewsbury Press, in relation to the Muslim Mosque Burial Committee. The Chair advised he would refer the question to the relevant head or heads of service and a response would be made in due course.

11 Dates of Future Meetings The next meeting will be held at Dewsbury Town Hall on Thursday 16th May at 7pm. ACD7

Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham – Tel. 01484 226290



Thursday 16 May 2013

Present: Councillor Eric Firth in the Chair, standing in for Councillor Masood Ahmed. Councillors Kane, Scott, Rowling, Hussain, Abdul Patel and Salim Patel

Apologies: Councillor Masood Ahmed and Darren O’Donovan

1 Welcome and Introduction Councillor Kane proposed that Councillor Eric Firth stand in as Chair for the meeting in place of Councillor Masood Ahmed who had given his apologies. The proposal was seconded by the other members of the Committee. Councillor Firth welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 26th March 2013 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests Councillor Paul Kane declared an interest in relation to item 7 of the Agenda: 13/14 Budget Report, in particular, consideration of the application for funding by the Dewsbury Sea Cadets.

4 Admission of the Public It was agreed that all items be considered in the public session.

5 Deputations and Petitions Mr Shaun Maddox set out a deputation he had e-mailed in advance of the meeting. It related to the alleged political nature of leaflets distributed at the last public meeting. Councillor Kane replied that the Committee is made up of duly elected members from different political parties. 6 West Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner Mr Mark Burns- Williamson, the new West Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner attended. He thanked the Committee for their invitation. During the afternoon, in advance of the meeting he had visited a range of community projects across the three Dewsbury wards. He advised he had gone to Chickenley Community Centre, where he met Paul Moore the community development worker, members of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, the primary school Headteacher, workers from Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing and the Children’s Centre Manager. He found out about police survey work in the neighbourhood measuring police satisfaction levels, and about the importance of joint working on community safety issues. In Thornhill Lees he visited a community payback scheme. In Ravensthorpe he met with local young people and they told him about their crime and community safety concerns. He advised that he will set up a West Yorkshire Youth Advisory Panel to keep in touch with young peoples’ issues right across West Yorkshire.

Since his election he has set a West Yorkshire Police Budget; there will be 44 additional police recruited. In following years large cuts from Central Government will mean inevitable reductions. Rates of crime are falling , nationally and in Dewsbury. He has met with Inspector Thomson a number of times, and found out about the good work of her and her team. He wants to make sure this good work continues, and crime rates continue to fall. He has produced a five year ‘Police and Crime Plan’, and more integrated working between different teams in the police, the council, and community & voluntary sector will need to become ever more the norm.

He talked of his awareness of policing priorities in Dewsbury; especially speeding, burglary, anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance.

There were a number of questions from councillors and the public; Paul Kane asked about ‘Proceeds of Crime Funding ‘ and advised he had asked at the last 3 meetings about how much had been allocated to groups in Dewsbury. He had only just found out the figure of £16, 150. Surely this is a tiny amount compared to what had been recovered. The PCC advised he would be asking lots of questions about the funding and how it was allocated.

Councillor Firth thanked the PCC for coming to the meeting and invited him to return to a Committee meeting in a year’s time.

7 Area Committee Budget 2013 -14 The current balance on the Committee’s capital and revenue budget were noted. The Committee approved:

a) £15,000 capital towards the costs of refurbishment of Dewsbury Town Hall Boardroom. b) £9,193 capital towards the Dewsbury Sea Cadets roof refurbishment. c) £10,000 capital towards the cost of security fencing for Field Lane allotments.

Councillor Kane advised the meeting that the Committee had agreed at its most recent Business Planning meeting to allocate a £500 discretionary grant to support the International Boxing match in Dewsbury Sports Centre on 16th June , involving Dewsbury Boxer Gary Sykes.

8 Public Question Time There were no public questions.

9 Dates of Future Meetings The next meeting will be held at on Thursday 9th July @5pm in Dewsbury Minster. ACHV4

Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham - Tel. 01484 226290



Thursday 7 February 2013

Present: Councillors Sims in the Chair Councillors Firth, Lyons and Greaves

Apologies were received from Councillors Patrick and Holroyd-Doveton

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 29 November 2012 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Isaac Atkinson Memorial Group Presentation Sandra Atkinson and six young people from Holmfirth; Emily-Jane Cappleman, Mr Hale, Mr Munroe, Mr Oversby, Mr Black and Georgina Kitch gave a presentation on their progress in raising money for improvements to Sands Skateboard Park.These would be in memory of their friend Isaac Mason Atkinson, who died in 2012.

In October the group had met with John Fletcher, Head of Parks and Landscapes to discuss their ideas, and they had been working with consultants who were helping develop those ideas into designs.The group needed to raise £55,000.They had already raised £2,000 through a range of sponsored events.More of these were planned, including a concert in the Picture Drome on 24th March 2013.

The Chair thanked the group for their excellent presentation, and offered to support them in their efforts to secure additional funding.

1 7 Neighbourhood Policing Update Inspector Mark Trueman and two other officers from the Valleys Neighbourhood Policing Team gave an update on local policing issues.

A public meeting had been arranged in Holmfirth Civic Hall to provide advice to landrover owners, following a spate of thefts from landrovers.Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics were available on the Neighbourhood Policing Team web page:

8 Outcome of the Holme Valley Bus Review Neale Wallace, Bus Services Manager with Metro gave a presentation on the final proposals for the Holme Valley bus network.Given Metro had 25% savings targets, there had been the potential for reduced funding to Holme Valley.This had not happened, and Metro would continue to spend more than twice in Holme Valley per person on supported services, than the West Yorkshire average.There was in fact increased funding.

The plans had taken account of the consultation findings.Eighty five people attended the information day on 7th February.Eighty two of them were happy with the final proposals.

The details of the proposals were on the Metro website at: would take place at the end of April 2013 and a booklet on the revised services would be produced by then.

Under the proposals there would be a new minibus service Hade Edge- Hepworth-New Mill-Holmfirth, plus a new peak college service (X7) Hade Edge-Hepworth-Thongsbridge-Brockholes-Huddersfield.

There would also be four additional direct links to the hospital; from Honley Bridge, Honley, Oldfield, and Holmbridge.

There would be a half hourly fast direct bus Hepworth-Holmfirth-Hospital- Huddersfield.

There was an improved service to Hade Edge and a new service to Sheffield Road.There would be an improved service Honley Bridge to Huddersfield (co-ordinated every 10 minutes).

9 Libraries Consultation Update Carol Stump, Chief Librarian, gave an update on the consultation across all 26 libraries in Kirklees.This has taken place since October 2012.By the end of February 2013, all the findings will be on the Kirklees Council website.

2 Forty six people took place in the consultation in Honley.This is quite low, since 1028 use the library, and it gets 30,000 visits a year.Opening hours were commented on, and a request for more DVD’s and E-books.Ninety nine percent of comments on staff and current services were positive.9 people expressed an interest in setting up a friends’ group.Carol encouraged as many people as possible to get involved in a friends’ group.

In Holmfirth 32 people took part in the consultation.Only 1 was interested in a friends’ group.

A member of the public thanked the Councillors and Carol for the work they’d done so far, and the Chair advised Cabinet had confirmed there would be no library closures in the next 12 months.

10 Tour de France 2014 Route Announcement and Next Steps Alun Ireland, Communications Manager, Kirklees Council gave an overview of the 3 strands of the work that will take place in the lead up to the Tour de France coming through Kirklees in 17 months.

Kirklees Council is represented on the 3 development groups.The first is on delivery, with an emphasis on effective organisation of the race and the media coverage. The second is about maximising the economic impact for the local area, and the third is about the legacy from the race.David Morby in Culture and Leisure Services is the lead from the Council on the third group.The aim will be to encourage as many more people as possible to take up cycling, especially young people.-

The route through Elland, through to Huddersfield/Lockwood, then Honley, Holmfirth and then on to Holme Moss.The Chair advised that the six Councillors are already working with local businesses and residents to gain as much local benefit as possible from the event.

11 Area Committee Budget Report 2012/2013 The current balance of the Committee’s budget was noted.

RESOLVED- That the following allocations be approved

(a) £1,300 capital for the provision of a grit bin in Holme Valley North ward. (b) £13,000 revenue for various highways improvements in Holme Valley North ward.

12 Public Question Time There were various questions from the public following on from agenda items 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

13 Date of Next Meeting The next public meeting of the Holme Valley Area Committee would be on 14th March 2013, 7pm – 9pm in Holmbridge Church Hall.


Contact Officer: Valerie Wartelle - Tel. 01484 221000



Monday 14 March 2013

Present: Councillor Sims in the Chair Councillors Firth, Patrick, Lyons and Holroyd-Doveton

Apologies were received from Councillor Greaves

1 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 7 February 2013.were agreed as a correct record.

3 Interests Councillor Holroyd-Doveton declared another interest relating to the Budget Report (item 9) as a member of Walkers Are Welcome to Meltham Group.

Councillor Sims declared another interest relating to the Budget Report – (item 9) as a member of the Holme Valley Brass Band Group.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session. It was agreed that a report on expenditure on toilets and fire escape at Hepworth Village Hall be considered as a late urgent item as part of the Budget Report

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update PCSO’s Jill Chamberlain and Keith Hollick attended the meeting and reported back on crime figures in Holme Valley South and Holme Valley North over the last month.


Holme Valley South Holme Valley North Burglary Dwelling 1 3 Burglary Other 14 5 Theft from Motor Vehicle 15 12 Theft of Motor Vehicle 8 2 Theft Other 7 4 Criminal Damage 6 8

A resident reported on dog thieves operating in the area, and targeting households identified through yellow stickers placed on gates, doors or cars, therefore urging residents to remove suspicious stickers.

Holme Valley Parish Councillor Peter Searby passed on complaints from residents regarding teenage nuisance behaviour in Honley Park.

A resident reported a scam where residents were asked for directions under false pretence, and in the meantime pick pocketed. PCSO Chamberlain indicated that an arrest had been made that day following intelligence from residents using social media.

The committee thanked the Valleys Neighbourhood Policing Team for its contribution.

7 Holmfirth Transport Hub Joanne Waddington provided a progress update on the Holmfirth Transport Hub Scheme, one of 130 hubs throughout West Yorkshire which will be upgraded as outlined in the West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (LPT3) 2011 – 2026

The Scheme includes the following key features:

* Highway 2-way in and out * 4 pedestrian crossing points – improved access for people with disabilities * 4 car parking spaces for people with a disability * 27 car spaces (currently 29) * Motorcycle provision to remain as is * Sheffield stand for 10 cycles * Information panels including touch screen, wifi, and to include at a later stage for ticket smartcard

Some additional elements of the scheme will include:

* CCTV * coach parking, drop off point and pick up point * Cycle storage outside footprint * Community art project subject to funding

Residents raised a number of points/suggestions as follows:

2 * The highway 2-way access may create more manoeuvring and congestion, with vehicles left at the mouth of the car park over spilling onto the highway; Councillor Patrick suggested a possible escape route could be created; residents suggested putting up a sign to indicate if car park is full or number of car spaces available. * Concerns with loss of one of the parking spaces for people with disabilities, as well as where they are located on the plan.Residents suggested locating them close to a designated crossing.Residents also suggested Parent and Toddler spaces. * Residents suggested using some of the highway in front of the post office to expand the car park; and to relocate the bus stop currently in the immediate vicinity of the hub, into the bus station instead.

Joanne agreed to take all the suggestions back to the engineers, and further comments could be directly addressed to her, Elected Members, or dropped off at Holmfirth Library until the end of March.The detailed proposals will be finalised in April/May and feedback provided at a future Area Committee Meeting.

The committee thanked Joanne Waddington for her presentation.

8 Broadband Connectivity in the Holme Valley Peter Butters provided a summary of the current broadband provision across West Yorkshire, Kirklees, and the Holme Valley - Holmfirth exchange was upgraded back in 2011, and currently 85% of the properties in Kirklees can get the next generation broadband through either BT or Virgin.

A number of areas and properties however are badly connected due to the distance between them and the closest exchange, such as Holmbridge, and Hade Edge.The Council is pressing BT to upgrade Honley, Meltham and Kirkburton, as well as encouraging investments in these areas from other broadband suppliers.Kirklees is working in conjunction with other local authorities across Yorkshire to drive demand on (demand stimulation) and attract investments, as it recognises the enormous socio and economic benefits broadband connectivity would bring to these areas.

In the future development such as micro-trenching will bring fibre optics directly to each household and hence increase speed of broadband considerably; over the summer Orange is launching 4G 'Everything Everywhere' in Huddersfield.

Residents were concerned local businesses had to leave the area due to poor broadband connection affecting trade and commerce, and suggested maybe using transmitters rather than cable.Peter suggested brand new fibre optics in the ground supplying key facilities (Schools, Hospitals, etc.) may help tackle some of the blackspots.

3 9 Budget The current balance of the Committee budget was noted.


(1) That the following discretionary grants approved 12/03/2013, be noted

(a) The Holme Valley Brass Band Contest (Holme Valley South), £500

(b) Honley Village Community Trust (Holme Valley North), £500 for renovation and re-planting of the grounds and planters around Honley Village Hall

(c) Brockholes Village Trust (Holme Valley North), £500 towards completion work undertaken at Brockholes Station in partnership with Penistone Line Partnership.

(2) That the following revenue expenditure be approved:

(a) Wartime Weekend Expansion £2,700.00

(b) Walkers Are Welcome to Meltham £1,5020.00

(c) Brockholes, Honley, and Meltham Floral Decorations 2013 £1,870.00

(d) Holme Valley in Bloom £4,632.45

(e) Support to Holme Valley Neighbourhood Management Groups £1,600.00

(f) Holme Valley North Ward, Responsible Dog Ownership Initiative £1,439.40

(g) Holme Valley South Ward, tree removal, Brockholes Village Hall £500.00

(h) Holme Valley South Ward, Cliff Recreation Heritage £2,500.00 (late urgent item)

(3) The Capital Expenditure of £10,000.00 for additional toilets and fire escape replacement at Hepworth Village Hall (Holme Valley South) be approved (late urgent report).

10 Public Questions The Committee heard and answered the following questions from the floor:

Concerns were raised regarding the bus 316 from Robert Lane to Royds Avenue which is a skeleton service on Saturdays, and not operating on Sundays.


Councillors confirmed the new bus routes will be finalised in June/July and a press release will be issued.

11 Date of Next Meeting Members of the public will be advised of the 2013-2014 Holme Valley Area Committee meetings schedule as soon as it is confirmed.

5 ACH4

Contact Officer: Sarah Mitchell - Tel. 01484 225082



Tuesday 5 February 2013

Present: Councillor J Hughes in the Chair Councillors Sokhal, Khan, Burke, Stewart-Turner, Wilkinson, Harris, Walton, Preest, McBride

Apologies were received from Councillors Brice, Hemingway, Simpson, Cooper, Blanchard, Calvert, Smith, Sarwar, Pattison, Scott and Mather.

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair, Councillor Hughes welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 27 November 2012 were agreed as a correct record.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 What’s love got to do with it? Domestic Abuse it’s time to talk to change Colleagues from the Council’s Well-Being and Integration Service, Sue Richards (Assistant Director) and Rachel Tanner (Head of Safe-Guarding) provided a presentation and interactive session to raise awareness about domestic abuse and what more we need to do across Huddersfield to raise awareness and prevent residents being victims of domestic abuse.

Table discussion took place; this was based on case studies of people who were experiencing domestic abuse and what more we need to do as a committee and a community to help. The feedback and suggested actions from the discussions would be included in the Huddersfield Area Committee’s Action Plan.

As part of the session the Pennine Domestic Violence Group (PDVG) spoke about the support their service provides for victims of domestic abuse. For help and support you can call Pennine Domestic Violence

1 Group in confidence on 0800 052222, twenty four hours a day seven days a week.

6 Area Committee Budget Report The Committee’s budget balance was highlighted and consideration was given to allocating funding.


(a) That the decision of 27 November 2012 to allocate £14,000 capital to Longley Road Traffic Calming – Road Safety Intervention (Newsome Ward) be amended to allocate £7,458.65 capital and £6,541.35 revenue on the scheme.

(b) That the award of £900 revenue for an additional grit bin for Lindley ward as a fast track commission be noted.

(c) That the following capital items be approved:

Streetscene Improvements Programme in Crosland Moor and Netherton ward £34,300

Pathways to Health in Dalton ward £11,300

That the following revenue items be approved:

Mount Forum in Lindley ward £203

Lindley Community Forum (Lindley ward) £2,500

Lindley Community Engagement (Lindley ward) £10,000

7 Deputations and Petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

8 Public Question Time No public questions were received.

9 Dates of Future Meetings It was noted that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th March 2013 at 7pm at Huddersfield Town Hall.

2 ACH5

Contact Officer: Cheryl Smith - Tel. 01484 456831



Tuesday 26 March 2013

Present: Councillor Hughes in the Chair Councillors Blanchard, Brice, Burke, Calvert, Hemmingway, Mather, Preest, P. Scott, Simpson, Stewart Turner, Walton ,and Wilkinson

Apologies were received from Councillors Pattinson, McBride, Harris, Smith, Khan, and Sarwar

Approximately 40 members of the public were in attendance

1 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 5 February 2013.were approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Welfare Reform Update on changes coming into effect from April 2013 Presentation and discussions were facilitated by Council Officers from Customer and Exchequer Services and Wellbeing and Communities to support partners to continue to work together to help residents for the benefit changes by ensuring households have enough time to get advice and help.

Phil Longworth, Health Policy Officer gave an update on progress being made against the Kirklees Tackling Poverty Strategy.

1 Julian Hodgson, Policy Officer and Neil Roberts, Local Welfare Team Manager gave an overview of what the Local Welfare Provision Team does now the Social Fund (Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans) cease to exist now the responsibility has been passed to local Government from 1st April 2013.Some key points from the presentation included:

(a) There will be no loan facility. (b) Referrals to food banks will be made where appropriate. (c) Provision where appropriate for major items of furniture and white goods will be made. (d) Support through advice, coaching, capability building will be offered where appropriate to reduce repeat demand. (e) Exceptional one off expenditure where appropriate to meet much targeted need will be considered. (f) Support to Kirklees residents only will be offered and so the criteria will be linked to an entitlement to Council Tax Reduction although the applicant does not actually need to be in receipt at the time their application is made. (g) Funds are limited which may mean that the level of support available is insufficient to meet all identified need. (h) There is no statutory right to challenge any decision that might be made, however, officers, will reconsider their decision if the customer believes that it was based on the wrong information or cannot be justified.

Applications could be made by telephoning 01484 414782 lines open 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday (from 2nd April 2013).

Information was captured from all the table discussions which will help inform the actions that will go into the Area Committee Action Plan.

7 Devolved Area Committee Budget Report The committee noted its' current budget balances and considered allocating funding:

RESOLVED - (1) That it be noted an underspend of £3,000 capital for footpath from Greenside Avenue to Fernside Crescent is to be returned to the Committee's budget as the scheme is not going ahead (Almondbury Ward). (2) That it be noted an underspend of £716 revenue is to be returned to the Committee's budget, regarding Netherton Grow Your Own project approved 21st January 2011 (Crosland Moor and Netherton Ward). (3) That it be noted that the amount of £2,785 approved 20th March 2012 for five raised planters at Netherton Allotments will now be progressed in Beaumont Park and not Netherton Allotments (Crosland Moor and Netherton Ward).

2 (4) That the following fast track commissioning decision be noted: 4 additional grit bins, revenue funding of £3,600 for 3 years (Lindley Ward).

4 additional grit bins, revenue funding of £1,600 additional 2 years to bring into line others (Lindley Ward).

3 year filling of grit bin near No. 21 Lees Close in Dalton ward, £900 revenue

3 year filling of grit bin at Bath Street, Huddersfield in Newsome Ward, £900 revenue.

(5) That the following Capital items be approved:

Provision of grit bins at various locations in Almondbury £20,800 (Almondbury Ward)

Lascelles Hall Cricket Club £10,000 (Almondbury Ward).

Friends of Ravensknowle Park Memorial Gardens, £2,000 (Almondbury Ward).

Ashbrow Ward Streetscene Improvements £40,000 (Ashbrow Ward)

Rawthorpe Community Centre Windows £4,298.61 (Dalton Ward)

Ward Streetscene Improvements Programme £53,000 (Dalton Ward).

Streetscene repairs in Lindley Ward £9,000

(6) That the following Revenue items be approved:

Enhancing Community Activity £15,000 (Crosland Moor and Netherton Ward)

Grit Bin in Lindley Ward £1,600

Responding to Dalton Ward community priorities £16,000

Paths at St. John's Church, Newsome £4,539.99

8 Deputations and Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

9 Public question Time No public questions were received.

3 10 Dates of Future Meetings Dates to be confirmed


Contact Officer: Duggs Carre- Tel. 01484 226290



Monday 4 February 2013

Present: Councillor Ward (in the Chair for the meeting) Councillors Barraclough, Dodds, Lees Hamilton, C. Smith, and Taylor

Apologies were received from Councillors bolt and Hardcastle

Also present 12 members of the public and Kirkburton Parish Councillors Paxton Berry Whittingham and Armer

1 Welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

RESOLVED – That Councillor Ward be the Acting Chair for the remaining meetings this municipal year.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 12 November 2012 were approved as a correct record.

Matters arising were discussed:

Item 2, Councillor Barraclough to visit residents in Flockton with Parish Councillor Paxton.

Item 6d, a progress report on the survey would be brought to the next Area Committee meeting.

Item 6g, a discussion took place regarding play areas in Highburton and it was agreed officers would liaise with local residents about further investment.

Item 8, Mark Ramsden, Streetscene and Housing was taking a paper to Kirklees Cabinet regarding 20 m.p.h. zones. Councillors would report back.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

1 4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session. It was agreed that funding of the toilets at Trinity Methodist, Mirfield be considered as a late urgent item as part of the budget report

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Committee Budgets 2010/2011 The Committee considered requests for funding.


(1) That the following revenue spending be approved:

(a) 9th Mirfield Scout Group £3,750

(b) Transfer of Denby Delf to Kirklees Council £6,400 and any underspend to be returned to budget

(c) Hungarian Choir and Local Children Project £1,250

(d) Provision of floral decorations £921.40

(2) That the request for Highway winter patching, £10,000 be deferred and be discussed at the Ward Highways Meeting.

(3) That the following capital spending be approved:

(a) Speed Plateau Project in Grange Moor £10,000 and that further fine detail be discussed at Highways Ward Meeting.

(b) Moorland Cricket Club Canopy £10,625.

(4) That £8,000 capital be approved towards accessible toilets in the new building at Trinity Methodist, Mirfield. (Deferred from previous meeting and considered as a late urgent item at this meeting).

7 Public Question Time Questions were asked in regard to the following issues and councillors advised as to the way forward:

* damaged roads in Denby Dale * Upper Hopton Community Association * cessation of glass bottle collections * repairs to Paddock road * gritting on routes to schools * the objectives of the Area Committee * underspend on Area Committee grants * securing of land for Social Housing


8 Dates of Future Meetings It was noted that meetings for the new municipal year are to be confirmed.

All committee public meetings would be in Huddersfield town centre and ward forums would take place in the wards.


Contact Officer: Duggs Carre - Tel. 01484 226920



Monday 15 April 2013

Present: Councillor Ward in the Chair Councillors Barraclough, Bolt, Dodds, Hardcastle, Lees Hamilton and Taylor

Apologies were received from Councillors Smith and Turner

Also present were seven members of the public and Kirkburton Parish Councillors Paxton, Berry, Whittingham and Armer

1 Welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

In line with the decision at the previous meeting it was noted that Councillor Ward would be the Acting Chair for this last meeting of this municipal year.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED –That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 4 February 2013 be approved as a correct record.

There were no major issues arising, and Councillor Barraclough and Parish Councillor Paxton were monitoring issues in Flockton.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Committee Budgets 2012/2013 The Committee considered requests for funding.

Councillor Smith had written to the Chair and expressed concerns about all requests regarding Kirkburton, these were read out by the Chair.


(1) That the following revenue spending be approved:

(a) Extension of Outreach Advice Provision £4,476.00 for CAB sessions in Kirkburton and Denby Dale wards only. The proposal to continue sessions at Mirfield Library was not supported

(b) Kirkburton surfacing measures £10,000 subject to Highways officers specifying to ward councillors the sessions of road to be repaired before any work starts

(c) Shepley Spring Festival 2013 £3,000.

(2) That the following capital spending be approved:

(a) Clayton West Scout Group £10,000

(b) Kirkburton Ward Streetscene improvements £12,500

(c) Kirkburton Dene Community Garden £8,000

(d) Highburton Play Area £4,000

(e) Mirfield Memorial Park £5,692.50

That the request from Birdsedge Village Hall for £2,400 not be supported due to significant previous grants.

7 Public Question Time Parish Councillor Paxton expressed concern that the footways near the school in Flockton were not being cleared and gritted. Local Councillors agreed to look into this matter.

A member of the public from Upper Hopton expressed concern about the lack of investment in play equipment in the village. Councillors explained what work had been done in the recent past and agreed to look into the matter.

Parish Councillor Paxton asked why the Area Committee met in Huddersfield rather than local villages. Councillors explained that Huddersfield was a central venue but they agreed that previously when Area Committees were ward based and met in villages the turn out and debate made the meetings more worthwhile. The number and structure of Area Committees was decided by Full Council and not the Area Committee.

2 8 Dates of Future Meetings Meetings for the new municipal year would be confirmed.


Contact Officer: Sue Ginty - Tel. 01484 416268



Tuesday 29 January 2013

Present: Councillor S Hall in the Chair Councillors Sheard, Bates, D Hall, Lawson, A Pinnock and K Pinnock

Apologies were received from Councillor Holmes and Kendrick

1 Welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4 December 2012 be approved as a correct record with the inclusion of the further information at the end of item 6 – ‘Questions were raised including those relating to effectiveness and enforcement e.g. vehicles at Listing Lane still go over the speed limit. It was also suggested that it may be useful to have an agenda item at a future area committee meeting on excessive speed and the broader effect on pedestrians’.

3 Interests Councillor Sheard declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest relating to Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (item 7) for the reason that he is a member of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Board.

Councillor Lawson declared another interest relating to Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (item 7) as a member of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session. It was agreed that a late urgent report be considered regarding funding of improvements to Old Popplewell Recreation Grounds, Scholes.

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Financial Fitness workshop West Yorkshire Joint Services facilitated 4 workshops.

Banking and Budgeting Financial Choices – increasing understanding of loan rates and understanding financial terminology.


Consumer Laws – Scenarios on common consumer problems and addressing common misconceptions. Scams and Frauds – identifying a range of different types of frauds, spotting tell-tale signs.

Healthy Lifestyle and Taste Test Challenge – food labelling and composition, budgeting and comparing premium versus cheaper brands.

7 Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Update Apologies were received from Mr Potts and Mr Eames. Dr Kelly and Eleanor Nossiter presented an update on stakeholder engagement, the Cluster board decision to consult on Option 2 and the reasons for this decision.

Dr Kelly explained that Option 2 was the more radical option with all of the changes in option one, but more changes to emergency care delivery. Dr Kelly outlined that there had been a lot of stakeholder engagement and a formal option appraisal process which was scored on clinical and financial sustainability. An outline business case went to the public meeting of the Cluster board on 10th January 2013 to consider if that should proceed to consultation. The decision was that it should. There was no decision on Option 2, only that it was to be consulted on.

It was supported on order to achieve better outcomes, and best services. Clinical evidence supports this option. Dewsbury would still retain some local services, an Accident and Emergency and a Midwife led Maternity Unit.

In response to a range of questions Dr Kelly explained that Ambulances already have protocols in place and currently will not take some cases to Dewsbury Accident and Emergency, but to specialist centres getting people to the right place first time.

General Practitioners would need to know where to refer, as is the case now, some children services in patients are already referred elsewhere.

Some patients would just turn up, there would still be a facility at Dewsbury, and they will be assessed, stabilised and transferred as necessary.

NHS direct free phone was available to advise and help, and patients could also contact their General Practioner.

Dr Kelly confirmed that it was recognised that transport was an issue and that this was being looked at with partners. The cost implications of travel were also recognised and were being looked at. It was also recognised that in the proposals a lot of elected and planned care and day care out patients would come back to Dewsbury and that would help some patients.

2 In response to concerns and examples given, Dr Kelly advised that the paramedics were competent in stabilising and that blue light categories of patient would go to the right place at the right time and see the right consultant, this was better than needing a transfer. The time difference was unconvincing. Getting to a specialist unit makes a difference to the outcome. There could not be specialist units everywhere.

People would also still be able to choose Bradford or Huddersfield services, as they do now.

The changes were about the best services being available in the context of national drivers. One centre would have experienced specialist consultants. These could not be spread over three sites for best outcomes. Workforce issues also pointed to one site. Issues were national not just in Yorkshire.

Status quo was not sustainable. These were not easy issues to resolve. It was raised and Dr Kelly agreed that services are not perfect now. Better services were required out of the consultation. People should not just say that they don’t want change but should indicate what they want from the system.

As well as hospital services there was need to better integrate health and social care in the community.

Asked whether the focus on hospital reconfiguration had been at the expense of planning primary services Dr Kelly responded that many areas were being looked at. There was still a focus on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, working with the board and GPs etc. and that out of adversity can also come opportunity.

It was hoped that the financial issues affecting the Trust would not have a negative impact on primary services. Money would only be given by the Clinical Commissioning Group if it would achieve desired outcomes and they want sufficient funds to invest in integrated improvements.

It was raised that joined up care had been talked about but that there still had not been improvement and people were still discharged without adequate care and readmitted. Dr Kelly was asked if this could be sorted. In response he advised that there were many layers and teams involved.

Discussions were on-going to achieve a more seamless service including working with neighbouring councils.

Eleanor Nossiter explained the consultation process and the range of opportunities that residents would have to make their Views known.

The website was built up as a source of information. With regard to transport some of the work of the group was being shared, covering the

3 concerns that are raised. They are getting out and about to talk to people, having information stands in communities, neighbouring drop in sessions.

There would also be some events to explain things in more detail. A summary of the proposal would go out to households so people can fill in the questions and get that back. There would also be information in the press. They would share as much information as possible.

8 Area Committee Budget Report The budget balance was highlighted.


(1) That the following revenue spending be approved:

(a) That it be noted the Royal British legion Cleckheaton Remembrance Day Parade Band 2012 received an award of £150 by fast track decision.

(b) The revenue funding of £2,950 be approved for entrance features at Spen Bottoms (engagement design, materials and publicity).

(c) That revenue funding of £1,800 be approved for improvements to Old Popplewell Recreation Ground, Scholes.

(2) That the following capital spending be approved.

(a) That capital funding of £5,000 be approved for entrance features at Spen Bottoms (production and installation)

(b) That capital funding of £17,282.76 be approved for miniature railway locomotive and specialised disability carriage. The Committee acknowledged the great achievement of the volunteers involved in the railway. Volunteers had been involved in running the railway for forty years.

9 Public Question Time A question was asked why are school crossing patrol vacancies not filled for example there used to be a warden at six lane ends/Swan lights?

A response was given that there are two vacancies on Cawley Lane and Norristhorpe. Funding is there and the jobs are advertised but we still can’t get anyone. Vacancies are advertised, parents are contacted and there are advertisements in schools to find people willing to do it.

A question was asked that the Spen Valley Civic society had funding for the Luddite statue but there is still £500 outstanding. Can you help?

A response was given that will be looked into and resolved.

4 A question was asked is there opportunity to influence the Scholes Recreation Ground project if there are concerns.

A response was given that yes, there is consultation. Councillor Lawson agreed to liaise on this.

The chair thanked everyone and closed the meeting.

10 Dates of Future Meetings It was noted that meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th March at 7pm at Cleckheaton Town Hall


Contact Officer: Sue Ginty - Tel. 01484 416268



Tuesday 26 March 2013

Present: Councillor S Hall in the Chair Councillors D Hall, A Pinnock, K Pinnock and Sheard

Apologies were received from Councillor Bates, Holmes, Kendrick and Lawson

1 Welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED-That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 29 January 2013 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the Public It was noted that all Agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Deputations/ Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Neighbourhood Policing and the Neighbourhood Management Group Inspector Holland informed that the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 enabled partners to come together. The Spen Valley neighbourhood management group had an action plan, looked at figures and priority crime and took action to address the issues.

Inspector Holland gave an overview of crime figures up to 26 March 2013.

There were 413 less crimes than this time last year, a 12% reduction. Spen Valley Crime had steadily reduced since 2008.

Burglary of dwellings was a force priority and down 3%. Inspector Holland recommended replacing old UPVC and fitting sash jammers to windows. Theft from motor vehicles was down 16%.

Criminal damage was down 12%.

1 There had been 12 more robberies, some at Cleckheaton town centre businesses. There had been 17 incidences of violent crime, 3 more than last year. These figures were low, fluctuated and included for example dangerous driving.

Criminal activity at present included bolts being taken from Audis, headlamps from Landrovers, and number plates being stolen.

The West Yorkshire Police website ‘caught on camera’ section showed images of people who police want to identify in connection with crimes. Anyone able to identify these people should get in touch with the police. There was also an ‘in the dock’ section where burglars, shoplifters and robbers are identified along with the sentence that they have received for their crime.

Other issues affecting the Spen Valley involve motorcycles and quads. Incidents generally increase in good weather.

There was also some antisocial behaviour at Cleckheaton bus station. A multi agency approach was being taken to address the issues there with a range of measures being considered.

Inspector Holland described the different activities to deal with alcohol and antisocial behaviour including officers travelling on buses where there have been problems. He also responded to questions relating to action being taken on local drug dealing, how to stop cold calling on Firthcliffe estate (contact West Yorkshire Joint Services), and cask point robbery (there isn’t a big attack on cash points but criminals are tampering with the card entry devices).

Rebecca Strutt and Inspector Holland described how additional funding for extra neighbourhood policing was secured from the Area Committee budget previously, ‘Shop watch’ was being set up, and ‘Pub Watch’ was being rejuvenated. ‘No Cold Calling’ zones had been established in Littletown, Knowler Hill and New North Road.

Community payback had been engaged in various projects and this could deter involvement in re-offending. Parking disagreements could also take police time although police were able to comment on planning applications which planning committee take into consideration.

Derelict buildings were also being tackled for example the building at Spen Lane, Nibshaw. With regard to metal theft the police check scrap yards, there was new legislation and a cashless system had been introduced.

Neighbourhood Watch was still happening, demand had increased and it was being reviewed.

2 7 Dewsbury Country Park and the Countryside Management Apprenticeship Scheme The park covered 76 hectares. There was access from the Greenway. There had been creative consultation sessions involving local people. A Forestry Commission Grant of £516,000 had been secured and would be used to draw in other funding. A ‘diamond wood’ would be created as part of the Woodland Trust Jubilee Woods Campaign.

Over 600 volunteers from the community had been involved in the white rose forest thousand tree challenge community day and activities.

Also planned was a landscaped entrance and car park, café and toilets (dependant on funding bid), access for all trail, picnic facilities, wetlands and pond, wildflower meadows.

A countryside apprenticeship scheme would engage 6-8 local young people between 16-18 years, on 3 days a week applied training and 2 days in the classroom, to gain skills and qualifications.

It cost £105,000 per year for 2 years and 2 additional apprentices at £14,000 per year. The apprenticeship scheme met the area committee priorities around young people, community safety, environment, health and regeneration.

The Forestry Commission prioritised urban fringe locations and it was willing to fund improvements.

Several positive comments on the project were made by councillors and members of the public around the development and access to the countryside park that was previously a refuse tip, opportunities for use, access from the greenway and job creation.

The committee considered the Country Park Apprenticeship scheme report (see item 8) and approved funding.

8 Budget Report The budget balance was highlighted.

RESOLVED – (1) That the following revenue spending be approved:

(a) Growing Together 2013, £3,450. It was suggested that this could work alongside local traders through some marketing and signposting to local shops

(b) Provision of Town and Village Floral Decorations 2013, £5,292

(c) Country Park Apprenticeship Scheme (revenue elements), £7,000 (from 2012/2013 budget £2,676.54 and from the 2013/2014 budget £4,323.46

3 (d) ‘Financial Fitness’ in Spen Valley Schools, £6,190

(e) The Committee was updated with confirmation of the schools contribution of £420 and therefore the award was £420 lower than the £6,610 originally stated in the committee report

(2) That the following capital spending be approved:

(a) Chapel Lane Heckmondwike Landscape Improvements, £4,000

(b) Cycle Speedway Improvements at Firth Park Heckmondwike, £6,710

(c) St John’s Church Entrance – disabled access to community facilities, £13,000. The award is subject to conditions as outlined in the report including that the grant is only drawn down to the extent that the full cost of the project of £33,600 is not obtained from external awards made through the outstanding applications. The actual amount released to the organisation will depend upon the outcome of their other grant applications subject to the maximum sum being £13,000

(d) Hard standing for Young People’s Services mobile provision, Dale Lane and Firthcliffe, £9,840

(e) Country Park Apprenticeship Scheme (capital elements), £5,000

(f) Salvation Army Heckmondwike, Outdoor Playground, £4,000. The organisation is now Grant Access Point registered so the funding condition requiring that as outlined in the report, is no longer applicable

(g) Roberttown Community Centre Refurbishments, toilet, front door and porch, guttering and plasterwork, £2,863. The award is subject to conditions outlined in the report

9 Invitation to an open afternoon at Kirklees Bradley Plant Nursery There would be guided tours of the nursery on 14 May at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. The Chair recommended the tour to members of the public.

10 Public Question Time Councillors responded to a range of questions.

A question was asked what is happening with the primary school premises in Gomersal? The response was given that there will be a local press update. Options are going to Cabinet as part of a report on primary provision in Kirklees

A question was asked about Spenborough Baths. A response was given that the Council has determined that there is a risk to the viability of the

4 pool. It is a concrete structure that doesn’t last forever. People who value it need to make sure that the Council makes provision for it.

A question was asked is the Mobile library service secure? The response was given that nothing is secure.

A question was asked about the Greenway, can it be made more useable? It needs lighting, cleaning of litter and dog excrement, and bins. The response was given that it is not Council owned or maintained. Sustrans own and maintain the Greenway.

It was commented that dog bins at Little Gomersal had made a measurable difference there. There was also a suggestion made that Sustrans be invited to a future meeting to outline plans for the ringway, to describe the Sustrans role, and issues relating to the Greenway.

8 Dates of Future Meetings The dates of future meetings were noted: 20 August 2013 15 October 2013 3 December 2013 28 January 2013 18 March 2013

All meetings will take place at 7pm at Cleckheaton Town Hall.


Contact Officer: Adrian Johnson - Tel. 01484 221712



Friday 28 June 2013

Present: Councillor Richards (in the Chair) Councillors D Hall, Hardcastle, Marchington, Sokhal and Wilkinson Ex-Officio Councillors Patrick and Sheard

1 Membership of Committee and Apologies Apologies were received from Councillors O’Donovan and Palfreeman.

Councillor Sokhal substituted for Councillor O’Donovan.

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 10 May 2013 were approved as a correct record.

3 Interests Councillor Hardcastle reported he had been lobbied with regard to the item concerning proposed settlement of maladministration claim – Investment and Regeneration Service, referred to in Minute 8 below; Councillor Richards had received an email communication relating to the same item, which she had not opened.

4 Admission of the Public The Committee determined both parts of the Agenda during which the public would be excluded.

5 Deputations/Petitions The Committee received and noted a deputation from the owners of the dog boarding kennels referred to in connection with Minute 8 below.

6 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

7 Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED – That, acting under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

1 8 Proposed Settlement of Maladministration Claim – Investment and Regeneration Service (Exempt information relating to an individual and their financial or business affairs. The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council’s decision making).

The Committee considered a report of the Team Manager, Pollution and Noise Control, setting out proposed actions by the Investment and Regeneration Service following complaints of noise disturbance from local residents affected by the sound of dogs in a Holmfirth dog kennel. The report set out details of the operation of the kennels since their establishment in the 1980’s and of residential planning development which had taken place during this time. The report put forward three options for resolving the issues.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to option three as set out in the recommendations in the submitted report.

(At this point the meeting was reopened to the public).

9 Delegation of Formal Scrutiny of Health Powers The Committee considered a report of the Governance and Democratic Engagement Manager indicating that there was a need for the Council to determine the arrangements for the discharge of health scrutiny functions, in order to comply with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the more resent Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013. The report outlined options open to the Council and incorporated the views of Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.

RESOLVED – That Council be recommended to delegate the responsibility for the exercise of health scrutiny functions in Kirklees as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012, to the Wellbeing and Communities Scrutiny Panel.

10 Annual Report of Internal Audit 2012/13 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Audit and Risk describing the type and volume of activity of Audit work in 2012/13 and containing information about work planned and other issues relevant to that period. It was noted that new obligatory standards for Internal Audit in public sector organisations had been published and that a further report would be made thereon to the next meeting of the Committee to address detailed matters. The report concluded with the opinion that the overall framework of the Council’s financial and business control systems, processes and its management of assets was sufficiently sound to provide an adequate control environment.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted and that the Committee records that it is content with the effectiveness of the Council’s Internal Audit.

2 11 Annual Report on Treasury Management 2012/13 In accordance with Financial Procedures Rules the Committee considered the annual report on Treasury Management activities for the previous financial year. The report stated that the Council had adopted the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and operated its treasury management service in compliance with this code and various statutory requirements, which required that the prime objective of the activity was to secure the effective management of risk, and that borrowing was undertaken on a prudent, affordable and sustainable basis.

The report described the borrowing and investment strategy for 2012/13 and actual performance, together with prudential indicators and risk and compliance issues.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted on the review of treasury management activities and be referred to Council in accordance with Financial Procedures Rules.

12 Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 The Committee considered a report of the Audit Manager incorporating the annual governance statement for 2012/13 and seeking approval thereto, prior to it being signed off by the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council to accompany the Annual Statement of Accounts to be presented to the September meeting of the Committee. The statutory statement’s purpose was to provide readers of the accounts with assurance about the governance and internal control environment in which they had been compiled and to which they related. The report indicated that the draft statement had been compiled on the basis of a number of forms of assurance which had been presented to various parts of the Council during the year, including many to this Committee, being principally the Annual Report of Internal Audit, reports by the External Auditor, Monitoring Officer and from the Performance Management Framework.

The draft statement highlighted a number of significant governance issues relating to the period covered by the Statement of Accounts (2012/13 and up to September 2013) and the actions and controls which the Council was taking to address the concerns and issues raised.

RESOLVED – That the draft 2012/13 annual governance statement, as now updated to include the implications and outcomes of the various welfare reform changes for incorporation into the Medium Term Financial Plan, be approved.

13 Update on the Cooperative Bank The Committee considered a report of the Accountancy Services Manager referring to decisions of Moody’s credit rating agency to substantially downgrade the Cooperative Bank on 10 May and again on 18 June 2013. The report provided further information on the downgrade, including the bank’s response and how the Council might be affected. Officers were continuing to monitor the financial status of the Cooperative Bank.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

14 External Audit Update The External Auditor provided an update indicating that work would commence on site over the next two months to prepare the external audit opinion on the Council’s accounts. An update would be provided to the next meeting on 2 August 2013 and, in September a report would be brought on the final audit report on the audit work undertaken, summarising progress.

External audit was not aware of any significant risks requiring focus upon at present. It was noted that value for money conclusion work would be finalised in time for report to the September meeting of the Committee.

RESOLVED – That the external audit update be noted.

15 Council Meetings 2013/14 – Potential Date Adjustments The Committee was informed that there may be the need to change Council dates later in the year and that this would be reported to a future meeting for consideration, if need be.

16 Adjustment to Committee Membership The Committee considered a report of the Head of Governance and Democratic Services putting forward proposed changes, following consultation with Group Business Managers, to the ratios/membership of Committees as a consequence of the outcome of the and Gomersal by election on 13 June 2013 and of Councillor Brice moving back into the Conservative group. The changes involved the Planning Sub Committees for the Heavy Woollen and Huddersfield areas; the Employee Relations Sub Committee; Planning and Highways Committee; the Appeals Panel; and the Licensing and Safety Committee.

RESOLVED – That the changes outlined in the submitted report be recommended to Council for approval.

17 Transpennine Rail Members Steering Group – Appointment of Council Representatives The Committee considered a report of the Head of Governance and Democratic Services referring to the approval by Cabinet on 4 June 2013 to the Council becoming a partner Authority to the Transpennine Trail and entering into a Memorandum of Understanding agreement. As part of the governance arrangements a Members Steering Group had been established to oversee the operation and this provided for two representatives from the Authority.

Three nominations had been put forward following consultation with the Group Business Managers.

4 RESOLVED – That Councillors Bolt and Salverson be nominated to serve on the Steering Group.

18 Update on Representation on Outside Bodies, 2013/14 The Committee received a report of the Head of Governance and Democratic Services setting out the representation on the various Outside Bodies agreed by the Group Business Managers following the establishment of ratios/membership agreed at Annual Council. Since preparation of the information Councillor Smaje was to be deleted as a representative of the National Coal Mining Museum for Trust Limited /Liaison Committee.

RESOLVED – That the updated Outside Bodies representation be noted.



Contact Officer: Adrian Johnson - Tel. 01484 221712



Friday 2 August 2013

Present: Councillor Richards (in the Chair) Councillors Brice, D Hall, Hardcastle, Marchington, O’Donovan and Wilkinson Ex-Officio Councillors Patrick and Sheard

1 Membership of Committee Councillor Brice substituted for Councillor Palfreeman.

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 28 June 2013 were approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public The Committee determined those parts of the Agenda during which the public would be excluded.

5 Deputations/Petitions No deputations/petitions were received.

6 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

7 Update on the Progress of the Final Accounts Process for 2012/13, including Bad Debts Write Offs The Committee considered a report of the Accountancy Services Manager providing an update on progress towards achieving the auditing and approval of the Council’s accounts for 2012/13 by the required date of end of September 2013. The report indicated that there were no significant changes to accounting policies or formats for the accounts for this period and that the preparation had progressed smoothly from the end of March into June and that the Director of Resources signed the Statement of Accounts on 28 June 2013. Officers were currently working on a summary version of the accounts with the aim of removing many of the technicalities of the full accounts and providing a simplified statement on the Council’s financial position, and this summary would be made available on the website.


The accounts were currently being audited and the Committee would be asked to approve the Statement of Accounts towards the end of September once the audit had been completed and to also approve a final version of the Council’s Annual Governance Statement and a Letter of Representation, to be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee.

In accordance with Financial Procedure Rules the Director of Resources was to prepare a consolidated report on all debts written off for consideration by Cabinet, detailing the debts written off in the financial year 2012/13. The report incorporated an appendix containing details of the debts so written off showing that £8.1m of debt was written off in 2012/13, including £3.9m of national non-domestic rates debt which, up to 31 March 2013, was collected by the Authority on behalf of central government and did not, therefore, impact on the Council’s finances.

The report confirmed that, whilst all the debts had been formally written off in the accounts for 2012/13 the Council would still pursue the debt if new information came to light and the prospect for recovery changed.

In response to a Member enquiry the Director of Resources elaborated on the measures being pursued for debt recovery.

RESOLVED – (1) That the progress on the final accounts for 2012/13 be noted.

(2) That the information in the appendix to the submitted report on bad debt write offs for 2012/13 be noted.

(3) That, with reference to the summary version of the accounts being prepared, incorporating a simplified statement of the Council’s position, a further summary thereof, with explanatory examples, be prepared by the Director of Resources for provision to all Councillors to assist them in dealing with common queries from their Ward constituents.

8 External Audit Plan 2012/13 – Progress Report The External Auditor presented a report providing an update on the external audit plan 2012/13 including progress on the audit of the Council’s financial statements, which were well on track and with no significant issues emerging; progress on work to inform the value for money conclusion, which was now complete but which would be revisited alongside the conclusion of the audit opinion in September 2013; and progress on the Certification of Grants and Returns, in respect of which there were no emerging issues.

The report also provided an outline of the various reports and timetable which the external auditor had presented/would present to the Committee throughout the year.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


9 Risk Management Update The Head of Audit and Risk reported that the only new risk to emerge since the last progress report was relative to the Government’s proposals for a cap on the contribution to elderly residents for their residential care, and the consequential implications for an increased workload for the Council.

The Committee noted this potential new risk.

10 Update on Representation on Outside Bodies, 2013/14 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Governance and Democratic Service, indicating that Councillor Patrick was no longer a representative of the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority – Kirklees Passenger Consultative Committee; and that a new charitable body, namely Dewsbury Rams Community Foundation, had been established with representation from the Council so far nominated, comprising the Dewsbury East Ward Members, namely Councillors E Firth, Kane and C Scott.

The Committee was informed of other changes on Outside Body representation, since preparation of the submitted report, namely that Councillor Richards had replaced Councillor Preest on the West Yorkshire Pension Fund Investment and Advisory Panel, and that, following a merger with the Batley Sick Poor Fund, the William Henry Coulter Trust was being wound up, to be replaced by a new trust body with wider scope for giving grants to persons/projects within the Batley and Birstall areas.

RESOLVED – That the report and oral update be noted.

(The Chair authorised consideration of the following additional matter, in view of its urgency for a decision).

11 Appointment of Monitoring Officer The Director of Resources submitted a report indicating that the Council was statutorily required to appoint a Monitoring Officer under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and that the designation of such officer fell within the remit of this Committee. Julie Muscroft had been appointed by the Member’s appointments Panel as the Council’s new Assistant Director, Legal Governance and Monitoring, which included the role of Monitoring Officer for the Council. The Committee was asked to confirm the requisite designation.

RESOLVED – That, from 23 September 2013, Julie Muscroft be designated as the Council’s Monitoring Officer.

12 Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED – That, acting under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it

3 involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

13 Quarterly Report of Internal Audit 2013/14, Quarter 1: April – June 2013 (Exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the Authority holding that information. The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council’s decision making).

The Committee considered a report of the Head of Audit and Risk providing information on the activity and findings from internal audit work completed in the Quarter to 30 June 2013, providing outcomes from audit investigations deemed satisfactory, generally satisfactory, unsatisfactory and one instance classified as very unsatisfactory. The Committee was invited to determine whether any further action should be taken on any matter identified.

RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That further update reports, as appropriate, be submitted to the next meeting on the following:-

* DRAM Centre * Media Centre 3 Financial Management Agreement * Utilisation of the Vehicle Fleet


Contact Officer: Andrea Woodside - Tel. 01484 221715



Friday 27 September 2013

Present: Councillor Richards (in the Chair) Councillors Brice, Hardcastle, O’Donovan, Richards and Wilkinson

Ex Officio: Councillor Sheard

1 Membership of the Committee Councillor Brice substituted for Councillor D Hall.

Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Marchington and Palfreeman.

2 Minutes of previous meeting

RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 2 August 2013 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public The Committee determined those parts of the agenda during which the public would be excluded.

5 Deputation/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

7 Review of new arrangements for Member Conduct The Committee gave consideration to a report regarding a review of arrangements for dealing with complaints about Member conduct. The report provided details of the current arrangements, as considered at the meeting of Standards Committee on 18 July 2013. The report advised that the Standards Committee had been asked to consider whether the Members’ Code of Conduct should be amended so as to replace the current descriptions of the 7 Principles of Public Life with the revised descriptions as published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life.


The Committee noted that Standards Committee had resolved to recommend that the recommendations be adopted. Paragraph 2.3 of the report set out details of the Committee’s views on matters relating to Member conduct which had been discussed and considered.

The Committee acknowledged that the promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct amongst Councillors and voting co-opted members was of great importance in maintaining public confidence. It was therefore considered to be essential that the Council’s arrangements for dealing with standards complaints were regularly reviewed in order to ensure that they remained fit for purpose.

RESOLVED (1) That Council be recommended to amend the Council’s Code of Conduct and replace the current descriptions of the 7 principles of public life with the revised descriptions as published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life, as set out in annexe 1 (appendix A) of the report.

(2) That the current arrangements for dealing with complaints regarding Member conduct be confirmed as being satisfactory.

8 New Public Sector Internal Audit Standards and Internal Audit Charter The Committee received a report which provided information regarding a new Public Sector Internal Audit Standard, which came into effect during April 2013. It advised that internal audit activity was to be governed by a Charter, which set out matters such as ethics, methods of working, roles and responsibilities. The report set out key features of the standard, indicated where the current Kirklees internal audit arrangements were at a variance to the standard, and explained how the variances may be addressed. A copy of the charter was attached as an appendix to the report.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the content of the report, and intent to seek external assessment in approximately 3 years time, be noted.

(2) That the Committee satisfaction with the content of the internal audit charter be confirmed.

9 Annual Governance Report The Committee received the Annual Governance Report 2012/2013 and were provided with a verbal overview of the key messages and headlines. It was noted that the audit had identified one audit difference, with a value of £5.4 million which was detailed in appendix 2 of the report.

The Committee noted that the accounts production process was considered to have been well managed, which had enabled the audit process to be completed within planned timescales. This conclusion of the audit was that the Council had made proper arrangements to secure


economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of its resources and that it was anticipated that an unqualified VFM conclusion would be issued by 30 September 2013.

RESOLVED – That the KPMG Annual Governance Report 2012/2013 be received and noted.

10 Council Financial Accounts 2012/2013 The Committee received a report which summarised significant findings, conclusions and recommendations arising from the Council Auditor’s Annual Governance Report. It was noted that the Auditor had commented on the very high quality of working papers and also that no material mis- statements had been identified.

The report advised that the Council’s draft Annual Governance Statement had also been reviewed as part of the audit, the final version of which had now been signed by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, and was attached at Appendix B of the report. The Committee noted that the Auditor sought a letter of representation from the Section 151 Officer to include confirmation that this Committee had considered this matter.

It was noted that the responsibility for approving the statement of accounts was delegated to the Committee and the Council’s underlying financial reporting and value for money processes would continue to be robust.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the Statement of Accounts 2012/2013 be approved and that the Statement of Responsibility be certified by the Chair.

(2) That the Letter of Representation be approved and signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee.

11 Monitoring Report – Treasury Management Activities 2013/2014 The Committee received a report detailing treasury management operational activity for the period 1 April – 31 August 2013. It was noted that this was the first report during the 2013/2014 period and that it was submitted in accordance with the requirements of the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management.

The report provided information and interest rates, investment and borrowing activities, budget monitoring, prudential indicators and risks/compliance issues.

The Committee noted that the Investment Strategy, as approved in February removed the Council’s ability to invest directly in foreign banks. However, as the Council had received notification from Handelsbanken it was now paying 0.70% on an instant access deposit account, and as this rate was higher than similar accounts it was recommended that Handelsbanken be added to the Council’s counter-party list.


RESOLVED:- (1) That the Treasury Management Activities 2013/2014 be noted.

(2) That Cabinet and Council be recommended to endorse the amendment of the investment strategy 2013/2014 to incorporate Handelsbanken into the counter-party list subject to existing rating criteria and limits.

12 Exclusion of the Public

RESOLVED - That acting under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as specifically stated in the under mentioned Minute.

13 Update on issues arising from previous meeting The Head of Audit and Risk provided a verbal update on issues that had previously been raised at the previous meeting when the Committee had considered the Internal Audit 2013/2014 quarterly report.

RESOLVED – That the update on matters arising from the quarterly report be noted and that further updates be submitted.

(i) Regarding DRAM and Media Centre 3 in 6 months’ time, and

(ii) Regarding the utilization of transport in 12 months’ time.



Contact Officer: Penny Bunker - Tel. 01484 221000



25 July 2013

Present: Cllr Cath Harris (in the Chair) Cllr Robert Light Cllr Molly Walton Cllr Jean Calvert Chris Dowse – North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Judith Hooper – Director of Public Health Alison O’Sullivan – Director for Children and Adults Dr David Kelly – North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group Rory Deighton – Healthwatch Damian Riley – NHS England Dr Paul Wilding – Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group Carol McKenna - Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group Adrian Lythgo – Chief Executive, Kirklees Council

Invited Observers:

Neil Clark – Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust Karen Taylor – South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust Catherine Riley – Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust


Preeti Sud – NHS England (Northern Region)

12 Appointment of Chair Agreed that Cllr Cath Harris be appointed as Chair for the meeting.

13 Membership of the Board/Apologies Councillor Jean Calvert substituted for Councillor Mehboob Khan.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mehboob Khan, Councillor Linda Wilkinson, Dr Steve Ollerton, Dr Farhad Kohi, Chief Superintendent Kingsman, Owen Williams, Steven Michael and Stephen Eames.


14 Minutes of previous Meeting The Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 30th of May 2013.

RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Board held on the 30th of May 2013 be agreed as a correct record.

15 Interests

RESOLVED – No interests were declared.

16 Admission of the Public The Board determined that all issues would be considered in public session.

17 Deputations/Petitions There were no deputations or petitions presented to the Board.

18 Public Question Time There were no public questions asked at the Board meeting.

19 Date of next Meeting The Board noted that its next meeting would be held on Thursday 29th of August at 2.00 pm.

20 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy The Health and Wellbeing Board received an update of the progress of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment priorities, including the work being undertaken through the work streams of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Phil Longworth, Health Policy Officer, provided an overview of the system change and how the work in implementing the JHWS, was being coordinated.

Appended to the summary document was a list of outcome indicators which had previously been endorsed by the Board. The intention was that the performance against the outcome indicators would be presented to the Board on an annual basis, with exception reporting as and when required.

The Board continued to receive an update on each of the four work stream areas which were:

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Food Alcohol Learning and Skills Themes

In respect of the food work stream, the Board discussed the need to influence the provision from local sources, including how local producers


provide local retailers with quality and cost competitive products. In respect of the alcohol work stream attention was drawn to the summit to be held on the 1st of September. It was agreed that a list of attendees would be circulated to the Board so that additional participants could be suggested.

The Board welcomed the update on the implementation of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It was suggested that updates on the action plans should be brought back at regular intervals to the Board. In agreeing the recommendations, the Board noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board Members could take back information on the key themes to their organisations, it was agreed that in order to do this, a clear summary of messages should be provided to the Board Members to cascade.


(1) That the the update on the work streams from the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be noted.

(2) That the suggested approach and next steps of the work streams and JSNA priority areas be supported.

(3) That the work stream JSNA Priority Sponsors provide on-going assurance of performance against actions.

(4) That Board Members raise awareness of key themes for action amongst wider partnership networks.

(5) That the Board contribute to the JHWS Thinking Project by individual members volunteering to be interviewed.

(6) That the outcome indicators and dashboard reporting format be approved.

21 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment The Board considered the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for 2013 and Judith Hooper, Director of Public Health gave a presentation on the highlights of the assessment report.

The Board noted that the JSNA presented a picture of local current and future needs for adults and children. It was compiled from a wide range of local quantitative and qualitative intelligence from both routine and local survey data. It was noted that data relating to 14 year olds was not available at the current time but would be incorporated within the JSNA at a later date. The JSNA and supporting information were available on the Kirklees Council website.

The Board noted and welcomed news about the drop in smoking rates and the significant improvement in infant deaths particularly in North Kirklees areas. It was noted that smoking at delivery had reduced to 17% in 2012


from 23% in 2005, but in some areas, such as Dewsbury and Batley, it remained high.

In respect of long term conditions it was noted that these were directly worsened by smoking and those with anxiety or depression were most likely to smoke. Dr Hooper also highlighted the outcomes of analysis around health functioning, which was the extent to which a person had problems with walking, pain, anxiety etc. and the ability to undertake usual activities. It was noted that depression, anxiety and chronic pain had the worst impact on health functioning with conditions such as asthma and diabetes being seen as having the least impact.

In considering the report and presentation, the Board discussed the approach to a dementia needs assessment, given the challenges of an increasing ageing population. It was noted that there was a section on dementia on the Council website and evidence was that the gap between diagnosis and support was closing.

The Board explored the specific issues in relation to women of child bearing age, particular issues that impacted on infant death statistics with specific reference to the Batley and Dewsbury areas. Work was on going with young people around behaviours however there was an on going challenge around frontline messages and how services work with people where the risky behaviours are seen as the norm.

RESOLVED – That the update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment be welcomed and noted.

22 Community Budgets – Transforming Public Services The Board considered a report that provided a summary of recent announcements and developments regarding community budget approaches to transforming public services.

The Board noted that the Spending Review 2010 had set out plans for Community Budgets, which would enable partners to redesign public services in their areas, agreeing outcomes and allocating resources across different organisations. Community Budgets would work by bringing together public sector money and resources in local areas to give authorities the freedom to integrate their work and design services around the needs of the people who use them. Across the country there were a number of Community Budget pilots including those in Manchester and Cheshire.

Within the Community Budget Pilots there was work being undertaken within the Health and Social Care theme. There were similarities to the current context within Kirklees namely;

Evidence of fragmentation and admissions to hospitals and care homes that could be avoided.


An ageing population with a growing burden of chronic conditions.

Unsustainable models of care and inter-dependents across the system.

Severe financial pressures.

A consensus on the need to invest in integrated community services.

The Pilots work took place against the backdrop of the reviews of acute care and number of existing integration initiatives.

The Pilots also proposed further joint work with the department of health, NHS Commissioning Board and Monitor to consider support for the development of innovation in contracting and commissioning models: Three year funding cycle for Clinical Commissioning Groups to enable service reconfiguration in integrated care: Proposals to make sharing of data the default position: Enablement of work force changes so that people could work across organisations in hybrid roles.

The report continued to outline the recent budget announcement on the £3bn for a Health and Social Care Integration Transformation Fund, a pooled fund, to be held by local authorities. To further enhance the funding, funding currently held by Clinical Commissioning Groups for reablement and carers breaks would also be included within the pools budget along with other grants which currently fund Social Care.

The pooled funding would be subject to plans being agreed by the Local Health and Wellbeing Board and signed off by Clinical Commissioning Groups and Council Leaders. It was envisaged that plans would be developed during 2013/14 to be implemented in 2014/15.

Whilst recognising the need to progress the approach to Community Budgets within Kirklees, it was felt that further discussion needed to take place at the Chief Officer Group. It was agreed that a more detailed proposal of options in Kirklees should be presented to a future meeting of Health and Wellbeing Board.


(1) The report on Community Budgets be noted.

(2) The following discussions at Chief Officer Group, a further report, including more detailed options, be submitted to the Board.

23 Involving Communities-30-60-90 Day Plan The Health and Wellbeing Board received an interim update on the final stage of the Involving Communities-30-60-90 Day Plan.

The intention was that a more detailed report and presentation would be presented to the Board at its September meeting. Michael Greene, Head


of Safe and Cohesive Communities outlined the two elements of work comprising the programme, which were:

Designing a programme of activities to build capacities in areas defined as a priority in a mapping exercise.

Design Community Involvement Programmes under Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priorities to help tackle the defined health issues.

Mr Greene indicated that two pieces of research and analysis had been undertaken to define lower super output areas and middle super output areas to drill down in to two smaller geographical areas. Following the defining of the key communities, a second piece of research and analysis had considered how local community capacity in Kirklees could be defined and analysed. The desk top analysis was tested out with a workshop of frontline workers to take account of soft intelligence and local experience and insight.

The next steps were to agree with JHWS lead officers to develop discreet work programmes in priority areas in North and South Kirklees. The team would also start to identify assets in each area and work out programmes to focus on supporting delivery of the food and nutrition, alcohol, learning and skills and emotional wellbeing plans and programmes. There would be work to ensure that linkages were made with the Clinical Commissioning Groups and local GP practises within the priority areas.

In considering the report, it was suggested that the information regarding assets and buildings within priority areas should be shared with local ward councillors who would have a lot of local knowledge. It was confirmed that the next step of the project included engagement with councillors in the priority areas.

It was requested when the more detailed report came to the Health and Wellbeing Board in September, details of time frames for pilots etc. should be included.


(1) That the next steps outlined in page 2 of the report be supported by the Board.

(2) That a more in depth presentation on the Involving Communities Work Programme be considered at the Board meeting in September 2013.

24 Raising Quality Health and Social Economy – Winter Bourne Action Plan It was agreed that consideration of this item would be deferred to the September meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board and would encompass a wider discussion on the recommendations of the Francis Review.



Contact Officer: Tish Barker - Tel. 01484 221000 (Automated Switchboard - Please ask for Tish Barker)



Thursday 29 August 2013

Present: Councillor Mehboob Khan (in the Chair) Councillor Cath Harris Councillor Robert Light Councillor Molly Walton Chris Dowse – North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group Carol McKenna – Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Judith Hooper – Director of Public Health Rory Deighton – Healthwatch Dr Paul Wilding – Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group

Invited Observers: Neil Clark – Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust Dawn Stephenson – South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust Janice Boucher – Locala

Observers: Dr Kate Evans

25 Membership of the Board / Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Dr Steve Ollerton, Alison O'Sullivan, Adrian Lythgo, Chief Superintendent Kingsman, Owen Williams, Dr David Kelly, Dr Farhad Kohi, Robert Flack, Damian Riley and Councillor Linda Wilkinson.

26 Minute of Previous Meeting The Board considered the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2013.

RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2013 be approved as a correct record subject to the amendment below:

Item 20 - That "in respect of the alcohol work stream attention was drawn to the summit to be held on the 1 September" be amended to "in respect of the alcohol work stream attention was drawn to the summit to be held on the 23 September".

27 Interests RESOLVED – No interests were declared.


28 Admission of the Public The board determined that all issues would be considered in public session.

29 Deputations/Petitions There were no deputations or petitions presented to the Board.

30 Public Question Time There were no public questions asked at the Board meeting.

31 Health and Social Care Act - Implications from the Changes The Board received a summary and update on the implications of the Care Bill 2013 in light of the following developments:

*Extensive stakeholder consultation. * Pre-legislative scrutiny by the Joint Committee set up to examine the draft bill. * The decision to implement the cap on lifetime care costs. * The Francis report into care at Stafford Hospital.

The report noted the refocusing of the law around the person not the service, with strengthened rights for carers to access support and the introduction of a new adult safeguarding framework. The Bill would place a new duty on Local Authorities (mirrored in health legislation) to carry out their care and support functions with the aim of integrating services with those provided by the NHS or other health-related services, such as housing, to ensure organisations would work together to improve outcomes for people.

Sue Richards, Assistant Director Wellbeing and Integration, informed the Board that clarification was still awaited in respect of a number of key areas including: (1) The financial implications on the cap on the cost of care: 2) The commencement date for Local Authorities’ responsibility to undertake financial assessments.

The following points were brought to the attention of the Board:

* There would be a formal duty placed on Local Authorities for high–level requirements for information and advice services, including advice about how to access independent financial advice.

* There would be a national minimum eligibility threshold which the Government will say more about when the draft regulations are published.

* There would be a responsibility on Local Authorities to share information when a person moves area, with a requirement to meet the needs for care and support which the first Local Authority was meeting.


* There would be a duty to undertake Adult Serious Case Reviews, along the lines of the Serious Children’s Case Reviews. These would be undertaken by Safeguarding Adults Board, although reviews would be more streamlined than Children’s Case Reviews.

The Board noted the extent of infrastructure that would need to be in place to comply with the Care Bill, but welcomed the assurance that existing systems strengthened the position to deliver the changes.

RESOLVED - That the report on the Health and Social Care Act and the information contained in the report be noted.

32 Children and Young People's Plan - Headline Priorities The Board received an update on the revised priorities agreed by the Children’s Trust for the Children and Young People Plan 2013-2016.

The report informed the panel of the five revised priorities for the Children and Young People Plan:

* Mental, emotional health and wellbeing * Looked after children and care leavers – improving life chances * Young People – improving life chances by being ready for and have opportunities for work * Disabled children – improving life chances * Child Sexual Exploitation – improving life chances of those at risk

Iain Baines, Strategic Information Manager, made reference to the emphasis that the Department of Health and Local Government Association placed on the requirement for Health and Wellbeing Boards to consider the needs of the health of children. The Board noted the responsibility which the Children’s Partnership Trust and the Children and Young People Plan had for this area and welcomed the proposal for the Health and Wellbeing Board to receive regular reports from these bodies.

Matthew Holland, Head of Children’s Trust Management and Development, assured the board that, in addition to the five revised priority areas, current work streams would be ongoing.

RESOLVED - (1) That the revised priorities for the Children and Young People's Plan 2013-16 be noted.

(2) That the Children's Trust would manage the delivery of the priorities for the Children and Young People's Plan 2013-16 and outcome reports would be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board at future meetings.

(3) That the full plan would be presented to a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


33 Dates of Next Meeting The Board noted that its next meeting would be held on Thursday 26 September 2013 at 2.00pm.



Contact Officer: Andrea Woodside - Tel. 01484 221715



Tuesday 6 August 2013

Present: Councillor Sheard (in the Chair) Councillors Khan, Light, Patrick and N Turner

1 Membership of the Committee Councillor N Turner substituted for Councillor A Pinnock.

Councillor Patrick substituted for Councillor D Hall.

Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Cooper.

2 Interests No interests were declared.

3 Admission of the public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

4 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

5 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

6 Neighbourhood Planning Guidance The Committee gave consideration to a report which sought approval for the publication and circulation of guidance notes in respect of the production of the Neighbourhood Development Plans.

The Committee noted that, under the Localism Act 2011, Local Authorities had a duty to support Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums with neighbourhood planning. The report advised that, as the level of support to be provided was not defined within the Localism Act, the guidance notes appended as an annex to the report had been produced to assist neighbourhood groups to understand the implementation of Neighbourhood Development Plans by identifying a process, which set out statutory requirements and advised of the level of support which groups could expect to receive from the Council.

The report advised that, to date, two organisations; Holme Valley Parish Council and Newsome Ward Community Forum, had both expressed an interest in pursuing Neighbourhood Development Plans. It was noted that demand for Neighbourhood Development Plans support may increase and that, if this were to occur, the Council may need to review the level of support provided.

The Committee gave consideration to the Guidance Notes, as appended to the report, and discussion took place regarding the content of the document; specifically; the need to clarify the levels of support that would be available from the Council within the maximum time period permitted, and also the content of the Service Level Agreement, enabling Community groups to be given a realistic idea of the level of support which they may receive.

RESOLVED - That the Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Notes, as appended to the report, be approved for publication, subject to amendment to provide clarification (i) that the Council would offer up to a maximum of 74 hours (10 days) to support the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan, subject to the extent of the plan area, the complexity of issues to be addressed and the availability of staff resources both within the Council and the Neighbourhood Planning Body, and (ii) that the support provided would be tailored to the specific circumstances of the plan area and the issues to be addressed with the aim of achieving proposals which would meet the basic conditions required for independent examination, to be agreed via Service Level Agreement.


Contact Officer: Penny Bunker - Tel. 01484 221944



Tuesday 9 July 2013

Present: Councillor Kendrick (in the Chair) Councillors Rowling and Stewart Turner

1 Apologies for Absence Apologies for Absence were received from Councillors Patrick, Sims and Burke.

2 Appointment of Chair for the Meeting Councillor Viv Kendrick was appointed as Chair for the meeting.

3 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Committee considered the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2013.

RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 May 2013 be approved as a correct record.

4 Interests No interests were declared.

5 Admission of the Public The Committee determined that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

6 Appointments to Scrutiny Panels The Management Committee considered a report which sought formal approval for the appointment of voluntary co-optees to the Scrutiny Panels for the 2013/14 municipal year. The report also asked the Committee to formally appoint a change in membership of the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel.

The report indicated that the Management Committee was not responsible for the appointment of statutory co-optees of which there were three on the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel. However it was required to appoint voluntary co-optees to the Scrutiny Panels for the municipal year. The report proposed the following; Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel – Linda Summers: Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel – Tim Brierley, Tim Duke and Ray Firth: Resources Scrutiny Panel – John


Briggs, Philip Chaloner and William Bradshaw: Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel – Jeff Peers, Jane Gledhill, Peter Mackle and Laurence Walker.

In addition to the appointment of co-optees the Committee formally approved the change of membership on the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel with Councillor Tony Brice replacing Councillor Mark Hemingway.

RESOLVED – (1) That the voluntary Scrutiny co-optees be appointed to standing Scrutiny Panel’s as set out within the report.

(2) That Councillor Tony Brice replace Councillor Mark Hemingway on the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel.

7 Corporate Performance Report – Quarter 4 The Committee received a report that provided and overview of the Council’s performance in relation to the Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans for 2012/13, as at Quarter 4.

It was noted that the key points emerging from analysis of service and Council performance were:

* The ongoing complexity and challenges in relation to collaborative and partnership working, including commissioning, with particular relation to Children and Adult Services and Public Health. * Progress in relation to Business, Growth and Jobs, for example the development of bids to support jobs and investment, and regeneration in Dewsbury and Huddersfield. Some concerns noted regarding housing supply and demand including households in temporary accommodation and homeless acceptances. * Success in CO2 reduction in delivering cost and energy efficiency measures for residents. * Projected year end saving of a further £7.8m or 2.2% against the original Council net revenue budget of £359m. * The need for some actions to be rolled forwards into 2013/14, in part as a consequence of the need to integrate actions into the Comprehensive Spending Review.

The Committee also received an update on the points arising from consideration of the Quarter 3 corporate performance report. This included information on KI130, the calculation of the number of affordable homes delivered: and public health performance in relation to tackling obesity in primary schools.

In considering the Quarter 4 performance the Committee raised concerns about indicator KI051, looked after children cases reviewed within required timescales and asked for additional information regarding national trends. It was requested that information be presented at the next performance


discussion at the Management Committee. The Committee asked for information on the scale of demand and how it is changing as well as the nature of demand and the numbers of child care cases compared to previous years.

Within the Resources portfolio the Committee noted the risks in relation to individual elector registration and discussed performance in relation to Freedom of Information requests. Members were concerned about the numbers of requests received and whether it was an effective use of officer resources. The Committee felt that the FOI system was open to abuse and queried whether some information could be charged for as it was being used for commercial gain. David Smith, Director of Resources responded by saying there were only a very small number of ways in which requests could be refused but there was an emphasis on where information could be published so that FOI enquiries could be pointed to publicly available information.

Councillor Kendrick reported back on her briefing regarding performance indicators within the Well-Being and Communities portfolio and it was noted that the overall direction of travel was good. There were some concerns about volume issues in terms of KI206, client reviews, which were as a result of increasing numbers within the client group without reciprocal increases in staffing levels.

RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee note the Council’s performance in relation to the Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans for 2012/13 as summarised within the Quarter 4 information.

(2) That officers consider the points raised by the Committee, in relation to looked after children indicators and provide feedback to the next Committee meeting at which performance issues are considered.

8 Date of next Meeting The Committee noted that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 6 August 2013 at 10.00am in the Town Hall, Huddersfield



Contact Officer: Penny Bunker - Tel. 01484 221944



Tuesday 6 August 2013

Present: Councillor Patrick in the Chair Councillors Burke, D Firth, Kendrick, Rowling, Sims and Stewart-Turner.

9 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 July were submitted and approved as a correct record.

10 Interests No interests were declared.

11 Admission of the Public The Committee agreed that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

12 Scrutiny Annual Report The Management Committee considered a draft of the Chair of Scrutiny's Annual Report which would be considered by Council on 11 September 2013. Beth Hewitt, Principal Governance and Democratic Engagement Officer attended the meeting to explain the approach to the Annual Report and answer Members questions.

The Committee welcomed the layout of the report which included more infographics and a 'snappier' approach to the layout. The report maintained the content principles of previous annual reports, including details of the Panel structure and information under different themes. It was suggested that the report could incorporate a little more looking forward to inform other Councillors of the challenges ahead. In addition it was requested that co-optee comments and feedback were summarised towards the end of the report.

RESOLVED - (1) That the proposed format for the Scrutiny Annual Report be agreed. (2) That information on co-optees, including feedback from focus groups be summarised within the report. (3) That for each article, where possible highlight the achievements and outcomes of the Scrutiny work.

13 Scrutiny Work Programme 2013/14 In line with one of the roles of Management Committee, to coordinate the work programmes of the four Scrutiny Panels, the Committee considered the work programmes being proposed by the four Scrutiny Panels for the 2013/14 municipal year.

The Committee resolved to continue monitoring progress, with Lead Members reporting on the progress of work programmes in October 2013 and March 2014.

Each of the Lead Members outlined the proposed work programme to Members of the Management Committee. Councillor Cahal Burke highlighted the work to be undertaken by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel on Bereavement Support and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

In respect of the Resources Scrutiny Panel the work programme included work on the Changing Face of Kirklees, Powerhouse, Business Rates and the Asset Disposal Strategy. In respect of the on-going work on Customer Services Centres, the Management Committee discussed recent changes to the telephony approach within the Council. It was agreed that the planned visit to the new Huddersfield Customer Service Centre would be extended to include a visit to Kirklees Direct and a discussion on recent approaches. The invitation to the visit would be extended to all Members of the Scrutiny Management Committee.

Councillor Viv Kendrick summarised the work of the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel highlighting the number of pending NHS reviews where the Panel would need to fulfil statutory requirements around the Scrutiny of Health. The work programme did not reflect the recent work that had been undertaken following up on the findings of the CQC inspection of an authority care home in North Kirklees.

Councillor Ken Sims outlined the proposed work programme for the Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel and it was noted that work had already begun on identifying the focus in respect of the museums and galleries work. The Committee briefly discussed this and suggested that there could be a focus on the management of assets held within museums and galleries collections.

It was noted that work was on going on the Town Centre Strategy with visits to other Local Authorities to see how recent challenges to Town Centres were being tackled. It was hoped that a report would be prepared during October/November on the findings of the task group. There was a brief discussion on the engagement of local businesses in some of the work of the Panel and it was suggested that the Huddersfield Partnership members would be happy to receive an invitation to meet with the Panel and discuss some of the issues.

In looking at the work areas to be covered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee it was suggested that the findings from the Well- Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel on the implications of the Francis Report could be bought for a broader discussion at the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.

In considering the Management Committee's work on the Comprehensive Spending Review, Councillor Patrick proposed the establishment of a Task Group to focus on the work. Councillor Stewart-Turner agreed to be a Member of the group and it was further agreed that one co-optee be sought from each of the four Scrutiny Standing Panel's to be part of the Task Group. The focus of the Task Group would be to look at the principles and process underlying the comprehensive spending review in Kirklees. To look at decision making timetables, engagement and consultation and monitor progress at key milestones.

RESOLVED - (1) That the work programmes for the Scrutiny Standing Panels for the 2013/14 municipal year be noted. (2) That details of the visit to the new Customer Service Centre be circulated to all members of the Management Committee. The meeting to also include a look at Kirklees Direct. (3) That a Comprehensive Spending Review Task Group be established with Councillors Patrick and Stewart-Turner as Members and co-optee nominations sought from across the Scrutiny Standing Panels. (4) The CSR task group to consider the process, principles, engagement and key milestones of the review process.

14 Date of Next Meeting The Management Committee noted that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 3 September at 10.00am in Huddersfield Town Hall.


Contact Officer: Penny Bunker Tel. 01484 221000



Tuesday 1 October 2013

Present: Councillor Patrick (In the Chair) Councillors Burke, D Firth, Kendrick, Rowling, Sims and Stewart-Turner

15 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2013 were submitted and approved as a correct record.

16 Interests There were no interests declared.

17 Admission of the Public The Committee determined that all items would be considered in public session.

18 Quarter 1 Performance 2013/14 The Committee considered a report setting out the Council’s performance at Quarter 1 in relation to the Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans for 2013/14.

Andy Simcox, Senior Performance Manager, reported that the corporate priorities were broadly on track at the end of Quarter 1. However specific attention was drawn to the following areas;

* Children entering the care system * Personalised support options, in particular, assessments to review client’s needs. * Good news concerning funding of £1.95 million as part of Townscape Heritage Initiative. * Building Services accreditation as Green Deal contractor.

The Committee continued to discuss the directorate quarterly performance information with Clare O’Regan, Directorate Performance Lead. In discussing the information on corporate parenting and looked after children, it was noted that there were new PI’s put in place this year by national government concerning average time from entering care to being placed with adoptive family. Although the targets were very challenging, the service was above average performance in relation to the percentage


of children who move in with their adoptive family and the number of adoptions.

In relation to performance against the target for assessment for social care, it was noted that the Well Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel was monitoring the issue.

There was discussion about the welfare reforms work being carried out within the Customer and Exchequer Service and it was requested that a further update be submitted to a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.

In considering the information within the Place Directorate report, the Committee discussed both empty homes and affordable housing. A request was made to receive further information to better understand the numbers behind the percentages regarding empty homes. Clarification was also sought on the accuracy of the affordable housing statistics, particularly given recent reductions in Section 106 agreements that would reduce the numbers of affordable houses required.

In relation to the Public Health Directorate, the Committee noted numerical information on the number of tuberculosis cases which had doubled between 2004 and 2011. In 2004 there were 70 cases which rose to 124 cases in 2011. The Well Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel had received an initial briefing on the issue and Councillor Kendrick reported that alcoholics were particularly prone to contracting infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, given their poor diet and general health. The Management Committee felt that the budget information for public health should be presented in the performance report. It was also suggested that further local performance indicators could be developed from some of the areas covered within the text of the report.

In concluding the item, there was discussion on the reduction in the number of PI’s and whether this had, had a positive impact on the amount of officer resources used within the performance reporting process.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the response to issues raised at quarter 4 performance reporting discussion be noted.

(2) That the Quarter 1 Performance Report 2013/14 be noted.

(3) That officers provide further details on the issues highlighted by the Committee during the discussion.

19 Comprehensive Spending Review Task Group The Management Committee considered a report which sought approval of the terms of reference for the Comprehensive Spending Review Scrutiny Task Group.


The Management Committee noted that following agreement at the meeting of the Committee on 6 August 2013, the CSR Scrutiny Task Group had been established. The task group chaired by Councillor Nigel Patrick, had met twice and started to understand the approach to CSR in Kirklees and the more general principles that underpinned local government finance and budget setting. A further meeting was programmed for the 17 September 2013.

In line with Scrutiny practice, the Management Committee was asked to approve the terms of reference.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the progress of the Comprehensive Spending Review Scrutiny Task Group be noted.

(2) That the Management Committee receives copies of the minutes of the task group at future meetings.

(3) That the terms of reference for the CSR Scrutiny Task Group be approved.

20 Membership of Panels The Management Committee was requested to formally appoint a change in the membership of the Resources Scrutiny Panel.

The Committee noted that the Liberal Democrat group had requested that Councillor Andrew Marchington replace Councillor James Blanchard as a member of the Resources Scrutiny Panel with immediate effect.

RESOLVED – That the change in membership of the Resources Scrutiny Panel, with Councillor Marchington replacing Councillor Blanchard, be approved.

21 Date of next meeting The Management Committee noted that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 29 October 2013. The meeting would consider Lead Member progress reports.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the date of the next meeting on 29 October 2013 be noted.

(2) That Lead Member reports be considered at the meeting, with the Lead Member report for the Resources Scrutiny Panel being deferred for consideration until the committee meeting on 26 November 2013.