The Peluhs Facts Volume 1, Issue 1 3Rd Quarter, AY 16 - 17 About 1/3 (33.3%) of Pohnpeians Are Students Interscholastic Games with Pohnpei
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Office of Public Information, Pohnpei DOE Fast The Peluhs Facts Volume 1, Issue 1 3rd Quarter, AY 16 - 17 About 1/3 (33.3%) of Pohnpeians are students Interscholastic Games with Pohnpei Nett Elemen- tary School Sports Commission will have a gymnasium by In February, the 2017 Memorial High School Private schools are join- the end of the calendar year Pohnpei Interscholastic face off against each ing the games as well, Rohi Elemen- Basketball Tournament other, with teams for with participants includ- tary School began—and what a sea- ing Calvary Christian has the highest math test son it’s been so far! Academy, Our Lady of scores for 4th Mercy Christian High graders Every day until Mid- School, Seventh Day Ad- Sokehs Powe April at the Pohnpei School is un- ventist and—wait for it! State Gymnasium is a dergoing some —Pohnpei Catholic renovations smorgasbord of games, School, which has its starting at 3:30pm and Opening Ceremony first group of 9th graders going until dark. Inside this this year. Best of luck to i s s u e : See your favorite players both boys and girls. But the players! from public schools like it’s not only public DOE Funding 2 For more information, Madolenihmw High schools facing off in call the Sports Commis- School, Pohnpei Island these events! Surveys 2 sion Office at: 320-6278. Central School, Nanpei CPR Training 2 Accreditation 3 Vocational Ed 3 SCRIPPS Spelling Bee Winners Say Something 3 On February 10th, 2017, across Pohnpei partici- ley Zarred, of Ohmine in partnership with pated in the Scripps School, and third place Interview 4 Pohnpei Rotary Club, Spelling Bee. Taking first went to Laela Mae Hel- Talent Search Program, place was Alliya Shae genberger—also of and Pacific Mission Donre, of Awak School. Awak School. Congratu- Aviation, students from Second place was Brad- lations! Congratulations Alliya, Bradley, and Laela! P a g e 2 $1,500,000 Unallocated Funds 99.99% of all funds the Pohnpei supplies. However, some of this Department of Education receives money is unallocated, or unas- come from the Compact of Free signed. The Pohnpei Department of Association with the United States Education is currently in the process of America. This money mostly of assigning money for facilities comes in two forms: the Education maintenance, safe drinking water, Sector Grant (ESG) and the Supple- more chairs and desks, better toilets, mental Education Grant (SEG). and more. Most of this funding is allocated, or Have an idea for how to use some Our jobs exist for assigned, for things like teacher sala- of this money? Contact our Central one reason: to ries, fuel for buses, and instructional Office, located across PICS Field. serve children Anonymous Student Survey Got a story f o r T h e In late February 2017, every high return your assignments? P e l u h s ? school student in Pohnpei State was 3. How satisfied are you with your given a survey about their teacher. We want to teacher? The survey asked questions like: h e a r f r o m The results, which we’ll post here y o u ! 1. How often does your teacher next issue, will be used by the Cen- give you feedback on your Call us at tral Office and Lead Teachers for 3 2 0 - 2 1 0 3 work? organizing teacher training events 2. How often does your teacher and workshops. Micronesia Red Cross CPR Training with Red Cross & IOM Society is a valuable In a partnership with Micro- March 13th-14th at DOE or Se- partner on nesia Red Cross and IOM, kere’s gym, while Madolenihmw and our island. the Pohnpei Department of Kitti schools will meet March 15th- Education is hosting a series 16th at either Sapwalap Elementary Contact of workshops for select School or Nanpei Memorial School. them at teachers on emergency life- Special thanks to Red Cross, IOM, 320-7077 saving techniques, such as CPR. Ko- and the selected teachers for their lonia and Soklehs schools meet service to our youth! T h e P e l u h s Volume 1, Issue 1 P a g e 3 Accreditation: What is it? Level One improvement The hope is that, if our schools includes physi- schools, principals, teach- need more cal improve- ers, staff, students, and Fire drill at Ohmine help than ments, such as parents all work together, School, Feb 23rd Level Four schools better chairs we’ll be able to identify and bathrooms “what does success look like?”, for students, as well as and measure how we Accreditation is a process programmatic improve- know when we’ve reached Have any questions, comments, or concerns of continual self- ments, such as more after- that success. The result regarding WD&ST? improvement in our school activities, and more will be better education for Contact Staylor Elidok at schools. That self- feedback for teachers. our students, our families. 320-2103 or [email protected] 34 New Workforce Development & Skills Training (WD&ST) Trainees Helping Schools WD&ST Students Work Skills & Develop- berglass, Carving, and potential will continue for Meeting, Feb 13th ment Training (WD&ST) Farming, 34 trainees began another three months and is a subdivision of Pohnpei training by instructors in then acquire certification Department of Education. both theory as well as in their field of study. The In February 2017, under hands-on, practical train- Department’s staff will the skills training programs ing. This program lasts for assist trainees in finding for A/C repair, Mechanics, four months, after which employment during their Carpentry, Electrical, Fi- those evaluated to have last month of training. See Something? Say Something! The Pohnpei Department staff treat each other with If you ever see a of Education is committed respect all the time. student hit a stu- towards helping students dent, or a teacher Most of the time, teachers identify and reach success. hit a student— respect their students, and That includes making sure don’t do nothing; students respect their that all schools are safe for say something. teachers, and students re- all students all the time, Violence is never Treat others the way you spect other students. and that all students and okay. would like to be treated. Dear Reader, Do you know what a stakeholder is? A stakeholder is someone who has a stake—that is, an important interest—in something. Students want to learn; therefore, students have a stake in education. Parents want their children to succeed; therefore, Office of Public Information, parents have a stake in education. Businesses and Govern- ments want people to make and spend money, something Pohnpei DOE education can help with.; therefore, businesses and govern- ments have a stake in education. PO Box 250, Pohnpei FM 96941 Phone: +691-320-2301 Do you have a stake in education? Contact the Department of Education Central Office with any questions, comments, or E-mail: [email protected] concerns you may have. Everything we do is for our children. Visit Us on Facebook! Vocabulary This Issue: Smorgasboard [noun]: a wide range Allocated [verb, used with object]: assigned; given a purpose Standard [noun]: a level of quality you can measure Strengthening Our Schools! Renovations [noun, plural form]: Rebuilding, improving P e l u h s Teacher Interview: Melten Leopold Melten Leopold is a Re- ing classrooms and the IEP PELUHS: What made you source Teacher at Nukuoro students. After school I pro- want to work with children? Elementary School. vide tutoring in Math and MELTEN: It was my English for the special needs PELUHS: How long have dream to be able to help students. I also take care of you been working at Nu- kids. Teaching students, the school’s library, which kuoro School? helping them, seeing them has 30-some students. smile—you know, one day MELTEN: Three years. I they will be the leaders of started at Ohmine, and then the islands. from December 2013 until now I’ve been at Nukuoro. PELUHS: What do you like about living on Nu- PELUHS: What is an aver- kuoro? age school day like at Nu- kuoro School? MELTEN: Working the Nukuoro Elementary School land and exercising, instead MELTEN: I start by visit- of just eating rice. .