The Perception of Groups of Foreigners on Local Radio and Television1
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QUADERNS ISSN (online): 2014-2242 / DEL CAC The perception of groups of foreigners on local radio and television1 MARIA GUTIÉRREZ MANEL MATEU Tenured lecturer at the Department of Audiovisual Associate lecturer at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (UAB) Communication and Advertising (UAB) [email protected] [email protected] ELISABET GARCÍA Tenured lecturer at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (UAB) [email protected] Article received on 30/06/2011 and accepted on 13/12/2011 Abstract Resum The aim of this paper is to analyze the representation of for- L’objectiu de l’article és analitzar la representació de la pobla- eign people in local media. It is based on the hypothesis that ció estrangera als mitjans de comunicació audiovisual d’àmbit proximity to social environment contributes to properly explain local, partint de la hipòtesi que la proximitat a l’entorn social immigration and cultural diversity. The analysis of the TV and contribueix a abordar el fet migratori i la diversitat cultural en radio chart demonstrates the existence of few TV and radio clau de cohesió social i de convivència. L’anàlisi de l’oferta dels programs that enhance emotional links between immigrants diferents mitjans, però, evidencia el baix índex de propostes and local population. From immigrant associations perspec- programàtiques i revela l’absència de referents mediàtics que tives, is made manifest that tension and social conflict con- estimulin la creació de vincles emocionals entre els ciutadans tinue to be the main factors determining their presence in nouvinguts i la societat d’acollida. Des de la perspectiva de les mass media. associacions d’immigrants, es posa de manifest que la tensió i el conflicte social són els factors que en determinen, en bona Keywords part, la presència als mitjans. Local radio, local television, foreigners, immigrants, program- ming strategies, intercultural. Paraules clau Ràdio local, televisió local, estrangers, immigrants, estratègies programàtiques, interculturalitat. 1. Introduction zens in their news programmes. The presence of newly arrived citizens therefore depends on the importance of the event or The international migratory flow to Catalonia has risen signifi- the presentation of personal experiences with features of anec- cantly over the last decade, with clear effects on the social dotes, narrations, all dressed up in a veneer of sensationalism. structure of towns and cities. The different origins of these new One aspect of local media is the concept of proximity in their citizens have altered the social fabric. Catalan society now has production of content and they thereby acquire a social respon- a new profile that is culturally and linguistically diverse. Accord- sibility for the region, achieving the category of public service ir- ing to the report by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Ides- respective of their ownership structure (Chaparro 1998; Sabes cat),2 at 31 December 2010, 15% of the population residing 2002). According to Martín Barbero (2010, 8), “[...] what is in Catalonia is foreign and has quite a heterogeneous composi- local in a global society means a project of recognition and tion due to its geographical provenance.3 From a media point socio-cultural creativity based on an everyday commitment ex- of view, immigration entails the incorporation of new consum- ercised by citizens [...]”, in which everyone must participate. ers with diverse socio-demographic and socio-cultural profiles. According to Ortiz Guitart (2006), a sense of belonging rein- This variation in the audience’s composition has been difficult forces the emotional ties that connect an individual to a com- to handle by the main radio operators (Gutiérrez 2005), and munity and a region and through which foreigners carry out also television operators (Gómez, Capdevila and Pastor 2006), processes to become part of the new social environment that which have ultimately limited the appearance of immigrant citi- permit them to live together with the new cultural codes with- 89 Quaderns del CAC 37, vol. XIV (2) - December 2011 (89-99) The perception of groups of foreigners on local radio and television M. GUTIÉRREZ ET AL. out tension. In this respect, the media in general “[…] play a a. High index of foreign population related to the total key role in how minorities relate to communities at a local, inhabitants in the municipality. The sources of information national and transnational level, that’s why it’s important to were principally the data from Idescat and reports by the reflect on how they contribute to or influence the construction Immigration Department of the Catalan government and of this sense of community and whether it affects social inclu- town councils. sion or exclusion” (Mena 2008, 135). Based on this premise, b. The population’s media significance regarding immigration the modification of the social structure caused by the significant issues related to situations of conflict and tension but also migratory flows that have affected Catalonia should have led to with good community spirit. It must be noted, however, that new proposals to facilitate the incorporation of new citizens. this last reason has had little influence on building the sam- The data, however, do not reflect this circumstance, as in the ple, as situations of social cohesion and multicultural situa- mass media “[...] foreigners’ consumption habits have not led tions are relatively few in the media. to any significant changes in the media system or to the emer- c. The presence of local or county-wide media, both publicly gence of new products associated with such consumption” (So- and privately owned, but not including programmes by me- riano 2010, 90). That’s why focusing our attention on local dia classified as ethnic, aimed specifically at groups of im- media can help to evaluate their influence on the integration migrants from a certain geographical area.5 process, social cohesion and community spirit between local citizens and foreigners,4 settled down in a region defined as an The media were approached from two different angles, com- administrative district. bining quantitative and qualitative methodological tools. On the one hand, we analysed programming grids, distinguishing be- tween in-house and external production and also defining the 2. Local audiovisual communication and immigration: content based on the programme genre. On the other hand, object of study and methodology we believed it was necessary to complement this information with interviews, held with those in charge of programming at Our research had two objectives: the broadcasters, as well as some local distribution platforms. a. Detect the degree of the medium’s involvement in Table 1 shows the towns in the sample and the different per- constructing values regarding integration, social cohesion centages of the foreign population, with an indication of the and mutual knowledge based on an analysis of the groups most widely present. It can be seen that, in all cases, programmes offered. the groups of new arrivals are greater than 22%, reaching al- b. Discover the incidence and opinion of local content among most 45% in the case of Salt. Morocco appears as the national- immigrant groups, represented by their local associations. ity with most presence in three out of the five towns. It’s easy to deduce the high degree of heterogeneity of the for- In the first of these objectives, our aim was to determine the eign population in each municipality by observing the different influence exercised by the new social fabric, a consequence percentages between the three most widely present groups and of migratory movements, on the local media’s programming the total percentage that appears in the column for the foreign strategies. In the second objective, we wanted to discover population.6 This circumstance influenced a priori the deter- the opinion of these groups regarding their presence on and mination of the criteria to select the groups to be interviewed. treatment by the local media. Through their opinions, our aim The first option was to select two of the first three, i.e. the ones is to discover whether audiovisual content has been generated appearing in table 1, but the association structures in the towns that stimulates processes of identification and recognition forced us to adapt to their idiosyncrasies. On the one hand, as among foreign citizens and that helps them to become part of shown in table 2, we observed that there is no direct relation- the host society. ship between the weight of a certain group and the number of Quantitative tools were used for the methodological design associations represented (see also table 1). So, although the (fundamental to construct the sample both of municipalities largest group of new arrivals in Balaguer is from Eastern Eu- and associations), as well as qualitative instruments such as rope, neither of the two associations registered corresponds to in-depth interviews, which allow us to discover the perception citizens from this place of origin. The same thing happens in and experiences of the subjects in question. This qualitative Salt, where there are forty organisations for Sub-Saharan Africa instrument (within the framework of ethnographic storytelling) countries but only one association for Latin America, although helps to project trends that can be extrapolated to other local the Honduras group is the third largest in the town. Finally, in situations related to society and the media. Salt, Vic and Tortosa, Moroccans are the largest group but this The field work was carried out on a sample of five Catalan is only evident in Tortosa, with a higher number of associations. towns: one in the region of Barcelona, one in the region of Another factor affecting the final list of associations that have Girona, one in that of Lleida, another in that of Tarragona and taken part are the difficulties in contacting people to hold the one in the region of Terres de l’Ebre, defined using the following interview.