In this February issue 2009 Ed Schultz remembered Published bi-monthly by District 8, American League

District 8 Editor: Karen Walker, Champaign IL Charity Week

50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2009 (US News & World Report article)

Solvers Forum 2008 Honor Roll

Solvers Forum New column April problems

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Back to page 1 | Past issues | District 8 Homepage | Contact the editor In memory: Ed Schultz (1949-2009)

District 8 players are mourning the loss of one of our leading and most popular players with the death of Thomas Edward (Ed) Schultz of Chesterfield MO. Ed passed away on Friday evening, January 30, ten days after his 60th birthday. He is survived by his wife, Beth Fay; his mother, Mary Margaret Schultz; brother Rick and sisters Mary and Margaret.

Originally from Beardstown IL, Ed graduated from the University of and played on the Fighting Illini football team. He worked as a real estate agent in Springfield IL before moving to St. Louis, where he and Beth worked together as mortgage brokers.

Ed was an avid fan of Fighting Illini sports and had been looking forward to a trip to Champaign for the Illinois vs. Iowa game on February 1. He was especially proud of his collection of Illini posters and memorabilia, which filled his family room and memorialized his beloved Chief Illiniwek.

Ed also had a great fondness for animals, his rose garden, good books (one of his favorite authors was Ayn Rand) and the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. He was a long-time supporter and volunteer worker for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, the Wright home at Taliesin (Wisconsin) and the Dana- Thomas House in Springfield IL.

After his friends and family, Ed's greatest love was the game of bridge. He was always ready to play anywhere, any time, and he earned numerous regional wins and overall places in national events. He played often in local clubs and tournaments with partners of all skill levels. He ended his career with around 7300 , just a few hundred shy of Emerald Life Master status. Although he never won the national championship he aspired to, he was good enough to win one, and the title surely would have come if he had more opportunities.

Ed endured many surgeries and treatment regimens during his illness, and through it all, he amazed everyone with his energy and upbeat attitude. In March 2007, four days after brain surgery, he played almost every day at the St. Louis NABC. A month before he died, he traveled to the Holiday Regional in Kansas City and won a four-session knockout teams with partner Tom Kniest. Two weeks later, he played in the sectional in St. Charles MO with his favorite partner, Mark Kessler, and placed second in the knockout teams. At the sectional, he was honored as the St. Louis 2008 Player of the Year for winning the most masterpoints at Unit tournaments. (See the photo and story in the Greater St. Louis Bridge News page in this issue.)

Ed was a serious bridge competitor, but even in the highest level events, he always had fun at the table. All of Ed's partners have entertaining stories about his bridge exploits. Here's one, from a long-ago regional, that showcases Ed's skills in handling cards and people: Contract: A85 4H by South 987

Opening lead: J9742 4 Q5 Ed Me J64 10973 K65 32 65 Q1083 J9842 AK3 KQ2 AQJ104

AK 1076

Our opponent sitting South was an older lady who greeted us warmly when we came to her table. On this deal, she was declarer in 4H and Ed, West, led the 4. I won the K and returned the 2, ducked by declarer. Without a flicker of hesitation, Ed ducked, too, and dummy's 7 won the trick. Declarer then led dummy's Q, which I won with the A. I led my remaining heart and declarer, seeing an easy 11 tricks, took the "marked" finesse right into Ed's K.

She became decidedly less friendly when Ed won the trick and led another heart, which took away her club ruff and her tenth trick. Totally flustered, she spent the rest of the play slapping her cards and glaring at Ed. When the hand was over, she turned to him and snapped, "How could you do that?", then proposed some "what-if-I-had-held ..." possibilities that would have made his play unsuccessful.

Some players would have taken offense at her rudeness and perhaps retorted that she was done in by her own greed, but not Ed. He just gave her a shrug and a big smile and replied, "Well, then, I would have looked pretty silly, wouldn't I?" Incident over.

It was that happy-go-lucky personality that endeared Ed to so many and brightened up every room he walked into. Our tournaments and club games will be a bit less lively -- and easier to win -- in his absence, but I have the strong feeling that "Fast Eddie" is still enjoying his favorite pastime. Somewhere, right now, he's probably playing his old Western Rabbit bidding system against the greats of the game and preempting his way to a heavenly championship. Congratulations, Eddie.

-- Karen Walker District 8 Solvers Forum -- February 2009 by Kent Feiler, Harvard IL

I'll be in St Augustine, Florida when this column comes out, so I thought I'd include some warm, soothing pictures for all of you that are freezing your District 8 whatchamacallits off in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois, plus some of our geographically farther away but still chilly solvers in Canada, UK, Iceland, Denmark, and Eastern Europe.

And a moment of silence for Santa's Toy Factory which, as we all know, broke through the thinning ice at the North Pole and is now located at the bottom of the Arctic ocean. Although depressed and desolate, Santa has declared himself as now clearly being the owner of the North Pole, and he'll be making a comeback by selling oil leases and becoming the Western toll booth for the Northwest Passage.



Nice time to take a walk. If you run into one guy walking his dog in the other direction, the beach feels crowded. A good time to ponder the complexities of Problem 1.

Action Score Votes % Solvers 1. IMPs, Both Vulnerable 2S 100 8 24 West North East South Pass 90 7 44 1 Pass 1 ? DBL 50 1 24 As South you hold: AQJT75 AKQ9 J4 J 4S 30 0 3 3S 10 0 3 What's your bid? 2H 10 0 3 That annoying East stole our suit. With such a good suit we probably still want to bid it, the question is, how?

BAKER: 2S. BWS plays this as natural.

DODD: 2S. Natural in BWS. Sure, 4H may be cold if North has something like 10- sixth and nothing else, but how in the name of heaven do we get there? MAYNE: 2S. Clear-cut. This is natural in any sensible system, and I can bid hearts next.

SPEAR: 2S. If this is not natural, change my bid to pass, and I will bid spades naturally next time.

Yup, it's natural, so bidding spades isn't a problem, at least not yet, but as Tom points out, the real problem is the heart suit. We have so many HCP, we could end up in 2S cold for 4H.

NELSON: DBL. I held this hand and know the results, that's why I sent it in.

Hmm...she knows the results in real life and now DBLs. Sounds like partner had hearts. But that isn't what happens to me when I make a bid like DBL. Bob Bernhard tells that sad story.

BERNHARD: PASS. If I DBL and partner bids clubs, all spade bids thereafter will sound like cue bids. I'll get another chance, this auction is not over.

PAVLICEK: PASS. I play 2S as natural, but that's likely to end the bidding, perhaps missing a cold 4H. After passing I hope to make a takeout double of clubs or diamonds to see if partner can bid hearts, and if not I can still bid spades naturally.

I was hoping someone would tell us how they thought the auction would proceed after PASSing.

Scoring 2S and Pass cleaned up most of the panelist votes. Solvers also voted for 4S which is a reasonable shot, 3S which would be taken in most expert circles as asking for a stopper, and 2H which would make it impossible to ever bid spades naturally.

The Back Yard

It's nice to sit on the deck and contemplate the beauty and majesty of the ocean, or maybe I was contemplating the beauty and majesty of Problem 2!

Action Score Votes % Solvers 2. Matchpoints, Both Vulnerable 1NT 100 9 29 West North East South ------1 2H 80 5 32 Pass 1 Pass ? 2C 50 2 35 2D 50 0 3 As South you hold: 92 843 AKQ2 AJ63

What's your bid?

4432 distribution and 14 HCP sounds like a perfect 1NT rebid. Of course we know that if we're declarer West is going to lead spades up to our anemic 92 and through whatever spade values partner has. Maybe it's time to diverge from the standard response.

Let's see what the panel thinks, we'll start with those keeping to the party line.

MERRITT: 1NT, Am I missing something here? I would need much better hearts to raise, and I always want at least 9 cards in the minors and a singleton to bid 2C.

WALSH: 1NT, It's matchpoints and neither opp bid spades. They might not even lead one!

Dream on Bill, but opps not bidding might mean that they can't take many spade tricks on defense.

WALKER: 1NT. Certainly not ideal, but the hearts are too weak for a raise and 2C is just asking to play a 4-2 diamond fit. Stoppers or not, 4432 patterns should be described as balanced hands.

DODD: 2C. I refuse to try the "automatic" anti-positional 1NT just because its matchpoints.

Did Tom just take the name of "Matchpoints" in vain? I'm shocked!

The 2H bidders are going for the throat.

RABIDEAU: 2H. When raising with only three, I really like to have a top honor but 1NT is "wrong- sided" and 2C isn't matchpoints. Hopefully, the prime cards will compensate.

PAVLICEK: 2H. Eccentric perhaps, but at matchpoints I'll aim for a good score. In my younger days I'd bid 1NT, claiming the S9 had positional value (AJx in dummy and a lead from KT or QT); but now I can't even convince myself.

SPEAR: 2H. I don't expect to be in the majority, but we may get more matchpoints in hearts. And if we belong in notrump, North will declare.

KNIEST: 2H. Tempting to bid 2C and convert 2D to 2H - that auction might also make it tough for lefty to compete right away.

Kniest is a 2H bidder, not a 2C bidder, but he mentions an auction, 2C-2D;2H, which shows about the HCP we have or maybe a bit more, but absolutely guarantees a singleton spade with who knows what consequences. Walker obliquely mentioned this auction when she talked about a 4-2 diamond fit.

Scoring The question of whether to try and bail out of the obvious 1NT response or to stay stuck was won by the "stay stuck" group. A solver made the interesting bid of 2D. If you decide to bail out to a minor, that might well be better than 2C.

The Old Shell Game

Perhaps as illustrated in Problem 3.

Action Score Votes % Solvers 3. Matchpoints, Neither Vulnerable 4C 100 8 38 West North East South 4H 80 5 26 ------1 4D 70 2 18 Pass 1 2 3 4S 50 1 24 Pass 3 Pass ? 3NT 10 0 3 As South you hold: A43 AQ T42 AKJ62 Pass 10 0 3

What's your bid?

Partner's spade bid probably doesn't show bunches of spades, more likely it just shows that he doesn't have a diamond stopper but does have some spade cards. So we know we're not going to play in 3NT, but where are we headed? Let's see where the panel is going.

MERRITT: 4S, I don't see anywhere else to go. Partner should know this is a Moysian, or else I would have bid Spades myself.

The Moysian would be ok, but I'd be a bit worried about the Micro-Mini-Moysian when partner has: [KJx Jxxx xxx Qxx]...or some such. I guess maybe he should likely probably pull to 5C. BERNHARD: 4C, Partner has shown at least 5 hearts and 4 spades, but what about clubs, let's find out more.

WALKER: 4C. 4H is out, as that promises at least 3-card support (and partner probably would have bid 3H with a 5-card suit). He may or may not have 4 spades, and even if he does, this isn't the right hand for a 4-3 fit, so I'm "stuck" with making a natural bid in my long suit.

MATHENY: 4C. Tough problem but North does not have to hold long hearts.

Bob, Karen, and Larry may be assuming that 4C is forcing, but I'm not so sure. The 3D Q-bid was a try for 3NT that could have been based on a long, running club suit and nothing else.

PAVLICEK: 4H. Not happily, but options are running low. I'm worried that partner might be 4-4 in the majors, but even then there's potential for a matchpoint top opposite Jxxx KJTx xxx Qx (switch his majors for the score I deserve).

MAYNE: 4H. Even a 4-2 might play OK; if partner makes a further move, I'll bid 6C.

None of the panelists seem happy with the bids they selected. Is there no one who made a bid that they really like?

NELSON: 4D, Gosh, how about another Q-bid...I dislike 4C, I hate raising partner's four card spade holding and I only have two hearts so therefore I believe another Q-bid is just fine.

Me too! You gotta love Q-bids, they mean whatever you want them to mean, our previous Q-bid meant, "Do you have a diamond stopper?" and this one (might well) mean, "Pick a suit."

Scoring I suspect that most of the panel didn't even think about a second Q-bid. Too bad, I would have been interested to hear what they had to say.

South Beach Grill

Here's my favorite lunch place in St Augustine, great food, and then you can sit in the sun with a glass of Pinot Gris and try to figure out Problem 4.

Action Score Votes % Solvers 4. Matchpoints, Neither Vulnerable 1D 100 10 35 West North East South 1H 70 3 24 -- 1 DBL ? RDBL 60 3 35 As South you hold: 7 J943 KJ976 KQJ Pass 10 0 3 What's your bid? 2D 10 0 3

RDBL would show our HCP, but could make it awkward to show our distribution. 1D would begin showing our suits, but then we may have trouble showing our HCP later.

BAKER: 1D. I'd love to shut out West's probable spade bid, but I can't. Redouble is the other option, but I have a suit of my own and no plans to penalize.

MATHENY: 1D. A redouble might tempt a spade double from partner.

Paulo: RDBL. My hand's strength is above average so, I should advise partner that we have the balance of power.

I think Jim Baker mentioned the key point, " plans to penalize." RDBL doesn't just show HCP, it tells partner we're at least somewhat interested in smacking em. If we're not, we should start looking for a contract to play and show our HCP later.

Also not RDBLing, but not bidding 1D either.

WALKER: 1H. It's now or never for showing 4 hearts, as the auction may be at 2S or higher before I get another chance to bid. Redouble is pointless when I have no desire to penalize their obvious 8+- card spade fit.

RABIDEAU: 1H. I'm not good enough to bid diamonds now, then reverse into hearts (perhaps at the 3- level).

KNIEST: 1D. It's forcing, and we shouldn't miss hearts if it goes 1S-P-2S - I can now X.

SPEAR: 1D I expect to follow up my descriptive diamond bid with a takeout double of some number of spades by the opposition.

So much for the "now or never" argument. This illustrates another advantage of not RDBLing, subsequent DBLs are takeout, not penalty.

Scoring The panel was definitely in favor of bidding rather than RDBLing. The 2D bid would be taken by most panelists as a pre-empt. It may have been an entry error for someone intending to bid 1D.


Sunrise, the beach, lunch, pick up some shells, sunset, ok, time to go back to Chicago. But first, there's Problem 5.

Action Score Votes % Solvers 5. Matchpoints, North-South Vulnerable 4D 100 7 9 West North East South 3D 90 4 15 -- 1 Pass 1 3NT 70 3 44 Pass 1 Pass 2 * 6D 70 2 0 Pass 2 Pass ? 2NT 10 0 6 * Invitational+ 3H 10 0 18 As South you hold: K AT9643 Q86 AJT 3C 10 0 3 5D 10 0 3 What's your bid? 4H 10 0 3 We've had a lot of hands where 4th=GF has caused problems and 4th=Invit+ would have made everything easy. Here's a "Return of the Creature" hand where 4th=Invit+ causes some difficulties and 4th=GF would have been no problem.

MERRITT: 6D, I would think that 3D would have to be forcing, but even if I could get partner to show all the key cards, how do I find out about the spade Q?

WALKER: 6D. With no way to check on the quality of partner's spades, I can't see bidding a grand anyway, so 6D is the expedient choice. It would be handy if 3D were forcing (but it's not, since 2C wasn't 4th-suit-GF). Even if I thought 3D should be forcing, I'm not going to risk the chance that partner has a different opinion.

NELSON: 3D, after fourth suit, my 3D bid is 100% forcing...maybe partner can now raise hearts with a strong doubleton. Strong possibilities we have a 6 Diamond contract.

3D isn't forcing when playing 4th = Invit+, hence the problem, but as Scott and Karen say, most roads will probably lead to 6D and bidding 7D will be difficult.

PAVLICEK: 4D. I assume 2S shows 5-6 shape. I intend to bid 6D with my exceptional values, but I'll leave room for Blackwood in case we have a grand. Even if 3D is forcing, I prefer 4D to emphasize my gold mine.

KNIEST: 4D. SInce I've been saddled with terrible methods, I take my 2C bid out of the invitational sector into the forcing sector and maybe we can still have an intelligent auction.

I'm not sure what that means. If it means that one way to change a 4th suit = Invit+ bid into a forcing auction is to jump, yes it is.

Scoring This problem was flawed by some people either not knowing what was forcing and what wasn't after the Invitational+ 4th suit bid, or assuming that the forum played the system they usually played instead of them playing the official system of the forum (BWS).

Here we are back in sweet home Chicago.

Oops! Action Score Votes % Solvers 6. Matchpoints, East-West Vulnerable 4C 100 5 15 West North East South Pass 90 5 38 -- 1 1 2 4D 70 2 12 Pass 2NT 3 ? 3NT 60 2 26 As South you hold: 3 K54 KJ9 KJT943 4NT 50 1 0 5C 50 1 3 What's your bid? DBL 10 0 6 East sounds like he has a load of major suit cards, and it wouldn't come as a big surprise if the next bid we heard was 4S by West. Should we take steps to prepare for the impending 4S bid, or should we go about our business and see what happens.

WALSH: Pass. Should be forcing. 3NT, 5D, or doubling 3S could be the best action. Partner knows more about my hand than I know about his, so I'll let him make the decisions.

MAYNE: Pass. Why not let partner do the right thing? My pass shows light spades, and East sounds 7-5. If we play in 3Sx, I'll lead a trump.

Is this a forcing pass situation? I don't think so. Forcing pass only occurs when we are definitely expecting to make our contract and they are definitely pre-empting/sacrificing. Neither of those is true on this hand. OTOH, 3S singled might be our best spot!

SPEAR: 3NT. I don't believe a pass is forcing, and I don't think I want to defend against some big distributional hand anyway. Can't Righty see the vulnerability? 3N seems like the best bid--may make!

So let's see, I think Jack is saying that 3NT is a kind of semi-pre-emptive, partially psychic, bid that may really annoy the opponents by actually making.

NELSON: 4C. Got my bidding shoes on, we'll probably hear from West now...after 4S by lefty, I will bid 5 Diamonds.

Right idea, but isn't that backwards? How about?

Paulo: 4D. I'm afraid that East can win game. So, I raise partner's suit, and I'll rebid clubs eventually.

Yup, that seems like the right order to bid the suits.

Heth: 4NT. Georgia didn't favor us with a comment on this one, but I'm guessing it was intended as a minor suit takeout. If partner takes it that way it's clearly the best bid for this hand, if not we're headed for the land of the strange and hairy.

Thanks to all who sent in answers to this set. Congratulations to George Klemic of Bensenville IL and Jim Munday of Camarillo CA, who topped all Solvers. They're both invited to join the April panel. Special congratulations to John R. Mayne of Riverbank CA and Bill Walsh of Champaign IL for placing first and second in the 2008 Solvers Contest. They'll be sharing their wisdom with the panel for 2009. See Solvers Honor Roll in this issue for a list of the top runners-up in the 2008 contest. Thanks to 2007 winners Bob Lambert for his excellent contributions to the panel during 2008. The six new problems for April are below. This is the second of the six sets in the 2009 Solvers Contest, so there's still plenty of time to join in. Please submit your solutions by March 25 on the web form. April moderator is Scott Merritt -- [email protected]

How the Panel voted 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score Dan Baker, Urbana IL 2S 1NT 4C 1D 3NT Pass 560 Bob Bernhard, New Smyrna Beach FL Pass 2C 4C 1D 3D 3NT 490 Georgia Heth, Morton IL Pass 1NT 4C 1D 4D 4NT 540 Thomas Kniest, University City MO Pass 2H 4C 1D 4D 4C 570 Larry Matheny, Loveland CO 2S 1NT 4C 1D 4D Pass 590 John R Mayne, Riverbank CA 2S 1NT 4H 1D 4D Pass 570 Bev Nelson, Fort Myers FL DBL 2H 4D 1H 3D 4C 460 Manuel Paulo, Lisbon, Portugal Pass 1NT 4C RDBL 3D 4D 510 Richard Pavlicek, Fort Lauderdale FL Pass 2H 4H 1D 4D 4C 550 Larry Rabideau, St. Anne IL Pass 2H 4H 1H 3NT 4C 490 Jack Spear, Kansas City KS 2S 2H 4C 1D 4D 3NT 540 Bill Walsh, Champaign IL Pass 1NT 4H RDBL 3NT Pass 490

How the Staff voted 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score Tom Dodd, Branchburg NJ 2S 2C 4H 1D 3D Pass 510 Kent Feiler, Harvard IL 2S 1NT 4D 1D 4D 4D 540 Scott Merritt, Gaborone, Botswana 2S 1NT 4S RDBL 6D 5C 430 Karen Walker, Champaign IL 2S 1NT 4C 1H 6D 4C 540

Solver's 500+ List 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score George Klemic, Bensenville IL Pass 1NT 4C 1D 4D 4D 560 Jim Munday, Camarillo CA 2S 2H 4H 1D 4D Pass 550 Micah Fogel, Aurora IL Pass 1NT 4C 1D 3D 3NT 540 Arbha Vongsvivut,Godfrey IL Pass 2H 4C 1D 3D 3NT 520 George Hawley, S. Louis MO Pass 1NT 4H 1D 3NT 3NT 500

Solvers Forum -- February 2009 Problems 1. Matchpoints, EW vulnerable 4. Matchpoints, NS vulnerable

West North East South West North East South 1S 2D 1D 2S DBL * Pass ??? 2C Pass Pass ???

* Responsive double (hearts & clubs) What is your call as South holding: What is your call as South holding: A76 94 AK8765 82 ? QJ103 92 AKQJ742 Void ? 5. IMPs, NS vulnerable 2. Matchpoints, both vulnerable West North East South West North East South 1C Pass 1S 1D 4D DBL Pass ??? Pass 1NT Pass 2D What is your call as South holding: Pass 3C Pass ??? Q109843 KQ973 Void A9 ?

What is your call as South holding: IMPs, EW vulnerable 3 AK7 A87542 K86 ? 6. West North East South 3. Matchpoints, EW vulnerable 1D Pass Pass ??? West North East South What is your call as South holding: 2H 3C ??? AQ73 AQ54 K754 6 ?

What is your call as South holding: Thanks for the problems to George AJ754 6 AKJ63 K5 ? Klemic (#1) and John Seng (#2). Pair Fare News from Northwestern Illinois Unit 239

Editor: Roger Dieringer, 5 Lockman Circle, Elgin IL 60123 [email protected]

New Life Master: Don Malone

HELL-LOO is often heard at the Rockford Bridge Center when new opponents take their respective seats at Don Malone’s bridge table. Don also has an infectious laugh that puts any bridge player in a good frame of mind. Don was able to earn his rank of Life Master in an unusually short time period of three years.

Don grew up in Texas and he related he learned to count by arranging grapefruit seeds, at least that's what Don claims to be true. After high school, Don went on to earn three college degrees from Sam Houston State, Texas Christian and Ball State, the last being a doctorate in music. Don then proceeded to become a professor of music at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Now retired, Don still performs his specialty of algorithmic electro-acoustic music. Outside his professional life, Don has a wife Gin, and three sons, one daughter, and two grandchildren. Don and Gin now live in Sharon, Wisconsin, which involves a forty-minute commute to the Rockford Bridge Center.

Don said he got started playing bridge during his commutes to work in Chicago. Using a portable computer game during his ride to Roosevelt University, Don began to develop an interest in learning the finer points of the game. Upon his retirement three years ago, Don hooked up with the Rockford Club and since then he has developed a strong liking of duplicate bridge, because “skills precede the luck of the game”. Like a true professor, Don has devoured many of the books in the club library, and Don is adaptable to playing many of the lesser-used conventions. Don earned his rank of Life Master this past fall at the Fort Wayne, Indiana Regional Tournament.

Don would like to thank Bob Hero, Kathy Owen, Becky Chance and Mike Abarbanel for mentoring him in the nuances of the game. His advice to others is to maintain an accurate count of cards played, and “don’t be afraid to play up.” What Don is suggesting, along with other Life Masters I have interviewed, is to try playing in open games. You’ll learn a lot by doing so, and if you scratch, you’ll earn more points. Don recently has become a certified director and may in the future oversee some of the Rockford games. The Changing Scene . . .

New Junior Masters: Daniel King, Rockford; Roger Martin, Loves Park; Jackie Shair, Rockford; Catherine Wright, Rockford. New Junior Masters: Irene Crawford, Huntley; Carolyn Miller, Rockford; Karen Weedman, Rockford. New Club Masters: Timothy Kleimeyer, Sleepy Hollow; Davis Shair, Rockford; Barbara Knuckles, Machesney Park. New Sectional Masters: Thomas McDonald, Batavia; Charlene Whitney, Winnebago. New Regional Masters: Judy Miller, Belvidere; Tara Mufich, Rockford. New NABC Master: Donna Cart, Rockford; David Vietti, Cary. New Life Masters: Julia Kelley, Batavia. New Gold Life Master: Bob Korte Tournaments

Elgin Early Spring Sectional - Elgin, IL - March 20 to March 22 CCBA March Sectional at the Clubs - Chicago, IL - March 23 to March 29

District 13 Regional - Lake Geneva, WI - April 20 to April 26

299er Stars of Tomorrow - Rolling Meadows, IL - May 2 to May 3

Illini Memorial Day Regional - Champaign, IL - May 19 to May 25 CIBA Digest News from Central Illinois Unit 208

Editor: Karen Walker, 2121 Lynwood Drive, Champaign IL 61821 (217) 359-0042 [email protected]

Would you like to serve on the Unit Board?

If you live in one of the counties below, this is the year to elect your representative to the Unit 208 Board of Directors: Area #1: Peoria & Tazewell Counties. (Incumbent: Bernie Riley) Area #4: Cass, Mason, Menard, Morgan, Sangamon & Scott Counties. (Incumbent: Liz Zalar) Area #7: Champaign, Ford, Piatt & Vermilion Counties. (Incumbent: Dennis Fitton) The Area Representative meets with the Board three times a year at our Unit sectionals. Anyone from these areas who would like to run for a seat on the Board should send name and ACBL number to the Unit Secretary, Marilyn Stickel by April 1. Elections will be held in May and June. You can contact Marilyn by mail at 204 North Fulton Street, Lacon IL 61540.

Illini Champaign Regional -- May 19-25, 2009

It's not too early to make plans for our Unit's annual regional, coming up Memorial Day week at the Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center in Champaign. You can check out the new schedule in the March Bridge Bulletin and on the tournament web site.

Bridge rate at the Hilton is $95 double, available by phone (217-352-9970) or through the tournament's online booking page. Please reserve early, especially if you need a room with two beds.

Mini--McKenney & Ace of Clubs updates

Visit the ACBL Unit Awards page to view lists of the top ten Unit players in each category (type 208 into the box that asks for your Unit number). Results will not be official until mid-February. Year-end results for our Central Illinois Unit will be published in the April issue of this newsletter. Coming up on the Club Calendar

ACBLwide Senior Pairs -- Monday afternoon, February 23 This annual event, open to ages 55+, offers extra masterpoints, pre-dealt hands and hand-analysis booklets. The same hands are being played at clubs around the nation and will offer District-wide and nationwide awards. The sanction fee is low; expect to pay 75 cents more than your club's regular entry fee. Central Illinois clubs that will be hosting this game are: Champaign: Bridge at Ginger Creek (12:30 pm) -- Karen Walker (217-359-0042) [email protected] Bloomington: Gayl West Duplicate (11:45 am) -- Stephen Hawthorne (309-827-7581) Springfield: Bridge Club of Springfield (12:30 pm) -- Janice Franz (217-546-0597) [email protected]

2009-10 -- Club qualifying games in June, July & August There's no limit on the number of these special games your club can hold. The 2010 national finals will be held in March in Reno NV.

Cheer on our Unit winners: The 2008-09 North American Pairs concludes in March when District winners play in the national championship in Houston TX. Six pairs from our Unit will be representing District 8 in the national finals : Flight A: Karen Walker, Champaign & Tom Kniest, St. Louis Colby Vernay, Lacon & Will Engel, Freeport Flight B: Claire Krukenberg, Charleston & Richard Brummer, Effingham Fei Dong & Pat Moos, Peoria Flight C: Shirley Logan, Springfield & Carol Sue McNaught, Auburn Dennis Moll & Ann Schuyler, Bloomington You can check on their results in the online Daily Bulletins from Detroit. Flight A plays on March 10-11. The Flight B & C events are on March 21-22.

In Memory

Central Illinois players were saddened by the recent deaths of three of our active members:

Kay Jackson of Ridge Farm died on January 1. Kay was a Life Master with almost 2000 career masterpoints and a regular player at bridge clubs in Paris IL and Terre Haute IN. Dennis Knoll, 57, of Catlin died on January 4. Originally Bill Folts, 82, of Champaign from Iowa, Dennis owned died on January 11. A graduate and managed truck stops, of the University of restaurants and real estate in Wisconsin, Bill was a retired the Oakwood IL area. He was Lieutenant Commander with also active in his church and the Navy Seabees and served was a past member of the on active duty during World Catlin School Board. Dennis' many friends at the War II and the Korean War. Danville and Champaign clubs send their He and his wife Jeanne visited 39 countries and five condolences to his wife June, their four sons and continents after he retired in 1993 from a career as a Dennis' 13 siblings. civil engineer at the University of Illinois.

Movin' Up

Congratulations to these Unit members who recently advanced in rank:

New Junior Master (5 pts.) Bronze Life Master (500 pts.) Charles Langley, Mechanicsburg Rich Pestien, Peoria Karen Sapetti, Springfield Timothy Sawers, Springfield Silver Life Master (1000 pts.) Karen Sivils, Champaign Pat Moos, Peoria

Club Masters (20 pts.) WELCOME to new members: Elaine Alexander, Pekin Barbara Cantrell, Galesburg Shirley Coville, Springfield Fran Devore, Normal NABC Masters (200 pts.) Len Devore, Normal Rhonda Berberet, Springfield David Spring, Sherman Michael Heneghan, Forsyth Life Masters (300 pts.) Jane Lanseth, Decatur Dennis Moll, Bloomington Paul Langseth, Decatur Brian Reid, Charleston Karen Sapetti, Springfield Joy Szmaj, Bloomington Peiyi Wang, Urbana 4(%2%#!03(%%4 .EWSFROM.ORTHERN)NDIANAˆ5NIT %DITOR"ARBARA7ALCZAK -ELBROOK$R -UNSTER ).    BAWALCZAK ATTNET

70% + games From the South Bend Club: 78.75 Julie Nelson Judy Grossnickle 78.01 Howard Piltch Mike Slaven 77.78 Sara Marcus James Feinstein 77.08 Ladora Sloan James Feinstein 77.04 Virginia Stipp Rosemary Zonker 76.00 Elaine DeLaney Tim DeLaney 75.00 Jimmy Cordas Suzanne Watson 74.34 Dave Irwin Jo Ann Steigmeyer 73.84 Mike Slaven Charles Clarke 73.81 Doris Shafer Fred Shafer 73.77 Joan Tobler Cappy Gagnon 73.66 John Killeen Patricia Killeen 72.50 Jim Parmley Greg Lyzun 72.45 Mike Slaven Charles Clarke 71.99 Mike Slaven Howard Piltch 71.95 Mike Slaven Howard Piltch 71.88 John Killeen Patricia Killeen 71.73 Howard Piltch Cappy Gagnon 71.13 Frank Yoder Elaine DeLaney 71.06 Mike Slaven Charles Clarke 70.66 Jimmy Cordas Suzanne Watson 70.24 Mike Slaven Howard Piltch 70.15 Joan Tobler Marian Eggebrecht

From the Northwest Indiana Clubs: Dave Bigler, Hobart, and Barbara Walczak, Munster — 72.08% December 9 Ruth Westberg, Tinley Park, and Jim Angell, Munster — 80.32% December 18 Joe Chin, Highland, and Al Simmons, Chicago — 71.00% December 26


Junior Master — Pamela Mathews, Granger; Lindy Moss, Fort Wayne; Marjorie Wilson, South Bend; Martie Black, Granger Club Master — Rose Fitch, Kokomo; Norm Muller, Granger; Joan Sarber, South Bend Sectional Master — Judy Grambo, Schererville; June Reincke, Fort Wayne Life Master — Lou Nimnicht, Crown Point Bronze Life Master — Lou Nimnicht, Crown Point; Loretta Beck, Marion; Larry OʼMaley, Fort Wayne Silver Life Master — Lou Nimnicht, Crown Point

Congratulations to those from Unit 154 who have advanced in rank in November and December

New Members — Gloria Falcone, Munster; George Laflin, Kokomo; Sathy Menon, Fort Wayne; Katherine Murdza, Notre Dame; Robert Porter, St. John; Richard Verwiebe, Fort Wayne Welcome! Our membership number has gone down since the last membership count two months ago by 13 members.  Our greatest number of players is in the Silver Life Master category.

A Celebrity in Fort Wayne

Valentin (Val) Kovachev, a soft-spoken gentleman and an international bridge celebrity from Sofia, Bulgaria, spent about a month in Fort Wayne, IN recently. His primary partner was Bob Carteaux. Val is an economist, mathematician, and National Bridge coach for the Bulgarian Womenʼs team and the Bulgarian Olympic team. He speaks three languages — Bulgarian, English, and Russian.

Val has been to the U. S. many times. His hobby, of course, is bridge. He has been playing bridge for 20 years (since college) and has been a Pro for 10 years. He has a wife and two children. He was a runner and did the 100-meter run in 10.54 seconds. He has qualified for the Bermuda Bowl this year.

How exciting this special opportunity was — to have someone of Valʼs caliber playing in a local club!

South Bend Club News

South Bend Bridge Club recently elected Board Members, who selected Paul Silberman as the new President of the club. A major priority of the Board is to give support to the excellent teachers in our area. Elaine DeLaney has been working with newer players for many years and, in great measure, is responsible for increasing the membership of the Club. She has run classes and games for players with fewer than 200 points.

Also, a few months ago Jo Ann Steigmeyer led a Beginner's class of 14 students and instructed a class of 48 social and duplicate players on Play of the Hand and Defense. She continued with the Beginners and has just finished a three-week course for Advanced Beginners to bring them up to speed for her Intermediate class, which has just begun for an eight-week session. There are 40 players who have joined this class. 

The club is very lucky, also, to have Ren Singleton giving her time to teaching an Advanced class for ten weeks covering such topics as weak 2 bids, strong two club bids, unusual NT, Michaels, etc. and duplicate strategies. Elaine DeLaney has switched her class/ game to Thursday evenings — an ongoing game she has run for several years. There is some exploration going on to see about teaching junior high students after school. Wouldn't it be great to have a youngster invite Mom or Grandma to play bridge?

This concerted effort to reach new players has increased the club membership, as you may well imagine. Also — hereʼs an idea that will, undoubtedly, reap rewards in player attendance. South Bend has begun a mentoring program. They have assigned “Life Master +” players to play at least eight times in the next three months with a particular C player to help that player understand the ins and outs of the game. Right now they have seven or eight pairs. When the eight weeks is up, several free plays will be given to the master players. Both teachers and pupils are very excited.

Visit their website at

Christmas Parties at the Clubs

Calumet Bridge Club Highland, Indiana

Sunday Swiss Team Game Merrillville, Indiana

Congratulations to Dave Bigler who was the only player from Unit 154 who ranked in the ACBL Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney Contests. Dave placed 7th in the Ace of Clubs Race for 2008 in the 200-300 masterpoint category with 157 mp for the year. He is listed in the February 2009 Bridge Bulletin. Greater St. Louis Bridge News

News from Greater St. Louis Unit 143

Editor: Sheryl Finkenstadt, St. Louis MO [email protected]

“A beautiful partnership does not depend upon how well we understand someone, but on how well we avoid misunderstandings."

Ed Schultz wins Player of the Year

The Unit 143 Player Of The Year (POTY) is awarded to that Unit member in good standing who has won the most masterpoints in unrestricted Unit-sponsored events in a given calendar year (10 Unit games, 3 Sectionals, 1 Regional, and the Bragging Rights Team game), by finishing first, second or third in the overalls.

Ed Schultz of Chesterfield MO is the 2008 winner. He's shown accepting the award from Unit President Suzi Shymanski-Moore on January 17 at the sectional in St. Charles.

This honor reflects loyalty and dedication and, of course, a great deal of skill. Other top Player of the Year contenders included Alan Popkin, Nancy Popkin, Tom Oppenheimer & Tom Kniest.

Ed passed away on January 30, less than two weeks after the tournament. Eddie faced his disease with courage and his spirit did not bend. We will miss him; he was a special person. We are so lucky to have had him with us at the January Sectional to accept the 2008 Player of the Year award.

Unit Appoints New Disciplinary Committee & Chair The Unit 143 Board Directors has appointed a new Disciplinary Committee, chaired by George Hawley. Committee members include Sandy Becker and Carol Hamilton, both attorneys. The Unit wishes to thank Alan Popkin for his years of service as Disciplinarian for the Unit.

Suzi Shymanski-Moore Resigns as President

On January 18, the Board of Directors accepted Unit President Suzi Shymanski-Moore's letter of resignation as president and all positions she held on the Board of Directors. Donna Pedrotti, current vice-president, becomes acting president until the February Board Meeting.

Members of the Board of Directors and Unit 143 wish to thank Suzi for her years of service to the Unit in all her capacities, especially as recent President, hospitality chair, caddy chair, and member of the charity committee.

Suzi's shoes will be difficult to fill as she has long gone the extra mile to see that we had outstanding hospitality at our tournaments. We hope she is able to volunteer for us in the future. Her tireless energy and enthusiasm for the success of bridge and the Unit are a rare combination. We wish Suzi and Doug best of luck in all their future endeavors.

Cold, schmold!

The January Sectional held in refurbished Blanchette Park set a new table attendance winter record, with 373 tables for the 3-day tournament. Managed by a great team of tournament directors under the guidance of Chris Patrias, with the assistance of a multitude of volunteers including Tournament Chair Mike Carmen, the winter sectional reflected the commitment and dedication of players to having FUN. Three hundred eighty-four (384) players garnered 1440.50 MPs. Many were “regulars” – but some had never before played in a sectional and took home their first silver.

Top winner was Alan Popkin with 44.25 masterpoints, followed closely by Tom Oppenheimer (37.17) and Nancy Popkin (31.12).

Club Corner Beth Percich runs four games each week: Thursday morning & Saturday afternoon – usually two sections each -- are at Olivette Community Center. She also holds two Tuesday games: morning at Occidental Lodge and evening at Garden Villas West.

Unlike many directors, Beth did NOT learn how to play bridge before she was directing games. She started running bridge games in 1981 with her grandfather, Ted Browne. First, she was taught to score (of course, by hand) and when she asked, “When will you teach me to play?”, he said, “Later.” Next she learned all of the wonderful movements of this game, including a few of Grandpa’s. And again, she asked, “When will you teach me to play?”, and he said, “That’s the easy part. You need to know the laws and rules of the game first.”

So she did, and passed the director’s test. Then she asked again about playing and he said, “Now you need to learn the most important part of the game, and that is everyone’s name.” After a while, she was finally allowed to kibitz, but only the players who played strong 2’s, 4-card majors and a nice straight Standard American game.

Time marched on, and now Beth is not only an excellent director, she is a Bronze Life Master. Beth hasn’t forgotten her Grandpa’s important principle: people first. She even provides “healthy” veggie snacks in addition to the usual sweet or salty.

Congratulations to the following players who have advanced in rank between October 1, 2008 and January 1, 2009:

New Junior Master (5 pts.) Regional Masters (100 pts.) Anne Albrecht Barbara P Bridgewater Robert Daniels Charles W Elliott Irwin Drewel Ann Gruver Marilyn Fox Doug O'Leary Lucy Goltermann Susan Wolff Jan Greenberg NABC Masters (200 pts.) Cindy Grumney Robert Dempsey Pamela James Mary Fort Linda Langsdorf Gretchen Smith William Maack Mary Morgan Life Masters (300 pts.) John Antognoli Club Masters (20 pts.) Ray Dobinsky William R Baker Lois Levin Katie Boles Roseann Stice Virginia Frederick Bronze Life Masters (500 pts.) George Markus Gilda Singer Martha Matthews Phyllis Tirmenstein Betty Politte Susan Shogren Silver Life Masters (1000 pts.) Jacqueline L Schroeder Donna Overbey Lou Anne Winters Judy Putzel

Sectional Masters (50 pts.) Bunny Armstrong Jackie Baker Charles Bretzke, Jr. Susan S Hall Martha M Hanley Elizabeth D Meteer Matthew Robb Richard Welc Ann Wilkerson

Unit 143 currently has 1076 members: 746 non-LM, 328 LM. With more than 50% of the Unit’s membership below 100 masterpoints, this is a tribute to a vigorous Intermediate/Novice program. (The national average is 200 MPs for the 50th percentile.)


March 7, 2009 (199er Championship)

May 15-17, 2009 (Sectional)

August 17-23, 2009 (Regional)

September 26, 2009 (199er Championship)

October 16-18, 2009 (Sectional) Unit 223 Reporter

News from Southern Illinois-Paducah Unit 223 Editor: Karen Coe, 12761 Webb Hill Rd., Ewing IL 62836 (618- 435-4200) [email protected]

Winter Greetings

2009 has started rather badly for members of Unit 223’s southernmost areas. Bridge players in far southern Illinois and Kentucky are dealing with lots of ice, downed trees and power outages. In my neighborhood, some roofs are collapsing under the weight of two inches of sleet and five inches of snow. Here’s hoping that things will soon return to normal for all of us, that everyone will be back in their homes and playing bridge, and all this nasty stuff will melt off soon!

Congratulations to the following Unit 223 players who have advanced in rank:

New Junior Masters: Martha Culley, Harrisburg IL & William Herman, Effingham IL New Club Master: Carol Cookson, Belleville IL New Regional Master: Phillip Fultz, Benton KY And Welcome to new member: Kathy Bold, Edwardsville IL We have also received notice that Charles Clark of Edwardsville IL has passed away.

Mark Your Calendars

Unit 223 has three upcoming sectionals:

The Saluki Swiss is being held in Fairview Heights IL on February 7 & 8 this year. Take Exit 12 (St .Clair Mall Exit) and go north approximately a mile to the Pipefitters Hall (on the right or east side of the street). The December sectional was held in this same location. Ray Sigler – (618) 224–9606 – is serving as Tournament Chair.

The Kentucky Dam Village Sectional will be held March 6, 7 & 8 in Gilbertsville KY at Kentucky Dam Village Resort. This tournament is renowned for hospitality and beautiful scenery. Kentucky Lake in the spring is always a delight to visit. Tournament Chairs are Doug Edwards and Sandra Lemon. Gayle Edwards is Partnership Chair: (270) 759-9335 or (270) 753-4821.

The Pioneer Sectional is coming up on April 24, 25 & 26 at Hendelmeyer Park in Effingham. New this year is a Friday-night Stratified Pairs (7:00 pm) and a three-session Knockout Teams on Saturday (9:00, 1:00 & 7:00). Tournament Chair is Kate Dickens ([email protected]).

Ads for all these tournaments can be viewed in this issue of the Advocate and on the ACBL Tournament Calendar ( Illini Regional Bridge Tournament Memorial Day weekend: May 19-25, 2009 Hilton Garden Inn & Convention Center, 1501 S. Neil (Rt. 45), Champaign, Illinois Map

Please join us for seven days of bridge and our special Illini hospitality:

● Wednesday: Seniors Day -- $2 off each Tuesday, May 19 session in the Blue Series Pairs or Compact 7:30 -- Big Ten KO Teams (continues KO for ages 65+. Wednesday AM, Aft & Eve) ● Friday: Juniors Day -- Full-time students 7:30 -- Play for the Pets Charity Pairs age 25 and under play FREE in the Swiss Teams or Series Open Pairs. $4 per-session Wednesday, May 20 -- Seniors Day student discount for all other events all $2 off per session in the Blue Series Pairs week. or Compact KO entry for ages 65+. ● Saturday: Two-session Stratified Non-LM 9:30, 1:30 & 7:30 -- Big Ten KO (2nd, 3rd & 4th Pairs -- winners receive a free entry in the sessions) Monday Swiss Teams. 9:30 -- Charity Series AM Pairs (continues at

● Sunday: Barometer final in the Flight A 9:30 Thu-Sun) Strataflighted Pairs (1:30 & 7:30). 1:30 & 7:30 -- Blue Series Open Pair (Wed-Thu) 1:30 & 7:30 -- Rose Bowl Compact KO Teams ● Sunday: Fighting Illini Fans Day -- $2 off 7:30 -- One-session Swiss Team your afternoon entry if you wear Illini 7:30 -- 299er Pairs orange and blue!

● Monday: FAST Swiss Teams -- Thursday, May 21 playthrough with free continental breakfast 9:30 -- Orange & Blue AM KO Teams & cash snack bar. (continues at 9:30 Fri/Sat/Sun) ● Novice/Intermediate Program: 0-300 9:30 -- Charity Series AM Pairs events Wednesday through Sunday. Expert 1:30 & 7:30 -- Chief Illiniwek KO Teams speakers at 1:00 & 7:00, Wed. evening (continues Fri Aft/Eve) through Sun. afternoon. 1:30 & 7:30 -- Blue Series Open Pair (Wed-Thu) ● Non-stop hospitality -- Evening buffets, 7:30 -- One-session Swiss Team hotel hospitality suite, registration gifts, door 7:30 -- 299er Pairs prizes, champagne splits & glasses to section winners, Daily Bulletin, bridge bookstore, Friday, May 22 -- Juniors Day more! Students age 25 & under play FREE in ● Discounts for full-time students age 25 and the Swiss Teams under. 9:30 -- Orange & Blue AM KO (2nd session) 9:30 -- Charity Series AM Pairs Four Bracketed Knockout Teams 1:30 & 7:30 -- Chief Illiniwek KO (3rd & 4th (four sessions): sessions) Big Ten KO -- 7:30 Tuesday & 9:30, 1:30, 1:30 & 7:30 -- Strataflighted Swiss Teams 7:30 Wednesday (Flt. A separate) 1:30 & 7:30 -- Orange Series Open Pair (Fri-Sat- Orange & Blue KO -- Mornings: 9:30 Sun) Thursday through Sunday 7:30 -- 299er Pairs Chief Illiniwek KO -- Primetime: 1:30 & 7:30 Thursday & Friday Saturday, May 23 OskeeWowWow KO -- Primetime: 1:30 & 9:30 -- Orange & Blue AM KO (3rd session) 7:30 Saturday & Sunday 9:30 -- Orange Krush Compact KO (continues at 9:30 am Sunday) Two Compact KO Teams (two 9:30 -- Charity Series AM Pairs sessions, four-person teams, four 12-board 1:30 & 7:30 -- OskeeWowWow KO Teams (continues Sun Aft/Eve) matches): 1:30 & 7:30 -- Two-Session Stratified Non-LM Rose Bowl Compact KO -- 1:30 & 7:30 Pairs (0-500 non-LM) Wednesday 1:30 & 7:30 -- Orange Series Open Pair (Fri-Sat- Orange Krush Compact KO -- 9:30 Sun) Saturday & Sunday 7:30 -- One-session Swiss Team Sunday, May 24 -- Fighting Illini Three Open Pair Series: Enter any or all of the four sessions offered in each Fans Day series. Play two or more sessions in any series $2 off your afternoon entry if you wear to qualify for gold-point and overall awards Illini orange & blue! (stratified). 9:30 -- Orange & Blue AM KO (4th sess.) Charity Series AM Pairs -- 9:30 am, 9:30 -- Orange Krush Compact KO (3rd & 4th Wednesday through Sunday (to benefit sessions) Champaign Co. Humane Society). 9:30 -- Charity Series AM Pairs Blue Series Pairs---- 1:30 & 7:30, 1:30 & 7:30 -- Flight A Strataflighted Pairs Wednesday & Thursday (qualifying with barometer final) Orange Series Pairs ---- 1:30 & 7:30, 1:30 & 7:30 -- Stratified BCD Pairs Friday & Saturday and 7:30 Sunday 1:30 & 7:30 -- OskeeWowWow KO (3rd & 4th sessions) Three One-Session Swiss Teams: 7:30 -- Barometer Final (2nd session of Flt. A 7:30 Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday Pairs) 7:30 -- Orange Series Open Pair (Fri-Sat-Sun) Novice/Intermediate Events: Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) One-session 299er Pairs (0-300 mps) -- 7:30 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9:45 a.m. --- Free continental breakfast. Two-session Non-LM Pairs (0-500, non- 10:30 a.m. -- FAST Swiss Teams (stratified by LM) -- 1:30 & 7:30 Saturday (winners earn team's average MP holding). a free entry in the Monday Swiss Teams) On the road before 6:00 pm. Two-session Stratified BCD Pairs Chairman: Karen Walker (217-359-0042) (separate point awards for 0-200 pairs) -- [email protected] 1:30 & 7:30 Sunday Partners: Hugh Williams (618-203- Strata for all events: A=Open A/X=3500 9566) [email protected] B=2000 C=500 D=200 Kris Maillacheruvu (309-677- 3764) [email protected] Host hotel: Bridge rate ($95 dbl) and free parking at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1501 South Neil (corner of Neil & Kirby). Opened in fall 2006, the hotel offers sleep-number beds, free wireless Internet, a heated indoor pool and fitness center. A wide variety of restaurants are within walking distance. Map with link for driving directions Hilton Garden Inn reservations: Call 217- 352-9970 and ask for bridge rate ($95 double) or book online (use group code BRDG09). Homewood Suites reservations: Bridge rate is $109.95, which includes daily hot breakfasts and weekday dinners. Call 217- 352-9960 and ask for bridge rate. Warren Tatting Memorial Sectional March 13-15, 2009 Hult Health Center, 5215 N. Knoxville Road, Peoria IL

Friday, March 13 1:00 & 7:00 -- Single-session Stratified Pairs 99er Pairs if attendance warrants

Saturday, March 14 1:00 & 7:00 -- Two-session Stratified Pairs (one-session entries welcome) 99er Pairs if attendance warrants

Sunday, March 15 10:30 am -- Two-session Stratified Swiss Teams Sandwich lunch served during the break.

Strata: A-Open B-Under 1500 C- Non-LM (under 500 pts.)

Hospitality after the evening sessions on Friday & Saturday. Free snacks served every session.

Entry fees: $8 per player per session. Extra charge on Sunday for lunch.

Nearby motel: Red Roof Inn, 1822 W. War Memorial Drive (309-685-3911)

Info & partnerships: Bernie Riley (309) 251-1151 [email protected] Phyllis Rahn (309) 243-5460 [email protected] EARLY SPRING SECTIONAL March 20-22, 2009 Elgin Community College 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin IL

Friday, March 20 1:00 pm -- Stratified Charity Pairs 1:00 pm -- Stratified 299er Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm -- Two-session Swiss Teams 7:00 pm -- Stratified Open Pairs

Saturday, March 21 -- Free pizza dinner between sessions 9:30 am, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm -- Bracketed KO Teams (4 players) 9:30 am -- Stratified Open Pairs 2:00 & 7:00 pm -- Stratified Open & 299er Pairs (single sessions) 2:00 & 7:00 pm -- Bracketed Compact KO Teams (exactly 4 players)

Sunday, March 22 10 am -- Brown Bag Bracketed Swiss Teams (bring your own lunch) Strata: A = 1500+ B = 500-1500 C = 0-500

Elgin Community College is at the intersection of McLean Blvd. and Spartan Drive -- 1/4 mile south of U.S. 20 and 1/2 mile east of Randall Road. Take College Green to McLean and turn left to Spartan Drive. Parking is free. Nearby lodging: Days Inn of Elgin, 1585 Dundee Ave.(847-695-2100) Tournament Chairmen: Karl Dencker (847-458-8089 [email protected]) & Ron Hopman (847-659-1780) Partnerships: Doris Survant (847-695-2929 [email protected] ) Kentucky Dam Sectional March 6-8, 2009

Kentucky Dam Village State Park Convention Center, Gilbertsville KY

Friday March 6 1:30 & 7:00 -- Single-session Stratified Pairs

Saturday March 7 9:30 am, 1:30 & 7:00 – Bracketed Knockout Teams 1:30 & 7:00 -- Stratified Open Pairs (Single-session events)

Sunday, March 8 10 am & TBA -- Stratified Swiss Teams

Strata for all events: A = Unlimited B = 0-2000 C = Non-LMs under 500

Directions: From I-24, take Exit 27 and follow Highway 641 to the park. Entry fees: $10 per session on Friday and Saturday. $108 per team on Sunday (includes meals). Lodging: Bridge rate ($53.95 dbl) at Kentucky Dam Village State Park Hotel (800-325-0146). Chairmen: Doug Edwards (270-759-9335) [email protected] & Sandra Lemon (270-247-7828) Partners: Gayle Edwards (270-753-4821) Pioneer Sectional April 24-26, 2009

Hendelmeyer Park

1906 S. 4th Street, Effingham IL

Friday, April 24 7:00 -- Stratified Open Pairs Saturday, April 25 9:00, 1:00 & 7:00 -- Knockout Teams 1:00 & 7:00 -- Two-session Stratified Open Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 -- Single-session 99er Pairs (if attendance warrants)

Sunday, April 26 10:30 & TBA -- Stratified Swiss Teams Super dinner served between sessions.

Strata: 0-500 / 500-1500 / 1500+

Lodging: Major chain motels located at interstate exits 159 & 160. Directions: Take exit 159 from I-70/I-57. Go east on Fayette and turn south on 4th Street.

Info: Kate Dickens (217) 868-5462 Email: [email protected]

Park District phone: (217) 342-4415 Get your team together for the District 8 May 2 & 3, 2009 Eagles Club, 2700 East Ash Street, Springfield IL MAP

Saturday, May 2: 1:00 & TBA -- 2-session qualifying Sunday, May 3: 10:30 am (or TBA) -- Knockout finals

Trips to Washington DC -- and regional-rated gold points -- are offered in the 2009 District 8 finals of this national team event. Any team of four, five or six District 8 members can enter in one of four separate flights: Championship: Open Flight A: 0-5000 masterpoints Flight B: 0-2000 Flight C: 0-500 (non-LMs)

The winning team in each flight will receive a travel award from the District Board to play in the national finals in Washington DC in July.

Your flight eligibility is determined by the number of masterpoints you held on September 1, 2008.

Directions: The Eagles Club is about 1/3 mile west of the IDOT Building, off Dirksen Parkway. From I- 55, exit at South Grand or Stevenson Drive. Google map (with links for driving directions).

Reservations requested: Please notify GNT Coordinator Georgia Heth by phone (309-263- 0242) or email ([email protected]) if you plan to play. In your message, indicate which flight you'll be entering.