Transatlantica, 2 | 2015 Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick Mckelvey, the Permanent Campaign, New M
Transatlantica Revue d’études américaines. American Studies Journal 2 | 2015 The Poetics and Politics of Antiquity in the Long Nineteenth-Century / Exploiting Exploitation Cinema Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick McKelvey, The Permanent Campaign, New Media, New Politics Patrick Litsangou Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/transatlantica.7964 ISSN: 1765-2766 Publisher AFEA Electronic reference Patrick Litsangou, “Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick McKelvey, The Permanent Campaign, New Media, New Politics ”, Transatlantica [Online], 2 | 2015, Online since 15 July 2016, connection on 29 April 2021. URL: ; DOI: transatlantica.7964 This text was automatically generated on 29 April 2021. Transatlantica – Revue d'études américaines est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International. Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick McKelvey, The Permanent Campaign, New M... 1 Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick McKelvey, The Permanent Campaign, New Media, New Politics Patrick Litsangou REFERENCES Elmer, Greg, Ganaele Langlois, Fenwick McKelvey, The Permanent Campaign, New Media, New Politics, New York : Peter Lang Publishing, 2012, 144 pages, ISBN : 9781433115936, 35 euros Synopsis 1 The Permanent Campaign co-authored by Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois and Fenwick McKelvey deals with political communication and confrontation in the digital age. The three scholars argue that contemporary political campaigning is typified by its nonstop character and pronounced polarization. Political wrangling continues online with the circulation of user-generated issue-objects. In each chapter the authors back their assumptions with a case study.
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