Joint Headquarters Centre Becomes CC-Land HQ HD by Maj

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Joint Headquarters Centre Becomes CC-Land HQ HD by Maj OBSERVER_neu_aC.QXP 08.11.2004 12:38 Uhr Seite 1 Serving Component Command - Land Headquarters Heidelberg Campbell Barracks, Heidelberg, Germany Fall 2004 OBSERVER_neu_aC.QXP 08.11.2004 12:38 Uhr Seite 2 In this Issue The Observer Exercise Collective Effort ‘04 4 Held in the Czech Republic, this exercise was one of the Serving the military and largest logistic interoperability exercises held. family members of CC-Land HQ HD Exercise Cathode Emission ‘04 6 Provided interoperability and standardization training for Gen. B. B. Bell NATO strategic deployable and corps level tactical CIS. Commander Officer Professional Development Lt. Col. Helmut Wetzel 8 Officers travel to the battlefields of Tannenberg to study Ch, Public Information Officer lessons learned from historical battles. Maj. Cynthia F. Teramae Deep Operations Conference 10 Seventeen NATO headquarters participate in the CC-Land HQ Chief, Media Operations and HD conference. Editor Sports Day Adj. Jan Van Meensel 12 CC-Land HQ HD competes. Administrative Supervisor Staff Sgt. Angeline Hoffmann 44 88 1155 Command Photographer Published four times each year, The Observer is an authorized, unofficial publication. Its aim is to inform headquarters personnel and their family members. Opinions expressed in this Country Visits: Destination Denmark publication are those of 15 the authors and do not Commander Component Command Land HD travels reflect official policy. to Denmark. Farewell Message Suggestions for articles, 16 Maj. Gen. Frank Hye bids farewell to the troops. comments and contributions are welcome and should be directed to the editor. The Commander’s Conference editor reserves the right to edit 18 Commanders gather in Ulm, Germany. submissions. Public Information Office The Guest Book Postfach 102620 20 Select visits to our headquarters, honours and awards. D-69016 Heidelberg (Bldg 8, Campbell Barracks) Phone: 06221 398472 Farewells Fax: 06221 398349 21 Members of our headquarters depart. Email: [email protected] Printed by: Places to go, things to do ABT Print und Medien GmbH 23 A visit to Disneyland Paris is for children of all ages. Bruchsaler Straße 5 69469 Weinheim Phone: 0 62 01/18 90-0 On the Cover Gen. B. B. Bell and Cpl Frank Delsinck, the youngest member of CC-Land HQ HD unveil the headquarters’ rock at the activation ceremony. Visit our web site at See related story on page 11. 2 OBSERVER_neu_aC.QXP 08.11.2004 12:38 Uhr Seite 3 Commander’s Message To all members of the CC-Land HQ HD Family, This issue of The Observer lends great insight into how busy we have been over the last few months. On the 1st of July, our headquarters said farewell to Joint Headquarters Centre in an historic ceremony that activated our new headquarters as Component Com- mand-Land Headquarters Heidelberg. Along with a peer headquarters in Madrid, we are now one of two land-centric NATO headquarters within the NATO Command Structure. With a new name comes new mis- sions, and it is clear we need to be ready now to accomplish any directed task with- in our NATO area of operations and be- yond. To that end, in addition to those im- Finally, I must recognize the tremen- portant tasks that our headquarters has dous recent transition in headquarters been renowned for, such as integration leadership. We farewelled: Lt. Gen. and training of the new NATO member na- Broadwater, our DCOM; Maj. Gen. Hye, tions, we will ready our headquarters to our COS; Brig. Gen. Sommerlat, our Chief become a rapidly deployable joint head- FMM; and Brig. Gen. Norgard, our ACOS quarters with a robust reach back sanctu- J3/5/9/ENG, who led us so well as the ary operations centre. This means your COS during our first out-of-area deploy- individual responsibility lies with your abil- ment to Afghanistan. We will miss all of ity to be rapidly deployed. You and your them and their counsel. Along with their families should take the time now to pre- departures, however, Katie and I are ex- pare yourself for missions that may be as- tremely happy to welcome our newest signed to us. senior members of the headquarters: our new DCOM, Lt. Gen. Lather; Brig. Gen. We also had some great training over Svensson, our new COS; Brig. Gen. Fau- these last months. Logistics Exercise Col- re, Chief FMM; Brig. Gen. Macko, DCOS lective Effort 04, Engineer Exercise Con- Support; and Brig. Gen. Defawe, DCOS stant Makefast 04 and Communications Operations. Together with them, and all of Exercise Cathode Emission 04, all tested the other new arrivals to the headquarters, NATO interoperability, and were superbly we will continue our tradition of success. run. Congratulations to all who helped make them a success. I am also gratified to see that the officers and noncommis- sioned officers conducted staff rides to Tannenberg and Toulon. B. B. BELL General, US Army Commander 3 OBSERVER_neu_aC.QXP 08.11.2004 12:38 Uhr Seite 4 Exercise Exercise Collective Effort ‘04 in Review by Cdt. Danny Verbeeck, Belgian Army Base in Cesky Krumlov, and the Military Exercise Collective Effort ‘04 Project Officer Airbase Plana in the vicinity of Ceske Budejovice. Exercise Collective Effort 2004 (EX The primary aim of the exercise was CE 04) was a logistic Interoperability Field to enhance overall interoperability of Training Exercise conducted from June NATO logistic systems and to assess the 11-18 2004. It was directed, conducted, standardization of equipment and proce- controlled, evaluated and supported by a dures within the logistics functional areas 98-person DISTAFF composed mainly of of ammunition, material handling equip- Component Command-Land Headquar- ment (MHE), fuel, water, maintenance and ters Heidelberg G4 Division personnel, recovery, helicopter operations, move- augmented with personnel from other ment and transportation, and logistic re- NATO member nations and NATO staffs. porting in order to support future NATO G4 Division also received critical support operations. from many of the other divisions from The exercise also tested the ability of within our headquarters that made for an a Multi-National Logistic Center (MNLC), outstanding training exercise. comprised Also unique of functional was first-time par- Multination- ticipation of mem- al Integrat- bers of the NATO ed Logistics working groups and Units panels responsible (MILUs), to for standardization support a efforts in logistics, multination- who served as al combat members of the formation. DISTAFF Analysis & The MNLC Evaluation Cell. and subor- This participation dinate was important be- MILUs were cause the NATO required to working groups and use the panels were able to most cur- take the findings rent version and recommenda- Nine NATO member nations participated in the exercise along with of NATO tions from the exer- three new member nations as observers resulting in one of the Standard- cise and bring them largest and successful NATO logistic training missions. ization forward to make Agreements (STANAGs), policies, and changes in NATO Standardization Agree- procedures in the execution of the exer- ments (STANAGs) as required - meeting cise tasks. one of the prime objectives of the exer- The tactical scenario for the exercise cise. was a NATO led Out-of-Area Crisis Re- Exercise Collective Effort ‘04 was sponse Operation. The exercise was set conducted in the Czech Republic at three in the sustainment phase of the operation primary locations including the Military scenario, with NATO troops establishing a Training Area - Boletice in the vicinity of buffer zone between two fictional warring Cesky Krumlov, the Peace Forces Training factions. Using this tactical backdrop, the 4 OBSERVER_neu_aC.QXP 08.11.2004 12:38 Uhr Seite 5 Exercise MNLC was placed OPCON to a NATO ings, the G4 is in the process of summa- Headquarters Land Component Com- rizing the results into 26 Standardization mand (LCC). The LCC represented by Deficiency Questionnaires (SDQ), which the DISTAFF Exercise Control coordinat- will be submitted to the appropriate NATO ed logistic support through the use of Working Groups for further consideration daily fragmentation orders. In executing in the ongoing development of NATO these simulated missions, the MNLC as- STANAGs. The challenge will be to incor- sessed the missions, and supplies were porate these potential changes to organized and transported by the MILUs STANAGs as soon as possible in order to to a series of Forward Logistics Bases for influence National Ministries of Defense in collection and onward delivery. As part of their development of national doctrine planning these missions, the MNLC re- and equipment. quested movement authority from the Now that the exercise is over, what Theatre Movement Control Cell (TMCC), did we get for our investment in time, the core of which was made up of an ac- staff, energy, and money? Most impor- tual Belgian movement control team. tantly experience. This training event has Nine nations participated in the inter- given each individual and each nation a operability exercise with personnel and new positive perspective on multi-nation- equipment including Belgium, Czech Re- al logistics. Additionally, one of the very public, Denmark, France, Germany, basic challenges of multinational logistics Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, and is the skepticism that logistic interoper- Poland. Also, ability can really three of the re- work. Exercise cently admitted Collective Effort new member '04 went a long nations: Latvia, way in removing Lithuania and these basic Slovakia, partici- doubts, and in the pated as end the partici- observers. Last- pants came away ly, France, Great- with the feeling Britain, and the that with some ef- United States, fort, a multi- using the exer- national approach cise as an oppor- to logistics can tunity, conducted work and is effec- an Asset Tracking tive. Un- demonstration. doubtably, every- During the one who partici- exercise, 672 pated learned standardization something, and trials were com- considered it a pleted, and as a positive experi- result of discrep- ence.
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