תשע"ט - תש"פ 2019 - 2020

םשֵׁ הַתָּלְמִ יד: ______

כִתָּ ה:______מֹור ה:______


ב' אלול WEEK 1


בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה‘ א -ֹלקֵ ינּו מֶ לֶךהָּ עֹולָּם . . .


הַמֹוצִ יא לֶחֶ ם מִןהָּאָּרֶ ץ Who brings forth bread from the earth FOODS MADE WITH THE FIVE TYPES OF GRAIN WHEAT, BARLEY, SPELT, OATS, OR RYE בֹורֵ אמִ ינֵימְ זֹונֹות Who creates various kinds of food WINE AND GRAPE JUICE

אבֹורֵ יפְרִ הַ גָּפֶן Who creates the fruit of the vine FRUIT GROWN FROM A TREE

אבֹורֵ יפְרִ הָּ עֵץ Who creates the fruit of the tree VEGETABLES AND FRUIT THAT DO NOT GROW FROM A TREE

בֹורֵ א יפְרִ הָּאֲדָּמָּ ה Who creates the fruit of the earth MEAT, FISH, CHEESE, CANDY, BEVERAGES

שֶהַ כֹּל נִהְ יָּ'בִדְ בָּרֹו by Whose word all things come to be

• Why Should We Make a Brocha? ▪ Everything belongs to Hashem. Therefore, every time we make a brocha we are actually asking permission from Hashem to eat His food. In doing so, we are declaring our belief in Hashem, Who is the Creator of the food we are about to eat. ▪ The chochomim—our sages—have said that we cannot enjoy anything in this world before we make a brocha. We are showing our appreciation to Hashem for creating the foods that give us life.

3 ▪ The Order of the Brochos: Eating Foods With Different Brochos Some foods are considered more important than others, and their brochos should be said first.

no more ,הַמֹוצִ יא Bread is the most important food. After saying the brocha 1st הַמֹוצִ יא *.if drinking wine הַ גָּפֶן brochos have to be said, except

,foods of the 5 types of grain are next in importance ,הַמֹוצִ יא If you do not say 2nd ַמזֹונֹות .should be said first בֹורֵ אמִ ינֵימְ זֹונֹות and the brocha

on wine, no brochos have to be said on בֹורֵ א יפְרִ הַ גָּפֶן After saying the brocha 3rd הַ גַפֶן other drinks.

4th הָּ עַץ Next in the order of importance

5th הָּ אַדָּמָּ ה Next in the order of importance

6th שַהַ כֹּל Next in the order of importance ה מ ג עַאש :Hint to Remember * There are additional exceptions when another brocha must be said.

• The Order of the Brochos: Eating Foods With the Same Brochos

What do you like better? If you have an apple and an orange, and you prefer חָּבִ יב the orange, then make a brocha on the orange.

What is most important? If you like both of the foods equally, then first make חָּ שּוב ;(a brocha on the food from the shivas haminim (foods from the e.g if you have grapes and an apple, make a brocha on the grapes. Which food is whole? If you like both foods equally and they are of equal שָּ לֵם importance, then make the brocha on the fruit that is complete; e.g. if you have a cut-up orange and a whole apple, make the brocha on the whole apple.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List what brochos are made on which foods and give two examples of each one; 2) Know the reasons for making brochos on food; 3) Translate each brocha recited on food into English; 4) Know the order of importance of each brocha; 5) Explain the three guidelines for determining the order of eating food with the same brocha; 6) Write the expression that reminds us of the correct order of the brochos.

4 נְבִּ יאִּ ים רִּ אשֹׁונִּים .2

1) יְהֹושֻּעַ 2) שֹופְטִ ים 3) שְמּואֵ -ל 4) מְ לָּכִ ים

.נְבִיאִ ים רִ אשֹונִים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the names of the ?

הַמַפִּ יל .3 .before going to bed ש מע is said after reciting the ה מ פִּ יל The prayer •

בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה' א ֹלקֵ ינּו מֶֶֽ לְֶךהָּ עֹולָּם, הַמַפִיל חֶבְ לֵי שֵ נָּה עַל עֵינַ י, ּותְ נּומָּ ה עַל עַפְעַפַי,ּומֵאִ יר לְאִ ישֹון בַת עֶָּֽיִן.וִיהִ ירָּ צֹון מִ לְפָּנֶיָך, ה' א ֹלקַ י וֵאֹלקֵ י אֲ בֹותַ י, שֶתַשְ כִ יבֵנִילְשָּ לֹום, ְו ַת ֲע ִמי ֵד ִני ְל ַח ִיים טֹו ִבים ּו ְל ָּשלֹום, ְו ַאל ְי ַב ֲה ֶֽלּו ִני רַעְ יֹונַיוַחֲלֹומֹות רָּ עִ יםוְהִרְ הּורִ ים רָּ עִים, ּותְ הֵ א מִטָּתִ ישְ לֵמָּ ה לְפָּנֶיָך, רוְהָּאֵ עֵינַי פֶן אִ ישַןהַמֶָּֽ וֶת. בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה', הַמֵאִ ירלָּעֹולָּם כֻּלֹו בִכְ בֹודֹו.

.prayer הַמַפִ יל FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing words for the ?

5 ט' אלול WEEK 2

1. THE

• In a regular year the Hebrew calendar has 12 months. In a leap year there are is added before the—אֲדָּר רִ אשֹון called—אֲדָּ ר months, when an extra month of 13 .אֲדָּר שֵ נִי is called אֲדָּר רִ אשֹון During a leap year the month after .אֲדָּ ר month of

1 נִיסָּ ן 4 תַ מּוז 7 תִ שְרֵ י 10 טֵ בֵת

2 אִ ייָּר 5 אָּ ב 8 חֶשְ וָּן 11 שְ בָּט

3 סִ יוָּן 6 אֶ לּול 9 כִסְ לֵו 12 אֲדָּ ר

• There are two different orders for the Hebrew months. One is based on the months; the other is based on the years. The Torah is the source for both orders.

The Hebrew Calendar Based on the The Hebrew Calendar Based on the MONTHS YEAR תִ שְרֵ י Starts with the month of נִיסָּ ן Starts with the month of

THE TORAH SOURCE: THE TORAH SOURCE: Hashem The new year begins on Rosh Hashana, the first נִיסָּ ן On the first day of the month of which is the ,תִ שְרֵ י told Moshe and Aharon: “This shall be to you day of the month of the head of months.” anniversary of the creation of Adam and Chava.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the twelve months in the correct order with correct Know the differences between the calendars and (2 ;נִיסָּ ן spelling, starting with the month of the reason behind each one.

6 פַרְשִּׁ יֹות רסֵפֶ דְבָרִּ ים .2 .ס פ רַד ב רִּ ים The fifth and final book of the Torah is •

1 דְ בָּרִ ים 4 רְ אֵ ה 7 כִ יתָּ בֹוא 10 הַאֲזִ ינּו

2 וָּאֶתְ חַ נַן 5 שֹופְטִ ים 8 נִצָּבִ ים 11 וְ זֹּאת הַבְרָּ כָּה

3 עֵקֶ ב 6 כִ י תֵ צֵ א 9 וַיֵלְֶך

.in the correct order פַ רְ שִ יֹות סֵ פֶר דְ בָּרִ ים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the ?

תַ אֲרִּיכִּ ים .3

• Important dates in the history of the Jewish nation.


יְצִיאַ ת מִצְרַ יִם ּומַתַ ן The left Egypt and received the Torah. 2448 תֹורָּ ה They traveled in the desert for 40 years and כְ נִיסָּ ה לָּאָּרֶ ץ 2488 then entered the Land of Israel. בִ נְיַן בַיִת רִ אשֹון The first Beis HaMikdosh stood for 410 years. 2928

חּורְ בָּן The first Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed. 3338 The second Beis HaMikdosh בִ נְיַן בַיִת שֵ נִי 3408 was built and stood for 420 years. חּורְ בָּן The second Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed. 3828

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write in Hebrew or English the six most importanat events in the history of the Jewish nation; 2) Write the date when each one occurred.


טז אלול WEEK 3

מִּצְ וֹות בֵ ין םָאדָ לַחֲבֵ רֹו • מִּצְ וֹות בֵ ין םָאדָ לַמָ קֹום .1

The mitzvos of the Torah can be separated into two groups: מִּצְ וֹות בֵ ין םָאדָ לַחֲבֵ רֹו Mitzvos between one and another, such as giving tzedaka, having ahavas Yisroel, and visiting the sick מִּצְ וֹות בֵ ין םָאדָ לַמָ קֹום Mitzvos between a Jew and Hashem, such as keeping Shabbos, eating kosher food, and trusting in Hashem

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Name the two types of mitzvos; 2) Explain what they mean; and 3) Give an example of each type of .

ד' סּוגִּים בָעֹולָם הַזֶה • FOUR LEVELS OF CREATION .2 • The following four levels of creation go from the lowest to the highest.

דֹומֵ ם An object that has no life, e.g. a stone

צֹומֵחַ A living thing that grows, e.g. plants

חַ ' Animal

מְדַ בֵר Human being

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the of each level of creation and its English description.


לא ַאד“ּו רֹאשׁ וְֹלא בַ ד“ּו פֶסַ ח .3 • The days on which Pesach comes out determines on which days all other yomim tovim will take place.

?mean ב ד"ּו and א ד"ּו What do the abbreviations • We first have to understand that each letter refers to a day of the week. The ד ,(stands for Monday (the second day ב ,(stands for Sunday (the first day א letter .(stands for Friday (the sixth day ו stands for Wednesday (the fourth day), and The purpose of the abbreviations is to tell us two things: ,cannot come out on (”רֹאש“) On which days the first day of Rosh Hashana (1 ;(ו‘) and Friday (ד‘) Wednesday ,(א‘) Sunday— א ד"ּו and they are cannot come out on, and they (” פסַ ח“) On which days the first day of Pesach (2 .(ו‘) and Friday (ד‘) Wednesday ,(ב‘) Monday— בד“ּו are

• What are the problems if Rosh Hashana would fall out on these days? 1) Yom Kippur would fall out on the day before or the day after Shabbos, which would result in two days in a row of Shabbos restrictions. 2) Hoshanoh Rabboh would fall out on Shabbos, in which case we would be .הֹושַעְ נֹות unable to observe its honored custom of beating the ?הֹושַעְ נֹות Why is it so important to be able to beat the • custom of the—מִ גנְהַ נְבִיאִ ים מִדְרַ בָּנָּן Because Hosha’anoh Rabboh is a long-held Jewish people—and we do not want to do anything to diminish its observance. Our a custom of [B’nei] Yisroel is”—מִ גנְהַ יִשְרָּאֵ לתֹורָּ ה הִ יא sages have held that a Torah.” The therefore ensured that Hosha’anoh Rabboh does not occur on .הֹושַעְ נֹות Shabbos, allowing us to keep the special custom of beating the

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know on which days Rosh Hashana and Pesach cannot .הֹושַעְ נֹות begin and explain why; 2) Explain why it is important to be able to beat the

9 כג אלול WEEK 4

ה' חּומָשִּ ים .1

1) בְרֵאשִ ית 2) שְ מֹות 3) וַיִקְרָּ א 4) בַמִדְ בָּר 5) דְ בָּרִ ים

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the five books of the Chumashim in the correct order.

שְׁ מֹות הַתְפִּ ילֹות בְ יֹום כִּ פּור .2 תְ פִ ילֹות are said. Each one of the five ת פִּ ילֹות On Yom Kippur five separate • When one davens each of .נְשָּמָּ ה corresponds to one of the five parts of a Jew’s ”.shines“ נְשָּמָּ ה the corresponding part of the ,תְ פִ ילֹות the Yom Kippur

ת פִּ ילה נ ש מה is revealed Part of the נ ש מה When the part of the Boys: when he has a bris

מַ עֲרִ יב נֶפֶש Girls: when she is given her

שַ חֲרִ ית רּוחַ (At the age of chinuch (some say 3, some say 5

מּוסָּ ף נְשָּמָּ ה Boys: at his bar mitzvah Girls: at her bas mitzvah מִ נְחָּ ה חַ י' צַדִ יק When a person reaches the level of נְ עִ ילָּ ה יְ חִ ידָּ ה מְסִירַ ת נֶפֶש When a person has a chance to do

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the five parts of davening on Yom Kippur in the proper ;that “shines” during each of these parts of davening נְשָּמָּ ה order; 2) Write the part of a Jew’s 3) Know at what point in a person’s life each part is revealed.

10 מִּצְֹות דְרַבָנָן .3 • The following seven mitzvos were instituted by the rabbonim.

1 נַטִ ילַתיָּדָּ יִם נַ Ritually wash the hands before eating bread Construct an Eruv to permit carrying to and within 2 עַירּוב ע public areas on Shabbos 3 בִַּרְ כֹות הַ נֶהנִין בַ Recite a blessing for each enjoyment Prepare lights in advance of Shabbos and Yomtov 4 נֵרֹות שַ בָּתוְ יֹום טֹוב שִַּׂ (one of the reasons is to have peace in the home) 5 ַמגִילַת אֶסְתֵ ר ַמ Read Megilas Esther on Purim 6 נֵרֹות חַנּוכָּה חַ Light the Chanukah lights 7 הַלֵל ה Recite the Hallel on Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Yomtov "נָּע בְשִמְחָּ ה" :Hint to Remember

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List in Hebrew the seven mitzvos instituted by the rabbonim; 2) Know the expression that helps us remember the mitzvos.

11 כט תשרי WEEK 5

1. THE SIX DAYS OF CREATION • Hashem created the universe and everything in it.

יֹום רִּ אשֹׁון אֹור, חֹושֶ ְך light, darkness יֹום שֵׁנִּי רָּקִ יעַ separate earth and heaven יֹום שְׁלִּ ישִּׁ י עֵשֶ ב, עֵצִים, פְרָּחִ ים, פֵירֹות grass, trees, flowers, fruit, vegetables יֹום רְבִּ יעִּ י מְ אֹורֹות sun, moon, stars יֹום חֲמִּ ישִּׁ י דָּגִ יםוְ עֹופֹות fish and birds יֹום שִּׁשִּׁ י חַ יֹות,בְהֵ מֹות, אָּדָּם, חַ וָּה animals, man יֹום שַׁבָ ת מְנּוחָּ ה rest

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write in Hebrew or in English what was created on each day of creation, starting from the first day.

שֶׁבַעמִּצְ ֹות בְנֵי נֹחַ .2

• Hashem gave seven laws to the non-Jews, so they could establish a world that would be moral and free of evil. The laws were given to No’ach and his descendants, from whom the world was rebuilt after the Great Flood.

1 גִ ילּוי עֲרָּ יֹות Do not enter into a forbidden marriage

2 שְ פִ יכַת דָּמִ ים Do not murder

3 עֲבֹודָּ הזָּרָּ ה Do not worship idols

4 אֵ בֶר מִן הַחַ י Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal

5 בִרְ כַת ה‘ Do not curse G-d

6 גֶזֶל Do not steal

7 דִ ינִין Set up courts of law and bring criminals to justice


are universal commandments given to the nations of שֶ בַעמִצְ ֹות בְ נֵי נֹּחַ The the world by Hashem on Har Sinai. It is the responsibility of the Yidden to promote the observance of these commandments and encourage non-Jews to perform them. As the Rambam writes: to compel all humanity to”—"לָּכֹּףאֶת כָּלבָּאֵ יהָּ עֹולָּם לְקַ בֵל מִצְ וֹות שֶ נִצטַ וּו בְ נֵי נֹּח" accept upon themselves the laws given to the descendants of No’ach.” must be kept שֶ בַעמִצְֹות בְ נֵי נֹּחַ The Yidden must also teach them that the because it is Hashem Who commanded these mitzvos to them. In the month of Nissan, the Rebbe began a campaign calling upon every Yid to influence his ,(1983) תשמ"ג The Rebbe also said that this .שֶ בַעמִצְֹות בְ נֵי נֹּחַ non-Jewish acquaintances to do the a dwelling place for G-dliness in this— הדִירָּ בְתַחְ תֹונִים makes the entire world a world—and will help pave the way for Moshiach’s arrival. שֶ בַעמִצְ ֹות בְ נֵי נֹּחַ FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write in Hebrew each of the ? and its correct English translation; and 2) Explain why the Rebbe wanted us to influence people who are not Jewish to observe these commandments.

3. THE LAWS OF ROSH CHODESH • The beginning, or “head,” of a Jewish month is considered a minor holiday. Special laws and customs apply to both men and women.

CUSTOMS ▪ Hold a festive meal. ▪ Give extra . ▪ Work is permitted; however, women try to avoid doing housework, such as laundry and sewing, because Rosh Chodesh was given to them as a special day, as a reward for not giving their jewelry for the Golden Calf. ▪ Tachanun is not recited. ▪ Fasting is not permitted. ▪ Cutting one’s hair and nails is not permitted. SPECIAL PRAYERS .יַ ֲע ֶלה ְו ָי ֹבא When bentching after a meal, we add ▪ and a special Rosh Chodesh Mussaf is בָּרֲכִ י נַפְשִ י, חַ צִ י הַ לֵל During davening we add ▪ added after Shacharis. FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the customs and special prayers of Rosh Chodesh.


ו' חשון WEEK 6

אֲשֶׁ ר יָצַ ר .1

• After leaving a restroom, one has to wash his/her hands at a sink in the same manner one washes negel vasser in the morning (see Week 27). After drying our hands, we recite the following brocha to thank Hashem for the normal bodily functions that keep us healthy: בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה‘ אֶ -ֹלקֵינּומֶ לְֶך הָּ עֹולָּם, אֲשֶ ריָּצַר אֶת הָּאָּדָּ ם בְחָּכְמָּה, אּובָּרָּ בֹו נְקָּבִ ים נְקָּבִ ים, חֲלּולִים חֲלּולִים. גָּלּוי וְ יָּדּועַ לִפְ נֵי כִסֵ אכְ בֹודֶ ָך, םשֶאִ יִסָּתֵם אֶ חָּד מֵהֶ םאֹו אִ ם יִפָּתֵחַאֶחָּ ד מֵהֶ ם, אִ י אֶפְשַר לְהִתְ קַ יֵם אֲפִ ילּו שָּ עָּה אֶחָּ ת. בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה‘, רֹופֵא כָּל-בָּשָּ ר ּומַפְ לִיא לַעֲשֹות:

.אֲשֶ ר יָּצַ ר FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing words for the brocha ?

14 2. THE ORDER OF CUTTING THE NAILS • According to the chochomim, the nails of the hands and feet are cut in a and the order for ב-ד-א-ג-ה specific order. The order of the right hand/foot is .ד-ב-ה-ג-א the left hand/foot is

• We cut our nails in a special way. Starting with the left hand, we cut our nails according to the order of the numbers written above. in נעגל וואסער After cutting the nails, we must wash our hands like we wash • the morning. • After finishing we must be careful to destroy the nail cuttings. The Gemorah divides the Jewish people into three categories, according to how they dispose bury them; and צַדִ יקִ ים (burn them; 2 חַ סִידִ ים (of the nail cuttings: 1 .throw them on the floor רְ שָּעִ ים (3 • We are careful to either bury or burn the nails, as it is said that a pregnant .if she steps on one ,ח"ו ,woman could miscarry • Chassidim are careful to burn the nail cuttings. Even though there is the possibility one could harm oneself in the process, they put another Jew’s safety (that is, a pregnant woman) before their own.

15 • While it is always preferable to burn the nail cuttings, a child must only do so if there is adult supervision. If burning is not practical, flushing the cuttings down the toilet is equivalent to burying them. in preparation of the holy day. One בעֶרֶ שַ בָּת It is preferable to cut the nails • may also cut his/her nails on any other day except Thursday, Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamo’ed, and, of course, Yom Tov and Shabbos. There are opinions that nails should not be cut at night, but only during the day. • We do not cut the nails of our hands and feet on the same day.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write which hand is cut first; 2) Know the correct order for each hand; 3) Know how to properly discard the nail cuttings; 4) Know when is the best time to cut the nails; and 5) Know what we do after cutting the nails.

16 ל"ט מְלָ אכֹות שֶׁ ל שַׁבָ ת .3 • The 39 melachos correspond to the 39 tasks that were required in the

construction of the Mishkan.

1 חֹורֵ ש Plowing 21 קֹושֵ ר Tying a Knot

2 זֹורֵ עַ Planting/Sowing 22 מַתִ יר Untying a Knot

3 קֹוצֵ ר Harvesting 23 תֹופֵר Sewing

4 מְ עַמֵ ר Gathering 24 קֹורֵ עַ Tearing

5 דָּ ש Threshing 25 צָּ ד Trapping

6 זֹורֶ ה Winnowing 26 שֹוחֵ ט Slaughtering

7 בֹורֵ ר Selecting 27 מַפֶֽשִ יט Skinning

8 טֹוחֵ ן Grinding 28 מֶֽ עַבֵד (Salting (softening leather

9 מְרָּקֵ ד Sifting 29 מֶֽ מַחֵ ק (Smoothing (scraping

10 לָּש Kneading 30 מֶֽ שַרֶֽ טֵ ט Making Ruled Lines

11 אֹופֶה Baking 31 מֶֽ חַתֵ ְך Cutting to a Size

12 גֹוזֵז Shearing 32 כֹותֵ ב Writing

13 מְ לַבֵן Bleaching 33 מֹוחֵ ק Erasing

14 מְ נַפֵץ Combing 34 בֹונֶה Building

15 צֹובֵעַ Dyeing 35 סֹותֵ ר Breaking

16 טֹווֶה Spinning 36 מַבֶֽעִ יר Lighting a Fire

17 מֵיסַ ְך Preparing the Loom 37 מֶֽ כַבֶה Extinguishing a Fire

18 העֹושֶ ב' בָּתֵ י נִירִ ין Threading 38 מַ כֶה בֶֽ פַטִ יש Finishing Touch

19 אֹורֵ ג Weaving 39 הֹוצָּאָּ ה Carrying

20 פֹוצֵעַ Unraveling

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the English translation for each of the .ל"ט מלָּ אכֹות שֶ ל שַ בָּ ת

17 יג חשון WEEK 7

הַכְנָסַ תאֹורְחִּ ים .1

literally means “welcoming guests.” We can ה כ נ סתַאֹור חִּ ים The mitzvah of look to Avrohom Avinu to learn how to perform this mitzvah, which for him was very dear. His tent had an opening on each of its four sides, so he could see from every direction when travelers were coming. At first he offered his guests bread, and then served them a big meal. When he was weak from his bris milah, Hashem made it very hot outside so there would be no travelers to invite into his tent, allowing Avrohom to rest. Not being able to fulfill this mitzvah however caused Avrohom much pain, so Hashem made three angels appear as his guests.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the English translation of above mitzvah; 2) Give an example of how you have done this mitzvah.

בִּ יקּור חֹולִּ ים .2 means “visiting the sick.” We learn the great value בִּ יקּורַחֹולִּים The mitzvah of • of this mitzvah from when Avrohom Avinu was weak after having a bris milah at the age of 99 and Hashem Himself came to visit him. Have you ever performed this mitzvah? It’s an easy one to do and can be done with a friend, a relative or even someone you don’t even know.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the English translation for the above mitzvah; 2) Give an example of how you have done this mitzvah. 18 3. RESPONDING TO

• When someone recites Kaddish in a minyan, the congregation responds by saying: אָּמֵן,יְהֵ אשְמֵה רַ בָּאמְ בָּרַ ְך ,לְעָּלַם, ּולְעָּלְמֵ יעָּלְמַ יָּא, יִתְ בָּרֵ ְך “Amen. May Hashem’s great name be blessed forever and ever.” • Why is it important to respond to Kaddish? When a Jew responds to Kaddish with full strength and conviction, he shows that he believes and confirms what is being said. Responding in a strong voice—but not yelling or shouting—cannot only annul but , ח"ו ,an evil decree on oneself of 70 years Hashem will add even more years to one’s life.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the exact wording of Explain the correct way to (2 ; ןאָּמֵ איְהֵ השְמֵ רַ בָּא the entire respond when someone is receiting Kaddish; and, 3) Know what can be accomplished when Kaddish is said..

(BOYS ONLY) שִּׁשָׁ ה יסִּדְרֵ מִּשְׁנָה .4 deals with a ס דר Each . תֹור הַש ב ע לַפה comprise the סִּד ר יַמִּש נה The six • different aspect of the Oral Law.

agriculture and the commandments זְרָּ עִ ים concerning the land מֹועֵ ד Shabbos, festivals and, fasts

נָּשִ ים family life, marriage

injuries done to others, compensation, נְזִיקִ ין business, money matters, and so forth קָּדְשִ ים korbonos

טַ הֲרֹות purity and impurity

19 • Why was it important to write the laws down, and who undertook this enormous task? The Torah, given to us by Hashem on Har Sinai, consists of two parts: (1) the —תֹורָּ ה שֶבְ עַל פֶה the Written Law (known, as TaNaCh)—and (2) the—תֹורָּ ה שֶבִכְתַ ב the Oral Law, which are the explanations of the Torah given by word of mouth to .(הַ לָּכָּה לְמֹּשֶ ה מִסִ נַי) Moshe, as well as the halachos This Oral Law was handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth from Moshe to Yehoshua, from Yehoshua to the seventy Zekaynim, from the Zekanim to the Nevi’im, from the Nevi’im to the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah, and from them to the greatest scholars of every generation. All the laws, traditions and customs were learned by heart and memorized. They were not allowed to be written down. Yehuda HaNosi saw, however, that as a result of the difficulties of golus, which the Jewish nation had to endure and would have to suffer for many centuries until the coming of Moshiach, there was a strong possibility that many of He therefore decided .ח"ו ,these laws would be forgotten or accidentally changed to gather together the laws and write them down, so they remain permanently recorded in what was called the ""—which means "learning by repetition." This was, of course, a tremendous task, but "Rebbi"—as Yehuda HaNosi was called—succeeded in this enormous task. He not only assembled the laws of the ,six volumes ,שִשָּה סְדָּרִ ים Oral Law, but he also arranged them in a logical order in .שַ "ס known by the abbreviation

Match the correct name of the (2 ; יסִדְרֵ מִשְ נָּה FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the six ? sidra with the topics that it deals with; 3) Know who is its author/compiler; 4) Explain the importance of writing it down.

20 כ' חשון WEEK 8

ָאבֹות וְאִּמָ הֹות .1

• The first family of Yidden are called our “fathers” and our “mothers.” א בֹות: אַבְרָּ הָּ ם, יִצְחָּ ק, יַעֲקֹּב מאִּ הֹות: שָּרָּ ה, רִ בְקָּ ה, רָּ חֵ ל, לֵאָּ ה .אָּ בֹות וְאִ מָּ הֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the names of the ?

מְעָרַ ת הַמַכְפֵלָ ה COUPLES WHO ARE BURIED IN .2

. מ ע ר תַה מ כ פ לה Our patriarchs and matriarchs are buried in •

אָּדָּ ם - חַ וָּה

אַבְרָּ הָּ ם - שָּרָּ ה יִצְחָּ ק - רִ בְקָּ ה

יַעֲקֹּב - לֵאָּ ה

.מְ עָּרַ ת הַמַכְ פֵלָּהFOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the names of the couples buried in ?

21 וְזֹאת הַתֹורָ ה .3 • After completing the Torah readying in shul, the is raised (hagbah) while partially open and then dressed (gelilah). As the Torah scroll is raised, the congregation faces the Torah so they can see the letters, and they recite the following: וְ זֹּאת הַ התֹורָּ ראֲשֶ שָּ ם משֶ ה לִפְ נֵי ְב ֵני ִי ְש ָּר ֵאל: ֵעץ ַח ִיים ִהיא ַל ַמ ֲח ִזי ִקים בָּּה, וְ תֹּמְ כֶיהָּמְ אֻּשָּ ר: דְרָּ כֶיהָּ דַ רְ כֵינֶֹּֽעַם, וְכָּל נְתִ יבֹותֶ יהָּ שָּ לֹום: אֹּרֶ ְך יָּמִ ים בִימִ ינָּּה,בִשְ מֹּאלָּּה עשֶר וְכָּבֹוד: ה' חָּ פֵץ לְמַ עַן צִדְ קֹו, יַגְדִ יל תֹורָּ ה וְ יַאְדִ יר.

;וְ זֹּאת הַ תֹורָּ ה FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Fill in the missing words for ? 2) Know when it is said.

22 י"ב פְ סּוקִּ ים .4

• The Rebbe selected 12 Torah passages—or 12 Pesukim—from the entire range of Jewish texts and suggested that every child learn these pesukim by heart.

1 תֹורָּהצִ וָּהלָּנּו מֹּשֶ ה מֹורָּ השָּ קְהִ לַת יַעֲקֹּב

2 שְמַ ע יִשְרָּאֵ ל ה' אֶ ֹלקֵ ינּו ה' אֶחָּ ד

3 בְכָּלדֹוד וָּדֹור חַ יָּיב אָּדָּ ם לִרְ אֹותאֶ ת עַצְ מֹוכְאִ לּו הּוא איָּצָּ מִמִצְרָּ יִם כָּל ליִשְרָּאֵ יֵש לָּהֶם חֵ לֶק לְעֹולָּם הַ בָּא שֶ נֶא רמַ וְעַמֵ ְך כּולָּםצַדִ יקִ ים לְעֹולָּם 4 יִירְ שּו אָּרֶ ץ נֵצֶ ר מַטָּ עַי מַ עֲשֵ ה ייָּדַ לְהִתְ פָּאֵ ר

5 כִיקָּרֹוב אֵ לֶיָך הַדָּ בָּר מְ אֹּד בְפִ יָךּובִ לְבָּבְ ָךלַעֲשֹותֹו וְהִנֵהה'נִצָּב עָּלָּיוּומְ לֹּא כָּלהָּאָּרֶ ץ כבֹודֹוּומַבִ יט עָּלָּיו ּובֹוחֵ ן כְ לָּיֹות וָּלֵב אִ ם 6 עֹובְ דֹוכָּרָּ אּוי

7 בְרֵאשִ ית אבָּרָּ אֶ ֹלקִ ים אֵ ת הַשָּמַ יִםוְאֵ תהָּאָּרֶ ץ

8 וְשִנַנְתָּם לְבָּנֶיָךוְדִ בַרְ תָּ בָּם בְשִבְתְ ָך בְ בֵיתֶ ָך ּובְ לֶכְתְ ָך בַדֶרֶ ְךּובְשָּכְבְ ָך ּובְ קּומֶ ָך יָּגַעְתִ י וְ לֹּאמָּצָּ יאתִ אַ לתַאַמִ ין לֹּא יָּגַעְתִ יּומָּצָּ יאתִ לאַ תַאַמִ ין יָּגַעְתִ י ּומָּצָּ אתִ י 9 תַאַמִ ין 10 וְאָּהַבְתָּ לְרֵ עַָך כָּמֹוָך – רַבִי עַקִ יבָּא אֹומֵ ר זֶה כְ לָּלגָּדֹול בַתֹורָּ ה וְזֶהכָּל הָּאָּדָּ ם וְתַכְ לִית בְרִ יאָּ תֹו ּובְרִ יאַ ת כָּלהָּ עֹולָּמֹות עֶלְיֹונִים וְתַחְ תֹונִים 11 לִהְ יֹות לֹו הדִירָּ זֹו בְתַחְ תֹונִים יִשְמַח יִשְרָּאֵ ל בְעֹושָּ יופֵירּוש שֶ כָּלמִי שֶ הּוא מִ עזֶרַ יִשְרָּאֵ ל יֵשלֹו לִשְ מֹוחַ 12 בְשִמְחַ ת ה' אַשֶר שָּ ש וְשָּמֵחַ בְדִירָּ תֹו בְתַחְ תֹונִים

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the 12 Pesukim by heart.


כז חשון WEEK 9

בֹורֵא נְפָ שֹׁות • BLESSINGS AFTER EATING FOOD .1 This after-brocha ”.בֹור אַנ פ שֹות“ The shortest brocha that is said after eating is • except fruit from) הָּ עֵץ is recited after eating foods upon which we made the brocha .שֶהַ כל or הָּאַדָּמָּ ה ,(the shivas haminim

בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה‘ אֶ -ֹלקֵ ינּו מֶ לְֶךהָּ עֹולָּם, בֹורֵא נְפָּשֹות רַ בֹות וְחֶסְ רֹונָּן עַל כֹּל מַ ה-שֶ בָּרָּאתָּ לְהַ חֲיֹות םבָּהֶ נֶפֶש כָּל-חָּי, בָּרּוְךחֵי הָּ עֹולָּמִ ים:

בֹורֵ א FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing Hebrew words for the brocha of ? .נְפָּשֹות

סְעּודַת מִּצְוָה .2

is a festive meal that is made in honor of performing ס עּוד תַמִּצ וה A • a mitzvah, e.g. bris, , wedding. It is a mitzvah to wash for bread and to partake in the simcha.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Explain what is a seudas mitzvah; 2) Give two examples.

24 מִּ י תִּקֵ ןהַתְפִּ ילֹות? • ?WHO INSTITUTED THE PRAYERS .3

• The three daily prayers were instituted by the Avos, as described in the Torah in the pesukim written below.

Instituted Prayer According to the and the Gemorah by morning) after Hashem) בַקֶ ר in the שַ חֲרִ ית instituted אַ בַרָּ הָּ ם destroyed Sodom. שַ חֲרִ ית אַבְרָּ הָּ ם וַיַשְ כֵם אַבְרָּ םהָּ בַבֹּקֶ ראֶ ל־הַמָּקֹום אֲשֶ ר־עָּמַד שָּ ם אֶ ת־פְ נֵי ה': בראשית י"ט:כ"ז (afternoon) צַהָּרַ יִם in the מִ נְחָּ ה instituted יִ צַחָּ ק before meeting Rivka. מִ נְחָּ ה יִצְחָּ ק ַו ֵי ֵצא ִי ְצ ָּחק ָּלשּו ַח ַב ָּש ֶדה ִל ְפנֹות ָּע ֶרב ַו ִי ָּשא ֵעי ָּניו וַיַרְ א וְהִ נֵה גְמַ לִים בָּאִ ים: בראשית כ"ד:ס"ג

evening) on his way to) עַרֶ ב in the מַ עֲרִ יב instituted יַ עַקֹּב Charan before going to sleep and dreaming of the angels going מַ עֲרִ יב יַעֲקֹּב .up and down the ladder ַו ִי ְפ ַגע ַב ָּמקֹום ַו ָּי ֶלן ָּשם ִכי־ ָּבא ַה ֶש ֶמש ַו ִי ַקח ֵמ ַא ְב ֵני ַה ָּמקֹום ַו ָּי ֶשם ְמ ַר ֲא ֹּש ָּתיו ַו ִי ְש ַכב ַב ָּמקֹום ַההּוא: בראשית כ"ח:י"א

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Name the three daily prayers; 2) Write who instituted each one; and 3) Know when it is mentioned in the Torah.

25 4. SIX MITZVOS A JEW CONSTANTLY KEEPS • Almost all of the mitzvos depend on some type of circumstance to perform, or are specific to either a man or a woman. The following six commandments are the only mitzvos that are constantly kept by every Jew.

1 א מּונַת ה‘ Believing in Hashem

2 יִחּוד ה‘ Believing in the unity of Hashem

3 אַ הֲבַת ה‘ Loving Hashem

4 לֹּא לְהַאֲמִ ין בְ זּולָּתֹו Not believing in anything other than Hashem

5 לֹּא תָּ תּורּו Not following the desires of one’s hearts and eyes

6 יִרְ אַ ת ה' Fearing Hashem

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List in English or Hebrew the six mitzvos a Jew constantly keeps.

26 ד',יא כסלו WEEKS 10, 11


שַׁלְשֶׁלֶ תהַנְשִּיאִּ ים שְׁ מֹות הַנְשִּיאִּ ים רַבָנִּיֹות הֹורֵ י הַנְשִּיאִּ ים Name Each Rebbe Is Parents Rebbetzin Given Name Known By רַ ‘ אֶ לִיעֶזֶר בַעַל םשֵ טֹוב רַ ‘ יִשְרָּאֵ ל רֶ בִיצִ ין לֵ אָּ ה רָּ חֵ ל רֶ בִיצִ ין שָּרָּ ה רַ ‘ אַבְרָּ הָּ ם מֶעזְרִ יטְשֶ ער מַגִ יד רַ ‘ דֹובֶער רֶ בִיצִ ין קֵ יילָּא רֶ בִיצִ ין חַ וָּה רַ ‘ בָּרּוְך אַ לְטֶ ער רֶ בִ י רַ ‘ שְ נֵיאֹור זַ לְמָּ ן רֶ בִיצִ ין סְטֶ ערְ נָּא רֶ בִיצִ יןַרִ בְקָּ ה רַ ‘ שְ נֵיאֹורַזָּלְמָּ ן מִ יטֶ עלֶער רֶ בִ י רַ ‘ דֹובֶער רֶ בִיצִ ין שֵ יינָּא )אַ לְטֶער רֶ בִ י( רֶ בִיצִ ין סְטֶערְ נָּא

רַ ‘ שָּ לֹוםַשַכְ נָּא צֶמַח צֶדֶ ק רַ ‘ מְ נַחֵ ם מֶ ענְדֶ ל רֶ בִיצִ ין חַ יָּ ‘ מּושְקָּ א רֶ בִיצִ ין דְבֹורָּ הַלֵאָּ ה

רַ ‘ מְ נַחֵ םַמֶ ענְדֶ ל רֶ בִ י מַ הֲרַ “ש רַ ‘ שְ מּואֵ ל רֶ בִיצִ ין רִ בְקָּ ה )צֶמַח צֶדֶ ק( רֶ בִיצִ ין חַ יָּ ‘ַמושְקָּ א רֶ בִיצִ ין שְטֶ ערְ נָּא רַ ‘ שְ מּואֵ -ל )מַהַרַ "ש( רֶ בִ י רַ שַ “ב רַ ‘ שָּ לֹום דֹובֶער שָּרָּ ה רֶ בִיצִ ין רִ בְקָּ ה רַ ‘ שָּ לֹום דֹובֶער )רַ שַ "ב( פְרִ יעֶרְ דִ יקֶ ער רֶ בִ י רַ ‘ ףיֹוסֵ יִצְחָּ ק רֶ בִיצִ ין נְ חָּמָּ ה דִ ינָּה רֶ בִיצִ ין שְטֶערְ נָּאַשָּרָּ ה רַ ‘ ילֵוִ יִצְחָּ ק הַ יינְטִ יקֶ ער רֶ בִ י רַ ‘ מְ נַחֵ ם מֶ ענְדֶ ל רֶ בִיצִ ין חַ יָּ ‘ מּושְקָּ א רֶ בִיצִ ין חַ נָּה

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the given name of each of the Rebbeim and the name each was known known by; 2) Write the name of his Rebbetzin; 3) Write the names of his parents.


יֹום שְׁנַת יֹום הּולֶדֶ ת שְׁנַת הּולֶדֶ ת שַׁלְשֶׁלֶ תהַנְשִּיאִּ ים הִּסְתַלְ קּות הִּסְתַלְ קּות Date of Birth Yahrtzeit Yahrtzeit Year Year Date בַעַל םשֵ טֹוב חַ י" א לּול נַחַ "ת )תנ"ח( שָּ בּועֹות תק"כ

מֶעזְרִ יטְשֶ ער מַגִ יד Unknown Unknown י"ט כִסְ לֵו תקל"ג

קְהָּ ת אַ לְטֶ ער רֶ בִ י חַ י" אֶ לּול )תק"ה( כ"ד טֵ בֵת תקע"ג

מִיטֶ עלֶער רֶ בִ י ט' כִסְ לֵו תקל"ד ט' כִסְ לֵו תקפ"ח

צֶמַ ח צֶדֶ ק כ ט" א לּול תקמ"ט י"ג נִיסָּ ן תרכ"ו

רֶ בִ י מַ הֲרַ “ש ב' אִ יָּיר תקצ"ד י"ג תִשְרֵ י תרמ"ג

כִתְרָּ א רֶ בִ י רַ שַ “ב כ' חֶשְ וָּן )תרכ"א( ב' נִיסָּ ן תר"פ

פְרִ יעֶרְ דִיקֶ ער רֶ בִ י י"ב תַ מּוז תר"מ י' שְ בָּט תש"י

הַ יינְטִיקֶ ער רֶ בִ י י"א נִיסָּ ן תרס"ב ג' תַ מּוז תשנ"ד

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the date of the birthday and yahrtzeit of each of the Rebbeim. EXTRA CREDIT (AFTER BIRTHDAYS AND YAHRTZEITS ARE CORRECT): Fill in the years.

28 יח כסלו WEEK 12

א-ב / נְקּודֹות .1 א ּב ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י ּכ כ ך ל מ ם נ ן ס ע ּפ פ ף צ ץ ק ר ׁש ׂש ּת ת

קָּמַ ץ ָּ סֶ גֹול ֶ חִ ירִ יק ִ חֲטָּף קָּמַ ץ ֳ

פַתָּ ח ַ שְ וָּא ְ קֻּ בּוץ ֻּ ףחֲטָּ פַתָּ ח ֲ צֵירֶ ה ֵ חֹולָּם ֹו שּורֻּ ק ּו חֲטָּף סֶ גֹול

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write out the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in the .looks like next to its name נְקּודָּ ה correct order; 2) Write what each

לעַ הַמִּחְיָ ‘ .2 ח מ שתis said after eating food made from theַ ע לַה מִּח יַ‘The after-brochaַ • This . הַמֹוצִַּיא unless the food eaten requires the after-brocha of מִּ יניַ ד גן after-brocha is commonly said and should be memorized by everyone. בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה' א -ֹלקֵינּו מֶֶֽ לְֶך הָּ עֹולָּם, עַל הַמִחְ יָּה וְעַל הַ כַלְכָּלָּה, וְעַלתְ נּובַתהַשָּדֶה, וְעַל ץאֶרֶ חֶמְדָּ ה טֹובָּה ּורְ חָּ בָּה, שֶרָּ צִיתָּ וְהִ נְחַ לְתָּ לַאֲבֹותֵינּו, לֶא כֹול מִ פִרְ יָּּהוְלִשְ בֹועַמִ טּובָּּה. רַ םחֶ נָּא, ה' א ֹלקֵ ינּו, עַל יִשְרָּאֵל עַמֶָך, וְעַליְרּושָּלֶַֽיִם עִ ירֶ ָך, וְעַלצִ יֹון מִשְ כַןכְ בֹודֶָך, וְעַל מִ זְבְחֶָך, וְעַל הֵ יכָּלֶָך. ּובְ נֵה יְרּושָּ לַיִם עִירהַ קֶֹּֽ דֶ ש בִמְהֵרָּ הבְ יָּמֵ ינּו, וְהַעֲלֵנּו לְתֹוכָּּה,וְשַמְחֵ נּו בָּה ּונְבָּרֶ כְ ָךבִקְ דֻּשָּ הּובְטָּ הֳרָּ ה. כִי אַתָּ ה ה' טֹובּומֵטִיב לַכֹּל,וְנֶֹֽודֶ ה לְָך עַל הָּאֶָּֽרֶ ץוְעַל הַמִחְ יָּה. בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה', עַל ץהָּאֶָּֽרֶ וְעַל הַמִחְ יָּה.

29 .עַל הַמִחְ יָּ ‘ FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing Hebrew words for ?

חַמֵשֶׁת מִּינֵי דָגָן • FIVE TYPES OF GRAIN .3 we ח מ ש תַמִּ ינ יַד גן Before eating cooked or baked foods* made of the • After eating cooked or baked foods made .בֹור אַמִּ יניַמ זֹונֹות recite the brocha *.עַל הַמִחְ יָּ ‘ we recite חַמֵשֶ ת מִ ינֵי דָּ גָּן of the

1 חִטָּ ה wheat 4 שִ יפֹון rye

2 שְ עֹורָּ ה barley 5 שִ יבֹולֶתשּועָּל oats

3 כּוסֶמֶ ת spelt

HINT: B.R.O.W.S = Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat, Spelt

.is recited הַ מֹוצִ אי לֶ חֶ ם מִ ן הָּ אָּ רֶ ץ If baked goods are made with water then the brocha of*

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the five types of grain in Hebrew and their English translation.

30 ב' טבת WEEK 13

בַ ל תַשְׁחִּ ית • DO NOT BE WASTEFUL .1 • From a Torah prohibition against needlessly cutting down a tree, we learn that we should not destroy or waste anything of value. For example, leftover food should not be thrown out; paper should not be discarded if it can be used for another purpose; lights should be turned off if no one is in the room. Can you think of Whatever we own was ?בַל תַשְחִ ית other examples of given to us by Hashem, so we must be careful not to be wasteful about anything.

Give an (2 ;בַל תַשְחִ ית FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Translate into English the words ? example of this mitzvah that is not given above.

הַשָׁבַת ַאבֵדָ ה • RETURNING LOST OBJECTS .2

“Do not see your brother’s ox or sheep straying and ignore them; return them . . .” (Deuteronomy 22:1) • Returning lost objects to their rightful owner is a positive mitzvah. Unless the item is of very little value, one who finds an object must make an effort to return it to its owner.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Translate into English the words Give an example of this mitzvah that is not (2 ;הַשָּ בַת אַ בֵדָּ ה given above.


בִּרְכַת הַ גֹומֵ ל .3 :is a blessing of thanksgiving ה גֹומל The blessing of • בָּרּוְך האַתָּ ה' א ֹלקֵ -ינּו מֶ לְֶך הָּ עֹולָּם, הַ לגֹומֵ לְחַ יָּבִ ים טֹובֹות, שֶגְמָּ לַנִי טֹוב: It is recited by any of the following people: • A person who was very sick and has recovered • A person who was jailed and has been released • A person who traveled through a desert and has entered a town • A person who crossed the sea and has reached dry land

• The follow phrase from Tehillim helps us remember the four categories of :ה גֹומל people who must recite ". . . וְכָּל הַ ח יִּים יֹודּוָך"—”and all living things shall thank You . . .” where each letter stands for one—רָּ יאשֵ תֵ יבֹות—is an acronym ”חַ יִים“ The word :הַ גֹומֵ ל of the four types of people who must say the blessing of

ח י י ם חֹולָּה יַם יִַּסּורִ ים מִַּדְ בַר desert captive (jail) sea suffering (sick)

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know the four times when we are to make the brocha of .”הַ גֹומֵ ל“ Write out the brocha, starting with (2 ;הַ גֹומֵ ל

32 הַלֵל שָלֵ ם, חַצִּי הַלֵ ל .4

. . . is recited on— ה ל לַש לם—Whole Hallel ב ב טח :Hint to Remember ב‘ַיָּמִ ים ּוב‘ לֵילֹות רִ אשֹונֹות שֶ ל פֶסַ ח ב ַ The first 2 days and nights of Pesach ב‘ יָּמִים שֶל שָּ בּועֹות ב The 2 days of Shavous

ט‘ יָּמִיםשֶל חַג הַ סּוכֹות ט ַ The 9 days of Sukkos, including Shmini עִם שְמִ ינִי עֲצֶרֶ ת וְשִמְ חַ תתֹורָּ ה .Atzeres and Simchas Torah ח‘ יָּמִיםשֶ לחֲנּוכָּה ח ַ .The 8 days of Chanukah

. . . is recited on—ח צִּ יַה לל—Half Hallel

רֹּאש חֹודֶ ש Rosh Chodesh

חֹול הַ מֹועֵד פֶסַ ח Chol Ha’Moed Pesach

ב‘ יָּמִ ים אַ חֲרֹונִים שֶ ל פֶסַ ח The last 2 days of Pesach

;is recited הַ לֵל שָּ לֵם FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know on which days ? Know on which (3 ;הַ לֵל שָּ לֵם Know the word that reminds us on which days we recite (2 .is recited חַצִ י הַ לֵל days


ט' טבת WEEK 14

פַ רְ שִּׁ יֹות סֵ רפֶ בְרֵ אשִּׁ ית .1 . סַפ רַב ר אשִּ ית The first book of the Torah is •

1 בְרֵאשִ ית 4 וַיֵרָּ א 7 וַיֵצֵ א 10 מִקֵ ץ

2 נֹּחַ 5 חַ יֵי שָּרָּ ה 8 וַיִשְ לַח 11 וַיִגַש

3 לְֶך לְָך 6 תֹולְדֹות 9 וַיֵשֶ ב 12 וַיְחִ י

.in the correct order פַ רְ שִ יֹות סֵ פֶר בְרֵאשִ ית FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the ?


1 צֹום גְדַלְיָ' ג' תִשְרֵ י .Gedaliah was assassinated

2 עַשָרָ ה בְטֵבֵ ת י' טֵ בֵת .The walls of Yerushalayim were surrounded שִּׁבְעָ ה עָשָ ר 3 יז תַ מּוז .The walls of Yerushalayim were broken בְתַ מּוז The first Beis Hamikdosh and second 4 ט' אָּ ב התִּשְׁעָ בְ ָאב .Beis Hamikdosh were burned

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the four fasts related to the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh; 2) Know the date when each event occurred; 3) Write the reason for each fast.

34 שִּׁבְעָה רעָשָ בְתַ מּוז FIVE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED ON .3 1) Moshe broke the luchos. 2) They stopped offering the korbon tamid. 3) The city wall was breached. 4) Apostemus burned the Torah. 5) An idol was erected in the Beis Hamikdosh.

.שִבְ עָּה עָּשָּ ר בְתַ מּוזFOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the five events that occurred on ?

תִּשְׁעָ ה בְ ָאב FIVE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED ON .4 1) It was decreed that the people of the generation of the spies would not enter Eretz Yisroel. 2) The first Beis Hamikdosh was destroyed. 3) The second Beis Hamikdosh was destroyed. 4) The city of Betar was captured. 5) Yerushalayim was ploughed over.

.תִשְ עָּה בְ אָּ ב FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the five events that occurred on ?

35 טז טבת WEEK 15

י"ב שְׁבָטִּ ים .1 .were led by one of Yaakov Avinu’s 12 sons ַש בַטִַּים Each of the •

1 רְ אּובֵן 4 יְהּודָּ ה 7 דָּ ן 10 אָּשֵ ר 2 שִמְ עֹון 5 יִשָּ שכָּר 8 נַפְתָּ לִי 11 יֹוסֵ ף 3 לֵוִ י 6 זְ בּולּון 9 גָּד 12 בִ נְיָּמִ ין

• The 12 tribes are descendants of four mothers.

לֵ ָאה רְ אּובֵן, שִמְ עֹון,לֵוִ י, יְהּודָּ ה, יִשָּ שכָּר,זְ בּולּון זִּלְפָ ה גָּד, אָּשֵ ר

בִּלְהָ ה דָּ ן, נַפְתָּ לִי רָחֵ ל יֹוסֵ ף, בִ נְיָּמִ ין

(in their correct order; 2 י"ב שְ בָּטִ ים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the names of the ? .descended from which mother י"ב שְ בָּטִ ים Know which of the


ב רּוְךַא ת הַה'ַא ֹלקינּוַמ לְךַה עֹולםַ.ַ.ַ. 1 לגֹואֵ יִשְרָּאֵ -ל for redeeming us

2 ֶש ה ח ָּינּו ְו ִק ְי ָּמנּו ְו ִה ִגי ָּענּו ִל ְז ַמן ַה ֶזה for bringing us to this day Who gives a portion of His wisdom 3 שֶחָּ לַקמֵחָּכְמָּ תֹו לִירֵאָּ יו to those who fear Him Who gives a portion of His honor 4 שֶחָּ לַק מִ כְ בֹודֹו לִירֵאָּ יו to those who fear Him 5 חֲכַם הַרָּ זִ ים Knower of secrets

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List in Hebrew the brochos recited when Moshiach comes; and 2) Match each one to its correct English translation.

36 עֵ רּובִּ ין THREE TYPES OF .3 .each serving a different purpose ,ע רּובִּ ין There are three types of •

ע רּובַח צ רֹות ע רּובַת חּומִּ ין ע רּובַת בשִּ ילִּין “mixed [ownership of] “mixed cooked food” “mixed borders” courtyards” Allows a person to carry Allows one to cook Allows one to walk more from a "private" domain on Yom Tov for the than 2000 amos outside of a into a "public" domain, sake of Shabbos city on Shabbos or Yom Tov and vice versa

.and their purpose עֵרּובִ ין FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the three types of ?

37 א' שבט WEEK 16

עֶ שֶ ר מַ כֹות • THE 10 MAKOS .1 • Hashem punished the Egyptians with 10 plagues for not allowing the Jews to leave Egypt.

1) דָּ ם 4) עָּרֹוב 7) בָּרָּ ד 2) צְ פַרְ דֵ עַ 5) דֶ בֶר 8) אַרְ בֶה 3) כִ נִים 6) שְחִ ין 9) חֹושֶ ְך 10) מַ כַתבְ כֹורֹות The Pesach Hagadah gives an acronym : רעֶשֶ מַ כֹות to help us remember the ד צַ״ ְךַע דַ״ שַב א חַ״ב

;in the correct order רעֶשֶ מַ כֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the ? . רעֶשֶ מַ כֹות Write the acronym for the (2 פַרְדֵ ס .2 • Learning Torah can be done on four different levels. We can understand a posuk 1) exactly the way it is written, 2) as a hint to something else, 3) as an interpretation of an idea, or 4) something that has a deep hidden meaning. The which means “orchard” in Hebrew, stand for each one of these ,פַרְ דֵ ס four letters of four basic levels of understanding and interpreting the Torah:

Where Usually Found English Translation Level פַשַ ט simple” explanation“ רַשִ ״י ַרמֶ ז ”hint“ בַעַל הַ טּורִ ים ַדרַ ש ”interpreted“ מִדְרָּ ש סֹוד ”secret“ קַ בָּלָּה ? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the four levels of learning Torah in both Hebrew and English; 2) Match it to where it is most commonly found.


כ"ד יסִּפְרֵ קֹודֶ שׁ .3

תֹורָ ה - אֹורַ ייתָ א א ב ג ד ה סֵ פֶר סֵ פֶר סֵ פֶר סֵ פֶר סֵ פֶר בְרֵאשִ ית שְ מֹות וַיִקְרָּ א בַמִדְ בָּר דְ בָּרִ ים נְבִּ יאִּ יםרִּ אשֹׁונִּים ו ז ח ט יְהושֻּעַ שֹופְטִ ים שְ מּואֵ ל מְ לָּכִ ים נְבִּ יאִּ יםַאחֲרֹונִּים י יא יב יג יְשַעְ יָּהּו יִרְ מִ יָּהּו יְחֶזְקֵ אל תְרֵ יעָּשָּ ר 3 2 1 הושֵ עַ יֹואֵ ל עָּמֹוס 6 5 4 עֹובַדְ יָּ ‘ יֹונָּה מִ יכָּה 9 8 7 נַחּום חֲבַקּוק צְ פַנְיָּ׳ 12 11 10 חַ גַי זְכַרְ יָּ ׳ מַ לְאָּכִ י כְ תּובִּ ים יד טו טז יז יח יט תְהִ לִים מִשְ לֵי אִ יֹוב דָּ נִיֵאל עֶזְרָּ א, נְחֶמְ יָּ׳ ידִבְרֵ הַ יָּמִ ים חָמֵ שׁמְגִּילֹות כ כא כב כג כד שִ יר הַשִירִ ים רּות אֵ יכָּה קֹּהֶ לֶת אֶסְתֵ ר

.כ"ד סִ יפְרֵ קֹודֶ ש FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing names of the ?

39 ח' שבט WEEK 17

שִּׁבְעַתהַמִּינִּים • THE SPECIAL FRUITS OF ISRAEL .1 • The Shivat Haminim are the seven types of fruits and grains named in the .as the main produce of the land of Israel (דברים ח:ח) Torah

חִטָּ ה תָּמָּ ר Date Wheat

שְעֹורָּ ה רִ מֹון Pomegranate Barley

0 גֶפֶן שֶמֶ ן זַיִת Olive Grape

תְ אֵ נָּה Fig

in both שִבְ עַת הַמִ ינִים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the names of the ? Hebrew and English.

40 רָ יאשֵׁ תֵ יבֹות .2 • Hebrew, like many languages, uses abbreviations for commonly used —”the Hebrew word for “abbreviations—רָּ יאשֵ תֵ יבֹות expressions. The following are seen throughout Jewish writings.

אי"ה אִ ם יִרְ צֶ ה ה‘ (If Hashem wills it (to happen ב"ה בָּרּוְך ה‘ Blessed is Hashem בס"ד בְסַ איְיעַתָּ דִשְמַ יָּא With the help of Heaven גמ"ח גְמִ ילּות חֲסָּדִ ים acts of kindness זַצַ "ל זֵכֶרצַדִ יק לִבְרָּ כָּה of blessed memory עַ מו"שׁ עַד מֵאָּ הוְעֶשְרִ ים שָּ נָּה may he/she live] till 120 years] אֲדְ מֹו"ר אֲ דֹונֵנּו מֹורֵ נּו וְרַ בֵנּו ,Our master, our guide and our teacher 1) May he live for a good and 1)שִֶיחְ יֶ ' לְיָּמִ ים טֹובִ ים אֲרּוכִ ים .long time שְׁלִּ יטָ "א 2)שֶ יִחְ יֶ' לְאֹורֶ ְך יָּמִ ים טֹובִ ים אָּמֵ ן May he live a good and (2 long life. Amen. חֲזַ "ל חַכָּמֵ ינּו זִכְ רֹונָּםלִבְרָּ כָּה Our sages of blessed memory הקב"ה הַקָּ דֹושבָּרּוְך הּוא The Holy One, Blessed Be He ר"ח רֹּאש חֹודש Rosh Chodesh יו"ט יֹום טֹוב YomTov חוה"מ חֹול הַ מֹועֵד Chol HaMo’ed ר"ה רֹּאש הַשָּ נָּה Rosh Hashana יו"כ יֹום כִ יפּור Yom Kippur בהמ"ק בֵית הַמִקְדָּ ש Beis HaMikdosh

stand for and their English רָּ אשֵ י תֵ יבֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know what the ? translation.

41 3. JEWISH COURTS OF JUSTICE (BOYS ONLY) • During the time of the Beis Hamikdosh there were three types of courts. They are different from each other in their size, where they met, and the types of matters they judged. סַנְהֶדְרִּ ין הַגְדֹולָה סַנְהֶדְרִּ ין קְטַנָה בֵ ית דִּ ין Number of 3 23 71 Members

Men who יִרְ יאֵ שָּמַ ים are Every member had to Every member had to Qualifications .תַ לְ מִידֵ י חַ כָּמִ ים and Required סְמִ יכָּה have received סְמִ יכָּה They did not need have received but did need directly from directly from of each ,סְמִ יכָּה to fulfill the categories Moshe Rabbeinu. Moshe Rabbeinu. Member specified in .פַרשַ ת יִתְ רֹו In the lishkas hagazis in By the gates of every the Beis Hamikdosh. Meeting In every city. city in which more than After the Beis Hamikdosh Place 120 men resided. was destroyed, they met in the city of Yavne. 1) Highly publicized crimes that Crimes that call for call for the death penalty, the death penalty, such as: including animal a) An entire shevet serving idols, All other issues, capital punishment. b) A navi sheker, except those involving If it’s a case that c) A kohain godol who needs Matters capital punishment, might lead to capital to receive the death penalty, They including monetary punishment, it must d) A zakain mamre—a talmid Judged and civil issues. begin in the chochom who went against ,the leaders of the generation סַ נְהֶדְרִ ין קְטַ נָּה, and not in a regular e) A regular ir nidachas, .f) Giving a sotah water to drink בֵית דִ ין. 2) Deciding to go to war.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know 1) The number of members in each court; 2) The qualifications of the members; 3) Their meeting place; 4) The matters they judged.

42 טו שבט WEEK 18

בִּ כּורִּ ים .1 • During the time of the Beis Hamikdosh, from Shavuos until שִבְ עַת Chanukah, the yidden would bring the first of the ,the seven special produce of Israel: wheat—הַמִ ינִים barley, grapes, figs, dates, pomegranates and olives—to the Beis HaMikdosh, and give them to the Kohain to eat. .בִכּורִ ים There first fruits were called and what בִ כּורִ ים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know what are ? was done with them during the time of the Beis Hamikdosh.

עַשֶרֶ תהַדִּבְ רֹות .2

אָּ נֹּכִ יה' א ֹלקֶ יָך אֲשֶ ר הֹוצֵ אתִ יָך I am Hashem your G-d Who took you 1 מֵאֶרֶ ץ מִצְרַ יִם out of the land of Mitzrayim

2 לֹּא־יִהְ יֶהלְָך א ֹלקִ ים אֲחֵרִ ים Do not worship idols

3 לֹּא תִ אשָּ אֶ ת־שֵ ם־ה' א ֹלקֶ יָך לַשָּוְ א Do not use Hashem’s name in vain

4 זָּכֹור אֶת־יֹום הַשַ בָּת לְקַדְ שֹו Remember the Shabbos and keep it holy

5 כַבֵד אֶ ת־אָּבִ יָך וְאֶ ת־אִ מֶ ָך Honor your father and your mother

6 לֹּא תִרְ צַ ח Do not murder

7 לֹּא תִ נְאָּ ף Do not commit adultery

8 לֹּא תִ גְ נֹּב Do not steal Do not bear false witness against your 9 לֹּא־תַ עֲנֶה בְרֵ עֲָך עֵד שָּקֶ ר: neighbor 10 לֹּא תַחְ מֹּד בֵית רֵ עֶָך: Do not envy your neighbor

(2 ; תעַשֶרֶ הַדִבְ רֹותFOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Fill in the missing Hebrew words of the ? . תעַשֶרֶ הַדִבְ רֹות Match the English translation of each of the


כב שבט WEEK 19

מִּבְצָעִּ ים THE 10 .1

• The 10-point mitzvah campaign—known as the 10 was started by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to reach —מִּב צ עִּ ים out to all Jews—regardless of their background—to do at least the following 10 basic mitzvos. One of the most famous sayings of the Rebbe was “Action is the main thing.” Doing must come before understanding. •

אַ הֲבַת יִשְרָּאֵ ל תֹורָּ ה מְ זּוזָּה בַיִתמָּ לֵא סְ פָּרִ ים כַשְ רּות 9 A home full of 7 5 Learn 3 Love your 1 Keeping kosher holy books Torah fellow Jew חִ ינּוְך תְ פִ ילִין צְדָּקָּ ה נֵרֹות שַ בָּת קֹודֶ ש טַ הֲרַ תהַמִשְ פָּחָּ ה 10 8 6 4 2 Family purity Shabbos candles Charity

.in both Hebrew and English מִבְצָּעִ ים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the Rebbe’s 10 ?


1( הַקָּ דֹוש בָּרּוך הּוא 2( רִ בֹונֹו שֶ לעֹולָּם 3( הַמָּ קֹום ? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the three names used when referring to Hashem.

44 3. THE FIVE SPECIAL SHABBOSIM ַשַׁבָת שּׁובָ ה ש בתThe Shabbos between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is calledַ Shabbos of Return—because its special haftorah reading begins with the— שּובה because it falls out during the שַ בָּת תְ שּובָּה It is also called .שּובָּה יִשְרָּאֵ ל words . תעֲשֶרֶ יְמֵי תְ שּובָּה תשַׁבָ שִּׁ ירָ ה ,ש ב תַשִּ ירה is read is called ב ש לחThe Shabbos on which the parsha ofַ .יַם סּוף after the splitting of the בְ נֵי יִשְ רָּאֵ ל because it contains the song sung by תשַׁבָ הַגָדֹול :for a number of reasons ש ב תַה ג דֹול The Shabbos before Pesach is called 1) The most important event remembered on this Shabbos is the great miracle which occurred on this day. The Jewish people were commanded by Hashem to take a lamb and tie it to their bedposts on Shabbos, the 10th day of Nissan, five days before they were to leave Egypt. When the Egyptians asked the Jews why they were buying lambs, they were told that these lambs were intended for the Korbon Pesach, which would be sacrificed in preparation of makos bechoros—Plague of the Firstborn. This information upset the Egyptian firstborn sons, who immediately insisted that Pharaoh let the Jews go. When Pharaoh refused their request, the Egyptian firstborn sons went to war against Pharaoh's army, and many Egyptians who had been guilty of causing suffering to the Jews were killed on that day. 2) Some say that this Shabbos is called "godol," because it is the day when the rabbis traditionally deliver lengthy speeches about the laws and lessons of Pesach. תשַׁבָ חֲ זֹון ("Shabbos of Vision") ש ב תַח זֹון is called תִּש ע הַב אבThe Shabbos beforeַ after the opening words of the haftorah. On this Shabbos we are granted a vision of the Third Beis Hamikdosh. We may not see it with our physical eyes, but our neshoma sees it. שַׁבָת נַחֲמּו Shabbos of Comfort") after the") ש ב תַנ ח מּו is called תִּש ע הַב אבThe Shabbos after theַ opening words of the haftorah. This is the first of the series of readings known as "The Seven of .to Rosh Hashanah תִשְ עָּה בְאָּ ב Comfort," read in the seven weeks from

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the five special Shabbosim; 2) Know when they occur; and 3) Know why they are special.

45 כט שבט WEEK 20

כְלֵ י הַמִּשְׁכָן • THE VESSELS OF THE MISHKAN .1

שֻּלְחָּ ן • Golden] Table] .2 אָּ רֹון • Holy Ark .1

מִ זְבֵחַ הַ זָּהָּ ב • Golden Altar .4 מְ נֹורָּ ה • Golden] Candelabra] .3

מְ נֹורָּ ה •

כִ יֹור • Wash Basin .6 מִ זְבֵחַ הַ נְחשֶ ת • Copper Altar .5

כְ לֵי FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Next to each picture write the name of each of the ? .in Hebrew and English הַמִשְ כָּן



• Maimonides (Rabbi Moses be Maimon, 1135-1204) listed eight levels of giving tzedaka, starting with the level where the giver is most sensitive to the needs and feelings of the receiver:

1) Give a person a gift, a free loan, or a job, so he will not have to have to ask for tzedaka. 2) Give tzedaka when neither the recipient nor the donor knows who each other is. 3) Give tzedaka when the donor knows who the recipient is, but the recipient does not know who the donor is. 4) Give tzedaka when the recipient knows who the donor is, but the donor does not know who the recipient is. 5) Give tzedakah before being asked. 6) Give tzedakah after being asked. 7) Give less tzedakah than needed, but happily and with a smile. 8) Give tzedakah, but unwillingly.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the eight levels of giving tzedakah in their correct order.


מִּשֽׁכַן, בֵ ית הַמִּקֽדָ שׁ THREE PARTS OF THE .3 • When the Bnai Yisroel camped in the desert, Hashem commanded them to build a model of His home on earth. The Mishkan ("Tabernacle") they constructed was comprised of three areas: the "Courtyard", the "Holy" and the "Holy of Holies." The Beis HaMikdosh was patterned after the Mishkan.

3 2 1 Hebrew Name עַזָּרָּ ה\חָּצֵ ר הֵ יכָּל\קֹודֶ ש קֹודֶ ש הַ קָּ דָּ שִ ים Beis Hamikdosh\Mishkan

Holy of Holies Holy Place Courtyard English Name Golden Mizbayach, Copper Aron Items placed in area Menorah, Shulchan Mizbayach

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: White in Hebrew and English the names of the three parts of the Mishkan/Beis HaMikdosh and the vessels that were placed in each area.


ו' אדר WEEK 21

יבִּגְדֵ כְ הּונָה • THE PRIESTLY GARMENTS .1

and the כ ה ןַגדֹול While performing their service in the Beis Hamikdosh, the • wore special garments כ ה נִּים

1 ןחשֶ מִשְ פָּט breastplate 5 מִ כְ נָּסָּ יִם pants 2 אֵ פֹוד apron 6 צִ יץ head-plate

3 מְ עִ יל robe 7 מִצְ נֶפֶת turban

4 כְ תֹּנֶת tunic 8 אַבְ נֵט belt


1 מִ כְ נָּסָּ יִם pants 3 מִ גְבַעַת turban-like hat

2 כְ תֹּנֶת tunic 4 אַבְ נֵט belt

1 מִ כְ נָּסָּ יִם pants 3 מִ גְבַעַת turban-like hat

2 כְ תֹּנֶת tunic 4 אַבְ נֵט belt

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write in both Hebrew and English the names of the garments of the Kohain Godol and the Kohanim.


ַאּורִּ ים וְתּומִּ ים .2 was a parchment that had the name of Hashem written on אּורִּ יםַו תּומִּ ים The • ןחשֶ מִשְ פָּט wore. The כֹּהֵ ןגָּדֹול that the חשֶן מִשְ פָּט it. It was placed inside the had twelve precious stones, one for each shevet. Each of these stones was engraved with the name of one of the shvatim. When the leader of the Jewish to ask Hashem through כֹּהֵ ןגָּדֹול people would have a question, he would ask the would light up and חשֶ ן מִשְ פָּט Letters on the stones on the .אּורִ ים וְ תּומִ ים the was like the “spiritual battery” that powered אּורִ ים וְ תּומִ ים give the answer. The the stones.

what was written on ,אּורִ ים וְ תּומִ ים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know what was the ? it and where it was placed; 2) Explain what occurred when the Kohain Godol was asked a .played in the response אּורִ ים וְ תּומִ ים question and the role that the

שֶׁבַענְבִּ יאֹות .3 FIRST OF THE MATRIARCHS AND WIFE OF AVROHOM שָרָ ה Together with her husband, Sara converted thousands of people to believe in Hashem. She was miraculously protected when she was taken by the kings of Mitzrayim and Philistine. She gave birth to Yitzchok at the age of 90. DAUGHTER OF AMRAM AND YOCHEVED AND OLDER SISTER OF AHARON AND MOSHE. After the Splitting of the Sea, Miriam led the women in song and dance. In her מִּרְיָם merit the Yidden were miraculously provided with water in the desert. The identifies her as the midwife Puah, who, together with Shifrah (Yocheved), helped deliver babies in Mitzrayim and refused to listen to Pharaoh’s orders to kill the Jewish babies. FOURTH OF THE JUDGES Following the deaths of Ehud and Shamgar, Devorah judged and taught the דְ בֹורָ ה Yidden for 40 years. When the Yidden returned to idol worship they were under the rule of the Canaani king, Yavin, and his general, Sisra. Devorah and Barak led a small Israeli army in battle and completely destroyed the Canaani army and gained independence.

51 WIFE OF ELKANAH חַנָה After years of childlessness, Chana prayed for a son, promising to devote him to Hashem’s service. She gave birth to Shmuel. She is famous for the song of praise she composed after this event. ַאבִּיגַיִּל WIFE OF DOVID A DESCENDANT OF YEHOSHUA AND RACHAV חּולְדָ ה When Chilkiah the Kohain Gadol found a Torah scroll in the Holy Beis Hamikdash, he asked Chulda for her guidance. FIRST COUSIN OF MORDECHAI אֶסְתֵ ר .Esther was selected as King Acheshveiroish’s queen after Vashti's execution It was because of Esther that Haman's decree to destroy all of the Jews was cancelled.

and ,שֶ בָּע נְבִ יאֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know the names of the ? 2) Write a brief description about each one.


4. BIRTHDAY CUSTOMS • A person’s Hebrew birthday is considered an important milestone. It is a serious time for reflecting on the past year and making resolutions for the coming year.

Spend time alone recalling past behavior and resolving to חֶשְ בֹון הַ נֶפֶש 1 rectify mistakes. an aliya to the Torah on the actual birthday or the עַלִיָּ'ה 2 Shabbos before.

תַ לְמּוד תֹורָּ ה Learn extra Nigleh and Chassidus 3

צְדָּקָּ ה Give tzedakah before Shacharis and Mincha 4

Study one’s new kapital Tehillim, and try to say the entire תְהִ ילִים 5 Sefer Tehillim

הַחְ לָּטֹות .Make specific resolutions for furthering avodas Hashem 6

If possible, repeat a ma’amar from memory in the presence מַאַמָּ ר 7 of others.

מִבְצָּעִ ים .Increase in affecting others positively 8

Hold a joyous farbrengen with one’s family members and פארבריינגען 9 friends.

שֶהֶחִ יָּינּו ”.Eat a new fruit, making the brocha “Shehechiyanu 10

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the 10 birthday customs in Hebrew or English.


כ' אדר WEEK 22

פַ רְ שִּׁ יֹות רסֵפֶ שְׁ מֹות .1

. ס פרַש מֹות The second book of the Torah is •

1 שְ מֹות 3 בֹּא 5 יִתְ רֹו 7 תְ רּומָּ ה 9 יכִ תִ שָּ א 11 פְ קּודֵ י 2 וָּאֵרָּ א 4 בְשַ לַח 6 מִשְ פָּטִ ים 8 תְ צַוֶה 10 וַיַקְהֵ ל

.in the correct order פַ רְ שִ יֹות סֵ פֶר שְ מֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the ?

מְגִּילֹות THE FIVE .2

The Rebbe’s father would read the megilah after the שִ יר הַשִ ירִ ים Pesach Seder, and the Rebbe also kept this . מְ גִ ילַת רּות .Some have the custom of reading it on Shavuos

מְ גִ ילַת אֵ יכָּה .It is read on Tisha B’Av

קֹּהֶ לֶת .Some have the custom of reading it on Sukkos

מְ גִ ילַת אֶסְתֵ ר .It is read on Purim

.and when they are read מְ גִ ילֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the five ?


3. “HOW OLD WAS . . . ?”

1 Avrohom at his bris milah? 99 9 Noach when he passed away? 950 2 Avrohom when Yitzchok was born? 100 10 Avrohom when he passed away? 175

3 Sara when she gave birth to Yitzchok? 90 11 Yitzchok when he passed away? 180

4 Yitzchok at the time of the akaida? 37 12 Yaakov when he passed away? 147

5 Rivka when she got married? 3 13 Sara when she passed away? 127

6 Yitzchok when he got married? 40 14 Yosef when he passed away? 110

7 Yosef when he was sold by his brothers? 17 15 Moshe when he passed away? 120

8 Adam when he passed away? 930

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know how old some of the important figures in were at certain times in their lives.


כז אדר WEEK 23

סִּימָנֵי הַסֵדֶ ר .1 to the—סִ ימָּ נִים There are 15 steps—referred to as “signs,” or in Hebrew • Pesach seder.

1 קַדֵ ש 4 יַחַ ץ 7 מֹוצִ יא 10 כֹורֵ ְך 13 בֵרַ ְך

2 ּורְ חַ ץ 5 מַגִ יד 8 מַצָּ ה 11 שֻּלְחָּ ן עֹורֵ ְך 14 הַ לֵל

3 כַרְ פַס 6 רָּחְ צָּ ה 9 מָּ רֹור 12 צָּ פּון 15 נִרְ צָּ ה

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the 15 parts of the Pesach seder in the correct order.

ַארְבַ ע פַרְשִּׁ יֹות .2

פַרְשַׁת שְׁקָלִּ ים ,(in a leap year רֹּאש שחֹּדֶ אַדָּ ר ב' or) רֹּאש חֹּדֶש אַדָּ ר before שַ בָּת WHEN: The .שַ בָּת if it falls out on רֹּאש חֹּדֶש אַדָּ ר or on ,בֵ ית הַ מִ קְ דָּ ש a second Sefer Torah is taken out. In the times of the פַרְ שַ ת שְקָּ לִים WHY: On It was used to buy .בֵ ית הַ מִ קְ דָּ ש a half-shekel—to the— מַחְצִ ית הַשֶקֶ ל each year the Yidden gave was due on the 1st of Chodesh Nissan. One month מַחְצִ ית הַשֶקֶ ל This .קָּרְ בָּן צִ יבּור animals for the began posting reminders about this Torah obligation. To בֵ ית דִ ין earlier, on the 1st of Adar, the remind us of this custom, we read Parshas Shekalim on the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Adar. פַרְשַׁ ת זָכֹור

,(הָּמָּ ן) עַמָּ לֵק also deals with the destruction of פּורִ ים This is because .פּורִ ים before שַ בָּת WHEN: The .הָּמָּ ן and it is fitting that “remembering Amalek” should come before we celebrate the annihilation of the obligation of—זְכִירַת מְחִ ייַת עֲמָּ לֵק pertains to the mitzvah of פַרְ שָּ ה WHY: This special We are to tell our children what .מִצְרַ יִם did to us when we left עַמָּ לֵק every Jew to remember what we fulfill the obligation to פַרְ שַ תזָּכֹור By hearing .עַמָּ לֵק did and our obligation to destroy עַמָּ לֵק by taking out a second Sefer Torah and reading pesukim in the Torah that refer to עַמָּ לֵק remember .עַמָּ לֵק

56 פַרְשַׁ ת פָרָ ה .פַרְ תשַ הַ חֹּדֶ ש before שַ בָּת WHEN: The

pertains to the obligation of every Jew to become פַרְ שַ תפָּרָּ ה of שַ בָּת WHY: The special in טָּ הֹור is scheduled at this time to remind people to become פַרְ שַ תפָּרָּ ה .before Yom Tov טָּ הֹור .A second Sefer Torah is taken out .קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַ ח time to be able to bring the

פַרְשַׁ ת הַחדֶ שׁ .שַ בָּת if it falls out on רֹּאש שחֹודֶ נִיסָּ ן or on ,רֹּאש שחֹודֶ נִיסָּ ן before שַ בָּת WHEN: The and its importance in being the first נִיסָּ ן pertains to the month of פַרְ שָּ ה WHY: This special of the order of the months. It is read at this time because it speaks of the bringing of the Korbon a second Sefer Torah is taken out and pesukim are read פַרְ תשַ הַ חֹּדֶ ש Pesach. On the Shabbos of as נִיסָּ ן sanctifying the new month—and of referring to—קִ ידּוש הַ חֹּדֶ ש pertaining to the mitzvah of the first of the months. ;When each one is read (2 ,פַרְ שִ יֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the four special ? and 3) Why specifically at that time.

שֻׁׁלְחָ ןעָ רּוְך THE FOUR PARTS OF THE .3 is divided into four parts, with each part dealing with different שֻׁל חןַע רּוְך The • areas in Jewish law.

ןשֻּלְחָּ עָּרּוְך Deals With . . . Parts of the day-to-day mitzvos e.g. tzitzis, tefilin, davening, אֹורַ ח חַ יִים Shabbos and Yom Tov kosher food, charging interest, vows, היֹורֶ דֵ עָּ ה Eretz Yisroel, mourning

אֶ בֶן הָּ עֶזֶר marriage, kesubah, divorce monetary laws, business, damages, ןחשֶ מִשְ פָּט בֵית דִ ין laws regarding a ; ןשֻּלְחָּ עָּרּוְך FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know the four parts of the ? .with the area it deals with ןשֻּלְחָּ עָּרּוְך Match each part of the (2

57 כו ניסן WEEK 24

סִּ ימָנֵי כַשְׁ רּות • SIGNS OF KOSHER ANIMALS AND FISH .1 • The Torah specifies two signs an animal must have in order to be kosher.

ANIMALS 1. Chew their cud 2. Have split hooves Examples: cows, sheep, goats, deer

• Fish have their own distinct kosher signs.

FISH 1. Fins 2. Scales Examples: salmon, tuna, pike, flounder, carp, herring ַ ? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the signs of a kosher animal and kosher fish.

חּוקִּים,עֵ דּות, מִּשְׁפָטִּ ים .2 • The mitzvos of the Torah are divided into three different categories. Examples Category Description Category שַ עַטְ נֵז, כַשְ רּות, חּוקִ ים Mitzvos whose reason we don’t understand פָּרָּ ה אֲ דּומָּ ה עֵדּות Mitzvos that relate to an historical event שַ בָּת, יֹום טֹוב Do not kill, do not steal, Mitzvos whose meaning is easily מִשְ פָּטִ ים speak the truth, give charity understood

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the Hebrew names of the three categories; 2) Write their description in English; 3) Give two examples of each.

58 תַאֲרִּיכִּ ים שֶׁ ל יָמִּ ים טֹובִּ ים .3 • Names and dates of all the major holidays in the Jewish calendar.

ראש הַשָּ נָּה א', ב' תִשְרֵ י פּורִ ים י"ד אֲדָּ ר

יֹום כִ פּור י' תִשְרֵ י ןשּושַ פּורִ ים ט"ו אֲדָּ ר

סּוכֹות ט"ו תִשְרֵ י פֶסַ ח ט"ו נִיסָּ ן

שְמִ ינִי עֲצֶרֶ ת כ"ב תִשְרֵ י ל ג "בָּעֹומֶ ר י"ח אִ יָּיר

שִמְחַ ת תֹורָּ ה כ"ג תִשְרֵ י שָּ בּועֹות ו' סִ יוָּן

חֲנּוכָּה כ"ה כִסְ לֵו

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the Hebrew date when each of the major holidays begins.

י' סְפִּ ירֹות .4 • The Sefirot are ten modes or attributes through which Hashem manifests Himself and are a reflection of His infinite power.

ג'ַמֹוחִּ ין:ַַחב"ד ז'ַמִּ ידֹות:ַַחג"תַנהי"מ 1 חַכְמָּ ה 1 חַסֶ ד 4 נַצַ ח

2 בִַּינָּה 2 גַבּורָּ ה 5 הֹוד

3 דַעַת 3 תִַּפְאֶרֶ ת 6 יַסֹוד

7 מַלְכּות

.in their correct order י' סְ פִ ירֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the ?

59 ג' אייר WEEK 25

מִּצְ וֹות עֲשֵ ה/מִּצְ וֹות ֹלא תַעֲשֶ ה .1

They Correspond to What We Learn Mitzvos Our Body Parts רמ"ח מִּצְ וֹות עֲשֵ ה By keeping the 248 positive The 248 limbs There are 248 positive mitzvos we keep our limbs healthy. of our body mitzvos in the Torah. שס"ה מִּצְ וֹות ֹלא תַעֲשֶ ה By keeping the 365 negative The 365 veins There are 365 negative mitzvos we keep our veins healthy. of our bodies. mitzvos in the Torah

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know how many there are of each type of mitzvah, 2) Know what parts of the body correspond to each of the two types of mitzvos; and 3) Know how a Jew benefits from doing each type.


1( גִ ילּוי עַרָּ יֹות - forbidden marriages

2( שְ פִ יכַ ת דָּמִ ים - murder

3( עֲבֹודָּ ה זָּרָּ ה - idol worship

in either Hebrew or English, for which ,עַבֵ רֹות FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Write the three ? a person must give up one’s life before doing.


כִּיוּונִּים .3

• In the there is, in most instances, more than one word that can be used to indicate a direction.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Write the most common names of the four directions in their correct places around the compass, and 2) Write the other names that are sometimes used in their correct places around the compass.

שַׁלְשֶׁלֶ ת הַקַבָלָ ה • THE CHAIN OF TRADITION .4

• After the Torah was given on Har Sinai to Moshe Rabbeinu, it was passed according to the following chain of—”מ סֹורה“ down—a process called From that time on, each generation has continued .א חרֹונִּים tradition, until the to teach the Torah to the next generation—and continues to this day.

Moshe Rabbeinu received the luchos, learned the entire 1 הַ ר סִ ינַי and the entire oral ,תֹורָּ ה שֶבִכְתַ ב —written Torah .תֹורָּה שֶבְ עַל פֶה—Torah

2 המשֶ רַ בֵינּו .Moshe Rabbeinu taught all the Yidden As the next leader, Yehoshua continued teaching the Torah 3 יְהֹושֻּעַ he learned from Moshe Rabbeinu.

4 זְקֵ נִים .The shoftim continued teaching the Torah

61 5 נְבִ יאִ ים .They included the nevi’im and also the Kings אַ נְשֵ י כְ נֶסֶ ת This was a group of 120 chochomim who taught halochos and 6 הַגְדֹולָּה .instituted takonos to keep the Yidden from doing aveiros They also established guidelines for davening.

Five generations of Jewish leaders—two leaders per generation, such 7 זּוגֹות as Beis Hillel and Beis Shmaya—who continued to teach the Yidden. תֹורָּה שֶבְ עַל פֶה Leaders who continued teaching the Yidden 8 תְ נָּאִ ים .מִשְ נֶה and whose teachings are recorded in the who continued teaching and explaining חַ כָּמִ ים These were the 9 אַמֹורָּאִ ים .גְמָּרָּ א in the מִשְ נֶה the who continued teaching the Yidden the חַ כָּמִ ים These were the 10 גְאֹונִים .גְמָּרָּ א and the מִשְ נֶה who continued teaching the Yidden and חַ כָּמִ ים These were the 11 רִ אשֹונִים .גְמָּרָּ א and the מִשְ נֶה explaining both the who continued teaching the Yidden and חַ כָּמִ ים These were the 12 אַחַ רֹונִים so people would ,הַ לָּכֹות to have clear ןשֻּלְחַ עָּרּוְך compiled the know what to do.

in the correct order; 2) Match מְ סֹורָּ ה FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Put the names of the ? them to their correct description.

62 י' אייר WEEK 26

תנְטִּילַ יָדָיִּם .1

• Rabbi Chisda says, “Don’t skimp. Fill your hands with water and Hashem will fill them with His goodness.”

There are two types of ritual hand-washing.

I. In the Morning a) While the body rests, the soul ascends heavenward to recharge. The resulting void allows for a negative spiritual state called tumah. Upon awakening, Hashem returns our soul, but a small amount of tumah remains on our fingertips. We wash negel vasser—“nail water”— to remove what remains of that tumah. Before going to sleep, prepare a kvort (ritual washing cup) with water and an empty shissel (basin) and place it beside your bed. After waking up and reciting the Modeh Ani, wash the right hand until the wrist and then the left hand, repeating two more ,or) נְטִ ילַתיָּדָּ יִם times. (Left-handed people reverse the order.) This washing is called in , negel vasser). After washing the hands, using the restroom, brushing the teeth, and getting dressed, wash a second time (using the same procedure) at the while—עַל נְטִ ילַתיָּדָּ יִם kitchen sink; dry your hands; and only then recite the blessing .פֵיאֹות bringing the hands upright to the height of the b) One must also wash one’s hands after taking a shower, swimming, cutting nails, or touching one’s hair, shoes, or an animal. II. Before Eating Bread Fill a kvort with water and pour three times on your right hand. Repeat on the left. (Left-handed people reverse the order.) Make sure the water covers your entire hand until the wrist with each pour. Separate your fingers slightly to allow the water to run in between them. After washing, allow some of the water to remain in the palm of your hand and rub your hands together, . עַלנְטִ ילַתיָּדָּ יִם raise your hands chest-high and recite the blessing Afterwards the hands are dried. A person should be careful not to speak until reciting the blessing on bread and swallowing some too.

63 Before Eating Upon Awakening

1. Wash R-L-R-L-R-L 1. Wash R-R-R-L-L-L .with wet hands בְ רָּ כָּ ה with dry hands 2. Recite the בְרָּ כָּה Recite .2 with hands at height of the בְרָּ כָּה Recite .3 .with hands by the heart בְ רָּ כָּ ה Recite the .3 פֵיאֹות .with hands together בְ רָּ כָּ ה with hands apart 4. Recite the בְרָּ כָּה Recite .4

5. Dry hands completely.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know 1) Why and how we wash our hands in the morning; 2) How we wash our hands for bread; 3) The differences between the two types of washing; and 4) At what other times do we wash our hands.

עָרְלָ ה • שְׁמִּיטָ ה • יֹובֵ ל .2

? ע ר לה What fruits are • and are עָּרְ לָּה Fruits of trees in the first 3 years of being planted are called forbidden to be eaten or to derive any benefit from them. ? יֹובל and ש מִּיטה What years are • year. The Torah commands that שְמִ יטָּ ה cycle is the שְמִ יטָּ ה The 7th year of the .year the land rests and nothing may be planted or harvested שְמִ יטָּ ה during the The Torah commands .יֹובֵל cycles, the fiftieth year is called שְמִ יטָּ ה After seven .year the land rests and nothing may be planted or harvested יֹובֵ ל that during the ? ע ר לה What fruits are • and are עָּרְ לָּה Fruits of trees in the first 3 years of being planted are called forbidden to be eaten or to derive any benefit from them. ? יֹובל and ש מִּיטה What years are • year. The Torah commands that שְמִ יטָּ ה cycle is the שְמִ יטָּ ה The 7th year of the .year the land rests and nothing may be planted or harvested שְמִ יטָּ ה during the The Torah commands .יֹובֵל cycles, the fiftieth year is called שְמִ יטָּ ה After seven .year the land rests and nothing may be planted or harvested יֹובֵ ל that during the

are and the Torah יֹובֵל and שְ מִיטָּ ה, עָּ רְ לָּ ה FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Explain what ? commandments for each one. 64 תְרּומָ ה • מַעֲשֵ ר .3

?given מ ע שׂ רֹותַ and ת רּומֹות To whom, how much, and when are • must be performed in מִצְ וֹות After the farmer harvests his grain, the following the following order before being allowed to eat or make use of the produce.

Order מִּצ וה ?When? How Much? To Whom

עַיִן יָּפֶה - Every year, except the 1/40 1st תְ רּומָּ ה כֹּהֵ ן בֵינֹונִי - 1/50 יֹובֵל and שְמִיטָּ ה עַיִן רָּ עָּה - years 1/60 Every year, except the 2nd מַ רעֲשֵ רִ אשֹון לֵוִ י* 10% יֹובֵל and שְמִיטָּ ה years Bring it to The 1st, 2nd, 4th (3rd (a מַ עֲשֵר שֵ נִי Yerushalayim 10% and 5th years and eat it there. (3rd (b מַ רעֲשֵ עָּנִי The 3rd and 6th years 10% Poor people

.תרּומַת מַ עֲשֵ ר is called מִצְ וָּה from what he received, and that מַ עֲשֵ ר also has to give לֵוִ י A*

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Be able to fill in any missing information in the above chart.

65 יז אייר WEEK 27

המֹודֶ אֲנִּי .1 • When we awaken in the morning, we must immediately recognize the kindness Hashem has shown us by returning our soul, which we have entrusted to Him before going to sleep. We are thankful that He has returned our tired and weary soul renewed and refreshed. While still in bed, even before washing our hands,* we say the following: מֹודֶה אֲנִילְפָּנֶיָך מֶ לְֶך חַי וְקַ יָּם חשֶהֶ זַרְ תָּ בִ י ינִשְמָּתִ בְחֶמְ לָּה. רַ בָּהאֶ מּונָּתֶ ָך. *Since Modeh Ani does not contain Hashem’s name, one is permitted to recite it before washing the hands. • When saying Modeh Ani in the morning, one must make sure to make a slight pause ".רַ בָּה" and "בְחֶמְ לָּה" between the words

מֹודֶ ה אֲנִילְפָּנֶיָך I offer thanks to You

מֶ לְֶך יחַ וְקַ יָּם living and eternal King for You have mercifully חשֶהֶ זַרְ תָּ בִ י ינִשְמָּתִ בְחֶמְ לָּה. restored my soul within me. רַ בָּה אֶ מּונָּתֶ ָך. .Your faithfulness is great

when first getting מֹודֶ ה אֲנִ י FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Explain why and when we say ? ;Translate the words into English (3 ;מֹודֶ ה אֲנִ י up in the morning; 2) Write out the complete 4) Know between which words we make a slight pause.

66 פַ רְ שִּׁ יֹות סֵ פֶר וַיִּקְרָ א .2 . רסֵפֶ וַיִּקְרָ א The third book of the Torah is •

1 וַיִקְרָּ א 3 שְמִ ינִי 5 מְ צֹורָּ ע 7 קְ דֹושִ ים 9 בְהַ ר

2 צַ ו 4 תַ זְרִ יעַ 6 אַ יחֲרֵ מֹות 8 א מֹור 10 בְ חֻּקֹּתַ י

.in the correct order פַ רְ שִ יֹות סֵ פֶר וַיִקְרָּ א FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the ?

ַארְבַ עגָלֻׁיֹות • THE FOUR EXILES .3 • The Midrash speaks of four exiles before Moshiach's arrival and the Final Redemption. The fourth exile—which is the final exile—will end with the coming of Moshiach, the return of all the Jews to the Land of Israel and the building of the Third Temple.

,After Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia destroyed the First Temple בָבֶ ל 1 Babylonian the Jews of Israel were sent to Babylonia for 70 years.

The Babylonian Empire was overthrown and the Jews came ספָרַ ּומָדַ י 2 Persian/Median under the rule of the new conquerors—Persia and Media.

During this period the Second Temple stood, while much of Asia יָוָן 3 Greek was conquered by the Syrian-Greeks who also ruled the Jews.

,The Second Temple was destroyed during this exile אֶ דֹום 4 Roman while the Jews were completely under the rule of Rome.

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the four exiles in the correct order and describe during which period of time each one took place.

67 כד אייר WEEK 28

שָׁ לשׁ רְגָלִּ ים .1 are the three holidays when, during the time of the Beis ש לשַר ג לִּים The • Hamikdosh, the Jewish people would go up to Yerushalayim “to see Hashem, and to be seen by Hashem.” English Translation Also Known As . . . Holiday חַג הָּ מַ צֹות, ,Festival of Matzos פֶסַ ח חַגהָּאָּבִ יב, ,Festival of Spring זְמַן חֵ רּותֵ נּו Time of Our Freedom חַג הַבִכּורִ ים, ,Festival of First Fruits שָׁ בּועֹות עֲצֶרֶ ת, מְ לָּאכָּה Restriction from זְמַ ן מַתַ ן תֹורָּתֵ נּו Time of the Giving of Our Torah

חַגהָּאָּסִ יף, ,Festival of Gathering סֻׁכֹות זְמַןשִמְחָּתֵ נּו Time of Our Rejoicing

Write the other (2 ;שָּ לש רְ גָּלִים FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Know the names of the ? names they are known by; 3) Write the correct English translations for these names.

פַ רְ שִּׁ יֹות סֵ רפֶ בַמִּדְבָ ר .2 . ס פר ב מִּד בר The fourth book of the Torah is •

1 בַמִדְ בָּר 3 בְהַ עֲלֹותְ ָך 5 קֹּרַ ח 7 בָּלָּק 9 מַ טֹות

2 נָּשא 4 שְ לַח 6 חּוקַ ת 8 פִ ינְחָּ ס 10 מַסְ עֵ י

.in the correct order פַ רְ שִ יֹות סֵ פֶר בַמִדְ בָּר FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: List the ?


תְפִּילַ ת הַדֶרֶ ך .3 should be recited, preferably while ת פִּ ילת ה ד ר ְךַ ,Once outside the city • standing up.

יְהִ י רָּ צֹון מִ לְפָּנֶיָך ה' א -ֹלקֵ ינּו וֵא-ֹלקֵ י אֲבֹותֵ ינּו. שֶ תֹולִיכֵנּו לְשָּ לֹום. וְתַצְעִ ידֵ נּו לְשָּ לֹום. וְתַדְרִ יכֵנּו לְשָּ לֹום. וְתִסְמְ כֵנּו לְשָּ לֹום. וְתַ גִיעֵנּו ִל ְמחֹוז ֶח ְפ ֵצנּו ְל ַח ִיים ּו ְל ִש ְמ ָּחה ּו ְל ָּשלֹום, )ואם דעתו לחזור מיד אומר: וְתַ חֲזִ ירֵ נּו לְשָּ לֹום(ַוְתַצִ ילֵנּו מִ כַף כָּל-אֹויֵב וְ אֹורֵ ב וְלִסְטִ יםוְחַ יֹות רָּ עֹות בַדֶרֶ ך. ּומִכָּל פֻּרְ עָּנִיֹותהַמִתְרַ גְ שֹות ּובָּאֹות לָּעֹולָּם. וְתִשְ לַח בְרָּ כָּהבְ כָּל מַ עֲשֵ היָּדֵ ינּו. וְתִתְ נֵנִי לְחֵ ן דּולְחֶסֶ ּולְרַ חֲמִ ים בְ עֵינֶיָך ּובְעֵינֵי כָּל רֹואֵ ינּו. וְתִ גְמְ לֵנּו חֲסָּדִ ים טֹובִ ים. וְתִשְמַ ע קֹול תְ פִ לָּתֵ ינּו. כִי אַתָּהשֹומֵ עַתְ פִ לַת כָּל פֶה: בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה ה' שֹומֵ עַתְ פִ לָּה:

.תְ פִ ילַת הַדֶרֶ ך FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Fill in the missing words of ?

69 ט' סיון WEEK 29

גִּימַטְרִּיָא .1 • Gematria is a system whereby Hebrew letters have a numerical value. The numerical value of a Hebrew word may express a special significance. Finding words with the same numerical value may reveal a special relationship between words. Days of the week and days of the month, as well as calendar years, are often expressed with Hebrew letters.

א 1 ה 5 ט 9 מ 40 פ 80 ש 300 ב 2 ו 6 י 10 נ 50 צ 90 ת 400 ג 3 ז 7 כ 20 ס 60 ק 100 ד 4 ח 8 ל 30 ע 70 ר 200

• Letters are combined to represent a number. יא = 11 טו = 15 יט = 19 מג = 43 פז = 87 שליח = 348 יב = 12 טז = 16 כ = 20 נד = 54 צח = 98 תשע"ג = 773 יג = 13 יז = 17 כא = 21 סה = 65 קי = 110

יד = 14 יח = 18 לב = 32 עו = 76 רכב = 222

• Adding up the letters of a word to equal a number בראשית ברא = 613 בראש השנה נברא = 613 .גִּ ימ ט רִּ יאThe significance ofַ • can reveal the connection between words and teach us a lesson. The גִימַטְרִ יָּא above example teaches us that on Rosh HaShana the world was created. ? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: Know the Gematria from 1 to 1000.


פִּתְגָמֵי מָשִּׁ יחַ .2

1 הִ גִיעַ ןזְמַ גְאּולַתְ כֶם .The time for your redemption has arrived

אֵ ימָּתַ י קְ אָּתִ י מַ ר, לִכְשֶ יָּפּוצּו When is the Master coming? When the 2 מַ עַיְנֹותֶ יָך חּוצָּ ה .wellsprings [of Chassidus] spread outward אֲנִי מַאֲמִ יןבֶא מּונָּה שְ לֵמָּ ה I believe with complete trust in the 3 בְבִ תיאַ הַמָּשִיחַ .coming of Moshiach

4 הִ נֵה זֶה מָּשִיחַ בָּא .Moshiach is coming

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Fill in the missing words of the expressions concerning Moshiach’s arrival; 2) Match the English translation of each espression.

הַפְרָשַׁ ת חַלָ ה • SEPARATING CHALLAH .3

• Baking challah for Shabbos and separating a portion of the dough is a special mitzvah given to the Jewish women. ? ה פ ר ש תַח לה What is the significance of performing the mitzvah of • During the time of the Beis HaMikdosh, one of the gifts given to the kohanim was challah. When Moshiach comes, we will once again restore this custom. Today, recalling this obligation to put aside challah for the kohanim, we separate the challah before we shape the dough. ? ה פ ר ש תַח לה How do we perform the mitzvah of • After the dough has risen—but before shaping it into loaves— a portion of the challah about the size of an egg is taken from the dough mass without separating it. At that point, the following brocha is recited: ב רּוְךַא תהַה'ַ אַ-ֹלק ינּוַמ ל ְךַה עֹול םַאַש רַקִּד ש נּוַב מִּצ וֹותַיוַו צִּ ונּוַל ה פ רִּ ישַח לה. The piece of dough is then separated* from the mass and the following words are .The piece of challah is then wrapped in foil and burned ". יהַרֵ זֶה חַ לָּה" :said

71 Taking challah tells us that whatever we are given is not for our use alone. If Hashem has given us wisdom, money or good health, our first step is to use these gifts for a holy purpose. * Some have a custom of putting a few coins into a pushka box before separating the dough. ? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) Explain what the mitzvah of taking challah is based on; 2) Explain the steps of taking challah; 3) Explain what lesson we learn from this mitzvah.

הַחֵ ן ~ חַנָהַ :THE SPECIAL MITZVOS OF WOMEN .4 .that were given especially to women to perform מִּצ וֹות There are three • חַלָּ ה, נִַּדָּ ה, הַדְ תלָּקַ נֵרֹות חַלָּה will“ הַפְרָּ תשַ חַ לָּה According to the chochomim, observing the mitzvah of cause blessing to rest on your house.” When performing this mitzvah the woman is not only providing physical bread, but is also imparting a spiritual message. The teaches us that whatever we receive from Hashem has to הַפְרָּ תשַ חַ לָּה mitzvah of Our wisdom, money, good health, and all brochos that .עַבֹודַ ת ה' be used first for are given to us must be used first for a holy purpose, and only after then can we enjoy the rest for ourselves.

דָּ ה נִַּ ,modesty. The way we speak—צְ נִיעּות The Jewish people are known by their behave with others, conduct ourselves in public, and in the way we dress—all serve to show the world that we are Hashem’s people. We bring honor to Hashem, His Torah and the Jewish nation when we act in this manner.

הַדְ לָּקַ ת It is stated in the , “When a woman lights the Shabbos candles with joy in נֵרֹות her heart, she brings peace into the world, health and happiness to her family, and is blessed with children who brighten the world.” Lighting Shabbos candles brings us closer to Moshiach, when it will be the time of light for all the world, as the Medrash says, “Keep the mitzvah of the Shabbos lights, and I will show you the lights of the times of Moshiach.”

? FOR THE TEST YOU WILL NEED TO: 1) List the three special mitzvos for women; and 2) Write a brief description of the positive effect doing the mitzvah has.


טז סיון WEEK 30


כג סיון WEEK 31


73 BROCHOS These are the brochos we recite, Right before we take a bite, In the correct order, And we’ll share the reasons why.

הַ מֹוצִ יא לֶחֶם מִ ן הָאָרֶ ץ Who brings forth bread from the earth ּבֹורֵא מִ ינֵי מְ זֹונֹות Who creates all kinds of food ּבֹורֵ א פְרִ י הַ גָפֶ ן Who creates the fruit of the vine ּבֹורֵ א פְרִ י הָעֵ ץ Who creates the fruit of the tree ּבֹורֵ א פְרִ י הָ אֲדָמָ ה Who creates the fruit of the earth שֶהַ כֹּל נִהְ יָ ‘ ּבִדְ בָ רֹו By Whose word all things came to be

Before we eat any foods, We ask permission from Hashem, Showing that we believe He created them. We cannot enjoy our food, Before a brocha we do make. We show Hashem that His food We appreciate.


הַ מֹוצִ יא – מְ זֹונֹות - הַ גָפֶ ן הָעֵ ץ - הָ אֲדָמָ ה - שְ הַ כֹּל הַמַ גַע אֵ ש With the hint We remember it all

When you have two foods, which one to choose? The one you like best - חָבִ יב More important one - חָ שּוב The one that’s whole - שָ לֵם

Hebrew Calendar נִיסָ ן, אִ ייָר, סִ יוָן, תַ מּוז, אָ ב, אֶ לּול, תִשְרֵ י, חֶשְ וָן, כִסְ לֵו, טֵבֵ ת, שְ בָ ט, אֲדָ ר א‘ אֲדָ ר ב‘ and leap year

Order number one נִיסָ ן Starts from This calendar is based on the months, אַהַ רֹּן and משֶ ה Because Hashem told רֹּאש חָדָשִ ים ,This is the first month נִיסָ ן On the first day on

The second is based on the year תִשְרֵ י Starting from תִשְרֵ י is on the first day of רֹּאש הַשָ נָה .were created on this day חַ וָה and אָדָ ם

75 מִ צְ וֹות בֵין אָדָ ם לַחֲבֵ רֹו/לַמָ קֹום מִ צְוֹות ּבֵ ין םאָדָ לַחֲבֵ רֹו Are between one Jew and another visiting the sick ,צְדָקָ ה Like giving And loving your sister and your brother

מִ צְוֹות ּבֵ ין םאָדָ לַמָ קֹום Are between a Jew and Hashem eating kosher ,שַ ּבָ ת Like keeping And only trusting in Hashem

4 Levels of Creation is an object דֹומֵ ם A rock or some sand grows on the land צֹומֵחַ is an animal חַ י A fish or bird too a person, me and you מְ דַּבֵ ר

לֹא אַ ד“ּו רֹאׁש וְלֹא בַ ד ּו“ פֶּסַ ח לֹּא בַ ד“ּו פֶסַ ח Monday, Wednesday, Friday, לֹּא אַ ד ּו“ רֹּאש Sunday, Wednesday, Friday.

שַ ּבָ ת and יֹום כִ פּור Would be two days in a row הֹושַ עֲנָא רָ ּבָ ה so שַ ּבָ ת Would be on


We wouldn't be allowed to beat הֹושַעְ נֹות To take מִ נְהַ ג This very special We must always keep

חּומָׁשִ ים Five in the beginning - ּבְרֵאשִ ית ”Means “names - שְ מֹות ”and He called” - וַיִקְרָ א in the desert – ּבַמִדְ ּבָ ר is the last one דְ בָרִ ים passed away מֹּשֶ ה It’s all about his last day

תְ פִ ילֹות יֹום כִ פּור מַ עֲרִ יב, שַ חֲרִ ית, מּוסָ ף, מִ נְחָ ה, נְעִ ילָה.

נֶפֶ ש, רּוחַ , נְשָמָ ה חַ יה and יְחִ ידָ ה

ּבְרִ ית when a boy has a נֶפֶ ש When a girl gets her Jewish name.

חִ ינּוְך at the age of רּוחַ .Bar or Bas Mitzvah ,נְשָמָ ה

צַדִ יק when a person become a חַ יה מְסִ ירַ ת נֶפֶ ש with יְחִ ידָ ה


Days of Creation there was light יֹום רִ אשֹון On Hashem created day and night ,we know תֹורָ ה from the יֹום שֵ נִי On .showed שָמַ יִם The ,the earth and seas יֹום שְ לִישִ י On Flowers grass and all fruit trees. ,the moon, stars, and sun יֹום רְ בִיעִ י On To bring light to everyone. יֹום חֲמִישִ י And on The birds that fly and fish in the sea. ,Hashem did create יֹום שִשִ י On and his mate חַ וָה and אָדָ ם ,Animals

Hashem’s day of rest ,יֹום שְ בִיעִ י On .we love best שַ תּבָ קֹּדֶ ש Hashem made the world, And to show that its true, .we do שַ ּבָ ת of מִ צְ וֹות The

ׁשֶּ עבַ מִ צְ וֹות בְ נֵי נֹחַ don’t curse Hashem - ּבִרְ כַת ה‘ courts דִ ינִין ,stealing - גֶזֶל adultery - גִ ילּוי עֲרָ יֹות killing - שְ פִ יכַת דָמִ ים

אֵבֶר מִ ן הַחַ י tearing a part of a living animal

78 serving idols - עֲבֹודָ ה זָרָ ה These are the שֶ עבַ מִ צְוֹות ּבְ נֵי נֹּחַ

מִ נְהָ גֵי רֹאׁש חֹדֶּ ׁש has special customs רֹּאש חֹּדֶ ש צְדָקָ ה and extra ,סְ עּודָ ה A Women should not do laundry or sewing and no fasting תַחַ נּון No

No cutting your nails and hair But we say a few special prayers חָצִ י הַ לֵל and יַעֲלֶה וְיָבֹּא מּוסָ ף and ּבָרְ כִ י נַפְשִ י

Cutting Nails We cut our nails in a very special way Starting with the left hand The best time is Friday or Thursday חֹול הַמֹועֵ ד ,Never on Rosh Chodesh Don’t cut the nails of your hands and feet On the same day

The best is to burn the nails Or flush them down the toilet A chossid doesn’t just throw them on the floor After we cut our nails, careful not drop them נעגל וואסער Then remember to wash

79 ל“ט מלָאכֹות plowing - חֹורֵ ש planting - זֹורֵ עַ cutting - קֹוצֵ ר gathering - מְ עַמֵ ר

threshing - דָ ש winnowing - זֹורֶ ה sorting - ּבֹורֵ ר grinding - טֹוחֵ ן

These are the Lamed Tes Melachos x2 40 Melachos minus 1 39 things that can’t be done

sifting - מְרָ קֵ ד kneading -לָש baking - אֹופֶ ה shearing - גֹוזֵז

cleaning - מְ לַּבֵ ן combing - מְ נַפֵ ץ coloring - צֹובֵעַ spinning - טֹווֶה

prepare the loom - מֵיסַ ְך threading - ּבָתֵ י נַירִ ין weaving - אֹורֵ ג unraveling - פֹוצֵעַ

80 tying - קֹושֵ ר untying - מַתִ יר sewing - תֹופֵ ר tearing apart - קֹורֵ עַ

These are the Lamed Tes Melachos x2 Like all of the work they did in the Mishkan These are the things that cannot be done

trapping - צָ ד slaughtering - שֹוחֵ ט skinning - מַפְשִ יט salting - מְ עַבֵ ד

smoothing - מְ מַחֵ ק marking - מְשַרְ טֵ ט cutting - מְ חַתֵ ְך

writing - כֹותֵ ב erasing - מֹוחֵ ק building - ּבֹונֶה breaking - סֹותֵ ר

lighting - מַבְעִ יר extinguishing - מְ כַּבֶ ה final touch - מַ כֶה ּבְפַטִ יש carrying away - הֹוצָאָ ה

81 Assorted Mitzvos is the first fruit ּבִ כּורִ ים don’t waste your food ּבַל תַשְחִ ית visit the sick ּבִ יקּור חֹולִ ים invite guests in הַכְ תנָסַ אֹורְ חִ ים return lost things הַשָ בַ ת אַבֵדָ ה we must keep מִ צְ וֹות These are

איְהֵ ׁשְ מֵ ה רַ בָ א When one says Kaddish in a minyan of ten We respond by saying אָמֵ ן יְהֵא שְ המֵ רַ ּבָ א מְ בָרַ ְך לְעָלַם ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַ יָא יִתְ ּבָרֵ ְך

By using a voice that’s strong with belief We can annul evil decrees And Hashem will add years to our lives

אָ בֹות וְאִ מָ הֹות These are the couples That are buried מְ עָרַ ת הַמַכְפֵלָה In חַ וָה and אָדָ ם שָרָ ה and אַבְרָ הָ ם רִ בְקָ ה and יִצְחָ ק לֵאָ ה and יַעֲקֹּ ב

82 s head’עֵשָ ו And

אַבְרָ הָ ם, יִצְחָ ק, יַעֲקֹּ ב אָ בֹות Are the שָרָ ה, רִ בְקָ ה, רָ חֵ ל, לֵאָ ה אִמָ הֹות Are the

סְ עּודַ ת מִ צְ וָה סְ עּודַת מִ צְ וָה A Is a special meal In honor of a mitzvah Like a wedding or a Bris.

תְ פִ ילֹות Institution of תְ פִ ילֹות These are the three אָ בֹות Instituted by our Morning, afternoon and evening they’re said.

in the morning ,אברהם by שחרית after Hashem destroyed Sedom בקר The צהרים in the יצחק by מנחה The afternoon before he met his wife Rivkah evening עֶרֶ ב in the יַעֲקֹּ ב by מַ עֲרִ יב חָרָ ן Before dreaming of the ladder on his way to

83 Mitzvos We Constantly Keep believing in Hashem - אֱ מּונַת ה‘ believe Hashem is one - יִחּוד ה‘ loving Hashem - אַהֲבַ ת ה‘ לֹּא לְהַ אֲמִין ּבְ זּולָתֹו Not believing in any other thing not to follow - לֹּא תָתְ ּורּו Things we want and see fearing Hashem – יִרְ אַ ת ה‘ These are mitzvos a Yid must always keep

THE REBBEIM תק"ה ,The Baal Shem Tov rejoiced Chai Elul For the Alter Rebbe was born on this day. Chabad Chassidus founded, tried and established till כ"ד טבת, תקע"ג

ט' כסלו The Mitteler Rebbe was born on was a famous year תקל"ד A life of a Tzaddik, he was a paragon .was the day that he passed on ט' כסלו, תקפ"ח

The Tzemach Tzedek, Reb Menachem Mendel כ"ט אלול שנת תקמ"ט Was born For Chassidus and Niglah, all knew of his great love י"ג ניסן, תרכ"ו - פטירה His


מהר"ש the motto of the ”לכתחילה אריבער" ב' אייר, תקצ"ד Was born הימל Exhibiting a life where riches can serve נפטר י"ג תשרי, תרמ"ג.

The Rebbe Rashab, Reb Sholom Dovber, ;He descended to this world כ' חשון, כתר"א ""איך גיי אין הימל און די כתבים לאז איך אייך .these words he did say - ב' ניסן, תר"פ

Reb Yosef Yitzchok, the Frierdiker Rebbe, י"ב תמוז, תר"מ Was born for those words he stood ”לאלתר לגאולה“ י' שבט, תש"י His body left us

The Heintiker Rebbe, the world he does amaze, י"א ניסן, תרס"ב Was born we cry, the Rebbe shows us how ”עד מתי" We’ve polished the buttons to bring Moshiach Now!

5 Types of Grain is barley שְ עֹורָ ה ,is wheat חִ טָ ה is rye שִ יפֹון ,is spelt כּוסֶמֶ ת is oats שִ יּבֹולֶת שּועָ ל These are the 5 types of grain

85 הַ גֹומֵ ל When someone’s in the desert In the sea, in jail, or sick When everything’s okay we do say הַגֹומֵ ל

הַגֹומֵ ללְחַ יָבִ ים טֹובֹות, שֶ גְמָ לַנִי טֹוב

הַ לֵל is recited הַ לֵל שָ לֵם ּבְ ּבֶטַ ח Remember פֶסַ ח The first two days and nights of שָ בּועֹות And two days of

סּוכֹות Nine days of .שִמְ תחַ תֹורָ ה and שְמִ ינִי עֲצֶרֶ ת חֲנּוכָה The eight days of הַ לֵל That’s when we say whole

רֹּאש חֹודֶ ש on חַצִ י הַ לֵל חֹול הַמֹועֵד פֶסַ ח פֶסַ ח And the last two days of

FOUR FASTS צֹום גְדָלְ יָ ‘ - ג‘ תִשְרֵ י Gedalia was killed העַשָרָ ּבְטֵבֵ ת - י‘ טֵבֵ ת יְרּושָ לַיִם The walls surrounded

86 שִ בְעָ העָשָ רּבְתַ מּוז were broken יְרּושָ לַיִם The walls of י ז“ תַ מּוז On תִשְ העָ ּבְאָ ב - ט‘ אָ ב .were burned ּבָתֵ י מִקְ דָ ש The first and second

FIVE EVENTS OF ׁשִ בְ העָ רעָשָ בְתַ מּוז Five events that happened שִ בְעָ העָשָ רּבְתַ מּוז On לּוחֹות broke the משֶ ה קָרְ ּבַן תָמִ יד They stopped the were broken יְרּושָ לַיִם The walls of תֹורָ ה Apostemus burned a ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש was set up in the עֲבֹודָ ה זָרָ ה

תִׁשְ עָ ה בְאָ ב FIVE EVENTS OF תִשְ העָ ּבְאָ ב On מְרַ גְלִ ים The generation of Were not allowed to enter אֶרֶ ץ יִשְרָ אֵ -ל The first and second was destroyed ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש Beitar was captured was ploughed over יְרּושָ לַיִם

87 מָׁשִ יחַ Brochos of Today when we will greet our king מָשִ יחַ Together as one five brochos we will sing

גֹואֵל ישְרָ אֵ -ל שֶ הֱחֱ יָנּו וְקִ יְמָ נּו וְהִ גִיעָ נּו לִזְמַ ן הַ זֶה שֶחָ לַק מֵחָכְמָ תֹו לִ ירֵ אָ יו שֶחָ לַקמִ כְ בֹודֹו לִ ירֵ אָ יו five brochos we’ll say , חֲכַם הַרָ זִ ים s on his way’מָשִ יחַ Let’s be ready

עֵ רּובִ ים Types of עֵ רּוב חַ צֵ רֹות We can carry on Shabbos עֵרּוב תְחּומִ ין Walk more than 2000 amos עֵרּוב תַבְשִ ילִ ין We’re allowed to cook יֹום טֹוב On For the sake of Shabbos

פַרְ דֵ ס רַשִ “י is the simple explanation by פְ שַ ט לּבַעַ הַ טּורִ ים the hint by the רֶּ מֶ ז מִדְרָ ש is interpreted by the דְ רַ ש קַּבָלָה is the secrets of סֹוד

88 ׁשִ בְ עַ ת הַמִ ינִ ים is wheat חִ טָ ה is barley שְ עֹורָ ה is grape גֶפֶ ן is a date תָמָ ר And olive שֶמֶ ן זַיִת is a fig תְ אֵ נָה רִ מֹון Don’t forget the Pomegranate

מִבְ צָעִ ים The Ten Listen, listen every Jew This is what you’ve got to do An urgent call from the Rebbe of Lubavitch.

Jewish women light, the candles Friday night pray תְ פִ ילִ ין And every single day, men with To love every Jew and teach them what is true on your door and keep the kosher laws מְ זּוזָה

you must study, ay ay ay ay תֹורָ ה Buy books that are holy, ay ay ay ay Family purity, ay ay ay ay Don’t forget charity, ay ay ay ay

(s going to come. (X2’מָשִ יחַ That is when

89 Special Shabbosim יֹום כִ פּור and רֹּאש הַשָ נָה The Shabbos between .the Shabbos of return ,שַ ּבָת שּובָ ה Is is read פַרְ תשַ ּבְשַ לַח The Shabbos when שַ ּבָ ת שִ ירָ ה Is called

שַ תּבָ הַ גָדֹול is פֶסַ ח The Shabbos before שַ תּבָ חֲ זֹון is תִשְ העָ ּבְאָ ב The Shabbos before שַ תּבָ נַחֲ מּו is called תִשְ עָה ּבְאָ ב The Shabbos after These are the Five Special Shabbosim

צְדָקָ ה Eight Levels of #1—When you give someone A gift, a loan, or a job so he won’t have to ask #2—When neither he or you Knows who’s getting and giving #3—When only the donor knows to צְדָקָ ה Who he is giving #4—When only the one who’s getting Knows that he got it from you before being asked צְדָקָ ה Giving—#5 #6—Giving after being asked #7—Giving less than needed, happily #8— Giving unwillingly

90 מִׁשְ כַן Parts of the עַ זָרָ ה \ חָ צֵ ר The The courtyard מִ זְּבֵחַ Had the copper הֵ יכָל \ קֹודֶ ש The The holy place מִ זְּבֵחַ Had the golden שֻׁלְחָ ן and מְ נֹורָ ה the Holy of Holies – קֹודֶ ש הַקָדָשִ ים The אָ רֹון Had the

בִ יגְדֵ כְ הּונָה ןכֹּהֵ גָדֹול These are the garments of the חשֶן מִשְ פָ ט - Breastplate אֵ פֹוד - Apron מְעִ יל - Robe כְתֹּ נֶת - ,Tunic מִ כְ נָסָ יִם - Pants צִ יץ - Head-plate מִ צְ נֶפֶ ת - Turban אַבְ נֵט - Belt :wore כֹּהֵ ן The regular מִ כְ נָסָ יִם - Pants כְתֹּ נֶת - Tunic מִ גְּבַעַ ת - Hat אַבְ נֵט - Belt

91 אּורִ ים וְתּומִ ים was a parchment אּורִ ים וְתּומִ ים The With Hashem’s name חשֶן מִשְ פָ ט Inside the It was placed. had 12 stones חשֶ ן The And on them were engraved .s names’שְ בָטִ ים Each of the

When the leader of the Yidden Had a question אּורִ ים וְתּומִ ים The Brought the answer On the stones The letters lit up with the words Of the answer from Hashem

שֶּ עבַ נְבִ יאֹות אַבְרָ הָ ם the wife of השָרָ אִמֵ נּו Helped thousands of people believe in Hashem From kings who took her, Hashem did save her יִצְחָ ק At 90 she gave birth to

יֹוכֶבֶ ד and מִרְ יָם ּבַת עַמְרָ ם משֶ ה and אַהַ רֹון The older sister of Led the women to sing, provided water to drink מִ צְרָ יִם saved the babies in פּועָ ה


שֹופְטִ ים the 4th of the ,דְ בֹורָ ה to the Yidden תֹורָ ה For 40 years taught כְ נַעַנִים With Barak her husband, she destroyed the Conquered Sisra and King Yavin.

s wife’אֶלְקָ נָה was חַ נָה She promised to devote her child’s life To Hashem if He gave her a son שִ ירָ ה was born and she sang a שְ מּואֵ -ל

.s wife’דָ וִד was אַבִ יגַיִל .and Rachav יְהֹושֻׁעַ came from חּולְדָ ה תֹורָ ה When Chilkia found a .he asked her advice ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש In the

was a cousin of Mordechai אֶסְתֵ ר She was chosen after Vashti was sent to die She saved the Yidden from Haman’s decree As King Achashveirosh’s queen.

Birthday Customs What do we do On a birthday? חֶשְ ּבֹון הַ נֶפֶ ש A Remember our mistakes

93 עַלִ יָ ‘ה Men get an תֹורָ ה Learn extra צְדָקָ ה Give מִ נְחָ ה and שַ חֲרִ ית Before

Study your new kapitel, תְהִ ילִ ים Try to say the whole הַחְ לָטָ ה Make a A new resolution.

,by heart מַאַמָ ר A מִ בְ צָעִ ים And go on on a new fruit שֶהֶחִ יָינּו פארּברײנגען And make a

מְ גִ ילֹות The five סֵדֶ ר after the שִ יר הַשִ ירִ ים שָ בּועֹות some read on מְ גִ ילַת רּות תִשְ עָה ּבְאָ ב on אֵ יכָה סּוכֹות on קֹּהֶ לֶת פּורִ ים is read on מְ גִ ילַת אֶסְתֵ ר

How old was... at his bris was 99 אַבְרָ הָ ם was born יִצְחָ ק was 100 when אַבְרָ הָ ם was born יִצְחָ ק was 90 when שָרָ ה עַקֵדָ ה was 37 at the יִצְחָ ק

94 got married when she was 3 רִ בְקָ ה got married at 40 יִצְחָ ק was 17 when he was sold יֹוסֵ ף passed away at 930 years old אָדָ ם

passed away at 950 נֹּחַ 180 יִצְחָ ק and 175 אַבְרָ הָ ם passed away 147 יַעֲקֹּ ב passed away at 127 שָרָ ה

passed away at 110 יֹוסֵ ף passed away at 120 משֶ ה

Four Parshios רֹּאש חֹּדֶ ש אַדָ ר The Shabbos before מַ חֲצִ ית הַשֶקֶ ל give פַרְ שַ ת שְ קָלִ ים עַמָ לֵק stamp out פַרְ תשַ זָכֹור פּורִ ים The Shabbos before Hey, hey טָ הֹור become פַרְ שַ ת פָרָ ה פַרְ תשַ הַ חֹּדֶ ש The Shabbos before חֹּדֶ ש נִיסָ ן before פַרְ תשַ הַ חֹּדֶ ש קָרְ ּבַן פֶסַ ח Talks about the

95 ׁשֻׁלְחָן עָ רּוך אֹורַ ח חַ יִים Daily mitzvos יֹורֶ ה דֵעָ ה Kosher and more אֶבֶ ן הָעֶ זֶר Marriage, kesubah and divorce חֹּשֶן מִשְ פָ ט ּבֵית דִ ין Money and

Kashrus Signs All the animals that I eat Must chew their cud and have split feet Kosher meat just can’t be beat And I want only kosher All the fish that swim in the sea Fins and scales they do need Kosher meat just can’t be beat And I want only kosher

מִצְ וֹות Three Types of are mitzvos we don’t understand חּוקִ ים They’re laws that we do Because it’s Hashem’s command. these are some ,כַשְ רּות and שַ עַטְ נֵז Like That we don’t know the reasons of.

96 are mitzvos we do to remember עֵ דּות יֹום טֹוב and שַ ּבָ ת Like .סֵדֶ ר And the Pesach

.are mitzvos that are easily understood מִשְ פָטִ ים They’re laws that we do Just because we should Like not killing, and never to cheat Always be honest with everyone we meet.

מִ צְ וֹות עֲשֵ ה/מִ צְ וֹות לֹא תַ עַשֶּ ה מִ צְ וֹות עֲשֵ ה There are 248 אַהַבַ ת יִשְרָ אֵ -ל ,Like Shabbos, kashrus .on Pesach מַ צָ ה And לֹּא תַ עַשֶ ה There are 365 Don’t kill, don’t lie, don’t steal or eat chometz

248 limbs of our body מִ צְ וֹות עֲשֵ ה By keeping We keep our limbs healthy

365 veins in our body keep our veins healthy לֹּא תַ עַשֶ ה

97 יֵהָרֵ ג וְאַ ל יַעַ בֹר Forbidden marriages - גִ ילּוי עַרָ יֹות Murder - שְ פִ יכַת דָמִ ים Idol worship - עֲבֹודָ ה זָרָ ה For these we’d give our lives

ׁשַ לְׁשֶּ לֶּת הַקַ בָ לָה הַר סִ ינַי At תֹורָ ה We got the משֶ ה רַ ּבֵ ינּו From Who taught all the Yidden

יְהֹושֻׁעַ Then came s teachings’משֶ ה Who passed on שֹופְטִ ים the זְקֵ נִים Then תֹורָ ה Continued teaching

also the kings נְבִ יאִ ים אַ ינְשֵ כְ תנֶסֶ הַגְ דֹולָה A group of 120 chachomim.

two leaders זּוגֹות For every generation תֹורָה שֶּבְעַ ל פֶ ה taught תְ נָאִ ים מִשְ נָה explaining the אַ מֹורָאִ ים continued גְאֹונִים גְמָרָ א and מִשְ נָה Teaching

98 taught רִ אשֹונִים גְמָרָ א and מִשְ נָה and explained gave us clear halachos אַחַ רֹונִים So we know what to do

נְטִ ילַת יָדָ יִם When we go to sleep at night goes up to Hashem נְשָמָ ה Our remains טּומְ אָ ה In its place a When we awake again

is said מֹודֶ ה אֲנִי After We wash alternating Six times right and left A second time after dressing is said ּבְרָ כָה Then the With our dry hands up At the sides of our head

Another time we wash our hands הַ מֹוצִ יא Is before saying Three times on the right, then 3 times on left Covering our hands entirely

Rub them together while they are still wet And raise our hands to the height of our chest then our hands are dried עַל נְטִ ילַת יָדָ יִם, No talking till after we finish our bite

99 יֹובֵ ל · ׁשְמִיטָ ה · עָרְ לָה The first 3 years of a tree’s life עָרְ לָה The fruits are Do not eat or benefit derive The 7th year is best the land must rest שְמִ יטָ ה Do not plant or harvest

שְמִ יטֹות After we finish seven יֹובֵ ל Number 50 is called During this year We do not work the land So put down your shovel

תְ רּומֹות ּומַ עֲשְ רֹות כֹּהֵ ן goes to the תְ רּומָ ה gives one 40th עַ יִן יָפֶ ה gives one 50th ּבֵינֹונִי gives one 60th עַ יִן רָ עָ ה יֹובֵ ל and שְמִ יטָ ה Every year, but לֵוִי to the מַ רעֲשֵ רִ אשֹון Give a 10%. יֹובֵ ל and שְמִ יטָ ה Every year, but תְ רּומַת מַ עֲשֵ ר from this, called מַ עֲשֵ ר gives לֵוִי gotta bring it מַ עֲשֵ ר שֵ נִי eat it יְרּושָ לַיִם In 10% in the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th years to the poor מַ עֲשֵ ר עָנִי

100 10% leave at their door In the 3rd and 6th years מַ עֲשְ רֹות and תְ רּומֹות These are

מֹודֶּ ה אֲנִ י Every morning, Hashem returns to us refreshed for a new day נְשָמָ ה Our While still in bed, even before we wash our hands We thank Hashem, this is what we say

המֹודֶ אֲנִי לְפָ נֶיָך I offer thanks to you מֶ לְֶך חַ י וְקַ יָם Living and Eternal King

שֶהֶחֱ זַרְ תָ יּבִ נִשְ ימָתִ ּבְחֶמְ לָה For you have mercifully restored my soul in me [Pause] רַ ּבָ האֶ מּונָתֶ ָך Your faithfulness in great

אַרְ בַעגָלֻׁיֹות for 70 years גָלּות ּבָבֶ ל ּבָבֶ ל The Yidden were sent to After Nevuchadnezzar destoyed ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש The first

101 גָלּות ספָרַ ּומָדַ י Persia and Media took over the empire Babylonia gone, the Yidden now ruled מָדַ י and פָרַ ס ,By the new conquerors

the Asyrian Greeks גָלּות יָוָן Conquered and ruled most of Asia During this time, they ruled the Yidden was standing ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש While the second

the Yidden were ruled גָלּות אֶ דֹום By Rome, who destroyed ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש The second will end גָלּות This And soon we’ll rebuild מָשִ יחַ with ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש The third

גִימַטְרִ יָא is one, such a small sum א is 2, he says I’m more than you ב is 3 ג With payos and yarmulke is 5 you see ה ,Imahos 4 ד

102 ז is 6 and 7 is ו שָמַ יִם comes to us from שַ ּבָת מַלְ כָה The is 10 י baby ,9 ט ,8 ח .come to us from Hashem עַשֶרֶ תהַדִּבְ רֹות The

,is 30 ל ,is 20 כ מַ ּבּול is 40 the days of the מ is 50, half of 100 נ sss sss 60 ס זְקֵ נִים the 70 70 ע is 80 almost like my Zaidy פ

תַ לְמִ יד חָ כָם a 90 צ such a big sum 100 ק 300 ׁש/ש ,200 ר !I’m a Gematria Maven ת/ת—400.

הַפְרָׁשַ ת חַ לָה מִ צְ וָה Women have a special הַפְרָשַת חַ לָה Called תְ רּומָ ה To remind us of the ּבֵ ית הַמִקְ דָ ש in the כֹּהֵ ן Given to the

When the dough has risen, we hold a small piece then separate it לְהַפְרִ יש חַ לָה Say while holding the piece הַרֵ י זֶה חַ לָה Say Then we wrap it up, and burn it

103 כֹּהֵ ן to the חַ לָה comes, we’ll give מָשִ יחַ When Now we show that this piece is going to Hashem shows that everything we’re given חַ לָה Taking Has a purpose, must be used for holiness

Three Mitzvos of Women חַ לָה, נִדָ ה, הַדְ תלָקַ נֵרֹות מִ צְ וֹות Are the woman’s three special shows that everything we own חַ לָה Taking Always is first used to serve Hashem

,Tznius in action, speech and dress ,נִדָ ה .the yidden and Hashem תֹורָ ה Brings honor to the fills the world with holy light הַדְ תלָקַ נֵרֹות And brings us closer to s times’מָשִ יחַ