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INDEX Oceanic Flight 815 Manifest Aaron coincidence and, 102, 104 authenticity and, 137 continuity and, 33, 44–46 counterfactual reasoning and, 65 ideology and, 201 ethics of objectifi cation and, 248 reality and, 83 ideology and, 189 redemption and, 259, 273 meaning of life and, 115 Alpert, Richard (philosopher), 331–332 moral obligation and, 226, 228 Althusser, Louis, 188 redemption and, 268–269 Amy, 36 state of nature and, 172 Ana Lucia ABC, 314 ethical subjectivism and, 216, 218 Abraham (biblical), 131–132, 137, 287 ethics and condemnation, 237, 238 Abrams, J. J., 101 ideology and, 194–196 acedia, 287–288 moral obligation and, 229 Adam (biblical), 272 reality and, 82 aesthetic lifestyle, ethical redemption and, 263, 267, 277 lifestyle vs., 132 state of nature and, 166, 168, 169 agent-specifi c theories, 233 apocalypse, 83–84 Ajax (Euripides), 10–11 Aquinas, Thomas Alexandra (Alex), 171 on existence of God, 280–283, authenticityCOPYRIGHTED and, 134 289–290 MATERIAL ethical subjectivism and, 218 on God and free will, 297–298 ethics of objectifi cation and, 247 on God and happiness, 283–285, ideology and, 194 287–288, 289–290 state of nature and, 168 on God and knowledge, 290–294 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland on God and reason, 285–287, (Carroll), 190, 257 296–297 allegory, 254–257 on God and truth, 289–290, 290–292 Alpert, Richard (character), 331 state of nature and, 182 347 bbindex.inddindex.indd 334747 99/18/10/18/10 77:13:00:13:00 AAMM 348 INDEX Aristotle Bernard, 263, 294–296 reality and, 76, 77 Bible state of nature and, 176 authenticity and, 131–132, 137 time travel and, 10–12, 13–14, 15, state of nature and, 183 16, 17–18, 25 See also individual names of biblical on virtue ethics, 245–246 fi gures Arzt, 157–158 birthday paradox, 97–98 Aslan (Narnia character), 258, 261, “Blue Cross, The” (Chesterson), 87 264–265, 271, 272, 275, 278 bonum perfectum (supreme good), 283 Augustine of Hippo, 284 branching-universe model, of time, 38 Austen, Kate, 322, 324 Brontë, Charlotte, 312, 313 authenticity and, 125, 127, 139 Buber, Martin, 139–140 counterfactual reasoning and, 63 Buddhism, 141, 307, 318–319 continuity and, 36, 37, 40 Burke, Edmund (character), 332 ethical subjectivism and, Burke, Edmund (philosopher), 207–208, 216 332–333 ethics and condemnation, 234–240 Burke, Juliet (character), 332 ethics of objectifi cation and, authenticity and, 128 244–245, 247–248 coincidence and, 103 ideology and, 189, 199, 201 continuity and, 34, 36, 38 meaning of life and, 110 counterfactual reasoning and, 68–72 metaphysics of time travel and, ethics of objectifi cation and, 249 52–53, 55–57, 61–62 fi nding God and, 286 moral obligation and, 224–225, 228 ideology and, 194, 199–201 reality and, 82, 84–85 metaphysics of time travel and, 52 state of nature and, 151, 154, reality and, 89 156–157, 166, 171–175, 185 redemption and, 278 time travel and, 12, 15, 17–18, state of nature and, 171, 177, 21–22, 29 180, 181 Austin, Kate Cooper (philosopher), time travel and, 11, 12 322, 324–325 authenticity, 120–141 Callis, Kevin, 171 faith and morality, 130–134 Calypso (Lost character), 84 faith vs. reason, 124–130, 134–139 Calypso (Odyssey character), 80 “I-Thou” relationship and, 139–141 Campbell, Brother, 137, 287–288 worldview and, 120–124 Camus, Albert, 112, 127 autonomy, 242–244 card games, probability and, 98 Carlyle, Boone (character), 322, 325 Bacon, Kevin, 100–101 authenticity and, 127, 131 bad faith, 124, 125 coincidence and, 91 Bakunin, Mikhail (character), 330 meaning of life and, 110 Bakunin, Mikhail (philosopher), redemption and, 262, 270 330–331 state of nature and, 146, 153–154, Being and Nothingness (Sartre), 122 158, 166 Bentham, Jeremy (philosopher), Tao and, 308, 309, 310 134, 334 Carlyle, Thomas (philosopher), 322, 325 bbindex.inddindex.indd 334848 99/18/10/18/10 77:13:01:13:01 AAMM INDEX 349 Carneades the Skeptic, 53 conceptual distinction, 292 Carroll, Lewis, 190, 257 condemnation, 233–240 causality confi rmation bias, 98–99 causal loop and time travel, 44–46, 54 confl ict, redemption and, 261–264 coincidence and, 92 conspiracy, coincidence vs., 101 Chang, Dr. Pierre, 34–35 continuity, 46 authenticity and, 121–122 alternative account of time and, continuity and, 42 37–40 metaphysics of time travel and, causal loop and, 44–46 60–61 eternalism and, 34–37 moral obligation and, 230 external time vs. personal time, 34, character(s) 40–41 Lost as character study, 231 grandfather paradox and, 43–44 multitude of, 12–16 nature of time and, 32–33 reality, identity, and, 79–86 principle of indiscernibility of use of fl ashbacks in Lost and, 233, 234 identicals, 42–43 Chesterson, G. K., 87 time travel concepts and, 33–34 Christianity, revelation and, See also time travel 268–270. See also redemption contradiction, 24–30 Chronicles of Narnia, The (Lewis), Cooper, Anthony 253–254 authenticity and, 129, 133, 140 community and, 275–279 counterfactual reasoning and, 70 confl ict and, 261–264 ethics and condemnation, 233 faith and, 264–271 fi nding God and, 285 fantasy and, 257–261 moral obligation and parent/child good vs. evil and, 271–275 relationship, 220–232 myth vs. allegory and, 254–257 state of nature and, 169 circumstantial ignorance, 104 Cortez, Ana Lucia. See Ana Lucia Cive, De (Hobbes), 172 “Counterfactual Dependence and Claudia. See Mother Time’s Arrow” (Lewis), 70 coincidence, 91–106 counterfactual reasoning, 63–64 conspiracy vs., 101 counterfactual conditionals deception experiments and, 102–106 (counterfactuals), defi ned, 64–65 defi ned, 91–92 plausibility of, 68–72 divine providence, fate, determinism, practical application of, 65–68 and, 92–95 courage, reality and, 77 intellectual curiosity and, 102, 106 “Culpability and Ignorance” (Rosen), probability and, 97–100 104–105 “Small World Study” (Milgram) and, cultural relativism, 207–219 100–101 defi ned, 207–208 synchronicity and, 95–97 endorsement of, 209–214 collective unconsciousness, 95 problems of, 214–219 Colleen, 171, 172 subjectivism compared to, 208–209 community, redemption and, 275–279 Cuse, Carlton Concept of the Political, The (Schmitt), on faith themes of Lost, 254–255 175–181 on infl uence of his faith, 268 bbindex.inddindex.indd 334949 99/18/10/18/10 77:13:01:13:01 AAMM 350 INDEX Cuse, Carlton (continued ) Eko, Mr. on Jack Shephard/John Locke authenticity and, 132–133 relationship, 265–266 coincidence and, 96 on Lost and The Chronicles of Narnia ethical subjectivism and, 210, 212 (Lewis), 253 fi nding God and, 282, 290, 296 on message/meaning of Lost, ideology and, 191–193 256–257 meaning of life and, 110 on Oceanic Six return to island, 260 reality and, 76 on redemption themes, 267 redemption and, 263, 266–267, Cyclops (Odyssey character), 12 268–269 state of nature and, 168, 171 Dave Tao and, 309 reality and, 88 Emerson, Michael, 115–116. See also redemption and, 263 Linus, Ben Dawson, Michael. See Michael empiricism, Tao and, 301–302 deception experiments, 102–106 enemies, state of nature and, DeFoe, Daniel, 80–86 175–186 de Groot, Gerald (character), 330 English, Jane, 221–224, 225–226, 227 de Groot, Hugo (philosopher), 330 Enlightenment, 318 de Groot, Karen (character), 330 epics, 11 Derrida, Jacques, 179 Epicureans, 53 destiny, 22–24, 302–307 epistemology, 5 determinism authenticity and, 120–141 authenticity and, 125, 126 coincidence and, 91–106 coincidence and, 92–95 fi nding God and, 290–292 Dharma Initiative, 330 meaning of life and, 107–119 authenticity and, 128, 141 reality and, 75–90 continuity and, 35, 36 equality of ability, 155–157 ethics of objectifi cation and, 242, eternalism, 19–22, 35 248–249 continuity and, 34–37 ideology and, 190, 196 fatalism and, 23–24 metaphysics of time travel and, 51, ethical subjectivism 52–53 cultural relativism/subjectivism, reality and, 83 defi ned, 207–208 redemption and, 259, 263 cultural relativism/subjectivism, state of nature and, 178, 181 endorsement of, 209–214 Tao and, 307 cultural relativism/subjectivism, time travel and, 14, 26–28 problems of, 214–219 See also individual names of characters ethics, 6 Digory (Narnia character), 272 aesthetic vs. ethical lifestyle, 132 Discourse on the Origin of Inequality condemnation and, 233–240 (Rousseau), 149, 170 ethical subjectivism, 207–219 divine providence, 92–95 moral obligation in parent/child Dogen (character), 168, 336 relationships, 220–232 Dogen (philosopher), 336–337 of objectifi cation, 241–249 duality, 315–319 of time travel, 47–62 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335050 99/18/10/18/10 77:13:02:13:02 AAMM INDEX 351 Euripides, 10–11 Fox, Matthew, 100–101. See also Eustace (Narnia character), 264, 265, Shephard, Jack 272, 275 framed confl ict, 147–149 Eve (biblical), 272 free will, 297–298 existentialism authenticity and, 125 authenticity and, 122, 123–124 coincidence and, 94, 103–104 meaning of life and, 112–113, 118 metaphysics of time travel and, 54 external time, personal time vs., 34, French Woman, 83 40–41 friendship moral obligation and, 224–225 faith, 6 state of nature and, 169–171 authenticity and, 124–130 God and, 280–299 Gale, Henry metaphysics and, 312–319 authenticity and, 121–122, 132 redemption and, 253–279 ethics of objectifi cation and, 242 search for, 254 redemption and, 274 Tao of, 300–301 See also Linus, Ben See also redemption Gandhi, Mohandas, 141 Faith on Earth (Niebuhr), 267–268 God, 280–299 falsifi ability, 99 authenticity and, 130–140 fandom (“Losties”), 1, 9–10 existence of, 280–283, 289–290 fantasy, redemption and, 257–261 free will and, 297–298 Faraday, Daniel (character), 200, 335 happiness and, 283–285, 287–288, authenticity and, 128 289–290 continuity and, 33, 35, 36, 37–38, knowledge and, 290–294 39, 43 meaning of life and, 107–108 ethics and condemnation, 233 metaphysics and, 314 fi nding God and, 282–283 reason and, 285–287, 296–297 metaphysics of time travel and, trust and, 294–296 51–52, 55, 57, 60–61 truth and, 289–292 Faraday, Michael (philosopher), 335 God without Being (Marion), 298 fatalism, 22–24 “good guys” fate, coincidence and, 92–95 ideology and, 199–201 father/son relationships.