Technology Engineering 1 & 2 Hand Identification


1. What kind of wrench can be used on a variety of bolts and nuts? ______2. What kind of bit can be used to bore holes into soft materials? ______3. What kind of hammer has one face that is used to strike cold and punches; and the other is used for shaping soft metal?______4. What kind of , clamps round, irregular, or box-shaped work pieces; Steel corners apply even pressure around irregular shapes? ______5. What kind of ruler is steel or and is used for short measurements? ______6. What bores large holes in by hand? ______7. What kind of bit has a center point to help guide the bit to the desired position? ______8. What device accurately measures the distance between two opposing sides of an object? - ______9. What kind of level is used to check level and plumb? ______10. What device is used for assembling projects and striking chisels? ______11. What device is good for small jobs, when a clamp is needed in a localized area? ______12. What device marks cutting or layout lines between two points? ______13. What kind of hammer is the most commonly used hammer? ______14. What kind of wrench has a different size opening at each end? ______15. What kind of wrench has both box and open-end heads? ______16. What tool is used for drawing circles and arcs? ______17. What tool bends to and holds any shape for drawing irregular curves? ______18. What kind of bit a neat taper for the head of a wood screw? ______19. What kind of hammer has a head that is filled with lead shot and oil so that the energy of the impact is absorbed in the head? ______20. What kind of pliers is designed for cutting wires and thin metal? ______21. What kind of helps drill aligned holes for ? ______22. What tool is used to measure the size of a drill bit? ______23. What kind of clamp is fast and easy to operate? ______24. What kind of tool is a and metalworking tool used to cut fine amounts of material from a work piece? ______25. What kind of ruler is usually 6 to 8 feet long? ______26. What kind of bit drills, a smooth, shallow hole? ______27. What kind of cutter is also called a circle cutter? ______28. What kind of pliers grip objects that are round, , flat, or hexagonal? ______29. What kind of drill bores holes in wood, plastic, and soft metal? ______30. What kind of drill operates by pushing the handle up and down in a repitive motion? ______31. What kind of tool is used with a backsaw to make cuts at precise angles? ______32. What kind of cuts with the grain of the wood? ______33. What kind of saw is a fine-tooth with heavy metal band across the back to strengthen the thin ?______34. What kind of saw has a small backsaw that is used for making fine joints? ______35. What kind of saw has a U-shaped frame; used to cut curves? ______36. What kind of saw is used to cut holes in drywall and plasterboard? ______37. What kind of saw cuts across the grain of the wood? ______38. What kind of saw cuts metal? ______39. What kind of saw is used to cut curves and holes in and wallboard? ______40. What kind of clamp is used to clamp round objects? ______41. What kind of tool fits into setscrews? ______42. What kind of saw cuts large holes in wood, plastic, and thin metal? ______43. What kind of chuck does not require a key for tightening? ______44. What kind of level is attached to a taut string line between two points? ______45. What kind of pliers is used for twisting and cutting wire? ______46. What kind of pliers is used to hold small objects? ______47. What kind of measuring tool is used for large measuring jobs? ______48. What kind of tool is usually bolted to the top of ? ______49. What kind of device draws a line parallel to any straight edge at a distance you specify? ______50. What kind of clamp is designed to hold the work pieces at exactly a 90 degree angle? ______51. What kind of tool is driven under the head of the so that the nail can be pulled out more easily? ______52. What kind of tool conceals the heads of finishing nails by driving them below the surface of the wood?______53. What kind of tool acts like a screwdriver but turns hexagonal nuts and bolts instead of screws?______54. What kind of screwdriver is used in hard to reach places where a normal screwdriver cannot be used? ______55. What kind of clamp will fit any length of pipe? ______56. What kind of device establishes a plumb (vertical) line? ______57. What kind of tool is used to measure and mark angles? ______58. What kind of tool has one end that is a nail puller, and the other end is used for prying or separating materials that are nailed together? ______59. What kind of tool is used to mark degrees for a fast layout? ______60. What kind of hammer has a wedge-shaped claw used for prying apart pieces that are nailed together? ______61. What kind of hammer holds and sets tacks? ______62. What kind of tool is used for pulling large nails and removing old materials? ______63. What kind of tool is used mainly for assembling projects? ______64. What kind of tool is used instead of a pencil to make fine layouts? ______65. What are the two different types (tips) of screwdrivers? ______66. What kind of tool is used for transferring and checking angles? ______67. What kinds of pliers have small and large teeth to grip objects? ______68. What kind of bit has a long point and makes it easy to locate the hole exactly where you want it? ______69. What kind of clamp is used for quick , light pressure?______70. What kind of tool is used to check and lay out 90 degree and 45 degree angles?______71. What kind of tool is the most common woodworking tool for laying out and checking 90 degree angles?______72. What kind of tool is made of metal, this tool is used for laying out lines?______73. What kind of device shapes and planes wood, plywood, and plasterboard?______74. What kind of device is a flexible tape that slides into a case? ______75. What kind of tool is used to draw circles and arcs when a is to small? ______76. What kind of level is shorter than other levels and can be used in small areas? ______77. What kind of clamp is an all purpose clamp with built in anti-marring pad ?______78. What kind of bit is designed for wood? ______79. What kind of pliers, clamp firmly to an object? ______80. What kind of tool is designed to strip off the insulation on electrical wire? ______81. What kind of device mounts on the underside of a ?______