James Uden, CV (updated August 2015) 1 James Uden Department of Classical Studies, Boston University 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 Email:
[email protected] Ph: 617 353 2427. FACULTY APPOINTMENT Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Studies*, Boston University 2011 – present *Also affiliated faculty member, Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature (by invitation) October 2014 – present RESEARCH INTERESTS Latin literature; the literary culture of Roman Greece; Late Antiquity; the transformation of the classics in English Literature (esp. in the eighteenth century). EDUCATION Ph.D., Department of Classics, Columbia University 2011 M.A. (Latin), Columbia University 2008 LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws), 1st Class Honours, University of Sydney 2005 B.A. (Latin, Japanese) 1st Class Hon & University Medal, University of Sydney 2003 PUBLICATIONS Books (2015) The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome. New York: Oxford University Press. Book Chapters (forthcoming) ‘Childhood Education and the Boundaries of Interaction: [Plutarch], Quintilian, Juvenal’. Literary Interactions under Nerva, Trajan, and Hadrian (ed. A. König & C. Whitton). James Uden, CV (updated August 2015) 2 (forthcoming) ‘Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Visions of Late Antique Literature’. Blackwell’s Companion to Late Antique Literature (ed. S. McGill & E. Watts). (forthcoming) ‘Suetonius’ Scholars: Marginal Moments in the History of Roman Satire’. Volume on marginality and canonicity, ed. M. Formisano & C. Kraus. (2012) ‘Love Elegies of Late Antiquity’, in B. Gold (ed) Blackwell Companion to Roman Love Elegy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 459-475. (2011) ‘A Song from the Universal Chorus: The Perseus and Andromeda Epyllion’, in S. Green & K. Volk (eds) Forgotten Stars: Rediscovering Manilius’ Astronomica. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 235-252.