The Saskatchewan Gazette


Volume 98 REGINA, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2002/REGINA, VENDREDI, 12 JULLIET 2002 No. 28/nº 28


APPOINTMENTS ...... 790 The Business Names Registration Act ...... 804 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 ...... 817 PROGRESS OF BILLS (2002) ...... 790 PUBLIC NOTICES ...... 817 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT (2002) ...... 790 The Agri-Food Act ...... 817 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES ...... 791 The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom ...... 818 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED ...... 792 The Crown Minerals Act ...... 818 ACTS PROCLAIMED (2002) ...... 794 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 819 ORDERS IN COUNCIL ...... 794 The Pharmacy Act, 1996 ...... 819 The Government Organization Act ...... 794 The Pre-judgment Interest Act ...... 820 The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ...... 820 DIRECTOR’S ORDERS ...... 795 EXTRACTS FROM THE RULES AND The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994 ...... 795 PROCEDURES OF THE LEGISLATIVE MINISTER’S ORDERS ...... 795 ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN RELATING TO PRIVATE BILLS ...... 821 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 795 EXTRAITS DES RÈGLES ET PROCÉDURES DE CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ...... 799 L’ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA The Business Corporations Act ...... 799 SASKATCHEWAN AU SUJET DES PROJETS DE LOI D’INTERÊT PRIVÉ ...... 821


PART II/PARTIE II SR 52/2002 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 295 SR 53/2002 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 335 SR 54/2002 The Condominium Property Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 342 SR 55/2002 The Coroners Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 343 SR 56/2002/ The Traffic Safety Court of Saskatchewan Amendment Regulations, 2002/ RS 56/2002 Règlement de 2002 modifiant le Règlement sur le Tribunal de la sécurité routière de la Saskatchewan ...... 344/345 SR 57/2002/ The Justices of the Peace Amendment Regulations, 2002 (No. 2)/ RS 57/2002 Règlement no 2 de 2002 modifiant le Règlement de 1989 sur le juges de paix ...... 346/347 SR 58/2002/ The Queen's Bench Amendment Regulations, 2002 / RS 58/2002 Règlement de 2002 modifiant le Règlement sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine ...... 348/349 SR 59/2002 The Northern Municipalities Revenue Sharing Program Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 350 SR 60/2002 The Rural Municipalities Revenue Sharing Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 351 SR 61/2002 The Urban Municipalities Revenue Sharing Amendment Regulations, 2002 ...... 355 790 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

APPOINTMENTS Bill Coming ______No. Name (listed Alphabetically) into force 79 The Saskatchewan Farm Security APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY AIDES-DE-CAMP Amendment Act, 2002 Proclamation The following Honorary Aides-de-Camp have been appointed, effective June 27, 2002: 59 The Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission Act Proclamation Inspector J.L.C. Orem, Regina Captain R.D. Morrin, Moose Jaw 60 The Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission Consequential Amendment Captain D.S. Morrison, C.D., Bushell Park Act, 2002/Loi de 2002 apportant des ______modification corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Saskatchewan Financial Services PROGRESS OF BILLS Commission Act Specific Date (2002) 43 The Saskatchewan Health Research ______Foundation Act Proclamation 74 The Saskatchewan Opportunities Government Bills Corporation Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent Bill Coming 4 The SaskEnergy Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent No. Name (listed Alphabetically) into force 72 The Workers’ Compensation 48 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2002 Proclamation, Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent, Specific Date Proclamation Private Members’ Bills 77 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Bill Coming Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2)/ Loi No. Name (listed Alphabetically) into force de 2002 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons 211 The Accountability of Crown Entities Act On Assent alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard Proclamation 210 The Attachment of Debts Amendment 29 The Architects Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent Act, 2002 On Assent 57 The Automobile Accident Insurance 214 The Balanced Budget Act, 2002 On Assent Amendment Act, 2002 Proclamation 208 The Crown Corporations Amendment 21 The Collection Agents Amendment Act, 2002 (Appointment of Directors) On Assent Act, 2002 Proclamation 212 The Crown Corporations Disclosure Act On Assent 3 The Correctional Services Amendment 206 The Democratic Unionism Act On Assent Act, 2002 Proclamation 202 The Government Accountability Act On Assent 53 The Department of Economic 203 The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Development Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent Awareness Day Act On Assent 41 The Health Quality Council Act Proclamation 204 The Legislative Assembly and Executive 62 The Health Statutes Consequential Council Amendment Act, 2002 (Votes Amendment Act, 2002/Loi de 2002 of Confidence) On Assent apportant des modifications 207 The Legislative Assembly and Executive corrélatives à certaines lois sur Council Amendment Act, 2002 (Set la santé On Assent, Election Dates) On Assent Specific Date 201 The Members’ Conflict of Interest 40 The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent, Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent, Specific Date Specific Date, Proclamation 205 The Protection of Persons in Care Act On Assent 70 The Labour Standards 213 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent Amendment Act, 2002 Specific Date 209 The Trade Union Amendment Act, 2002 32 The Land Surveys (Freedom of Speech in the Workplace) On Assent Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent, ______Specific Date 33 The Land Titles ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent, (2002) Specific Date ______63 The Members’ Conflict of Interest Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2) Proclamation Title: Bill: Chapter: The Animal Products Amendment 38 The Paramedics Act Proclamation Act, 2002 9 The Real Estate Amendment Act, 2002 Proclamation (Assented to June 20, 2002) 44 15 61 The Regional Health Services Act Proclamation The Apprenticeship and Trade 69 The Saskatchewan Applied Science Certification Amendment Act, 2002 Technologists and Technicians (Assented to May 30, 2002) 5 2 Amendment Act, 2002 On Assent THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 791

Title: Bill: Chapter: Title: Bill: Chapter: The Appropriation Act, 2002 (No. 1) The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2002/ (Assented to April 8, 2002) 22 1 Loi de 2002 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur The Appropriation Act, 2002 (No. 2) la Cour du Banc de la Reine (Assented to May 30, 2002) 64 3 (Assented to May 30, 2002) 15 9 The Appropriation Act, 2002 (No. 3) The Rural Municipality Amendment Act, 2002 (Assented to July 3, 2002) 80 26 (Assented to July 3, 2002) (Specific Date: portions thereof effective The Conference of Mennonites of January 1, 2003) 55 38 Saskatchewan Amendment Act, 2002 (Assented to June 20, 2002) 301 01 The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Amendment Act, 2002 The Corporation Capital Tax Amendment (Assented to June 20, 2002) 303 02 Act, 2002 (Assented to July 3, 2002) The Saskatchewan Medical Care (Specific Date: Insurance Amendment Act, 2002 retroactive to January 1, 2002) 36 28 (Assented to June 20, 2002) (Specific Date: retroactive to The Electronic Information and Documents December 6, 2001) 42 23 Amendment Act, 2002 (Assented to June 20, 2002) 7 18 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2002 The Family Maintenance Amendment (Assented to May 30, 2002) 18 10 Act, 2002 / Loi de 2002 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur les prestations The Speech-Language Pathologists and alimentaires familiales Audiologists Amendment Act, 2002 (Assented to May 30, 2002) 8 5 (Assented to June 20, 2002) 13 24 The Fiscal Stabilization Fund Amendment The Status of the Artist Act/ Loi sur le Act, 2002 statut de l’artiste (Assented to July 3, 2002) (Assented to July 3, 2002) 73 S-58.1 (Specific Date: The Sunnyside Nursing Home Amendment retroactive to March 26, 2002) 35 30 Act, 2002 The Forest Resources Management (Assented to June 20, 2002) 302 03 Amendment Act, 2002 The Superannuation (Supplementary (Assented to July 3, 2002) 65 31 Provisions) Amendment Act, 2002 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2002 (Assented to May 30, 2002) (Assented to July 3, 2002) (Specific Date: retroactive to (Specific Dates: portions thereof December 31, 1991 and June 28, 2001) 19 11 retroactive to January 1, 2001, The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 2002 January 1, 2002 and July 1, 2002) 58 32 (Assented to May 30, 2002) The Independent Officers’ Remuneration (Specific Date: (Amendment) Act, 2002 retroactive to March 28, 2002) 31 13 (Assented to May 30, 2002) 16 7 The Urban Municipal Administrators The Liquor Consumption Tax Amendment Amendment Act, 2002 Act, 2002 (Assented to May 30, 2002) 11 14 (Assented to July 3, 2002) The Urban Municipality Amendment (Specific Date: Act, 2002 retroactive to April 2, 2002) 30 33 (Assented to July 3, 2002) 54 39 The Municipal Employees’ Pension The Wildlife Habitat Protection Amendment Amendment Act, 2002 Act, 2002 (Assented to July 3, 2002) (Assented to July 3, 2002) 47 40 (Specific Dates: portions thereof retroactive to January 1, 2001 and ______January 1, 2002) 66 35 The Municipal Revenue Sharing ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES Amendment Act, 2002 ______(Assented to July 3, 2002) Title: Bill: Chapter: (Specific Date: The Cities Consequential Amendment retroactive to April 1, 2002) 52 36 Act, 2002/Loi de 2002 apportant des The Northern Municipalities modifications corrélatives à la Amendment Act, 2002 loi intitulée The Cities Act (Assented to July 3, 2002) 56 37 (Assented to July 3, 2002) The Public Employees Pension Plan (Specific Event) 76 27 Amendment Act, 2002 The Members of the Legislative Assembly (Assented to May 30, 2002) 17 8 Benefits Act (Assented to July 3, 2002) (Specific Date: September 1, 2002) 78 M-11.12 792 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED Title: Chapter: ______The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Title: Chapter: Act, 2002, S.S. 2002/Loi de 2002 sur l’exécution des jugements canadiens, L.S. 2002 The Animal Products Amendment Assented to May 30, 2002 E-9.1001 Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 3, 5, 6 and 7 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions not yet proclaimed. 15 Act, S.S. 1998/ Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 The Adoption Act, 1998, S.S. 1998/Loi de 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 E-9.13 sur l’adoption, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 A-5.2 The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Assented to July 3, 2002 E-10.21 Act, 1997, S.S. 1997/ Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des The Ethanol Fuel Act, S.S. 2002 jeux de hasard, L.S. 1997 Assented to June 20, 2002 E-11.1 Assented to May 21, 1997 A-18.011 The Farm Financial Stability Amendment The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Act, 1998 (No. 2), S.S. 1998/Loi n° 2 de 1998 Assented to May 30, 2002 6 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation The Farm Financial Stability Amendment des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, Act, 2002 (No. 2), S.S. 2002 L.S. 1998 Assented to June 20, 2002 19 Assented to June 11, 1998 16 The Film Employment Tax Credit Amendment The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act, 1999, S.S. 1999 Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to April 21, 1999 B-5.1 Assented to June 27, 2000 45 The Certified Management Accountants Act, The Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax S.S. 2000 Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 21, 2000 C-4.111 Assented to June 28, 2001 The Certified Management Consultants Act, (Specific Date: retroactive to January 1, 1983) 15 S.S. 1998 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 12, 1998 C-4.12 Assented to May 6, 1999 H-0.021 The Charitable Fund-raising Businesses Act, The Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act, S.S. 2001 S.S. 2002 Assented to June 28, 2001 H-2.01 Assented to June 20, 2002 C-6.2 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, The Cities Act, S.S. 2002 S.S. 1997 Assented to July 3, 2002 C-11.1 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13, The Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 2002, subsection 37(8) and (9) not yet proclaimed. H-3.01 S.S. 2002 The Highway Traffic Act, 1996, S.S. 1996/Code Assented to June 20, 2002 16 de la route de 1996, L.S. 1996 The Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 25, 1996 H-3.2 Assented to June 20, 2002 C-41.01 The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1996, The Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer S.S. 1996 Act, S.S. 1997/Loi sur la compétence tribunaux Assented to April 4, 1996, et le renvoi des instances, L.S. 1997 clause 3(a) not yet proclaimed. 4 Assented to April 28, 1997 C-41.1 The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1998 (No. 2), The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 S.S. 1998/Loi n° 2 de 1998 modifiant le Code Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v) de la route de 1996, L.S. 1998 and (aaa), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI Assented to June 11, 1998 24 and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2000 (No. 2), subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed. C-45.2 S.S. 2000 The Department of Agriculture and Food Assented to June 21, 2000, clauses 3(b), Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 18(b), (c) and (d) not yet proclaimed. 13 Assented to May 30, 2002 17 The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2001, The Education Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002/ S.S. 2001 Loi de 2002 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur Assented to July 6, 2001, that portion of section 5 l’éducation, L.S. 2002 that enacts subsection 90.71(4) not yet proclaimed. 49 Assented to July 3, 2002 29 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, The Emergency Protection for Victims of S.S. 2002 Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Act, Assented to June 20, 2002 20 S.S. 2002 The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act, S.S. 2002/ Assented to May 30, 2002 E-8.2 Loi sur les ordonnances alimentairies The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments interterritoriales, L.S. 2002 Act, S.S. 1997/Loi sur l’exécution des Assented to May 30, 2002 I-10.03 jugements canadiens, L.S. 1997 Assented to April 28, 1997 E-9.101 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 793

Title: Chapter: Title: Chapter: The Land Information Services Facilitation Act, The Registered Plan (Retirement Income) S.S. 1999 Exemption Act, S.S. 2002/Loi portant Assented to May 6, 1999, sections 13, 15 to 17 insaisissabilité des régimes enregistrés not yet proclaimed. L-3.01 (revenu de retraite), L.S. 2002 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to May 30, 2002 R-13.01 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 22 and The Rural Municipality Amendment Act, 1997, Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed. L-4.1 S.S. 1997 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 14(b) not yet Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51, proclaimed. 48 section 151 and subsection 167(2) not The Rural Municipality Amendment Act, 1998, yet proclaimed. L-5.1 S.S. 1998 The Local Government Election Amendment Assented to June 11, 1998, sections 15 to 17 Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 and 23 not yet proclaimed. 32 Assented to July 3, 2002 34 The Rural Municipality Amendment Act, 2000, The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2000 S.S. 2002 Assented to June 21, 2000, subsection 21(3) Assented to June 20, 2002 21 not yet proclaimed. 25 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Assented to May 6, 1999 M-14.1 Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 The Miscellaneous Statutes Consequential Assented to June 28, 2001 41 Amendments Act, 1997, S.S. 1997/Loi de 1997 apportant des modifications corrélatives à The Saskatchewan Water Corporation Act, certaines lois, L.S. 1997 S.S. 2002 Assented to May 9, 1997 11 Assented to July 3, 2002 S-35.01 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory The Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Act, Reform) Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 S.S. 2002 Assented to May 9, 1997, sections 2 and 7 Assented to July 3, 2002 S-35.02 not yet proclaimed. 12 The Securities Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, The Northern Municipalities Amendment Assented to June 20, 2001, except that portion Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 of section 11 which repeals section 37 of The Assented to May 21, 1997, Securities Act, 1988 not yet proclaimed. 7 clause 10(b) not yet proclaimed. 43 The Tax Enforcement Amendment Act, 2002, The Northern Municipalities Amendment S.S. 2002 Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to May 30, 2002 12 Assented to June 11, 1998, sections 5 to 7, 13, The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, 19, 22 and 25 not yet proclaimed. 28 S.S. 1997 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Assented to May 21, 1997, sections 35 to 40, Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed. T-22.2 Assented to June 21, 2000, subsection 12(3) The Trust and Loan Corporations Amendment not yet proclaimed. 19 Act, 1996, S.S. 1996 The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Assented to June 25, 1996 66 Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 The Urban Municipality Amendment Act, 1997, Assented to June 28, 2001 26 S.S. 1997 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 17(b) and S.S. 2001 section 30 not yet proclaimed. 52 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not The Urban Municipality Amendment Act, 1998, yet proclaimed. 30 S.S. 1998 The Powers of Attorney Act, 2002, S.S. 2002/ Loi Assented to June 11, 1998, sections 6 to 8, 14 de 2002 sur les procurations, L.S. 2002 and 25 not yet proclaimed. 42 Assented to May 30, 2002 P-20.3 The Urban Municipality Amendment Act, 2000, The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2000 S.S. 2002 Assented to June 21, 2000, subsection 25(3) Assented to June 20, 2002 22 not yet proclaimed. 32 The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, The Vehicle Administration Amendment S.S. 2001. Assented to June 28, 2001, Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 sections 18, 19, and subsections 22(3) to (6), Assented to June 20, 2002 25 (8), (9) and (11) to (14) not yet proclaimed. 33 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1998, The Registered Music Teachers Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 S.S. 1998/ Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les Assented to July 3, 2002 R-11.1 services de l’état civil, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 44 The Registered Nurses Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, sections 1 to 3, and 5 to 16 not yet proclaimed. 37 794 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

*Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not (a) a President of the Executive Council; comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables (b) ministers to preside over the departments of the of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please executive government and to exercise any powers and perform refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional any duties or functions that the Lieutenant Governor in information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force Council may assign or transfer pursuant to section 5; dates for the Statutes listed above. (c) ministers, in addition to those appointed pursuant to ______clause (b) to exercise any powers and perform any duties or functions that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may ACTS PROCLAIMED assign or transfer pursuant to section 5. (2002) (2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may determine the ______titles by which the ministers appointed pursuant to subsection (1) shall be known. The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on 5(1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, on the or after January 1, 2002: recommendation of the President of the Executive Council: The Dietitians Act, S.S. 2001, cD-27.1. Proclaimed in force (a) assign to any minister any power, duty or function January 1, 2002. conferred or imposed by law on a minister; The Commercial Liens Act, S.S. 2001, cC-15.1. Proclaimed in force (b) transfer any power, duty or function assigned to a March 1, 2002/Loi sur les privilèges à base commerciale, L.S. 2001, minister under clause (a) to any other minister; chC-15.1. Proclamée le 1er mars 2002. (c) transfer any power, duty or function that is conferred or The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2002, imposed by law: S.S. 2002, c4. Proclaimed in force July 1, 2002/Loi de 2002 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2002, (i) on any minister, to any other minister; ch4. Proclamée le 1er julliet 2002. (ii) on any department, to any minister or other The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, department; either absolutely or limited for any period cH-3.01. Subsection 37(13) proclaimed in force February 15, 2002. and in respect of any purpose or area of Saskatchewan that may be specified by the Lieutenant Governor in The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2000 (No. 2), S.S. 2000, c13. Council. Clause 18(a) proclaimed in force April 1, 2002. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, c49. Lieutenant Governor in Council may assign to any minister or Proclaimed in force April 1, 2002, except that portion of section 5 that transfer from one minister to another the administration of: enacts subsection 90.71(4). (a) any Act or portion of an Act; The Historic Properties Foundations Act, S.S. 2001, cH-3.3. Proclaimed in force January 21, 2002. (b) any part of the public service; The Métis Act, S.S. 2001, cM-14.01. Proclaimed in force either absolutely or limited for any period and in respect of any January 28, 2002. purpose or area of Saskatchewan that may be specified by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, c33. Sections 1 to 17, 20 and 21, subsections 22(1), (2), (7) and (10), and (3) Where the administration of an Act or portion of an Act or section 23 proclaimed in force May 17, 2002. a part of the public service is transferred to a minister under subsection (2), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may also The Public Trustee Consequential Amendment Act, 2001, transfer to the minister for administration of the whole or any S.S. 2001, c34. Proclaimed in force May 17, 2002/Loi de 2001 part of the moneys appropriated in respect of that Act or part of apportant les modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Public the public service. Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, L.S. 2001, c34. Proclamée le 17 mai 2002. 2 By Your Honour’s Order 205/2002, dated March 26, 2002, certain powers, duties and functions were prescribed for members of the The Psychologists Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, cP-36.01. Sections 1 Executive Council, including responsibility for Acts of the Legislative to 53, subsections 54(4), (5), (9) and (10), and section 55 proclaimed Assembly. in force March 1, 2002. 3 It is desirable and in the public interest to re-assign certain The Tobacco Control Act, S.S. 2001, cT-14.1. Proclaimed in force powers, duties and functions and the administration of certain Acts. March 11, 2002. The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is Your Honour’s Order do issue pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of The indicated in bold print. Government Organization Act: ______(a) amending Schedule I of Your Honour’s Order 205/2002, dated March 26, 2002 by: (i) revising the offices and responsibilities of the Honourable ORDERS IN COUNCIL so that his offices and responsibilities are ______set out as follows: The Government Organization Act ______OFFICE AND MINISTER RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING [O.C. 414/2002] Hon. Buckley Minister of Environment Osika 24 June 2002 Belanger Minister of Northern Affairs Lautermilch TO THE HONOURABLE Office of Northern Affairs THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL Crown Investments Corporation of The undersigned has the honour to report that: Saskatchewan (Member) 1 Sections 4 and 5 of The Government Organization Act provide as Saskatchewan Development Fund follows: Corporation (Vice-Chairperson) 4(1) The Lieutenant Governor may appoint, under the Great Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Seal, from among the members of the executive council, the Corporation following officers to hold office during pleasure: Water Appeal Board THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 795

(ii) adding to the responsibilities listed for the Honourable Schedule “B” the following: ANGLING LIMITS “Committee on Planning and Priorities (Member)” Delete the following water from Schedule B, Part I, Trout Ponds, “Meewasin Valley Authority” Southern Zone: (iii) adding to the responsibilities listed for the Honourable : Aggregate Limits for Stocked Trout “Saskatchewan Water Corporation (Chairperson)” Lake Species (b) terminating the assignment of all offices and Assiniboia Pond NL 49°37'WL 105°58' 2 fish responsibilities of the Honourable ; Forestry Farm Pond NL 52°08' WL106°35' 2 fish (c) transferring responsibility for the following Acts from the Honourable Buckley Belanger to the Honourable Ron Osika Insert the following water from Schedule B, Part I, Trout Ponds, and amending Schedule II to Your Honour’s Order 205/2002, Southern Zone: dated March 26, 2002, by striking out “I” where it appears opposite the following Acts and substituting “M”: Aggregate Limits The Conservation and Development Act for Stocked Trout The Ground Water Conservation Act Lake Species The Irrigation Act, 1996 Trout Pond NL 52°12'WL 106°35' 2 fish The Water Corporation Act ______The Water Power Act The Watershed Associations Act MINISTER’S ORDERS (d) transferring responsibility for The Meewasin Valley ______Authority Act from the Honourable Pat Lorje to the Honourable Jim Melenchuk and amending Schedule II to Your Honour’s The Oil and Gas Conservation Act Order 205/2002, dated March 26, 2002, by striking out “L” ______where it appears opposite The Meewasin Valley Authority Act BIGSTICK SECOND WHITE SPECKS GAS POOL and substituting “K”. MRO 421/02 PO 33. Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas RECOMMENDED BY: Conservation Act, MRO 884/01 PO 45, dated December 24, 2001, is , rescinded and it is ordered that the provisions in the following President of the Executive Council. schedule shall apply to the drilling of, and production from, gas wells in the “Bigstick Second White Specks Gas Pool”, effective APPROVED BY: July 1, 2002. Lorne Calvert, Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. President of the Executive Council. ______ORDERED BY: Schedule , 1 The drainage unit for the drilling and completion of a gas well Lieutenant Governor. shall be one Section with the exception of the following drainage REGINA, Saskatchewan. units which shall be: ______(a) the fractional Section containing approximately 140 hectares (ha) within the area described in clause 2(a); (b) the north half of a Section and the south half of a Section within DIRECTOR’S ORDERS the area described in clauses 2(b) and (d); ______(c) the fractional north half of a Section and the fractional south The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994 half of a Section containing approximately 105 ha within the area ______described in clause 2(c); (d) the east half of a Section and the west half of a Section within ANGLING LIMITS the area described in clause 2(e); Pursuant to section 14 of The Fisheries Regulations, being R.R.S. (e) the north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west quarters c.F-16.1 Reg 1, made under the authority of The Fisheries Act of a Section within the area described in clause 2(f), (g), (i) and (j); (Saskatchewan) 1994, which powers have been delegated to me by the Minister responsible for that Act, I do hereby vary, in accordance (f) the fractional quarter section containing approximately 40 ha with the attached schedules, the Minister’s Designation for Angling within the area described in clause 2(h). Limits, dated May l, 2002, as published in The Saskatchewan Gazette, 2 Within a drainage unit, the sides of the target area shall May 10, 2002. be 500 m from the sides of the drainage unit with the exception of the Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 3rd day of July, 2002. following: (a) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: Dennis Sheratt, In Township 15, Range 30: the north half of fractional Director of Fish and Wildlife Branch, Section 13: Saskatchewan Environment. (i) the west side of the target area shall be located 609 m from the east side of the drainage unit; (ii) the east, north and south sides of the target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the fractional north half of a Section; 796 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

(b) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: (ii) in the west drainage unit of the Section, the sides of the In Township 12, Range 25: Sections 14 to 23 and 27 to 35; target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the south-west quarter; In Township 13, Range 25: Sections 4 to 7 and 17 to 20; (f) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: In Township 12, Range 26: Sections 6 to 9, 13 to 16, 23, 24, 25, 35 and 36; In Township 14, Range 25: Sections 5 and 18; In Township 13, Range 26: Sections 1 to 3, 6 to 24, 33 and 34; In Township 12, Range 26: Sections 17 to 20; In Township 12, Range 27: Sections 1, 2, the south half of In Township 14, Range 26: Sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12; Section 17, Section 26, the south half of Sections 27, 34 and 35; In Township 12, Range 27: Sections 3, 4, 10 to 16, the north In Township 13, Range 27: Sections 1 to 3, 11 to 14, 23 and 24; half of Section 17, Sections 19 to 25, the north half of Section 27, the north half of Sections 34 and 35, Section 36; In Township 14, Range 27: the north half of Section 7, Sections 8, 9, 16, 18, 30, 31 and 32; In Township 12, Range 28: the south half of Section 24; In Township 12, Range 28: the north half of Section 24; In Township 13, Range 28: Section 6, the north half of Sections 7, 17 and 18, Sections 19 and 29 to 33; In Township 13, Range 28: the south half of Sections 7, 17 and 18; In Township 13, Range 29: Sections 13 to 16, the north half of Sections 17 and 18; Sections 19 to 22, the south half of In Township 14, Range 28: Section 13, the north half of Sections 23, 24, and 25, Sections 27 to 34, the north half of Sections 14, 15 and 20, Sections 21, 22, 24, 28, 33 and 36; Section 35 and Section 36; In Township 15, Range 28:Sections 1 to 4 and 7 to 9; In Township 14, Range 29: Sections 3 to 10 and 16 to 18; In Township 13, Range 29: Sections 1 to 12, the south half of In Township 13, Range 30: Section 13, the east half of Sections 17 and 18, the north half of Sections 23, 24, and 25, Section 14, the south half of Sections 24 and 25 and Section 36; Section 26, the south half of Section 35; In Township 14, Range 30: Section 1, the east half of In Township 15, Range 29: Section 12 and the north half of Sections 2 and 11, Sections 12 and 13 and the east half of Sections 15 to 18; Section 14: In Township 13, Range 30: Sections 1, 12 and the north half of (i) the sides of the target area shall be located 200m from the Sections 24 and 25: corresponding sides of the drainage unit; (i) in the north drainage unit of the Section, the sides of the (g) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the north-east quarter; In Township 12, Range 27: Sections 28 to 33; (ii) in the south drainage unit of the Section, the sides of the In Township 13, Range 27: Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 30; target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding In Township 12, Range 28: the south half of Section 25, the sides of the south-west quarter; north half of Section 27, Section 33, the north half of Sections 34 (c) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: and 35 and Section 36; In Township 13, Range 30: fractional Sections 2, 11, 23, 26 In Township 13, Range 28: Sections 1 to 3, the south half of and 35; Sections 4, 5 and 9, Sections 10 to 16 and 20 to 28: In Township 14, Range 30: fractional Sections 23, 26 and 35. (i) the target area shall be a 235 m square situated in the north-east corner of legal subdivisions 6, 8, 14 and 16; (i) the east and west sides of the target area shall be located 406 m from the corresponding sides of the drainage (ii) the approval of the rural municipality shall be obtained unit; prior to drilling a well closer than 75 m to a road allowance, but no wells shall be drilled within 35 m of a road allowance; (ii) the north and south sides of the target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the drainage (h) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: unit; In Township 13, Range 30: Legal Subdivisions 3 to 6 and 11 (d) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: to 14 of Section 14; In Township 14, Range 26: Section 21; In Township 14, Range 30: Legal subdivisions 3 to 6 and 11 to 14 of Sections 2, 11 and 14: In Township 13, Range 27: Section 15; (i) the east and west sides of the target area shall be In Township 12, Range 28: the north half of Section 25, located 150 m from the corresponding sides of the drainage Section 26, the south half of Section 27, the south half of unit; Sections 34 and 35; (ii) the north and south sides of the target area shall be In Township 13, Range 28: the north half of Sections 4 and 5, located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the drainage Section 8, the north half of Section 9; unit. In Township 14, Range 28: Sections 29 and 32; (i) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: In Township 15, Range 28: Section 5 and the north half of In Township 13, Range 27: Sections 31, 32 and 33; Section 6: In Township 14, Range 27: Sections 5, 6 and the south half of (i) in the north drainage unit of the Section, the target area Section 7; shall be a 235 m square situated in the north-east corner of legal subdivision 16; In Township 13, Range 28: Sections 34, 35 and 36; (ii) in the south drainage unit of the Section, the target area In Township 14, Range 28: Sections 1 to 12, the south half of shall be a 235 m square situated in the north-east corner of Sections 14 and 15, Sections 16 to 19, the south half of legal subdivision 6; Section 20, Sections 30 and 31; (iii) the approval of the Rural Municipality shall be obtained In Township 15, Range 28: the south half of Section 6; prior to drilling a well closer than 75 m to a road allowance, In Township 14, Range 29: Sections 1, 2, 11 to 15, 19 to 36; but no wells shall be drilled within 35 m of a road allowance; In Township 15, Range 29: Sections 1 to 11, the south half of (e) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: Sections 15 to 18; In Township 12, Range 25: Section 26; In Township 14, Range 30: Sections 24, 25 and 36; In Township 13, Range 27: Sections 10 and 22: In Township 15, Range 30: fractional Sections 1, 12 and the (i) in the east drainage unit of the Section, the sides of the south half of fractional Section 13: target area shall be located 200 m from the corresponding sides of the north-east quarter; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 797

(i) the drainage unit may contain only one well capable of gas MIDALE CENTRAL MIDALE BEDS POOL — production; WATERFLOOD MODIFICATION (ii) all wells shall be located a minimum of 500 m from any MRO 426/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas other well capable of production from the Second White Conservation Act, approval is granted to Apache Canada Ltd. to Specks formation; modify a waterflood project in the Midale Unit by drilling one (iii) no wells shall be drilled or completed after June 1, 2000 horizontal oil well and one horizontal injection well, in accordance within 200 m of the south or west boundaries of the block of with plans filed with Saskatchewan Industry and Resources as land described above, or within 200 m of the east boundary of Document No. P.M. 112 and subject to the following: Section 33, in Township 13, in Range 27, unless otherwise 1 Good production practice is approved. ordered by the minister; 2 Annual progress reports shall be submitted to Engineering (iv) the approval of the Rural Municipality shall be obtained Services of Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. prior to drilling a well closer than 75 m to a road allowance, but no wells shall be drilled within 35 m of a road allowance; Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. (j) For lands lying West of the Third Meridian: ______In Township 13, Range 25: Sections 1 to 3, 8 to 16, 21 to 28 HATTON MEDICINE HAT SAND GAS POOL — and 33 to 36; OFF-TARGET WELL In Township 14, Range 25: Sections 1 to 4 and 6 to 17; MRO 427/02 A 123. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas In Township 12, Range 26: Sections 21, 22 and 26 to 34; Conservation Act, approval is granted to Profico Energy Management Ltd. to re-enter the (31) 7-30-12-28 W3M abandoned well, and In Township 13, Range 26: Sections 4 and 5: produce from the Medicine Hat formation subject to the following: (i) the drainage unit may contain only one well capable of gas 1 The re-entry gas well shall not be subject to a production production; allowable. (ii) all wells shall be located a minimum of 500 m from any Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. other well capable of production from the Second White Specks formation; ______(iii) no wells shall be drilled or completed after July 1, 2001 QUEENSDALE NORTH ALIDA BEDS POOL — within 200 m of the perimeter of the block of land described HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT EXPANSION above, unless otherwise ordered by the minister; MRO 428/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas (iv) the approval of the Rural Municipality shall be obtained Conservation Act, approval is granted to Tappit Resources Ltd. to prior to drilling a well closer than 75 m to a road allowance, drill and complete one horizontal well in the Alida Beds underlying but no wells shall be drilled within 35 m of a road allowance. the north-west quarter of Section 28 and the south-west quarter of 3 Unless otherwise ordered by the minister, wells drilled within Section 33-6-1 W2M, in accordance with plans filed with Saskatchewan the target area and producing from the Bigstick Second White Industry and Resources as Document No. H.W. 956 and subject to the Specks Gas Pool shall not be subject to a production allowable with following: the exception of wells drilled outside the target areas specified in 1 A maximum allowable rate of production shall be assigned. section 2 and the following off-target gas wells which shall produce in accordance with their latest established Daily Allowable: 2 Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the drainage unit shall consist of legal subdivisions 13 and 14 of Section 28 Coseka et al. Hatton 6-20-14-26; and Coseka et al. and the south-west quarter of Section 33-6-1 W2M and may contain Hatton 4-9-14-27. more than one well capable of producing oil or gas. 4 Unless otherwise ordered by the minister, wells drilled within Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. the target area prior to September 1, 2001 shall be considered as being on-target within the reduced spacing area as described in ______clauses 2(b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j). OTHER AREAS — SALT WATER DISPOSAL 5 Unless otherwise ordered by the minister, every well shall be flow tested prior to being placed on production with testing MRO 429/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas requirements as follows: Conservation Act, approval is granted to Star Oil & Gas Ltd. to dispose of salt water recovered from gasfield production, by injection (a) for all wells except those located within the area described in into the Upper Shaunavon, Lower Shaunavon, Gravelbourg or clauses 2(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) the test shall be in Madison formation through the proposed well located on legal accordance with section 73 of The Oil and Gas Conservation subdivision 6 of Section 24-12-25 W3M, in accordance with plans Regulations, 1985; filed with the Department as Document No. S.W.D.872 and subject (b) for all wells located within the area described in clauses 2(b), (c), to the following: (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) the test shall be a single point flow test of 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field a minimum duration of 48 hours followed by a build-up or any other representative of the Department prior to the commencement of salt test as may be approved by the minister. water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such 6 The operator shall have the following logs taken from total depth installations. to surface casing shoe as a minimum requirement: 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a value (a) for at least one well per Section, an approved resistivity log or determined by the Department once the injection interval has been standard electric log shall be run; determined. (b) an approved pulsed neutron capture log may be substituted for 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department the requirements of clause (a); approved method. (c) the remaining wells on a Section shall be logged with an 4 The injection zone shall be non-hydrocarbon bearing. approved radioactivity log, consisting of both natural and induced 5 The logs shall be submitted to the undersigned for evaluation radioactivity measurements, or in accordance with clause (a) or (b). prior to completing any zone for injection. 6 The injection packer shall be set within 5 m of the injection perforations. 7 A Lease of Space Agreement for the injection formation shall be executed prior to the commencement of salt water disposal. 798 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of salt MRO 434/02 A 126. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas water without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than the Conservation Act, approval is granted to Devon Canada Corporation Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal. to drill an off-target gas well in legal subdivision 14 of Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. Section 32-47-18 W3M, subject to the following: ______1 The net productive area used in calculating the daily allowable shall be determined in accordance with subsection 30(1) of The Oil OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELL and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985. MRO 430/02 A 124. Pursuant to sections 17 and 27 of The Oil and Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to Murphy Oil Company ______Ltd. to drill one off-target oil well located at D16-5-34-28 W3M, subject to the following: MRO 435/02 A 127. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to Husky Energy Inc. to drill 1 Good production practice is approved. an off-target gas well in legal subdivision 9 of Section 21-44-23 W3M, Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, June 27, 2002. subject to the following: ______1 The net productive area used in calculating the daily allowable shall be determined in accordance with subsection 30(1) of The Oil OTHER AREAS — SALT WATER DISPOSALS and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985. MRO 431/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. Conservation Act, approval is granted to Baytex Energy Ltd. to dispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injection ______into the Dina Sand through the proposed well located on legal MRO 436/02 A 128. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas subdivision 13 of Section 34-45-23 W3M, in accordance with plans Conservation Act, approval is granted to Petrobank Energy and filed with the Department as Document No. S.W.D. 873 and subject Resources Ltd. to drill one off-target oil well located to the following: at 2-15-15-1 W2M, subject to the following: 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field 1 The maximum allowable rate of production shall be calculated representative of the Department prior to the commencement of salt without penalty. water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such installations. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximum ______of 5 800 kilopascals (kPa). MRO 437/02 A 129. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department Conservation Act, approval is granted to Petrovera Resources Limited approved method. to drill an off-target gas well in legal subdivision 8 of This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of salt Section 20-39-23 W3M, subject to the following: water without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than the 1 The daily allowable shall be calculated without penalty. This Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal. condition is subject to review, if future lessee(s) of Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 2, 2002. Section 16-39-23 W3M object to the waiver of the off-target penalty. ______Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. ______MRO 432/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to Husky Energy Inc. to MRO 438/02 A 130. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas dispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injection Conservation Act, approval is granted to Silver Bay Resources Ltd. into the Dina Sand through three proposed wells located in the to drill one off-target oil well located at 2-36-1-2 W2M, subject to the south-east quarter of Section 32-52-23 W3M, in accordance with following: plans filed with the Department as Document No. S.W.D. 874 and 1 The maximum allowable rate of production shall be calculated subject to the following: without penalty. 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. representative of the Department prior to the commencement of salt water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such ______installations. EYEHILL CUMMINGS-DINA SAND POOL — 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximum PRESSURE MAINTENANCE of 6 300 kPa. MRO 439/02. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department Conservation Act, approval is granted to Husky Energy Inc. to approved method. dispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injection 4 The injection packer shall be set within 5 m of the disposal into the Dina Sand through the well Renaissance perforations. Eyehill DD B14-3-40-28, in accordance with plans filed with the This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of salt Department as Document No. P.M. 1418 and subject to the following: water without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than the 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal. representative of the Department prior to the commencement of salt Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 2, 2002. water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such installations. ______2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximum OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLS of 6 200 kPa. MRO 433/02 A 125. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department Conservation Act, approval is granted to Cavell Energy Corp. to drill approved method. an off-target gas well to produce from the Colony Sand located in 4 An application to plugback shall be submitted and approved legal subdivision 1 of Section 7-46-24 W3M, subject to the following: through the Department field office prior to re-completing the above 1 The net productive area used in calculating the daily allowable well for salt water disposal. shall be determined in accordance with subsection 30(1) of The Oil This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of salt and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985. water without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than the Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 799

OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELL Name: 101033863 Saskatchewan Ltd. MRO 440/02 A 131. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Conservation Act and subsection 30(3) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Mailing Address: 447-3rd Ave. SE, Swift Current Regulations, 1985, approval is granted to Petrobank Energy and Main Type of Business: holding company Resources Ltd. to drill one off-target oil well located at 13-9-15-1 ______W2M, subject to the following: Name: 101033886 Saskatchewan Ltd. 1 The maximum allowable rate of production shall be calculated without penalty. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 1633A Quebec Ave., Saskatoon Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 3, 2002. Main Type of Business: holding company ______

Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director, Name: 101033891 Saskatchewan Ltd. Petroleum and Natural Gas, Date of Incorporation: May 30, 2002 Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company ______

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES Name: 101033892 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin The Business Corporations Act Main Type of Business: holding company ______CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION Name: 101033893 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101033803 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101033895 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101033813 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Date of Incorporation: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin Mailing Address: 604, 224-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101033896 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101033814 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Date of Incorporation: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101033897 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101033834 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: May 29, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: Drawer 280, Moosomin Mailing Address: 108 Main St. N, Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: life, disability and group insurance ______and money products Name: 101033902 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: 101033839 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mailing Address: 1143 Lakewood Crt. N, Regina Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: video production Mailing Address: 311-21st St. E, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: holding company Name: 101033917 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: 101033840 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mailing Address: 20-12th St. W, Prince Albert Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: holding company Mailing Address: 200 Scotiabank Bldg., 111-2nd Ave. S, ______Saskatoon Name: 101033960 Saskatchewan Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding company Date of Incorporation: May 31, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 8, NSWB Law Firm, Weyburn Name: 101033843 Saskatchewan Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding company Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 3571, Regina Name: 101033961 Saskatchewan Ltd. Main Type of Business: construction Date of Incorporation: May 31, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 8, NSWB Law Firm, Weyburn Name: 101033860 Saskatchewan Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding company Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Mailing Address: 900-1914 Hamilton St., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company 800 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Name: 101033962 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034086 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: May 31, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 8, NSWB Law Firm, Weyburn Mailing Address: 20-12th St. W, Prince Albert Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101033973 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034089 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 1601, Warman Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton Main Type of Business: food service Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101033975 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034090 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Mailing Address: 200 Scotiabank Bldg., 111-2nd Ave. S, Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101034091 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034043 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 13, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton Mailing Address: Box 91, Pense Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: property management and development ______Name: 101034092 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034066 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: 101034093 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: 101034067 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: Artesian Industries Inc. Name: 101034068 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 1043-8th St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 500, 124-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: research and development Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: Brendon Trucking Ltd. Name: 101034070 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 14, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 1633A Quebec Ave., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: trucking company Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: Can-Am Geomatics Sask. Corp. Name: 101034071 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 12, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 200, 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: land surveyors and engineers: provide Main Type of Business: holding company surveying and related services, etc. ______Name: 101034073 Saskatchewan Ltd. Name: CBAS Services Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 1856 Retallack St., Regina Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: consulting services in multimedia, ______education, etc. ______Name: 101034074 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Dean Lasko Logging Ltd. Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Main Type of Business: holding company Mailing Address: Box 179, Mistatim ______Main Type of Business: logging ______Name: 101034085 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: Dr. Clayton E. Johnstone Dental Prof. Corp. Mailing Address: 20-12th St. W, Prince Albert Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Main Type of Business: holding company Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina Main Type of Business: dentistry THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 801

Name: Dr. K. Balakrishnan Medical Prof. Corp. Name: R.W. Johnstone Holdings Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 10, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 14, 2002 Mailing Address: 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 330 Main St. N, Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: medical practice Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: Dr. Ronald B. Wall Medical Professional Corporation Name: SCJ Property Management Inc. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 10, 2002 Mailing Address: 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 320-728 Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: medical practice Main Type of Business: property management ______Name: Dr. Stefan Piche Dental Prof. Corp. Name: Sepanuk Hospitality Inc. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 11, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Mailing Address: 900-1914 Hamilton St., Regina Mailing Address: 608 Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: dentistry Main Type of Business: restaurant and pub ______Name: ECS Consulting Ltd. Name: Shadwin Trucking Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: 3731 Edinburgh Dr., Regina Mailing Address: Box 662, Lloydminster Main Type of Business: municipal engineering consulting Main Type of Business: trucking ______Name: Five Star Specialty Meats Ltd. Name: Silence of The North Hunting & Fishing Lodge Inc. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Incorporation: May 31, 2002 Mailing Address: 1007-1st St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 901, 119-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: abattoir Main Type of Business: hunting and fishing lodge ______Name: Lasa Media Arts Inc. Name: Snake Oil Resources Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Date of Incorporation: Jne. 12, 2002 Mailing Address: W, 211-2440 Broad St., Regina Mailing Address: Box 2374, Kindersley Main Type of Business: film, video and multimedia production Main Type of Business: oil and gas industry ______Name: Makwa Cattle Co. Ltd. Name: Spitfire Welding Inc. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Incorporation: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 662, Lloydminster Mailing Address: Box 3963, Melfort Main Type of Business: cattle ranch Main Type of Business: mobile welding and cutting services ______Name: Nexus Scaling Corp. Name: The Market Yorkton Home..Office..Garden Furnishings Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Ltd. Mailing Address: Box 1030, Humboldt Date of Incorporation: May 15, 2002 Main Type of Business: scaling contractor Mailing Address: Box 1148, Yorkton ______Main Type of Business: home, office and garden furnishing ______Name: Noor Consulting Inc. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: Thunderchild Properties Inc. Mailing Address: 22-2121 Smith St., Regina Date of Incorporation: Jne. 11, 2002 Main Type of Business: consulting Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: holding company ______Name: Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. Date of Incorporation: Jne. 10, 2002 CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION Mailing Address: 325, 2550-15th Ave., Regina Name: 710399 Alberta Ltd. Main Type of Business: grain and cattle farming Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 ______Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Name: Prairie Hog Production Inc. Head or Registered Office: Box 332, Lethbridge AB Date of Incorporation: Jne. 10, 2002 Main Type of Business: trucking Mailing Address: 201-1919 Rose St., Regina ______Main Type of Business: hog production Name: 990009 Alberta Inc. ______Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Name: R & D Bender Holdings Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Incorporation: Jne. 4, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 2100, 144-4th Ave. SW, Calgary AB Mailing Address: Box 20006, Yorkton Main Type of Business: acquire and develop oil and gas Main Type of Business: operate a bus depot properties and grant royalties 802 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Name: 990734 Alberta Ltd. Name: Newswest Inc. Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Head or Registered Office: 4500, 855-2nd St. SW, Calgary AB Head or Registered Office: 4300, 888-3rd St. SW, Calgary AB Main Type of Business: oil and gas Main Type of Business: market books, magazines and other ______periodicals and publications ______Name: Bill Friesen Trucking Ltd. Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: Northern Empire Homes 2000 Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Registration: Jne. 13, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 17 Hewitt Crt. NE, Medicine Hat AB Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario Main Type of Business: trucking Head or Registered Office: Box 440, 212, 5704-44th St., ______Lloydminster SK Main Type of Business: home construction Name: Broker Plus Insurance Services Ltd. ______Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Incorporating Jurisdiction: British Columbia Name: Range One Oilfield Services Ltd. Head or Registered Office: 2700-700 West Georgia St., Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Vancouver BC Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Main Type of Business: insurance broker Head or Registered Office: 5009-47th St., Lloydminster AB ______Main Type of Business: oilfield servicing ______Name: Caduceus Consulting Inc. Date of Registration: Jne. 10, 2002 Name: Rubicon Energy Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Registration: Jne. 14, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 505-3rd St., Wainwright AB Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Main Type of Business: medical consulting Head or Registered Office: 1400, 350-7th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ______Main Type of Business: oil and gas ______Name: CTV Television Inc. Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: Stuart Olson Constructors Inc. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 9 Channel Nine Crt., Toronto ON Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Main Type of Business: television broadcasting Head or Registered Office: 2700, 10155-102nd St., Edmonton AB ______Main Type of Business: contractors ______Name: Doctor Dave Computer Remedies Incorporated Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: West Coast Transport Inc. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Registration: Jne. 11, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 210-11215 Jasper Ave., Edmonton AB Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario Main Type of Business: computer service and repair Head or Registered Office: 3393 Hargrove Rd., Mississauga ON ______Main Type of Business: transportation of goods ______Name: HOJ National Leasing Corp. Date of Registration: Jne. 10, 2002 Name: Western Insurance Network (B.C.) Inc. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 2500-20 Queen St. W, Toronto ON Incorporating Jurisdiction: British Columbia Main Type of Business: lease vehicles Head or Registered Office: 2nd flr., 215 Lawrence Ave., ______Kelowna BC Main Type of Business: market insurance and financial services Name: Invesco Institutional (N.A.), Inc. products Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 ______Incorporating Jurisdiction: Delaware Head or Registered Office: 1209 Orange St., Wilmington DE CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION Main Type of Business: investment advisory services Name: Dean Enterprises Ltd. ______Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Dean Enterprises Ltd.; Name: Legacy Logistics Inc. Dean Investments Ltd. Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Amalgamation: May 31, 2002 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Manitoba Registered Office: R.M. of Silverwood No. 1, Quarter SW Head or Registered Office: 59 Government Rd. Allowance S, Section 12, Township 14, Range 2, W2M Macgregor MB Main Type of Business: general farming Main Type of Business: highway transport hauling ______Name: First Choice Organics Ltd. Name: Marine Pipeline Construction of Canada Company Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Bradish Investments Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Ltd.; First Choice Organics Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova Scotia Date of Amalgamation: May 1, 2002 Head or Registered Office: 800-1959 Upper Water St., Halifax NS Registered Office: 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: pipeline construction services Main Type of Business: farming THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 803

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT Name: T.J. Holdings Ltd. Name: 101000690 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Amendment: Jne. 11, 2002 Date of Amendment: May 31, 2002 Amendment: changed name to T.J. Optometric Prof. Corp. Amendment: changed name to Bremer Farms Inc. ______Name: Wheelers Transport Ltd. Name: 101015394 Saskatchewan Ltd. Date of Amendment: May 30, 2002 Date of Amendment: May 27, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Vernon Armitage Holdings Inc. Amendment: changed name to OJL Farms Inc. ______CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT Name: 101015807 Saskatchewan Ltd. (Extra-provincial Corporations) Date of Amendment: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: Charles Schwab Canada, Co. Amendment: changed name to Long Lake Trucking Inc. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova Scotia ______Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Apr. 18, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Charles Schwab Canada, Limited Name: 101027746 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Amendment: Jne. 7, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Dr. Roy Chernoff Medical Name: Charles Schwab Canada, Limited Professional Corporation Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario ______Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Apr. 30, 2002 Amendment: changed name to 1341359 Ontario Limited Name: 101028269 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Amendment: May 31, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Royal Black Bison Ranch Inc. Name: Ford Mercury Dealers (Man./Sask.) Inc. ______Incorporating Jurisdiction: Manitoba Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: May 8, 2002 Name: 101028981 Saskatchewan Ltd. Amendment: changed name to Prairie Ford Dealers Marketing Date of Amendment: May 28, 2002 Group Ltd. Amendment: changed name to Breland Enterprizes Ltd. ______Name: Franco-Nevada Mining Corporation Limited Name: 101029352 Saskatchewan Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment: May 31, 2002 Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Mar. 28, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Vida Holdings Inc. Amendment: changed name to Newmont Mining Corporation of ______Canada Limited Name: 101029658 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______Date of Amendment: May 10, 2002 Name: Lyondell Petrochemical Company Amendment: changed name to Rhino AG Corp. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Delaware ______Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jly. 24, 1998 Name: 101031103 Saskatchewan Ltd. Amendment: changed name to Lyondell Chemical Company Date of Amendment: May 29, 2002 ______Amendment: changed name to Ram Cattle Company Ltd. Name: TD Evergreen Financial Services Inc. ______Alternate Language Name: Services D’assurance TD Name: Neilburg Corner Service Ltd. Waterhouse Inc. Date of Amendment: May 29, 2002 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Amendment: changed name to Evergreen Enterprises Ltd. Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Apr. 30, 2002 ______Amendment: changed name to TD Waterhouse Insurance Services Inc. Name: Optical (Management) Humboldt (1992) Ltd. ______Date of Amendment: May 31, 2002 Amendment: changed name to David C. Guilbault O.D. P.C. Ltd. Name: Tyco Capital (Alberta) Inc. ______Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Mar. 1, 2002 Name: P.G.S. Investments Ltd. Amendment: changed name to CIT Credit Group (Alberta) Inc. Date of Amendment: Jne. 11, 2002 ______Amendment: changed name to P.G.S. Optometric Prof. Corp. ______Name: Ventus Energy Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta Name: Remik Management Ltd. Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: May 24, 2002 Date of Amendment: May 1, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Navigo Energy Inc. Amendment: changed name to Dr. Ross Remmer Orthodontic ______Prof. Corp. ______Name: VWR Scientific of Canada Ltd. Alternate Language Name: VWR International, Ltée Name: S. Cowie Grain & Elk Farm Inc. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment: May 29, 2002 Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jan. 14, 2002 Amendment: changed name to Deere Acres Inc. Amendment: changed name to VWR International, Ltd. 804 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Name: Canadian Crude Separators Inc. CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alberta (2002) Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: May 22, 2002 Name: Date: Juris.: Amendment: amalgamated into Ccs Inc. 101002558 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 31 SK ______619806 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 SK Name: Franco-Nevada Mining Corporation Limited AB & D Mart Ltd. May 31 SK Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Balfour Holdings Ltd. Jne. 10 SK Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jan. 1, 1900 D & A Trucking Ltd. Jne. 12 SK Amendment: amalgamated into Franco-Nevada Mining Great Cookies By George Inc. Jne. 3 BC Corporation Limited GT Networking Inc. May 31 SK ______Hafford Hiway Service Ltd. May 30 SK Hassman Hotels Ltd. Jne. 7 SK Name: Franco-Nevada Mining Corporation Limited Johns Landscaping Ltd. May 27 SK Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Marcia Holdings Inc. May 29 SK Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Feb. 16, 2002 Meath Farms Ltd. May 30 SK Amendment: amalgamated into Franco-Nevada Mining Microvision Entertainment Inc. May 30 SK Corporation Limited Monashee Holdings Inc. Jne. 13 SK ______Onset Capital Corporation/Corporation Name: Golder Associates Ltd. de Financement Onset May 28 YT Alternate Language Name: Golder Associes Ltée Pandora Entertainment Ltd. Jne. 7 SK Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario Renovation City P.A. Co. Ltd. Jne. 7 SK Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jan. 1, 2002 Shidon Holdings Ltd. May 30 SK Amendment: amalgamated into Golder Associates Ltd. W-5 Pins Ltd. Jne. 3 SK ______Woodfarm Woodworking Ltd. May 28 SK Zale Canada Co. May 31 NS Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Equinox Investor ______Services Inc.; Partners In Planning Financial Services Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: May 1, 2002 (2002) Amendment: amalgamated into Partners In Planning Financial Name: Date: Juris.: Services Ltd. 602423 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 SK ______Evergreen Florists (Lloydminster) Ltd. Jne. 11 AB Names of Amalgamating Corporations: 1341359 Ontario Lac Des Isles Holdings Ltd. Jne. 11 AB Limited; Scotia Capital Inc.; Scotia Discount Brokerage Inc. Unitec Energy Systems Inc. Mar. 31 BC ______Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: May 1, 2002 Philip J. Flory, Amendment: amalgamated into Scotia Capital Inc. Director. ______Name: UL Canada Inc. The Business Names Registration Act Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ontario ______Date of Amendment In Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jan. 1, 2002 Amendment: amalgamated into UL Canada Inc. CANCELLATIONS ______(2000) CERTIFICATE OF DISCONTINUANCE Place of (2002) Name: Date: Business: The Brass Lantern Restaurant May 31 Regina New ______Name: Date: Juris.: J & E Food Services Ltd. May 17 AB (2002) ______Place of CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION Name: Date: Business: (2002) Angel Caterers Jne. 1 Regina Breland Enterprizes May 28 Saskatoon Name: Date: Crested Hills Ranch Jne. 10 Shaunavon 101030689 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 29 Dee-Jay Acryllic Stucco & Interior Design Jne. 11 Hague 585786 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 30 Dick’s Sampler’s For Grain Bins Jne. 5 Brock 601041 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 29 Diverseylever Canada May 22 Toronto ON Denro Pacific Fund Inc. May 28 Elizabeth Arden Canada May 22 Toronto ON Fiddler Agencies Ltd. May 31 G & M Cadesign Jne. 5 Regina Halter Steaming & Mobile Wash Ltd. May 28 Historic Shores Eco-Adventures May 31 Regina Independent Agencies (1969) Ltd. May 31 Lakeview Suds Carwash Jne. 5 Saskatoon Kendore Farms Ltd. May 28 Lawn Matters Jne. 5 Regina Larson Plumbing & Heating Ltd. May 29 Lever Industrial May 22 Toronto ON Prairie Agencies Inc. May 31 Long Lake Trucking Jne. 4 Imperial Tri-Development Inc. May 30 Moose Jaw Small Engine Repair & Sales Jne. 5 Moose Jaw W & S Developments Ltd. May 30 Nordon Drugs May 31 Moose Jaw THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 805

Place of Name: Brions Hauling Name: Date: Business: Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Parfums International May 22 Toronto ON Mailing Address: 1737-1st Ave. N, Saskatoon Sandor’s Family Restaurant Jne. 6 Humboldt Main Type of Business: hauling and delivery Simtac R.V. Repair Jne. 6 Rocanville ______Southland Direct Enterprises Jne. 7 Sedley Name: Burton C. Logging Tim Payne’s Woodworking Jne. 5 Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Tomas The Cook Family Restaurant Mailing Address: Buffalo River Band 398, Dillon (Moose Jaw) Jne. 6 Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: logging Unipath May 22 Toronto ON ______Name: C. Layton Contracting EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 CANCELLATIONS Mailing Address: Box 576, Kindersley (2002) Main Type of Business: oilfield contracting Place of ______Name: Date: Business: Canada Dominion Resources Name: Cappuccino Delight Limited Partnership V Jne. 7 Toronto ON Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Canada Dominion Resources Mailing Address: 900-1914 Hamilton St., Regina Limited Partnership VI Jne. 7 Toronto ON Main Type of Business: coffee shop ______JOINT VENTURE REGISTRATION Name: Charlies Mobile Welding Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Name: KNB Operating Mailing Address: Box 9, Site 306, R.R. 3, Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Main Type of Business: mobile welding Mailing Address: Box 314, Kennedy ______Main Type of Business: oilfield servicing ______Name: CJ’s Family Restaurant & Groceries Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS Mailing Address: Box 179, Cumberland House Name: A-Chuk Construction Main Type of Business: restaurant and groceries Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 ______Mailing Address: 226 Priel Cres., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: general construction Name: Classic Cars ______Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: 1180 MacDonald St., Regina Name: ACB Computer Services Main Type of Business: autobody shop and restoration specialist Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 ______Mailing Address: 2-1002 Aird St., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: on-site computer service, repair and Name: Crocus Ridge Gallery maintenance Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 7, Mortlach Main Type of Business: gallery and gift shop Name: Angel Caterers ______Date of Registration: Jne. 1, 2002 Mailing Address: 1108-1867 Hamilton St., Regina Name: D.W. Builders Main Type of Business: food catering services Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 179, Rabbit Lake Main Type of Business: home building, basic carpentry work Name: Aspen Tree Service ______Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: 1829 Connaught St., Regina Name: D.W. Frozen Dough Shop Main Type of Business: tree trimming and removal Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 ______Mailing Address: 2133 Fleury St., Regina Main Type of Business: frozen dough products Name: BASM Financial Network ______Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon Name: Eagles Arise Ministries Main Type of Business: financial planning Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 ______Mailing Address: Box 886, Warman Main Type of Business: ministry Name: Bell Mobility/Bell Mobilité ______Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: 4100-1000 De La Gauchetiere W, Montreal PQ Name: Expressive Frames and Photos By Tobi Main Type of Business: wireless communication Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 ______Mailing Address: 22 McMurchy Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: sell painted frames, photography, digital Name: Bond Select printing, digital or traditional retouching Date of Registration: Apr. 26, 2002 Mailing Address: Unit A, 1429 Mountain Ave., Winnipeg MB Main Type of Business: sell and distribute candies and other food 806 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Name: Globaltech Computer Services Name: Kid’s Keepsake Creations Date of Registration: Jne. 12, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: 786 Lenore Dr., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 335 Cochin Cres., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: computer consulting, network, setup and Main Type of Business: design and assemble picture frame kits administrating, computer repair to frame children’s clay hand/foot prints ______Name: Gray Matter Enterprises Name: LA Family Taxi Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 1036-13th St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 1138, La Ronge Main Type of Business: graphic arts, publishing (music and Main Type of Business: taxi service print), personal manager ______Name: Le Groupe Haliburton & White Name: Green Transitions Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: 2000-145 King St. W, Toronto ON Mailing Address: Box 8283, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: service and repair cash handling Main Type of Business: yard maintenance machines ______Name: Haliburton & White Name: Liebert Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Registration: May 28, 2002 Mailing Address: 2000-145 King St. W, Toronto ON Mailing Address: 9999 Highway 48, Markham ON Main Type of Business: service and repair cash handling Main Type of Business: manufacture and distribute electrical machines products ______Name: Haliburton & White Group Name: Living Colour Designs Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: 2000-145 King St. W, Toronto ON Mailing Address: Box 453, White City Main Type of Business: service and repair cash handling Main Type of Business: interior design and drafting service machines ______Name: Loades of Clothes For Kids Name: Harris Bar Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 693, Unity Mailing Address: Box 54, Harris Main Type of Business: children’s clothing store Main Type of Business: sell liquor ______Name: Loadtrak Name: Hino Truck Sales (Saskatoon) Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: 13th flr., 2121 Saskatchewan Dr., Regina Mailing Address: 834-56th St. E, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: wireless communication service provider Main Type of Business: sell and service trucks ______Name: Lynx International Name: Historic Shores Ecoadventure Outfitters Date of Registration: May 22, 2002 Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Mailing Address: 1500-160 Bloor St. E, Toronto ON Mailing Address: Box 33, Middle Lake Main Type of Business: manufacture and market personal care Main Type of Business: interpretive educational adventure products travel ______Name: M & K Custom Renovations Name: Jason Focht Enterprises Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Mailing Address: 2624 Coronation St., Regina Mailing Address: Box 84, Raymore Main Type of Business: renovations, new construction Main Type of Business: contracting, construction/building, ______manufacture grain bins ______Name: Mam Education Consulting Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Name: Kalko’s Hair Design Mailing Address: 113-112th St., Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Main Type of Business: teach Saskatchewan Community Mailing Address: 315-3rd Ave., Warman Network classes at the University of Saskatchewan Main Type of Business: hair dressing salon ______Name: Mannix Transport Name: Karaoke CDS Canada Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 1294, Battleford Mailing Address: 701 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: transportation of goods Main Type of Business: sell karaoke CDs via Internet THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 807

Name: Mireau Contracting Name: Ozzy’s Trucking Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 118, Milden Mailing Address: 663 Queen St., Regina Main Type of Business: construction Main Type of Business: trucking ______Name: Moores Turbines Name: Pay Dirt GPS Solutions Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: 3739 Normandy Ave., Regina Mailing Address: Box 686, Humboldt Main Type of Business: manufacture miniature engines (light Main Type of Business: sell, service, train and consult GPS machining) products and services ______Name: Moose Jaw Small Engine Repair Name: Phoenix Decor Imports Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: 218-2nd Ave. NW, Moose Jaw Mailing Address: 1-3945 Robinson St., Regina Main Type of Business: small engine repair Main Type of Business: import and sell traditional Chinese ______artworks, etc. ______Name: Nature’s Best – Living Air & Water Purification Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Practical Home Repairs & Renovations Mailing Address: 335 Epp Crt., Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: telephone, internet or door-to-door direct Mailing Address: 553 Dalhousie Cres., Saskatoon sales of air and water purification systems Main Type of Business: home renovations and repair ______Name: Nordon Drugs Name: Prairie Family Centre Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 309, Kamsack Main Type of Business: drug store Main Type of Business: confectionery/grocery store ______Name: North Haven Lodge Name: Pride Spots Unlimited Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: Gen. Del., Canoe Narrows Mailing Address: 1013 McPherson Ave., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: tourist resort Main Type of Business: manufacture and sell special edition ______maple leaf pins ______Name: OC/Pro Canada Date of Registration: Jne. 10, 2002 Name: Promised Land Gifts & Books Mailing Address: Box 100A, 475 Valley Rd., R.R. 3, Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Main Type of Business: organic food production and processing Mailing Address: 906-2nd Ave. NE, Moose Jaw inspection Main Type of Business: Christian book and gift store ______Name: Ocpro Canada Name: QSI Glass Date of Registration: Jne. 10, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 12, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 100A, 475 Valley Rd., R.R. 3, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 311 Beechmont Lane, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: organic food production and processing Main Type of Business: supply and install automotive and inspection residential glass ______Name: Okanese Convenience Store and Gas Bar Name: Reg Fortman Woodworking Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 759, Balcarres Mailing Address: Box 2086, Swift Current Main Type of Business: retail gas and tobacco Main Type of Business: build custom furniture to order, small, ______private renovation projects ______Name: Osborne Rentals Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Name: Sandhills Essence Mailing Address: Box 893, Kipling Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Main Type of Business: small tool rentals Mailing Address: Box 32, Hazlet ______Main Type of Business: homemade soap and bath products ______Name: Outback Photography Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Name: Sandor’s Family Restaurant Mailing Address: Box 9, Site 321, R.R. 3, Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Main Type of Business: photography Mailing Address: Box 2608, Humboldt ______Main Type of Business: restaurant ______Name: Outside Technology Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Schoenthal Acres Mailing Address: 203-2114 Robinson St., Regina Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Main Type of Business: sell electronic devices such as GPS Mailing Address: Box 335, Herbert Main Type of Business: butcher shop, raise boer goats 808 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Name: Shellbrook Plumbing and Heating Name: The Brass Lantern Restaurant Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 458, Shellbrook Mailing Address: 2317 Albert St., Regina Main Type of Business: plumbing and heating Main Type of Business: restaurant ______Name: Sid’s Service Name: The Kindersley Cue Date of Registration: May 28, 2002 Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 105, Marsden Mailing Address: 151 Stewart Cres., Kindersley Main Type of Business: service station and garage Main Type of Business: pool hall, games room ______Name: Skyview Glass & Construction Name: The Mad Greek Eatery Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: 90 Riel Cres., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 267 High St. W, Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: glass, bee keeping, construction Main Type of Business: restaurant ______Name: STP Computers Name: Tomas The Cook Family Restaurant (Moose Jaw) Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Mailing Address: 34 Bruce Pl., Regina Mailing Address: 2114 Robinson St., Regina Main Type of Business: consulting, sell and service computers Main Type of Business: restaurant ______Name: STP Web Design Name: Unilever Hpc-Na Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Date of Registration:May 22, 2002 Mailing Address: 34 Bruce Pl., Regina Mailing Address: 1500-160 Bloor St. E, Toronto ON Main Type of Business: create web sites for businesses Main Type of Business: manufacture and market personal wash ______detergents, home and personal care products ______Name: Sunrise Holistic Therapy Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Name: V-Tec Petroleum Services Mailing Address: 11-310 Ominica St. E, Moose Jaw Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: holistic therapies and massage Mailing Address: Box 555, Martensville ______Main Type of Business: technical service in the petroleum field ______Name: T & Lamm Holdings Date of Registration: Jne. 11, 2002 Name: Victoria Avenue Funeral Home and Cremation Centre Mailing Address: 410, 820-51st St. E, Saskatoon Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Main Type of Business: holding company Mailing Address: 1100-2225 Sheppard Ave. E, Toronto ON ______Main Type of Business: funeral home and crematorium ______Name: T & T Custom Fencing Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: Vinny’s Vintage Vehicles Mailing Address: 928-5th Ave. N, Saskatoon Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Main Type of Business: custom barb wire fencing Mailing Address: Box 818, Foam Lake ______Main Type of Business: buy and sell older cars, trucks and parts ______Name: T.P.W. Contracting Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Name: Warman Plaza Mailing Address: 825-7th Ave. NW, Moose Jaw Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Main Type of Business: long-haul trucking Mailing Address: 410, 820-51st St. E, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: shopping centre ______Name: Tactical Amphibious Ground Support Systems Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Warman Plaza Convenience Centre Mailing Address: 102 Pakwa Pl., Saskatoon Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Main Type of Business: manufacturing Mailing Address: 410, 820-51st St. E, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: convenience store ______Name: Team Elite Hair Studio Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Warman Storage Mailing Address: 1133-4th St., Estevan Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Main Type of Business: hair salon Mailing Address: Box 204, Martensville ______Main Type of Business: storage ______Name: The Bacardi Rum Company Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: We May Have It Shop Mailing Address: 1000 Steeles Ave. E, Brampton Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Main Type of Business: produce, market and distribute alcoholic Mailing Address: 109 Taylor St. W, Saskatoon products Main Type of Business: collectibles, used items and antiques, etc. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 809

Name: Your Photo Creations Name: Lakeview Suds Carwash Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Mailing Address: 20 Carlton Cres., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 17 1945 Mckercher Dr., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: reproduce photos and artwork on canvas Main Type of Business: carwash and other materials ______Name: Mk It So Mortgages PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Name: Belly Delly Mailing Address: 1610 Albright Cres., Prince Albert Date of Registration: Jne. 5, 2002 Main Type of Business: mortgage services Mailing Address: 125-2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: fast-food restaurant Name: Moms Pet Bakery ______Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Name: Bridge Counseling Service Mailing Address: 538 Scissons Cres., Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: bakery for pets Mailing Address: 218 Favelle Cres., Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: counselling Name: Moosey’s Sales & Service ______Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Name: Churchill Hardware 2002 Mailing Address: 1121-4th Ave. NW, Moose Jaw Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Main Type of Business: retail goods Mailing Address: 3012 Eastview, Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: hardware store Name: Pioneer Hotel ______Date of Registration: May 29, 2002 Name: Crested Hills Ranch Mailing Address: Box 160, Endeavour Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: hotel Mailing Address: Box 969, Shaunavon ______Main Type of Business: ranching and grain farming Name: Silver Dragon Restaurant ______Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Name: Everstar Realestate Investments Mailing Address: Box 38, Kindersley Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: restaurant Mailing Address: 770 Ominica St. W, Moose Jaw ______Main Type of Business: real estate investing Name: Simtac R.V. Repair ______Date of Registration: Jne. 6, 2002 Name: From The UK Records Mailing Address: Box 270, Rocanville Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 Main Type of Business: repair recreational vehicles Mailing Address: 1046B-1016 Albert Ave., Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: record label, distribute music and sell Name: Slic Realty clothing Date of Registration: Jne. 4, 2002 ______Mailing Address: 2066 Toronto St., Regina Name: Hooksabrother Clothing Co. Main Type of Business: own, maintain and rent property and Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 housing Mailing Address: 2327 Wallace St., Regina ______Main Type of Business: retail clothing Name: Superior Welding ______Date of Registration: May 30, 2002 Name: Jule Investments Mailing Address: 106 Needham Cres., Saskatoon Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 Main Type of Business: steel fabrication and welding Mailing Address: 1410 Kenderdine Rd., Saskatoon ______Main Type of Business: rental properties, buy and sell EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP investments (stocks, bonds, etc.) REGISTRATIONS ______Name: APF Energy Limited Partnership Name: Juris Management Date of Registration: Jne. 7, 2002 Date of Registration: May 31, 2002 Mailing Address: 2100 King St., Estevan Mailing Address: 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: acquire and develop oil and gas Main Type of Business: managment business properties and grant royalties ______Name: Knight Tracks Management ALTERATIONS IN MEMBERSHIP Date of Registration: Jne. 3, 2002 (2002) Mailing Address: 408 Devonshire Cres., Saskatoon Name: Date: Main Type of Business: management and consulting for Accents Tanning Jne. 5 recording artists Saskatoon East Family Physicians Jne. 6 810 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

EXPIRATIONS Place of (2002) Name: Date: Business: Place of B & A Confectionary Jne. 3 Lestock Name: Date: Business: B & C Roofing Jne. 3 Battleford 4l Enterprises Jne. 3 Weyburn B & G Eavestroughing Jne. 3 Holbein 5-D Alpaca Ranch Jne. 3 Denholm B. Leifso Car-Go Carriers & Transport Jne. 3 Moose Jaw 721-Nails Jne. 3 Regina B. Morin & Sons Trucking Jne. 3 Buffalo 7th Street Design Studio Jne. 3 Regina Narrows A & H Corral Cleaning & Spreading Jne. 3 Gravelbourg B.A. Trucking Jne. 3 Regina A Perfect Stitch Sales & Service Jne. 3 Regina B.F. Enterprises Jne. 3 Saskatoon A Taste of Home Cooking Jne. 3 Regina B.K. Metal Works Jne. 3 Regina A Wee Witches Nook Jne. 3 Regina Back Street Cafe Jne. 3 Estevan A+ Food Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bar-F Country Bed & Breakfast Jne. 3 Wood A+ For Uncle Woof’s Pet Motel Jne. 3 Craven Mountain A-Line Restaurant Jne. 3 Glaslyn Barb Enterprizes Jne. 3 Pilot Butte A.G. Tuer Management Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Barrier Valley Auction & Livestock A.C. Business Solutions Jne. 3 Regina Services Jne. 3 Tisdale A.J. Computer Tutoring Jne. 3 Regina Base–Line Surveys Jne. 3 Regina A.K.A. The Branch Office Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Baskets By Request Jne. 3 Hazenmore A.M.’s Year Round Lawn Care Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bast Drafting and Design Jne. 3 Macklin AA Team Travel Jne. 3 Regina Batula Distributors Jne. 3 Yorkton AAA Handyman Plus Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bay Trail Steel Jne. 3 Humboldt AAA Image Consultants Jne. 3 Regina BB Drywall and Painting Jne. 3 Kelvington AAA Superior Lawn Care Jne. 3 Saskatoon Beach View Farms Jne. 3 Craven ABC Bakery Jne. 3 Macnutt Bearing Supply Jne. 3 Langley BC Above and Beyond Personal Training Jne. 3 Regina Becquet’s Custom Programming Jne. 3 Yorkton AC Renovations Jne. 3 Regina Bedry & Sons Construction Jne. 3 Vanscoy Accurate Developments Jne. 3 Humboldt Beechy Service Jne. 3 Beechy Ace Drywall Jne. 3 Hagen Been There-Done That Bookkeeping and Ace Technical Services Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Secretarial Service Jne. 3 Yorkton Acorn Woodworkers Jne. 3 Aberdeen Bel Auto Body Jne. 3 Neilburg Action-Vac Furnace Cleaning Jne. 3 St. Walburg Belle Femme Nails Plus Jne. 3 Regina Ad-Mail International Jne. 3 Regina Bell’s Auction Service Jne. 3 Battleford Adecco – A New World at Work Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bercomp Computer Consulting Jne. 3 Dalmeny Adex Home Care Jne. 3 Regina Bergeron Trucking Jne. 3 Saskatoon Advanced Towing and Service Jne. 3 Cut Knife Bettertarts Cafe Jne. 3 Saskatoon Advanced Windshield Repair Jne. 3 Kindersley Big Country Subs Jne. 3 Raymore After Hours Sewer Service Jne. 3 Regina Big Red Design & Illustration Jne. 3 Regina Agrevo Seeds Jne. 3 Regina Big Time Hip Hop Productions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Agritrend Jne. 3 Swift Current Billy’s Restaurant Wolseley Jne. 3 Wolseley Air Ronge Riverside Motel Jne. 3 La Ronge Biostar Canada Consulting Jne. 3 Saskatoon AJN Investigations Jne. 3 Regina BJ’s Grocery, Gas Bar & Taxi Service Jne. 3 Canoe Al’s Bakery Jne. 3 Gull Lake Narrows Alexander & Switenky Marketing Jne. 3 Prince Albert Bjornstad Trucking Jne. 3 Edmore All Around Repair Jne. 3 Saskatoon Black Dog Transport Jne. 3 Delisle All Purpose Dry Cleaners Jne. 3 Regina Black Knight Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina All Seasons Celebrations Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Blackbird Originals Jne. 3 Wroxton Allpro Cleaning Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bladez Wholesale Auto’s Jne. 3 Regina Alpine Ceramics Jne. 3 Regina Blair Consultants & Agri-Services Jne. 3 Lanigan Alternative Document Design Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Blair Designs Jne. 3 Saskatoon Amigo’s Appliance Repair Jne. 3 Lloydminster Blindworks Installation Jne. 3 Regina Andrea Stevenson Painting Jne. 3 Regina Blue Grass Design Jne. 3 Melfort Andy’s Pastaria and Fine Dining Blue Mount Cafe Jne. 3 Prince Albert Restaurant Jne. 3 Prince Albert Border Office Solutions Jne. 3 Macklin Antler Acres Jne. 3 Spiritwood Bow Valley Woodcraft Jne. 3 Oxbow Aqudelo Creative Exports and Imports Jne. 3 Regina Box Car 54 Bar & Grill Jne. 3 Estevan Arc Alloy Welding (1984) Jne. 3 Colonsay Boyd Bagnall Transport Jne. 3 Wilkie Arfy’s Welding Services Jne. 3 Swift Current Boyd Construction Jne. 3 Regina Argyle Park Remedial Massage Therapy Jne. 3 Regina BPCO Jne. 3 London ON Armor-Tech Computer Clean Jne. 3 Herbert Brass & Associates Jne. 3 Regina Arnason Logging Jne. 3 Paddockwood Breath of Life Books Jne. 3 Warman ASC Mobile Wash Jne. 3 Regina Bren Kare Trucking Jne. 3 Fenwood Astro Contracting Jne. 3 Swift Current Bridge City Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Atherton Writing Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Bushy River Trucking Jne. 3 Prince Albert Auctioneer John Gammel Jne. 3 Morse By Request Hair & Nail Salon Jne. 3 Saskatoon Aurele’s Logging Jne. 3 Ile-à-la-Crosse C & S Artworks Jne. 3 Saskatoon Automobility Medical Jne. 3 Regina C & C Commercial Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon C.A.S. Mobile Technologies Jne. 3 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 811

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: C.B. Creations Jne. 3 Hanley Cowen’s Treasures & Treats Jne. 3 Govan C.K. Douglas Transfer Jne. 3 Saskatoon CR Computer/Electronic Cleaning C.M.P. Safety Consultation Services Jne. 3 Marshall Service Jne. 3 Carragana C3 Design + Public Relations Strategists Jne. 3 Saskatoon Creative Impressions Jne. 3 Prince Albert Cadlab Computer & Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Cresting Unlimited, Regina Jne. 3 Regina Cairns Developers Jne. 3 Regina Crooked Coulee Repair Jne. 3 Tribune Cairns Homes Jne. 3 Regina Crop Confetti Jne. 3 Saskatoon Can Tho Restaurant Jne. 3 Saskatoon Cross Country Farm Jne. 3 Mistatim Can West Contracting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Cross Cut Creations Jne. 3 Saskatoon Can-Elk Velvet Products Jne. 3 Maidstone Custom Steel ‘n Wood Designs Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Can-Sino Greenlink International Jne. 3 Regina Cyber-Net Enterprises Jne. 3 Melville Canada Wide Window Cleaning Jne. 3 Regina Cyclone Metal Products Jne. 3 Regina Canadian Apartment Properties Real D & D Fuel Systems Jne. 3 Regina Estate Investment Trust Jne. 3 Regina D & S Concrete & Construction Jne. 3 Regina Canadian Cupboard 1st For Fundraising Jne. 3 Yorkton D & S Dogs of Course Jne. 3 Saskatoon Cand Old Fashion Soup ‘n’ Such Jne. 3 Saskatoon D & S Marketing Jne. 3 Regina Candle Lake Trail Developments Jne. 3 Candle Lake D & TTT’s Construction Jne. 3 Grandora Candy Bouquet of Yorkton Jne. 3 Yorkton D Adventures Jne. 3 Estevan Cantel Advanced 2000 Jne. 3 Saskatoon DJ Hay Farms Jne. 3 Hague Cappie Noble-Cappie Enterprises Jne. 3 Kindersley D & K Clean It Right Maintenance Jne. 3 Regina Carla’s Clippings Jne. 3 Saskatoon D-Line Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Carol’s Gifts and Kitchen Centre Jne. 3 Regina D.D.C. Computer Network Marketing Jne. 3 Saskatoon Carra J.’s Hair Studio & Esthetics Jne. 3 Regina D.L. Fashions Jne. 3 Hudson Bay Cas Churchill Accounting Services Jne. 3 Hudson Bay D.L.E. Holdings Jne. 3 Prince Albert CDL Bison Jne. 3 Swift Current Daily Drycleaners & Launderers Jne. 3 Saskatoon Cee Gees Painting Jne. 3 Regina Dale Ruecker Trucking Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Cell 2 Cell Communications Jne. 3 Asquith Dale Tingley Chrysler Plymouth Jne. 3 Prince Albert Certified Major Appliance Service Jne. 3 Regina Dale’s Yard Care & Tree Service Jne. 3 Hudson Bay Chai Cafe Jne. 3 La Loche Dan’s AG West Service Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Chambers Management Jne. 3 Prince Albert Dana Canada Jne. 3 Regina Chapters Jne. 3 Toronto ON Danka Services International Jne. 3 Toronto ON Chelan Hotel Jne. 3 Chelan Dash Glass Jne. 3 Nipawin Cher’s Hair Design Jne. 3 Kelliher Dataguard Security Systems Jne. 3 Saskatoon Choices Choices Restaurant Jne. 3 Prince Albert Datavore Productions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Chrislayn Consulting Jne. 3 Tisdale Date Makers Dating Service Jne. 3 Regina Christian Connection Regina Jne. 3 Regina Dave Mcfarlane Mobile Welding Jne. 3 Saskatoon Churchill River Sun Jne. 3 Prince Albert Davenport Livestock Co. Jne. 3 Estevan Cirrus Woodworks Jne. 3 Saskatoon Daveval Trucking Jne. 3 Kenaston CJ’s Taekwondo Han-Mi Kwan Jne. 3 Regina Davey Saddle and Tack Jne. 3 Saskatoon Class Cut Jne. 3 Saskatoon Dawn Til Dusk Contracting Jne. 3 Gull Lake Clay’s Plumbing & Heating Jne. 3 Regina Dayforr Aquaair Sales & Service Jne. 3 Nipawin Clean Green Cleaning Supplies Jne. 3 Regina Dazzle Works Jne. 3 Regina CLH Holdings Jne. 3 Saskatoon DB Janitorial Jne. 3 Fort CMS True Value Hardware Jne. 3 Regina Qu’Appelle CNC Global Consulting Jne. 3 Toronto ON DDS Holdings Jne. 3 Saskatoon CNC Global Search Jne. 3 Toronto ON Deb’s Distinctive Images Jne. 3 Watson Coates Corner Auto Body and Repair Jne. 3 Pense Deer Trail Outfitters Jne. 3 Cochin Cochlan & Associates Jne. 3 Saskatoon Dennis’ Auto Sales Jne. 3 Humboldt Collectors Lane Sports Memorabilia Jne. 3 Saskatoon Denny Productions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Colossal Pizza & Pasta Jne. 3 Martensville Denton Air Solutions Jne. 3 North Comeau Mechanical Jne. 3 Regina Battleford Computer Central Jne. 3 Estevan Dial One Long Distance Services Jne. 3 Regina Concepts 3 Design + Public Relations Diamond Detail Plus Jne. 3 Prince Albert Strategists Jne. 3 Saskatoon Diamond J Farms Jne. 3 Ituna Cooly’s Billiards Jne. 3 Battleford Diana L. Ostrom, Chartered Accountant Jne. 3 Cutknife Copper T Farm Jne. 3 Saskatoon Digital Earth Computer Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Coral Marketing Jne. 3 Saskatoon Dimensions Development & Project Corrigal’s Construction Jne. 3 Beauval Management Jne. 3 Fort Costec Enterprizes Jne. 3 Regina Qu’Appelle Cottage Industries Jne. 3 Stockholm Ding Dong Restaurant Jne. 3 Saskatoon Country Covers Jne. 3 Weyburn DJ’s Auto Services Jne. 3 Regina Country Limits Hobbies & Crafts Jne. 3 Dilke Doko Imports Jne. 3 Saskatoon Country Pride Outfitters Jne. 3 Saskatoon Don Bristow Financial Group Jne. 3 Saskatoon Country Stitching Jne. 3 Lake Lenore Donner Trucking Jne. 3 Regent Cowboy’s Custom Cattle Services Jne. 3 North Dor-View Systems Jne. 3 Saskatoon Battleford Dots ‘N’ Stitches Jne. 3 Milestone 812 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: Double D Wholesale Jne. 3 Hafford Garth Gariepy Electric Jne. 3 Lloydminster Doug’s Electric Jne. 3 Limerick Gelowitz Electric Jne. 3 Pierceland Doug’s Small Engine Repair Jne. 3 Outlook Get The.Net Isp Jne. 3 Saskatoon DR & D Hage General Contracting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Gigo’s Showtime Nightclub Jne. 3 North Dr. Cigar Jne. 3 Chamberlain Battleford Dr. Don Services Jne. 3 Yorkton GLC Wallets Jne. 3 Saskatoon Dreams & Wishes – Arts & Crafts Jne. 3 Willowbunch Glendale Marketing Jne. 3 Swift Current Dumelie’s Remedial Massage Jne. 3 Big Beaver Global Press Jne. 3 Toronto ON Duncans, The Computer People Jne. 3 Regina Global Wholesale Jne. 3 Saskatoon Dust Devil Furnace & Duct Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon Globe Distribution Services Jne. 3 Toronto ON Dyet & Associates Jne. 3 Kindersley Glor-Ius Info Publications Jne. 3 Canora E & E Trucking Jne. 3 Martensville Gnome Management Jne. 3 Regina E. Selby Appraisal Services Jne. 3 Langenburg Gofors Delivery Jne. 3 Saskatoon Eagle Vision and Associates First Gold Star Genetics Jne. 3 Swift Current Nations Human Resources Jne. 3 Saskatoon Goldak Geophysics Jne. 3 Langham Eagle Welding Jne. 3 Lajord Good4u Marketing Jne. 3 Saskatoon Eagle Windows Jne. 3 Glaslyn Gordon’s Garage Jne. 3 Fiske Earl Grey Auto and R.V. Jne. 3 Earl Grey Gotcha Process Services Jne. 3 Yorkton East Coast Varieties Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Gourmet Taste Cafe Jne. 3 Saskatoon East Hill Bookkeeping Services Jne. 3 North GP Parts Jne. 3 Warman Battleford Graham Enterprises Jne. 3 Saskatoon East Star Video & Games Jne. 3 Emerald Park Grainbelt Auction’s Jne. 3 Grenfell Eastview Drycleaners Jne. 3 Saskatoon Gralson Construction Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Eat & Run Cafe Jne. 3 Saskatoon Grandpa’s Books Jne. 3 Regina El Bambuco Catering Jne. 3 Regina Great Plains Stables Jne. 3 Martensville EMA–Event Management Associates Jne. 3 Saskatoon Gregson Sprayers Jne. 3 St. Hyacinthe Embee’s Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon Grey Sage Woodwork Jne. 3 Rockglen Emerald Park Hair & Tanning Studio Jne. 3 Emerald Park Greystoke Financial Services Jne. 3 Regina Emerald Valley Pets ‘N’ Products Jne. 3 Swift Current GTX Logistics Services Jne. 3 Winnipeg MB Emtech Global Technology Links Jne. 3 Saskatoon Guenther’s Auction Service Jne. 3 Lanigan Engnetsoft Computing Systems Jne. 3 Regina Guilt Free Recipes Jne. 3 Swift Current Enviro Dry Cleaners & Tailors Jne. 3 Regina Guns’n Hoses Construction Jne. 3 Cochin Eric’s Action Video Jne. 3 Saskatoon Guthrie & Sons Flooring Jne. 3 Regina Essery Accounting Services Jne. 3 Tyner H & B Steffenson Welding Jne. 3 Moosomin ET Hosting Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon H2only Cleaning Products Jne. 3 Moose Jaw ETK Deliveries Company Jne. 3 Saskatoon Hair FX Jne. 3 Estevan Eurosport Auto Sales & Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon Hair Zone Jne. 3 Yorkton Events West Jne. 3 Regina Hairitage Downtown Jne. 3 North Exel Elevators Jne. 3 Saskatoon Battleford Extreme Truck and Track Performance Halls Wells Jne. 3 Regina Center Jne. 3 Biggar Hancheroff Second Hand Store, Livestock F.E.O. Contracting & Mobile Home and Auction Services Jne. 3 Porcupine Setups Jne. 3 Rosthern Plain Fair Welding Gases & Supplies Jne. 3 Oxbow Happy Acres Farm Jne. 3 Avonhurst Farr’s Cleaning Services Jne. 3 Regina Harris, Harding & Bickers Jne. 3 Toronto ON Fashions On Main Jne. 3 Esterhazy Harrison’s Gift and Decor Jne. 3 Estevan Fax Blast West Jne. 3 Regina Harrop Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina Fedpark Systems Jne. 3 Vancouver BC Harvest Kitchenwear Jne. 3 Saskatoon Fehr’s Computer Repair Jne. 3 Carrot River Harvest Moon Saloon Jne. 3 Pathlow Feiffer Auger Service Jne. 3 Kipling Hats By Helen Jne. 3 Regina Femme Fantasy Mild or Wild Makeovers, Haute Stuff Esthetics Jne. 3 Craven Drama and Costume Escorts Jne. 3 Regina Hay Boyz Custom Trucking Jne. 3 Outlook Fenwood Machinery Sales Jne. 3 Fenwood Healthy Attitudes Weight Control Center Jne. 3 Saskatoon Field Landscaping & Irrigation Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Healthy Home Dist. Jne. 3 Regina First Choice Marketing Jne. 3 Prince Albert Heatcoat School of Driving Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Fly Me Away Imports Jne. 3 Saskatoon Heather & Char’s Place Jne. 3 Macnutt Folk’s Sanitary Service (1999) Jne. 3 Weyburn Heikkila Enterprises Jne. 3 Morse Forever In Denim Jne. 3 Saskatoon Helen’s Boutique Jne. 3 Quill Lake Formula Fundraising Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Helpline Immigration Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Foster’s Water Service Jne. 3 Hagen Hemptations Hempware & Accessories Jne. 3 Estevan Fred & Ann’s Snack Shoppe Jne. 3 Central Butte Henicki Ad Ventures Jne. 3 Saskatoon Frontier Coach Lines Jne. 3 Battleford Hennes Plumbing Jne. 3 Eatonia Furniture Medic of Regina Jne. 3 Lumsden Hers ‘N’ His Body Plus Jne. 3 Regina GBS Holdings Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Hicks Research & Consulting Jne. 3 Regina G. Jones Electric Jne. 3 Air Ronge Higher Concepts Marketing Jne. 3 Kenaston Garrett Osborn Manufacturing Jne. 3 Weyburn Highway 49 Music Jne. 3 Kelvington THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 813

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: Hillview Sheep Ranch Jne. 3 Herbert Kelly’s Wilderness Adventures Hitech Petroleum Consultants Jne. 3 Regina Outfitting & Tours Jne. 3 Buffalo Holm On The Range Cake Company Jne. 3 Saskatoon Narrows Home Style Creations Jne. 3 Canora Kem Electronic Consulting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Honeysuckle Sewer Service Jne. 3 Lashburn Ken’s Kut Flowers Jne. 3 Saskatoon Honor Woodworks Jne. 3 Hodgeville Ken’s Painting & Decorating Jne. 3 Estevan Horizon Classified Advertising Jne. 3 Oxbow Ken’s Parts Pick Up Jne. 3 Govan Horsman International Trade Jne. 3 Weyburn Kena Enterprises Jne. 3 Elrose Houston Pizza (Estevan) Jne. 3 Regina Kendall Environment Services Jne. 3 Swift Current Howard Georgeson Electrical Contracting Jne. 3 Prince Albert Kennedy Agencies Jne. 3 Kennedy Howe & Son Roofing & Renovations Jne. 3 Imperial Keyboard Cards Enterprises Jne. 3 Saskatoon Humboldt Community Funeral Service Jne. 3 Regina Keystone Security and Investigation Jne. 3 Tisdale Hutcheson Oilseeds Consulting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kez Curling Creations Jne. 3 Melfort HVS Home Video Solutions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kidding Around Children’s Wear Jne. 3 Neilburg Idler Automation International Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kilborn Global Biophysical Jne. 3 Saskatoon Imagine That Computer Consulting Jne. 3 Elstow Killaly Furniture & Millwork Jne. 3 Regina Impact Construction Jne. 3 Hague Kindergarten Puppy Training Jne. 3 Asquith Imperial Coal & Wood Co. Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kindersley Vacuum Jne. 3 Kindersley In A Flash 1 Hr. Photo Jne. 3 Unity King’s Sport Leisure & Marine Jne. 3 Yorkton Independent Equipment Search Jne. 3 Prince Albert KLS Promotions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Indianhead Camp Adventures Jne. 3 Fort Kobyco Supplies Jne. 3 Craven McMurray Kopperud Electric Jne. 3 Swift Current AB Kraft Jne. 3 Regina Inner Beauty Esthetics Jne. 3 Regina Kramer’s Hair Design Jne. 3 Regina Innovative Travel Group Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kumon Math Center (Regina South) Jne. 3 Regina Invirowell Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina Kurt’s Repair Jne. 3 Shell Lake Irene’s Home Fashion Decor Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Kusy’s Electric Jne. 3 Regina J & B Ackland Auto Service Jne. 3 Craik L & E Outdoor Image Jne. 3 Battleford J & J Nutrition Direct Jne. 3 Regina L & L Mobile Mechanical Jne. 3 Davidson J & S Lekivetz Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina L & P Interiors Jne. 3 Regina J Gordon Contracting Jne. 3 Saskatoon L & R Construction Jne. 3 Regina J. & J. Logging Jne. 3 Love L’oste & Found Office Services Jne. 3 Redvers J.C. Dee Designs Jne. 3 Rockglen L.A. Tire Service Jne. 3 Laloche J.C. Publications Jne. 3 Regina L.B. Logging Jne. 3 Canoe J.E. Gazdewich & Associates Jne. 3 Regina Narrows J.H.D. Holdings Jne. 3 Macklin L.W. Contracting Jne. 3 Sandy Bay Jack’s Garage Jne. 3 Tompkins La Casa Del Arte Jne. 3 Saskatoon Jan’s Signs Jne. 3 Saskatoon La Ritz International Jne. 3 Saskatoon Jeff Schneider Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina Ladders To Success Enterprises Jne. 3 Estevan Jiffy-Calc Software Jne. 3 Saskatoon Lady In Red Speakeasy Niteclub Jne. 3 Regina Jilly Bean & Joy Clothing Co. Jne. 3 Estevan Lakeview Personal Care Home Jne. 3 Saskatoon JL Consulting Jne. 3 Tisdale Land Rover of Saskatoon Jne. 3 Saskatoon Jo-Jo’s Knicknacks & Cafe Jne. 3 Kinistino Larwoods Hung Up On Computers Jne. 3 Radisson Joelle’s Salon On Main Jne. 3 North Las Vista Condominium Jne. 3 Saskatoon Battleford Lashta & Shura Holdings Jne. 3 Yorkton Johnny-T’s & The Broken Spoke Saloon Jne. 3 Swift Current Lasting Impressions Marketing Jne. 3 Regina Jolene Lucas Registered Massage Laughren Auction Service Jne. 3 Blaine Lake Therapist Jne. 3 Montmartre Lazy Man’s Lunch Jne. 3 Elrose Joru Developments Jne. 3 Swift Current LBB Cleaning Jne. 3 Lloydminster JSR Construction Jne. 3 Warman Leading Edge Consultants Jne. 3 Saskatoon Jupiter Dine and Dance Niteclub Jne. 3 Regina Ledingham’s–Special Needs Sewing & Just Like New Maintenance Jne. 3 Swift Current Studio of Fine Arts Jne. 3 Saskatoon Just Your Type Desktop Publishing Jne. 3 Regina Leora’s Bookkeeping Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon K & C Cash Return Programs Jne. 3 Winnipeg MB Lestock Hotel Jne. 3 Lestock K & T Seed Processors Jne. 3 Avonhurst Let’s Get Growing Landscape Design Jne. 3 Saskatoon K and B Handyman Services Jne. 3 Glen Ewen Li-Don Holdings Jne. 3 Saskatoon K.L. Wong’s Restaurant Jne. 3 Estevan Linda’s Professional Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon K.W. Reno Jne. 3 Saskatoon Lindsay House Bed & Breakfast Jne. 3 Prince Albert Kaitlynn’s Kove Restaurant Jne. 3 Canwood Lischka Auto Sales Jne. 3 Prince Albert Kakayskimawasoon Consulting Jne. 3 Shellbrook Lone Tech Jne. 3 Saskatoon Kalesnikoff Forensic Accounting Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Lonny’s Fish Jne. 3 Prince Albert Kamsack Equipment Rentals Jne. 3 Kamsack BC Lorry’s Pressure Washer Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon Karat Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Lucky Star Tours Jne. 3 Yorkton Karrie-Lynn’s Hearts N’ink Jne. 3 Langham MC Diner Jne. 3 Saskatoon Keast Insurance Services Jne. 3 Yorkton M. Lyons Construction Jne. 3 Kipling Keepsake Flowers By Fadiah Jne. 3 Midale M.J. Appraisals & Inspections Jne. 3 Yorkton 814 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: M.K. Maid Service Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Mr. Ribs Family Restaurant M.K.U. Holdings Jne. 3 Saskatoon (Prince Albert) Jne. 3 Saskatoon M.W. Consulting Jne. 3 Estevan Mrs Fix It Upholstery & Repairs Jne. 3 Marsden M/C Contracting Jne. 3 Kindersley Myra’s Foot Care Jne. 3 Hudson Bay MacDonald Mathieson & Associates Mystemas Arabian Farm Jne. 3 Wilcox “The Knowledge Exchange” Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mystemas Arabians Jne. 3 Wilcox MacKenzie Reed Holdings Jne. 3 Regina Mystic Health Services & Metaphysical MacMillan Canada Jne. 3 Toronto ON Supplys Jne. 3 Saskatoon MacMillan of Canada Jne. 3 Toronto ON MZ Tress Cruella Escorts Jne. 3 Regina Macza’s Construction Jne. 3 Regina N.J.N. Enterprise Jne. 3 Regina Mad Max’s Video World Jne. 3 Regina Nails Plus Salon of Prince Albert Jne. 3 Prince Albert Magnum Custom Applicators Jne. 3 Rockhaven Nails Unique Jne. 3 Lumsden Maid Your Day Cleaning Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon National Business Link Jne. 3 Turtleford Majestic Marketing Jne. 3 Moosomin Nelson’s Boosting & Towing Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Mannapoly International Marketing Jne. 3 Regina Newmart Fishing and Hunting Resort Jne. 3 Saskatoon Maple Leaf Hotel Jne. 3 Vibank Nimbus Fine Art Services Jne. 3 Regina Marchand Adjusting Service Jne. 3 Stoughton Nipawin Parts & Industrial Jne. 3 Winnipeg MB Marek Webb Communications Jne. 3 Oxbow Norhost Internet Solutions Jne. 3 Regina Marengo Small Engine Repair Jne. 3 Marengo Norsask Media Services Jne. 3 Beauval Marquis Marketing Jne. 3 Swift Current North Valley Llamas Jne. 3 Neudorf Martin’s Computer Chip Jne. 3 Arcola North Way Manor Jne. 3 Regina Martrain Corporate and Personal Northgate Service Centre Jne. 3 Calgary AB Development Jne. 3 Regina Norwest Plumbing & Heating Jne. 3 Regina Mary Macpheat Counselling Services Jne. 3 Regina Noryla Express Jne. 3 Saskatoon Maureen’s Home Salon Jne. 3 Warman Notekeu Agri Services Jne. 3 Ponteix MBJ Lifestyles Furniture & Appliances Jne. 3 Swift Current Now Design Jne. 3 Saskatoon McAuley Trucking Jne. 3 Prince Albert Nu Family Meats Jne. 3 Kelvington McConnell & Sons Interiors Jne. 3 Regina Nutana Services–General Contractors Jne. 3 Saskatoon McKenzie Ray Tickets Jne. 3 Saskatoon Nutek Micro Clinic Jne. 3 Saskatoon McPhail Leafcutters Jne. 3 Shellbrook Nyales Auto Centre Jne. 3 Saskatoon Meadow Vac Custom Vacuuming, Octavio Sculptures Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Insulating & Home Improvements Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Omsac Developments Jne. 3 Etobicoke ON Meadowlark Computer Services Jne. 3 Regina One 2 One Photography Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mechanic Edge Jne. 3 Saskatoon Open A V Genetics Plus Jne. 3 Maple Creek Mega Save Resources Jne. 3 Saskatoon Orchard Research and Consulting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Melville Hair Plus Jne. 3 Melville Our Sandwich Garden Jne. 3 Regina Mercer Outfitting Jne. 3 Big River Outback Inn Jne. 3 Craik Merchants Hotel Jne. 3 Conquest Outpost Publishing Company Jne. 3 Pierceland Metals Galor Jne. 3 Regina Owta Control Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Microage: The Solution Store Jne. 3 Ville D’anjou P & F Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mike Terness Trucking Jne. 3 Estevan P & M Delivery Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mikes Rent-A-Bench Jne. 3 Moose Jaw P & R Imports Jne. 3 Saskatoon Millennium Hair Studio Jne. 3 Moose Jaw P and D Dammann Trucking Jne. 3 Alliance Millennium Transport Jne. 3 Saskatoon P. Berg Accounting Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Miller Company Jne. 3 Kitscoty P.S.S. Professional Salon Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Minard’s Haybuster Parts Depot Jne. 3 Weyburn Pacific Green Marketing & Promotions Jne. 3 Regina Misbehavin Transport Jne. 3 Kelvington Pamela The Letter Writer Jne. 3 Regina Misponas Books Jne. 3 Ile-à-la-Crosse Pansa Distributing Jne. 3 Saskatoon Miss Kittie’s Scrub & Shine Cleaning Parkside IGA Jne. 3 Carlyle Service Jne. 3 Regina Parkside R.V. Jne. 3 Nipawin MM’s Momentos Jne. 3 Saskatoon Parsco Services Jne. 3 Regina MNK Consulting Services Jne. 3 Kipling Pat’s Emporium Jne. 3 Hudson Bay Moen Construction Jne. 3 Stewart Patty’s Pub Jne. 3 Love Valley Paul Mayes Distributing Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mont Nebo Landmark Beverage Room Jne. 3 Mont Nebo Pay Less Art Jne. 3 Saskatoon Montego Catering Co. Jne. 3 Regina Payant and Kindt Harvesting Jne. 3 Assiniboia Moon Dog Mechanical Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Paytel Canada Jne. 3 Vancouver BC Morgan’s Construction Jne. 3 Melfort PDT Communication Jne. 3 Tuxford Morris Gallery Jne. 3 Moosomin Peace of Mind Safety Jne. 3 Kindersley Morris Material Handling Jne. 3 Regina Pearson Secretarial Services Jne. 3 McTaggart Morris Studios Jne. 3 Moosomin Pelletier Logging Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Moses Manufacturing Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Penny Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mother Earth Seeds Jne. 3 Clavet Penny Farthing Antiques & Collectables Jne. 3 Regina Motorlink Advertising Jne. 3 Saskatoon Pepsi-Cola Canada Beverages Jne. 3 Regina Mountain Specialists Transport, LLC Jne. 3 Billings MT Perry Trucking Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mouser’s Cafe Jne. 3 Saskatoon Pete’s Support Line Services Jne. 3 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 815

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: Pete’s Welding Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Ridge Bluff Farm Jne. 3 Indian Head Petrofka Springs Tree Farm and Nursery Jne. 3 Saskatoon Rightline Graphics & Desktop Publishing Jne. 3 Alameda Phantom Graphics Jne. 3 Regina Rightway Advertising Jne. 3 Nipawin Phil Peters Construction Jne. 3 Osler Rite-Co. Eaves. Jne. 3 Lanigan Pictures–Regina Jne. 3 Regina River’s Edge Bed & Breakfast Jne. 3 Corman Park Pillars Family Restaurant Jne. 3 Warman Riverbend Cycle Car Jne. 3 Saskatoon Pinpoint Directional Boring Jne. 3 Carnduff Riverdene Cable Locating Jne. 3 Swift Current Pizza Post Jne. 3 Kamsack RJMC Logging Jne. 3 Prince Albert Place Riel Theatre Jne. 3 Saskatoon Road Warrior’s Courier Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Planet Blonde Internet Services Jne. 3 Regina Rob’s Computer Services Jne. 3 Oak Lake MB Polar Auctions Jne. 3 Regina Rochdale Rentals Jne. 3 Regina Pooh and Tigger Too, Day Care Jne. 3 Regina Rockweld’s Welding Jne. 3 Saskatoon Positive F/X Creative Video Services Jne. 3 Regina Roland Mohl Properties Jne. 3 Hudson Bay Powers Adjustment Services Jne. 3 Canora Rolling Hills Software Jne. 3 Mankota PR Sales Jne. 3 Saskatoon Romanow Welding & Repair Jne. 3 Montmartre Prairie CNC Services Jne. 3 MacNutt Rose Trucking Jne. 3 Glencoe Prairie Dog Motors Jne. 3 Saskatoon Rosthern Book and Stationery Jne. 3 Waldheim Prairie Earth: Nature and Wilderness Roundup Butcher Shop Jne. 3 Bredenbury Skills Jne. 3 Waterhen Rowlatt Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Lake Roy & Sons Dredging Services Jne. 3 Regina Prairie Medicinals Jne. 3 Aylsham Roy’s Water Hauling Jne. 3 Swift Current Prairie Penguin Ice Cream Jne. 3 Regina Royal Carpet Cleanin Jne. 3 Saskatoon Prairie Pride Elk Ranch Jne. 3 Tompkins Royalle Steam Clean Jne. 3 Saskatoon Prairie Steel Detailing Services Jne. 3 Regina Rub-A-Dub Hot Tubs Jne. 3 Melfort Prairie View Recreation & Convention Ruth Cook Marketing Contract Services Jne. 3 Regina Centre Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Ryan Patterson Painting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Precision Black Powder Specialties Jne. 3 Regina S & M Body Shop Jne. 3 Oxbow Priddy Bedworks Jne. 3 Regina S & S Mechanical Service Jne. 3 Dundurn Primary Colours Painting Jne. 3 Regina S-Tech Air Jne. 3 Saskatoon Primo Foods Co./Cie D’aliments Primo Jne. 3 Etobicoke ON S.L.H. Carpet Cleaning Jne. 3 Regina Prince Albert Knowledge Network Jne. 3 Prince Albert S.T. & C. Trucking & Construction Jne. 3 Hartney Provost Glass and Door Jne. 3 Provost Safe & Sound Housesitters Jne. 3 Regina PT Mobile Sales Jne. 3 Regina Sahali Kort Jne. 3 Saskatoon Pura Guitars Jne. 3 Saskatoon Sam’s Mobile Homes Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Queen City Appraisals and Arbitrations Jne. 3 Saskatoon Sandra’s Treasure Chest Jne. 3 Creelman Queen City Propane Jne. 3 Regina Sanford & Son Flooring & Drapery Jne. 3 Moose Jaw R & R Publishing Jne. 3 Regina Sascollection Agency Jne. 3 Saskatoon R & T Network Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Saskatoon Designated Drivers Jne. 3 Saskatoon R.D. Beta Vision Jne. 3 Saskatoon Saskatoon Mainline Manufacturing Jne. 3 Saskatoon R.O.K. Docks Jne. 3 Saskatoon Saskatoon’s Canines & Companions Pet Raelynne’s Therapeutic Massage Jne. 3 Hudson Bay Boarding & Grooming Jne. 3 Rosthern, Rah Detailing Jne. 3 Estevan RM 403 Ray Kuhn Cattle Equipment & Supplies Jne. 3 Reward Saskatoon’s News Talk Radio Jne. 3 Regina Razor Sharp Enterprises Jne. 3 Gull Lake Sateeka Design Studio Jne. 3 Regina RBT Custom Hauling Jne. 3 Kamsack Satin Dreams Escorts Jne. 3 Regina RDC Legislative Consulting Jne. 3 Regina Saturn Income Tax Service Jne. 3 Regina Ready-Room Media Productions Jne. 3 Regina Saucy Records Jne. 3 Saskatoon Real Image Photography Jne. 3 Regina Schick Construction Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Realty Executives Regina Jne. 3 Regina Schneider Auctions Jne. 3 Melfort Rebmar Enterprizes Jne. 3 Weyburn Scott’s Cosmic Arcades Jne. 3 Regina Red Pheasant Outfitters Jne. 3 Cando Scott’s Roofing Jne. 3 Edmonton AB Regina Health District Home Care Jne. 3 Regina Second Season Clothing Co. Jne. 3 Regina Regina Renovations Jne. 3 Regina Seemann & Sons Transport Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Regina Soap Exchange Enviro-Wise Sensor-Soft 2000 Jne. 3 Regina Refill Centre Jne. 3 Regina Sentinel Publications Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Regina Super Cleaning Service Jne. 3 Regina Serious About Sound–JL Jne. 3 Saskatoon Regina Therapeutic Massage Jne. 3 Regina Shake This House Music Jne. 3 Saskatoon Regina Towel Service Jne. 3 Regina Sharkey’s Underground Adventure Jne. 3 Saskatoon Regis Counselling Jne. 3 Regina Sharon’s Dressmaking and Design Jne. 3 Saskatoon Remarkable Productions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Shawn’s Mobile Service Jne. 3 Regina Rempel, Oosman, & Associates, Certified Shellstone Farms Jne. 3 Riverhurst Management Accountants Jne. 3 Saskatoon Sherman Bros. Heavy Trucking Jne. 3 Regina Residents & Physicians Business Group Jne. 3 Saskatoon Sherry’s Transformation Healing Retail Grocery Inventory Service of Techniques Jne. 3 Regina Canada Jne. 3 Rochester NY Shield Drafting Jne. 3 Regina Ricardos Latin American Pottery Jne. 3 Saskatoon Shorland and Company Investigations Jne. 3 Moosomin 816 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

Place of Place of Name: Date: Business: Name: Date: Business: Shur-Trailer Manufacturing Jne. 3 Saskatoon The Kool Stones Jne. 3 Saskatoon Silver Mine Clothing Co. Jne. 3 Regina The Normand Farms Group Jne. 3 Rosetown Simply Clean Vehicle Wash Jne. 3 Weyburn The Only Spot Cafe Jne. 3 Rama Skills Canada Saskatchewan Jne. 3 Regina The P.A. Shoe Clinic Jne. 3 Prince Albert Sky Holdings Jne. 3 Saskatoon The Pampered Foot Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Sky West Hot Air Balloon Company Jne. 3 Rouleau The Ragman ... Naturally Clean Jne. 3 Caronport Skyline Ranch Jne. 3 Pilot Butte The Resume House Jne. 3 Langham Slightly Jaded Design Jne. 3 Regina The Royal Pines Golf & Country Club Jne. 3 Prince Albert Smelly Stix Modelling Dough Jne. 3 North The Ryan Tractor and Equipment Battleford Company Jne. 3 Unionville Smittys Pancake House The Sewing Connection Jne. 3 Saskatoon (1110 Victoria Ave.) Jne. 3 Regina The Woodie Gazette Jne. 3 Saskatoon SNS Systems Jne. 3 Mississauga Theodore Variety Store Jne. 3 Theodore ON Thiessen Clinic of Therapeutic Massage Jne. 3 Saskatoon Something Special, Something Sweet Thornton Consulting & Training Services Jne. 3 Lampman Home Made Baking & Specialty Items Jne. 3 Saskatoon Tisdale Lube Service Jne. 3 Tisdale Sone’s Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon Titan Industries Jne. 3 Regina Soul Care Counselling Jne. 3 Saskatoon Titan Oilfield Services Jne. 3 Kindersley Southeast Massage Therapy Jne. 3 Regina TM Enterprizes Jne. 3 Regina Southeast Taxi Services Jne. 3 Kipling Tomas The Cook Family Restaurant Southland Canada Jne. 3 Burnaby BC (South Albert) Jne. 3 Regina Special T Electric Jne. 3 Cupar Tony Galaxy Restaurant Jne. 3 Esterhazy Speedy Pack and Ship Jne. 3 Swift Current Touch of Magic Unisex Beauty Salon Jne. 3 Regina Spiritwood Leafcutters Jne. 3 Spiritwood Town & Country Cabinets Jne. 3 Tisdale Spiritwood Video, Laundry & TPI–Valley Travel Agency Jne. 3 Regina Amusements Jne. 3 Spiritwood Traders Service Centre Jne. 3 Calgary AB Sport Swap Jne. 3 Regina Traditional Stress Management Jne. 3 Regina Sprek Wear Manufacturing Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Trail’s End Dining Jne. 3 Maple Creek St. Benedict Service Jne. 3 St. Benedict Trails North Sled Dog Company Jne. 3 Grandora Stable Consulting Jne. 3 Macoun Trash To Treasures Faux Finishes and Star Creations & Crafts Jne. 3 Osler Accessories Jne. 3 Saskatoon Star Movie Centre Jne. 3 Regina Trilar Welding Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Steadman Drafting Services Jne. 3 Lumsden Triple D Auto Repair Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Stein & Son Construction Jne. 3 Moosomin Triple T Trucking Jne. 3 Yorkton Steltex System Solutions Jne. 3 Creighton Triune Productions Jne. 3 Saskatoon Sterling Insurance Jne. 3 Medicine Hat True Image Office Cleaning Jne. 3 Saskatoon AB Tuck Shop Jne. 3 Swift Current Stingers Hair & Tanning Studio Jne. 3 Lloydminster Tumbleweed Veterinary Services Jne. 3 Fort Sulltech Electronics Jne. 3 Saskatoon Qu’Appelle Sun House Records Jne. 3 Regina Turnkey Adult Condos Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Sunset Mall Jne. 3 Regina Turtle River Elk Ranch Jne. 3 Prince Albert Sunset Solutions Jne. 3 Regina Twisted Sisters Catering Jne. 3 Paynton Superior Drafting Service Jne. 3 Saskatoon Underground Imports Jne. 3 Saskatoon Superior Flight Training Jne. 3 Saskatoon Ungrin Enterprises Jne. 3 Maple Creek Sweet Comfort Express Jne. 3 Winnipeg MB Uniquely Yours, Gifts Jne. 3 Prince Albert Swift Enterprises Jne. 3 Regina United Grey Owl Security Services Jne. 3 Saskatoon Symchych Consulting Jne. 3 Regina United Prairie Gas Jne. 3 Regina Szabo Massage Therapy Jne. 3 Saskatoon United Way’s Day of Caring Jne. 3 Regina T & S Deli Meats and Subs Jne. 3 Unity Unity Auction Mart Jne. 3 Baldwinton T.A.C.K. Ranch Jne. 3 Morse Universal Complimentary Care Jne. 3 Lanigan Talismen Environmental Jne. 3 Saskatoon Universal Gifts Jne. 3 North Tanyss Munro Consulting Jne. 3 Saskatoon Battleford Team Expert Systems Jne. 3 Pilot Butte Upstream Studios Jne. 3 Birch Hills Ten Oaks Cabinets Jne. 3 Young V & M Used Furniture Jne. 3 Regina Teppanyaki 2 Asia Restaurant Jne. 3 Regina V & O Auto Brokers Jne. 3 Regina Teryne Express Jne. 3 Martensville V.I.P. Auto Brokerage Jne. 3 Saskatoon The Brass Rail Niteclub Jne. 3 Saskatoon Vad Valley Electronics Jne. 3 Hepburn The Cake Gallery Jne. 3 Prince Albert Van Horne’s Restaurant Jne. 3 Regina The Cathedral Guitar Co. Jne. 3 Regina Vanishing West Trading Company Jne. 3 Maple Creek The Fuzzy Orange Jne. 3 Estevan Vibank Cash Store Jne. 3 Vibank The Glass Cockpit Jne. 3 Bushell Park Vicki Lyn Bricksaw Scenic Signs and The Golden Christmas Store Jne. 3 Regina Metal Art Jne. 3 Edenwold The Grass Hut Hemp Company Jne. 3 Prince Albert Victoria & Winnipeg Service Jne. 3 Regina The Greenwood Tree Antiques and Gifts Jne. 3 Carnduff Victory Marketing & Communications Jne. 3 Saskatoon The Heatscores Jne. 3 Saskatoon Vintage Electronic Services Jne. 3 White City The Jagged Edge Hair and Nail Salon Jne. 3 Regina Viva Optics Jne. 3 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 817

Place of Name: Esterhazy Historical Park Inc. Name: Date: Business: Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Voice of Vision Magazine Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 490, Esterhazy WK Construction Jne. 3 Saskatoon Main Type of Activities: transform the abandoned half mile of W.C. Shaw and Associates Consulting Jne. 3 Regina CPR rail line and station within the town limits of Esterhazy Wagner Shoe Repair Jne. 3 Kindersley into a park Wah-Ska-Ty-Kun Electric Jne. 3 Chitek Lake ______Wajax Process Technologies Jne. 3 Langley BC Name: Regina Sports Hall of Fame Inc. Wakaw Country Nook (1992) Jne. 3 Wakaw Date of Incorporation: Jne. 11, 2002 Wall Street Superfeet Orthotics Jne. 3 Saskatoon Mailing Address: 3 Osler Pl., Regina Wallpaper Express and Decor Jne. 3 Tisdale Main Type of Activities: recognize and honour sporting Ward Fitzgerald Editorial Design Jne. 3 Saskatoon achievements Warman Valley Insurance Agency Jne. 3 Warman ______Wascana Income Tax & Bookkeeping Services Jne. 3 Regina CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Waskahikan Construction Joint Venture Jne. 3 Saskatoon (2002) Wayne’s Lube Jne. 3 Weyburn Name: Date: We Sell Showcase Jne. 3 Brandon MB Western Canadian Taekwon-Do Federation Inc. Jne. 4 We’re Cookin Restaurant Jne. 3 Denare Beach ______Wee Woman’s Treat Jne. 3 Vanscoy Weili Institute of Technology Jne. 3 Saskatoon CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER Well Dunn Consulting Jne. 3 Regina (2002) Westblom Farms & Bison Acres Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Name: Date: Juris.: Western Clarion Jne. 3 Simpson Kelsey Community Association Inc. Jne. 3 SK Western Information Providers Jne. 3 Saskatoon Regina Aquarium Society Inc. May 17 SK Wey-Fast Carrier Services Jne. 3 Nipawin Regina Métis Women 1995 Inc. Jne. 10 SK White Wolf Martial Arts Jne. 3 Saskatoon Regina Summer Stage Inc. Jne. 4 SK Whitey’s Plumbing & Heating Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Robert G. Combe V.C. Legion #61 Inc. Jne. 4 SK Whitmore Park Electrolysis and Massage Saskatchewan Snowmobile Racing Clinic Jne. 3 Regina Association Jne. 10 SK Who-Oo Calls Gas Bar and Convenience ______Store Jne. 3 Qu’Appelle Wild Riders Stables Jne. 3 Teulon Philip J. Flory, Willing To Pick Berry Farm Jne. 3 Balgonie Director. Wind Shear Family Styling Jne. 3 Kipling ______Windsor Massage Therapy Jne. 3 Regina Winning Ways Management Jne. 3 Meadow Lake Wood Jne. 3 Saskatoon PUBLIC NOTICES Wood Build-It Manufacturing Jne. 3 Moose Jaw ______WWJD Music Jne. 3 Saskatoon The Agri-Food Act X-Ray Design Jne. 3 Regina [section 20] Yoneda & Associates Partnership Jne. 3 Regina ______You & I Tax Services Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Young N Son Trucking Jne. 3 Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN CHICKEN Your Mighty Hero and Villian MARKETING PLAN, 1978 — Headquarters Jne. 3 Saskatoon DEVELOPMENT CHECK-OFF Your Mother Wears Army Boots Surplus Jne. 3 Moose Jaw Order No. 26/02. The Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan, pursuant Yuen Tai Hong Chinese Herbal & Accup. to the provisions of The Saskatchewan Chicken Marketing Plan, 1978 Centre Jne. 3 Regina and The Agri-Food Act, hereby orders and determines as follows: Zatec Plumbing Jne. 3 Swift Current 1 Subject to section 38 of the Plan, each producer who markets Zipperfish Productions Jne. 3 Regina chicken pursuant to base quota allocated on or after January 1, 2000 ______shall pay to the board a development check-off. Philip J. Flory, 2 Effective the date of this order, the check-off mentioned in section 1 of this order shall: Director. ______(a) be lowered from $0.03 per kilogram of live chicken marketed to $0.01 per kilogram of live chicken marketed; and The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995 (b) be increased from $0/01 per kilogram of live chicken ______marketed to $0.03 per kilogram of live chicken marketed, effective November 10, 2002 (the first day of cycle 49). CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION 3 All buyers who: Name: Churchbridge Communities In Bloom Inc. (a) purchase chicken from a producer; or Date of Incorporation: Jne. 3, 2002 Mailing Address: Box 416, Churchbridge (b) acquire chicken from a producer for sale on the producer’s Main Type of Activities: community beautification and tourism behalf; activities shall deduct the amount of the check-off from any proceeds payable to or on behalf of the producer. 818 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

4 Each buyer of chicken shall forward to the office of the board such Former Name/Ancien nom: Gayla Lee PHAIR check-offs along with a statement on a form provided by the board, Address/Adresse: Carnduff, Saskatchewan setting out the following: Date of Birth/Date de naissance: July 19, 1982 (a) the amount of chicken obtained from the producer; Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Gayla Lee KERR (b) the amount of check-off being paid on behalf of the producer; Dated June 24, 2002. and ______(c) the name and address of the producer. Former Name/Ancien nom: David Russell SURJIK 5 This order will remain in effect until the end of the period A-48. Address/Adresse: Regina, Saskatchewan This check-off shall expire at the end of that period. Date of Birth/Date de naissance: January 24, 1957 Order No. 26/02 is made pursuant to subsection 38(3) of The Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Abraham Lloyd TOWERS Saskatchewan Chicken Marketing Plan, 1978 and shall be effective Dated June 24, 2002. on, from and after the 25th day of June, 2002. By the order of The ______Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan. Former Name/Ancien nom: Ivy Rose KEIM Oswald Henry, Address/Adresse: Rowatt, Saskatchewan Administrator, Date of Birth/Date de naissance: September 6, 1967 Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan. Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Ivy Irene Rose KEIM Dated June 24, 2002. Pursuant to subsection 38(3) The Saskatchewan Chicken Marketing ______Plan, 1978 and section 20 of The Agri-Food Act, the above Order Number 26/02 of The Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan is approved Former Name/Ancien nom: Gavin Kiall LIDGREN this 25th day of June, 2002. Address/Adresse: Regina, Saskatchewan Garf Stevenson, Date of Birth/Date de naissance: July 1, 1983 Chairperson, Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Gavin Kiall LINKIEWICH Saskatchewan Agri-Food Council. Dated June 25, 2002. ______Former Name/Ancien nom: Daniel Theodore DEAGNON The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Address/Adresse: Regina, Saskatchewan Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom Date of Birth/Date de naissance: August 3, 1983 ______Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Daniel THEODORE The following changes of name are registered under the provisions of The Dated June 25, 2002. Change of Name Act, 1995/Les changements de nom ci-après sont ______enregistrés en exécution de la Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom: Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant: Former Name/Ancien nom: Denise Bertha POINTER Former Name/Ancien nom: Christian Leigh CSIGI Address/Adresse: Shaunavon, Saskatchewan Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Christian Leigh LINSLEY Date of Birth/Date de naissance: August 6, 1956 Date of Birth/Date de naissance: April 23, 1989 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Denny Shaw POINTER Dated June 25, 2002. Dated June 21, 2002. ______Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant: Former Name/Ancien nom: Cheryl Ann AITKEN Former Name/Ancien nom: Ryder Storm BRAY Address/Adresse: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Ryder Storm JORDAN Date of Birth/Date de naissance: August 14, 1969 Date of Birth/Date de naissance: July 31, 1995 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Cheryl-Ann Catherine Elizabeth Dated June 25, 2002. AITKEN ______Name of Children/Nom des enfants: Former Name/Ancien nom: Terri-Leigh SLOBODIAN Former Name/Ancien nom: David Robert DUNN Address/Adresse: Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: David Robert Francis AITKEN Date of Birth/Date de naissance: October 8, 1978 Date of Birth/Date de naissance: July 11, 1988 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Terri-Lei SLOBODIAN Former Name/Ancien nom: Jesse Paul DUNN Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant: Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Jesse Paul Garret AITKEN Former Name/Ancien nom: Kale Nathanial SLOBODIAN Date of Birth/Date de naissance: January 11, 1991 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Kale Nathanial MATTERN Former Name/Ancien nom: Cassandra Maria PENNEY Date of Birth/Date de naissance: July 30, 2001 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Cassandra Maria Grace Dated June 26, 2002. AITKEN ______Date of Birth/Date de naissance: December 17, 1993 Dated June 21, 2002. The Crown Minerals Act ______[subsection 21(2)] Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant: ______Former Name/Ancien nom: Brooklyn Marie BOYER NOTICE OF REOPENING OF CROWN RESERVATION NO. 705 Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Brooklyn Marie GAUDET Date of Birth/Date de naissance: December 3, 1999 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(2) of The Dated June 21, 2002. Crown Minerals Act, all Crown “Quarriable Substances” as defined ______in The Quarrying Regulations, 1957, lying in, upon or under the following described lands are reopened for disposition, effective Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant: June 17, 2002: Former Name/Ancien nom: Jade Avery FAYANT Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Jade Avery JANES Date of Birth/Date de naissance: April 20, 2001 Dated June 21, 2002. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 819

BLOCK A NOTICE OF PARTIAL RE-OPENING — Commencing at 54°40'14.4" north latitude and 103°22'43.2" CROWN RESERVATION NO. 687 west longitude; thence southerly to 54°39'00.9" north latitude Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(2) of The and 103°22'46.1" west longitude; thence westerly to 54°39'00.7" Crown Minerals Act, the Crown mineral lands described below are north latitude and 103°23'59.3" west longitude; thence northerly re-opened for disposition, effective 8:30 a.m., Central Standard to 54°40'27.1" north latitude and 103°23'58.9" west longitude; Time, June 1, 2002: thence easterly to point of commencement. Those lands lying west of the Third Meridian, in the Province of BLOCK B Saskatchewan: Commencing at 54°41'54.6" north latitude and 103°10'31.7" west longitude; thence southerly to 54°41'21.4" north latitude the north half of Section 30, in Township 49, in Range 27. and 103°10'36.8" west longitude; thence easterly to 54°41'20.7" Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 27th day of May, 2002. north latitude and 103°10'01.4" west longitude; thence southerly to 54°40'50.6" north latitude and 103°10'02.8" west longitude; Larry Spannier, thence westerly to 54°40'55.7" north latitude and 103°15'48.4" Deputy Minister, west longitude; thence southerly to 54°40'38.5" north latitude Industry and Resources. and 103°15'49.2" west longitude; thence westerly to 54°40'41.4" ______north latitude and 103°19'17.2" west longitude; thence northerly to 54°41'52.10" north latitude and 103°19'13.0" west longitude; The Oil and Gas Conservation Act thence easterly to 54°41'51.1" north latitude and 103°18'23.7" ______west longitude; thence northerly to 54°42'01.3" north latitude and 103°18'23.6" west longitude; thence easterly to point of CRANE LAKE MEDICINE HAT SAND GAS POOL — commencement. REDUCED SPACING BLOCK C The Department of Industry and Resources has received an Commencing at 54°42'36.3" north latitude and 103°04'32.3" application from Anadarko Canada Corporation proposing reduced west longitude; thence southerly to 54°40'45.8" north latitude gas well spacing of 32.4 hectares (ha) for the Medicine Hat Sand and 103°04'37.5" west longitude; thence westerly to 54°40'48.1" within the following lands: north latitude and 103°07'25.8" west longitude; thence northerly Lands West of the Third Meridian: to 54°42'38.9" north latitude and 103°07'21.4" west longitude; thence easterly to point of commencement. In Township 13, Range 25: Sections 1 to 3, 8 to 16, 21 to 28, the east half of Section 33 and Sections 34 to 36; BLOCK D Commencing at 54°39'36.7" north latitude and 102°43'59.9" In Township 14, Range 25: Sections 1 to 3, the east half of west longitude; thence southerly to 54°37'27.6" north latitude Section 4, Section 8, the east half of Section 9, Sections 10 to 14 and 102°44'0.4" west longitude; thence westerly to 54°37'29.3" and the west half of Section 16. north latitude and 102°45'48.5" west longitude; thence southerly Objections to this application, complete with supporting technical to 54°36'59.1" north latitude and 102°45'50.1" west longitude; data, received in writing by the undersigned at 2101 Scarth St., thence westerly to 54°37'4.0" north latitude and 102°50'19.4" Regina SK S4P 3V7, on or before August 2, 2002, will be considered. west longitude; thence north-westerly to 54°40'55.3" north A copy of the objection must be provided to the applicant. latitude and 103°00'42.8" west longitude; thence westerly Persons directly affected may obtain copies of the application from to 54°40'57.1" north latitude and 103°02'36.0" west longitude; Ms. Kim Mohler, Anadarko Canada Corporation, Box 2595, Stn M, thence northerly to 54°42'02.5" north latitude and 103°02'33.3" Calgary AB T2P 4V4. west longitude; thence easterly to 54°41'58.2" north latitude and 102°58'21.4" west longitude; thence southerly to 54°40'49.7" Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, July 2, 2002. north latitude and 102°58'24.8" west longitude; thence easterly ______to 54°40'48.8" north latitude and 102°57'34.5" west longitude; thence northerly to 54°41'56.8" north latitude and 102°57'30.3" Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director, west longitude; thence easterly to 54°41'55.3" north latitude Petroleum and Natural Gas, and 102°55'59.2" west longitude; thence southerly to 54°41'04.0" Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. north latitude and 102°56'01.8" west longitude; thence easterly ______to 54°41'03.6" north latitude and 102°55'09.0" west longitude; thence northerly 54°41'26.3" north latitude and 102°55'07.8" The Pharmacy Act, 1996 west longitude; thence easterly to 54°41'25.8" north latitude ______and 102°54'39.8" west longitude; thence south-easterly to 54°41'20.4" north latitude and 102°54'12.0" west longitude; SASKATCHEWAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION — thence southerly to 54°39'54.1" north latitude and 102°54'17.2" REGULATORY BYLAW AMENDMENTS west longitude; thence easterly to 54°39'53.4" north latitude and 102°53'16.2" west longitude; thence north-easterly 1 Amend Schedule III to add in alphabetical order: to 54°40'01.6" north latitude and 102°53'00.4" west longitude; Desloratadine thence northerly to 54°41'07.1" north latitude and 102°52'57.5" west longitude; thence south-easterly to 54°40'35.9" north CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: latitude and 102°51'28.3" west longitude; thence southerly to R.J. Joubert, 54°40' 11.6" north latitude and 102°51'27.9" west longitude; Registrar, thence easterly to 54°40'10.6" north latitude and 102°50'26.3” west longitude; thence southerly to 54°39'33.8" north latitude Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association. and 102°50'28.2" west longitude; thence south-easterly DATE: May 28, 2002 to 54°38'29.9" north latitude and 102°49'32.2" west longitude; thence easterly to 54°38'28.6" north latitude and 102°49'08.3" APPROVED BY: west longitude; thence northerly to 54°39'20.4" north latitude John T. Nilson, and 102°49'05.5" west longitude; thence easterly to 54°39'19.7" Minister of Health. north latitude and 102°47'53.4" west longitude; thence north-easterly to 54°39'36.3" north latitude and 102°46'17.6" DATE: June 27, 2002 west longitude; thence easterly to point of commencement. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 24th day of June, 2002. 820 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

The Pre-judgment Interest Act Period: Rate: [section 2] October 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 3.87% per annum ______January 1, 1997 to March 31, 1997 2.89% per annum The interest rate for the purposes of The Pre-judgment Interest April 1, 1997 to June 30, 1997 3.186% per annum Act is, with respect to the following periods of time, determined in accordance with section 2 of The Pre-judgment Interest Regulations, July 1, 1997 to September 30, 1997 2.81% per annum as follows: October 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 3.09% per annum Period: Rate: January 1, 1998 to March 31, 1998 4.15% per annum January 1, 1986 to March 31, 1986 9.24% per annum April 1, 1998 to June 30, 1998 4.56% per annum April 1, 1986 to June 30, 1986 10.44% per annum July 1, 1998 to September 30, 1998 4.79% per annum July 1, 1986 to September 30, 1986 8.59% per annum October 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998 4.91% per annum October 1, 1986 to December 31, 1986 8.35% per annum January 1, 1999 to March 31, 1999 4.66% per annum January 1, 1987 to March 31, 1987 8.22% per annum April 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999 4.63% per annum April 1, 1987 to June 30, 1987 6.80% per annum July 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999 4.56% per annum July 1, 1987 to September 30, 1987 8.29% per annum October 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 4.66% per annum October 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 9.23% per annum January 1, 2000 to March 31, 2000 4.85% per annum January 1, 1988 to March 31, 1988 8.41% per annum April 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 5.27% per annum April 1, 1988 to June 30, 1988 8.53% per annum July 1, 2000 to September 30, 2000 5.56% per annum July 1, 1988 to September 30, 1988 9.19% per annum October 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 5.56% per annum October 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 10.33% per annum January 1, 2001 to March 31, 2001 5.49% per annum January 1, 1989 to March 31, 1989 10.94% per annum April 2, 2001 to June 30, 2001 4.58% per annum April 1, 1989 to June 30, 1989 12.15% per annum July 1, 2001 to September 30, 2001 4.30% per annum July 1, 1989 to September 30, 1989 12.08% per annum October 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 3.05% per annum October 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989 12.23% per annum January 1, 2002 to March 31, 2002 1.95% per annum January 1, 1990 to March 31, 1990 12.22% per annum April 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002 2.30% per annum April 1, 1990 to June 30, 1990 13.26% per annum July 1, 2002 to September 30, 2002 2.70% per annum July 1, 1990 to September 30, 1990 13.58% per annum ______October 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990 12.40% per annum Barb Hookenson, January 1, 1991 to March 31, 1991 11.47% per annum Inspector of Legal Offices. April 1, 1991 to June 30, 1991 9.67% per annum ______July 1, 1991 to September 30, 1991 8.65% per annum The Saskatchewan Insurance Act October 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 8.33% per annum [Section 397] January 1, 1992 to March 31, 1992 7.422% per annum ______April 1, 1992 to June 30, 1992 7.239% per annum NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS July 1, 1992 to September 30, 1992 5.596% per annum Notice is hereby given that Canadian Professional Sales Association has become licensed in Saskatchewan as an insurer and will be October 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992 5.442% per annum underwriting insurance in Saskatchewan as from the 17th day of January 1, 1993 to March 31, 1993 7.111% per annum June, 2002. April 1, 1993 to June 30, 1993 5.113% per annum Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 6th day of May, 2002. July 1, 1993 to September 30, 1993 4.539% per annum Terry Ruffell, October 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993 4.648% per annum President, Canadian Professional Sales Association. January 1, 1994 to March 31, 1994 3.856% per annum 5/12 April 1, 1994 to June 30, 1994 5.388% per annum ______July 1, 1994 to September 30, 1994 6.672% per annum NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL October 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994 5.29% per annum Notice is hereby given that The Phoenix Insurance Company has January 1, 1995 to March 31, 1995 7.18% per annum ceased transacting the business of Insurance in Saskatchewan as of the 1st day of May, 2002. April 1, 1995 to June 30, 1995 8.22% per annum Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 12th day of June, 2002. July 1, 1995 to September 30, 1995 6.721% per annum October 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 6.663% per annum Brian E. Divell, Chief Agent, January 1, 1996 to March 31, 1996 5.541% per annum The Phoenix Insurance Company. April 1, 1996 to June 30, 1996 5.01% per annum 5/12 July 1, 1996 to September 30, 1996 4.695% per annum THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002 821

EXTRACTS FROM THE RULES AND COMMITTEE RULING PROCEDURES OF THE LEGISLATIVE In cases where the proposed bill provides that the property to be ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN used or occupied by the petitioner be exempt from taxation, either in whole or in part, the petitioner must file with the Clerk of the RELATING TO PRIVATE BILLS Assembly, along with the petition, a written statement from the local ______municipal authority in which the said property is situated approving PETITIONS the intent of the provisions of the proposed bill which provide for the exemption from taxation. 12(1) A petition to the Assembly may be presented by a Member at any time during the sitting of the Assembly by filing the same with The name of the Member who is to present the petition and Private the Clerk of the Assembly. Bill must be furnished to the Clerk of the Assembly at the time of filing the petition. Such Member should not, of course, be a Member (6) Petitions may be either written or printed, provided always of the Cabinet. that when there are three or more petitioners, the signatures of at least three petitioners shall be subscribed on the sheet containing Gwenn Ronyk, the prayer of the petition. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, (9) No petition can be received which prays for any expenditure, Room 239, Legislative Building, grant or charge on the public revenue, whether payable out of the Regina, Sask. S4S 0B3. Consolidated Fund or out of moneys to be provided by the Assembly. ______NOTE: A form of Petition can be obtained on application to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. EXTRAITS DES RÈGLES ET PROCÉDURES DE PRIVATE BILLS L’ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA 64(1) All petitions for Private Bills shall be in duplicate and shall SASKATCHEWAN AU SUJET DES PROJETS be filed with the Clerk of the Assembly not later than the twentieth DE LOI D’INTERÊT PRIVÉ sitting day of the Session. ______(2) No petition for any Private Bill shall be received by the Assembly if presented after the first twenty-five sitting days of the PÉTITIONS Session. 12(1) Les députés peuvent toujours présenter les pétitions à (3) No Private Bill may be introduced in the Assembly after the l’Assemblée pendant les séances en les déposant auprès du greffier. first thirty sitting days of the Session. (6) Les pétitions sont écrites ou imprimées; s’il y a plus que deux 65(1) Every applicant for a Private Bill shall deposit with the pétitionnaires, au moins trois de ceux-ci inscrivent leur signature Clerk of the Assembly along with the petition for same, two copies of sur la feuille qui expose la requête. the bill, with marginal notes inserted, and an accepted cheque (9) Ne sont pas recevables, les pétitions qui demandent que soient payable to the Minister of Finance for the sum of two hundred and faites sur les revenus publics, y compris le Trésor et les sommes fifty dollars, if the said bill does not exceed ten pages, and fifteen allouées par l’Assemblée, des dépenses, des subventions ou des dollars additional for each page over that number, four hundred and charges. fifty words shall be held to constitute a page. AVIS — Un formulaire de pétition est disponsible sur demande (2) In the case of a bill incorporating a company, a receipt from the auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée législative. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies for any statutory fees required shall also be deposited with the Clerk of the Assembly. PROJETS DE LOI D’INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 66 No remittance of a deposit on account of a Private Bill or any 64(1) Deux exempliares des pétitions introductives de projets de portion thereof shall be ordered by the Assembly unless the same has loi d’intérêt privé sont déposés auprès du greffier dans les vingt jours been recommended by the committee charged with its consideration, de séance de l’ouverture de la session. or unless the bill has been withdrawn, rejected or not reported upon, (2) Seules sont recevables par l’Assemblée, les pétitions in which cases the actual expenses incurred shall be deducted from introductives de projet de loi d’intérêt privé qui sont présentées dans the deposit received before making such remittance. les vingt-cinq jours de séance de l’ouverture de la session. 68(1) All petitions to the Legislature for Private Bills of any (3) Les projets de loi d’intérêt privé ne peuvent être déposés à nature whatsoever, shall require a notice, clearly and distinctly l’Assemblée que dans les trente jours de séance de l’ouverture de la specifying the nature and object of the application and where the session. same refers to any proposed work, indicating generally the location 65(1) Les personnes qui demandent un projet de loi d’intérêt privé of the work, and signed by and on behalf of the petitioners, with the déposent auprès du greffier, outre la pétition connexe, deux address of the party signing the same; and when the petition is for an exemplaires du projet de loi qui portent les notes marginales ainsi act of incorporation the name of the proposed company shall be qu’un chèque visé payable au ministre des Finances, au montant de stated in the notice. deux cent cinquante dollars si le projet de loi est composé d’au plus (2) Such notice shall be published prior to the filing of the petition dix pages; ce montant est majoré de quinze dollars par page with the Clerk of the Assembly as required in Rule 64(1) in two supplémentaire. Une page est réputée renfermer quatre cent consecutive issues of The Saskatchewan Gazette and four consecutive cinquante mots. issues of a newspaper, published in English and having circulation (2) Si le projet de loi prévoit la constitution d’une société, le in the locality affected. récépissé des droits réglementaires donné par le registraire des (3) A copy of the notice with a statutory declaration of the several sociétés par action est également déposé auprès du greffier. publications of advertisement shall be filed with the Clerk of the 66 L’Assemblée ne peut ordonner la remise totale ou partielle des Assembly along with the petition and bill. dépôts relatifs aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé, sauf recommandation 69(2) Every bill for an act of incorporation, where a form of model du comité chargé d’étudier le projet en question ou si celui-ci est bill has been adopted, shall be drawn in accordance with such model retiré ou rejeté ou encore n’est pas rapporté. Les dépenses réelles bill, copies of which may be obtained from the Clerk of the Assembly. sont déduites du dépôt avant de le remettre. Any provisions contained in any such bill which are not in accord 68(1) Toutes les pétitions introductives de projets de loi d’intérêt with the model bill shall be inserted between brackets and shall be privé à l’adresse de la Législature nécessitent un avis qui expose so printed. clairement la nature et l’objet de la demande et qui est signé par les 72 When any bill for confirming any agreement is filed with the requérants et en leur nom, avec mention de l’adresse des signataires. Clerk of the Assembly a true copy of such agreement must be Les avis qui visent des travaux proposés font état de leur site; ceux attached to it. qui visent une loi de constitution en société font état du nom de la société. 822 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 12, 2002

(2) Les avis sont publiés, avant le dépôt de la pétition auprès du The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified greffier de l’Assemblée conformément au paragraphe 64(1), dans below is $20.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany deux numéros consécutifs de la Gazette de la Saskatchewan ainsi que the material when forwarded for publication. dans quatre numéros consécutifs d’un journal anglais diffusé dans la The following are minimum rates for advertising in The région touchée. Saskatchewan Gazette: (3) Sont déposées auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée, outre la GST Payable pétition et le projet de loi, copie de l’avis ainsi qu’une déclaration Notices under The Saskatchewan Insurance Act solennelle qui atteste les diverses publications de l’annonce. Two issues ...... $35.00 69(2) Si une formule-type de projet de loi a été adoptée, les projets Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill de loi portant constitution des sociétés sont rédigés selon cette Two issues ...... 40.00 formule, dont les exemplaires sont disponibles chez le greffier de Notice of Sale and Auction l’Assemblée. Les dispositions de ces projets de loi qui ne se conforment One issue ...... 20.00 pas à la formule-type sont indiquées et imprimées entre crochets. Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments 72 Une copie conforme de l’accord est annexée aux projets de loi One issue ...... 20.00 portant ratification d’un accord, qui sont déposés auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée. Notices under The Tax Enforcement Act Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of ...... 20.00 DÉCISION EN COMITÉ Additional parcels are $0.75 each; metes and bounds descriptions Dans les cas où la proposition de projet de loi prévoit que les biens are $3.50 each. devant être utilisés ou occupés par le requérant soient exempts GST Exempt d’impôts, que ce soit dans leur ensemble ou partiellement, le requérant Notices under The Companies Winding Up Act devra déposer au bureau du greffier de l’Assemblée en plus de sa Two issues ...... 35.00 pétition, une déclaration par écrit des autorités municipales locales où se trouvent les biens en question approuvant l’objet des dispositions Notices under The Highway Traffic Act (Vehicle Auctions) de la proposition de projet de loi qui prévoit l’exemption d’impôts. One issue ...... $20.00 *Please note that Auctioneers acting pursuant to The Highway Le nom du député qui présentera la pétition et le projet de loi doit Traffic Act must be licensed under The Auctioneers Act. être fourni au greffier de l’Assemblée lors du dépôt de la pétition. Il est entendu que le député en question ne peut être un membre du Notices re Assessment Rolls (Municipal) Cabinet. One issue ...... 20.00 One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gwenn Ronyk, Gazette is mailed to government advertisers who are invoiced. With Greffier de l’Assemblée législative prepayment, a copy of your submission is available on request from Bureau 239, Édifice législatif Office of the Queen’s Printer. Regina, Sask. S4S 0B3. Subscriptions ______Yearly subscription rate to The Saskatchewan Gazette (Paper Copy): * For further information regarding the Private Members’ Payable in advance ...... $123.05 Bills Committee, visit the Committees pages of the Legislative includes 7% ($8.05) GST Assembly Web site at Single issue ...... 5.35 includes 7% ($0.35) GST ______Readers and advertisers should note that the Office of the NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Queen’s Printer offers online paper sales in addition to free electronic access on Freelaw® via the Internet (see PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is noon on the Thursday previous to the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to noon of the previous The Office of the Queen’s Printer requires prepayment for all Wednesday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of subscriptions to The Saskatchewan Gazette and paper services. any material received late will be delayed until the following The Office of the Queen’s Printer requires 30-days’ notice of week’s issue. cancellation of subscriptions to the Gazette before refunds can All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette be issued. must be submitted on disk (WordPerfect or Word) or hard The Office of the Queen’s Printer no longer issues invoices for copy to the Office of the Queen’s Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, 1871 Smith St., Regina SK S4P 3V7, tel. (306) 787–9151, any products under a value of $20, and instead requires or via E-mail: [email protected]. prepayment for all such items. Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly VISA, MASTERCARD, AND BANK DEBIT CARDS printed immediately below the written signatures. 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