Keys to Cyclamen Production

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Keys to Cyclamen Production 48 YEARS OF SERVICE MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS ASSOCIATION BULLETIN PAGE 3 Keys~ to CycZamen Production John Erwin, Dept. of Horticultural Science, Univ. of Minnesota Introduction: leaf axil when 10- 13 leaves have unfolded. Commercial cyclamen are in the Primu- laceae family. Cyclamen persicum Mill. 2) Cyclamen will continue to produce a cyclamen! Is the predominant flowering potted flower, then a leaf, then a flower in an alternating fashion for up approx. plant. However, C. coum Mill., C. Germinate cyclamen seed at tempera- hederifolium Ait., and C. purpurascens 3 months. tures between 65-680F. Mill. Are hardy in zones 5-9 and can 3) Cyclamen are not photoperiodic, therefore, be grown as a perennial plant. however, the total amount of light Cyclamen initiate flowers when 10-13 delivered daily affects earliness of leaves haye unfolded. flowering and development. Propagation: 4) Optimal light intensity and photope- Keep pH between 6.0-6.5! Cyclamen are commercially propa- nod is 500 footcandles for 16 hrsl gated from seed. Significant considera- r day prior to flower initiation. Opti- Apply overhead source of micronutri- tions when germinating cyclamen are mal light intensity after flower initia- ents. outlined below : tion is 850-1,000 footcandles for 16 1) Sow seed on the media surface ap- hrslday. applications proximately 1/2 to 213 covered in a media of fungicide for root rot control. with a pH of 6.0-6.5. Nutrition: Fertilize with nitrate-based fertilizer 2) Germinate at 65-68oF in a germination and alternate with a higher K than N Grow cyclamen with a pH between 6.0- chamber maintained at 100% humidity fertilizer after transplanting. using a mist or fog system in the dark. 6.5. Cyclamen are not ‘high feed’ requir- ing crops. Feed cyclamen 100 ppm N 3) Seed will germinate in 3-4 weeks. and K starting 2 weeks after germination Control thrips ! every other week. Use a nitrate-based fertilizer. Increase ppm N from 100 to I 200 using a constant liquid feed program ppm Ca in media) can result in general starting 2 weeks after transplanting. Al- leaf yellowing. Reduce amount of cal- ternate after transplanting with a feed that cium nitrate in fertilizer. is composed of 150 ppm N and 300 ppm K. Increase P feeding during the last 4-6 weeks of production. Nutritional problems encountered in Growth retardants are used to control pe- cyclamen production are outlined below: duncldpedicle elongation and excessive 1) Iron Deficiency-Interveinal chlo- leaf expansion. B-9 (1,500 ppm) and A- rosis on youngest leaves due to high pH Rest (50 ppm spray) are marginally effec- or insufficient iron in media. Decrease tive. I have not seen tests on effective- pH and supply iron by applying an acidic ness of Bonzi or Sumagic on cyclamen. fertilizer as an overhead feed. Many growers will use DIF in combina- tion with cool growing temperatures to 2) Ammonium Toxicitv-General leaf naturally limit elongation. edge yellowing of lower leaves. Occurs when ammonium-based fertilizers are used during low lightkool periods of the year. Leach and switch to a nitrate-based fertilizer. Cyclamen can develop thrip, fungus gnat and/or mite infestations. Of significance 3) Boron Deficiency-Young leaf dis- is the spread of tomato spotted wilt virus tortion. Overhead water with fertilizer (TSWV)/impatiens spotted wilt virus containing boron and/or apply Borax (0.5 (INSV) by Western flower thrips. Con- Flower Inductionhitiation: oZ/lOO gal, or Solubor 0.25 oz/lOO gal.). trol is achieved by removing infected Factors that affect flowering of cycla- 4) Calcium Deficiencv or Excess- plants and controlling thrips. Control men are outlined below: Upper leaf chlorosis, necrosis or leaf thrips by using the following rotation: 1) edge bum. Switch to a calcium nitrate- Tank mix of Avid (802/100 gal.) + Azatin 1) Cyclamen initiate flowers in the 6th based fertilizer. Excessive calcium (>300 (10-16 oz/IOO gal) or Neemazad (2.5 48 YEARS OF SERVICE MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS ASSOCIATION BULLETIN PAGE 4 Diseases: Table 2. Recommended cycla- men for use for each type and/or Cyclamen a susceptible to TSWV/INSV, finishing size. root rot pathogens, Fusarium wilt, Bacte- , rial wilt (Ewinia spp.) and Botrytis. TSWV/INSV symptoms include a gen- Type Cultivar Source eral stunting of plant growth and/or spot- ting of foliage turning from yellow to brown spots with concentric rings. There Minis Marvel Red PanAmerican is no cure for these viruses. -. - Root rot pathogens are Pythium, Miracle Scarlet Goldsmith Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis species. oz/100gal) twice, five to seven days Control Pythium with Subdue (1/2 oz/100 apart. 2) Apply a tank mix of Thiodan + gal) or Banrot (8 oz/lOO gal). Control Miracle White Goldsmith a Pyrethroid (Decathlon, Talstar, Tame, Rhizoctonia with Cleary’s 3336 (80z/100 Topcide) twice, five to seven days apart. gal), Banrot ( as above) or Chipco 26019. Control Thielaviopsis with Cleary’s 3336 3) Apply Mesurol 75WP (8-16 ozlacre) Minimate Series De Ruiter twice, five to seven days apart. 4) start (as above) or Terraguard. over. Fusarium wilt is characterized by a __ Cyclamen mites can cause significant sudden wilting of leaves. Erwinia Dixie Series Vaughan’s leaf distortion. These mites are difficult (bacterial wilt) has similar symptoms. to see. Two-spotted spider mites will However, the corm on Fusarium infected cause a general bronzing of foliage and plants is firm. In contrast, the corm on [ntermedi- Laser Scarlet Goldsmith webbing on new growth. Control cycla- Erwinia infected plants is soft and ate 4-5” men mites by applying Thiodan (50WP) mushy. Controls for either bacterial soft at a rate of 1 Tbsp/gallon. Control spider rot or Fusarium wilt have little effect. ... ..... ............................................................................................................. mites by applying Avid, Azatin, Talstar, Minimize splashing water and crowding Latinia Ch. Morel Pentac, Mavrik, PT1600 X-clude. of plants. - ................................................... Fungus gnat larvae can attack roots and Rondo Vaughan’s provide a point of entry for root rot Postharvest: pathogens. Use a raw potato to test for Harvest cyclamen when 3-5 florets have the presence of larvae and/or effective- [ntermedi- Novella Senes PanAmerican ness of insecticide. Control larvae using opened. Application of a spray of 0.25 Azatin, Gnatrol, Duraguard, Citation, mM silver thiosulfate (STS) 5 days prior ate 4” Knox Out, Adept, Precision, or Distance. to harvest will increase postharvest life. .......................... Intermezzo Series De Ruiter Table 3. Sample Schedule for 4” Cyclamen Crop for Christmas. Standards Romeo Pannevis Time Cultural Proce- Environment ......... - ........... ............................... dure Sierra Scarlet Goldsmith 4 weeks Sow to germination 6568°F in dark ......................................... .................. I Halios Series Ch. Morel -.................... ......... .._-____ ..... ~ 4 weeks Germination to transplant 68’F, approx. 500 footcan- Royal Purple Rex PanAmerican stage dles light for 16 hourdday. ___ll_______ ....... Royal White PanAmerican 8 weeks To the 5-6 leaf stage 68T, approx. 850-1,000 footcandles for 16 hourslday Sierra White Goldsmith ................................................................... ” .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8-12 weeks To flowering 60-65”F, approx. 850- 1,000 footcandles for 16 hrs/day. Concerto White Novartis Apollo .
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