The Red Indian Fairy Book

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The Red Indian Fairy Book TH E W H O RN ED S E RPEN H E RD \VH EN TH E Y E L L O T A HAR ED STRAN G E M U SI C H E WA S C , M The Red I ndian Fairy B oo k ’ F o r the Childre n s Ow n Rea di ng a nd fo r Sto ry - T ellers By Fran ces J enki ns Olcott Wit/z I llz utmti om By F rederi ck Ri cba rds on Bo s ton and New Y ork Hou ghto n Miffli n Co mpany a bs wa rms press a ambrihgc C PY RI G HT 1 1 B Y F RANC S NK I NS OLCOT‘I‘ HI' ’ N M I F F LI N C MP NY O , 9 7, E J E O O A t ALL RI GHTS RESERVED INCLUDING THE RI GHT TO REPRODUCE THIS B OOK OR PARTS THEREOF IN ANY FORM Pu bl i s h ed S eptember 1 o1 7 c 3 3 7 9 3 4 ‘ RO BERT ’ YAfizs m m; wno Lofvs q mam: sn a ws ) ACK NOWLEDGEMENT S AC K N O W L EDGEMENT S are due the following au thors and publishers for stories or themes taken from their books : “ Wild To The Abingdon Press , for Why “ R How oses Have Thorns , and Maple Sugar A l on u i n I nd i a n Ta les Came , from g q , collected R. Y 1 0 by Egerton oung , copyrighted 9 3 . “ Ca nfi eld for To Mr W . W . , the Legend of the “ of Violet , and the Legend the Trailing Arbu L e ends o fne l eo noi s tus , from his g f q , published by A . Wessels Company . “ for To Mr W . E . Connelley , The Singing “ Maidens , and The Star Maiden , from a pub lica tion of G of the eological Survey Canada , and ’ W a na oi F olk - Lor e from his y , published by Crane and Company . “ To for the Haskell Institute , The Noisy Chip ‘ I nd i a n L e ends a nd S u ens i i z i ons munk , from g p , published by the I nstitute . Mitflin To H oughton Company , for Little ” “ ” “ - P Burnt ace , The Summer Fairies , H ow the ACKNOW LEDGEMENTS P ” “ Hunter Became a artridge , How Partridge ’ ” “ - Built the Birds Canoes The Wind Blower , “ Pitcher the Witch , The Wishes The “ Miku mw es s How , The First Pine Trees , R ” “ Master abbit Went Fishing, The Wood G “ G pecker irls , and Bad Wild Cat , from C . ’ l ni n Le ends o Ne Leland s A g ono g f w E ng la nd . Y M “ To the New ork State useum , for The ” “ Elk ” “ Elves , The Sky , Legend of the Morn Ahnea h R ing Star , the ose Flower , The ” “ ” “ Silver Brooches , The Spirit of the Corn , The ” “ o nis ont owii s E Nuts of J gy , J and the agles , “ ” “ R How The Discontented ock , and the Four ” Winds were Named , from Mrs . H . M . Con ’ verse s My th s a nd L eg ends of Me N ew Yon/e Sl a te I roq u oi s . G P ’ “ To . Putnam s Sons , for The Ugly Wild “ G . Boy , and The Poor Turkey irl , from F ’ n i F olle Ta les . H . Cushi g s Znn “ k - . McClintoc To Mr Walter , for Scar Face , “ The Star Bride , and The Hidden Waters , Old N OVf/l Tna i l on L e Le end s a nd from his , if , g , Reli i on o Me B la ck eet I nd i a ns g f f , published by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i x Thanks are also due the following for material drawn from their publications : American Anti u a ria n olk - q , American F Lore Society , American of Museum of Natural History , Bureau American G Ethnology , eological Survey of Canada , Car ne i e of g I nstitute Washington , Field Columbian of Museum , Smithsonian I nstitution , U niversity California ; and also to the Brooklyn Public Lib rary for the use of its valuable folk - lore collec tion at the Montague Branch . CONT ENTS INTRODUCTION Apr il ! be Monto of Spring a nd Ra inoows THE SPRIN G BEAU TY ( Ch ippewa ) LITTLE DAWN BOY AND THE RAINBOW TRAIL ( Nove na) THE MEADOW DANDELION ( Cbippewo ) LITTLE B URNT - FACE ( Mi c/na e) M ay toe Monti ) of Flowers a nd Birds THE ELVEs ( I r oqu ois ) WOODPE ER GR Y PV ondo CK A ( y t) . THE KI ND HAWK ( Hopi ) THE BOY WHO BECAME A ROBIN Cbippewo) LEGEND OF THE VIOLET ( Ir oq u oix) THE STAR AND THE WATER LILIEs ( Cbippezoa ) ‘ 7 a m toe B ea u tfiu l Montb WI-IY WILD Roses HAVE THORNS ( Salteonx ) w TH AIRIEs E n i Ho E F CAM (Algo qu n) . THE SU MMER FAIRIEs (Algonqu in) LEELINAU TII E FAIRY GI RL ( Cbippewo ) THE SK Y ELK ( I r oq noif ) LEGEN D OF T II E MORNING STAR ( I r oqu ois ) x ii CONTENTS 7 q Zoe Hot M ontb THE FIREBIRD ( Wbu llernooe/J ) YOU N G - BOY - CHIEF ( Wi ebi ta ) THE STAR BRIDE (Bla eéfoot) SCAR- FACE (Bla t éfoot) AHNEAH THE ROSE FLOWER ( I r oqu oi s ) Aug u st toe M onti ) of Wa ter a nd Forests LEGEND OF NI A GA RA AND THE G REAT LAKES ( Cbippewa ) How THE H UNTER BECAM E A PARTRIDGE ( Passa rna qu oddy ) ’ HOW PARTRI DGE BUILT THE BI RDs CANOEs ( Pass a rna q u oddy) THE N OISY CHIPM U NK ( Ya kima ) THE WIND- BLOWER ( Mi cinat ) THE SILVER BROOCHEs (Attr ibu ted to tbe Moba wé ) Septemoer toe Corn M onro HOW INDIAN C ORN CAME I NTO THE WORLD Cbippewa ) THE SPI RIT OF THE C ORN ( I r oqu ois ) THE LITTLE C ORN - BRINGER (Hopi ) Oetooer toe M onto of Nu ts a nd Witebes THE NUTs OF JONISGY ONT ( I r oqu ois ) . CONTENTS x iii THE UGLY WILD BOY (Zu ni ) PI TCHER THE WITCH AND THE BLACK CATS (Algonqu in) Novemé er tbe M onto of F u n a nd Ea ting C OY OTE THE HU N GRY ( Ca ddo) C OY OTE THE PROU D (Pi ma ) i 6a m THE MAGI C WINDPI PE (Ar / ) ’ THE BIRDS BALL - GAME ( C/yer okee) WHY THE TU RKEY G OBBLES ( Cber oé ee) THE LAND OF THE N ORTHERN LIGHTS ( Alg onqu in) THE POOR T U RKEY G I RL ( Zu ni ) Deeemé er tbc M ou té of Gifts THE MU D PONY ( Skidi Pa wnee) THE WISHES ( Mi cma c) THE MI KU MWESS ( Mi cma c) THE FIRST PI NE T REES ( Mi cma c) THE HIDDEN WATERS ( Ir oq u ois ) ffa nu a ry t/J e Cold M onti? JOWIIS AND THE EAGLES ( I r oqu ois ) SHINGEBISS ( Cbippewa ) THE BOY IN THE JUG ( Hopi ) THE BROTHER AND SISTER ( Ar apaly o) THE SNOW MAN ( Menominee) THE ROLLING ROCK ( Fla t/J ea d ) THE BOY IN THE MOON ( Vu ntaku tclzzn) THE DISCONTENTED R OCK ( I r oqu ois ) LEGENDS OF THE PLEI ADES THE SINGIN G MAIDENS ( Wyandot ) THE STAR MAIDEN ( PI/y a ndot) M a rcb toe M ant/J of tbe Ra é bit HOW MAPLE- SUGAR CAM E ( Sa ltea u x ) MI SHOSHA OR THE ENCHANTED SU GAR- MAPLE Cly ipp HOW MASTER RABBIT WENT FI SHI NG ( Mi cma c) THE WOODPECKER G I RLS ( Mi cma c) BAD WI LD CAT ( Pa ssa ma qu oddy) HOW THE FOU R WI NDS WERE NAMED ( I roqu ois ) LEGEND OE THE TRAILIN G ARBUTUS ( I r oqu oi s ) SUBJECT INDEx FOR STORY - TELLERS I LLU ST RATI ONS WHEN THE ELLOW HORNED SERPE T HE RD THE STR NGE US HE Y N A A M IC, WAS CHARMED LITTL E DAWN BOY ON THE RAINBOW BRIDGE (page I O) Dedi ca tion- page SHAWONDASEE AND THE M EADOW DANDELION (page 1 6) 3 SHE HAD PLAITED HER HAIR ABOUT THE N ECK OF THE YOUNG MAN (page 39) NANAHBOOZHOO AND THE WILD ROSES (page 48) 45 AS HE WENT U P HE SHOT MANY SIGHING ARROWS (page 6 2) f a cing 6 0 THE FI REBIRD AND THE POOR WOMAN (page 7 1 ) 69 THE YOU NG MAN AND THE WIND BIRD (page 1 0 9) 9 5 WUNZH AND THE I NDIAN CORN (page 1 2 0) I 1 7 NUK DAGO PRONOU NCI NG JUDGMENT AGAINST THE FROG AND THE WOOD CHU CK (page 1 38) THEY SAW HI M B EGIN To Go ROUND AND ROU ND THE R OBE C OY OTE AND OPOSSU M (page 1 7 5) A NU MBER OF YOU N G TU RKEY S PLAY ING ON A HILLSIDE (page 1 7 7) GLOOSKAP AND THE THREE B ROTHERS (page 2 35 ) JOWIIs AND THE BALD EAGLE (page IMMEDI ATELY THE BEAR CAME FACI NG THROUGH THE TIMBER (page 2 6 1 ) f a cing THE SEVEN MAIDENS DANCING ON THE BEACH (page 2 8 5 ) THE B EAR WHO BECAME THE N ORTH WIND (page 3 1 9) SPU ER NG SH VER G AND OS ROZEN a e 0 8 TT I , I IN , ALM T F (p g 3 ) body of folklore of many tribes has been gone over .
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