
Visual Persuasion: An Exploration of the Relation between the Visual Attributes of Thumbnails and the View-Through of

Byungwan Koh Korea University Business School, Korea University, Seoul, Korea [email protected]

Fuquan Cui Game Division, bilibili Company, Shanghai, China [email protected]

May 19, 2021


Visual Persuasion: An Exploration of the Relation between the Visual Attributes of Thumbnails and the View-Through of Videos


As more businesses become aware of the advantages of marketing, the competition in online video platforms is becoming fierce. For video content, it is becoming more challenging to stand out from the crowd. Industry experts and anecdotal evidence have highlighted the importance of thumbnails for the view-through of videos. Thumbnails are usually the first thing that potential viewers see when they browse through an online video platform. While browsing through the platform, they decide which videos to click and watch based on the information and impression they obtain from thumbnails. Therefore, a thumbnail needs to be able to tell potential viewers what the video is about (i.e., be informative). At the same time, a thumbnail needs to grab potential viewers’ attention (i.e., be visually appealing). Drawing from the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), we take the visual attributes that are relevant to the informativeness of thumbnails (e.g., the element complexity and object complexity of thumbnails) as central route cues, take the visual attributes that are relevant to the aesthetics of thumbnails (e.g., the celebrity endorsement, colorfulness, brightness, and image quality of thumbnails) as peripheral route cues, and explore the relation between these visual attributes and the view-through of videos using 3,745 marketing videos posted by 38 top brands across 4 industries – the automobile, beverage, restaurant, and toy industries – on YouTube. We construct our variables by extracting features from thumbnails using image mining techniques. Thus, our measures are reasonably scalable and, more importantly, not subjective. This study contributes to the literature on information systems and marketing by enhancing our understanding of the role of visual attributes in persuading viewers in the context of video content marketing. Finally, our results provide useful guidelines for optimizing thumbnails to grab potential viewers’ attention and yield more video views.

Keywords: Thumbnails, video view-through, video content marketing, branded video content, elaboration likelihood model, visual persuasion, image mining.


1. Introduction

In recent years, the online video platform market has grown substantially. As of May 2019,

YouTube, one of the most popular online video platforms, had more than 2 billion monthly unique users worldwide (Spangler 2019). These users uploaded more than 500 hours of video every minute (Hale 2019) and watched more than 1 billion hours of video each day (Mohsin

2019). It is predicted that video traffic will account for 82% of all traffic by 2022 (Cisco

2019). Furthermore, consumers say that they prefer video content over any other form of content

(McNeely 2019). They discover brands and products through videos (Rozario-Ospino 2019) and engage with brands and make purchasing decisions after watching videos (Brightcove 2018,

Chua 2019). Accordingly, online video platforms have become a prominent marketing channel for businesses to reach a wider range of target customers and engage with them. In 2019, 85% of businesses used video content as a marketing tool (Hayes 2019). Approximately 24% of those businesses uploaded video content weekly, and approximately 13% uploaded video content daily

(Buffer 2019). In 2018, advertisers spent $90.7 billion on video marketing, and this value is expected to increase to $102.8 billion by 2023 (Kurzer 2018). Eighty-eight percent of advertisers said that they were satisfied with the return on investment (ROI) of their video marketing efforts in 2018 (O’Neil 2018). However, with more businesses becoming aware of the advantages of video marketing, the competition is becoming fierce.

According to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, 43,770 YouTube channels that had more than 250,000 subscribers as of January 2019 collectively uploaded 48,486 hours of video content in the first week of 2019. Those videos were viewed more than 14.2 billion times during the same time period; however, 10% of the videos were responsible for 79% of all those


views (Kessel et al. 2019). Similarly, Chowdhury and Makaroff (2013) show that among 47,771

YouTube videos in their sample, only 0.08% received more than 100,000 views. Approximately half of those videos were viewed less than 100 times, and a quarter of them were not even viewed 10 times. For video content, it is becoming more challenging to stand out from the crowd.

Industry experts have highlighted the importance of thumbnails for the view-through of videos (Gollin 2018, Newberry 2018, Lawrence 2019, Dean 2020). Viewers decide which videos to click and watch when browsing through an online video platform based on the information and impression they obtain from thumbnails. A thumbnail is a frame taken from a video or a customized image that represents the content of the video. YouTube reports that although it provides a few thumbnail choices from the video itself based on some algorithms, 90% of top- performing videos use customized thumbnails rather than the “suggested” choices (Funk 2020).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that “optimized” thumbnails increase the view-through of videos by

15% (Vidyard 2013). However, academia has paid little attention to investigating what aspects of thumbnails are associated with the view-through of videos.

A thumbnail is an abstract of a video; hence, it may need to be informative and tell potential viewers what the video is about. At the same time, a thumbnail needs to be visually appealing and grab potential viewers’ attention. Drawing from the elaboration likelihood model

(ELM) (Petty et al. 1983, Petty and Cacioppo 1986), we take the visual attributes that are relevant to the informativeness of thumbnails (e.g., the element complexity and object complexity of thumbnails) as central route cues, take the visual attributes that are relevant to the aesthetics of thumbnails (e.g., the celebrity endorsement, colorfulness, brightness, and image


quality of thumbnails) as peripheral route cues, and explore the relation between these visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos.

Using data collected from 3,745 marketing videos posted by 38 top brands across 4 industries – the automobile, beverage, restaurant, and toy industries – on YouTube, we show that these visual attributes of thumbnails have statistically significant relations with the view-through of videos, which may suggest that these visual attributes may persuade potential viewers to click and watch the videos via the central route and peripheral route. In particular, having more types of design elements (e.g., product, model, text) in a thumbnail may help convey information; however, focusing on too many objects can hinder the processing of the information.

Furthermore, thumbnails with a celebrity picture, with a combination of high colorfulness and high brightness or low colorfulness and low brightness, and with moderate image quality may be more effective in persuading potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route.

Our study makes the following contributions. First, complementing a growing body of literature that studies the factors that affect the view-through of videos (Chatzopoulou et al.

2010, Zhou et al. 2010, Borghol et al. 2012, Khan and Vong 2014, Mohr 2014, Yu et al. 2014,

Lewinski 2015, Welbourne and Grant 2016, Bärtl 2018), we explore the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos. Existing studies on thumbnails mainly focus on automatic thumbnail selection (Dufaux 2000, Gong and Liu 2000, Gao et al.

2009, Song et al. 2016, Yuan et al. 2017). Hürst et al. (2011) examine the relation between video retrieval performance and the characteristics of thumbnails, such as size and motion type in a environment. Second, our study also complements the literature on information systems and marketing that studies the relation between the visual attributes of advertisement


images and the effectiveness of advertisements (Putrevu et al. 2004, Pieters et al. 2010, Wu et al.

2016, Kahn 2017, Farace 2019, Luffarelli 2019). This study provides additional insights and enhances our understanding of the role of visual attributes in persuading viewers in the context of video content marketing by showing the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos. Third, we construct the visual attributes of thumbnails by extracting features from thumbnails using image mining techniques. Although we had to manually go through and check the validity of some measures, our measures are reasonably scalable and, more importantly, not subjective. As noted by Pieters et al. (2010), the measures of the visual attributes of advertisement images used in prior studies may be subjective. The closest studies to ours in terms of variable construction are Li et al. (2019), who investigated the role of videos in crowdfunding, and Shin et al. (2020), who investigated the role of images in . Finally, our results provide useful guidelines for optimizing thumbnails to grab potential viewers’ attention and yield more video views.

2. Context, Relevant Literature, Theoretical Backgrounds, and Conceptual Framework

2.1. Context: Branded video content

Online video platforms offer various types of advertisement options, including in-stream ads, bumper ads, overlay ads, and banner ads. Among them, we choose branded video content as the context to explore the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos. Branded video content refers to videos sponsored or created by brands (Schueller

2019). In particular, we focus on videos uploaded by brands on their YouTube brand channels

(see Figure 1). In general, branded video content is funny, emotional, heartwarming, or


educational rather than promotional; however, consumers do not see much difference between branded video content and video advertisements (Google 2014, Fergusson 2017). Interbrand’s top 100 brands, such as Disney, Coca-Cola, and Apple, had an average of 2.4 channels on

YouTube and collectively uploaded a video every 18.5 minutes in 2015 (Shayon 2015). LEGO had the most popular YouTube brand channel as of December 2019, with more than 8 million subscribers, more than 20,000 videos uploaded, and more than 10 billion views.1

Figure 1. Videos on the YouTube LEGO channel

1 Statistics are available from: https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/lego. 7

2.2. Relevant literature

There is a growing body of literature exploring the factors that affect the view-through of videos.

These studies suggest that the view-through of videos are affected by the social capital of the uploaders (Khan and Vong 2014, Bärtl 2018) and the characteristics of the videos, such as age

(Borghol et al. 2012, Khan and Vong 2014), length (Ruedlinger 2012), and viewer reviews (Khan and Vong 2014). Furthermore, Dean (2017) shows that the number of views of a YouTube video is highly correlated with its ranking, which in turn is correlated with the size of the channel and the number of Likes that the video received. Complementing these earlier studies, our study focuses on the visual attributes of thumbnails as additional factors that may be associated with the view-through of videos.

2.3. Theoretical backgrounds and conceptual framework

The ELM proposes that there are two routes to persuasion: the central route and the peripheral route (Petty et al. 1983, Petty and Cacioppo 1986). When consumers are exposed to an advertisement message, in the central route, they are persuaded by the content of the message, while in the peripheral route, they are persuaded by the appearance of the message.

Thumbnails are usually the first thing that potential viewers see when they browse through an online video platform. Hence, a thumbnail needs to be able to tell potential viewers what the video is about (i.e., be informative). At the same time, it needs to grab potential viewers’ attention (i.e., be visually appealing) (Brown 2017, Funk 2020). Drawing from the ELM perspective, we take the visual attributes of thumbnails that are relevant to the informativeness of thumbnails as central route cues and the visual attributes that are relevant to the aesthetics of thumbnails as peripheral route cues. More specifically, building on Shin et al. (2020), who


summarize and introduce the visual attributes extracted from advertisement images within the

ELM framework, we take the visual complexity of thumbnails as central route cues and the celebrity endorsement, colorfulness, brightness, and image quality of thumbnails as peripheral route cues. The conceptual framework that we propose is summarized in Figure 2.

Visual attributes of thumbnails

Central route Informativeness Visual complexity

View-through of Videos Aesthetics Celebrity endorsement Peripheral route Colorfulness Brightness Image quality

Figure 2. Conceptual framework

3. The Central Route Cues and the Peripheral Route Cues

3.1. Central route cues: Visual attributes that are relevant to the informativeness of thumbnails

The literature documents that the visual complexity of advertisement images is an important central route cue (Shin et al. 2020). In the central route, advertisement images with higher visual complexity convey more information (Keller et al. 1998, Luffarelli et al. 2019) but may hinder viewers in locating specific information (Donderi and McFadden 2005, Rosenholtz et al. 2007).

Additionally, more visually complex designs are more engaging (Palmer 1999, Pieters et al.


2010, Kusumasondjaja and Tjiptono 2019); however, they can hurt communication effectiveness

(Birkhoff 1933, Anderson and Jolson 1980, Geissler et al. 2006). Taking these findings together, we posit that the visual complexity of thumbnails is a visual attribute that may persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the central route.

In the context of webpage design, Deng and Poole (2010) suggest that visual complexity is composed of two dimensions: visual diversity, which measures the number of types of elements (e.g., text, graphic, links) present on a webpage, and visual richness, which measures the number of elements present on a webpage. Following this conceptualization of visual complexity, we posit that the visual complexity of thumbnails consists of two types of complexity: element complexity, which refers to the number of types of design elements used in a thumbnail, and object complexity, which refers to the number of objects included (focused on) in a thumbnail.

Element complexity: Like many visual advertisements, thumbnails convey information through two types of design elements: text and picture (Childers and Houston 1984, Sojka and Giese

2006, Lewis et al. 2013, Kahn 2017), with two types of pictures: product and model (Aydınoğlu and Cian 2014). Each of the thumbnails shown in Figure 3a uses one of these three types of design elements (product vs. model vs. text). These different types of design elements are sometimes used together in one thumbnail, as depicted in Figures 3b and 3c. Figures 3b and 3c show thumbnails that use a combination of two types of design elements and a thumbnail that uses all three types of design elements, respectively. We claim that thumbnails that use more types of design elements are more element complex.


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3a. Thumbnails that use (a) a product design element, (b) a model design element, and (c) a text design element

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3b. Thumbnails that use a combination of (a) product and model design elements, (b) product and text design elements, and (c) model and text design elements

Figure 3c. A thumbnail that uses all three types of design elements

Object complexity: Following earlier studies (Deng and Poole 2010, Pieters et al. 2010), we claim that thumbnails that include (or focus on) more objects are more object complex. For


instance, both thumbnails (a) and (b) shown in Figure 4 use only one type of design element, product, and their element complexities are identical; however, thumbnail (b) is more object complex than thumbnail (a).

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Thumbnails with (a) low object complexity and (b) high object complexity

3.2. Peripheral route cues: Visual attributes that are relevant to the aesthetics of thumbnails

The visual attributes extracted from advertisement images that, according to the literature, are peripheral route cues include the celebrity endorsement, colorfulness, brightness, and quality of images (Shin et al. 2020).

Celebrity endorsement: Based on the findings of earlier studies showing that celebrity endorsement increases the attention paid to advertisements (Erdogan 1999, Amos et al. 2008,

Knoll and Matthes 2017), we posit that thumbnails that include a celebrity picture are more visually appealing than thumbnails that do not include a celebrity picture. That is, the celebrity endorsement of thumbnails is a visual attribute that may persuade potential viewers to click and


watch videos via the peripheral route.

Colorfulness: We refer to colorfulness as the variation in color within a thumbnail (Shin et al.

2020) and claim that thumbnails with greater variations in color are more colorfulness than thumbnails with fewer colors. Colorfulness has been found to be one of the critical properties influencing the aesthetics of designs (Moshagen and Thielsch 2010, Reinecke et al. 2013,

Harrison et al. 2015). However, the findings are mixed. Some studies have found that designs with high colorfulness are more appealing (Harrison et al. 2015, Wang and Li 2017), whereas other studies have shown that designs with moderate colorfulness are more appealing (Reinecke et al. 2013, Wang and Lin 2019). Taking these mixed findings together, we posit that the colorfulness of thumbnails is a visual attribute that may persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route.

Brightness: Brightness is considered another important color-related property affecting the aesthetics of designs (Park and Zhang 2015, Seckler et al. 2015). Prior studies have shown that with brighter backgrounds receive higher ratings (Lindgaard et al. 2011) and that mobile apps with brighter icon designs are downloaded more (Wang and Li 2017). Accordingly, we posit that the brightness of thumbnails is a visual attribute that may persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route.

Image quality: The literature has shown that advertisements with high-quality images are more effective than advertisements with low-quality images (Bracken 2014, Semaan et al. 2018). The digital retouching (or photoshopping) of advertisement images has naturally become a common tactic in advertising (MacCallum and Widdows 2018). However, some recent studies have shown that retouching advertisement images does not necessarily improve the effectiveness of


advertisements (Cornelis and Peter 2017, Zhang et al. 2017, Taylor et al. 2018). Over-retouched advertisement images can mislead consumers and ultimately lead to a negative attitude toward advertisements. Taking these equivocal findings together, we posit that the image quality of thumbnails is a visual attribute that may persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route.

4. Data and Variables

4.1. Data

We collected data on branded video content posted in 2018 from 38 YouTube brand channels across 4 industries – the automobile, beverage, restaurant, and toy industries – using YouTube

Data API v3. We chose the brands and industries included in our sample by using the following procedure. We first obtained the list of the top 10 brands in each industry from Brand Finance’s

2018 rankings.2 We then included only those brands that had either U.S.-based or global

YouTube brand channels in our sample. As a result of this procedure, we dropped 2 brands –

Renault in the automobile industry and Mobile Suit Gundam in the toy industry – even though they were included in the top 10 brands list because they did not have U.S.-based or global

YouTube brand channels. Furthermore, we could not include more industries than the 4 industries in our sample mainly because many brands in other industries operate in multiple industries and it was challenging to match these multi-industry brands with their YouTube brand channels. Most brands have only one YouTube brand channel covering all the products and services that they offer.

2 The brand rankings are available from: https://brandirectory.com/. 14

The titles of some videos in our sample, mostly among those we collected from global

YouTube brand channels, were not in English. To control for language effects, we excluded videos with non-English titles. Furthermore, although we collected data in September 2019 (as of

September 2019), we did not include data on branded video content posted in 2019 in our sample to control for age effects and possible position effects. Chowdhury and Makaroff (2013) show that most videos on YouTube receive a significant portion of views in the first few days after they are posted.

After all procedures were carried out, we ended up with data for 3,743 videos. The data include the number of subscribers of each YouTube brand channel and, for each video, the number of views and the number of Likes that it received as well as its length, age, and thumbnail URL. Table 1 summarizes the list of brands and the number of videos included in our sample for each industry.

Table 1. The list of the brands and the number of videos in our sample for each industry Number of Industry List of brands videos Automobile Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Nissan, 1,314 Porsche, Ford, Audi Beverage Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Red Bull, Nescafé, Gatorade, Sprite, Monster, 429 Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, Tropicana Restaurant Starbucks, McDonald’s, Subway, KFC, Tim Hortons, Domino’s 130 Pizza, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dunkin’ Donuts, Chipotle Toy LEGO, Bandai Namco, Fisher-Price, Barbie, Nerf, Hasbro, Hot 1,870 Wheels, My Little Pony, Mattel

4.2. Variables

As the dependent variable in our model, we use views (푉), which represents the number of views


a video received. The main independent variables of interest are the visual attributes of thumbnails that may be associated with the view-through of videos that we discussed in Sections

3.1 and 3.2. These attributes include the element complexity (퐸퐶), object complexity (푂퐶), celebrity endorsement (퐶퐸), colorfulness (퐶), brightness (퐵), and image quality (푄) of thumbnails. We construct these variables by extracting features from thumbnails using three image mining algorithms: Azure Computer Vision, Python OpenCV (open-source computer vision), and the Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE). We discuss how we constructed each of these variables below.

Element complexity: We obtained 퐸퐶, which refers to the number of types of design elements used in a thumbnail, by summing three indicator variables, product (푃), model (푀), and text (푇), which refer to whether a thumbnail includes a product design element, a model design element, and a text design element, respectively.

Product: We obtained the list of objects and tags included in each thumbnail along with the confidence score of each of those objects and tags using two object detection taxonomies – the

Detect API and the Tag API of Microsoft Azure Computer Vision – as shown as examples in

Figure 5.3 Using this list, we constructed 푃. 푃 is an indicator variable that is set to 1 if the thumbnail includes an industry-specific product (i.e., a product design element) and 0 otherwise.

Industry-specific products are products offered by the brands included in our sample for each industry. These products include “vehicle” and “auto part” for the automobile industry; “drink” and “bottle” for the beverage industry; “food”, “drink”, “menu”, and “kitchen” for the restaurant

3 The difference between the Detect API and the Tag API, at a conceptual level, is that the former finds only objects and living things, whereas the latter can also include contextual terms such as indoor (for more details, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/computer-vision/concept-object-detection). 16

industry; and “toy”, “LEGO”, “doll”, “gun”, “anime”, and “game” for the toy industry.

(a) Object: {Vehicle, 0.796}, {Person, 0.948}; (b) Object: {Person, 0.591}, {Person, 0.751}; Tags: {Vehicle, 0.927}, {Land Vehicle, 0.918}, Tags: {Toy, 0.999}, {Cartoon, 0.996}, {lego, {Person, 0.824}, {Auto Part, 0.820}, {Man, 0.817}, 0.973}, {LEGO, 0.965} {Clothing, 0.790}, {Text, 0.790}, {Wheel, 0.787}, {Car, 0.134}

Figure 5. Examples of object detection

Model: Using the list of objects detected for each thumbnail, we constructed 푀, which is set to

1 if the thumbnail includes a person object (i.e., a model design element) and 0 otherwise. As shown as an example in Figure 5(b), the computer vision detected a toy person or an anime person in a thumbnail as a person object. We manually reviewed all thumbnails identified as having a person object in the toy industry and set 푀 to 1 only if the thumbnail included a real person, not a toy person or an anime person.

Text: Microsoft Azure Computer Vision detects text in an image and reports whether the image has text. Using this approach, we constructed 푇, which is set to 1 if the thumbnail has text (i.e., a text design element) and 0 otherwise. One challenge we faced while reviewing the computer


vision results was that this process detected all types of text, including the text printed on other objects such as license plates, clothes, and packaging as well as logo watermarks in thumbnails, as shown in the examples in Figure 6. Because text as an independent design element is of interest in this study, we manually reviewed all thumbnails identified as having text and set 푇 to

1 only if the text included in a thumbnail was an independent design element (i.e., was not text printed on other objects or a logo watermark).

Figure 6. Examples of thumbnails that have text printed on other objects

Object complexity: Using the list of objects detected in each thumbnail and the confidence score of each of those objects, we computed the 푂퐶 of the thumbnail using the following equation suggested by Shin et al. (2020):

푂퐶 = − ∑ 푝푖 log(푝푖), 푖=1 where 푝푖 ∈ [0,1] is the confidence score of object 푖 ∈ {1,2, … , 푛} and 푛 is the number of objects included in the thumbnail. A thumbnail that focuses on more objects has a higher value of


푂퐶 than a thumbnail that focuses on fewer objects. For instance, the 푂퐶 of thumbnail (b) (푂퐶

= 2.1296) in Figure 2 is greater than that of thumbnail (a) (푂퐶 = 1.4506).

Celebrity endorsement: Microsoft Azure Computer Vision detects a human face from an image and reports whether it is the face of a celebrity. Using this approach, we constructed 퐶퐸, which is set to 1 if a thumbnail includes a celebrity picture and 0 otherwise.

Colorfulness: From each thumbnail, we extracted the R, G, and B values, which are the mean values of red, green, and blue pixels in the thumbnail, respectively, using Python OpenCV. We then computed the 퐶 of each thumbnail using the following equation suggested by Hasler and

Süsstrunk (2003):

2 2 2 2 퐶 = √휎푟푔 + 휎푦푏 + 0.3√휇푟푔 + 휇푦푏,

where 휎푖 and 휇푖 are the standard deviation and mean of the pixel cloud along direction 푖 ∈

{푟푔, 푦푏}, respectively where 푟푔 = 푅 − 퐺 and 푦푏 = 0.5(푅 + 퐺) − 퐵. Thumbnails that use more colors have higher values of 퐶, as shown in Figure 7. Thumbnails (c) and (d) in Figure 7 have higher values of 퐶 than thumbnails (a) and (b).

Brightness: Using the R, G, and B values extracted from each thumbnail, we computed the perceived 퐵 of the thumbnail using the following hue-saturation perceived (HSP) brightness color model suggested by Finley (2006):

퐵 = √0.241푅2 + 0.391퐺2 + 0.068퐵2.

Thumbnails that use brighter colors have higher values of 퐵, as shown in Figure 7. Thumbnails

(b) and (d) in Figure 7 have higher values of 퐵 than thumbnails (a) and (c).


(a) Colorfulness = 7; Brightness = 40 (b) Colorfulness = 4; Brightness = 137

(c) Colorfulness = 84; Brightness = 42 (d) Colorfulness = 85; Brightness = 123

Figure 7. Examples of thumbnails with different colorfulness and brightness values

Image quality: We extracted the 푄 of each thumbnail using the BRISQUE algorithm suggested by Mittal et al. (2012). BRISQUE is a no-reference image quality assessment (IQA) algorithm that measures the degree of distortion of images. A low value of 푄 indicates that a thumbnail is distorted, i.e., noisy and blurred. In Figure 8, thumbnails (a), (b), and (c) have low, moderate, and high values of 푄, respectively.


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Thumbnails with (a) low image quality (푄 = 0.2414), (b) moderate image quality (푄 = 0.5147), and (c) high image quality (푄 = 0.8470)

Our independent variables also include the number of subscribers (푆푢푏푠) of each

YouTube band channel, the length (퐿) and age (퐴) of each video, and the number of Likes

(퐿푖푘푒푠) that each video received, all of which have been shown by existing studies to be factors that affect the view-through of videos (Borghol et al. 2012, Ruedlinger 2012, Khan and Vong

2014, Bärtl 2018). The summary statistics of our dependent and independent variables and the correlations of these variables are reported in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.

Table 2. The summary statistics of the variables Variable Mean S.D. Min Max Views (V) 493,440 1,585,465 84 31,600,000 Element complexity (EC) 1.2012 0.6368 0 3 Object complexity (OC) 0.3903 0.4680 0 4.5293 Celebrity endorsement (CE) 0.0227 0.1490 0 1 Colorfulness (C) 47.39 25.49 0 152.99 Brightness (B) 85.17 32.83 2.15 218.92 Image quality (Q) 0.3423 0.1328 0 1 Subs (unit: millions) 2.9166 3.0190 0.0030 8.7699 Length (L) (unit: minutes) 5.5336 23.28 0.0667 495.05 Age (A) (unit: days) 431 106 243 610 Likes 1,571 5,866 0 165,619 Note: Approximately 53%, 35%, and 32% of thumbnails in our sample use a product design element, a model design element, and a text design element, respectively. 21

Table 3. Correlation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. V 1 2. EC -0.01 1 3. OC 0.00 0.17 1 4. CE 0.01 0.04 0.05 1 5. C 0.13 0.02 -0.02 0.02 1 6. B 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.33 1 7. Q -0.09 -0.08 -0.06 -0.03 -0.31 -0.21 1 8. Subs 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.21 0.24 -0.19 1 9. L 0.01 0.11 0.05 -0.01 -0.02 0.02 0.08 0.16 1 10. A 0.03 -0.05 -0.02 0.00 0.05 0.08 -0.03 0.14 0.05 1 11. Likes 0.53 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 -0.03 0.11 0.02 0.00 1 Note: Bold values indicate that the correlation is significant at the 5% level

5. Empirical Model and Estimation Results

5.1. Empirical model

Because our dependent variable, views (푉), is a count variable and is overdispersed (see Table 2), we use a negative binomial model. The estimation equation of our model is written as follows:

−1 Γ(푣 + 훼−1) 1 훼 훼휇 푣 Pr(푉 = 푣) = ( ) ( ) , Γ(푣 + 1)Γ(훼−1) 1 + 훼휇 1 + 훼휇

ln(휇) = 훽 + 훾퐼푁퐹푂푅푀퐴푇퐼푉퐸푁퐸푆푆 + 훿퐴퐸푆푇퐻퐸푇퐼퐶푆 + 훿푂푇퐻퐸푅 + 휁퐼, where Γ(⋅) is the gamma function, 휇 is the mean of 푣, and 훼 is an overdispersion parameter.

퐼푁퐹푂푅푀퐴푇퐼푉퐸푁퐸푆푆 ∈ {퐸퐶, 퐸퐶2, 푂퐶, 푂퐶2} and 퐴퐸푆푇퐻퐸푇퐼퐶푆 ∈ {퐶퐸, 퐶, 퐶2, 퐵, 퐵 × 퐶, 푄, 푄2} are the main independent variables of interest, and 푂푇퐻퐸푅 ∈ {푆푢푏푠, 퐿, 퐴, 퐿푖푘푒푠} are other independent variables. Following He et al. (2018), to control for industry fixed effects, we include industry dummies, 퐼 ∈ {퐼1, 퐼2, 퐼3}, in the equation.

We include the squared terms of 퐸퐶, 푂퐶, 퐶, and 푄 in the equation to control for any


possible nonmonotonic relations of these variables with the view-through videos. As discussed in

Sections 3.1 and 3.2, the findings of earlier studies are mixed and suggest that the effects of the visual complexity – element complexity and object complexity – of a design on its effectiveness in conveying information and the effects of the colorfulness and image quality of a design on its aesthetics may not be monotonic. We also include the interaction term 퐶 × 퐵 in the equation to control for a possible interaction effect between the two color-related properties: colorfulness and brightness.

5.2. Estimation results

The estimation results of our model are reported in Table 4 (in column (2)). The estimation results of the model without the squared terms and the interaction term are also reported in Table

4 (in column (1)) for reference. Our main independent variables – 퐼푁퐹푂푅푀퐴푇퐼푉퐸푁퐸푆푆 and

퐴퐸푆푇퐻퐸푇퐼퐶푆 – are all significant, suggesting that, as argued by industry experts (Brown 2017,

Funk 2020), the visual attributes of thumbnails are indeed associated with the view-through of videos. This may suggest that the visual attributes of thumbnails may indeed persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the central route and peripheral route.

Table 4. Estimation results Variable (1) (2) 퐼푁퐹푂푅푀퐴푇퐼푉퐸푁퐸푆푆 Element complexity (퐸퐶) -0.0984** -0.3239*** (0.0390) (0.1160) 퐸퐶2 0.0875** (0.0428) Object complexity (푂퐶) 0.1223** 0.4004*** (0.0569) (0.1141) 푂퐶2 -0.1571*** (0.0564)


퐴퐸푆푇퐻퐸푇퐼퐶푆 Celebrity endorsement (퐶퐸) 0.9992*** 1.0137*** (0.1719) (0.1722) Colorfulness (퐶) 0.0023* -0.0198*** (0.0012) (0.0042) 퐶2 0.0001** (0.0000) Brightness (퐵) -0.0035*** -0.0083*** (0.0009) (0.0016) 퐶 × 퐵 0.0001*** (0.0000) Image quality (푄) 0.0514 2.9819*** (0.2355) (0.8119) 푄2 -4.0997*** (0.9780) 푂푇퐻퐸푅 푆푢푏푠 0.0588*** 0.0624*** (0.0120) (0.0120) Length (퐿) -0.0024** -0.0019** (0.0010) (0.0010) Age (퐴) -0.0004 -0.0003 (0.0002) (0.0002) 퐿푖푘푒푠 0.0002*** 0.0002*** (0.0000) (0.0000) *** *** I 퐼1 0.5450 0.5504 (0.0962) (0.0968) *** *** 퐼2 2.2890 2.3143 (0.1444) (0.1433) *** *** 퐼3 1.7014 1.7632 (0.0839) (0.0848) Constant 11.3842*** 11.5636*** (0.1672) (0.2462) Observations 3,743 3,743 Pseudo R2 0.0186 0.0191 Note: Standard errors are in parentheses; * 푝 ≤ 0.1, ** 푝 ≤ 0.05, *** 푝 ≤ 0.01

The coefficients of 퐼푁퐹푂푅푀퐴푇퐼푉푁퐸푆푆 suggest that, as shown in Figure 9, although the 퐸퐶 of thumbnails and the view-through of videos have a U-shaped relation, the 푂퐶 of


thumbnails and the view-through of videos have an inverted U-shaped relation. These results suggest that having all three types of design elements in a thumbnail may help convey information; however, focusing on too many objects can hinder the processing of the information.

350000 300000



Views Views 100000

250000 0

200000 1 2 3 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Element complexity Object complexity

(a) (b)

Figure 9. The relations between (a) the element complexity of thumbnails and the view-through of videos and (b) the object complexity of thumbnails and the view-through of videos

The coefficients of 퐴퐸푆푇퐻퐸푇퐼퐶푆 suggest the following results. First, the relation between the 퐶퐸 of thumbnails and the view-through of videos is positive. This may suggest that compared to thumbnails without a celebrity picture, thumbnails with a celebrity picture are more visually appealing and thus persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route. Second, the 퐶 of thumbnails and the view-through of videos have a U-shaped relation (see Figure 10(a)). Furthermore, the relation between the 퐵 of thumbnails and the view- through of videos is negative if the colorfulness of thumbnails is low and positive if the colorfulness of thumbnails is high (see Figure 11). These results suggest that thumbnails with a


combination of low colorfulness and low brightness or high colorfulness and high brightness may be more effective in persuading potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route. These results provide additional insight into the findings of earlier studies showing that brighter images are more visually appealing (Lindgaard et al. 2011, Wang and Li

2017). Finally, the 푄 of thumbnails and the view-through of videos have an inverted U-shaped relation (see Figure 10(b)). This may suggest that neither a distorted nor an over-retouched thumbnail image is effective in persuading potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route. As thumbnail images taken from videos are often distorted, industry experts suggest that enhancing the quality of thumbnail images is important for obtaining more video views (Myers 2019, Wright 2019). However, as discussed in Section 3.2, retouching advertisement images does not necessarily improve the effectiveness of advertisements (Cornelis and Peter 2017, Zhang et al. 2017).


250000 200000

800000 150000


Views Views 100000


50000 0

200000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Colorfulness Image quality

(a) (b)

Figure 10. The relations between (a) the colorfulness of thumbnails and the view-through of videos and (b) the image quality of thumbnails and the view-through of videos


Figure 11. The relations between the brightness of thumbnails and the view-through of videos for different levels of colorfulness

The results of our other independent variables are consistent with our expectations and the findings of earlier studies (Ruedlinger 2012, Khan and Vong 2014, Bärtl 2018). Our results suggest that the view-through of a video is positively associated with the 푆푢푏푠 of the YouTube channel of the brand that posted the video and the 퐿푖푘푒푠 that the video received. However, the view-through is negatively associated with the 퐿 of the video. The 퐴 of a video is estimated to be not significant. The reason may be that, as discussed in Section 4.1, the age effects in our data are already controlled to some degree, as we did not include the data on videos posted in 2019 in our sample.

6. Robustness Check

6.1. The titles of videos and brands’ marketing activities outside of YouTube

Viewers may decide which videos to watch based on the information they obtain from the titles, in addition to the thumbnails, of videos when they browse through an online video platform. In fact, although video titles are, in often cases, truncated after a fairly small number of words when


they are shown in an online video platform, anecdotal evidence suggests that compelling video titles improve the view-through of videos (Andrew 2019, Ong 2020). Furthermore, the view- through of videos may be affected by brands’ marketing activities outside of YouTube. To control for these possible effects of video titles and brands’ marketing activities outside of YouTube on the view-through of videos, we extend our model by including the following additional variables.

First, following the literature suggesting that the topic complexity of the textual content of advertisements may also be a central route cue (Shin et al. 2020), we constructed a variable, the topic complexity (푇퐶) of video titles, and included it in our model. We constructed 푇퐶 using the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modeling approach suggested by Shin et al. (2020).

After obtaining the optimal number of topics of 40 using the topic coherence score, we converted each video title into a topic distribution vector and obtained 푇퐶 using the following equation:

푇퐶 = − ∑ 푑푖 log(푑푖), 푖=1 where 푑푖 ∈ [0,1] is the weight of topic 푖 ∈ {1,2, … , 푡} and 푡 is the number of topics included in the title. Video titles with more topics have a higher value of 푇퐶 than video titles with fewer topics.

Second, we included a video category (퐶푎푡푒푔표푟푦) dummy in our model by clustering video titles using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) bag-of-words and K- means algorithm. Using the elbow method, we categorized video titles into two clusters. The top five keywords of the first cluster were “trailer”, “world”, “new”, “game”, and “episode”, while those of the second cluster were “official”, “teaser”, “spot”, “season”, and “game”.

Finally, to control for the effects of brands’ marketing activities outside of YouTube on


the view-through of videos, we included the relative Google search volume (푆푉) of each brand name in 2018 in our model. The search volume for Ford, which had the highest search volume in

2018 among all brand names in our sample, was used as the basis for comparison.

The estimation results of the extended models with these additional variables are reported in Table 5 (in columns (2), (3), (4), and (5)). We also report the estimation results of our base model in Table 5 (in column (1)) for reference. These results suggest that, first, our findings on the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos that we discussed in Section 5.2 may be fairly robust. Furthermore, the 푇퐶 of video titles is negatively associated with the view-through of videos, which may suggest that less complex video titles are more efficient in conveying information. This may be plausible, as potential viewers can see only a fairly small number of words in video titles when they browse through an online video platform. The 푆푉 of each brand name is also negatively associated with the view- through of videos. This may suggest that there is a substitute relation between brands’ marketing activities within and outside of YouTube.

Table 5. Estimation results of the extended models with additional variables Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 퐸퐶 -0.3239*** -0.3155*** -0.2251* -0.3775*** -0.2680** (0.1160) (0.1158) (0.1147) (0.1165) (0.1553) 퐸퐶2 0.0875** 0.0824* 0.0630 0.1088** 0.0780* (0.0428) (0.0427) (0.0418) (0.0428) (0.0420) 푂퐶 0.4004*** 0.3653*** 0.3141*** 0.3484*** 0.2503** (0.1141) (0.1117) (0.1123) (0.1162) (0.1119) 푂퐶2 -0.1571*** -0.1304** -0.1286** -0.1387** -0.0939* (0.0564) (0.0545) (0.0551) (0.0582) (0.0546) 퐶퐸 1.0137*** 0.9951*** 1.1403*** 1.0291*** 1.1311*** (0.1722) (0.1717) (0.1704) (0.1721) (0.1701)


퐶 -0.0198*** -0.0190*** -0.0204*** -0.0198*** -0.0198*** (0.0042) (0.0042) (0.0042) (0.0042) (0.0042) 퐶2 0.0001** 0.0001** 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0001*** (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) 퐵 -0.0083*** -0.0081*** -0.0091*** -0.0077*** -0.0085*** (0.0016) (0.0016) (0.0016) (0.0016) (0.0016) 퐶 × 퐵 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0001*** (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) 푄 2.9819*** 3.0078*** 2.5194*** 2.9586*** 2.5439*** (0.8119) (0.8082) (0.8089) (0.8119) (0.8054) 푄2 -4.0997*** -4.1512*** -3.5999*** -4.2264*** -3.7624*** (0.9780) (0.9727) (0.9742) (0.9778) (0.9696) 푆푢푏푠 0.0624*** 0.0561*** 0.0885*** 0.0734*** 0.0900*** (0.0120) (0.0121) (0.0115) (0.0123) (0.0119) 퐿 -0.0019** -0.0018* -0.0020** -0.0021** -0.0021** (0.0010) (0.0010) (0.0010) (0.0009) (0.0010) 퐴 -0.0003 -0.0002 -0.0003 -0.0003 -0.0003 (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) 퐿푖푘푒푠 0.0002*** 0.0002*** 0.0002*** 0.0002*** 0.0002*** (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) 푇퐶 -0.1999*** -0.1758*** (0.0476) (0.0465) 퐶푎푡푒푔표푟푦 0.8879*** 0.8488*** (0.0869) (0.0871) 푆푉 -0.0061*** -0.0046*** (0.0015) (0.0015) *** *** *** *** *** 퐼1 0.5504 0.5592 0.4593 0.3365 0.3128 (0.0968) (0.0967) (0.0943) (0.1105) (0.1075) *** *** *** *** *** 퐼2 2.3143 2.2978 2.3278 2.2872 2.2933 (0.1433) (0.1430) (0.1415) (0.1433) (0.1414) *** *** *** *** *** 퐼3 1.7632 1.8508 1.3848 1.5286 1.3096 (0.0848) (0.0874) (0.0897) (0.1031) (0.1075) Constant 11.5636*** 11.6526*** 11.6149*** 11.8087*** 11.8579*** (0.2462) (0.2470) (0.2438) (0.2536) (0.2524) Observations 3,743 3,743 3,743 3,743 3,743 Pseudo R2 0.0191 0.0193 0.0203 0.0193 0.0205 Note: Standard errors are in parentheses; * 푝 ≤ 0.1, ** 푝 ≤ 0.05, *** 푝 ≤ 0.01


6.2. Thumbnails with zero element complexity

Among the 3,745 thumbnails in our sample, 395 thumbnails have zero as the 퐸퐶 value, meaning that these thumbnails do not use any type of design element: product, model, or text.

However, this does not mean that these thumbnails do not include any object. As defined in

Section 4.2, our definition of a product design element is an industry-specific product; hence, the value of 퐸퐶 for a thumbnail will be zero even though the thumbnail includes an object if the object is not an industry-specific product. For instance, the thumbnail in Figure 12(a) includes a dog picture; however, it is the thumbnail of a video posted by Honda, and a dog is not an industry-specific product for the automobile industry (according to our definition). Additionally, the thumbnail in Figure 12(b) includes a car picture; however, it is the thumbnail of a video posted by Bandai Namco, and a car is not an industry-specific product for the toy industry

(according to our definition). The number of objects included in a thumbnail is controlled in our model using 푂퐶. Nevertheless, to check the sensitivity of our estimation results to thumbnails with zero element complexity, we estimate our model excluding thumbnails with zero element complexity using the extended model with the three additional variables discussed in Section 6.1 as a base model. The estimation results reported in Table 6 show that the estimates for most parameters are noticeably consistent between the models with and without thumbnails with zero element complexity, which may suggest that our estimation results are rather insensitive to thumbnails with zero element complexity.


(a) (b)

Figure 12. Examples of thumbnails that have zero element complexity: thumbnails of videos posted by (a) Honda and (b) Bandai Namco on their YouTube brand channels

Table 6. Estimation results of the models with and without thumbnails with zero element complexity Without thumbnails with zero Overall Variable element complexity Est. Std. Err. Est. Std. Err. Element complexity (퐸퐶) -0.2680** 0.1553 -0.7171** 0.3521 퐸퐶2 0.0780* 0.0420 0.2135** 0.1078 Object complexity (푂퐶) 0.2503** 0.1119 0.2430** 0.1142 푂퐶2 -0.0939* 0.0546 -0.1030* 0.0545 Celebrity endorsement (퐶퐸) 1.1311*** 0.1701 1.1555*** 0.1704 Colorfulness (퐶) -0.0198*** 0.0042 -0.0196*** 0.0044 퐶2 0.0001*** 0.0000 0.0001*** 0.0000 Brightness (퐵) -0.0085*** 0.0016 -0.0075*** 0.0017 퐶 × 퐵 0.0001*** 0.0000 0.0001*** 0.0000 Image quality (푄) 2.5439*** 0.8054 2.2581** 0.9025 푄2 -3.7624*** 0.9696 -3.2258*** 1.1013 푆푢푏푠 0.0900*** 0.0119 0.0793*** 0.0123 Length (퐿) -0.0021** 0.0010 -0.0016* 0.0010 Age (퐴) -0.0003 0.0002 -0.0004 0.0002 퐿푖푘푒푠 0.0002*** 0.0000 0.0002*** 0.0000 Topic complexity (푇퐶) -0.1758*** 0.0465 -0.1776*** 0.0485 퐶푎푡푒푔표푟푦 0.8488*** 0.0871 0.7668*** 0.0939 Search volume (푆푉) -0.0046*** 0.0015 -0.0059*** 0.0016


*** 퐼1 0.3128 0.1075 0.1854 0.1138 *** *** 퐼2 2.2933 0.1414 2.3377 0.1478 *** *** 퐼3 1.3096 0.1075 1.3639 0.0116 Constant 11.8579*** 0.2524 12.2565*** 0.3734 Observations 3,743 3,348 Pseudo R2 0.0205 0.0211 Note: * 푝 ≤ 0.1, ** 푝 ≤ 0.05, *** 푝 ≤ 0.01

6.3. Linear model

To further check the robustness of our estimation results, we estimate our model using a linear regression with a log-transformed dependent variable. The extended model with the three additional variables is once again used as a base model. The estimation results reported in Table

7 suggest that although some variables are less significant, possibly because of a decrease in statistical efficiency (He et al. 2019), the estimation results from the linear regression are fairly consistent with those from the negative binomial regression.

Table 7. Estimation results from the negative binomial regression and the linear regression Negative binomial regression Linear regression Variable Est. Std. Err. Est. Std. Err. Element complexity (퐸퐶) -0.2680** 0.1553 -0.2003 0.1386 퐸퐶2 0.0780* 0.0420 0.1191** 0.0511 Object complexity (푂퐶) 0.2503** 0.1119 -0.2751** 0.1367 푂퐶2 -0.0939* 0.0546 0.0487 0.0675 Celebrity endorsement (퐶퐸) 1.1311*** 0.1701 0.3006 0.1991 Colorfulness (퐶) -0.0198*** 0.0042 -0.0222*** 0.0048 퐶2 0.0001*** 0.0000 0.0001*** 0.0000 Brightness (퐵) -0.0085*** 0.0016 -0.0072*** 0.0019 퐶 × 퐵 0.0001*** 0.0000 0.0001*** 0.0000


Image quality (푄) 2.5439*** 0.8054 1.8188** 0.8900 푄2 -3.7624*** 0.9696 -3.1584*** 1.0470 푆푢푏푠 0.0900*** 0.0119 0.2259*** 0.0131 Length (퐿) -0.0021** 0.0010 0.0010 0.0013 Age (퐴) -0.0003 0.0002 -0.0003 0.0003 퐿푖푘푒푠 0.0002*** 0.0000 0.0001*** 0.0000 Topic complexity (푇퐶) -0.1758*** 0.0465 -0.0914 0.0587 퐶푎푡푒푔표푟푦 0.8488*** 0.0871 0.2714*** 0.1014 Search volume (푆푉) -0.0046*** 0.0015 -0.0160*** 0.0019

*** *** 퐼1 0.3128 0.1075 -0.6754 0.1456 *** ** 퐼2 2.2933 0.1414 0.4100 0.1703 *** *** 퐼3 1.3096 0.1075 0.4698 0.1238 Constant 11.8579*** 0.2524 11.1428*** 0.2825 Observations 3,743 3,743 Pseudo R2 0.0205 Adjusted R2 0.3162 Note: * 푝 ≤ 0.1, ** 푝 ≤ 0.05, *** 푝 ≤ 0.01

7. Conclusion

Using 3,745 marketing videos posted by 38 top brands across 4 industries – the automobile, beverage, restaurant, and toy industries – on YouTube, we investigated the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos. We found that the visual attributes of thumbnails are associated with the view-through of videos, which may suggest that visual attributes may persuade potential viewers to click and watch videos via the central route and peripheral route. In particular, having more types of design elements in a thumbnail may help convey information; however, focusing on too many objects can hinder the processing of the information. Furthermore, thumbnails with a celebrity picture, with a combination of high


colorfulness and high brightness or low colorfulness and low brightness, and with moderate image quality may be more effective in persuading potential viewers to click and watch videos via the peripheral route.

Our study makes the following contributions. First, complementing a growing body of literature studying the factors that affect the view-through of videos, we show that the visual attributes of thumbnails are associated with the view-through of videos. Second, this study enhances our understanding of the role of visual attributes in persuading viewers in the context of video content marketing. Third, we construct our variables by extracting features from thumbnails using image mining techniques. Therefore, our measures are reasonably scalable and, more importantly, not subjective. Finally, our results provide useful guidelines for optimizing thumbnails to grab potential viewers’ attention and yield more video views.

Nevertheless, our study is not without limitations. First, the literature has shown that

YouTube recommendations are an important factor affecting the view-through of videos (Zhou et al. 2010). However, because a dataset that captures YouTube recommendations across the board is not readily available, as this process is heavily personalized (Madrigal 2018), our model controls for recommendation effects only indirectly through measures such as the number of

Likes that videos received and the number of subscribers of each channel. How the YouTube recommendation algorithm works is mostly unknown, but articles have suggested that YouTube considers factors such as the popularity of channels and how much people like videos when it decides which videos to recommend (Covington et al. 2016, Dean 2017, Madrigal 2018, Jaffari

2019). Future research can investigate the effect of recommendations on the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos using a more direct measure.


Second, our study focuses on the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos when viewers browse through an online video platform, and it does not model viewers’ searches. Although some viewers may begin browsing by searching,

Cunningham and Nichols (2008) show that viewers eventually find relevant videos using browsing, and viewers report that browsing is a useful and efficient way to find relevant videos.

Nevertheless, one may want to extend our study and investigate how viewers’ searching moderates the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos. Third, our data can be extended further. Our dataset includes data on 3,745 marketing videos posted by 38 top brands across 4 industries. It would be worthwhile to collect data from more brands covering more industries and to further generalize the results. In particular, given that “how-to” videos are growing rapidly in popularity (Mogensen 2015), examining the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos, particularly for

“how-to” videos, would be valuable. Finally, although our findings are based on grounded theory, they are derived from regression models and may not be sufficient to make causal claims.

It would be valuable to extend our model and investigate the relation between the visual attributes of thumbnails and the view-through of videos based on causal models such as field experiments and establish causality.



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