¹º»D B?60 G Zububa Green Line Akko
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D E F G H I J K L B?66 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Occupied palestinian 71 territory WEST BANK ACCESS RESTRICTIONS - JENIN B? ¥ L E B A N O N Ma'ale Iron Salem DCL International 1 auGUST 2011 !P Border ¹º»D B?60 G Zububa Green Line Akko JENIN CLOSURES Haifa Tiberias 66 B? Nazareth Checkpoints 3 B?65 Gan Ner M E D I T E R R A N E A N S E A Rummana!P Green Line Checkpoints 2 Ti'innik Sandala B?71 !P Jenin At Tayba Partial Checkpoints - !P Al Jalama GF Umm Al-fahm GF Muqeible !P Tulkarm Tubas Earthmounds 3 » 'Arabbuna Nablus ¹º W e s t N Silat al Harithiya Qalqilyah !P A !P B a n k D Roadblocks - Al Jalama Tel Aviv Salfit R O J 2 Lod R Ramallah E Road Gates 6 !P As Sa'aida B?60 Oslo Accords Ramla Bet She'an V 'Anin 'Arrana I Deir Ghazala R !P !P 20 nautical miles Jericho Basma !P Bertini Commitment Trenches - Khirbet !P 596 Faqqu'a . 12 n.m. Jerusalem B? !P Abu 'Anqar .m 6 n.m. GF n Khalet Anjas !P 8 A Dahiyat Sabah 1 90 E Earth Walls 1 - 144m Bethlehem S Wadi al Khazrak GF B? 596 !P D Ar'ara B? al Kheir!P A Qazir-harish Khirbet Suruj Al Yamun Jabaliya E TOTAL 13 !P D Gaza Planned Hebron P! bus and truck 65 Umm ar Rihan Mashru' B? Kafr Dan Barghasha Khan Yunis convoy route !P Beit Qad !P !P Rafah (AMA) Beersheba Khirbet 'Abdallah Hinnanit !P al Yunis GF 3 n.m. G a z a !P Dhaher al Malih Shaqed Beit Qad Umm Qabub Fishing Limit Barta'a ash Sharqiya !P !P S t r i p Al 'Araqa Al Jameelat !P Since !P !P January 2009 !P Tura al Gharbiya Tura !P !P ¹º» Al Hashimiya Jenin Jalbun Khirbet al Muntar Rehan !P 'Arab al !P !P ash Sharqiya Tura ash Sharqiya Hamdun At Tarem 'Aba !P !P !P P! "J !P I S R A E L 3 Khirbet al Muntar Deir Abu Da'if 1 !P Nazlat ash Kafr Qud !P 9 E G Y P T al Gharbiya Khirbet!P ash Umm Dar !P Birqin Wad ad Dabi' !P Sheikh Zeid Jenin 4 Sheikh Sa'eed !P !P 9 !P Camp Reikhan / Barta'a 'Arab as GF A Al Khuljan r Zabda m % GF!PDhaher al 'Abed !P » !P Adebal Suweitat GF !P ¹º% Ya'bad !P !P Qeiqis Kufeirit i D !P s 'Akkaba DG G!T P! Al Manshiya t !P i # !P Khirbet Sab'ein c Khirbet Mas'ud Ya'bad e % !P l Umm at Tut i Qaffin Mevo Dotan !P n % D ## e J O R D A N !P !P G Ash Shuhada % ¹º» ( Khirbet Fraseen % !P Jalqamus G !P Imreiha !P r GF DD DG% Al Mughayyir e Fraseen %G Jabal al Aqra'a !P Al Mutilla e 90 !P Maoz Tzvi B?60 !P n B? !P Bir al Basha Elat B?585 Hermesh !P L Mevo Dotan GF in e F O ) A B Nazlat 'Isa GF Scan it! F 4 Qabatiya A with QR reader L An Nazla Q U !P A South Tannin Wadi Shobash software G Nazlat 'Isa ash Sharqiya Ad Damayra P! !P !P !P Al Hafira !P ¹º» !P An Nazla al Wusta !P Khirbet Marah ar Raha !P Arraba!P Telfit !P ¹º» G !P !P G GGGGGG G G GGG GGGGGG GGGG GGG G GG GGGG GGG G GGG G GG GGGGG G GG GGG Bisan G GGGG GGG GGG GGGGG GG GG Khirbet Kharruba G G GG GG GGGG GGG G GGG GGGG GGGGGGGG G GGG GG G !P !P !PGG GGGGGG GG G GGGGG GGGGGG G GG G GG GG G G GGGG GGGG GG GG GG GGGGGGGGG GG GGGG G G An Nazla Mirka GGGG GGAlG GG GQaffafG G GG G GGG G GG G GGG GG GGG GG G GG GG G GGG GG G GGG !P G GG G G GG G GGGGG G al Gharbiya Wadi Du'oq Raba GGGGG G GGG G G GG G GGGGG GGG GG G GG GG G GG G GGG GG !P !P G G G GG G GG GGGGGG G GG GG GGGGGGG GGG GGGG GGG GGG GGG G GGG GGGG G GGGG GGGGG G GGG GGGG G GG G !P G GGGG GGGGG GG GGGGG G Fahma al Jadida Misliya GG GGG GGGG G GGGG GG GGGG G GG GGG GGG GGG GGG GGG !P GGGG G GGG G GGGG G GGG GG GGGG G G G GG GG G G G Al Jarba Az Zababida GG G GGGGGGGG GGGGGGG G Al Deir Al Mansura !P GG GGGGG GG GGGGGGGG GG G GGGG !P GGG GGG G G G GGGGG GG G !P !P !P GGGGG GG GG G GG GG GGG G GGGGG GG GG GGG!PGGGGG GG Seida !P G G GG GG G GGG G GG G G GGG GG GG GGGGGG GGGGGGGGGG Zeita !P Fahma GG G GG G G GGGG GG G Kardala G G GGG G G GGGGGG G G G !P Ibziq GGGG GGG GGGGGG GGG G G GGGGG !P GGGGGG GG GGGG GGG G GGGG GGGG !P GGGGGG GGGGG GG GG GGGG G G GG GGGGG GG GG G GGG GGG GG GAl Farisiya- G G G GGGGGG GGGGGGG GG G GGG GGG G GG GGGGGGGG GGGGGG G G GGGGGGG G G G G GGGGGGGGGG GGGG GG GG G G GGG GG G GGGG al Zu'bi GF Az Zawiya G GGG GG GGGGG GGGGGGGG G G G!P Khirbet Tell GGGGGGGGGB?GG90GG GGG G GG GGGG !P Al Kufeir G GGG GG G G GG !P !P CLOSED AND RESTRICTED AREAS ISRAELI SETTLEelM HimmaENTS !P GG G GGGG G G G 'Illar Kafr Ra'i !P !P Israeli military base Settlement built-up , outer limit and municipal areaMehola 5 'Attil Access is prohibited !P Givat Sal'it Sir Land cultivated by settlers !P Israeli closed military area !P !P GF Access is prohibited Israeli Inner Settlement Al Farisiya- Existing and projected 'closed areas' Ihmayyer Al Farisiya- 'Ajja!P Sanur Salhab behind the Barrier ROADS !P Mantiqat !P Access is limited to permit holders Khallet Khader Ar Rama 'Anza 'Aqqaba Prohibited Palestinian vehicle use !P !P al Heish Tunnel/Underpass* GF !P !P Main road Deir al Ghusun Meithalun Observation Tower* Al Farisiya- Sdemot Mehola !P Other road GG GG !P GGG GG * Not counted in the total closure figures. Nab'a al Ghazal !PGGG GGGG GGGGGGG G G GG G G G Tayasir WEST BANK BARRIER G GGG G GGGGGG G !P G G G 1 1. The constructed and under construction BarrierGG G GGG 584 PALESTINIAN COMMUNITIES Constructed G Al Jarushiya B? Al 'Aqaba route is extracted from aerial photos, ( April 2010),G G G GG !P G G GG Nahal Rotem !P Hammamatcompared al to data provided'Ein by the al Council Hilwa- for Peace G G GG Governorate Capital Hammamat al G GGGG Under Construction and Security, JRC , ARIJ and verified by field surveysGG GGGG GG Al Judeida GGGG GGG Maleh-alas ofMeiteh June 2011. Um al Jmal G GG GGG !P Governorate BoundryTayasir Maleh-al Burj 2 GG G Planned Route 2. The planned Barrier route is based !Pon the Israeli GGG G !P !P G G !P Built-up government map, published in April 2006 and dataG GG GG Al 'Asa'asa Siris ¹º» Planned Re-routing !P provided by Shaul Arieli (Council'Ein alfor HilwaPeace and Bal'a < 1000 Residents Security) in June 2011. GG G G G G !P !P !PG GGG G GGGGGG G !P !P 3 G G G GGGGGGGGG Barrier Gate 3. 60 agricultural Barrier gates allow restrictedGGGGGGG GaccessGG G 1000 - 10,000 GG GGGGGGG GG GGG GG Al 'Attara Hammamat al toMaleh Palestinians who hold permits, or GbyGGG priorGG G Jaba' GG GGG G GG G !P coordination. GMaskiyyotGGGG G GG !P !P G G G GGGGGG GGGG Iktaba 6 > 10,000 G G GGG Al Fandaqumiya Tubas GGGGGGG G G !P THE BARRIER IN JENIN !P OSLO INTERIM AgreeMENTS (1994-1999)'Ein al Hilwa- GGGGG GGG GGG G !P "J Wadi al Faw 69 Km Kafr Rumman Area A1 1. Full Palestinian civil and security control !P Silat adh Dhahr !P Area B2 Khirbet Yarza2. Full Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control Tulkarm Camp !P Special Case (H2)3 3. Hebron Agreement 'Izbat Abu Khameish !P !P Bizzariya B?60 Intended Nature Reserve 4. Full Israeli control over security, planning and construction 'Anabta !P 4 !P Kashda Area C 578 Dhinnaba !P B? 100% Data applicable until August 2011. Access and closure data is collected by OCHA field staff and is subject to change. Access mapping Constructed 'Izbat al Khilal El Far'a !P Burqa Kilometers is a work in progress. Maps are updated periodically. Cartography: OCHA Information Management Unit !P !P Camp Map Produced: August 2011. Base data and statistics: OCHA, JRC, PA-MOPIC Khirbet Th e d esign at io ns e mp loy e d a nd the pr ese nt ation of m ate rial o n this m ap do no t im ply th e e x pr ession o f an y op inion w ha tsoe v er on th e p ar t o f th e S ecr eta r ia t o f th e U nite d Na tion s con cer ning th e leg al st atu s 0 1 2 3 4 5 !P For comments contact <[email protected]> or tel.