Hamble-le- Rice Parish Council Memorial Hall, High Street, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4JE 02380453422
[email protected] 02380453422 A meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th August 2017 7.00pm at Roy Underdown Pavilion, Baron Road, Hamble-le-Rice AGENDA 1 a. Apologies for absence b. Declaration of interest and approved dispensations c. To approve minutes of the Full Council Meeting 24 July 2017 2. Public Session Planning 3 Planning applications 17/80338 Conservation area consent: Demolition of existing dwelling 28 Crowsport, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4HG 17/80337 Construction of 1no. 5 bedroom two storey dwelling with first floor roof terraces and associated landscaping and car parking, following demolition of existing three bed single storey dwelling 28 Crowsport, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4HG 17/80438 Construction of 4no. dwellings with amended access from Satchell Lane, following demolition of existing dwelling (access only, all other matters reserved) F/17/81156 Retention of 2no. temporary industrial/ commercial units for a further three year period (renewal of C/14/74900) Mercury Yacht Harbour, Satchell lane, Hamble- le-rice, southampton, so31 4hq O/17/80899 Outline: Erection of up to 19no. dwellings with associated parking, creation of new access from Providence Hill substation and attenuation pond (landscaping reserved). Land adjoining 4 Brookfield, Providence Hill, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8AU Finance and governance 4. Petty Cash Reconciliation 5. Bank Reconciliation 6. Payments