[email protected] Manufacturers and suppliers to the model engineering hobby Polly Model Engineering Limited Tel: +44 115 9736700 Atlas Mills, Birchwood Avenue Fax: +44 115 9727251 Long Eaton NOTTINGHAM ENGLAND NG10 3ND Incorporating BRUCE ENGINEERING POLLY MODEL ENGINEERING Combined Catalogue Incorporating Bruce Engineering Model Engineers Supplies Practical Scale Fine Scale Locomotives October 2014 Tel: +44 (0)115 9736700 Fax: +44 (0)115 9727251 October 2014 For All your Model Engineering Requirements: Email:
[email protected] Polly Model Engineering Ltd (inc Bruce Eng) Fax +44 (0)115 9727251 Web: Page 1 Telephone: +44 (0)115 9736700 Introduction : Building on the strong foundations of Bruce Engineering and Polly Locos, Polly Model Engineering Limited is one of the leading suppliers to the model engineering hobby. Unique amongst suppliers with its in house manufacturing capabilities, Polly is able to address all your model engineering requirements. Combining over forty years experience in supplying model engineers and a comparable time in the manufacture of renowned Polly kit build locomotives, we can justifiably claim to understand the needs of the model engineer. Furthermore we pride ourselves on the stock held, such that most items are available for immediate despatch. Separate catalogues are available detailing: Polly Locomotive kits, Polly Spares and Stuart Models. This catalogue combines the model engineers supplies and the Practical Scale elements of our business. Frequently in the recent past we have found customers not realising that the items required were available from Polly, but in the other catalogue. We hope you find this catalogue interesting and useful.