Matthew 21:23-27 Wednesday Evening Study

I. Introduction

A. Matthew was written by one of the disciples of . B. Matthew wrote from a Jewish background and with the view of an ‘insider.’

II. Matthew 21:23-27

A. Already, Jesus has caused quite the stir in . His would have certainly ruffled the feathers of the religious leaders in the city. Matthew has carefully dealt with the question of the authority of Jesus through the so far. Now, the chief priests and elders bring up that same question.

1. This wasn’t an innocent question. They were trying to trap Jesus.

2. They probably hoped that the crowds would be on ‘their side’ since Jesus had confronted the temple culture.

B. Jesus saw through the trap and plays the same game by answering their question with a question of His own. He asks them about the authority of John’s baptism.

1. Jesus’ question put them in a difficult situation, as their private conversation relays to us.

a. They couldn’t say that John’s authority came from heaven - since they had rejected it.

b. They couldn’t say that John’s authority came from within - since they would anger the crowds.

2. They had no answer.

C. In response, Jesus had no answer for them. He was unwilling to play their games. They had rejected John - who had come in preparation of the Messiah. They refused to believe John and they were refusing to believe Jesus.

D. The religious leaders lacked integrity. Their mooring was found in the crowds and not in actual authority.

III. So What?

A. IF Jesus has authority, how are you responding? B. Quit following the crowds.