River Otter Beaver Trial Annual Report 2016
River Otter Beaver Trial First Annual Report – April 2016 River Otter Beaver Trial First Annual Report April 2016 Beaver traps being moved into place on the River Otter in March 2016 1 River Otter Beaver Trial First Annual Report – April 2016 The River Otter Beaver Trial is led by Devon Wildlife Trust working in partnership with The University of Exeter, the Derek Gow Consultancy, and Clinton Devon Estates. These organisations make up the Project Management Group. Expert independent advice is also provided by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Roisin Campbell-Palmer, Professor John Gurnell, and Gerhard Schwab, an international beaver expert based in Bavaria. The trial operates under a licence issued by Natural England (NE). The licence conditions are monitored by the Licence Group convened by NE that includes Devon Wildlife Trust, Environment Agency, Devon County Council and Clinton Devon Estates. The Steering Group includes many of the same organisations, in addition to a range of other experts and stakeholders including Sir Charlie Burrell, National Farmers Union, CLA, East Devon AONB, Devon LNP, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, SW Rivers Association, and the Salmon and Trout Association. Funding for the ROBT comes from Devon Wildlife Trust (DWT), the Royal Society for Wildlife Trusts (RSWT), Peter de Haan Charitable Trust, the University of Exeter and from the generous donations from the public made to the Devon Beaver Appeal. DWT is also one of the chosen charities of the Nature Picture Library who have donated a proportion of their profits to the Beaver Appeal, as well as providing images taken by Nick Upton.
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