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MA\DR. ( 1 (·-· . ':::......,. ·r· ,J Vol. III No. 19 SUNY College at Purchase iAffirmative Action: Could a nice, liberal place like Purchase be racist, sexist and Qther nasty things? for t uture action. The number of BY BOB SCHWAB women and minorities on the labor force does not adequately repre- The Affirmative Action Com- sent their respective .53% and 28 % mittee recently released the final figures for the total population draft of its report on employment of New York City and Westchester. patterns throughout the College at - The Committee report states:- "Pur- Purchase. The report, edited and c~ase must not accept the. reali- approved by President Abbott Kaplan, t1es created by societal discrim- reveals discriminatory tendencies ination as the yardstick for its toward women and minorities cur- own employment patten1s. If it rently employed or seeking employ- does, it will strengthen the very ment at Purchase. system it is committed to change The Committee first met in May, through affirmative action." 1973 in respons~ to a state law " It is JJ?-s~,ea4ing to use t~e _ which President Kaplan interpret~d co~lege-w1de f1gures as an lndl- 'Teamster (Iceberg) Lettuce, courtesy of Servomati on as requiring Purchase to provide ca~1on of ~mployment patterns at equal opporttmity and employment Purchase. The Mt. Vernon Co-op em· for all qualified persons; to pro- ploys much of the wo~en and minori- Crossing the Picket Line hibit discrimination in employ- ty percentages that lS placed tm- ment; and, perhaps the most crucial der the "college-wider• label. Such and controversial aspect of the ~ statis~ical ~omposite is_highly with Servomation, Inc. policy , to promote the full reali- mcompatl?le w~th the reallty of :family is often payed SO¢ an zation of equal opportunity through the relat1onsh1p between the Pur- BY MICHAEL POWELL AND PETER KURZ · ·hour, oreven less, for working in the fields. Working conditions a positive, continuing program. c~ase campu~ and the very progres- The Committee, which includes staff, s1ve educat10nal center in Mt. At a recent talk given by the are abhorrent; cold water and United Farm Workers Union, several faculty, and 'students from the Worn- Vernon, which seryes a predominantly bathrooms are tmknown. en's Union and the Black Students' black. population. Purchase students claimed that The New York Chapter of the. UFW Association, has based its analysis . Ot tne entire C?llege's .?3 full- Servomation Corporation uses scab is familiar with Teamster pressure. (Teamster) keberg lettuce. Pablo on employment data collected during t1me and 129 part-t1me teachmg pro- but ~laims that "UFW lettuce is Lopez, the UFW representative, im the summer and fall of 1973. fessionals, 12% are minority group usually availablq.from a number of mediately called for student ac ChaiiWoman Mary Edwards said that members and 34% are women. At purveyors (suppliers) in the New tion, saying this is a "perfect York City area." When UFW lettuce "although almost two years have ~· V~rnon, 40% of the faculty are chance" to aid the farmworkers in passed since the initial c.ollection mmonty group members; the 33% is not available they suggest us their struggle against the Team ing~ of the data, there has been no sig- figure fo: wom~n is similar to the · a brand other than Iceberg, sters and growers of the South the only brand of lettuce pre- · nificant change in the trends it college-wlde f1gures. Nearly 60% west. reflects." Edwards also mentioned of the College'<; full-time and 50% sently being disputed. that researching members frequent- of all part-time minority faculty Peter Donovan, Purchase Manager Donovan says there are many for Servomation Corporation, admit- problems involved with buy- ly faced "institutional resistance, members are at Mt. Vernon. ted that Servo does serve non-UPv mainly on the part of administra- The School of the Arts has the ing UFW lettuce or occasionally keberg lettuce. He said this had switching brands. He expressed tors, to questioning on employment poorest record in emp~oyment. been "a familiar complaint at oth practices." The music division did There are no black Da.'1ce faculty, worry over ~'the reliability of not submit a requested narrative re- while the number of black dancers er schools at which I have work deliveries" and "the higher cost ed." Donovan ·insisted,however, of of UFW Iceberg lettuce " (A claim. por~ . recruitment practices. is significantly increasing. How- that it is not his responsibility. that is vehemently denied by the Alice Juskowi tz who is credited ever, says the report, "the Dean of "I'm authorized to buy only from with large role completing the division 7oncern for UFW ) . Donovan said that he would a ~ thi~ expr~ssed certain sellers," he· said. "It's report, feels that some figures in h~v1ng ~ facult~ w1th a broad so "look into" purchasing UFW lettuce, a higher level matter. We have no it should embarrass the social archi- Clal pomt of Vlew .... whose exper~ but that he was "hesitant" about · "tects of the Purchase commtmity who iences contrast and complement each clout at the unit level." making any changes in the brand "originally intimated that this other.'" The Music and Visual Arts Ruth Holmes, Purchasing t4anager of lettuce used. He did indicate school should be made available to divisions have no black faculty. for the Servomation Corporation, that a petition from a majority people in the surrotmding depressed In the School of the Arts, women disagreed with Donovan. ''We do not of the Purchase campus might areas in Port Chester, White Plains are generally adequately represented formulate food policies," she change his mind. This issue was and New York City." In employment, in numbers. said. "This is a local, University brought up for consideration Mon Purchase seems to have not liVPd up According to Juskowitz, "The matter. The local manager has to day at the meeting of the Politi .contact me, and anly then can I to 'its ~ounding ideal of an ac~- Arts School is less atttmed to cal Coalition. come to inspect or approve a demic commtmity enriched by the con- go 1;1 ls of affirmative actiqn because Lopez requested that. Purchase trasts of diverse social and cultur- it is extremely concerned with pro- change." She did mention that students refrain from buying Gallo al elements. fessional standards, "which she be- there might be problems in ob wine (look for the wine from Mo The College-wide 38.8% figure lieves are often dictated by a taining UFW Iceberg lettuce due desto, California) and from eating for women employed at Purchase com- "white, male value system. · Why to pressure from the Teamsters non-UFW lettuce. He also asked - Union. pares with the roughly 39% of the not sauifice art for the sake of that students help organize for regional labor force that is female. people, rather than people for the The Teamsters claim to repre sent migrant farm workers despite National Farmworkers Week, May While the fraction of minority mem- sake of art?" she asks. 4-11. is 15.8%, the While the Committee leaves per- the fact that in a government su hers employed here pervised election in April,l973, figures for the labor pool in New sonnel qualifications to the judge- Student Senate Votes York Ci ty and Westchester Cotmty are ment of the school, it demands that workers voted overwhelmingly (over 90%) in favor of UFW representa 2~.8 % and _ l~ . 6% respectively. Com- recruitment procedures include a m1ttee act1v1sts say the labor pool · w1ae scope or cana1e1ates rrom me tion. Growers refused to recognise to Support any statistics provide poor guidelines Affirmative Action-cont. page 3 the results-of this election, and said they would deal only with the Attica Defense Team Member Teamsters Union. Cesar Chavez, CSEA Strike Action ·head of tQe UFW, then called for a nationwide boycott of Teamster The Student Senate has voted to Admits to being Gov~rnment I"forwant support the Civil Servants Employ she had " ... a change of heart lettuce, grapes and wine. , ees Association in any strike ac The ~llo Corponition, a $256 BY FIESTY JEFF KESSLER about my activities as an tmder tion that mig~t occur. cover informant, so I told members million dollar enterprise, is In a referendum passed at the BULLETIN - Buffalo--April 12 - -A of the defense team about my con most severely affected by the last Senate meeting, Senators member of the Attica Defense Pro tacts with the government."· boycott, reporting a 19- 20 % agreed to sponsor a student ref r ject, Mary Jo Cook, said this Late this afternoon, the Buf drop in sales across the coun erendum which would call for a fd morning in a news conference that falo office of the FBI admitted try. general strike in the event of a f!g since July of 1973, she has been that Cook was one of their p-aid Gallo has now resorted to a CSEA strike. · · a paid informer for the FBI. She - informants. massive publicity campaign in The motion was presented by admitted passing on to the Govern This admission, coming on the ·an effort to discredit the UFW . students Michael Powell, Bob Schwab ~nt information on Attica defense heels of former Assistant Chief in conjunction with strong- · and Paul Spillenger. It said·· that strategy and planned testimony. Prosecutor Malcom Bell's charges arm tactics taken against mi proposed massive lay-offs of According to William Kunstler, that his superiors covered up grant workers by Teamster and civil service workers would "con an Attica defense attorney, Cook crimes by law enforeement per Gallo-hired thugs.