Second Meeting
2. From individual Donors. John Mather, Esq. Ormerod's History of the County Palatine of Chester, 3 vols. fol. 1819. Jos. Guyton, Esq. A Black-letter Bible, of the date 1551. Miss Chambers. Observations on Meteorology, by J. H. Cham bers, of the 46th Kegiment. ' John Harland, Esq. Newspaper Cuttings of various Antiquarian articles. Rev. W. H. Massie, M.A. Three Etchings of Paintings in distemper, found on the walls of Gawsworth Church, during the alterations now going on there. 1. St. Christopher carrying the infant Christ over a river. He walks on the water, supporting himself by his stick. The background is filled up with various figures, amongst which is a church, with bell in the turret, &c., and in front stands a nun, in the usual costume, with flagellum and rosary. In her left hand she holds a lan tern, to direct the saint, should he want light. S. St. George and the Dragon. In the dis tance the princess is on her knees, and before her a lamb. Further off is a walled town, with the king and queen looking over the gateway. 8. The General Judgment. The following Articles were EXHIBITED : By the Rt. Hon. the Earl A large collection, consisting'of 38 silver and of Sefton, Vice President. 47 copper coins, found on the estate of his lordship, at a farm called " The Old Sprink," in the parish of Torbock, in the year 1838. They include several of the emperors, Ves pasian, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Aurelius, and others, with one of Julia, daughter of Titus, inscribed " IVLIA.
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