-- : e A VICTORY OF RIGHT. SENSE. y People It Bothem— VICTORIOUS M'KINLEY. SOUND ite ,abominable symp- ft of wjtli, rapidly the free wool flock is showing A The Republican Victory Triumph at. the of t he Quite n, sinking pit. decrease, justice. of Gov. McKinley at Bos- wish the sweet- 'Cn meals and oppression Speech lightest, Since shearing time has eome again, and Larry The verdict was democratic you rrfBf- p^rvousness, insomnia against ton. these to lost his fleece. and It is cold com- _ _al discomfort! Put policies practices. The democrats are gloomy now, and with their speedy flight with Hostetler's Stomach Bit- fort for the party in power to detect Larry mourn, Labor—Lessons for _ters, which remedies, also, liver complaint, successes here and there. Hare Facts for Capital and finest cake, biscuit, bread Since he stands shivering in the cold all nudely scanty est, TFidnev and rheumatic trouble and malarial Present and shorn. ftvhere overwhelming tri- the Hour as Drawn from IF plucked majorities [ Come, Join us In the chorus and sing the rounde- umph was customary, not less than Conditions—ynestlons to 11iftldlvnr—-—— who does ev* 1 Je igji|miss-guid.ed youth lay; stunning defeat where victory was Be Studied. Powder rrytWng his surcetheart asks him to do.— McKinley is victorious, protection wins the and is certain, admonish the demo- rolls, Royal Baking Couridr. day thought OI that its and its r-^k>sion For Bill McKinley, cratic party purposes the Home A. M. PniEST, Druggist, Shelbyville, Ind., At a recent dinner given by For Bill McKinley, O! are resented by the people. ^ »avs : Catarrh Cure gives the bestof practices Gov. 'j®all’s The nation now rejoices with gallant Ohla Market club, of Boston, McKinley, in their Can of testimonials, The change of public feeling within satisOjetion. get plenty delivered an address which making. as as of , indispensable asrfWeiires one who takes it.” one short is every Drug- Go tell the news to congress, tell Grover and year startling After sell 75c.' was enthusiastically received. it, his clan the change in the condition of busi- ^%ta his hearers upon the Their party is defeated, and routed to a man. ness and Those who have congratulating A Dose in Time Saves Nine of industry. Gov. Mc- — HaV» With a grand majority of ninety thousand result of the late elections Examining Medical Professor “Now, of Horehound and Tar for been most sure that it would come, of Honey Coughs sir tell me how you would treat a case ty- Cure in strong, of democratic Kinley said: Pike’s yoothache Drops one minute to the when the real meaning off in fever.” Student—“Well, sir, I should Hood’s Cures The Buckeye boys are marching help If the great consuming classes are cut phoid was ventured E. M. P. world along. success disclosed, hardly the merchants' sales iirst-I should first-I—” (imp*- ShelleiMi Customer -Give me their incomes and wages Student adozen the we'll the rounde- a so for yes; go on.” All joining in chorus, sing to hope that reaction complete decline, and when they decline the demand patiently)—“Yes, fried oysters.’* Waiter—“Sorry, sail, but de- with a brilliant idea)—“I should first lay: so soon. to the wide- and the workman's wages (seized we’s all out o' she.lflsn. Rah, would come But labor declines Passes with ’ceptin’ eggs,a Is victorious, protection wins the a out of its call you in for consultation.” McKinley spread suffering and incalculable loss cline. If capital cannot get profit day investment it will not work, and if capital does honors. —Tid-Bits._- For Bill McKinley, Ol which the democratic policy has pro- is idle not work labor is idle. When labor “Y'es, I do enjoy the music greatly, and, For Bill McKinley, O! democratic leaders in their even to the few when duced, wages reach the lowest point, would you believe it.l can’t remember nation now with gallant Ohio The rejoices anxiety to escape an adverse verdict who are employed. I learned to dance.” Miss Crimp—“Dear If added calculated to Capital must have faith In the future. me! Now, perhaps you never did.”—Inter For honest home protection Ohio leads the outrages singularly It must be able to calculate on the future. Ocean. kindle the resentment of __ way, respectable must know that what it makes to-day it can And bravely wheeling into lino once more citizens. Just what that week The trade mark lawsuit to enjoin the Chat, party may dispose of at a profit to morrow or next comes ; Medicine Co. from using the name M. have saved from the wreck its frauds or next month. It must be certain that tanooga a by in con- While grand old Massachusetts with round which will A. Thedford or M. A. Thedford & Co., and dishonest cannot no legislation is to intervene majority apportionments nection with their liver medicine or Black- injure or affect the value of the goods Of thousand loyal votes, Joins in the yet be said. But nothing can be plainer Draught has been decided by Judge New- thirty it makes or the market in which they are sold. victory. tiian the fact that there has been a tre- man in the U- S. Circuit Court- In Atlanta, Manufacturing industries have no assurance of All joining in the chorus, we’ll sing the rounde- Ga and the suit dismissed. One branch mendous revulsion of public feeling to-day as to market beyon 1 the immediate lay: the case in which the court was asked to en- the which was intrusted present If they turn a wheel beyond present McKinley Is victorious, protection wins the against party join the Rome Company from manufactur- orders they are confronted with uncertainty of the day with power so generously only a year ing a medicine said to be an imitation and probable loss, and capital, always sensi- Medicine Co.’s has For Bill McKinley, 01 i ago. in Chattanooga medicine, tive, shrinks from these, and while it sits and will be before For Bill McKinley, O! Fraud cannot The been appealed, argued always prevail. fear labor sits in idleness. Court in New The nation now with Ohia the U. 8. Appellate Orleans, More Than Pleased rejoices gallant lawbreaker who was selected dem- tariff has been [ by The very threat of changes in a few months. The large trade mark felt in industry Go whisper it to Grover, he need no longer ocrats for the highest judicial office ap- sensibly and injuriously every rights involved in these suits make them Tet- and enterprise, and those who were wont to re- to all manufacturers who claim With Hood’s Sarsaparilla—For pray pears from present returns to be buried interesting see the as a mere bounty to manu- under trade mark laws ter and Blood For tho democratic party; the people gard protection protection against Impurities under adverse majorities and a heavy laborer in indus- way. facturers and to the protected concerns who attempt to pirate legitimate KNOWLEDGE of the tariff shows the loss of votes which a man capable'of tries have come to regard it quite as essential demand. In the result oi the Itcttcr The threatening writing publishing comfort and Stronger anti in Every IVay, an i as nec- improvement snj on the wall. feeling rebuke would fe.el most keenly. to one occupation as another quite suit iu Atlanta, the Chattanooga Daily Brings “T have been more than with Hood's before us the to the of one branch of busi- tends to personal enjoyment when pleased And brings the fact why panic If it is not a complete victory for the essary prosperity Times says: I have suffered with tetter break- us all. ness as to another. Medicine and their used. The who live Sarsaparilla. struck a The Chaltsnooga Company rightly many, bet- right, it is such shaking of the castle have been in the medicine business in ing out on my face and all over my body all my All joining in the chorus, we’ll sing the rounde- I cannot be mistaken that the most vital part predecessor* ter than others life more, this with one slight interruption since 1872. enjoy wiih to do it walls of wrong as they have not had of the economic contest row < n is the city an|l life. I never could find anything good lay: going They have the most medicine less more more there completely equipped expenditure* by prompt until I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I The people are victorious, protection wins the for years. The hold of the democratic question of labor and wa,cs. The factory south of tho Ohio river. Their goods are will be the less sold in every State and Territory In the l nion. and the world’s best to have now used bottles,andOh.ithas a of voters has is to do the better wages paid: adapting product? abouteight day party upon great body to some extent in foreign countries. Their M. A. less the for whal the needs of will done me so much good that I have the utmost For Bill McKinley, O'. there is to do the wages paid Thedford A Co.’s Liver Medicine or Black being, rttat been broken by its own character and Draught, physical For Bill McKinley, O! Is done. It is the more to do, not the less, that is one of the moat extensively used liver medicines the value to health of the pure liquid and in the loss and in the world, and their McKIree’s Wine of Cardui The nation now with gallant Ohio. conduct, coming years is the patrfotio striving of the people rejoices has a reputation and “ale greater than any other of laxative embraced in tbs of these votes will mean much. When the aim of all There principles —Chicago Intor Ocean should be political partes. Its olass in tho United States. The company has of more have and ener- remedy, Syrup Figs. the national issues are more will be less to do at home the we practically unlimited capital, competent directly officers, and a for integrity and fair Its excellence is due to its faith in it and recommend it to everyone. Besidea done abroad. getic reputation presenting THE GRAND RESULT. involved, and the full republican dealing that places them above reproach in the purifying my blood, it has made mo so much The more free trade we have, the more for commercial world. in the form most acceptable and pleas- same brought out, the democrats are of the “Ladles’ stronger and better I do not feel like the Work of the In the strength eign goods we will have and the more of such They publishers Birthday ant to the the and Good Republicans the 1891 edition of which, of taste, refreshing truly the of our Almanacs,” consisting at all.” Annie Arner, Augusta, Ky. I.ate know that they will miss support we have in competi'.ton with own person ejections. goods 10.OUn.000 copies, Is now being distributed. beneficial properties of a perfect lax- thousands who have imagined that products, the less we will have at home, and The company employs a large number of travel- the New York rescued by an overwhelm- ing salesmen, all of the be- ativo; effectually cleansing system, act and the less we have at home the less labor wi'l be visiting parts country, Hood’s Pills easily, yet promptly could be democrats and yet be sides their force, among which there are and vote from the clutch of an insolent they at the less labor factory headaches fevers on the liver and bowels. 25c. ing employed homo and employed to ladies. colds, efficiently, honest and decent men. President fifty seventy-five young dispelling and audacious partisan autocracy at home the less wages will be paid at home— The Times cheerfully commends this meritorious ana permanently curing constipation. has contributed to as being worthy of tho they sense himself the less wages will be spent at home. enterprise patronage It has satisfaction to millions and which dared to affront the moral are receiving, and any effort to cripple them should given education. Ilis in Free trade, or a revenue tariff, is the remedy who the of the state the nomination of a public long delay be condemned by all southern merchants take met with the approval of medba! by who differ from us on this la the success of southern manufactories. an was a offered by those pride on the A Natural criminal for the office calling extra session terribly because it acts Kid- Food, highest judicial economic question. More foreign goods is the profession, error, and a revelation as well, “Can’t wait me?” said the im- Liver and Bowels without weak- in the state; New Jersey redeemed from costly prescription offered by our political opponents you upon neys, Conditions o f and with intentions he patient customer. “Two pounds of liver. and it is free from the domination of the democratic race- undoubted good as sure to reopen our idle mills. Wil. it help! ening them perfectly I’m in ft hurry.” “Sorry,” said the butcher; to lift managed the struggle badly, and won Will it do it? Free trade cannot rekindle tires every objectionable substance. the system arise track alliance which sought “but there are two or three ahead of you. votes. His surren- in our factories. Free trade cannot increase of is for sale by all to the of a civic vir- onlymy republican you would not have your liver out of Syrup Figs drug- gambling dignity our at advoc ites Surely, when production home. Nobody it. in 50c and $ 1 but it is man- ordinary reelected of der to the worst elements of his order!”—Boston Transcript. gists bottles, tue; McKinley governor with any such views. Its whole aim is to in- the California foods cease to as in to raise his ufactured by Fig Syrup Ohio by over sixty thousand majority; party, failing crease foretgn importations, which increase Deserving Confidence.—There is no ar- Co. whose name is on every a voice against Maynard, and in must of necessity diminish like home produc- deserves the entire only, printed build flesh— Pennsylvania republican by majority ticle which so richly of the service tion. as Brown's also the name, Syrup Figs, of thousand; Massachusetts and debauching diplomatic confidence of the community package, ninety There can be but one of two results to follow well will not there is even Bronchial Troches. Price, 25 cents. and being informed, you to the column by appointments which his friends urgent Iowa restored republican the introduction of free trade or a revenue tar- if traced back to the accept any substitute offered. need of arrest- by decisive majorities—this is the story heavy gifts during iff. Kither domestic production diminishes, or “Folks is always makin’ fun of de fellers of the state elections. campaign, has alienated the very ele- the wages of labor will be diminished, or both, dat de worl’calls‘has beens,’” said Uncle waste—assistance must and ■ ither or both are results which should “but it looks to me lak it am a heap ing our ments by which his last nomination Mose, There has not been in political a meet with prompt condemnation from the great better fer a man to be a lias-ben dan to be come from natural for a re- was made possible. quickly, history twenty years grander body of American people. nebber-was.”—Indianapolis Journal. the baleful influence of Tam- source. sult than this. The day will be mem- Beyond Is there anybody any longer in doubt nboui food its frauds and its if I can understand why as on the many hall, with daring the real troublo in the country to-day? The Dinks—“Blamed CASTIN6SS: orable that which conscience this beef should be fund vice, the president of the United Stales in his August so much of Chicago and manhood of the people asserted corruption supplied by Guess were announced a fact He said: tough.” Dan ks—“Humph! you and has achieved so message great Machinery Machinery Supplies, themselves for the vindication of republican party gains never in Courier. purity “It in iy be true that the 'embarrassment from Chicago.”—Buffalo RBPAIH WORK DOJVB, Scott's EmuSsion as to show what the of and the of great plainly peo- which tha business of the is Write for government protection country suffering in a ESTABLISHED 1863. prii* think of Yon can’t tell what a man will do | T« is a condensation the ple the’fruits of last year's arises as much from evils apprehended as from INCORPORATED 1891. I Memphis, i of life popular rights against arrogant par- horse trade the amount of noise he makes election. The of Gov. thoso This is true. Re by THIS PAPER me ,on write. tisan rings intent only on their own grand victory actually existing." in church.— Ram’s Horn. (rMW all is cod-liver move the apprehension of threatened tariff of foods—it There is no room for McKinley in Ohio, the faithful states- aggrandizement. legislation, removo the scare of the promised KNIFE SHARPED, 1 oil made of man whose name is to the COLUMBIAN reinforced, easy doubt as to the meaning of the result. given free trade bill, removo the fear which has set A KNIFE latest and best hand or a almost as In this state and New es- republican tariff, ap- lied upon every business, and confidence will in the Surgeon and Jersey r digestion, be a you feeling of 50 OEIsTTF?. the issue was pears to by majority unprec- b*. returned. PRICE. pecially squarely joined fivesorror and dread. There to their as milk. It was this fear which found expression it >Ve pay agents big money for pelline and edented in recent years. Indeed, is no longer for aomflt palatable between the forces of evil necessity friends. Order a sample and an agent ^ Scott ism the obligations it imposes.—Frank [T^’The republican party is still the every / water i can, than the assurance that ihts congress with hard water as with soft Ten years spent [ Leslie's friend of the and the v„v Weekly. people people are would without meddling with our in revising,100editors ]> adjourn as over the friends of the are I employed, and ,> THE COUNTRY’S REAL FRIENDS. republican party.— ■lustrial legislation What a sigh of reliei —and the results just g0(G' §300,000 expended, [ Iowa State would be felt In every part of the country. ^ Register. r i Pearline saves more to tlie Interests of What confidence would be created, what vi '1 \ A Grand Educator j > Republican Fidelity t-^The “change” that came in 1892 tnin^ the People. ta’-izing force would be infused into eve y de- savings Abreast of the Times 1| doesn't the than We’ll tell of these satisfy people. They have partment of human activity, what cheer would your labor, though. you A Library in Itself 1 > The country has been saved, as re- “ resolved to put the republicans in enter the homes of the laborer. Such an ns from time to time. on Pearline ails. 1 the Keep your eye Invaluable tn the spects monetary perils, by patriotic surance would bring glad tidings of to the as power again in 1896.—SL Louis Globe- joy J Peddlers and some will tell this is pr/ household, and to > and of millions of American homes whose Qqm unscrupulous grocers you ] fidelity self-sacrificing courage Democrat. occupants is never 1' the teacher, <1 or the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE—Pearline ,5 profes- The the tee the winter coming, the savings of years go- sional man, or self- | republicans. people recognize in 1 if in dace of J Cif“The great republican victory ing or gone and no work or .• ages in sight. and your grocer sends*you something J'c*r- educator. ] fact; the president himself has prompt- hT> JAMES PYLE, Ohio is at once a deserved tribute to A free trade congress ts a fearful menace to Back honest-W ,7 back. 444 ly recognized it, and whatever the issue the industrial interests of the !; Sold by< All Booksellers. // | the intrepid protectionist and gallant country. Busi- be as democratic or aess is now on the !1 G. & C. Mcrriam Co. f \ ! ( may respects unity republican leader, William McKinley, waiting uncertainty of the success in western and southern states, congress soon to convene, or, or to be more ex- «' "WEBSTER'S \ !> and an unmistakable order to the dem- I act, upon the certainty of unfriendly legisla- <| Sprlngfield^Mats. I LVTOUiAnONAL 1 the honor of splendid fidelity to the \\ ocratic congress to let the tariff alone. tion when it does convene, an l while business |yDo not buy cheap photo- V ntmovitTV / <> interests rests with the araphic rcprfats of fmuent \LHvllUNnlU J , public repub- —Philadelphia Press. is watting tho laborer is waiting outside will i editions. S iJ licans. It will be found in time to come, nothing to do. ggp*Send for free prospectus. UfT'The administration isn't in the <| j, whenever a financial emergency con- i sound tne notes of warning here to night best of spirits since the elections. It I wish it fronts the people, unless patriotism might reach every corner of the hasn’t been indorsed in the country, that every reduction of the tariff and intelligence meantime desert them, leading will states. The trouble is, it Has done be followed by a reduction of w : g _-s, th it every s Cream Bairn that they will trust the party which cut In the tariff rates will be followed a nothing the country can indorse. It by cut QUICKLY CURBS did its duty regardless of its own in- in tne wage rates. The effect of the proposed platform still threatens injury to in- tariff whether terests, rather than the party which al- legislation, intended or not is dustrial and financial interests.—Min- an unerring blow at labor which will be felt in most unanimously decided to do a dis- IN neapolis Journal. the home of every operative in the Unitec COLD HEAD honorable and disastrous thing, and States. nr*When the democrats speak of the was only driven into decent behavior The threat of it has already been felt The left them the senators and the legacies by republican friends of protection should not now falter. Apply Balm lntoeach nostril. by republican presi- omit to that one of The fight is only If ELY BBOS., 56 Warren 81..N.Y. dent party, they say begun temporarily lost it Is not to be them was a with given up Courage was never more the effect be in treasury money What may western needed and never more expected the enough in it to meet current expenses, oy people and southern states it is not easy to from their representatives thin now. It is the whereas there is now a monthly deficit demand of the hour and Delicate Women say. Democratic senators are already the requl ement of th; of from five million to seven million situation. The tinkerers of the ruin of their de- the tariff should be Or Debilitated Women, should use bemoaning party, thwarted: dollars.—SL Louis Globe-Democrat. they should be opposed at every claring that it will be deserted by a step in their of rg*-Wilson’s cellar junta, composed programme destruction Re FEMALE vast number of voters, whose financial publicans and democrats who believe In BRADFIELD’S REGULATOR. members ths of the democratic of the protective system in and possesses superb Tonic ideas the populists represent .But it congress out of con- Every ingredient ways and means committee, proposes gress should stand together in and exerts a wonderful influ- is quite likely that the fact which will resisting every & properties to complete its “revenue tariff effort to weaken or destroy it have more to do with the votes of the only” If it is at last to be ence in toning up and strengthening her accomplished, let none bill without allowing a af the is that millions are work single repub- responsibility rest n us. In a time driving through the proper people seeking the c system, by lican member of the committee to in- like present, with Idle men and idle mills channels all Health and in vain within a year after a democrat- platforms to the and impurities. iL Then the bill will be turned rear, theories to the 0 its ic national Y. spect winds, the voice of psrils should to result from use. victory.—N. Tribune. enship have f4 0 strength guaranteed over to them for ten days, to no place in its councils the voice of «* for prepare patriot- My wife, who waa bedridden sigh, ism alone should be heard. It’s Just" as democrats were beaten their when the meas- Lef there good the Grocer said» lien nfter II radfield’s t^”The be- minority report, be no months, using yielding principle, no compromise which Pro ar»tber clairette soap for two months la cause in house. shall our fering brand, “pore Female liegulator they deserved to be beaten. A nd ure will be reported the Until despoil workshops and degrade out well.” labor. Let us be Americans, and IS What we want, have ? retting unless they learn wisdom from this les- that time there will hut very little be may the con you any now or? band J M. Jcmfsojr, Malvern, Ars» gr«*£ soon to assemble show itself as genu‘neli eou Ve'li take We use none but tbe best» Ba * prawn Rsacuvros Co.. Aiiaeta, Qa, they will be given more of the same certainly known about the measure.-^ Aocrtc&r. us the great body of the peo le wh;ei certainly nootber* itf fi.W f« WCdH, ipCrL-Nt V. ~~— I Blade. it r epmwu**. sbrewd dealers ksrp it, are py dti rest ?