584 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 28, 1902. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire McMurray, from 4th Battalion, the Royal Regiment), Lieutenant Mibvll Loraine Slaughter, Dublin Fusiliers, in succession to Lieutenant from the Kent Artillery, in succession to J. R. Moffatt, promoted. .' Lieutenant A. Chamberlayne, seconded. Second Lieutenant Michael Cornelius Heenan, The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), from 5th Battalion, the Royal Irish Regiment, • Christopher HamerRawdon,Gent. (University vice W. H. Murphy, seconded. Candidate), vice! A. W. Wallace, deceased. Second Lieutenant Jack Burton Matthews Matthews-Donaldson, from the Royal Angle- The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), Second sey Royal Engineers (Militia), iii succession to Lieutenant Cyril Francis Baron mean Winter- Lieutenant II. G. R. Wakefield, promoted. , scale, from 3rd Battalion, in succession to Second Lieutenant Espine Montgomery Pictoh Lieutenant C. A. Howard, transferred to the Ward (University Candidate), from 4th King's Royal Rifle Corps. Battalion the Royal Irish Regiment, vice R. B. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, Lieutenant John Bergne, seconded. Wormald, from 7th Battalion, on augmentation. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Lieutenant Herbert The Manchester Regiment, Lieutenant Charles Charles Crozicr (University Candidate), from Edward Tayleur, from 3rd Battalion the 3rd Battalion Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Connaught Kangers, on augmentation. Fusiliers), in succession to Lieutenant F. B. Liautenant Arthur Gatton Melhuish Hardingham, Lane, seconded. from 5th Battalion the Royal Inniskilltng The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), Fusiliers, in succession to Lieutenant P. A. Lieutenant Maurice Edward Rayner, from 5th Vanrenen, seconded. Battalion, in succession to Lieutenant A; P. B. Second Lieutenant John Henry Loftus Reade Harrison, promoted.
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