BASIC ELECTRONICS.CD INFO Best Viewed at 800X600 Last Updated: January 10, 2003 Previously Internet Guide to Electronics Site. Welcome! This website allows you to NEW & NEWS: browse the subject of ELECTRONICS. If you are just starting the learning journey, I hope Your Projects you'll make use of the simple nature and graphical content of this site. Feel free to look Basic Electronics around. Don't worry -- there are no tests at the FAQ end of the day. If you would like to contact me regarding this site, email me at
[email protected] John Adams - Author ( Place mouse over symbol to see selection in LCD screen then view explanation in the Email Me browser's status window. Non-Javascript browsers, scroll down for link explanations.) THEORY|APPLY IT!|COMPONENTS|MESSAGE BOARD|REF/DATA/TOOLS BOOKS/MAGs|LECTRIC LINKS|BASIC ELECTRONICS.CD INFO ABOUT|EMAIL|WHATS NEW! THEORY Gain the basic understanding of electronic principles that you will be making use of later. This includes Ohm's Law, Circuit Theory, etc. APPLY IT! Putting the theory to work. This includes sections on how to solder, multimeters, and of course, PROJECTS! COMPONENTS Learn about various electronics components. MESSAGE BOARD Post your basic electronics related questions here for others to answer and read. REFERENCE, DATA AND COOL TOOLS! Resistor color code info, plenty of calculators, chart, electronics data and other cool tools! VERY POPULAR PAGE BOOKS/MAGs A list of books and magazines relating to the subject of electronics. Includes direct links to for ordering online. LECTRIC LINKS A list of top-rated Electronics-related sites on the Web.