Universe 2020, 6(11), 212; doi:10.3390/universe6110212 Einstein’s Geometrical Versus Feynman’s Quantum-Field Approaches to Gravity Physics: Testing by Modern Multimessenger Astronomy Yurij Baryshev 1, ∗ 1Astronomy Department, Mathematics & Mechanics Faculty, Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy Prospekt, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia Modern multimessenger astronomy delivers unique opportunity for performing crucial ob- servations that allow for testing the physics of the gravitational interaction. These tests include detection of gravitational waves by advanced LIGO-Virgo antennas, Event Horizon Telescope observations of central relativistic compact objects (RCO) in active galactic nuclei (AGN), X-ray spectroscopic observations of Fe Kα line in AGN, Galactic X-ray sources mea- surement of masses and radiuses of neutron stars, quark stars, and other RCO. A very impor- tant task of observational cosmology is to perform large surveys of galactic distances indepen- dent on cosmological redshifts for testing the nature of the Hubble law and peculiar velocities. Forthcoming multimessenger astronomy, while using such facilities as advanced LIGO-Virgo, Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), ALMA, WALLABY, JWST, EUCLID, and THESEUS, can elucidate the relation between Einstein’s geometrical and Feynman’s quantum-field ap- proaches to gravity physics and deliver a new possibilities for unification of gravitation with other fundamental quantum physical interactions. Keywords: gravitation; cosmology; multimessenger astronomy; quantum physics. arXiv:1702.02020v3 [physics.gen-ph] 4 Dec 2020 ∗ Electronic address:
[email protected];
[email protected] 2 Contents 1. Introduction 5 1.1. Key Discoveries of Modern Multimessenger Astronomy 6 1. Gravitational Waves 6 2. Imaging of Black Holes Candidates: Relativistic Jets and Disks 7 3.