Coloma Glad-Peach Festival schedule on Page 9 How deep is the lake? Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Top Notch Physiques Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Sc T-storms Partly Cloudy PM T-storms Hi 82 - Lo 61 Hi 85 - Lo 61 Hi 87 - Lo 69 Hi 87 - Lo 71 Hi 83 - Lo 66 Hi 79 - Lo 64 Hi 81 - Lo 54 featured on Paw Paw 10% chance 10% chance 10% chance 10% chance 40% chance 20% chance 40% chance Lake Page! precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation See Page 6 $50 OFF Family members invited ANY SERVICE (269) 468-6682 Cannot be combined with to 100th reunion... Page 5 other offers or discounts The Hometown Paper for Coloma-Hartford-Watervliet 463-6397 E-mail
[email protected] E-edition TRI-CITYEst. 1882 Vol. 137 Issue #30 July RECORD 25, 2019 Seventy-five Cents Vacant lot purchased by Watervliet DDA for possible community pavilion downtown; Dog park relocation talks continue By Annette Christie ited to building a pavilion that could be that follows up from work already On July 18, 2019, Watervliet City of- used as a farmer’s market, and could done by a Steering Committee. “I feel ficials finalized a land purchase with be used during city sponsored holiday good that we are going to start and fin- the assistance of DDA funds. Earlier events such as the Christmas and Inde- ish this project,” Noack said. in the month, the Watervliet City Com- pendence Day festivals. mission gave the approval to move for- While the discussions are in the very Watervliet City Dog Park ward with the purchase of property early stages, the DDA has expressed At the July 2 Watervliet City Commis- right next to the city parking lot at 390 excitement over the purchase and all its sion meeting, Dotson told commission- N.