annual report 2 018 FY18

Whoever they are. Wherever they live. Whatever it takes. We put children first. WELCOME Saving their lives. Building their futures. Promoting their rights.

We pledge to be: Efficient. Effective. Innovative. Accountable.

And we work: On the ground. Beside partners. With . Thanks to donors.

That’s why we’re UNITED for UNICEF. Children need to be defined by their age, not their borders. Regardless of immigration status, children are

Caryl M. Stern, President children first. & CEO of UNICEF USA


5 LEADERSHIP LETTER Last August, we traveled together to Bangladesh to mark the first anniversary of the Rohingya refugee crisis. Our UNICEF colleagues are working in extreme conditions in camps In addition to raising funds to support UNICEF’s operations directly, located along the Bangladesh/Myanmar border, providing UNICEF USA has also built a dynamic and broad-based advocacy relief for more than one million people. It was remarkable and movement. Our advocacy activities incorporate a wide spectrum of inspiring to witness UNICEF delivering health care, nutrition, participants and objectives, from our Kid Power programs directed schooling, safe water and social protections to hundreds of at teaching schoolchildren about fitness and global citizenship to thousands of children and mothers in these camps. our annual National Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C., where we directly lobby both chambers of Congress. Today, children forced from their homes and on the move constitute a global migration crisis. Nearly 50 million children are now refugees, Advocacy was instrumental in securing $132.5 million unrestricted internally displaced or migrants, mired in the politics of adults. dollars that flow directly from the U.S. to UNICEF. Many of these children are living in camps for displaced people or Also in 2018, the U.S. government contributed over $480 million on the road. directly to UNICEF in emergency relief.

UNICEF is the global leader in providing these children an opportunity UNICEF USA continues to grow our base of supporters—more than for a childhood. UNICEF’s work has helped reduce the number of 500,000 individual donors; more than 10,000 corporations, founda- children under the age of five who die from preventable causes by tions and NGOs; and more than 800 campus clubs at high schools 57% between 1990 and 2018. and colleges around the country. Your support—financial and advocacy—is essential and greatly appreciated. The challenges and obstacles are many. In 2017, UNICEF responded to 337 emergencies caused by natural and manmade disasters. UNICEF’s work does not just take place overseas. It also lives right 2017 disbursements totaled approximately $5.5 billion. The here at with you—in your communities, in your advocacy and logistical complexities of delivering help to some of the most remote, in your hearts. dangerous and inhospitable places on earth are unimaginable— which only further highlights UNICEF’s critical presence and Thank you for putting Children First. unique contribution.

In fiscal 2018, UNICEF USA’s total revenue was more than $597 Peter Lamm Caryl M. Stern million, a record-setting achievement. UNICEF USA has now CHAIR PRESIDENT & CEO raised a total of $7.7 billion in donations and gifts-in-kind since our founding in 1947.



TERRITORIES—AND IN SOME As we reflect on UNICEF’s achievements during Fiscal Year 2018, including— OF THE WORLD’S TOUGHEST child survival PLACES—UNICEF HAS HELPED early childhood development refugee and migrant children SAVE MORE CHILDREN’S protecting children from violence LIVES THAN ANY OTHER and children in emergencies –we invite you to learn more about how UNICEF changed the lives HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION. of five children whose stories appear in the following pages.

9 #EveryChildAlive Unite to Save Children’s Lives “Without the doctors and UNICEF, 2017 Achievements • UNICEF helped make 24/7 emergency • UNICEF and partners treated I would have lost my baby. obstetric and newborn care available in 4 million severely malnourished children. 50 countries. • Since 2015, UNICEF has trained over My heart is full of joy.” • UNICEF purchased 2.4 billion vaccines 240,000 community health workers, for children in more than 100 countries, helping millions of families gain access reaching nearly half the world’s children to quality healthcare. under age 5.

CHILD SURVIVAL A CALL-TO-ACTION Tolgonay’s Story In 2017, 5.4 million children died before the age of 5—and nearly half died within a month of birth—a global tragedy. “My daughter, Tolgonay … was born one month early. What if I So Dr. Pakirova and Sattarova handled Tolgonay’s birth lost her like my first baby?” worried her mother, Uyalkan. Even themselves—at a UNICEF-supported maternity unit nearby. That’s why we must unite to worse, Tolgonay was born with asphyxia, a condition in which a As Dr. Pakirova explains: “Today, conditions are really good here, support UNICEF’s global agenda for child survival and demand baby doesn’t get enough oxygen. Fortunately, due to UNICEF- thanks to UNICEF. They trained us. They installed plumbing for that governments: trained obstetrician Dr. Baktygul Pakirova, midwife Zhypar safe water. They offered us electric heaters. They gave us modern Sattarova and UNICEF health and nutrition staff, Tolgonay is now windows to keep out the cold. If you’d come here seven years : Build and maintain functional, community- a thriving 1-year-old. ago, you would have seen many newborns dying.” based health facilities Today, Tolgonay lives with her family in a yurt in the Kyrgyz Dr. Pakirova and Sattarova used their lifesaving UNICEF training : Train effective healthcare Republic. They herd cows and sheep in the mountains, where during Tolgonay’s first critical moments. UNICEF also provided a workers for all mothers and newborns temperatures sometimes plunge to 40 degrees below zero. tiny breathing mask, an incubator and a warming mattress. Once Mothers, confronting risky deliveries, must often travel to far-off home, Tolgonay benefited from UNICEF’s postnatal health : Provide lifesaving drugs and hospitals. For Uyalkan, the closest was more than 186 miles monitoring, and parenting and nutrition counseling. equipment (such as antibiotics, vaccines, away—a five-hour drive over rural roads. That’s one reason why blankets and oxygen) newborn death rates in this Central Asian country are nearly Uyalkan says: “Without the doctors and UNICEF, I’d have lost my three times that of the . baby. My heart is full of joy. I one day Tolgonay will become : Empower girls and women (via health education, cash a journalist and do great things.” • transfers and family leave) 11 RECORD VACCINATION COVERAGE

*TARGET POPULATION The World Health Organization (WHO) 100% and UNICEF report that a record 123 million children were vaccinated globally in 2017. UNICEF—which 90 immunized nearly half the world’s DIPHTHERIA/ children in 2017 and provided TETANUS / 80 2.4 billion vaccine doses for them WHOOPING COUGH in more than 100 countries—played (first dose) a big role in this success. 70 But, despite these lifesaving achievements, we must do more. 60 For example, to reach all the world’s children with vaccines, each year we must immunize an estimated 50 20 million more children for diphtheria/ MEASLES tetanus/whooping cough (DPT), (first dose) 45 million more for measles and 40 76 million more for pneumonia. Together with governments and partners, WHO and UNICEF seek to 30 expand access to immunization and:

20 • focus immunization campaigns on the most at-risk children and families PNEUMONIA 10 • strengthen the quality, availability (third** dose) and use of vaccine coverage data • work in even more depth with partners at the regional and 1980 1990 2000 2010 2017 local levels

* FIGURES REPRESENT PERCENTAGE OF TARGET ** THE PNEUMONIA VACCINE WAS POPULATION COVERED, INCLUDING MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. INTRODUCED IN 2008. 13 #ENDviolence Unite to Protect Children “Now, I’m back to school and happy. 2017 Achievements • UNICEF helped prevent and respond to • Nearly 870,000 girls and women, affected What I dream of in the future is … maybe gender-based violence against 3.6 million by female genital mutilation, benefited children during emergencies. from UNICEF-supported health, education, to have a little shop so I can support my family.” welfare and legal services. • UNICEF-supported interventions reached 7.6 million children, from ages 5 to 17, • UNICEF promoted the release and involved in child labor. reintegration of 12,000 children from armed groups in 16 countries. CHILD PROTECTION A CALL-TO-ACTION

Every five minutes, worldwide, a child dies from violence. Gertrude’s Story That’s why we must unite to support UNICEF’s global agenda to keep children safe and demand that all governments: Confronting severe poverty, political instability and protracted With the help of UNICEF and partners, Gertrude eventually left : Adopt national action plans to communal conflict, 1.3 million children in the Central African the militia and returned to school and civilian life. Last fall, at age end violence against children Republic were in need of need humanitarian assistance in 2018. 15, she started her final year of primary school. UNICEF has also Lack of adequate nutrition, safe water, health care and schooling helped support the country’s Ministry of Education in : Change adult behavior and reduce violence against all threaten children’s lives and futures. Nearly one in four families organizing catch-up classes and end-of-year exams for the more children within families and has already fled home or sought refuge in neighboring countries. than 170,000 children—deprived of education in conflict zones communities —at approximately 565 schools. : Focus national policies on Rival militias have also increased their recruitment and use of safeguarding children children—by 50 percent between 2016 and 2017. That’s how Despite some serious challenges, things are looking up for including preventing violence Gertrude found herself in a very dangerous situation. Gertrude. “Now, I’m back to school and happy. But life is still in schools and military very difficult because we’re eight children at home, with my recruitment of children “I missed two years of school because the rebels attacked our father dead and my mother disabled. What I dream of in the : Train social workers to support village, and we fled to the bush,” says Gertrude. “While looking future is … maybe to have a little shop so I can support my family.”• children who experience for food, my father and my cousin were killed by rebels, and it violence made me very angry. So, I joined the anti-rebel group. I was 12 Note: Gertrude’s name has been changed and her identity hidden to protect : Empower children, parents, at the time. I used to cook for them.” her privacy and safety. teachers and others to recognize and safely report violence in all its forms 15 12.5 million children million people WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES IN UNICEF 45 NEARLY 250,000 CLASSROOMS helped save the lives of WITH SAFE WATER

IN 2 017, UNICEF HELPED 4 million REACH OR SEVERELY PROVIDE: MALNOURISHED million children between CHILDREN 1990 and 2016. 2.4 billion doses of vaccines 22 million FOR CHILDREN IN MORE PEOPLE WITH THAN 100 COUNTRIES IMPROVED SANITATION

17 #EarlyMomentsMatter Unite to Nurture Children 2017 Achievements “I am a father of a child with autism. • In , UNICEF’s cellphone- • With UNICEF’s support, a record accessible “Internet of Good Things” 4 million children worldwide were My love for Abdul is the main recipe that reached 1 million parents and caregivers treated for severe acute malnutrition. with key information about early child has helped me develop his skills.” development and well-being. • UNICEF and partners reached 8.8 million children with formal and • UNICEF helped improve the quality and reach nonformal education. of social service workers in 78 countries.


Globally, inadequate nutrition Abdul’s Story and health care have stunted 155 million children under age 5, and 15.5 million 3- and 4-year- olds don’t get to read or play “The differences between children who have a strong start and Since 2007, UNICEF has trained more than 200,000 parents and with adults. those who do not are established early, widen quickly and caregivers in Jordan—and nearly 16,000 providers from the That’s why we must unite to become harder to bridge as time progresses,” explains Dr. Linda health care, education and social service sectors—on nurturing support UNICEF’s global agenda to M. Richter, a child development expert. In fact, babies’ brains care principles. As a result, 400,000 children have experienced enrich every child’s earliest years form up to 1,000 new connections per second in their first 1,000 more nurturing home environments. and demand that governments: days—a pace never repeated again. : Educate parents and With a special emphasis on fathers, UNICEF’s parenting program governments on how to give That’s how investing in early childhood changes lives—and has made a world of difference for 4-year-old Abdul, who has children the best start in life builds futures. It keeps children well nourished and stimulated. special developmental needs, and for his father Mustafa. : Expand pre-primary education, It helps them develop their minds, start school well prepared, nutrition programs and and enjoy better health and higher incomes as adults. It also “I am a father of a child with autism,” Mustafa explains. “My parenting training and integrate benefits communities and nations, ensuring a more skilled and love for Abdul is the main recipe that has helped me develop his them into child protection, productive workforce. skills.” As Mustafa makes clear, a father’s support during early healthcare, and water, sanitation and hygiene childhood is crucial. By providing love and protection, playing initiatives In Jordan, UNICEF has put these insights into practice. In fact, with them, and supporting their nutrition—a father can help his we are working to ensure that every child in this country has children learn better, socialize more successfully and become :  Enact family-friendly policies, access to affordable, quality early childhood services by 2020. healthier, happier human beings. including paid parental leave • and workplace childcare 19 UNICEF helps governments in 157 countries provide critical social inclusion programs for the most vulnerable children.

21 Unite for Children Forced from #ChildrenUprooted 2017 Achievements • UNICEF helped at least 78 countries • UNICEF helped register 141,000 Home support uprooted children through child uprooted children in 40 countries. protection, health and nutrition, education, social inclusion and safe water. • Via digital advocacy and its World Children’s Day campaign in 161 countries, • UNICEF provided care to 36,000 children UNICEF mobilized 5.4 million supporters separated from their parents, and reunited to endorse UNICEF’s global agenda for nearly 19,000 children with their families. migrant and refugee children. CHILDREN UPROOTED A CALL-TO-ACTION

Worldwide, 50 million children— escaping war, climate change, Deng’s Story persecution and poverty—were leading uprooted lives in 2017.

That’s why we must unite to “I’ll be happy to see my sister, Achuei, again. It’s been a very, Thousands of families like Deng’s have been ripped apart by support UNICEF’s global agenda very long time,” says 14-year-old Deng, before taking a flight to decades of conflict across South Sudan. Children separated for refugee and migrant children Juba, of South Sudan. That’s where his older sister, from parents or adult siblings face exploitation, discrimination, and demand that governments: now 24, lives. violence, trafficking and abuse. They also lose a fundamental : Address the conditions that right: To grow up with their own families. force children from home Orphaned by war and forced from home, Deng—and his other : Help uprooted children stay sister, 16-year-old Mami—were 322 miles away, in a refugee Fortunately, UNICEF and partners have been working hard to healthy and in school camp. Neither had seen Achuei since 2011, when she left their help separated children like Deng and Mami in South Sudan. native city for school. For many years, Deng and Mami didn’t Since 2013, they have reunited 5,700 children with their families. : Keep families together and give children legal status “I want to thank the organization even know if Achuei was still alive. UNICEF also helps provide psychosocial support so these children can deal with trauma and the challenges of a new life. : Stop detaining refugee and that helped us find my sister Of course, Deng’s story is Achuei’s and Mami’s, too. After migrant children and find reuniting with her brother and sister, Achuei says, “I’ve been Grateful for the chance to live together again as a family, meet practical alternatives and get back to her.” waiting for Deng and Mami for a long time. I’ll do everything to his 4-year-old niece, Achol, for the first time, and return to : Combat xenophobia and make them happy.” Mami feels good, too, and reveals her hopes school, Deng adds, “I want to thank the organization that helped discrimination for the future, “I want to keep up with school and become a us find my sister and get back to her.”• : Protect uprooted children from doctor to help the people of South Sudan.” exploitation and violence 23 UNICEF’s emergency supply warehouse in Copenhagen is COPENHAGEN the largest in the world. That’s why UNICEF can ship /IRAQ lifesaving aid almost anywhere THE CARIBBEAN ROHINGYA/BANGLADESH in the world in 48 hours. YEMEN


25 Unite for Children in #ForEveryChild

• UNICEF delivered safe water 2017 Achievements to nearly 33 million people • UNICEF treated 3 million severely during emergencies. Emergencies malnourished children during • UNICEF provided psychosocial support humanitarian emergencies. to 3.5 million children suffering from emotional trauma in emergencies. • UNICEF provided over 15 million women and children with access to health care • Despite conflict and crisis, UNICEF in emergencies. helped 8.8 million children continue their education. CHILDREN AT RISK A CALL-TO-ACTION

Natural disasters and conflict threaten one in every four children in the world today. Bella’s Story That’s why we must unite to support UNICEF’s global agenda for children in emergencies and help: A smiling girl paused for a moment inside the National Technical Hurricane Irma, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded over Training Centre in St. John’s, the capital of the Caribbean island of the Atlantic, followed by Hurricane Maria, affected more than 1.4 : Meet funding needs Antigua. The center housed 130 people from the neighboring million people—more than a quarter of them children—in , (estimated at $3.6 billion for 48 million children in island of Barbuda, whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Haiti and the Eastern Caribbean. And these two storms were just 51 countries in 2018) Irma on September 6, 2017. a few of the 337 emergencies in 102 countries—involving conflict and natural disasters—which UNICEF responded to in 2017. : Provide flexible, unrestricted “My name is Bella,” the girl explained. “I’m six years old. I’m funds so UNICEF can security, and I’m taking out the garbage. I’m a volunteer. Helping UNICEF’s emergency assistance includes shelter, nutrition, safe respond quickly wherever need is greatest people.” She also sorted and folded donated clothes, cleaned water and health care. Since restoring a sense of normalcy for communal areas and helped distribute food and supplies. children is key to minimizing the toxic effects of trauma, UNICEF : Improve emergency also sets up child-friendly centers for psychosocial support and preparedness through Bella was one of many Antiguans who generously welcomed the provides interim schooling. planning, training and pre-positioned supplies “If the children can’t come here, nearly 2,000 residents of Barbuda who had to evacuate their island. With over 90 percent of Barbuda’s buildings destroyed, In her own small but powerful way, Bella has made a difference, : Ensure that disaster they’d have nowhere to go, many Barbudans had to remain on Antigua for up to a year before too. “I wanted to volunteer with my grandma,” Bella says. “If the response promotes long-term they could go home. children can’t come here, they’d have nowhere to go, and another change, including stronger and another storm could come.” storm could come.” health systems and child • protection initiatives 27 We owe our children–the most vulnerable citizens in any society–a life free from violence and fear.

Nelson Mandela

29 Unite to Put #UNICEFUnite

Children First “It was the quality and spirit of our presence this year In September 2018, that deserve “Every child…on special both sides of our UNICEF USA launched commendation.” border, and around the globe, only wants UNICEF UNITE, to be safe and protected Advocacy Day with hopes for a a new grassroots bright future.” • From March 10-13, 2018, our Annual Summit in initiative to inspire Washington, D.C. brought together UNICEF’s top Americans to advocate supporters, partners, students and other grassroots advocates to learn more about our priorities. Migrant and Refugee Children in the U.S. for children, at home and abroad. • On the Summit’s last day, a record 346 participants During Fiscal Year 2018, UNICEF USA increased its advocacy UNICEF has worked for many years in Central America to On page 34, learn how advocated for the world’s children in 211 meetings—28 for child migrants and refugees from Latin America facing strengthen child protection and address the root causes of of which included members of Congress—on Capitol Hill. threats from changing U.S. policies. Throughout this region, migration. Yet parents and children, desperate to find safety, you can join us and approximately 7 million children are migrants or refugees continue to seek asylum in the U.S. • Online, 2,441 activists—from all 50 states—sent 7,067 fleeing violence and life-threatening conditions at home. take action for children’s rights. emails to Congress advocating for the U.S. Government’s In response—with UNICEF and other U.S. NGOs—we have annual appropriation to UNICEF and the International UNICEF USA called for support for “Dreamers,” urged an taken steps beyond advocacy to support uprooted children in Of course, since our founding Violence Against Women Act. immediate end to the policy of separating migrant and refugee the U.S. These include: alternatives to detention; safe sponsorship and foster care for unaccompanied or separated UNICEF USA Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy children from their families, and raised our voice against in 1947, UNICEF USA and • children; expanded legal assistance during immigration Marty Rendon noted: “It was the quality and spirit of our detaining children indefinitely. These practices violate their proceedings; and promoting greater public understanding of our supporters have a long history presence this year that deserve special commendation. rights, and the resulting trauma can harm their health and uprooted children’s needs and rights. as champions for children. We are proud of the efforts our supporters made to come development. We also encouraged our supporters to advocate • to Washington to speak out.” for the “Keep Families Together Act” and enshrine protections for uprooted children in U.S. law. Here are some highlights of • Thanks in part to our advocacy, Congress once again our advocacy and work within the approved $132.5 million for UNICEF, providing unrestricted As President & CEO of UNICEF USA Caryl Stern said: “Every child dollars that enabled it to target resources quickly to I’ve met, on both sides of our border, and around the globe, only Learn more about UNICEF’s global advocacy agenda for children forced from home United States during Fiscal Year 2018. children in greatest need. wants to be safe and protected with hopes for a bright future.” on page 22.

31 #UNICEFUnite Hurricanes Harvey & Maria

During Fiscal Year 2018, invited by state and local authorities, UNICEF USA helped provide emergency assistance after Impact Highlights two catastrophic hurricanes—Harvey in Houston, Texas and Maria in Puerto Rico. These storms affected millions of • UNICEF USA and partners supported training of 2,745 staff in 53 Houston schools, reaching almost 38,267 students. children and families. In Puerto Rico, Maria was responsible • Ninety-eight percent of trained facilitators in Houston demonstrated #HerToo Campaign for an estimated 3,000 deaths or more. This was our first proficiency in trauma support, and 80 percent gave high ratings to domestic emergency response since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. their understanding of trauma and how to help affected children. • In the fall of 2017—coinciding with #MeToo and a

• With local partners in Puerto Rico, we supported eight revamped UNICEF report on violence against children—UNICEF Thanks to partners and donors, we provided relief including community kitchens that have served more than 40,000 meals to more USA launched a campaign called #HerToo. family dignity and hygiene kits and safe water supplies in than 1,700 children so far. Puerto Rico, and teacher training in Houston schools on how • With partners in New York State and Puerto Rico — 427 college • We sought to empower millions of girls and women to support children suffering from trauma. student volunteers (contributing a total of 41,000 hours) and who survived violence and discrimination, but weren’t 31 volunteer staff worked side by side with local construction able to share their stories. As our Senior Advisor, Child Migration, Child Protection, workers to help rebuild 178 homes. Global Programs Lisa Szarkowski explains: “Though largely • #HerToo garnered major media coverage, including The invisible, trauma is as destructive as the floodwater; it can Guardian, and Glamour. freeze a child’s brain and keep him/her locked in survival mode We leveraged major influencers, including #MeToo for life, stunting brain growth in key areas of functioning.” • leaders Tarana Burke and Alyssa Milano, who wrote a Our support for innovative post-trauma services in Houston joint Guardian op-ed: “#HerToo is about … UNICEF’s paid dividends in Puerto Rico, too. Our Director of Humanitarian work—work we all must undertake—to end discrimination Response Edison Sabala noted: “We supported schools and and violence against girls and women—and against all nonprofit, child-centered partners to help provide psycho- children suffering violence and harassment—worldwide.” social and emotional support for the most vulnerable children, As of April 2018, #HerToo earned 62,700 mentions, who continue to cope with loss in the aftermath of the storm.” • 193,100 engagements and 4.6 million social media impressions. With partners, we also helped provide nutrition, improve “UNICEF USA’s “#HerToo is about… UNICEF’s health care and foster recovery in Puerto Rico. After a work on Traditional and digital media coverage generated more and the determination work — work we all • recent progress assessment in Puerto Rico, Sabala added: must undertake — to end than 86.6 million impressions. “Puerto Rico’s journey to full recovery is long, but I have of our partners are helping to build discrimination and been inspired that UNICEF USA’s work on the island and The two images above are examples of shareables that can be violence against girls Our supporters sent approximately 76,000 letters to stronger, more resilient found and downloaded on • the determination of our partners are helping to build communities.” and women…” U.S. Senators in support of the Stop Enabling Sex stronger, more resilient communities.”• Traffickers Act of 2017, which became law in April 2018.


LEARN, BUILD ADVOCATE FUNDRAISE SPEAK OUT COMMUNITY : Urge the : Join a local UNICEF : Join briefings, : Grow the government to fundraiser—or  webinars, trainings movement across put children first in start your own! and events with America to funding and policy. : Learn how to UNICEF experts. fight for : Get legislative launch online : Share UNICEF’s  children’s rights. alerts. fundraisers. message.

35 ATLANTA Awardees Dikembe Mutombo (UNICEF A O USA Board of Directors) and Rose Mutombo attend T N G N O A the Southeast Region’s 4th annual UNICEF Gala on A T C L S I April 12, 2018. T O H A B C BOSTON K.I.N.D. Scholarship recipient Joyce Chisale and awardee Lawrence O’Donnell (K.I.N.D. founder) stand together at the New England Region’s 14th annual UNICEF Gala on May 23, 2018. Each year H H H CHICAGO Event Co-Chairs Kim Cornell and Sheilah Burnham (Midwest Board Member) attend the Midwest Region’s 11th annual UNICEF Gala on April 28, 2018. across DALLAS Awardees Rob and Sheryl Lowe stand SIC AS N together at the Great Plains (Texas) Region’s S L O A C T 1st annual UNICEF Gala on February 3, 2018. L F S L L U A O O GOLF CLASSIC Former Super Bowl Champions D G H Billy Ard, Howard Cross and Mark Bavaro smile for the camera—along with UNICEF Golf Classic UNICEF USA Committee member Michael Sasso—after the the nation New York Region’s annual Golf Classic on offers September 18, 2017 in West Nyack, New York.

unforgettable H H H Margaret Alkek Williams (Honorary Chair, HOUSTON Southwest Regional Board and UNICEF Gala Award special events namesake) and Susan Boggio (Chair, Southwest Regional Board) pose before the “step and repeat” H to engage at the Southwest Region’s 5th annual UNICEF Gala S SCO LE CI on May 4, 2018. H E K H N G R supporters and O A N Y R F H A LOS ANGELES Founding event Chair Ghada Irani S W N (UNICEF USA Board of Directors) and Bana al-Abed raise funds for O E A L N S attend the Southern Region’s 7th biennial H UNICEF Ball on April 14, 2018. UNICEF’s

NEW YORK Jake Gyllenhaal, UNICEF USA H lifesaving work President and CEO Caryl M. Stern, and honoree H H H H Lucy Meyer (UNICEF USA Spokesperson for for children. Children with Disabilities) share a moment during H the 13th annual Snowflake Ball on November 28, 2017.

SAN FRANCISCO Honoree Ishmael Beah H (UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador) speaks onstage at the Northwest Region’s inaugural UNICEF Gala on October 7, 2017.

37 FINANCIAL “ REPORT The question is not whether

UNICEF USA is committed to the principles of the Sarbanes- major donor agreements, major vendor contracts, and we can afford to invest in Oxley Act, as it applies to not-for-profit corporations, and to whistleblower and conflict-of-interest policies, as well as a using strong internal controls and reporting methods that review at the regional offices, and all were found to be emphasize documentation, implementation and testing. As a reliable and effective. We are also in compliance with result, we have maintained the highest level of ethical, Federal Form 990 requirements and comply with 403(b) every child; it is whether we business and financial practices, enabling UNICEF USA to Form 5500 audit requirements. remain financially sound and sustainable. Any findings are reported to the Audit Committee and The financial summary on pages 40-41 highlights our shared with our independent auditors. The same rigor has Marian Wright Edelman financial statements, all of which KPMG LLP have audited. been applied when reviewing our information technologies can afford not to. A complete set of our financial statements, including the systems for compliance and control. related notes with auditor’s unqualified opinion, is available upon request as well as on our website. We believe our internal controls, coupled with continued enhancements, oversight and internal audit process testing, At the direction of the Audit Committee, UNICEF USA’s provide reasonable assurance that our financial reports and management has continued to enhance a robust internal audit statements are reliable and that they comply with generally plan that emphasizes compliance, accountability, data security accepted accounting principles. and reliability in order to help counter any risks that could Caryl M. Stern Edward G. Lloyd impact the internal control systems of the organization. The PRESIDENT & CEO CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER scope of our internal audit testing, approved by the Audit & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Committee, included testing of controls at our national headquarters involving our grant-making and approval process,


PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2018 FISCAL YEAR 2017 NOTE 1 Public support Through the Office of Public Policy and CONTRIBUTIONS Advocacy in Washington, D.C., UNICEF USA 26.1% acts as an advocate for the well-being of the TOTAL Corporate $ 35,685,484 $ 25,419,593 world’s children. One of the specific functions Major gifts 43,734,203 31,994,746 of the Public Policy Office is to advise both SOURCES F Y 2018 Foundations Summary of UNICEF USA’s sources 162,813,951 96,577,850 the administration and Congress about the * Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 96,804,356 71,224,878 importance of the voluntary contributions OF REVENUE of support and how we distribute our Direct marketing 47,975,080 48,375,773 made to UNICEF by the U.S. Government. Trick-or-Treat program 1,912,099 2,095,973 UNICEF USA’s efforts in this regard helped program assistance. Internet 30,086,482 27,144,917 to get Congress to direct the U.S. Government Corporations Other 32,371,518 38,879,558 to allocate $132.5 million to UNICEF in 2018. (including 23.4% GIFTS-IN-KIND 118,428,510 146,326,697 This funding is provided directly to UNICEF in-kind support) and is not reflected as revenue in the SPECIAL EVENTS INCOME, NET OF EXPENSES 8,154,054 7,723,103 $ 154,113,993 Summary of Financial Highlights. BEQUESTS AND LEGACIES 14,617,645 10,665,630 However, related expenses are included Total public support $ 592,583,382 $ 506,428,718 in total program services. Individuals $ 138,325,509 Revenue NOTE 2 GREETING CARDS & OTHER REVENUE $2,986,331 $2,856,411 UNICEF USA has total net assets of Other public INVESTMENT RETURN 2,240,488 2,746,448 $143.5 million that consist of: CHANGE IN VALUE OF SPLIT-INTEREST AGREEMENTS (159,668) (104,958) Unrestricted 71,188,041 support Temporarily Restricted 68,192,258 Total revenue $ 5,067,151 $ 5,497,901 $ 137,329,928 Permanently Restricted 4,142,329 23.2% TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE $ 597,650,533 $ 511,926,619 Total $143,522,628 Foundations Unrestricted net assets are used to account TOTAL $ 162,813,951 for public support that is unrestricted in PROGRAM EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2018 PERCENT FISCAL YEAR 2017 PERCENT nature. Temporarily restricted net assets are 53.7% OF TOTAL OF TOTAL used to account for contributions that have * Program services EXPENSES EXPENSES donor-imposed restrictions that have not EXPENDITURES GRANTS TO UNICEF AND OTHER NGOs $ 490,259,467 $ 433,634,612 been fulfilled either in time or by purpose. 27.5% PUBLIC INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND PROGRAM SERVICES 20,656,518 17,732,444 Permanently restricted net assets are utilized Child Survival, including Health ADVOCACY 2,487,355 1,863,395 to account for true endowments, whereby and Nutrition Total program services $ 513,403,340 89% $ 453,230,451 88% the donor has permitted UNICEF USA to use $ 263,093,410 the income for operations but has prohibited 1.2% Supporting services the use of principal. Temporarily restricted net assets will be used to fund various projects Education MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL 18,874,460 3% 15,086,334 3% such as child survival (including nutrition FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 45,540,141 8% 44,453,935 9% $ 5,893,209 and health), child protection, emergencies 9.7% Total supporting services $ 64,414,601 11% $ 59,540,269 12% (including the Global Mercury Emergency Fund), education and other programs. Emergencies TOTAL EXPENSES $ 577,817,941 100% $ 512,770,720 100% $ 47,599,262 NOTE 3 This summary was prepared by UNICEF USA Loss on defeasance of bonds - $ (850,247) from its financial statements, which were Other Program Areas Change in net assets $ 19,832,592 $ (1,694,348) 10.9% audited by KPMG LLP. The complete financial $ 53,345,073 Net assets at beginning of year $123,690,036 $ 125,384,384 statements, including the related notes and Net assets at end of year $ 143,522,628 $ 123,690,036 auditor’s report, are available upon request or *Percentages Water and Sanitation on UNICEF USA’s website at may not sum up $ 120,328,513 to 100% due to rounding. 24.5% 41 WE THANK THE FOLLOWING UNICEFUSA.ORG GENEROUS PARTNERS THAT GAVE $1 MILLION OR MORE IN GIFTS OR GIFTS-IN-KIND TO UNICEF USA IN FISCAL YEAR 2018. FY18 SUPPORTERS


Bill & Melinda Gates Anonymous (2) © Foundation Education Above All/ Clooney Foundation Educate A Child for Justice George Lucas Margaret A. Cargill Family Foundation Purvi and Harsh Padia National Philanthropic Trust Mr. Andrew Smith

43 WE THANK THE FOLLOWING Lam Research Foundation GRANTS OF $100,000 AND ABOVE Nour Foundation Mr. Carmelo K. Anthony Randell Charitable Fund* Louis Vuitton Americas Kirk Humanitarian Somali Health Board Jim and Donna Barber Carrie D. Rhodes-Nigam and Vishal Nigam* GENEROUS ORGANIZATIONS TisBest Jennifer Paradis Behle and Tim Behle Manizeh and Danny Rimer Pfizer Inc. CONTINUED PROGRAM SUPPORT Union Congregational Church Marc and Lynne Benioff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers AND INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR S’well Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Association – USA, Susan and Dan Boggio* The Catherine and Will Rose Family Fund SUPPORT OF UNICEF USA Davis Community, California Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boushka* Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sable* United Nations Association of Southern Arizona Morris Braun Foundation The Herbert Simon Family Foundation* The Starbucks Foundation ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS IN FISCAL YEAR 2018 Yin-Shun Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brinker* Elizabeth Smith GIFTS OF $100,000 AND ABOVE GIFTS OF $50,000,000 AND ABOVE Daniel J. Brutto* Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Spurlino* CORPORATIONS Avery Dennison Foundation Rotary International HUMANITARIAN CIRCLE Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burnett Joel and Debby Tan Companies and/or their employees BD The Humanitarian Circle recognizes UNICEF USA’s Serena Simmons Connelly* Mr. and Mrs. Kirill Tatarinov that supported UNICEF USA, Brooks GIFTS OF $1,000,000 ABOVE most generous individual donors, offering special The Daniel Family Ms. Julie Taymor including in-kind gifts. opportunities to connect with UNICEF’s work. Cisco Systems, Inc. Kiwanis International / Kiwanis Children’s Fund The Dietz Family Fund* Mr. Phil Telfeyan*

For more information, please visit FY18 SUPPORTERS The Container Store LDS Charities Youri Djorkaeff Foundation William and Joyce Thibodeaux* GIFTS OF $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Global Impact Zonta International Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eaton* Ms. Tori Thomas American Airlines H&M *Special thanks to donors, marked with an asterisk, Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Eisenson* Byron and Tina Trott* Carnival Corporation plc & HSN, Inc. GIFTS OF $100,000 AND ABOVE who have supported UNICEF USA for each of the The Charles Engelhard Foundation* Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Foundation Google KTLA Dining for Women past five years. We deeply appreciate your loyalty The Enrico Foundation Bruce and Jina Veaco Foundation* Grey Advertising Les Mills International Hamdan Bin Mohammed Award to children in need. Stefan Findel and Susan Cummings-Findel* Elbert H., Evelyn J., and Karen H. Waldron Gucci for Innovation in Project Management John and Cindi Galiher* Charitable Foundation* Johnson Johnson, Inc. & Norwegian Air The New York Community Trust UNICEF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL GHR Foundation Mr. Robert J. Weltman* Merck The Occasions Group Somos Una Voz GIFTS OF $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Ms. Kaia Miller Goldstein and Mr. Jonathan Goldstein* Ms. Christina Zilber* Pier 1 Imports, Inc. Trimble Foundation Anonymous (2) Mark and Ana Maria Gordon Prudential Financial Education Above All / Educate A Child* CHAMPION UnitedHealth Group Inc. GIFTS OF $50,000 AND ABOVE Mr. H. Stephen Harris, Jr. and Ms. Shigeko Ikeda Target Corporation George Lucas Family Foundation GIFTS OF $50,000 AND ABOVE GlobalGiving Mr. John A. Herrmann The UPS Foundation Purvi and Harsh Padia* Anonymous (10) DONATION OF SERVICES UNFCU Foundation The Hoglund Foundation The Walt Disney Company Mr. Andrew Smith Ms. Nasiba Adilova and Mr. Thomas Hartland-Mackie Delta Airlines United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Mr. and Mrs. Dariush Hosseini* Impetus Foundation in honor of the Alvarez Al Khayyat Foundation GIFTS OF $250,000 AND ABOVE INNOVATOR and Fernandez Families Margaret Alkek Williams and the Albert and ALEX AND ANI FOUNDATIONS GIFTS OF $10,000 AND ABOVE GIFTS OF $500,000 AND ABOVE Albert Ip Margaret Alkek Foundation The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Anonymous* Isdell Family Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Ballentine* Apple Inc. GRANTS OF $50,000,000 AND ABOVE Center for Arab American Philanthropy The Derek A.T. Drummond Fund* Abram and Ray Kaplan Foundation Mr. Tom Barrack Applied Medical Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Circle K International G. Barrie Landry and the Landry Family Foundation* Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Kim Joseph J. Bittker and Deanna I. Bittker Foundation* Facebook The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International The Tom Mikuni and Minnie Obe Hirayama Kwok Foundation Ms. Cathleen Black Charitable Fund Florida Panthers Hockey Club, Ltd. GRANTS OF $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Inc. Clara Lionel Foundation George and Danielle Boutros Barbara and Edward Shapiro Fondation CHANEL Clooney Foundation for Justice The General Federation Of Women’s Clubs Bob and Tamar Manoukian* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown* Garnier USA Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Institute for Sport and Mr. John W. McNear Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting* DEFENDER -Pacific LLC National Philanthropic Trust Jeunesse Kids Foundation Inc Charles, Jamie and Lucy Meyer* Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burnham GIFTS OF $100,000 AND ABOVE Hallmark Marketing Company Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation The Milagro Foundation Chappell Culpeper Family Foundation Anonymous (9) Hasbro Children’s Foundation GRANTS OF $500,000 AND ABOVE Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Rick and Nancy Moskovitz Foundation Cogan Family Foundation* The Ajram Family Foundation* IKEA Foundation New Venture Fund Nonbelief Relief, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Nowitzki Cousins Foundation, Inc. Allie and Mark Allyn* Jefferies LLC The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation North American Bangladeshi Islamic Community Salma Hayek Pinault Dolores Rice Gahan and Thomas J. Gahan* L’Oréal USA - Giorgio Armani Fragrances Moll and Charlie Anderson* Mahin Ghaffari 45 HUMANITARIAN CIRCLE (continued) Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Churchill* Mr. Keith Hartt and Ms. Ann Houston Wiedie* Mr. and Mrs. Ashish S. Prasad Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey White Mr. Norman Godinho Jim and Francesca Silva and Janice Dorizensky* Dr. and Mrs. Jon Citow Mr. Syed Hasan Dr. William Prinzmetal Mr. George Wick and Ms. Marianne Mitosinka* Corinne Levy Goldman and Daniel Goldman Harold Simmons Foundation* Gary and Lori Cohen* The Haslam Family Foundation Debbie and Dave Rader* Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wilson* Ms. Dorothy M. GoodykoontzUNICEFUSA.ORG Mr. and Mrs. Devin Sloane Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs* Vandana Radhakrishnan and Sangeet Pillai Mr. Thomas Wylie Holly Gores and Tom Gores Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connolly Mr. Yusuf Iqbal and Mrs. Nabilah Siddiquee* Resnick Family Foundation Tyler and Karen Zachem Hamd Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ewout Steenbergen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Coons Mr. Jeffrey Jackson Reynolds Family Foundation* Olivia B. Hansen Brendan and Kerry Swords Mr. James Craigie Janet and Michael Jamiolkowski Jean A. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. James Haslam, III Debra J. Tan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cullen Ms. Jeri Johnson Mr. Jeff Rich and Ms. Jan Miller Ms. Susan J. Holliday* Mr. Bernard Taylor* Governor and Mrs. Gray Davis (Ret.)* Camille and Natacha Julmy* Ms. Leigh Rinearson GET ACTIVE. Joel and Michelle Holsinger* Ms. Elizabeth Tran Gitika Marathay Desai and Amit Desai Ms. Sarah Kauss Geraldo and Erica Rivera James E. and Christine L. Hurtsellers Ms. Susan Trice Drs. Kishor and Vasanti Desai Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation The Rogers Foundation Ghada and Ray Irani Mrs. Alia Tutor* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Dietz Derek Kirkland and Lisa Kirkland Rosse Family Charitable Foundation SAVE LIVES. Farouk and Jennifer Juma Mr. Jeffrey Urbina and Ms. Gaye Hill Dr. Scholl Foundation Ms. Margery E. Knapp Rubin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bashar Kalai Stanley and Kimberly Van Gundy Mr. David B. DuBard and Ms. Deirdre M. Giblin* Ms. Toni Ko Mr. Christopher Sacca FY18 SUPPORTERS Mr. Philip Kavesh* Ms. Hallie Vanderhider Max Duckworth and Sarah Godlewski* Ms. Faye Kolhonen Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Sagart W.M. Keck Foundation* Walters Family Foundation, Inc.* Ms. Sally Matson Edwards Amy Kuehner Julian Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. David S. Kim* The Wasily Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Joel Embiid Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Ladas Mr. Ted Sarandos and Ambassador Nicole Avant Dr. Sarah P. Korda Chip and Vera Wells Haseena J. Enu and Randall K. Hulme Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lazarus Milton Schneider Peter and Deborah Lamm* The Wilson Family Foundation* Ms. Mary Callahan Erdoes and Mr. Philip Erdoes* Lear Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Schnyder-Stiftung Eileen and Kase Lawal* Marion and Robert Wilson The Saul and Theresa Esman Foundation Lebenthal Family Foundation* Ed and Mary Schreck* Kaleen Lemmon and Arthur Fogel Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zomber* Ms. Jacqueline Evans Harold and Helen Lerner* Dr. and Mrs. Pravin M. Shah Ms. Téa Leoni* Mr. Mel Zwissler* Mary T. Feeley Barth and Alex Barth The Link Foundation* Shahriar and Nicole Shahida Ms. Susan Littlefield and Mr. Martin F. Roper* Mr. Elliot Ferwerda Penny and Paul Loyd* Shield-Ayres Foundation Beth Madison PROTECTOR Ray C. Fish Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo A. S. Madrigal* Ms. Willow Shire* The Magic Pebble Foundation* GIFTS OF $25,000 AND ABOVE Ms. Elizabeth W. Floor* James and VanTrang Manges Ms. Emma E. Shirock Ms. Sterling McDavid Anonymous (22) Rebecca Gaples and Simon Harrison Ms. Michela Masson The Lester & Sue Smith Foundation Anonymous Fund of MCF Mr. and Mrs. William F. Achtmeyer Myron and Sally Gaylord June G. Mathis Mr. and Mrs. John P. Squires* Mr. Ryan McJunkin Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams The Edward and Verna Gerbic Family Foundation* Ms. Maureen A. McGuire* June A. Stack Adam and Martha Metz Mr. David Adelman Mr. John Glass The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Martha Stadelman Michael and Lori Milken Family Foundation Hugh J. Andersen Foundation William and Carolyn Glastris Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Mitchell* Mr. Joe Staines and Ms. Charlotte M. Turnbull James and Insu Nuzzi* Mr. Terry Anderson* The Arthur J. and Lee R. Glatfelter Foundation Mrs. Anne Tyler Modarressi Mr. and Ms. James D. Stanton Christine M.J. Oliver* Quincy Anderson Ms. Alice R. Goldman and Mr. Benjamin B. Reiter* Mr. William Neeson Craig R. and Dorothy W. Stapleton* This year, UNICEF Kid Power achieved a The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation Darren and Kathryn Ash Foundation Mr. Michael W. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Nelson Stonbely Family Foundation* milestone—reaching over 550,000 children Mr. Matthew Pasts* Ms. Meri Barnes Ms. Stacy J. Samuels Susan and David Nethero Dawn E. Stucki in underserved elementary schools in over Mr. Minhaj Patel and Ms. Samiah Zafar The Barstow Foundation* Gratis Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation Judith M. Stucki 1,000 cities and towns across the United Gloria Principe and John O’Farrell Ms. Marie Bednar Ward and Marlene Greenberg* Mr. Lawrence O’Donnell Mrs. Marguerite M. Swartz States. With the introduction of a video-driven Joanna and Stephen Ratner Charitable Fund* Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bekenstein* Mr. Jonas Grossman and Ms. Cari Hamlet Carol Olmstead Ping Y. Tai Foundation, Inc.* learning experience that teaches empathy Cheryl and Haim Saban and the Wendy and Ron Bell Mindy and Neil Grossman* Mrs. Harriette P. Otteson Roy and Judy Torrance and teamwork, Kid Power is on its way to Saban Family Foundation Leah Bishop and Gary Yale* Ms. Desiree Gruber and Mr. Kyle MacLachlan Mr. Filippo Pacifici Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Trauber empowering an entire generation of American Mrs. Lily Safra* Mr. and Mrs. Melynda M. Bortnak Hilary and Bryant Gumbel Edward and Alexis Pappas Ms. Daniella Vitale and Mr. David Biro* children. Learn more about how we’re Ms. Zoe Saldana-Perego Aryeh Bourkoff Carol J. Hamilton Ms. Susan T. Peters and Mr. Richard J. Lee* The Walbridge Fund, Ltd. connecting kids’ everyday activity to real Susan and Fayez Sarofim Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hancock Bill and Suzanne Plybon* Ms. Emily L. Watts and Mr. Alfred Johnson world impact at Frank and Wendy Serrino* Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Brizius Dr. Gulshan Harjee and Zul Devji Dr. Polakof and Mr. Osher Linda and Peter Werner* 47 HUMANITARIAN CIRCLE (continued) The Barrington Foundation, Inc. Mr. Travis T. Brown and Ms. Teresa C. Barger Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Nijad Fares Miles and Emery Golson ADVOCATE Mr. and Mrs. Brett Bartlett Mr. Nick Bruel Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Corinaldesi John Fawcett Dr. and Mrs. Orlando Gonzalez* GIFTS OF $10,000 AND ABOVE Mr. Rocco Basile Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruno* RoAnn Costin John and Sharon Felsenthal Susan Luick Good and Frederick Good Anonymous (40) UNICEFUSA.ORG Mr. and Mrs. Doug Basler Mrs. Judith Buechner Mr. Tom Cote and Ms. Fotene Demoulas Mr. Leon Ferder Mr. William M. Goodykoontz and Ms. Deborah Hart Dr. Farhad Abar Mr. Edwin L. Batson and Ms. Susan D. Snell Mr. Edouard Bugnion and Ms. Marie-Christine Champain Mr. Carlo Cottarelli Ms. Pamela Fiori and Mr. Colt Givner Mr. Martin Gore Farida Abjani Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beavers Bujake Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crownover Mr. Wiliam Fisk Joyce and Tim Goss* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beemer Mr. Daniel J. Burke CSP Family Foundation Ms. Ellen Fithian Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Graham Acesse Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Bell The Burlingame Foundation Mr. Damian Cunningham and Ms. Triona O’Hanlon Mr. Nessan E. Fitzmaurice and Ms. Frances McCaughan Ms. Maria C. Green Ms. Beverly J. Adkins Dolores E. Bell Ron and Carol Burmeister* Mr. Ari Daie Mr. and Mrs. Larry Flax Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Greville* Ms. Sharon V. Agar and Mr. Richard P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Belt Mrs. Duane L. Burnham and Mrs. Susan E. Burnham Mrs. Marilyn Dakin Mr. James Fordyce Drs. Marie Griffin and Robert Coffey* Mr. and Mrs. Ajay Agarwal Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Bennett Miss Susan O. Bush Philip Daluge Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fouracre Mr. Philip Griggs Kaveh and Kate Aghevli Mr. Glen Beram Mr. Alistair Butler The Danielson Foundation The Frankfort Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Cavan Groves Mr. Ehsan Alam Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bergeron Mr. Gerard Butler Ms. Sandra C. Davidson Mr. Lawrence Fredricks Mr. Timothy J. Groves Alchemy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Berliner* Dr. Fatih Buyuksonmez Brenda and Henry Davis Mr. and Mrs. Marc Freedman Mr. Jeremiah Gums FY18 SUPPORTERS Dr. and Mrs. Abdulwahab Aldousany* Mr. George J. Bernet III and Mrs. Patricia Peck Bernet Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cahillane Ms. M. Patricia Davis and Mr. Wesley P. Callendaer Dr. and Mrs. Jon A. Frieboes Sanjay and Rebecca Gupta* Mr. Omar Al-Helew Ms. Pooja Bhandari Mr. Charles C. Cahn, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Byron De Foor Mr. Eric S. Friedman and Ms. Jenny A. Austin Mr. Spencer Guthrie Al-Khalidi Foundation Drs. Tasneem and Vikram Bhatia Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Caldwell Euphemia De Rijk Ms. Rebecca Frith Mr. Shezad Habib Dr. Rouba Ali-Fehmi Louis and Carol Bickle David O. Calligaro and Manisha A. Desai Ms. Francoise Debreu Laura Fuentes and William Meyer Haddock Stanton Foundation Mr. J. Lindsey Alley* Mr. and Mrs. David M. Binkley* Camden Foundation Dr. Naseem Deen Mr. and Mrs. Sheila Fulling Munir Hafez Susan W. Almy* Philip and Odile Birsh Christine D. Cameron Samuel E. DeMerit The J. B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Mr. Bent Hagemark* Najwa Alqattan Marilyn Bishop Bonner Campbell Mr. Dennis L. Director Ms. Karen Fussy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haidar Ms. Shreena Amin Mr. Sami Bitar Chris Campbell Vijay Divakaran Miss Casey Gahan Harisha Haigh The Anbinder Family Foundation Mr. and Ms. Robert Blackman Ms. Jasmin Canlas Kristie L. DiVerde and John H. DiVerde Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gaido Dr. and Ms. Raymond M. Hakim Mr. and Ms. Bruce Anders Ms. Debbie Blankenhorn Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Caraboolad Mr. William Doheny Prince Piotr Galitzine and Princess Maria A. Galitzine Dr. Philip Halon Ms. Seda Arca Mr. Sean Blixseth Mr. Jose Cardenas William C. Dowling, Jr. Foundation Mr. Gregory Garcia Ms. Jill Hanau Anita L. Archer* Barbara H. and James A. Block* Paul Casey Ms. Kathleen Doyle and Mr. Ren Herr Manny J. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hannan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Armstrong Mr. Orlando Bloom Mr. Noel A. Castellon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doyle Mr. Aaron Garnett Kimberly and John Harding Mr. Warren B. Armstrong The Walter and Adi Blum Foundation, Inc Norman J. Cerk and Heewon B. Cerk Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Duffield The Geoga Family Foundation Dr. Sean E. Harper and Mrs. Stella Harpoothian Michelle and Robert Atchinson Mr. and Mrs. David Bonnette Youngjin Cha Ms. Genevieve L. Duncan K. A. Gerlich Ms. Mary Harris* The Sandra Atlas Bass and Edyth and Ralph S. Boone Jo Champa Ms. Mary Dolores Durkin Arkadi Gerney and Ms. Nancy D. Meakem Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harrison Sol G. Atlas Fund, Inc.* The Otis Booth Foundation Meihua and Chungcheng Chen Ms. Jennifer Durrett Ms. Elizabeth Gesner Mr. Dro Hartoonians Hesham Atwa Charlotte T. Bordeaux Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chernin Mr. and Mrs. Alex Earls Ms. Lisa Giacosa-Rupp Mr. Stephen Harty The Ellen Tsao Au-Yang Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Bossy Diane Chestnut Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Eatherton Nancy E. Gibbs, M.D.* Paul and Ty Harvey* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avant Ms. Deborah K. Bothun* Ms. Nora Cifric Susan and John Eckert Peter and Ann Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hawkins Mr. Mitchell Avent Ms. Jessie Bourneuf and Mr. Thomas J. Dougherty* Mr. John R. Cleveland Spencer P. Edelbaum MaryLou and Vince Giustini Mr. Larry Hawkins K. R. Awad Mr. John Bowers Ms. Mary B. Cockerham Paul and Sandy Edgerley Drs. Alan and Wendy Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hayek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Azoulay Mr. and Ms. Reggie Bradford Bruce and Mary Louise Cohen Carol Egan Ms. Jennifer Glaspie and Mr. Brian Spillane Roth Armstrong Hayes Foundation Charles and Nancy Bagley* The Paul and Sherry Broadhead Foundation Ms. Irene A. Cohen-Post Mr. David E. Eggert Bennett Glen Fund* Mr. Tim Headington Hilton and Butler Ball Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson CohnReznick Foundation, Inc. Mr. Steven A. Ellers Justin Gmelich and Victoria Gmelich Heartland Children’s Foundation Mary Jan and Paul Bancroft* Mr. Donald W. Brown and Ms. Lynn Wardley Virginia Coleman Mr. David M. Ernick* Lorraine Gnecco and Stephen Legomsky Mr. George Hecht Ms. Nancy Bard and Mr. Don Baer Mr. John Brown The Collier Family Fund* Mr. David Escarzega* Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gold Dr. Josefine Heim-Hall and Dr. Kevin Hall* Ms. Jasmine Barr Dr. Lori Brown Cindy and John Compton Negin Ewald Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goldberg* Mr. J.M. Hemmer Ms. Claudia Barragan* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brown Alexi and Steven Conine Ms. Katy Falco Sylvia Golden* Mr. Steven Hendricks 49 HUMANITARIAN CIRCLE (continued) Lakshmi Kamaraju and Kishore Kalluri Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Levy Mr. Robert W. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newhouse Jim and Denise Poole Greg and Joanie Henry Jody Kaminsky Mr. and Ms. Carol S. Lewis Katie McGrath and J.J. Abrams Family Foundation William Newkirk and Cheryl Tschanz Family Foundation Joseph Powell The Hexberg Family Foundation Etsuko Kan Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Lichty Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIngvale Ms. Katherine Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. George R. Prince, Jr.* Mr. Duncan J. HighsmithUNICEFUSA.ORG and Ms. Ana Araujo* Mr. and Ms. Angela Kang Ms. Dominique Lien* Mr. and Mrs. William C. McManemin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols* Margot and Thomas Pritzker Family Foundation Bana and Nabil Hilal* Sonia and Gaurav Kapadia Mr. Paulo Lima Shari McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nichols Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation Mr. Jeffrey Hirsch Mr. Saied and Mrs. Vida Karamooz* Mr. Tony Lin Walter and Sarah Medlin* Eleanor and Togo Nishiura Mrs. M. Virginia Procter Mrs. Louise S. Hoffman Mr. Tony Kastoon Mr. Edward G. Lloyd and Mrs. Carole Darden Lloyd* Mr. and Mrs. Zubin Mehta Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Northrop, III* Robin Kim and Jason Proctor Michael R. Hoffman and Patricia R. Bayerlein* Mr. and Ms. Mel Kay The Longhill Charitable Foundation, Inc. Meier Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Noyes Ms. Danielle Pruitt Mr. Andrew Hohns and Ms. Leah Popowich Mrs. Elizabeth A. Keeley Mr. Bradley Lord The Mendelsohn Family Fund* Mrs. Michele A. Nye and Mr. Walter J. Nye Mr. Kurian Puthenpurayil Jill Lacher Holmes* Margaret H. and James E. Kelley Foundation* Mike Lowell Foundation Meenal Menezes The Ogilvey Foundation Wesley D. Putnam Ann and Tod Holmes* Mr. and Mrs. Kelter John and Doug Luce Sneha and Nick Merchant Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Leary Dr. Mohamed H. Ragab Daniel and Barbara Horne Gladys Kessler* Luetkemeyer Jr. Family Foundation David and Emily Merjan OneFamily Foundation Ms. Aparna Rao and Mr. Parag Shah The Khaled Hosseini Foundation Paul Kessler and Diana Derycz-Kessler Foundation Debbie and James Lustig Christine and Louis Messina Stephen and Tamrah Schaller O’Neil* Massimo and Kristina Rapparini* Mr. Mark and Mrs. Sharon Hosseini Mr. and Mrs. David Kester Mr. John Maatta and Ms. Lilly Lee Mr. Joseph W. Metz* Dr. Mairead M. O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rastin FY18 SUPPORTERS Drs. John and Suzan House Khachaturian Foundation Ms. Marilyn R. MacDonald Nina and Matt Meyersohn Ms. Rowan O’Riley* Christopher Rauschenberg The Houser Foundation, Inc. Drs. Parvez and Shabana Khan Mr. Ward B. Mackey Joanie and Ed Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oristaglio Fahim and Norin Razzaque Mr. John R. Houston Aseem and Sabrina Khatri Mr. and Ms. D.G. MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Michel San and Sarah Orr Gautham and Rebecca Reddy* Ms. Jeannette Hsu-McSweeney and Mr. Todd McSweeney Dr. Venkatesh V. Kidambi Ms. Mary Ann Mahoney* Salma G. Mikhail* Ms. Lida Orzeck Ms. Mary E. Rees Ms. Anne Humes Linda B. Mr. Victor Makau* Ms. Virginia M. Miller Mr. Gokhan Ozgen Drs. Linda and Russell Reeves* Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall Hunt Mr. Frederick J. Koch Makoff Family Foundation Milner Francini Family Foundation Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pabian Ms. Stephanie Rein Yuko and Bill Hunt Mr. James D. Koch Dr. and Mrs. Alex Malaspina Gillian and Sylvester Miniter Ashok S. Padia Mr. Michel Renard and Ms. Marie Bisschops Shawn Hurley Dr. Marlise C. Konort Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradford Malt* MLM Charitable Foundation* Lisa Attman Palmer The Revelle Fund Sherif Ibrahim Alexei Kosut and Laura Back Dr. Mark A. Mandel and Ms. Emilia Pirro Mandel Ms. Shaida Mohamed Mr. Gursharan S. Pannu Joyce Rey* Iger Bay Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraus Arthur and Christene Mann* Lara Mohr Mr. Matt Parisi The RFP Fund, Inc. Ms. Monica Issar Robert D. and Carol H. Krinsky* Christine and Chris Manning Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Moles Mr. Chang K. Park* Mr. James Rice Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Jacklin Leela and Nat Krishnamurthy Mr. James A. Manz Mr. Gerald R. Moody Mr. and Mrs. David Park Ms. Gail Roberts Reggie Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Kishor M. Kulkarni Dr. and Mrs. Mark Maroncelli Ricardo and Kelli Mora Mr. Sean Paroff Ms. Cindy M. Robinson Virginia Jackson Family* Kully Family Foundation Sister Barbara Marshall Jeri Moran and Shaun Rawls Mr. and Mrs. Vilis Pasts Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Robinson The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation Fan L. Kuo and Shang P. Hsiao Mr. David Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moran Rahul and Swati Patel Mr. Jim Rochelle Alan K. and Cledith M. Jennings Foundation* Mr. Steven Ladik Martini Family Foundation Pauline K. Morgan Mr. and Ms. Samir Patel Mr. and Mrs. John Rood* Ms. Holly Jerdi Frank S. and Julia M. Ladner Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Martino Ms. Mary Morin Seifali Patel Ms. Rachel V. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jessup* Ms. Kathy Lai Mr. Wayne Martinson and Ms. Deb Sawyer Mr. John P. Morrill Vinit Patel Ian Rosenfield and Susanne Caballero Dr. Karen E. Johnson The Honorable Anthony Lake and Ms. Julie Katzman Mr. and Mrs. Jared Marx Margaret Morrison and Larry Heuer Mrs. Shari Paul Mr. Michael Rosenthal Ms. Mary E. Johnston Karim Lakhani Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Massman Mosakowski Family Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Peabody Drs. Suraja and Debasish Roychowdhury Sonia and Paul Jones James and Anna Larson* Mr. and Mrs. Ihab J. Massoud Andrea and Gregory V. Moser* Michelle Pearce The Ruettgers Family Ms. Elisa Joseph and Mr. Steven Anders Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lattimer Sam and Beki Mathew Mr. and Ms. Peter Mueller Carl and Patricia Pegels Mr. David Russell and Mrs. Marlena Graham-Russell Amee and Safal Joshi Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lee Dale and Edward Mathias Jamshed Mulla David and Carole Pendleton* Mr. Leonard Safrit Milla Jovovich Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matloff Mr. Thomas Mullooly Eric and Ann Phillips Susan F. Saidenberg* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jozwik Mr. Dennis H. Leibowitz Karen Maxfield Mr. Prakash Muralidharan Mr. and Mrs. Rob Pierce Mr. Tarek A. Salaway Tingate Jue and Mandie Jue The Leibowitz and Greenway Family Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust The Nanji Family Rosemary L. Pierce Mr. Samuel Salcedo Oussama Kaddoura Charitable Foundation Ms. Liane McAllister Bimla Narula Mr. John G. Pitcairn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Salett Mr. Thomas Kail Ms. Catherine Leknes Ms. Molly McCabe Timothy and Lorraine Nelson Ms. Marianne Piterans* Pat and Ernie Sammann* Ms. Mindy Kairey and Mr. David Manion Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lesser Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. McConnon Mr. and Mrs. David Nevins Plum Spring Foundation Luly and Maurice Samuels 51 HUMANITARIAN CIRCLE (continued) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sloan Mr. Alexei Tylevich and Mrs. Jenny Lin James and Jane Welch Foundation Ms. Penelope Sanchez-Cruz Alicia and Lance Smith Mr. Stephen P. Utkus* Mr. Thomas Welk and Ms. Ariel Lang* Mr. and Ms. Robert B. Sanet Ms. Betsey M. Smith Haneefa Vaidya Ms. Michelle C. Wells and Mr. Tom Tamplin HM Sarij Family Foundation Inc. Ms. Daphne W. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vance David and Sherrie Westin Mona and Andrew Sarofim Mr. Douglas L. Smith Mr. Jon Vein and Mrs. Ellen Goldsmith-Vein Mr. Alan Weston Mr. Daniel J. Sauter Michael and Iris Smith Mr. Venkat Venkatraman and Ms. Carolyn Lattin* Wheeler Foundation* Dr. Amr Sawalha The Honorable and Mrs. Robert S. Smith Clarence J. Venne Foundation The Whittle Family Charitable Lead Trust* Mr. Phillip Schaefer Mr. Robert B. Snell Mr. George H. Vine and Ms. Judith Trumbo Wilkinson Family Charitable Trust Marjorie and Bob Schaffner* Judge and Mrs. Richard B. Solum* Mariam and Aamir Virani Mr. and Mrs. Brian Williams Michael Schiffman Martin and Theresa Spalding Nithi and Jing Vivatrat Mrs. Emily M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George Schlatter Jonathan A. Spears Paul and Susan Vogel Mr. Rick Williams and Ms. Janet Lavine Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schleiff* Dr. Carl R. Spease Mr. Daniel Volchok John Willian Mr. Edward Schmidt* Mr. Jean C. and Mrs. Ashley Frazer Sperling Serene Wachli Grace R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl Emily and Scott Stackman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wall Melody Wilder Wilson and David Wilson FY18 SUPPORTERS Harvey Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steiner Jojo Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Sean Scott Stephens Foundation Alexandra and H. Glen Walter, IV Mr. and Mrs. R. Alastair Winn Gerald J. Scripps Ms. Caryl M. Stern and Mr. Donald LaRosa Ms. Mary C. Warren and Mr. Stanley E. Case* Dr. Dean Winslow and Dr. Julie Parsonnet Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon Family Foundation Ms. Pamela Steuart Mr. W. Blake Wassenaar Sam Wolf Segal Family Foundation Mr. Martin Sticht George Wasserman Family Foundation I.S. Wong Foundation Mr. Barron Segar and Mr. Charles Potts Ruth Stolz* Mrs. J.L. Webb Ms. Karen L. Woodbury Mr. William Seibold Ms. Catherine E. Sullivan Mr. Walter Weber Kin Bing Wu* Mark Seliger Meg Sullivan and Jed Herrmann Dr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Weckstein* Shahla and Eberhard Wunderlich Paul G. Allen Philanthropies Mr. Seung Kun Kim Ms. Ellen Semonoff Ms. Latha Sundaram* Mr. Alexander Weilenmann Mr. Justin Wyatt Moll and Charlie Anderson Peter and Deborah Lamm Rory Sexton Ram Sundaram Jeff Weiner Ms. Linda S. Wylie Ms. Marian J. Arens G. Barrie Landry and the Landry Family Foundation Shah Family Foundation Mr. David Sutter Martha J. Weiner Charitable Foundation* Jim Xhema* Barbara H. and James A. Block Ms. Téa Leoni Samer Shaja Ms. Esmeralda Swartz Mr. Daniel G. Welch Sandeep Yarlagadda Susan and Dan Boggio George Lucas Family Foundation Mr. Kevin Shank Mr. and Mrs. Lou Switzer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yates Bonne Volonté Charitable Trust Bob and Tamar Manoukian Drs. Akhil and Aparna Sharma Tabani Family Foundation Rachel and Alex Yeats Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brinker The Tom Mikuni and Minnie Obe Hirayama Gowri and Alex Sharma* Shahrzad Tadjpour and Alamtaj S. Ard Peter and Gail Bates Yessne* Mary Catherine Bunting Charitable Fund Mr. Jeffrey Sheffield J.T. Tai & Co. Foundation, Inc. Junghye June Yeum Mr. Ranganath Chakravarthi Purvi and Harsh Padia Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Sholl* Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tatham III Mr. Lawrence L. You and Ms. Deborah A. Gravitz The Dietz Family Fund Page Family Foundation Mr. Howard P. Shore and Mrs. Andrée Shore J. Guy Taylor and Sarah L. Taylor* Mr. Andrew Youmans The Derek A.T. Drummond Fund Randell Charitable Fund Ms. Allmut Sieper Mr. David Tejtel Mr. Kamran Youssefzadeh Education Above All/Educate A Child Carrie D. Rhodes-Nigam and Vishal Nigam Joseph N. and Susie Silich Mrs. Laura Terranova Hisham Zafari Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edwards Mrs. Lily Safra Erin and Nicholas Silvers Mr. Nikos Theodosopoulos Mr. Muhammad Zaman-Khan The Charles Engelhard Foundation Irene S. Scully Family Foundation Ms. Alma Simcoe Mr. Charles Thomashower Mr. and Ms. Irwin Zazulia The Enrico Foundation Barbara and Edward Shapiro Ms. D’Andra C. Simmons The Richard K. Thompson Foundation The Roger and Rosemary Enrico Foundation Mr. Andrew Smith Asher and Kendra Simon Dr. Michael Thrall LIFETIME MEMBERS Stefan Findel and Susan Cummings-Findel Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Spurlino The Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation* Katherine H. Tinsman GIFTS OF $1,000,000 AND ABOVE GHR Foundation Mrs. Amy L. Towers and the Nduna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christian Simonds Anthony and Jessica Tolliver CUMULATIVELY Ms. Kaia Miller Goldstein and Mr. Jonathan Goldstein Walters Family Foundation, Inc. Simple Actions Family Foundation Michael Torres Anonymous (12) Olivia B. Hansen Mr. Robert J. Weltman Stephanie and Anurag Singh Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Margaret Alkek Williams and the Helaina Foundation Shahla and Eberhard Wunderlich Michael and Nicole Skalka* Mr. Noel A. Tursi Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation Danny and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation 53 ESTATE SUPPORTERS Stephen Baraban David Winslow Burling Joyce C. Davis Ryan Frederic Douglas C. Harper We are deeply grateful to the 187 individuals who left Winifred Barber Bob and Melody Burns Alberto De Jesus Beverly and Joseph C. Fremont John G. and Elizabeth (Oberlee) Harrington a legacy of life for the children of the world through Mr. Thomas Barone George J. Bursak Vince and Mary Lou DeCaprio Donald Fuhrer H. Stephen Harris, Jr. their estate plans this year.UNICEFUSA.ORG Their generous gifts, Sara Jane Barru Donna J. Bush Robert Deffenbaugh Ann Gallagher Lorelei Harris which totaled $14,186,104 in Fiscal Year 2018, Anthony and Sandra Bathurst Ljubomir Buturovic Celina Delgado Ester S. Gammill Miriam Breckenridge Harris helped thousands of children live safer, healthier lives. Eve Bigelow Baxley Alice J. Byers Martin Dickinson Beverly Ann Gavel Ms. Vaughn P. Harrison We extend our sympathy and heartfelt thanks to the Isabelle Byrnes William Dietz, Jr. David Frederick “Buck” Genung Deborah Hart and Bill Goodykoontz loved ones of these insightful and caring individuals. Richard and Diane Beal Cecelia Beirne Patricia Anne Byrnes, in memory of her son Marilyn Dirkx Sally T. Gerhardt Nicholas J. Harvey, Jr. THE LEGACY CIRCLE Nora Benoliel Vasco Caetano James L. and Rev. Jean M. Doane Leonore B. Gerstein Linda Havlin The Legacy Circle honors supporters who are Joan Benson Barbara J. Cain Christine Doerr Carol Gertz Sue Hawes investing in the future survival and development of Rodney and Joan Bentz Dan Campion Sharon Doll Mr. Michael and Ms. Mary Getter Phillip A.M. Hawley children around the world by naming UNICEF USA Philip R. Beuth F. Cappadona Margaret Dong, in memory of Leland Dong Pamela Giannatsis Susan and Edward Hayes in their estate and financial plans. Legacy gifts Charlotte L. Binhammer Beverly M. Carl Margaret Donner John D. Giglio Cathy Heckel include bequests from wills and trusts, beneficiary Dr. Karen L. Biraimah Susan Burr Carlo Nadia Doubins Katherine Gilbert Eugene R. Heise FY18 SUPPORTERS designations and charitable gift annuities. As of Leah Bishop and Gary Yale Debra and Jim Carpenter Monique Dubois-Dalcq Gillett Family Randy Heisler July 1, 2018, 1,405 members of the Legacy Circle Deanna Bittker Ms. Dawn V. Carr Max Duckworth Mary Gilliam Vince Hemmer have informed us of their estate plans. We applaud Chuck and Trish Carroll Suzanne K. Dufrasne Paul Gilmore Randy J. Henkle their foresight and leadership in making future Kathleen Blackburn Tony and Cindy Catanese Ann P. Dursch Henry and Jane Goichman Patricia F. Hernandez generations of children a priority. Joan K. Bleidorn Jean P. Boehne Joseph K. Chan Frances Duvall Lois and Fred Goldberg Anne and John Herrmann Anonymous (858) Susan and Dan Boggio Clarence and Irene Chaplin Eagan Family Foundation Frederick Goodman Karen Hertz Ms. Dee Abrams Gloria Bogin Helena Hawks Chung Isabel R. Edmiston Robert and Sonia Goodman Vernon L. Higginbotham Helen Ackerson Eileen Bohan-Browne Robert Ciricillo Peggy Nathan Einstein Kathleen Gorak Tom Hill Rev. Amos Acree, Jr. Rebecca Bolda Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark Julia Stokes Elsee Rebecca A. Grace Alfred and Dorothy Hinkley Avril A. Adams Samir K. Bose and Sudesh Bose Rudi Clavadetscher Jon Erikson Randolph L. Grayson Richard Hirayama Neeraj Agrawal Deborah K. Bothun Carol L. Clifford Nordeli Estronza Nancy Greenberg Karen Hlynsky Gerhard and Orpha Ahlers Dr. Veltin J. and Mrs. Judith D. Boudreaux Doug Climan Mimi Evans Ellin P. Greene Susan Hodes Farida Ahmed, M.D. J. Curtis Boyd, Esq. Phatiwe and Dennis L. Cohen Richard and Eleanor Evans Jill Frances Griffin Erik P. Hoffmann Anju Ahuja Mrs. Lydia Bozeman Steven M. Collins Jack Fackerell William Grimaldi David and Elizabeth Hofmeister Cecilia Allen Jim Bradley Gillian E. Cook Mary P. Farley Clyde and Cynthia K. Grossman Leonard and Eloise Holden Kristina and Peter Allen David and Barbara Breternitz Kathryn Corbett Eunice E. Feininger Mindy and Neil Grossman Susan J. Holliday Michael Allen Lisa Bretherick Annette Corth Graham S. Finney Fred Guggenheim Jack and Colleen Holmbeck Bernard R. Alvey Joseph and Karen Broderick Virginia Coupe Carlyle J. Fisher Doree and Roddy Guthrie Jill Lacher Holmes Dr. Candye R. Andrus Harold F. Brooks Arthur A. and Cherriann T. Crabtree, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Fisk Mark E. Hagen Ida Holtsinger Alan Appel Joyce K. Brosey Patricia Craig Suzanne FitzGerald Charlotte and Floyd Hale Irma Hoornstra Marian J. Arens Emily Brown Mrs. Donald C. Crawford Janie and Gordon Flack Carol J. Hamilton Barbara Howard Steven Austerer Lynn Albizati Brown Trudi Crosby Marian Flagg Joseph and Yvonne Hammerquist Bob and Lillian Howard Robin Austin and Gary Wescott Marjorie A. Brown Phyllis Current Alison J. Flemer Kenric Hammond Chad and Karen Hudson Katharine M. Aycrigg Rob and Amy Brown Jacqueline D’Aiutolo Joanne M. Foley Miss Sung Han Thomas C. Hufnagel Robert J. and Nancy Baglan Travis T. Brown Sandra L. Daigneaux Ann E. Fordham Leonard F. Hanna Doris Hunter Dan Baker Edith Brueckner-Brown Judy Dalton Jeannette Foss Carol L. Hanson Mary M. Ingham Elizabeth Balcells-Baldwin Eliane Bukantz Gina Damerell Sandra Fosselman Dr. and Mrs. John Harding Bojan Ingle Chris and Linda Ball Ed and Eleanor Burchianti Mr. Brent Dance Jack and Sonia Fradin Richard L. and Marilyn M. Hare Karen Iverson Neal Ball Lisa T. Burkhardt Dr. Patricia Danzon Lewis W. Fraleigh Dr. Gulshan Harjee Candice Jackson 55 LEGACY CIRCLE (continued) Hal and Nancy Kurkowski Frances Marcus Thomas J. and Donna M. Moore Family Trust Nora Powell G. David and Janet H. Schlegel Nancy B. Jarvis Shuji and Karen Kurokawa Alan R. Markinson William B. Morrison Marcel Quiroga John H. and Carleen U. Schloemer Knut Jensen Constance Laadt Justin F. Marsh Joe Morton Anak Rabanal Marilyn J. Schmidt Nancy Johnson Steven Ladik Dr. Vanessa A. Marshall Robert L. Munson Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader Neil and Virginia Schwartz Robert Johnson Donald K.M. Lam Dr. Mary Lee Martens Winifred N. Murdaugh Renata and George Rainer Keri L. Scruggs Shirley M. Johnson Lee Ann Landstrom Vicki L. Martinson Chester Myslicki Raja and Vijaya Raman Mina K. Seeman Barbara Jones Bernadette L. Lane Marilyn Masiero Susan Napolillo Jay A. Rashkin S. Barron Segar Craig Jordan Alice G. Langit Meredith Mason Lester H. Nathan Claire Reed Ms. Anne Selbyg and Mr. Joseph P. Lindell Susan F. Jorgensen Carol A. Larson Barbara A. Mattill David Naugle and Jerome Neal Helen Doss Reed and Roger W. Reed Niles Seldon Elisa Joseph Anders and Steven Anders Robert and Christine E. LaSala Thomas McClung Linda Nelson Judy Reed Jung-Ja Seo J. Juang Dr. Kip LaShoto Susan McCullough Timothy and Lorraine Nelson Jon and Joyce Regier Rahil Sethi Donald I. Judson Nancy Latner and John B. McLellan Deborah L. McCurdy Dr. Nancy J. Neressian Beth Rendall Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Sha Patricia Julian Roxana Laughlin Ray McDonald Minhlinh Nguyen Michael J. Repass Alice L. Sharp Kayvaan Kaboli Milton Leitenberg James E. McGee Sidney and Carol Nieh Albert Resis Norma Gudin Shaw FY18 SUPPORTERS Richard J. Kaczmarek Janet H. Lender Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. McGrain Elaine Nonneman Richard H. Reuper Madeline Shikomba William R. Kaiser Judith Lender Ann F. McHugh, Ph.D. Jean L. Nunnally Ms. Norma J. Reuss Marjorie F. Shipe Lynne Kalustian Kate Lender David McKechnie Frances C. Nyce Mila Buz Reyes-Mesia David Shustak and Herbert J. Frank, deceased The David Kanzenbach Fund Stephen Lesce Robert Kennard McKee Mimi O’Hagan Lucille K. Richardson Joseph N. Silich Carolyn and Martin Karcher Larry and Donna Lesh Janice L. McKemie Dawn O’Neill Adele Riter Linda Simien George Karnezis and Kristine Cordier Karnezis Lu Leslan Cecil McLaughlin Peter and Ghiri Obermann The Clasby Rivers Family Trust Andrew O. Sit George Karnoutsos Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Levy Alison McLean Jean Osbon Deborah Robertson Nicole Slater Mary Anne Kayiatos Christine Decker Lipski Susan McQueen David B. Osborne Ed Robichaud Gerry Sligar Shawn E. Kearsey Mae F. and Richard H. Livesey, III Robert E. McQuiston, Esq. Dave and Stacey Otte Ann Robinson Daphne W. Smith Ann Keeney Richard Lober William H. Meakens Barbara Painter Betty D. and Warren H. Robinson William and Marga Smolin Chris Kellogg Xenia Y.W. Lok M. Meleon E.B. Palmore Helen P. Rogers Kathleen Sorenson Maureen Kelly George and Karen Longstreth Beverly Melnikov Larry Pansino Anne B. Ross June Acuff Stack Ann Kelton and Jeffrey Hritz Kathryn and John Christopher Lotz Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Melville Jan Paratore Marlene Ross Mabel Wren Stephens Arba L. Kenner Albert and Rose Marie Lowe Konthath and Meryl Menon Brad Parker Jo Ann Rossbach-McGivern Caryl M. Stern Bina, Karan and Aaron Khanna John and Doug Luce David and Emily Merjan Carol Ann Payne Casey D. Rotter Dave Sterner The Linda Kidani Trust Peggy Nance Lyle Michael Merritt Rosemary L. Peduzzi Sylvia Rousseve Edith Stockton Bonnie McPherson Killip Randall D. and Deborah J. Lyons Karen Metzger Susan Peters Jeff Rowe Peggy Stoglin Bill and Pamela Fox Klauser Mary Jean Mac Ewen Kathleen Meyer Jane and Pat Phelan Jeff and Lee-Ann Rubinstein Mary B. Strauss William F. Klessens Kimberli Macpherson Brian R. Meyers Barbara Phillips Guillermo Antonio Saade Dr. Judith M. Stucki Richard A. Klingensmith Beth Madaras Dorothy and Tom Miglautsch Colette A. M. Phillips Nancy Salem Latha Sundaram Bernice M. Klosterman Don Louis Magnifico Richard J. Mikita Mary O. Pieschek Jean Sammons, Trustee for the Jean E. Sammons Trust Gerald Sunko Margery Evans Knapp Humra Mahmood Kathleen Minidis Thomas Pitts Blake Sandy Andrea Swanson Ryuji Kobayashi Helen Malena A.W. Moffa Martin A. Platsko and Lillian May Platsko, deceased Matthew and Bernadette Santangelo Alfred Szymanski Edward and Susan Koch Herbert J. Maletz Gloria and Marlowe Mogul John Plotke Heather Sargeant Sylvia V. Taborelli Ms. Faye Kolhonen Dr. E.T. Mallinson Shaida L. Mohamed Albert Podell Raymond Scarola Eugene Tadie and Virginia Ann Canil Thomas Kozon Brad and Sharon Malt Natalia Molé Sandra Pollitt Marjorie and Bob Schaffner Kitty Tattersall William Kraft Rick Mandell Lucinda Monett Denise Poole Robert G. Scharper Bernard Taylor, Sr. Carol Kremer James and VanTrang Manges Carol Montgomery Richard and Meredith Poppele Lee Scheinman Sandra Teepen Sandra Kuhn Harry V. Mansfield Gary A. Montie, Esq. Dr. William Pordy Diane Schilke Asan G. Tejwani 57 LEGACY CIRCLE (continued) Nancy G. Worsham TRIBUTE UNICEF SUPPORTERS The following lists of National, Regional and HONORARY DIRECTORS Bart Templeman Peter Wulff Lord Richard Attenborough Carmelo Anthony NextGen Board members indicate members James H. Carey Rose Thayaparan Shahla and Eberhard Wunderlich Camilla Belle at the time of printing. Marvin J. Girouard Steven C. Thedford Melody Yates Paul Casey Anthony Lake Phillip W. Thieman Mr. Douglas N. Young Sir Roger Moore Meryl Davis UNICEF USA Susan C. McKeever Ann and Howard Thompson Kevin K. Yu Sir Peter Ustinov Luol Deng NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anthony Pantaleoni David Peyton Thompson Sam Zhang Eh Bee Family The National Board of Directors governs UNICEF Judith Thompson UNICEF AMBASSADORS Joel Embiid USA. In Fiscal Year 2018, National Board members HONORARY MEMBERS advanced UNICEF’s work in significant ways, Mary Jane and William Thompson UNICEF GOODWILL AMBASSADORS Halima Aden Gigi Hadid Joy Greenhouse contributing resources and expertise, visiting Jill Tinker Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah Tyson Chandler Salma Hayek Pinault Helen G. Jacobson UNICEF programs and leading UNICEF USA’s John A. Tolleris Muzoon Almellehan Laurence Fishburne Susan C. McKeever Serge Ibaka efforts to put children first. Gail Troxell Amitabh Bachchan Danielle Kang Lester Wunderman Marisa Truax Ishmael Beah Dayle Haddon Heidi Klum

HONORARY CO-CHAIRS FY18 SUPPORTERS Dulcie L. Truitt David Beckham Angie Harmon DIRECTORS Lenny Kravitz Sam Turner and Doreen DeSalvo Téa Leoni Jim Barber Sandra Lee William J. Clinton Karen M. Turney Berliner Philharmoniker Lucy Liu C.J. McCollum Robert T. Brown Dr. Betsy Turovitz Orlando Bloom Alyssa Milano Daniel J. Brutto Maya Moore CHAIR EMERITUS Patricia K. Turpening Jackie Chan P!NK Nelson J. Chai Alex Morgan Hugh Downs Tuija Lisa Van Valkenburgh Priyanka Chopra Marcus Samuelsson Bethany Mota Gary M. Cohen Dina Vaz Myung-Whun Chung Vern Yip Mary Callahan Erdoes Ibtihaj Muhammad CHAIR Rob Veuger and Carolyn Bissonnette Novak Djokovic Dolores Rice Gahan, D.O. Dirk Nowitzki Peter Lamm Eunice L. Vogel Mia Farrow David Ortiz Mindy Grossman Elizabeth Waddell Danny Glover Hilary Gumbel VICE CHAIR Nuray and William Wallace Carol J. Hamilton Mindy Grossman Lawrence B. Wallin Maria Guleghina Joshua Rush John A Herrmann, Jr. Mr. Eugene Weil Franklin W. Hobbs David Villa EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR Alexander Weilenmann Yuna Kim Andrew Hohns, Ph.D. Betty Who Dolores Rice Gahan, D.O. Stephen Whetstone Tetsuko Kuroyanagi Kuoth Wiel Ghada Irani Dana White Femi Kuti Peter Lamm PRESIDENT CEO Barbara Whitney Her Royal Highness Grand Duchess of & Téa Leoni Caryl M. Stern Diane M. Whitty Maria Teresa Bob Manoukian Petronella Wijnhoven Ricky Martin Dikembe Mutombo SECRETARY Jill J. Wike Shakira Mebarak John O’Farrell John A Herrmann, Jr. Emily Williams Leo Messi David Sable Jane Williams Nana Mouskouri Henry S. Schleiff TREASURER Lisa Williams Liam Neeson Shahriar Shahida Edward G. Lloyd Nancy I. Williams Katy Perry Elizabeth Smith Judith Williston, Ph.D. Vanessa Redgrave Ewout Steenbergen Patricia F. Winter Sebastião Salgado Caryl M. Stern Sue Ann Wolff Susan Sarandon Bernard Taylor Kevin R. Wood and Robert J. Bayes Lilly Singh Sherrie Rollins Westin Raquel Woodard Maxim Vengerov Kelly Wilson Shirley Woods Serena Williams 59 REGIONAL BOARD MEMBERS Marylou Giustini Kaia Miller Goldstein NORTHWEST SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Jennifer Glaspie Lorraine J. Nelson Caroline Barlerin J. Lindsey Alley GREAT PLAINS (NORTH TEXAS) Paul J. Harvey Tiffany Ortiz Elena Marimo Berk, Chair Tim C. Bruinsma Nasiba Adilova Martha Hines Metz Matthew A. Pasts Susanne Caballero Sharon Davis Moll Anderson Mindy Kairey Marcel Quiroga Alex Earls Ghada Irani, Chair David Bonnette Kathy Lai Bryan Rafanelli John Glass David S. Kim Joyce Goss, Vice Chair Kim MacPherson Patricia Ribakoff Kimberly Kuni Harding Toni Ko Mark Haidar Kyle Moles Rhondella Richardson Robin Kim, Vice Chair Kaleen Lemmon Thomas Hartland-Mackie Tonise Paul Gail Roberts Carrie Delaney Rhodes-Nigam Richard B. Levy, Co-President Amee Joshi Ashish Prasad, Chair Kerry N. Swords Pamela Cogan Riddle John D. Maatta Steven Ladik Larry Rogers Ian Rosenfield Asif Mahmood Danielle Pruitt Tamrah Schaller O’Neil NEW YORK Nicholas A. Tedesco Jamie Meyer Selwyn A. Rayzor, Chair Hilary Scott Cathleen P. Black Kin Bing Wu Lori Milken SUPPORTERS FY18 SUPPORTERS Leigh Rinearson Susan Sholl Deborah Bothun Katrina Yulo Andrea Nevins Gowri Sharma Joseph Silich Aryeh Bourkoff Dr. Janice H. Zakin Joyce Rey D’Andra C. Simmons Latha Sundaram Jonas Grossman Alia Tutor Tina Trott Desiree Gruber SOUTHEAST Jon Vein, Co-President MID-ATLANTIC Miller Vance Carol J. Hamilton Yaseen Abubaker Gary Yale Nancy Bard Jeffrey Ward Monica Issar Hansa D. Bhargava Christina Zilber Bradley Belt Kenneth Zaugh Todd Jacobson Patrick Boushka Peter J. Zomber Travis T. Brown Sarah Kauss Ginny F. Brewer Mary Louise A. Cohen, Chair NEW ENGLAND Amy Kuehner Steve Collins SOUTHWEST (HOUSTON) Max Duckworth Allison Achtmeyer Elizabeth C. Lazarus Jocelyn Dorsey Farida Abjani Sarah Godlewski William F. Achtmeyer Jamie H. Manges Steve Eaton Susan E. Boggio, Chair H. Stephen Harris Mark B. Allyn Sterling McDavid Rebecca Gupta Tony Bradfield Rosa Honarpisheh Roger S. Berkowitz Maureen A. McGuire, Chair Gulshan Harjee Ann Holmes Elisa Joseph Anders Josef Blumenfeld Purvi Padia Christine Hurtsellers Sippi K. Khurana Nancy D. Meakem Kate Brizius Jennifer Paradis Behle Cara Isdell Lee Leela Krishnamurthy Lisa A. Palmer Dennis Coleman Vandana Radhakrishnan Bentley Long Eileen Lawal Phil Telfeyan Sarah Delaney David M. Sable Joanie Michaels Penny Loyd Nithi Vivatrat Gitika Marathay Desai Daniella Vitale Jeri Moran Amy G. Pierce Aleta Williams Barbara L. Eisenson, Chair Tyler Zachem Susan Nethero Rachel V. Rose Elizabeth W. Floor Swati Patel Nassrudin Rupani MIDWEST Susan L. Good Bill Plybon, Vice Chair Mona Sarofim Rouba Ali-Fehmi Janet Green Denise Poole Guillermo Sierra Kapila Anand Richard Heller Liz Price Tatiana Sierra Jenny A. Austin Jeanette Hsu-McSweeney Bill Smith Alicia Smith Ray Bogenrief Yuko K. Hunt Bernard Taylor Margaret Alkek Williams, Honorary Member Robert Brown Ronald Kleinman Brannigan Thompson, Chair Sheilah Burnham G. Barrie Landry, Vice Chair Alexandra Walter Tracy Cahillane Susan L. Littlefield Jenn Weizenecker William Dietz, Vice Chair Sharon H. Malt Melody Wilder Wilson Lisa M. Giacosa-Rupp Matthew Meyersohn 61 UNICEF NEXT GENERATION LOS ANGELES Gabriel Vazquez STEERING COMMITTEE Bonner Campbell Emily I. Watts Since its Carlton Dewoody ATLANTA Kimia Ghalambor Andrea Bilbija Julianna M. Guill Wesley C. Bayer founding, Leslie M. Espy Matthew R. Herman Yasmin Coffey Kacie Farrar Gabé Hirschowitz Bridie Gahan Kristin M. Maiwand Nabilah I. Jiwani Amelia D. Green-Vamos UNICEF USA Angela L. Martin Michelle L. Kim Emily Gudaitis Jeremy Martz Eric Ladin Katie Kosmicki Sarah Parker Gabrielle E. Lardiere Ann Marinovich has raised Christian R. Pillat Brittany Letto Annie Scott Ruhi Rahman Romi E. Mouillon Julia Spiegel SUPPORTERS FY18 SUPPORTERS Aleem Ramji Ahna O’Reilly Adam Wang-Levine $7.7 billion in Sean Rolland Brittany R. Ross Katrina Yulo Aditya Shrivastava Danielle E. Simmons Sarah A. Smith-Kilpatrick Kelly Wilson donations and Ajay A. Sreekanth Ganesh Rebecca Yale Jennifer Weizenecker UNICEF NEXT Justin Woodard NEW YORK gifts-in-kind Natasha N. Berg GENERATION CHICAGO Victoria Berg Ahsan Ahmad Tammy Berk for UNICEF’s Iliana E. Alvarenga Meaghan Byrne Sarah E. De Blasio Livia Cheung Erin E. Delawalla Shane Fox lifesaving work Matthew Dintelman Casey Gahan Nevzat Fazlioski Margaret A. Griffiths Jeffrey H. Feste Maximilian Guen for children Samuel S. Gage Katherine C. Harris Kristin Gudmundsson Ceddia Melissa Jacobs Ben Hewitt Erin M. Kiernan around the Aakash Jobanputra Bryan Klipsch Catherine M. Jones Natalie Makous Margaret Lefevour Adriana Marianella world. Andrew Meyer Kristan Maurer Marshaun Montgomery Sterling McDavid Masquerade Ball Alison M. Parker Akia Mitchel Nicole D. Patterson Yvonne Orji, Danielle E. Simmons and Rebecca Orlowitz Rachel Wilson share a happy moment Khalil Pillai Chelsea Peters at the 5th annual UNICEF Next Generation William H. Seibold Fabienne Pierre Masquerade Ball on October 27, 2017 Zachary T. Von Ahnen Magnus Rausing in Los Angeles, California. Isabella Walker Lisle Richards 63 UNICEF USA NATIONAL EXECUTIVE STAFF


65 Kindness to children. Love for children. Goodness to children… FY18 THANK YOU these are the only investments that never fail.

PHOTO CREDITS FRONT COVER: © UNICEF/UN0221579/ADRIKO; PAGE 3: © UNICEF/UNI163897/KHUZAIE; PAGE 35: © UNICEF USA/DEREK PARKS; PAGE 36: ATLANTA: PHOTO BY MARCUS INGRAM/ Organized under the laws of New York State as a not-for-profit corporation, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF (also doing business as UNICEF USA) is exempt from tax under PAGE 4: © UNICEF/UN0203388/SOKOL; PAGE 5: © UNICEF/UN0203391/SOKOL; PAGE 6-7: FOR UNICEF; BOSTON: PHOTO BY PAUL MAROTTA/GETTY IMAGES FOR UNICEF; Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is governed by an independent and non-salaried board of directors. UNICEF USA qualifies for the maximum © UNICEF/UNI6466/PIETRASIK; PAGE 10: © UNICEF/UN0151412/VORONIN; PAGE 11: © UNICEF/ CHICAGO: PHOTO BY DANIEL BOCZARSKI/GETTY IMAGES FOR UNICEF; DALLAS: PHOTO BY charitable contribution deduction by donors. A summary of activities and financial highlights for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, is described in this report. UN0151410/VORONIN; PAGE 12: © UNICEF/UN0122062; PAGE 13 (FROM TOP TO BOTTOM): © COOPER NEILL/GETTY IMAGES FOR UNICEF USA; GOLF CLASSIC: PHOTO BY JULIE SKARRATT; UNICEF/UN0230394/ELRINGTON; © UNICEF/UN065757/AL-ISSA; © UNICEF/UN0200148/BORO; HOUSTON: PHOTO BY PRISCILLA DICKSON PHOTOGRAPHY; LOS ANGELES: PHOTO BY RICH UNICEF was founded in 1946 to help children in postwar , China and the Middle East. Since then, UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any PAGE 14: ©UNICEF/UN0149414/SOKHIN; PAGE 15: © UNICEF/UN0149410/SOKHIN; PAGE 16-17: POLK/GETTY IMAGES FOR UNICEF USA; NEW YORK: PHOTO BY BRYAN BEDDER/GETTY © UNICEF/UNI96685/ASSELIN; PAGE 18: © UNICEF/UN0217222/SHENNAWI; PAGE 19: IMAGES FOR UNICEF; SAN FRANCISCO: PHOTO BY GETTY IMAGES; PAGE 37: PHOTO BY other humanitarian organization, and it depends entirely on voluntary contributions. © UNICEF/UN0217226/SHENNAWI; PAGE 20: © UNICEF/UNI121792/DORMINO; PAGE 21: © JULIE SKARRETT; PAGE 38-39: © UNICEF/UN0216625/SOKOL; PAGE 47: UNICEF USA; UNICEF/UNI122425/PIROZZI; PAGE 22: © UNICEF/UN0231848/NJIOKIKTJIEN VII; PAGE 23: PAGE 52: © UNICEF/UN065186/PHELPS; PAGE 53: © UNICEF/UN051292/HERWIG; PAGE 58: UNICEF USA was established in 1947, the first of 34 national committees set up globally to support UNICEF and other efforts on behalf of the world’s children © UNICEF/UN0231894/NJIOKIKTJIEN VII; PAGE 26: © UNICEF/UN0120231/ENGLISH; PAGE © UNICEF/UN059801/OSE; PAGE 59: © UNICEF/UN057354/HOLT; PAGE 60: © UNICEF/UN063201/ through fundraising, education and advocacy. Since its inception, UNICEF USA has provided UNICEF and other NGOs with over $7.7 billion in cash and gifts-in-kind. 27: © UNICEF/UN0120234/ENGLISH; PAGE 29: © UNICEF/UN055824/SOHKHIN; PAGE 30: ALTAF AHMAD; PAGE 61: © UNICEF/UN072472/PHELPS; PAGE 62: PHOTO BY TOMMASO BODDI/ © UNICEF/DEREK PARKS; PAGE 31: © UNICEF/UN0217796/BINDRA; PAGE 32: © UNICEF/ GETTY IMAGES FOR UNICEF USA; PAGE 63: © UNICEF/UN061284/DEJONGH; PAGE 64-65: DJTXOF0UIAAR5FO; PAGE 33: (TOP) UNICEF/UN061189/GILBERTSON VII, (BOTTOM) © UNICEF/ © UNICEF/UN0209663/GILBERTSON VII PHOTO; PAGE 66-67 © UNICEF/UN0226391/BROWN; UNICEF USA also continues to receive the highest ratings for transparency, accountability and administration from Charity Navigator, and our program expense ratio is UN017601/UESLEI MARCELINO; PAGE 34-35: © UNICEF/UN0205464/BAGAYOKO; BACK COVER: © UNICEF/UN011703/SOKHIN 89 percent. This means that, out of every dollar spent, 89 cents goes toward helping children. We spend just 8 cents on fundraising costs, and 3 cents on administration.

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