The digital transmedia narrative composition of the storytelling of Lost La construcción narrativa transmedia digital del relato de Lost Víctor Álvarez Rodríguez. PhD student in the Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Communication at the Uni- versities of Sevilla, Malaga, Cadiz and Huelva. Master’s Degree in Script, Narrative and Audiovisual Creativity from the University of Sevilla. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Cadiz. Research line: analysis of audiovisual communication and advertising. University of Cádiz, Spain
[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4918-4261 Received: 08/07/2019 - Accepted: 12/11/2019 Recibido: 08/07/2019 - Aceptado:12/11/2019 Abstract: Resumen: Analysing the transmedia narrative through the virtual environment Analizar la narrativa transmedia a través del entorno virtual supo- ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978 means recognizing the communication model used by television ne reconocer el modelo de comunicación empleado por las ficciones fiction today and the behaviour of its audience. Thanks to the televisivas en la actualidad y el comportamiento de su audiencia. development of digital media, numerous audio-visual productions Gracias al desarrollo de los medios digitales, numerosas produccio- have addressed these platforms to transmit and expand their nes audiovisuales han abordado estas plataformas para transmitir narrative. The pioneering production in this field is the fantasy y expandir su narrativa. La producción pionera en este campo es la genre series Lost (2004-2010). Therefore, this research proposes serie de género fantástico Lost (2004-2010). Por ello, esta investiga- a methodology of analysis of the narrative discourse of three ción plantea una metodología de análisis del discurso narrativo de transmedia works in order to identify and study their repercussions tres obras transmedia con el fin de identificar y estudiar sus reper- in the final narrative of the work.