Plant Profile

Botanical Name: persicum

Common Name: Cyclamen


Species and of special interest: 19 of tuberous perennials. Cyclamen is generally thought of as a potted .


Origin: Spain to Iran ______

Availability: June to November (Flowering is Winter.) ______

Foliage Characteristics: The are ever green or briefly deciduous/long stems.(rounded heart-shaped leaves)

Floral Characteristics: Colour is white, pink and mauve with darker centres and slightly twisted petals of the species.

Special features and characteristics of special interest: Cyclamen is known as sow- bread, as pigs relish the tubers.

Maintenance, Cultural requirements and Post Harvest Treatments: The right amount of water is the key to success. Water regularly until the leaves appear, and give diluted liquid fertiliser at bi-weekly intervals until the flower buds develop during the colder months(never over-water).

Pest and Diseases: aren't troubled too much by pests and diseases but there is a minute mite (called cyclamen mite) that can cause the leaves to become twisted and distorted. Affected can either be thrown away or taken to a shady spot outside and sprayed with a systemic aerosol insecticide.

Use In Floristry: There is no need to place cyclamen in the cool room.

Customer advice: Do not water potted cyclamen from the top as this will rot the corms. It is best to place the pot in a saucer or pot base with water added so that it can drink from the roots. Mist occasionally. Keep it away from direct sunlight, heating and air-conditioning.


‘Plant Guide’ Global book publishing 2013

‘Fresh Cut Flowers’ Gregory Milner 2009

‘What indoor plant is that?’ Stirling Macoboy