Gulzar Khan Post Doctorate Laboratory of Genetics and Evolution, Cell: +92–3123332119 Department of Biology, Email:
[email protected] Federal University of Sao Carlos, Campus Sorocaba, Or
[email protected] CEP 18052.780, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Education Post Doctorate in Molecular Genetics and Evolution, (May, 2015–June, 2018) Laboratory of Genetics and Evolution, Department of Biology, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Campus Sorocaba, CEP18052.780, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Molecular ecology, adaptation and Evolution, (Sep, 2011–Jen, 2015) Northwest Institute of plateau Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China. Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Plant Sciences, (Sep, 2007–Aug, 2009) Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quid–I–Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Master of Science (M.Sc) in Botany, (Sep, 2004–Aug, 2006) Department of Botany, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Peer Reviewed Publications 1. Perez MF, Franco FF, Bombonato JR, Bonatelli IAS, Khan Gulzar, Romeiro–Brito M, Fegies AC, Ribeiro PM, Silva GAR, Moraes EM. 2018. Structure by distance: inaccurate population structure estimates by unaccounted isolation by distance can hinder conservation strategies. Diversity and Distributions. Accepted. IF. 4.391. 2. Hairui Liu, Qingbo Gao, Faqi Zhang, Gulzar Khan, Shilong Chen. 2018. Westwards and Northwards dispersal of Triosteum himalayanum (Caprifoliaceae) from the Hengduan mountains region based on chloroplast DNA phylogeography. PeerJ. 6:e4748. IF. 2.20. 3. Gulzar Khan, Paulianny MR, Isabel ASB, Manolo FP, Fernando FF, Evandro M.M. 2018. Weak population structure and no genetic erosion in Pilosocereus aureispinus: a microendemic and threatened cactus species from eastern Brazil. PLoS ONE. 13(4): e0195475.