THE WESTFIELD LEADER .__ the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County YEAE—No
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER .__ The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County YEAE—No. EL WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1914 TWELVE PAGES-3 CENTS. i6REGATIONALISTS WESTFIELD WELCOME TOWN EXHIBIT TAX ORDINANCE TO EXECCTOB AUJUMSTItATOR IN CONVENTION 10M0FFIGERS OPENING BUY WAIT UNTIL JULY Gathered Here From Grand Council of New Jersey Part of the Program That Will Mayor Appoints Judge C. A, I Sections of Hold Eighteenth Annual Be Given in Connection Springstead a Member of the State Session Here With Big Event Library Board TWO DAY SESSION THE MAYOR MAKES ADDRESS THREE - HUNDRED EXHIBITS COUNCIL'S SHORT SESSION rr delegates from all over tho That Westtiehl knows how, was As the time draws near for tho The meeting of tile Town Council Capital and Surplus over , of Now Jersey are attending demonstrated yesterday when tho -.iculng day of tho Town Exhibit h&hl on Monday evonhfg wim one of [orty-sixth annual meeting of tlie Grant! Council of the l.oyal Associa- more and more interest in tlie pro- the shortest session hold this year. ;regatlonal Conference in the tion were the guests of Union Coun- ject ia helng shown by the citizens o[ Very ltttlo business was transacted Congregational church today, cil, No. 5. the town. amt evtiryboii>F looked pleased, Assets over $1,( ie delegates assembled at 2:30 Tho members of the Grand Coun- Arrangements have been made On motion of Chairman Davis, oi irday afternoon ani were in ses- cil and some of the Supreme ofrteei-H for about three hundred exhibits. In tin* Unaiice coraniittce. the tax budget dtiring the afternoon and e\e-were on hand, In all about seventy- tltis number is included a nun* of ordinance', which passed in an will continue In session all five men. A number of the Loyal vVesiiiold as it was in 17ii4 when the uuK'titled form at tli^ last regular The Oldest Banking Institution in Westfield today. men met the delegates at the station township was set off from Klizubeth ULIX-UUS, ivaa lsikl over milll Uut fttat the sessions yesterday the lol-at 10;45 and eseotteil them to Ar- ami aprt of Ksses county. regular meeting In July. ig officers were chosen: Modera- canum Hall, where after tho usual In tho Hoard of Health exhibit a Tim resignation of \V. A. Dempsey itev. C. H. Wilson; vice tnodeitt- formality they were made welcome in laboratory completely equipped and as mt appolnttvo luomhov of tlie li- Solicits Your Business Re«, J. I. Richards; cor. sec, •Westlield by Mayor Ii. W. Kviuis. an actual test of milk will be shown. brary Board, was received and accept- TUUSTKK G1>/\KI>I.\N Chas. Ii. Goodrich; treasurer, The Mayor sail! that no were justly All other exhibits will jire-vt1 inter- ed. Mayor lOvnns appointed Judge James Kroyes; scribe, Rev. proud of Westiield and of such an or-esting lo those who attend, O. A. SprliiRli'iui to (ill tho vacancy. mas Travlss. In addition to the' ganlzation as Union Council, the in- Tin) Governor's Pay c"ent will hi- Aa Mr, Dempst'y was recently chosen lion oi oflicers numerous com i tluenoe nf such an organization he i-luile the Hay Day Festival of the president of the Hoard of Education, were appointed. 'said cannot be measured. "It Is a schools, sports, school children's this mllce- also nmkus him a m«inbor 1 [!S5 Emma k. Bridges, of tho lo] great pleasure to extent] to yuu tht!content in the morning. In the nf- of tin librniy board, hence his ITHSK- welcome of the people of "Wewtfield." iernooii folk ilnncea, exhibition drill iuui(5n as appointed. ttarch, wag appointed a member 1 dfi finance committee. Gvaud Councilor McKeever replied by the Boys Brigade, speech by Gov- Bids wore open for the tiuUiltnf; Distinctive Wall Papers program for this afternoon to the Mayor anil saiil that in behalf ernor Fielder and the formal ojieu- of a cont'rete sldevviilk along Moun- f of the Crainl Council he tlumked the iii£ of the rahlbit. The evening will For discriminating and exacting people is follows: tain and Highland avenue and wore Mayor and the people of the best town xo iiivrn over to the exhibit proper. roferreti to tin* road committee, as 15—Devotional service, tho , Frtak W. Murfeldt. •.SO—Address, "Women's Organl- ma," Mrs. Hastings H. Hart, Quality Paints sWeot of the National Federation Hoaie Missionary Unions. ;(|0—Address, 'Annuities for and Varnishes tebera," tho Rev. Frank J. Good- ,D. 0. .10—Address, "Expedients in Home Missionary Program," Ref, Albert E. Rlcker, D. U. t:40—."The Story of tho Magic 3," Saperintondent James Shields, WELCH BROS. me. tke Anti-Saloon League of New 1:00—Address, "How Can tho The largest and oldest I'alntttig mid Itocontting Concern in Westileld arth Win a Larger Place in tho •ay. arts of Hie Common People?" 214 East Broad Street Tel, 168 arts of the Common People?" Rey. Charles W. Carroll, D. I). 1:2ft—Discussion, opened by tho *, Charles L. Merrlam. Ib» «Tt!0iHK program I! Desirous of Purchas ing or it)--A iiervico of so dill-! a •«'i choir, conducted 1 the Ki-v.i flonds, I). II. *8», "Tho I'fttli Aliead," f. Hubert O. HtM-rin(t. V. 1>. PLAY TO UK <JIVKN Placing Any Kind of INSURANCE J™" *«• 1 Bl H. B, IHKXtU OliASSIOH. Or Borrowing or Lowing On Saturday evviiliiK. April 25tli, tit ton School auditorium Bond tni Mortgage flay In French. U-s deux Snunl*. [reestutml by pupils of *l»«- '(«i departinput, t'otupllcfitiims ram ioiiv.Hiiatlon between two ()ili<crs anil Council .MwiInK of Ihf l.<»ul A>MuriHiii>ii Held In Wr.illlrlil Ve*.tt'iiliii. 1 deaf mutes form a bantu f<>r Bg development*. I'arts will 1 ;si-i:is(, 1 I»MI I:T in W! U' HNO Imfs If! ftilllHllHIS-, Vil l! In 1 Ili itiy Gladys French, Isabel ! J 1 IIK.ll srlinoi, (.1,1 I 11 M. k i i|jtm (>F Ui v Jti fi r UM fin iln iim BETTER HOSIERY the Htate. W« uhouid give ttiaiika flllla BiiioiliiMuir lo $487 24 wt f<ir (ln,» jltie \vr;itlicr tlmt lifis divert HH 1 Tiu- anmiEi! ctuuiMt of U'.e <!ii-< H 4tl clllll 111 ll.'H'll p.tid ft clHHH'e to Ki'| lien, unit rnj<iy tile Club will be livid in the WasitliiKtoii < lmlrtiiRb Tnjlm, i»f lh». Public THAN THE «8il Jow|ih Newell. ho8|iitalUy fbat \n be!iig sihown, •so be Klines by Dorntby Kiliucii NUuiday cv< utuir. May Hlh. '1'rie rejiortti of tli*i various offi- f tn-(»i?t«!(i will Include tifuiifi very ColilM. CliftorJ Kwli ml Keherai routine wink foi- a cojiy of ft letter for- dancf | '•'•' it numliers nuch aa Ihe Illue *MJ HutiK.-il. An orlj uiHil rioOH, whei) s rree&s waa warded to Hie .Men's* Korufii of t!i«* l>rtrnt ly nul>» W»I(«e», Ttio Torendor (frum .,M,,K».i by ' ""."" jdfclaied anil the di-lrsuH's wi>ie tak- Klr»t M. H. churi'h In rcplj to llwlr rnieu t, elmnift^i from KHJiUi, TtH* lcltJir «»khig trial the t'ounell t»k« liom tho »ni 1 n tlli.|fs llulfl, whert! they Phoenix Silk (..> mil In- tn iiefm> Inftaiiiiiiatu* from 8tabnt Mat«r Mil Bomn Bt'tlon In the jiistler of form- veil with » iMHiiinuiua Ivmrh. by reituest Tb» llallehijsh Clioriss, • *"( -I liiit i lug sn r;fiii»lpyjnPiil bureau In Weet Music was furnished by Ml»8 Marlon Th« Trl Ctturitrj Festival to I«< fi«fel. In thR lHt«r Mr. T»,vbir Tiee ami AlBX»tid«r Hunt, held In Homervllle takes place J'rl* »l»l«t1 that it WB» tfw n|>lntiK) tif I1I1 AUU> rldea, wU|]6»sing & ftr0 drill. d»y. M»y 8ih. The Ol«« Clob will fominittw! tlist. tlw Hitttlnr wtutd lit In which the a(>i>lr»t«!t left th« ttre «|M|KK nff»lr the b*ts*r bmi4t*4 If prt»»(«> aw! refer JKIII Hosiery -r Ironi tl doti«i», con«e«t«t the hot® »t ths cor- Tli>* liiltftiiiiiialilH anil HIII re<J U» (He 0m|ib>yi!H*Ht bur*m« eon tin' Kusnl n»f of Kim »afl tlroad »(re«t snd h*<l ltitlti>t HonirivillHoniv o ('hilh t In ducted by «no nf the ]«<•»! tanevelaW & stream at «»tw on s bulltttnK In hi • to m. Dm »» li'B Th>< llalli'lujiih Chnriu, |,,t I,) ina.H-lsUuin Ite ttwi KtitK<mt«^ R*¥tr Eiirtd. Wtstillt.t ii U»t w.-i-kii tPTiind*, «^m siuuttg this ftttrsctloaa ,V)1«« Vunw-llrf. of Hoinrr«llli> that th« foruitt cantlucl Melt s tmr '- it '1 la.ln li,i\p ni of(«v«Mj tttjfow the m««tli(« was «g»ln Tht. Ritrclllll %\»in lit Wnllilhl ««(i. llvlnit tl nil tli» jublli'ltj th*t '•« >-, iniin-m "Cru your l*tlnr falloil to ord«r lor tint «l«ellim of uf- will »Ni> ssliif. nl Illf fmlhsl riii'l! rmild l« «W»tti»d »nd ln»li» co-op* ! Bii>iii U'ut I'.n lhl Kii mi- l:i(l|»'|nlil (A thiliMiilKii •lull. S tilde tu llm rlllvtn* «'ou l At the Uiiielmon, In twlulf of thn lt amiKl m»l Hiiilr.g. \\Y Mwiilrl On mntlon of Oltslrttmn 1'svla, t)f 75c and $1.00 s (UiArd tiC Tradis, ('(-estldpttl A.