PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS REPORT PLANNING PROPOSALS THE GLEN, CAMPS BAY March 2001 CONTENTS Page 1. BACKGROUND 2 2. OBJECTIVES 3 3. INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES 4 4. PROCESS 5 5. PLANNING PROPOSALS 7 6. SCOPED ISSUES 8 7. WAY FORWARD 10 Appendix 1: Background Information Document Appendix 2: Media notice Appendix 3: Open House attendance list Appendix 4: Issues Trail Appendix 5: Information sheet PREPARED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP P O Box 38674 Tel: 021-422 0999 NCM House PINELANDS Fax: 021-422 0998 75 Church Street 7430 E-mail:
[email protected] CAPE TOWN 1. BACKGROUND This report serves as the documentation of a public participation process undertaken for the planning of conservation and development actions at The Glen, a recreation site within the South African National Parks’ (SANParks) Cape Peninsula National Park (CPNP). The Glen, adjacent to Camps Bay in greater Cape Town, is one of several CPNP visitor sites presently receiving urgent planning attention. Mandelstam Baynham Architects, Planners & Urban Designers were appointed by CPNP to co-ordinate the phased planning of The Glen. Urban conservation support was provided by Countryscape Design and other specialist work included a landscape survey, a botanical survey, a geotechnical survey, a traffic/transport survey and a visitor survey. The planners and specialists collected base information and undertook a site analysis, captured in a document titled “The Glen: Phase 1 Report” (Mandelstam Baynham Architects, Planners & Urban Designers, 9 March 2000). The process had reached the stage where proposals for better management and improved utilisation of The Glen needed to include public input.