Forests Canned Licensing Conditions for Large-Scale
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10/29/2020 Licensing Conditions for Large-Scale Plantation in Seruyan, Gumas and Lamandau - #HutanKalteng #Forests canned May 26, 2015May 26, 2015 Licensing conditions for large-scale plantations in Seruyan, Gumas and Lamandau (hps:// pg) Oil palm plantations leave a number of problems, one of which is licensing. The state-issued permit for plantations is suspected of being corrupt. A case in point is PT AUS, which operates on thick peatlands. The Forest Moratorium Policy by the central government of Jakarta doesn't seem to apply here. In the name of investment, the local government has served plantation development PALANGKA RAYA - Central Kalimantan Save Our Borneo (SOB), Nordin, said that the situation in the licensing case in Seruyan District concerns Multi-National companies. Like confirmation of expired permits . It is known that in 2002 there was a district division, one of which was to become Seruyan Regency. 1/3 10/29/2020 Licensing Conditions for Large-Scale Plantation in Seruyan, Gumas and Lamandau - #HutanKalteng In 2003 Darwan Ali was elected as regent, followed by the incomplete draft of the Spatial Planning and Regional Planning of Central Kalimantan Province. Previously there was a leer from the head of BAPLAN no 778 PBS confirming that the area was in KPP / KPPL and there was no need for an area release permit which could then be canceled 6 years later. So that in December 2004 a PBS permit was issued in Seruyan, namely there were 24 permits between the period December 2004 - May 2005 with an average of 15-20,000 hectares. "There were 15 concessions that were directly affiliated with the Seruyan regent at that time. We suspect that there was a license sale, including showing that there were abuses of authority, enriching themselves and potential losses to the State and there were allegations of corruption in the company," he said. Because if the accusation was destroying the forest, continued Nordi, the authorities would argue that they were not yet open. "We and Indonesia Corruption Watch are trying to get through these acts of corruption from the 15 permits. We have reported it to the Corruption Eradication Commission and the problems at the KPK seem complicated. There are conditions that must be met, "he said. Meanwhile, from Telapak Kalteng, Johanes Jenito said that within two years his party had conducted investigations in the Gunung Mas district at two PTs, namely PT Kahayan Agro Plantation and PT Pasetya Mitra Muda. He explained, from the investigation at PT Kahayan Agro Plantation, his party found that there were several indications of illegality, namely violations of the instructions of the Gunung Mas regent no 4/2012, violations of the Central Kalimantan governor's decision no 188.44 / 2013. It was also found that the lowest estimates of timber yields and IUPs were issued before obtaining environmental permits. "There are several things that we demand from the company, namely that we oblige the company to resolve tenurial conflicts with the existing communities," he said. However, he continued, the information that the company had received was not serious by the company to resolve this maer. "We asked the company to no longer carry out activities in the community area but it was not continued properly either," he said. Then from the value of the timber utilization permit per hectare, when in the field many parties said that the cubic value of one forest area was far from the value of the utilization permit. Land clearing has taken place, timber is being brought in, there are lots of stands that exceed what is stated. "This value is what we don't know where it ran and needs to be checked," said Jenito. He also said that there is a fast track for licensing which strongly indicates that there is corruption, collusion and nepotism. In telling the area, there is only a small amount of forest remaining due to the clearing of new palm oil lands. "In Tumbang Marikoi, their community was moved from the area where they lived, so they only live in the building where the research was held," he said. It has been two years since these residents have been kept away from their customary communities. There is no longer any forest area for hunting, farming and other activities because the area has turned into an area of PT Kahayan Agro Plantation. On the same occasion, the Head of Cuhai Village, Lamandau Regency, Darius Pilos explained the chronology of the case of the local government, especially Lamandau, which gave permission to PBS around Tanjung Beringin Village, the Tuat river. "There was a permit granted in 2007 by the regent, but in granting the permit they found this permit without an AMDAL," he said. 2/3 10/29/2020 Licensing Conditions for Large-Scale Plantation in Seruyan, Gumas and Lamandau - #HutanKalteng Then, in 2008, the process of extending the PT Mandalaya location permit was carried out by the first regent during that period. From this case what happened was not a permit for crime but it was criminality that accelerated the PBS permit. "My role here, I am not an activist, but I am the village head who has come down to the field and we have made documentation in 2012. I have also made reports to the regent 4 times with a copy of the DPRD but it has not been followed up, there are several things as a result of the investigation. that the Kapolres Lamandau said about the progress of the investigation of the company concerned which violated the rules. We wrote to DRPD but were instead referred to the Head of the Lamandau Police which resulted in a secret action and we have got the documents, "he said. Then in 2013 his party again made a report to the Central Kalimantan BKSDA regarding violations or acts against the law in the forestry sector. This report is also aimed at the Provincial PPK, Governor, Forestry Service to the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), POLRI Headquarters, AGO, MA, Minister, KOMNASHAM, National Land Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, but there has been no follow up. "We need to prioritize imperfect law enforcement that we must enforce the law to everyone," he said. Darius stated that in this struggle for him, position was not an important maer but a defense of the rights of citizens. “As I went through defending our rights, lives are at stake. I have received four warning leers from the regent for dismissal, but until now I can still serve as village head, "he said. Nordin Sava Our Borneo, Johanes Jenito Telapak Central Kalimantan / Central Kalimantan Forestry Independent Monitoring Network, Darius Pilos who heads Cuhai Village in Lamandau were speakers at the Multi Stakeholder Law Enforcement Conference to Stop Illegal Deforestation in Central Kalimantan. The conference was held by the Central Kalimantan Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK) and the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) at the Swissbell Hotel Palangka Raya, on 17 February 2015. 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