Tulip, Saxatilis Spring-Flowering

Tulipa saxatilis Family

These compact 8- to 10-inch-tall bear delicate but showy sweet- scented, pale pink or purple blooms with yellow centers. It is well-suited

to rock garden use.

Site Characteristics Traits Special Considerations

Sunlight: Lifecycle: perennial Special characteristics:

. full sun Ease-of-c a r e : easy . non-aggressive - Spreads by runners. Soil conditions: Height: 0.75 to 1 feet . non-invasive . not native to North America - . tolerates droughty soil Spread: 0.25 to 0.5 feet Native to and Turkey . requires well-drained soil . fragrant - Blooms are sweetly Bloom time: scented. Prefers fertile, well drained soil. . mid-spring Special uses: Hardiness zones: . late spring

. 5 to 9 Flower color:

Special locations: . yellow . violet . outdoor containers . white . rock gardens . pink . xeriscapes Blooms are pale pink or violet with

yellow markings edged in white.

Foliage color: medium green

Foliage texture: me di u m

Shape: upright

Shape in flower: flower stalks with flowers as cups

Blooms borne in groups of up to 4 per plant.

Growing Information

How to plant:

Propagate by division or separation - Divide the in the fall, when clumps have become overcrowded. Plant the bulbs 5" beneath the soil surface.

Maintenance and care: Remove faded flowers after blooming. After spring blooming, allow the foliage to die back (about 6 weeks) before cutting back. Do not cut back unfaded foliage.

More growing information: How to Grow Bulbs

Pests: Slugs and snails Aphids Diseases: Bulb rot Root rot Gray mold Nematodes

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