March 17, 2008

The Honorable John Warner The Honorable James Webb 225 Russell Building 140 Russell Building Senate , D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Warner and Senator Webb:

We are writing to urge you to secure $1.8 million in the Fiscal Year 2009 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Phase II of a major effort to permanently protect the 125 acre Blair’s Wharf tract - a high-priority in- holding at the James River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR).

We remain grateful for your efforts last year to provide funding for Phase I of this important project. This forested tract, located along the James River and surrounded by the 4,200 acre National Wildlife Refuge, contains over one-half mile of pristine shoreline and contributes to one of the East Coast’s premier Bald Eagle areas. This project is essential to ensuring the future viability of this critical eagle habitat and the future of our nation’s symbol on America’s Founding River.

Additionally, this stretch of the James River boasts a rich cultural heritage harkening back to the days of our nation’s founding. The James River NWR is part of the newly established Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Water Trail as well as ’s John Smith’s Adventures on the James. By securing funding for the final phase of this project, you will be leaving an enduring legacy for generations of Virginians as they retrace the roots of our state and our nation along the historic James River.

Thank you for your leadership to conserve this national treasure.


Pam Dummitt Bill Street President Executive Director Richmond Audubon Society James River Association

George Fenwick Helen Tansey President Executive Director American Bird Conservancy Virginia Forever

Stephen Adkins Patrick Noonan Chief Chairman Emeritus Chickahominy Tribe The Conservation Fund


Charlie Stek Desiree Sorenson-Groves Chairman Vice President, Government Affairs Friends of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail National Wildlife Refuge Association

Noah Kahn Mary A. Elfner Federal Lands Associate Virginia Important Bird Areas Defenders of Wildlife Coordinator National Audubon Society Leonard A. Smock Professor and Chairman Dept. of Brian Moore Biology Director, Budget and Appropriations Virginia Commonwealth University National Audubon Society

John J. Reynolds 401 Holland Ln, Apt 806 Alexandria, VA 22314-3440