Year 1 - 22/4/20

Happy Earth Day 2020 Puffins and Owls, Earth Day is an event that takes place every year to celebrate our awesome planet. Did you know that more than 190 countries take part in Earth Day? Each year we are encouraged to think about what action we can take to help protect our planet. We know that lots of our forests are being cut down and so this year it is hoped that 7.8 billion trees will be planted. This is the same number of people living on planet Earth - WOW!!! A question that Mrs B’s children, Seth and Esther ask me lots is “What’s your favourite animal?” I normally say to them that that is a really tricky question as there are sooooo many amazing animals in the world but if I have to choose one it would be an orangutan. I was thinking today about how planting more trees will help creatures like Orangutans because they like to sit high up in the trees. They even sleep in special, leafy nests high up from the ground because it makes it harder for hungry predators to reach them. You can explore more orangutan facts here: I discovered some incredible orangutan artwork by children your age on this website: ​

If you feel inspired to, you could try creating a picture of your favourite animal. What would you say if Seth and Esther asked you?

Main Focus Explore patterns on the 100-square ​

Key Vocabulary investigation; pattern; tens; ones; digit; diagonal; add; subtract; total ​

Starter: Count on and back in 5s It’s time to warm up your brains by counting in 5s. ​ You can use the 100 square to help you if you wish by looking at the 5s and 10s columns. Remember, if you are confident counting forwards in 5s you can move on to counting backwards in 5s.

Main Teaching

· Today you are going to be working on a maths investigation! This means you are going ​ ​ ​ to be real mathematicians. Like scientists and inventors, you are going to be exploring maths and making discoveries.

· You will need your 100-square to look for patterns. What patterns can you find: ​ ​ 1. in the numbers down each column 2. in the numbers along the leading diagonal (bottom left to top right) 3. in the numbers along the other diagonal (bottom right to top left) 4. by adding all the numbers in the first row, then adding numbers in the second row, then third row, etc. and comparing answers. If you decide to do this, you will need to ask a grown up if you could borrow a calculator. They will show you how to use it.

Challenge: you could find the differences between numbers in diagonal corners of the square: how much larger is the number in the bottom right-hand corner than the number in the top left-hand corner? Compare answers. Compare with bottom left and top right.

Activity: Adding and subtracting 1 and 10 - complete page 3 of your maths work book. ​ ​

Remember to have a go at the ‘Think’ challenge.

You can use your 100 square to help you.

How did you get on yesterday sorting the plural words into jars? Did you remember the rule? If a word ends in sh ch ss s x or z it needs es at the end. Here are the answers. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

This week we asked you to choose a famous artist that you would like to investigate. We chose and yesterday we found out when he was born, which country he lived in and how long he lived. Today we would like you to make a list of the names of some of your artist’s work. Can you remember the important features of writing a list? - heading at the top - new line for each item in your list - a bullet point at the start of each new line

A list for Henri Matisse would look something like this Art work by Henri Matisse ● ● Blue Nudes ● The Sheaf ● The Sorrows of the King ● Goldfish ● How did you get on with ‘How many times in a minute?’ yesterday? How many bunny hops can you do in a minute? Remember that you can do the activities we suggest for you again on another day if you like something in particular.

Today, you could try doing one of the Just Kids activities on You Tube. Mrs Bradshaw and her children have tried them and one of their favourites is ‘I like to move it’. ​

Mrs Bradshaw did the lion moves and Esther was the hippopotamus. Which character will you be? Today we want you to get your phonic booklet out again and look at the last four sounds that you worked on - oy ir ie ue aw ​ On separate pieces of paper (or card from old packets) write down each of the words from the four pages. Don’t include the sound buttons this time and try to write them as neatly as you can using clear ascenders and descenders.

When you have made all your word cards play ‘In a minute’. Ask a grown-up to time a minute for you and then see how many words you can sound out and blend in one minute. Can you beat your own score with each try?

Using different media Try to recreate another of your chosen Artist’s pieces of work using different media to the one you did earlier in the week. Perhaps you could use chalk or felt tips or make a of your chosen piece of art.