General Assembly Distr
UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/51/178 27 June 1996 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ARABIC/ENGLISH/ FRENCH/RUSSIAN/ SPANISH Fifty-first session Item 17 (a) of the preliminary list* ELECTIONS TO FILL VACANCIES IN SUBSIDIARY ORGANS AND OTHER ELECTIONS ELECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION Note by the Secretary-General 1. In a note verbale of 1 November 1995 to the Permanent Representatives of States Members of the United Nations, the Secretary-General invited nomination by Governments of candidates for election to the International Law Commission for the next five-year term of office beginning on 1 January 1997 and any statements of qualifications of candidates that the nominating Governments might wish to submit. 2. The names of the candidates nominated for election to the Commission are set out in document A/51/177. 3. The statements of qualifications of the candidates submitted by the nominating Governments are annexed hereto. * A/51/50. 96-16139 (E) 250796 200996 /... A/51/178 English Page 2 *9616139* ANNEX Statements of qualifications of candidates ADDO, Emmanuel Akwei (Ghana) [Original: English] Born 10 September 1943. Married with three children. Education: Accra Academy, Accra, 1958-1962. Mfantsipim School, Cape Coast, 1962-1964. University of Ghana, Legon, 1965-1969. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1977-1978. International Development Law Institute, Rome, November-December 1986. International Law Institute, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 6-31 March 1989. Academic and professional record: LL.B. (Hons.) (Ghana), 1968. Practical Certificate in Law, 1969 Called to the Bar, October 1969. Solicitor and Advocate, Superior Court of Judicature, Ghana, October 1969.
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